xt7vt43j1g06 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vt43j1g06/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-03-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 05, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 05, 2007 2007 2007-03-05 2020 true xt7vt43j1g06 section xt7vt43j1g06 FLORIDA MAKES HISTOR


\\’\\’\\’.l\\’ KERN E l, .( ‘( )M


(lllfiBRATlNG it) \LARS ( )l l\[)[ H \l )l \t l,

UKPD: Alcohol incidents drop, lowest in 5 years

Sex assault and overall crime
drops, drug offenses increase

By Alice Haymond


,\Iutlirti lllltl\rt.tllttll‘. reported
tn 1 K [‘l‘lhk' dropped 4" pereeiit
iii the last tear. arid tllltlL' as a
“little ias talleii l_‘ ‘ pertt'iit. at
enrdirig; In the depa tirierit's llllth
eriiiie statistrt s

\‘iiite Slit“ «lllllll‘si .ill t'xiies «it

trriiie ha\e eletreaserl lllxllltlltlj,‘

est the_\'\e heeri iii ti\e tears. ae
eirrdiiig to l K prrliee report \ldlts
Us s

\ri alenhul rirtn\reatit~ri report
refers to arr} arrest or ertatiori due
lt‘ heirrg tllttlL't the iiillrieriee or
driiikiri; rrr titrhlie to the degree l‘l
\dttslltf.’ danger or e\eessi\e noise
In JUN. there new the! §tttt ant.
reports. \\hreh dropped tn ‘75 iii
21”” and dumped agaiii tn l‘t“

lttsl \t'.tl

M( )Nl)AY

rettni ut the 1K .ileuhul edritatrrrri
ultiee l'llNl. lltt‘ LlL‘thasC lll\tl\tl[k'\
the streeess at pi‘ngrarirs mr \xll‘tl
pus tn edtieate sttrdeiits al‘iitit .il
t'rihrtl. ttttd \L‘t'tttttll} ll \h(\\\\ that
students \altre their sater} and are
ltlhlllg the uri‘reet ltlt‘kdllllttlh. he

"I eoiiiiireiid striderrts tor that."
Smith said “It it \rereii‘t tor the
students, none at lllls \mtild'w
happened "

Strident attitudes and tairrpris
ai.\.ireriess has changed \lfittllt
tarrtl} srrree the deaths ttl llllt).\l
tated sttrdeiits mer the last te\\
\eais. said (errt Ke\ llt l‘l.tltl\lttl

beat Cats six in row

\lx\l\’( H 3, ltlt)“

Gators become first SEC team ever to




slt ‘tt


I ,,,_,_.___.w_~~w~u__»~-~_.. .-_-..—-~

U - Yaw—m. ------~~-V--_,_‘

the iiiiii‘il‘tr «i! returits mt alurhtil
lhese statistits eriipliasi/e rmr
tliiirgs. said \irdie\\ \iiirth the d:


rrttturtatiriri. rape arid tratlrt attr jtlll] ‘(llli

jihll filth.

2 SG prez
enter race

8y Blair Thtttlt‘dts

tit-nix in mi ttiiitri“main-1..“ Crime



‘ , {Jr |\\ 1VVV"

'- re Marathrm



By Jill taster

_ turriilie-
'il \i‘ir‘“.
itstitr Hide
Ihr-tt 'l‘ t: \. ‘ a u -“ .. t ‘. ‘ -'i wt .th ltt‘.‘
Llrt\‘.«l ill lhthe‘l‘i'He ~ ~‘ i. ‘r. 2 ‘.: . ‘ V W!” \H"
leariirrru the» stair}
l.!t\t’\‘. his: \t‘irt
\Irtlr' [l'hgli 11D truth-rim ‘ _' _ _ ‘. §:=.‘ . \\.is \lll‘l‘ll', the
this Heel in? tzaixrri rr= ‘ i _ tr 3" " V" "“1“ [ML- ‘L' l“ “H”
“Cl”: 35% '.~ _. ‘i‘u‘: \i *ittti‘wtle‘rl ”‘ iltr‘he'HltL Hers-11‘;

Ill lltt' stxitltti ' ‘r:l ‘ t. :' t "‘ ‘K “' I)“““h‘ *‘HH 1”"1“ ‘7‘?“ \“

\_‘.11 at i (\L asiiwszs \it\\r‘li has .vtreii liar: rt» st.i\ t‘t

[‘ttll ll! .
‘ r~.vt~ [it ' ~'rr'-
“2‘1“” itr ier lilllkt l lthk

lt's stressfri' ” "ilt'sr ‘err .\ hatfl'

l)rrls‘ei the ”rather ul MW” and a it‘lltl'i rlr~rri student

llrt' itti‘titw l‘r't‘l‘ilal. \lttl lr‘s

summit tut she said
()lttrtlrtLW ( l

"l tli‘ril . t H
\t‘itl‘e‘t'itt‘ kt‘t‘rt" 'r ‘i ‘ trrrl L‘HrttL'

Kt'lttl‘l l‘uitl '._ :i
hugeiiis l'lt‘ltr‘s .irrd '-lt ri'tiriteeis artiriiid the
em“. llie ,\li\li.i I’lii ()iiieua tttt‘ttll‘e‘ts rife \l‘t'l‘fi

at Bluegrass ( \‘lltllltlll!l} arid let‘irirta: (Wmiegtx s rid
ltaiitelthie has treeri a great \'\lk'tlL‘irt e tit: tier taii'.ii\
\he .‘lsir saltl that litl lttttttl) \ l)tllr\\'[{5tre' si‘rtttsr‘ts
the \lpha l‘hr (lizieua tiateiriit} helped them \\rth
ll‘I‘lt' thaii itisi rlurrarzrrris

s at he" - a: . .‘rrt .g'rtletl

\Mtt‘. he: he» Ljithidrrte \isr's 'u \.:‘.\n: ‘H 'h t
tfl [llllhe‘ said
.: \\ heir | rited rh "t‘. r‘ieVre alu: stliem ltrrk'
llme 't H

\leirit‘ers mt

'l'he} ie it ‘- “r s'
imt tirirrzriitte. :rremrtm
Arth the iiriii:her

team‘s attrl the s‘rivimr' «it t-rtruir .te \l‘t"'i\r‘l\ helmd "H“

Hlt’ ltt'lt‘ til \H r'itt'r'!~- . iti:
\liiha t’hr (t'iieea said that

hunt: the Duke t.i:itil\ the'e «4..


l).lll\k‘“lllt‘ raist the retivi'd .zlttitlt‘," wt ttlrritt'\, ht'iriii
slltl the‘, were trier

'iiar i'ltrtt‘; liar! t t‘tttt‘i?\‘: ,‘ 'h‘s‘” ”ML"

llie _'. innit :w


. I . , . t. r l“
theiiies thrivirgtmrir id, It rltllll a A lilitht s i, ,tr i

.\ Izti'xist “ants
m we freedom
in S( )eiety

i t
h in .ilirr, t“.llrt‘tri

Hlm 'ri~r~i,11\ er ’ \rttl Rrrheit \ elrrtli. .i ttremlxK

Htit ttt.ttt\ stirtlerrts said ":ezr ta‘xwrife part ut th« “9"?"

(irirtai' Here llr‘rllt .iial .; (in I’. ~

Film depicts brutal

By Ali Cicerchi

v'ryrw‘; lltyr it" r-m

lives of Indian highway prostitutes

alter urth assistant \rreiirlne} pin iiieiit tni these

it‘ssltt. l’dlttxta \lttttt‘tl sittrl
like all the liliiis iii the series.

'lltL‘h\\.i\ ( tiriitesarts

8y fnrrty Convert

\kutttt‘tl. \liziied

"l ilill ltrtt‘it’r‘j 'hit

“allure the lllL‘lt‘xLMs lmrliii:
lrrr irreii uhn \srll inix l‘tl se\ is life
tnr sniiie \\rtltlt‘tt rllre tinnier utters a great mm

It is the lite lni (riidtlrt hatihair. wt hon krirship iietutriks are
star wt the drurriiierttan Hi:h\\.r\ ttirriied ' sard l\ate lghhk \lllJ'I‘l
(‘niirtesartsf \‘hlth is herire sltr“-\tt wt the ltl'tt series 'Tltlll til liidra

(harrliaii resides iii liar haia ,i
uriiiiiiriiiitx iii \L‘lllldl lridia “here
she li\es. :iils \\.ills the lri_~:li\\ti\s
lttlthllt}; tar trrrtlxers “when there
are more \irlrier‘ahle tn the patriar
tlial traditions that tui‘t e them into
hm positions l'here is nu \iahle .rl
teiiiatne tnr ettrriniiirt errrpmter

featriits lirt
traditrrrrial lrllll|l\ stiiittriies

tivirie tn irgri‘rttii'. ‘li!

t ltiilgx'ttt't‘s thut .llt 'rrt.

|ri\\er taste \irtttL Wet. n .
teziii‘uian Ii‘alia std. \l,"ei' 'r'r»

.. , ,1»,
\l‘r t i.lll/t\ tr ,ti

as a part nl .r tiliii series spurisured llizjliwir. (wink tiri~
b} the l l‘\ (ir‘ttrlt‘t and “Mittens
Studies l’r'tigiairi lhis \ear the se
rres tm’rrses an tarriil)

'lhe tilm \\ill he shmui tniirelit
at 7 at the (iatnes ('eriter's ”Ill!
h.lltl*l).t\l\ House. I]! l. \l.r\\\e|l
St. l‘here “I“ he a distirssinn led

t harihari s stur\ as she ll1.;' it s arid '

.«rt it

reali/es that there ._t»rrld he river;
her llre dntriiiierrtar} illustrates her _<. iiirrierit
lite as a prostitute and her struggles srires
tn hreak tree trum the \L‘lltllttes r-ld

”ll «,ltrtllt‘tttles ti\ H ”lath sattl


\lnte lltittt't‘ttt' ~ri rirri m
.rhwrrt ”‘k hit :i'ite'i'.ir\

\\ \\ \\ high\\‘i\t (sigvi1~\m\ Us.” ~ Merxrst

Fint issue free. Subsequent ieeues 25 cents. Newsroom: f't '9' 5‘ Advertising: 257 2872




PAGE 21 Monday, March 5, 2007

_$uveku Go to wwwkykernelcom for the solution





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2‘,» L “at ‘. 5.1m
‘ .9ifi .1’Tlti.lt? i "i’i K f"i .ftii s

F f“f’:%75a\s'.fdl L‘ ’“U


i. s . about;

ri‘e‘s (March 21 April 19) 7.


(.n s.i:7 bi ” s: v .. ‘. 1th

.3 71W i'Lt’Liv ' ‘ 4.tt(.l
' 53's ' t p i

. . . 1 .

.‘ .v .

Taurus (April 20 May 20 ' 1 z.


I. . lv .1 t“

.s a 7 Read the "lSiFlJCTltlllS rare
tulip ti: 'l'i’l"l‘.th? errors it little extra
et‘en ea'lv Helps v-ia relax later

Leo (July 23 Aug. 22) layiav is .2
8 ' il"itll lii‘dit'i'v \t‘Lr Sti'i-tfil'ilt3\
"any fir may”? tss *s t“e "av-i was
i'lili 'zanne'is‘ an i out you can suit
en the 1mm in loan flll‘lt? reading
Virgo (Aug. 23 Sept. 22) Today
is a 7 You're now cit-ettwe now
and i. (at. toc'tii'is‘ta'tcs:‘e‘vtiiid
H U" i l”".' d hi” ‘S. UK brim. \- ‘(i

e. -'~, :l'ltl wet: ‘hi; 'i'i the.


Libra (Sept.230ct. 22) i H. s
1: i 2' sets is. l-‘tit [lriri’tii‘v


‘ H 4, N: vti‘ 1n in i
..a~ . . . 1..) .t p .. a d

{‘1 ". .' W z’i'iw' (DUN V lt‘i

u“ t - sm‘v

Scorpio (Oct. 23 Nov. 21) ‘23.».

i v . :v"

:1bv‘91 tr‘°i(.iy
.. . t,. t....

.‘trn y,-- .y,'v.nn1-



. 3' i: L‘ I" 1': i, V I, ‘ Sagittarius. (Nov. 22 Dec. 21)
Cancer(June22July22) ‘11:; ‘ 2‘ pm:
Today‘s E
Horoscope CHARLI , 811i hiclid Me.
B 20W N S


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Ht statiraiit .iiid l oiiiiet




tor partying now than thev were over
["t' weekend Unturtunatelv, it you're
we 'nns‘t petiole voii have to work.
(manually, if you‘re like 'tinst Satin
ta ans; you're woman with friends

Capricorn (Dec. 72 Jan. 19) in
(tin, (S a i You‘re gaining respert
and ant-entity and riiavtie a little
more 'niiney Don't rely on the latter,
7‘0W8‘vet it's wav tun rangitow Your
'epixat urn 3‘. "WW ‘véihltmlr: l'iat's
the 'lllisi important thing you hate

Aquarius (Jan. 20 Feb. 18) lit
jail is a 7 lf ’M‘U not past this his!
W‘o' fiys vwd’u at sUiV lea} th"V
tr‘r'it; viii» be delighted tii Itiari: that
., .1 ta" "ix-.v relax ‘t’ix. tat: exit)" re

. ... ..... n.. » .
thin aih- W'Hl“fl ads Snare Viv


(L ‘.K

Pisces (Feb. 19 March 20) la;
1;. . F Yoriiarf'i:"as-obit
:' 3: ~ ' D- "t tunistt
' ;" mt . ;it":ii.l:’:~' ‘ .i' it i
W» n tat’tuw ..i',


your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun Keme' ‘ Q'

1119 DiSI-l

By Mara Reinstein

Leading the charge to rescue
Britne} Spears." None other thaii
Kevin l‘edcrline. the same
scrull}. chain»smoking wannabe
rapper who took a relentless pub—
lic beating for riding his \sife's
eoattails to fame and fortune.
"Britnq ‘s cotiditioti has been so
hard for him." sins a liederline
source. ”He is de\astated arid
cries all the titne." Despite the
couple's i'ock_\ too-year niarv
riage. a source close to l‘edcrlinc
s;l_\\ that once Spears recmers.
”Ke\in “ants to get back togethi
er \\ ith her. He is her biggest sup,
porter.” (Reps for Spears and
liederline had no comment.)

Another friend points out that
l‘etlerline. 3U. longs for a recon~
ciliation so his fragmented famil)
can come together. 'I‘hougli
Spears. 35. has been the primar)
caregnei' ol' the bo_\s. l-ederline »
\\ ho has tiled for sole ciistod} A
has currentl) taken oser. \\ ith as-
sists “0”] his mom. batik em
plosee .liilie Bleak. and l._\nne.
”He's pla}tiil. lmable. caring and
dotes on those kids." sass the
l‘ederline fainil} insider ”The
kids are e\er}thing to him “

'l‘ough Lm c

It \\ as l~ederline “(in pla_\ed
a crucial role in comincing
Spears to reform her \sild \\;l}'\.
Those close to him sa_\ he plead~
ed (or her to enter the (‘rossroads
(L‘ntrc iii the (‘aribbcan island of
.\ntigu.i .iltei she spent a week-
entl nightcrauling (and puking)
her \\a_\ through Ne“ York ('it}.
Spears checked iii on l‘cbruar}
l5. but checked out a da} later.
‘she couldn't handle being a\\a_\

from her kids." saw a Spears pal,

But “hen the singer returned
to l...»\.. Federline proved he
meant business. According to the
friend. \\ithin hours of Spears'
homecoming. Federline and
Lyme took the kids away from
her, (During her time away from
LA” Spears had violated the
couple’s temporar} custod)
agreement. which entitled lieder—
line to \isit the kids three times a
week at Spears‘ home.) "She \\ as
so distraught. she shaved her
head." says the source. "She did»
n’t understand why she couldn't
be near her children." B) liebruu
ar) 17. Spears headed to the
Mondrian hotel for a raucous outr
ing (see box. page 8(a). \\ here she
partied as Well as plotted. "She
\\ as planning how to get her kids
back lrom Ke\in.” says the
Spears pal. Federline. \sith
Linne‘s blessing. then refused to
let Spears see her sons unless she
“em to rehab. She relented and
checked into Promises Februar}

Breaking Point

After Spears checked herself
out of Promises on Februai‘} ll
(the da} after she arrived). liederv
line once again jumped into ac-
tion. threatening to tile an emer»
gene} court order to recei\e ftill
custod} of the boys if she didn't
reenter. "Lynne and Kevin knew
if tlie_\ threatened Britne} over
the kids. she \sould get serious."
s.’1)s :l \tillfL‘C.

Her friends and family's strat-
cg_\ seems to ha\e uorked. \\ ith~
in hours. L_\nne picked up her
daughter from her Malibu manv
sion and drose her back to
Promises. The singer \sill likel}


sta) at the lush Sl .o()(l—a-da) fav
cilit) (or a minimum of fill da}s ~
and the threat of a custody hear:
ing is off the table. "It was a
tough‘loxe approach." say. the
source. ”She “as cut off from
everything. but vs hen she savs she
had esen been cut off froin her
own children. she really reali/ed
she had to get help" Seconds
ps)chiatrN PS. Kishore. an ad—
diction espcn. "'l‘ough love is
good because addiction hijacks
good ~nulgment." In fact. Spears
got to see her kids on Februai}
34 because of good behmior.
”Lynne and Ke\ iii “ere reoard—
ing her for linall) checking itito
rehab and sta_\ing iii rehab." sa_\s
a source.
Strange Allies
Only a text months ago. it
would have seemed highl} lllli
plausible for Lederline to hase
found an all} in Lyme Spears.
After all. the Louisiana‘based
homemaker. along with the rest
of Spears” immediate famil).
staged several inten’entions \sith
hopes that Britne} would dump
her seemingly deadbeat husband.
But famil} sources say that
ter to cancer. has fully supported
her still-mrhtW's decisions
throughout the ordeal. "After the
split. Lynne grevs close to Kenn
as Britne) mistreated her and did
the same \sith Kevin." sajys a
source familiar “ith the situation
As a result. Lynne is on board for
a reconciliation. Adds the source.
"She has spoken at length with
him and knous he trul_\ lo\es
Britne}. Ke\ in is the father of her
kids and “ill gi\e her stability"
Copyright 2007 Us WECKIV






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vs ith


is u
in II









\\ L









Cor itiiiued from page ‘i

with a well-known bod) of work itr
social class analysis.

Wright explained his work in
eniancipator) social science. which
seeks to use sociological knowledge
and techniques to fight human op-
pression and promote freedom.

“To call it a forrii of social sci»
ence. rather than simply social criti
cisni or social philosophs implies
that it recognizes the iniportatiLe of
s)sICt11uIlC scientific knowledge about
how‘ the world works for this task."
Wright said. "To call it emancipator)
is to identify a central moral purpose
in the production of knowledge

”And to call it social implies the
belief that hurriati emancipation de
pends upon the transformation of the
social world. not just the inner life of
persons." he said.

To transform the world in this
wit). Wright said emancipator} sci~
eiice faces three tasks' elaborating a
diagnosis and critique of the world.
envisioning \‘iablc alternatiws and
understanding the obstacles of trans

In terrning his work "science"
rather tharr “criticism." Wright fol»
lows in the Marxist tradition.
Friedrich Engels. who co—w rote the
“(‘ommunist Manifesto” with Karl
Marx. referred to their economic the,
or} as "scientific socialism" he

thought a case for socialism and


tasks during his lecture and hopes
that the) will be taken SCI’IOUSI),

“I am hopeful that the themes I
will be dichsstng will resonate glob~
all_\f' he said. "They are not local is~

Wright platis on promoting his
work globally

"This is the very beginning of in}
)ear of meandering about the world
tr)ing out these ideas and talking to
people about them." Wright said.

Wright will be visiting China.
South Africa. Turkey and Norw'a)
throughout the cotiring year.

Patrick Moone). chair of the soci-
olog_\ department. said Wright‘s work
alread) has a wide audience.

"It‘s hard to pick tip a testbook in
cotitemporar) sociological theor) that
doesn‘t address some of Erik's contri»
buttons to the field of class analysis.”
Moorie} said

“His innovative theoretical contri—
buttons and ernpirrcal
the class structure of advanced capi~
talist societies ha\e fundamentally al»
tered the terms with which sociolo»
gists consider the question of social
he said.

(‘bemical engineering Junior Ash-
le} Anderson said she didn‘t enjoy
some of the presentation but found it

"I didn‘t reaIl_\ like his speaking
st)Ie." Anderson said. “It sounded
like reaclitig front a testbook. But if it
is going to riiake us time flourishing
lites than it is berieficral to hear him
talk about it'


examination of


CUIIII'IUBO frti'tt page '

for the ('ollege of Business and l2c'onomics and
Lindsa) Rhollans for the (‘ollege
of Pharmacy

Both candidates stress the need for Student
(Tm ertimerit to become a more ser\ ice oriented

"We plan to take a serious look at the ser
trees that Student (imernmcnt prov ides. e\.ilu
ate their usage and reallocate fundrrig to those

services that the students use most.” Phelps
said at his Feb. 12 announceiirent "Student
(Imernment should significantl} aid the stir

dents and it's not doing that "

Phelps said he plans to espand the tree le
gal ser\ice SO funds b) hiring .in attorne‘L that
would not rust proiide legal ad\ice but
follow through with free in court ICPIL‘SKIIILI'

McIntosh wants to focus on pro\ iding
gible" benefits to ['K students such as n itroir ll
restaurants on campus e\pandiirg Satet) \Li
and SEEDS programs through Womcn s Place
and increasing student health insurance bene
fits. The ticket is also considering eliminating
SG salaries.

"We want students to kirow that we are
willing to rriake the Student (Io\erritireiit post
trons \quntar}? Fortne) said. “We plan to take
away the stipends gisen to the President, \ icer
President and appointed positions and make
those internship credits instead. We will then
grie that moire) back to the students in the sei'~
\rces we pt'o\ ide. We want to show students we
are here for the right reasons."

Phelps and Langdon announced their caiidi
dac) three weeks ago. and McIntosh arid lort







\iil I Illt I\I'II




L, La“




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against capitalism could be derived
from obiectne facts.
Wright e\panded upon these three

L 719".“ \N 7139‘. '


.-\ I'K student has died in an alcohol-
incidetit in fine of the last \I\
tears. and in the last three school sears. a
strident has died in within two da_\s of the
start of Classes.

'levis Shaw. :1). who was registered to
begin his first semester at [K last fall. fell
off a cliff while rirtosicated iii the Red
Ri\ er (iorge area two da_\s before the start
Lauren Iiannin. a Zinearold
plrarinac) studerii. and close friend land-
se) Harp. also 25 and a recent l'K rrursrirg
school graduate. were drunk when the)
drowned Sept. 23. The two slipped and fell
in knee-high floodwaters that swept them
into an underground sewage s_\ stern.


iiI L'iassc's

These iticidents and others o\ er the
past the scars. ha\e tirade alcohol a
much—discussed issue on campus and

prompted se\era| education efforts b} the

Three of the programs Smith praised
were the iini\ersrt)‘s social norm cam
paign. which promotes the idea that the
nraioiit) of students don‘t drink L'\Lc‘s7
si\el_\; the (ienesrs program. whrcli pror
motes alcohol-free activities. and
(‘AL'SIL which makes efforts to educate
students and promote awareness b)
speaking at dormitories. s‘ororit} and tra
terriit} houses and high schools

Still. there ma} be rriore factors Lori-
tributrirg to the declining numbers than
rust education. said Date Clark. the stud}
director at I'K's (‘enter for Aicohol and
Drug Research.

“I‘d ltHC to sa_\ that education on
campus has decreased the alcohol prob-
lems." ('lark said. "But it‘s Iiard to sit) if
it's a real causal relationship. if there‘s a
correlation between the two.”

He cited other possible factors. such
as the manner of reporting the incidLnts
within the police departant and changes
in the behio tor of the student population.

The decrease was significant. ('lark

w w w ,ssL‘ .w rsc .edu ~w right.

The full test of Wright‘s book-iii-
“Iimisioning Real
cart be found otiliiie at

crease in reports and the numbers are now
getting back to the baseline. (‘lark said
Mai. .loe Monroe. interim I'K police
chief. said ltltlJ was when police reall).
started cracking down on drinking on
campus, which is probably w h_\ there
were more reports that seat", He is happ)
w tilt the decreases since 1on4. but said he
thinks there's still a lot of rooirr for rm»
prov ement in alcohol abuse problems
“I want to de\elop a rrrore proactise
approach to educate students .lI the bc»
ginning oi the semester." Monroe said
This push for continued impriw eirieiii
was echoed in the alcohol education of,
free. which Monroe plairs to work with in
Lleseloping a new program. Ideall) the
iiurrrbers should be at Iero. Smith said.
"If you hine one person Liming under
the influence. that's one man_\.“
Smith said. “I;\en thotigli there is
progress. we don‘t want to stop now "
Monroe and Smith are collaborating
tilt proposals for it program to L'tlltL ate ”1‘
coming freshmen in the fall


“In order to change culture. you
lime to start at the ones at the begin
irrrrg." Smith said "It sou want to make a

change. _\ou focus on the freshmen ”

Drop in sexual assault may not be

While se\uiiI assault reports also de
creased from eight reports to two in the
past _\ear. that statistic ma} not be repre
seritatrie of the incidents that actuall}
happen on campus. said ('arol .lLiI'LlLtll. the
director UT (.L‘IIICI‘ for Research on \iltii
lcnce against Women Among
wonrcir. onl} about ti\e percent or rape
\It‘llms file a report.
3004 studs. that percentage is
smaller at (Is. she said

Women‘s Place had recei‘. ed I“ re
ports of \iolence this
said Doroth) Tidwai‘ds.
Women's Place. iii a I'eb


and according to a

L‘\ (11

semester alone.
tltt‘L‘L‘Iiit ol the
" Kernel artr
The crime report statistics are incr—

dent studies. which means the} reflect

nouncenient tonight.

to 5 pin.
tinalr/ed b_\ the 50 Senate

\‘-Ill make their formal campaign air

SO elections are March In 3‘) tiom n
The \otrng locations are still being

Ll ll.

tails about the incident
Knowing infoiiriatioir
can help rnrprme sesiial assault piograiiis

more detailed

at l'Is' because the adiirrrristiatroii will
hLoe a better idea of what it's dealing
wrtli. Jordatr said

The sun e}. w lircli co\L-rs a
phisrcal assaults. will be conducted again
this _\ear in March after Spring ltrcak

“I‘K's corrrnrrtrrierrt to
worrieirs satets on campus is not a short
term coirrrnrtrireni.” Jordan said

In the rrieantinie. I‘K
tiiiicli research and irrorie\ to making the
campus safer for women. said iirri\eisrt_\
spokesirian ,la_\ Blaiitoir he attention
has gone to improsrng lighting.
mg scciirit) and offering i rote education
and counseling through Women's I’Iace.
he said.

"We're certainl} heartened b} the fact
that the crime
our iinpimements."

ll tipes of


llLt\ ilL'LllL Lllc‘il

lllL [LUIS

are illtllt atr'xe ol
ltlairioir sari!


Drug offenses increase

“Itllc‘ IITL‘ lltltlllk'l' ill Lllttg‘ \iIl'L'lisi"»
lia\e gone up. l'ls' police s.i:il that
what the) expected The ilc-pLiitiircii' has
dedicated one officer to esLliisr\el_\ hair
dlrrig Llrug .\Ioi.roe [he *1
drug offenses is the highest Illl’lll‘c‘l tfrc
department has seer:

rs iiist

cases. said

slllLL‘ :‘I‘l:. Lil‘tf
more than double what it \\Lt\ Ell Jill“ i

()tth officers said the}
number of drug related ie
it means the dcpartrirL-rrt has L
been p.i_\ trig more ittentioir to their:

"I don't tliinl.
l'rairkliii s.i‘tl

.ii‘c‘ g5 id The l
piiils ls Illc l'i'.ls

ing because

ilIiIL' illl'cttsts iii" ‘1,
I lIlrfifs the i.


been better at responding ito the oiterrs

ports increasing It we
C‘I ..

II\ l‘tlllLL‘ llLI\i'
busts met the past kc‘itt
been fairI}.

The drug
along. I‘Idltlcllti said.
reports driws
lrankliir empthi i/ed ihc lllil‘l'lltlltt .i:
sh iiiirg inform ition on

tirade se\ei.il ili
.iiid those Ilit'
Il.illlsilll sard

I‘L'L'll lllr.'lc' Li.
and at;

illeiitroii to the

issue has
rn~ieasc i


Ill I\‘\L'Ll .‘l. [11'





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said. especialh when looking at the numbers but not accounts or summaries ing drug iise . to Llccicase the Liiiiic lll ilLL and other "PM"
change sincL _litl-1. w thi tliL M were ill] of what .wtuall} happened loi'dan carried area. '
erorts, BeforL Zflfl—l. thL reports werL otit a pre\.ileni stud} in ANN r sirr\e) "(iettrng that iirtoiirratroir out ili ~rL
around tilt), which could mean that _\ear that collected more estcnsive data on w hat's important. II has helix-Ll .niircazx
was an anonral}. he said. Something riia_\ sesiial assaults. including the ow of as the student bod) and IIIL' general l"«‘litlr
PM“ h”I‘l‘s‘ned in low to Prompt the my siiult. whether it occurred at PK and der tron." '--~- ~ 7
r- / I" _...-_ __ MW . , . .
' 071/4“ (14 \(raisvir ’4M({{(/41{4 (Hum: ' v , .rr..:
*u a 1 11a , o " r rs i {Eff
0 Breakfast Giveaway OWiIdCard UKID v2.0 -WiIdCard UKiD v2.0107 Student OWildCard UKID v2 O -‘.‘.i «it .r'vi ut- i'. .»
7:45 AM Outside Classroom 107 Student Center Cemet 107 Student Center ”a 3. Am , . b. 1.. . 4 ._
Building -Cbeap Seat Tuesdays: "We 'ChIDS and Salsa Dancrng 7 30PM ‘L v , ’ ‘ . . , I) ‘ ‘
,. _ MLK Cultural Center, Arross from oLittle Big Town 7 30 PM Wear am i w in if. i
oYates Elementary School Are Marshall 800 PM UK Bookstore f g ' ‘1 . (
Tutoring 4:00 PM Worsham Theater (Student .UDIVETSIEY Christian Fellowship Singletary Center or Th“ Ans ELK“
Yates Elementary School Center) 8'OEPCMM 2F30 Séudenat genter1 l “Succeeding in a White '.Kl B trio is r- .t
. ' 0L. . . . 00 or 0 an Sou .. . L .» ,
0Co||ege Democrats Meeting ~The Presummed Alliance 5.05 PM, St. A; (472 Roy“. 5mm) World 12 00 PM MthC 11 30PM barko' m Lia at
7:30 PM 211 Student Center 5'00an fitUdem Center .Ad Club Meeimg 730 pM sum
OSwing Dance Lessons 8;00PM Sma Ba room _ 3rd Floor Fine Arts Library ODriv'ri VVI‘I ._ L I"
Tates Creek Recreation 'UK Students fo' L'fe 0Comedy Caravan w/ Craig Allen 0
Ctr Ballroom Meeting 8 00 PM, Student Center 12 00 PM Mt Pl»;
. 8:00 PM 115 Student Center C615 De" "3.0.. L. [4 ,, ,.
'50.” Car Team “499‘".‘9 -Fantastic Floats and Fun ”30/30 5mm" M'dd'e TW-O'mg
7:00 PM DVT Engineering ”.00 AM, Outsrde Classroom 231(2):“ Bryan Station Middle 10 00 PM 8.“... a, (
Building t , Building . -Wbat the Hell Are you thinking i ‘ ‘
-UK Budo Karate C ub 3 oStudents Taking Action 5 30 pM MLKCC . r r . Lt». .
8:00PM Barker Hall Dance 3 Globally (STAG) Meeting .Heiping Hands~Dinner at le .‘ i~ .~ 2' L
StUdIO 5:00 PM 211 Student Center Eatpolic fiCTlOn Eenter, 5 15 0M , W p. .
. p A t . at o I( ction enter a ‘ .
GnggMosttGdTgUCRNtMENT 2 'Ya’lCA Cente; Fo'. . oux Budo Karate Club 8 00 PM m a, i L i
' u e en er 5 AC 'evement Utormg Barker Hall Dance Studio
Cats Den l 5:00 PM YMCA Center For , .Reai. Che“, 11 00 AM
0 FUEL 6130 PM ', Achievement M&M Ulldlng, Across from
508 Columbia Avenue , 0 UK Timmy Foundation Chem ”PM Butldmg
(UKWF) , Chapter Meetin96:30 PM ‘
OWiIdCard UKID v2.0 ; Nursing Building, Room 213

107 Student Center










 PAGE4 I Monday, Morph b 200/





ats keep strea

) 3‘ l“Sophomore
left handed
Chris Husm
. pitches the
ball as snow
falls tn Cliff
Hagan Stadt
um durmg
“ the Cats' 18
2 Will UVL’I

» Wtsctmsm





ks alive after

offense pushes past Panthers

By Enc Lindsey

elutdseyeékyke'hel va

Lhc (lttx kcpt thcn hot \ttcnk .IIHL' on It tttgtd
.tl'tcrnunn. .tpprndt‘hlngg \\httt could I»; the hut
\LJLL tn School Ithhll}

L'K scorcd curl} and UHL‘II m uh I\ 3 mm ut
\‘hCUII‘sIII Mtlxmukw III (III! Il.lf_’.lII \tttdmm
)L‘le‘l'kld) l K xhtgggcd It \utwlt hagh I" hitx tmd
:ttpttah/cd on tour cltuix In umgt up It IIHK'C mmc
\“CCP HI ”It I’llllIIlL'h H‘x ("1H t‘\1\'ltth'al UNI!
streak .It (‘htt Hdgdn tu .‘j
mnx trum nmtuhm}: 1th I‘m: \IAIH m whom! tum»

"\M- Inst had Sum;- zhmgw :9»
head L‘Udk‘h .IHIIII (when ‘\\::

~\\HI~.:~ In \UIIIK‘ kn \IIIH’JHI‘\ [hr lawn». \Htl

\LIIA. AIL III"~\ :fllgu

Hill \\.I‘\.‘ \t'iki
EHI‘R \Illllk‘ h\'\
that t m! ._.vntt;12ntt~ w
Nut .1\ htttd m I'm :tunix proud Hi I’m \ w; [\L':

Scttlnt Mum I tvlljgliin’ lmi tht HHL'I‘wi-t' titx
I‘Ll} tut Ihc ( It» gun; J iv: < m.‘

haw In haw tindtt

at I‘IJK‘, il‘x
\htdm; .1 kdlt'k‘l hm: tiny; \IHIII‘ICM Ilh {IN ktiIL'K‘I
tttplc .md inc RHIS

“I think \w tint It lwt H! [‘IL‘\\IIIU am the: th-
ik'H\L“ (MI-,jlrhh mad “0 till that M t‘tttlit': ‘Iu
In“ In [tltn twtm “

tttcti IIHI\\\\'I\CI1\I H1 Alan I. ht v V1! "
IH lx’ls‘lx


~Ht‘ \ NL'L'HIL’ [Lit] )‘tnk‘l‘ttI; It'tlil't

\ [‘CIIW'IIIIII'H "-t 't t

Stud Hk' \ I: “11.11“: tu: m ”

5:11:th \ct‘und "turmdtt \Izltt: HI: ‘.
II11[‘|\“~\1\k' \zmlux IIL' * in! '
l$1\"\l»[::1‘\“:\!\L‘.tt‘\|{“h\\" \lltfih
ht.3h~ Itxr ' ‘5

' ,

(Mtg; ~I"5L!i E‘s» \

Btu\\n\ thtcc \tnlcn htuN III thc tirxt tun mi
nmgx \wtc IIhIl'lllIICItltll In gating; the (‘utx mt?
Ictlxc gouty ctu'l}

.\HC[ ”10“” \Iltglcd and mmcd to Second
haw I‘ll It \tcttlo tumor tlt‘xt httxcmtm Smwcr (“41>
[all lmcd It nttc out. Rlllexmglc to fight held that
pltttcd lttmxn III the hut Inning. (‘uughltn lol-
lmxt-d “a. 1th d dnuhlc dtmn thc right field hnc to
note Hum.” AHLI put thc (ltls up 2—0 'l‘hc (‘uts
wntmmd It» pd: thc runs on In thc second mmng
\KIHJP Ih;\ wut'cd thryc mm mt IIII'L‘C httx. had
tlttct- \MdLs. IIIIL‘L‘ ~tulcn lxtxcx and .In CI'I'UI In the
Sgtumt mum; ptltttttg [hum .thcud Sell.

H1: wttcnw uuuldn‘t Stop lhct'c. l'K mntm-
ut-d h» nu k «m [LIII\ .11! .IIIL'I'IIUUII. \mnng In cwr}
hum»: llm \\L‘IH tn thc plate. mccpt IIIK' third Al!
m tummy: t1\ I; mm 1n thc tust tun mnmgx. the
( tttx .uldt‘d thttx mm It] lhc lntmh mmn‘ul nnc tn
:ln- :ttih mum‘s, IUIII m the Sum mnmg; tltm‘ m
If»; mum}: and l\\tv w. 1hr: tight“ to much l.‘< runs

"\M‘ gut liltttlch on. \n' got them met and “c

~: Ilmx; mf’ llnmn mtd "\\c h.td th-n Icmtng
11mm ' x «In tum“ .t Illlh' hll mthct‘ 1n thc \me but
hut.“ :: gwmthm; lthI kmd at mmc togcthcx' tut
Il\ '

Putt-A: gvtttttut (in; humhumxkt ulw hclpcd

TI t‘l .tt~ tlt'tcnxlwlt. twk'hmy Ill\ \ccnnd \Htt

\th: It:|=hlt;r ‘ 3 mmmw xxhtlc punt}; up

lltt an!) HIIx‘I‘AlM‘ mltpltt dHuucd ('nhcn to
htx I‘allllk‘lt \tt'ct DUIIII‘IU\\\1\I lclt m the
wt: mmlty, ImlI ()ttx Ichcwh uvttthmcd tur Fl
.I..t.-‘-t‘! Hik‘ In: I‘.I\CI‘.IH.L‘I'\1H§HPILMIUHCIHII
{hm tltdn't until, :tatx. {hm thtcu \tttkcx."
Ilzwv v: \I'd " HIM H1\I \II‘I I: pvt-[tut 10h tut ll\ A”


TI-e Kmaulut'Lu Kernel Is Living.

\Vu- arr looL’inq Inr urnpltir 1|i‘SIg|I|¢‘I‘\‘ In rrt‘nI’r mIs lor
rlirnIs. nmI Iur «wu-rue-Iir 8"wa sh.“ "H'lll'H'l‘S.
\XII‘ l'lll' “‘I’IL {IILIDII'IIE IIIDIEI‘ ( IIIKS \l lll'(T‘|l". ’lI.\

IIIDII qu pail'!


‘VuH h)” ’37 2‘7) '0: nnuv IIIIUINI