xt7vt43j1f65 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vt43j1f65/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2003-04-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 17, 2003 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 17, 2003 2003 2003-04-17 2020 true xt7vt43j1f65 section xt7vt43j1f65 April 17, 2003

Look and see

Quarterbacks get ‘crash course' I we: r




Celebrating 31 years of indepcndene

Johnson Center’s success
pleases its planner

scon usumsxvl krnnnsurr

Director of campus recreation Bill Pleratt looks on as students work out at the Johnson Center. Pieratt began pushing for the facility in

1996. His efforts finally came to fruition with the opening of the center In January 2003.

Director plans
even more
for facility

by Sarah wumin

Although Bill Pieratt is
ecstatic about UK’s new stu-
dent recreation center, he al-
ready has more plans in the
mix to further improve the
Johnson Center:

Pieratt said he plans to
add a smoothie bar to the
main lobby and wants to set
up popcorn machines there
during UK games. The lob-
by has a big screen TV,
which Pieratt hopes will
draw students in.

He believes that the cen-
ter will also help the univer-
sity attract and retain more

“It's something else to
do on campus. Instead of go-
ing over to Two Keys all the
time, they’ve got an alter-
nate place to come.”

See FUTURE on 12

Dream: Man worked for seven years
to see Johnson Center become reality

By Sarah Wilmoth

Bill Pieratt smiles as he strolls through
the Bernard M. Johnson Center. proudly
surveying the busy scene in UK‘s new
recreation facility.

Pieratt, UK's Campus Recreation direc-
tor. long envisioned a safe. healthy and
beautiful place where students would be
able to come together and exercise. play
sports and hang out. It was his dream. and
he dedicated years to it.

The sparkling 87.000 square-foot center
is new to the students. but for Pieratt.
there's a seven-year story behind it.

Since 1996. Pieratt, a former high
school and college athlete and longtime fit-
ness advocate, pushed for the facility It was
not an easy task: he had to make sacrifices.

He worked long hours. He lost sleep.
Proposals and planning consumed most of
his days. He jumped through hoops for con-
tractors. And he never stopped promoting
the idea to administrators and students.

Although there were times he thought
the Johnson Center would never be com-
pleted. Pieratt‘s vision and determination
always displaced his frustration and
spurred him on.

The Johnson Center is no longer just a
lofty idea in Pieratt‘s heart and mind. It is a
tangible reality. and he is walking through

scan usumsxvl KENNEL surr


He has achieved his goal.

“It's been such a dream." Pieratt said.
“It‘s like the movie Field of Dreams —
‘Build it and they will come‘— and it‘s true.
We just felt like our students deserved as
much as anyone else. so we fought for it and
it became a reality"

Early planning to completion

Pieratt. who has been director of cam-
pus recreation for 21 of the 30 years he‘s
worked at UK. started working on the John-
son Center project in 1996. At that time. ad-
ministrators started acknowledging that
UK was substandard in terms of its student

See PIERATT on 12


56 board reviews election violation claims


Seven decisions leave elections mostly unchanged;
one senator is disqualified on reporting violations



The Student Government
Election Board of Claims last
night unanimously ruled not
to unseat the newly elected
President Rachel Watts and
Vice President Matt Rippetoe.

The board voted against
two election violation claims
and in favor of five. deciding
in one case to disqualify sen-
ate candidate Melissa Snow-

Election Investigator Eric
Mills presented six claims
that he had selected for re-
view by the board. out of the
approximately 40 claims that
have been filed.

Braphus Kaalund. Col-
lege of Law senatorelect.
Justin Rasner. former SG
chief of staff and James Har-
ris represented the Watts/Rip
petoe campaign. Mike Mc-
Donner. a law student. repre-
sented presidential candidate
David Hutchinson. who filed
many of the 40 claims; only
one of his claims was heard.

In one claim against
Watts. McDonner argued that
her campaign did not ade~
quately report the purchase of
Web site hosting and design
from UK alum Edwin Orange.
Hutchinson's brother. Casey.
spoke as a witness. saying
that the reasonable retail val-
ue of Watts and Rippetoe‘s

Web site would be more than
the $1.75 per month that they
reported. McDonner said that
cost would put them over the
SG campaign spending limit
of $600.

Casey Hutchinson said
that he has both professional
experience and education in
working with Web sites and

Kaalund argued that Or-
ange’s prices were adequate.
and that Hutchinson had vio-
lated a similar rule by not re-
porting that his brother. who
is not a student. had helped
design his Web site,

“It's pretty interesting
that David Hutchinson‘s
brother got up here and ac-
cused us of the exact same
offense that he's guilty of."
Kaalund said after the hear-

McDonner also argued
that he be allowed to present
other claims on Hutchin-
son's behalf. and that Mills
recuse himself from his po~
sition because of his friend
ship to Orange.

Mills said that the rela-
tionship does not constitute
bias. “We are a small com-
munity here and we all
know each other a little bit

. it's unfair to allege bias
based on that."

Kaalund argued that the
board should hear only the
six claims that Mills selected
because the SG constitution
mandates for only the investi-
gator to select claims. "Mr.
McDonner would basically
emasculate our constitution.”
Kaalund said.

See 56 on 3

V thtp: www.kykenrl.rnco

are; rat new

Bush urges lifting
of Iraqi sanctions


Civilian interests




The top commander of US. forces in Iraq briefed
President Bush on the war from inside one of Saddam
Hussein’s ornate palaces on Wednesday. underscoring
the death of the old regime. At home, the administra-
tion reduced the terrorist threat from orange to yellow

Bush urged the United Nations to lift economic
sanctions against Iraq, saying the country had been lib
erated by U.S.-led forces. “Terrorists and tyrants have
now been put on notice,” he said.

Four weeks after the war began, American troops
in Baghdad raided the home of the mastermind of
Iraq’s biological weapons laboratory and discovered a
recently abandoned terrorist training camp operated by
Palestinians and the Iraqi government.

Army forces exchanged fire with a small number of
die-hard paramilitary fighters north of Baghdad, then
took out two surface-to-air missile systems and three
anti-aircraft guns left over from Saddam’s military

Iraqis in Mosul said three people were killed and at
least 11 wounded when shooting erupted for the second
straight day. Iraqis blamed the Americans, but the cir-
cumstances were cloudy.

Gen. Tommy Franks, in command of more than
200,000 troops in the war zone, lit up a cigar as he toured

See WAR on 4


South Korean ambassador
urges dialogue amid crisis

By Joe Anderson

The South Korean ambassador to the United States
urged dialogue as a means to defuse the escalating crisis
sparked by North Korean nuclear development and empha-
sized the strong ties between South Korea and the United
States before an audience at UK last night.

“Talk is better than no talk." said Ambassador Sung
Chul Yang. “Time is critical and favors no one."

The speech comes as one of Yang's last acts as ambas-
sador: his tenure ends Friday.

Yang said communication between South and North K0
rea is subdued. but still continues. “The South Korean gov.
ernment is cautiously optimistic about the resolution of the
North Korean nuclear situation.“ he said.

In contrast. Yang said diplomatic relations between
Japan. the United States and North Korea have stalled.

Yang said the United States should approach North Ko-
rea with a “renewed relationship from a fresh perspective.
with mutual empathy.“

Yang also discussed the differences between the two Ko
reas. comparing South Korea's sharp rise in prosperity and
per capita income with North Korea's economic stagnancy.

“The economic disparity between North and South Ko-
rea is staggering." he said. “North Korea is one of the world‘s
poorest countries and the largest recipient of food aid."

Yang discussed the disparity between North Korea‘s eco
nomic weakness and its military might, North Korea has the
fifth largest military in the world. with 70 percent of it
aimed at South Korea. “While their economy is in shambles.
their military and nuclear program are menacing." he said.

Yang said South Korea is the world's llth largest econo
my and the United States‘ seventh largest trading partner

Yang used South Korea's economy to show further simi-
larities between the two nations. “The Korean-1'8. relation
ship has been long-standing." he said "In half a century.
South Korea has become one of America's strongest allies.

Yang called the l'nited States the “sole hyper-power" in
the world. noting that American defense spending is now
equal to the rest of the world combined.

The occasion was as much a hornrx‘oming and a celebra-
tion as a discussion of international diplomatic relations.

Yang and his wife lived in Kentucky for more than 20
years. and they received doctoral degrees from I'K. Both of
their children were born at Good Sarnnrrtnu hospital. lllSl a
few blocks from I'K. Yang taught at Kistern Kentucky I'm
yersity from '70 to '73 and at I'K from '7'» to 'Hh

“Kentucky is my second home." Yang sud "I've come to
Lexrngton at the end of my diplomatic rournm I \.l\’(‘d the
best for last."

—— __,_,7_..w 7—” 7 U W é TheStudent Newspaper at the Ulrsty WirenKTlrcy, Lexrngton





 2| rnunsou, APRIL 17, 2003 | “momma;


The Low-down




This plan ~-
to take a poor
rural family,
place them in
a Hollywood
mansion and
ridicule them
on national
television —-
is repugnant
to me and to
the union
members I


president of the
United Mine
Workers of
commuting on
the possibility of
CBS producing a
reafity television
show titled "The
Real Beverly

Moore case waived to grand jury

The case of Jared Keith Moore, the UK
student charged w1th engaging in sexual
and abusive acts toward two pledges. has
been waived to the grand jury said County
Attorney Margaret Kannensohn. The hear-
ing. scheduled for Wednesday morning. will
instead be presented to the grand jury with-
in a few months. Kannensohn said. Moore.
a senior at UK in the College of Communi-
cations and Information Systems. is being
charged with taking a pledge to a wooded
location near the Landsdowne Shopping
Center. according to police reports. The
charge says he took pictures. then beat and
fondled the pledge In a separate case.
Moore is charged with convincing another
pledge to follow him to Moore‘s basement.
where police reports say the pledge
was beaten with a paddle and fondled by an
unidentified female. Moore‘s attorney. Burl
McCoy. could not be reached for comment.

Ky. miners protest reality TV show
PIKEVILLE. Ky. Appalachian coal
miners may go to New York to protest plans
by CBS to produce a reality television series
called "The Real Beverly Hillbillies." Cecil
E. Roberts. president of the United Mine
Workers of Atnerica. said members of his
union may attend the annual shareholders
meeting of Viacom. the parent company of
CBS, unless plans for the show are can-
celed. “This plan — to take a poor rural
family. place them in a Hollywood mansion
and ridicule them on national television —
is repugnant to me and to the union mem-
bers I represent,” Roberts wrote in a letter
to Viacom’s top executives. Roberts. who
has been arrested ten times at protests his
union has staged across the country. said
mocking rural families is inappropriate.
Roberts led some 200 shouting. sign-toting
coal miners in a protest against a company
in eastern Kentucky last year. Last month.
43 members of the US. House of Represen-
tatives representing states from Florida to
Texas asked that plans for the show he
canned. The Center for Rural Strategies. an
Appalachian advocacy group in Whites-
burg. Ky.. has placed ads in some of the
country's largest newspapers. criticizing
the proposed reality TV series as demean~
ing to rural people. Tim Marema. vice pres-
ident of the advocacy group. said he hopes
the coal miners‘ union can help to derail the
show. CBS spokesman Chris Ender said
Wednesday no decision has been made on
whether production will go forward.




"this is the first
tor both of
them," Etheridge's
publicist, lapel
Pariseau sdd
. lie

State sued over erratic toster can
CHICAGO — A county official sued
the state Wednesday in an attempt to stop
the frequent shuffling of children in fos-
ter care. Cook County public guardian
Patrick Murphy sued on behalf of 291
children his office represents, claiming
they have “suffered through at least 2,147
separate moves" between foster homes
and institutions. The lawsuit, targeting
the Illinois Department of Children and
Family Services, says at least two chil-
dren have been moved more than 30 times
while thousands of others have been
moved repeatedly. “People think these
kids are these very resilient widgets. But
when you take them away from a parent
or a home they‘re comfortable with, it's a
very traumatic thing," Murphy said. He
said 80 percent of the children placed in
foster care are handled by private agen-
cies. “The DCFS has got to take on the
private agencies," Murphy said. “Their
whole way of placing kids is wrong."

State sued over erratic foster care

SAN DIEGO —Two poultry farmers
who instructed workers to destroy thou-
sands of chickens by throwing them into
wood chippers amid a disease outbreak
should face cruelty charges, animal
rights advocates said. Prosecutors decid-
ed last week that brothers Arie and Bill
Wilgenburg had no criminal intent. but
animal rights groups want charges recon-
sidered. Wood chippers are one of many
methods used for mass euthanasia in the
industry, and the brothers were acting on
the advice of a veterinarian, prosecutor
Elizabeth Silva said. “It's cruel and it‘s
callous, but it‘s part of any animal hus-
bandry operation,” she said. The Wilgen-
burgs were banned from moving aging.
unproductive hens from their ranches
due to a quarantine for an exotic Newcas-
tle disease, a virus which has forced Cali-
fornia ranchers to slaughter nearly 3.4
million birds since October.

Discove s new invest tion
RICHrIvIOgg, Calif. — The in'vqeastiga-
tion into two bodies found in San Francis-
co Bay is trying to determine whether
they were that of Laci Peterson and the
baby she was carrying, a state criminalist
said Wednesday. The state crime lab is
comparing DNA from Peterson and her
parents with tissue and bone taken from
the decomposed bodies of a woman and
infant boy found this week on the shore-
line east of San Francisco. The 27-year-
old substitute teacher vanished on Christ-
mas Eve from her home in Modesto, 90
miles southeast of Richmond. Her hus-
band, Scott Peterson, said he saw her as '
he left to go fishing that morning in
Berkeley, not far from where the bodies
were found. Scott Peterson has not been
named as a suspect, but police have seized
his boat, truck and items from his house.



College Town plans
to be finalized soon

oy SmCminthm


Students. faculty and staff should know what parts of
the College Town project will come first for UK and Lex
ington within the next few weeks, members of the Town
& Gown Commission said.

The first phases of the College Town project. a plan to
revitalize parts of downtown and campus will be an
nounced within the next 30 to 60 days. said Harold Tate,
the president and executive director of the Downtown De-
velopment Authority. Several commercial and residential
sections are being considered. but no final decisions have
been made, Tate said during the commission‘s meeting

"We are still talking to developers right now but we
may know what is coming as early as in a few weeks," said
Ben Carr, UK's vice president of auxiliary and campus

Some commission members
raised questions concerning
the costs of all the parts in the

Tate said estimates of the
costs are still being discussed
and worked out. But the costs
should not be too high, especial-
ly during the first phases, he

"The beauty of this is that
most of the facilities are al-
ready there," Tate said. "The
project will improve them."

Craig Hardin. a representa-
tive of the University Area
Housing Association. also spoke
about a project of a landlords‘
association that would help
plant trees in the campus area
to replace those lost during the
February ice storm.

Hardin describes the associ-
ation, which started two years
ago, as the "landlords that care"
and said the group‘s goal is to
offer assistance in the area.

The association has already
raised several thousand dollars
to buy trees and hopes to triple
that amount, Hardin said.
Funding wi]l come from compa-
nies, developers and citizens in
the area that want to get in-
volved and they hope volunteers
will put in the labor to plant the
trees, he said.

In May, just after finals
week, Hardin said they hope to
be able to plant 50 trees. Euclid and Woodland avenues are
two of the areas being considered, but the city will decide
where the trees will be planted.

Hardin said if things work out with the first phase.
150 more trees could be planted in other areas in October.


The scheduled Thurs-
day meeting of the Lex-
ington-Fayette Urban
County Council will be
held on UK's campus this

Along with the nor-
mally schethried agenda
items. there will be a
presentation by the Town
8 Gown commission and
a presentation by UK on
a neighborhood project.
The council will also be
voting on a second read-
ing of the resolution con-
cerning the acquisition of
the KY-American Water

Anyone interested in
attending is welcome to
come to the Center The-
ater at the UK Student
Center 7 pm Thursday.
Free parking will be avail-
able in the Limestone
Street pantmg' .





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summit min I munson, APRIL 17. 2003 | 3


Pentagon releases war cost totals


Iraq war has cost at least $20
billion and probably will con-
sume that much or more in
the next five months, the Pen-
tagon‘s top budget officer said

An additional $5 billion to
$7 billion will be needed to get
us. troops from the Persian
Gulf region to their home
bases, officials said. That
process is just now beginning.

Those totals do not in-
clude the yet to be calculated
sums for postwar reconstruc-
tion of Iraq, the Defense De-
partment's comptroller said
at a news conference. The
United States is counting on
contributions from other

countries to pay part of the
rebuilding cost.

Dov Zakheirn said mili
tary operations in Iraq to date
have cost about $10 billion to
$12 billion. Personnel costs
have been about $6 billion and
the cost of munitions has
been more than $3 billion.
The figures include what it
cost to move 250,000 troops to
the Persian Gulf area.

Between now and the end
of the federal budget year on
Sept. 30, the Pentagon expects
to spend about $20 billion
more on military operations
inside Iraq, officials said.

In human costs, the Pen-
tagon said the war’s official
death rose to 125, including a
Marine corporal killed in a
March 23 firefight near

Nasiriyah, Iraq. The Penta-
gon said it had identified the
remains of Cpl. Kemaphoom
A. Chanawongse, 22, of Water-
ford, Conn. who had been list-
ed as missing in action. There
are now three Americans list-
ed as missing.

At a separate news con-
ference, Maj. Gen. Stanley
McChrystal said that al-
though major combat was
ended, there are still some
Iraqi towns that US. forces
have not reached, including
an area north of Tikrit, Sad-
dam l-lussein‘s hometown.

McChrystal said the
war‘s overall commander,
Gen. Tommy Franks, is send-
ing some US. forces home.

At his news conference,
Zakheim explained how the

Pentagon will use the $62.6
billion Congress has approved
in supplemental spending
over the Pentagon's $364 bil-
lion for the current budget
year. Nearly all the new mon-
ey is for the war in Iraq and
the global fight against terror.

The supplemental spend
ing bill provides $1.4 billion to
repay terrorism war allies
such as Pakistan. which Za-
kheim said is spending $70
million a month searching its
northern tribal areas for
members of al-Qaida. Jordan
also will be reimbursed, he
said, without giving a figure.

The 1991 Gulf War cost
about $60 billion, but nearly
all of that was reimbursed by
Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and
other allies.




Continued from page 1

Mills recused himself
from presenting one claim
that was filed against himself
and the Watts/Rippetoe cam-
paign, saying that he wanted
to eliminate the possibility of

The claim, filed by Joe
Ibershoff, a computer science
and math senior, and Emily
Rigdon, an economics and
Latin American studies se—
nior, argues an inappropriate
connection between Mills and

the Watts/Rippetoe campaign.

The claim, which the
board rejected, states that the
Watts/Rippetoe campaign
Web site and the SG site were
available from the same Web
server. The SG site is also reg-
istered in Mills’ name. Mills
has said that he owns and op
erates the server, but hasn’t
recently been involved with
the SG site.

Both Rigdon and Iber-
shoff said no one had in-
formed them of the hearing
beforehand. Rigdon said she
would have attended and
made her case, had she
known when and where it

Mills said that Edwin Or-

ange, who registered the
Watts/Rippetoe Web site, may
have used the server without
Mills‘ knowledge since Or-
ange resigned from his posi-
tion in SG.

Orange could not be
reached for comment.

The board decided in fa-
vor of a claim to disqualify
Fine Arts senatorial candi-
date Melissa Snow-Groves be-
cause she did not file a fi-
nance report. Snow-Groves
was uncontested in the race.
The SG constitution states
that winning candidates who
don’t file should be disquali-

Snow-Groves did not at-
tend the hearing and did not

return phone messages last

The board also said they
agreed with a claim stating
that certain portions of the
constitution were not posted
at any polling places. al-
though that is required by the.
constitution. However, they
said this violation was not
sufficient to aflect the integri-
ty of the election.

The board also decided
that the campaigns of Watts,
Hutchinson and Matt Falk
should pay small fines and
write letters of apology for
not removing some of their
campaign signs from around
campus by the official dead-
line stated in the constitution.


Sorority sponsors event
to help students unwind

Time out

Psychology sopho-
more Ayana
Anderson gets a
temporary tattoo
from Jules Robin-
son of Genesis Day
Spa, which was
part of a stress
relief and rejuve-
nation day held by
the Delta Sigma

i Theta sorority.


By Carson Smith

Some came for the mas-
sage. Others came for an eye-
brow wax. For others, it was
the free smoothies.

No matter the goal, the
pampering is hoped to have
relieved some stress at a time
when students have it the
most, organizers of the Stress
Relief and Rejuvenation Fair

To allow students and fac-
ulty to unwind, Delta Sigma
Theta Sorority held the fair
Wednesday at the Student

“The goal of the fair is to
help students relieve the
stress and anxiety brought on
by finals," said the sorority’s

president, Andrea Murray,

More than 15 businesses
from around Lexington of-
fered free products and ser-

The fair provided stu-
dents with advice on ways to
stay stress-free throughout
the year, including yoga, sup
plements and exercise.

“All too often, students do
things to relieve stress that
actually add to it, such as
drinking." said Karen Bryle,
of the UK Wellness Center.

Business management
sophomore Will Holton liked
the opportunity to relax.

“I appreciated that the
sorority took time to do some
thing for other students,"
Holton said.

By Matthew Towner

LCC is turning to
Keeneland in an effort to
ease its financial difficulties.

LCC students.

financial burden facing the
college. LCC President Jim
Kerley said the city’s

made the event seem like a
natural fit.

“It was something that
could be fun as well as a
fund-raiser," he said. LCC
Advisory Board member
Margee Koffler was instru-
mental in bringing the col-
lege and Keeneland togeth-
er, he said.

After setting the loca-
tion and time, the college
sent invitations to LCC
alumni, business leaders
and other community lead-
ers with LCC ties, said
Krista Whitaker. LCC’s di-
rector of development.

“We were trying to cast
a wide net," she said.

Kentucky Congressman
Ernie Fletcher and gradu-
ate of the LCC nursing pro-


The first LCC Day at
the Races will take commu-
nity leaders to the horse
track this week as a way to
raise scholarship money for

The idea emerged from
a brainstorming session
involving school officials
and other leaders looking
for a way to help ease the

strong ties to horse racing

Glenna Fletcher, wife of

Scholarship needs prompt
LCC fund-raiser at Keeneland

‘ Money: LCC president said event IS the something
to build on but not to cure school of financial woes

gram, will serve as hon-
orary chair for the event.
She represents several of
the groups LCC is targeting.

LCC President Jim Ker-
ley said he hopes the event
and others like it will help
bring in additional funding
for scholarships and other

“It will be a more inti-
mate chance to get to know
community leaders and oth-
er people who can help Lex-
ington Community Col-
lege," he said. “We have a
better chance of getting
more outside dollars.”

LCC’s tuition is the
highest of any twoyear col-
lege in Kentucky, with an-
other increase coming in
the fall. Despite this, the
school only has a budget of
$3,679 to spend on each full-
time student, significantly
lower than other state
schools and LCC’s bench-

Just as bettors cannot
turn their fortunes around
in one day at the track, one
fund-raiser will not cure
LCC‘s funding woes, Kerley

“We're still low on
scholarship dollars," Kerley
said. “We need a couple of
annual events and this is
one we can build on."

Both Kerley and
Whitaker said they expect
the day at Keeneland to be-
come an annual fund-rais-
ing event.






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Week oprriI 14 - April 20


ll:00p.m. — 4:00a.m.


The Campus Calendar l5 produced by the Office oi Student Acrwu es Reg stereo St “19'" Orgs
and UK Depts can Subfml information tor FREE onlme ONE WEEK PRiOR to the MONDAY m or
matron is to appear at htthMww. ulty Odo/Campus Calendar Caii 2573807 Io More

’1“ ll”. Tatum, UK Student Center. Rm. 231
'W of ”in: My 0! “on Church o! Jau-
W O. M m 12:0012:509m, UK Medical
Building 3" Floor

'W I Lands. 12:00pm 429 Columbia Ave. $1.00
“W hall. 7: Mpm, Baptist Student Union
'W m Clue. 1:40pm, Baptist Student Union
82m. CSF Building
'm W m 7 00pm Student Center, Rm 228
’m ”a 00‘. “lo-9‘00“" Chemistry Physrcs Rm 163
W W Nun. 5:00 91.00pm MLK Jr Cultural Center, Old Student
Carnot Fro-I

”'11:” m Job MI. 3:304309m Career Center
W m (All 100 lava! courses). 2: 009m- -6 00pm Math Resource Center 063 C8


'tl W M m, 5030a”, Alumni Gym Lott

We m m s-Asroopm Rugby Pitch


‘0‘ ”to no... Miln- CI... 7:00.9-ooom. Chem Physics Budding. Rm ‘63, Freel

M WW CI“, 6:308:009rn, Alumni Gym Loft, Froel No exponence needed


M 4-: M T‘Npm, Singletary Center, Free-x

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'1.- W em, 5 Gum Keeneland Han.

'Too Km Do practice, 5 30 7 009m tummy Gy'w hm,

'IK o'd‘.“" '0‘ WW ' so...“ Sunrimar‘. Cum»

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 4 liHURSDAY, APRIL 17. 200:} j itnirucitv ittnutt

Students' trip to China hits wall


over fears of respiratory illness

Architecture professor cancels UK trip to Beijing
following CDC advisory to postpone trips to Asia

By Leah Rowland

First-year architecture students were left with their
bags packed but no place to go last month when their trip
to China was suddenly canceled hours before departure
because of a mysterious new disease.

Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome. or SARS. recent-
ly appearing in people living in or traveling from certain
areas of East Asia. kept the students from a trip to Beijing.
which was scheduled as part of the curriculum. The stu-
dents were to visit the Great Wall of Chi-
na. go to the opera and do site seeing.

Two days before they were to leave.
Liz Swanson. assistant professor of ar-
chitecture and director of the program.
received a phone call from a concerne