xt7vt43j1d8s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vt43j1d8s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-10-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 28, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 28, 1996 1996 1996-10-28 2020 true xt7vt43j1d8s section xt7vt43j1d8s  


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By Gary Wull

Assistant News Editor

Carrie Sterling Wilder’s week—
end was one of tears and happi-




said it was everyone cheerin and
I was like ‘Oh my Godl’ I idn’t
even ex ect it because with every‘
thing tliat had happened, I was
just ready for the evening to be
over with,” Wilder said.






Perhaps the biggest surprise of
her weekend came when she was
named 1996 Homecoming

was allowing the

meeting to begin without a quo-

“I had to rule that Carrie’s

point was valid and that we had

acted improperly due to my mis—
take,” Stephens said.

SAB held a second meeting to
rule on the complaint filed by
Ceres women’s social fraternity.
Because the first meeting was

“I t ink t e first meeting was
one of those deals where they had
this problem and they were trying
to get this problem taken care of
as quickly as possible,” W’ilder

WEATHER Cloudy today, high
mid 60:. Partly cloudy tonight
low 45. Partly sunny tomorrow,
high 70.

THIRD PLACE The UK women’s soccer
team has secured the No. 3 seed in the SEC
Tournament. Sports, page 2


of this problem again and with
that we’re oing to give it our full
and undivi ed attention’.”
\Vilder’s parents attended the
second meeting to offer their



election results when they voted
to allow Wilder back into the
race. Iiirst runner—up Vanessa
Baker ofCeres women’s social fra-
ternity said, “I really do appreciate


0ctoher'28, I 996
. W Spa—m—Z

Crossword 5 Wrap up 3
Diversions 6 Viewpoint 4




A unanimous After being ruled null and void, none of the

vote of the Stu- disqualified on discussions could be carried over

dent Activities “UMBcommI Winners Thursday to the second meeting.

Board disqualified evening, Wilder “We needed to ensure if we

the communica- 'ng Alan Ala filed an appeal to could not find a violation (Wilder)

tions senior from yam" came 3. Wilder SAB. Her ap eal could participate in the rest of the

the Homecoming stated that AB Homecoming activities,”

Royal Court VRunncrs-up' Azar Jackson did not have a Stephens sai .

after 5 e violated Vanessa Baker, ' qporum when Ceres did not attend the meet—

cam ai rules. t e meeting was mg, but the group was not

il er, Delta V0varall points' Pi Beta Phi called to order. in ormed of the meeting.

Gamma social social sorority. ' A quorum con- Based on testimony at the see-

sorority nominee, sists of seven or and meeting, the board could not 8“ HAVERSIICK Kmnmfl

r3: remotatted 7PM; Delta Gamma social mo‘réipliople. Shrhdctd‘rhifilixgdaliigfiifiecf:high {:3 Hill MAJESTY Afier being removed from the court Thursday, Carrie Sterling Wilder, communications senior,1vas

before thenHBihzf 50mm? and Kappa Alpha 509ml Stephens S AB their votes and decided to unagni— crowned Homecoming Queen. Alan Aja, Student Government president, was named Homecoming King.

coming Parade Pam"! vice president, mously allow Wilder back into the said._“In the second meeting, it daughter moral support. Stephens everyone who voted for me, and I
said the mistake Royal com tition. was llke ‘okay we need to take care noted the SAB members knew the conSlder lt an honor to represent

them,” Baker said. “It would have
been nice if we would have been
informed ofthe emergency meet-
ing, but I hold no ill feeling
against anyone for that."


“All I can remember when they


Cats offensive to "GA

Pi Kappa Phi

By‘Chrls Easterllng “I can only ex ect the best out of
Sports Editor myself,” Logan said.) “I wanted to come in
and do my best. I set high goals for myself
After seven games of lethargic offense, so that I can reach them." By Brandy Carter
UK put it all together in its win over Geor- The quarterback situation cleared up Stafan‘ter

The 24-17 Homecoming victory Satur-
day night was the Cats’ first Southeastern
Conference win this season, and their first
win since they beat Indiana 3-0 Sept. 21 at
Commonwealth. The last SEC win for UK
came last October when it beat LSU 24-

It also was the Cats’ first game since it
was announced that Coach Bill Curry and
his staff would not return next year.

“Kentucky played a lot better than I’ve
seen them play,” Georgia Coach Jim Don-
nan said. “We can make all the excuses we
want, but Kentucky just whipped our butt
whether we overlooked them or

somewhat, with Billy Jack Haskins getting
all the snaps from center.

It was the first time since the Alabama
game that Tim Couch did not get an
playing time. In that situation, Couc
developed tendonitis in his right elbow.

“We told Tim if the starter was hot, we
would go with the starter,” Curry said.
“We told Billy Jack the same thing at

Haskins, a junior, made the most of the
opportunity by continuin the success he
had in the loss to LSU by rowing for 131
yards on l3-of-20 passing. He also ran 12
times for 28 yards and scored once with
11:49 left in the third quarter.



The mea er crowd of 34,000
who showe up on the overcast,
yet comfortable night witnessed
several season-highs for the
Wildcats’ offensive unit. The

Cats (2-6 overall, 1-4 in the over



For more on
UK: 24- 17 to;
Georgia. e
notebook, column

It was the sixth game of the
season that Haskins has started
this season over Couch. the
only games he didn’t was
against Florida and LSU.

“Billy Jack Haskins showed

that he was a winning uarter—



Southeastern Conference) 3 back,” Curry said. “Bi ly Jack undeclared freshman. “IfI had joined any other
gained 293 yards total offense onpage wasn’tb as accurste as hie was at fraternity their ways are already set. I can use my a
-—-162 of it on the ground. LSU, ut he ha a goo perfor- - d ’3,

“We did enou h to score mance.” l efddlfvlsanham, a civil engineering freshman
points," Curry sai . “The defense gave us Against the Tigers, Haskins was 13-of- said, “This has been one of the best experiences
the ball and we were able to do something 17 for 172 yards. I’ve ever had, and this is one of the best groups of

with it.”

The running of true freshman Derick
Logan was the highlight of the Cats’ per-

Logan, 2 6-foot—2, 218—pound native of
Chatham, Va., carried the ball a school-
record 41 times for 140 yards.

It marked the first time a Wildcat
topped the century mark in rushing since
Moe Williams ran for 151 against Ten-
nessee last ear.

Logan allso scored two touchdowns, one
on the third play UK ran from scrimmage
and one with 1:30 left in the third quarter,
which turned out to be the winning mar-

“I ran hard,” he said. “The line blocked
extremely well and our passing game
opened up the run.



Much of the credit for the offensive
improvements goes to the line, Haskins

“The offensive line has been laying
really well the last two games and, it has

iven us a lot more time with the ball,”
askins said. “It’s really made a differ-

The improved line took a big hit, how-
ever, when sophomore tackle Jonas Lien-
in went down with a broken ankle. He
wi I be out for the season.

David De La Perralle, a freshman from
Montreal, stepped in and took Liening’s
place at ri ht tackle.

He wil have an o portunity to ease into
the position, as the ats have an open date
this week before playing host to Mississippi
State on Nov. 9.


3m unvmncx Kane/314])"

“Hell "I“ II Billy jack Haskins dives fir the goal line in the third quarter
of Saturday’s Homecoming game against Georgia.

Scary events highlight Halloween week in Lexington

By Saundra Emngar

tion and Visitors Bureau.

chills your bones. These will be given at Ashland, the



After almost a year of hard work, the 59 mem-
bers of the Eta Tau chapter of the Pi Kappa Phi
social fraternity gathered at the Lexington Hyatt
to celebrate receiving their charter.

“VVe’ve worked toward this since February
1995, and I feel like we’ve come a long way,” said
Pi Kappa Phi president John Masters. “This is the
proudest moment of my life.”

Upon receiving their charter Saturday, the
names of all the members of the chapter of Pi
Ka pa Phi were inscribed along with the founding
fatfiers of the other chapters.

To receive their charter, the members had to
set up a rush program, have the suEport of alumni,
fulfill scholarship requirements, ave at least 55
members and prove that they could operate as a
regular chapter on campus. Pi Kappa Phi mem-
bers ho e to construct a house on campus as soon
as possible.

New members said they joined Pi Kappa Phi to
help establish new traditions.

“I saw an opportunity,” said Shawn Stewart, an

Upperclassmen were glad the wait for charter—

ing was over.

“I am glad to be a chartering member,” said
Doyle Hutchinson, an accounting junior.

“We worked a long time for this,” said Travis
Patterson, a biology junior.

Keynote speaker Harry Caldwell, the national
treasurer of Pi Kappa Phi, said, “This is a celebra-
tion of a cup of people who set goals and accom-
plished t em. One of our goals we have accom-
plished is this chapter is now on equal footing with
every other chapter on this campus.”

Amy Wells, new student programming coordi-
nator, said Pi Kappa Phi has contributed much to
UK since its be 'nning.

Pi Kap mem rs made up 15 percent of the fall
orientation counselors. In addition, Pi Kappa Phi
fraternity started its own philanthropy, Push
America, which supports the paralyzed.

The UK chapter now joins the 135 Pi Kap
chapters nationwide.




-. -—..,._Mat:.=mrae‘:t-Ma2¢ +47.

Henry Clay Estate today through Wednesday, start-
ing at 7 pm. Reservations are suggested. .

Along with decorated halls across campus, the NAIIUN Kemn' ”0'. being
- r

If your objective is to get scared, try The House of
Horror at Meadowthorpe Sho ping Center on
Leestown Road. It continues its fnght today through
Wednesday from 7 to 11 pm. until

Contributing Writer

During the past seven ears she’s been Elvis,







511%; Ylba 3"“; fat 32d 311: d hahg. d h H 11 h Th 19th annual Boyd/Patterson Haunted House will be
lza e cine ar 'n mi ni t a oween ni t. e h [d t f,- 8 . . til 'd ' ht. Ki
attendant in] the booth Pbehlng “mm. .‘m E“, 1&5)?! conjunctiorfwith the I-Icaggetgf):r08‘:ydyg;tte£; r22ide$a§i§son 53:3 abandoned In time “I need
Memorial Co iseum, is preparin to exington aycees, sa the event ' h d h ~ th b 'd h 11 _
greet a couple of thousand studgnts VHO“. of m a M. has 10 different theme isooms. firissazanlhepusfim ls put togc er y resl ence a 5 WASHINGTON — Calling .Bob Dole a ..
and faculty in her Halloween cos- m p g _ 0.0m ' , “It’s a lp‘tof fun,Iwas scared to Man haunted Flam chug" fee human), ofthe in: 13:33:, gfgggfppogngng;m: 1*“ ' r
“”31“; th' I’ d 'd' 1°“; “M" 30.332185 high“ very first an“ proceed; go to charities. If gathering as much candy dinnig D ole in his «“me of 25;,» to focus on
on (dgmn‘gg‘fis) {PS e s: d “I mg .. m mb'llm :3; at die “30 gggzzlouom ec- as you can during 6 and 8pm. Oct. 31 isn’t your Con 55 instead.

However, i drdssing up isn’t your '1'“ of Tm d am An outdoor scary option would Cho’ce ”the" ma be :“g'mgszf cpndyficsloncs 5’ lth Election Day 100 ' and Dole still well
idea of fun durin this time of b— mmmmatntpm be to try the Trall of Terror at more up our “1 cy. P00 acu ar orltout '3 behind President Clinton in e lls, Kern also
lins hosts can y black caugfnd ' ' Jacobson Park. It be ' at 7 m bemg be] “ P°wcrh°use Gym fm‘“ 5‘30 “““l 8 made another plea to Reform arty can 'dste
broorfisticks’ Lexington and its sur- '1”! m m I N on Oct. 30 and 31. T e Reercaliiori p.m. 0““ 30' Maybe answering the door to bunches R038 PCI’OI. beseechin Perot *0 drop out "Id
rounding aria has plenty of options MW ‘ " m -' Supervisor for the Parks and Recre- 0f me“ or treatcrs isn’t your plan. Manager 0f the throw his "PM ‘0 13°“
{nihblg 'm'pmg‘" " ' i -‘ ,. . ation De mnent C‘m] Drury said Movie Warehouse on Euclid Avenue Jason Cinna- “Ross, I beg you. You should he upporting the

”There are many things to do V 5' I i “ “The trail is for the whole city”. mond 9"" horror-type movncs rent well at the end one man who can brill about these reforms in

“ “Two movies will show while ofOctober- America,” he said on c 3' “Face the Nation.”

over the Halloween weekend-even if

you don’t view Halloween as a holiday,” said Mered- Perot, who last week rebuffed a direct endorse-

"I‘hc Halloween series, of course, The Crow, the
mem overture from the Dole campaign, messed

you‘re stan ' in line, we’ll have a novelty sent, and


lth Moody, vice president of information services concessions,” said. He“ Raiser soda. and family-type movies like _ _
and technology development at Lexington Conven- Maybe a night tour with a historical twist is what Hocus Pocus and Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown again your that he is In the race to my.
tend to sell quick,” he said. wildfiwa ohm.

\, i, 1 ‘I l a t 1





may. ._.‘,.

By Jay 6. late
Staff Writer

Like without his
spinach, the (,UK volleyball team
takes a beating when they are
without its version of the neces—
sary element —- team

The Cats, who rank
20th overall in NCAA
team blocking, found life
without front- line domi-
nance to be painful as UK
split a weekend series with . .
Alabama and Auburn, ""0“
moving their record to 10-

14, with a 6— 3 mark 1n Southeast-
ern Conference play.

In Friday night’s match with
the lowly 3- 22 Crimson Tide,UK

uttered early and looked dazed
throughout the early stages of the
match. Alabama won the first
game, 15- 6.



2 Monday, am 2:, 1996, may tend

Auburn tops Cats;
Illi downs Title

But the futility of the first game
proved to be a wake- -up call for the
Cats, as they came alive and won
the second game handily, 15- 5.
Despite a conspicuously low block
tally for the Cats (only 9 team
blocks for the match), UK was
able to out- gun the Tide
for a 3-1 victory

UK assistant coach Julie
Ibieta believes the young
Alabama front line pla ed a
major role 1n the match.

. “We came out flat and
did not lay well 1n the first
game,” ”ibieta said. “Alaba-
ma ’s inexperience in the




middle allowed us to set our (mid-

dle blockers) and they helped get

use: cam Kane! nafl

1111 BM Hill '1 Middle blocker Tracy Thompson concentrate: or :be make:

“5 moving.” _ a dig against Auburn yesterday.
The UK middle blocker tan-
dem of Jenny Muzze and Tra Thou h the Cats were able to Auburn squad yesterday playing

Thompson proved to too muc

.340 with 22 kil s.

ide with a satisfactory

for UA, as the combined to hit performance on Friday, UK
cked up with a much stronger

roll the

the same brand of emotionless
volle ball.
Thin gotug Iy.
The igers (15- 8, 5-4) came
out in a rage and blasted the Cats




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15- 61h the first game. As ifthings
couldn’t get any worse, Auburn
kept puttin their offense in ro—
gressively fiigher gears, ma ng
the match more lopsided as time
went on—the Tigers won, 15- 6,
15-7, 15—5.

AU’s middle blocker sensation
Rani Whitson mangled Bi Blue
with erha s the finest individual
matc oft e SEC season, hitting
an amazing .654 with 18 kills,
seven digs and five blocks.

The Cats’ recent affinity for
unfocused play has Ibieta per—

“It’ s a concern that we layed
this poorly at this stage of e sea-
son, Ibieta said. “It’s definitely
disappointing. Rani (Whitson)

aed well and we needed our
idles to be strong today. It
didn’t happen.”

Muzzey agrees the team played
poor] but rejects the notion that
middii: blockin is the culprit for
the team’s prob ems.

“The key to this match was the
difference in attitudes,” Muzzey
said. “They didn’t let the balls
drop and we did—that’ s all there
is to it.”

The Cats now look to regroup
begore hosting Georgia this week-
en .



The Campus Calendar is a tree service which appears in the Monday edition of the Kentur ky Kernel.



M811 tie III] Eagles

By Jill Erwin

Srafl' Writer

and not Herbal
Anti-ram Spam Editor

One UK team was successful
at the new soccer stadium while
one UK team couldn’t score a

First the bad.

The play of UK’s men’s soc-
cer team yesterday was almost as
sloppy as the field condition.
The new soccer field dwindled
to a mud pie, and UK floun-
dered around without a sin le
goal as they tied Eastern Mic i-
gan 0- 0 1n overtime.

It was the Wildcats’ final
Mid- American Conference
garime before the tournament

ov. 15-17. However, it didn’t
leave them much to build on.

“There were unbelievably
easy chances that we just
missed,” UK Coach Ian Collins

The Cats managed 18 shots,
including some close shots in the
second half and overtime peri-

One of those shots was off the
foot of Sean Mondelli in the first
overtime period. Mondelli hit a
shot that just barely missed
going in. Instead, it hit the cor-
ner of the crossbar and went out.
To him, it was just an example of
what had happened all day.

“Just like the other ones I
had, wide open,” Mondelli said.
“I just had an awful day.”

As the second overtime peri-
od wound down, UK had one
last real chance. With 26 sec-
onds left, Michael Stickler had a
shot in front of the EMU goal
off a pass from Sean Endicott.
However, the shot was wide, and
UK was left in a tie.

UK lost senior Toby McCo—
mas to an injury early in the
game, and he 15 listed as day-to-
day. He was injured in front of
the goal, and was unable to
return to the game.

The tie dropped UK to 7- 6- 3,
2-2-1 in the MAC. This leaves
UK in third place going into the
tournament, and they could very
well draw EMU in the first



But unlike the men’s team
which has yet to win at the new
stadium, the UK women’s soccer
team had success in their first
game on Friday

Kim LaBel e ’5 goal off a tip-
in from a Beth Raynolds pass at
69:14 was the game winner as
UK defeated Vanderbilt 2- 1.

“We were very nervous to
come out here and lay,”
LaBelle said. “We all had e 'it-
ters but once we got into t
rhythm, I felt that we played bet-
ter than them.”

A goal by Alison Rooney,
coupled with LaBelIe’ s ave UK
their first ever win at eir new
soccer stadium, which still does
not have a name.

This was the final weekend of
conference play for the Cats.
The win over Vand and UK’s
win at LSU yesterd’ay put the
Cats 1n a tie for second place in
the Southeastern Conference’s
East Division along with Geor-

g1 But because Georgia beat UK
earlier in the season, the Cats
will be the No. 3 seed out of the
East Division for the SEC Tour—
nament which takes place in two
weeks in Lexington.


BILL ”MOVIE Kernels-11f

91" II UK’: David Muse maker a
save a ainrt Eastern Michigan
yener y afiemoon.

All registered organizations wishing to publish meetings, lectures,




spe< ial events and sporting events, must have all information to Student Artivites room 203 or (all

MONDAY l 0/28


-Approved time period for students to
change academic majors (please
check with college for admission
deadline) thru 11/04

~l-‘ine Arts Institute: non-credit class-
es in art, music, theatre, architecture.
and dance for adults.'ca11 2757851 to
register (thru November)
ART EXHIBIT: LaVon Van Williams Jr.,
nationally renowned sculptor. King
Cultural Ctr (thru 10/51)
-(.entcr for Cantonment?“ ‘9 9‘
bronze Works by Joseph Robrecht
(thru 1 1 /01)
-Pipe Organ Education: Phantom of the
Opera, 10:36am 81,12;me
Singletary A ., Concert
257-1724 f0

-Newmnn WWII
weekday, 12:10pm. 5


. .1111111111- ‘. |lI.1111 \11111
111. “11.11111\1111.111.111l\ 11111.11

.1.11..111.1 .ll..1. '. ,1‘

[11.11111I111 .11.

.1” -'.

Bldg: zsggom 1:”

is)“: indoor Activi , " ee
Meeting, 4. 00pm. Z SW95?
-SAB Board 13?. gigs 203
Student Ctr; 5

Student Development ”Council
Meeting; Group plottli‘é will be taken

All-13 & MOV
-l.iving arts for youth: Cha
9: 50 8 11:30am, Single _



during meeting, 5: 00pm, Sturgill Bldg -

Conference Rm _ ,9,

Model United Nations (,Iut) .‘leeling

7:30pm, 363 Student (11,- 225 8208 ;

-B_npflst Student 11111011ng-
IW 1‘11 tj‘ other; 7: £0 49
Coiu'mSIa kg? 1113:
American Institute 6%9Aegmu f
and Ast'mn'a eung: dues“!
speaker Mafifi? 1.1011111an on ’ '
'Helicopters.’ 7. 30pm, 3

Bldg? 4 w ;

.Preparlngi ' 'A A".
by the UK

<- , Math ws Bldgiiz ,

r for Computational Scle-
ptéhents Charlene Collins. UK

Chemistry, 'Relativistic Perturbation é
rum Corrections to Honreiativlstlc 9
Electroni tructure Calculations of 3‘

mittee Heating,
5:00pm, Student'Ctr SAB office

, Creative Job Search Strategies, spon-
: sored by the UK Conq- Ctr, 9:00am,
20l Mathews Bldg: 25782746
Center for Computational Sciences
presents Suen Wat Mo, U. of illinols,
'Colliding Black Hole and neutron
Stars In a Computer”. 3: 30pm, 52


snug} gun. a: oo-9. 30pm Alumni
Gym Lon.- Q_3_05 ,


Dance Comps ,
Ctr dgnfenl hair

11. twat
“'63er 6116 1611

8‘13 ( onte mpoan All lirs
.111111111. 1111113’41\\111.111111-




. ent Followshlp
Live, 7: 00pm, 502

hr Christ Weekly
. Student Ctr

< . Athletes

Union Big ”11" 0 UK

-Pn‘ority registration for the 1997
Spring Semester Ithru 11/22)

.oltn: Brighton
many) 8:

,Brlgg' s .
fgld admls

Women's ‘l‘e' - i" I
pionships; un » . 1/04)

SATUR[)AY l 1/2

och Memohs '

Region 111 Y

257886? one week prior to publication.

races, etc. 12. :50- 2. 00pm, Seaton

field; FREE it :1

India Students Association 5
“l‘esthal 01 Lights" l)i\\a|i (Zullural
Program lolloued by Indian Dinner

(3:00-8:01) Cultural Program, Memorial '

ll.1|l;8:3()»10:3()pm Dinner. (jommons
3rd floor 225 (1781 $8 pe1son
$7 pe Mon tor 1.1111111 1111 more



~UK eatre: Brighton Beach Memoirs
( man Play), 2:00pm, Brigg‘s
Theatre, Fine Arts Bidgz'i’l’ald admis

Y Youth Orchestras: Concert

,:3 IOOpm, Singleton Ctr

..» M,» “n

i: . Student Union presents
8: 00pm, Student Ctr Grand


thollc Mass, 9:00
. 8: 50pm
11 than Student Fellowship

. University Praise Service. 11:00am.








-- ‘














WIIBI WA: tbe last time UK beat Georgia

prior to Saturday night?
066 I u; kZ‘9Z “0001!) hills“

Anderson's first
9008 a long way

By Chris Easterling
Sport: Editor

What a first kick for Tobin

The junior col-
lege transfer from
Riverside, Calif,
put his leg into a
49-yard field goal,
narrowly clearing
the crossbar to
give UK a 10-0
second quarter
lead over Georgia ”WWW"
on Saturday ni ht


in mid-air and it just started dying
quick,” he said. “But I was calm
because I felt like I had put
enough into it.”

It wasn’t the longest of his
career; he hit a 50-yarder while at
Riverside Community College.

SIIIII'I can catch in

Junior wide receiver Kio San-
ford finally ended his six-game
catching drought in the second
quarter against Georgia when he
caught an 11-yard pass from Billy
Jack Haskins.

He finished with two

at Commonwea th Stadium. NOTEBOOK catches for 29 yards against

The Cats went on to beat
the Bulldogs 24-17.
It was Ander-
son’s first field
oal attempt as a
ildcat. He had
handled the kick-
offs for UK but

re laced Brian
Jo nson on the
long attempt Santord
because of his

stronger leg.

“After I hit it,” Anderson
said,“I looked up and was thinking
‘OK, perfect.’ I knew I had plenty
of power to make it from that dis-

“Then, all of the sudden, it
seemed like that ball just got shot

Dynamic duo shines for Cats in Blue-White game

By Rob Herbst
Arris'tant Sports Editor

If Saturday’s UK basketball
intrasquad scrimmage was a sign
of things to come, then Cat fans
will see a lot of a certain duo.

Ron Mercer’s 24 points and
Derek Anderson’s 18 led the
White Team as they cruised to a
94-78 victory over the Blue Team,
which included mostly non—

It will be the duo that will lead
the Cats this year and like all duos,
they have a nickname.

“We have what I call Butch and
Sundance with Mercer and
Anderson,” UK Coach Rick Piti-
no said. “We have as ood a tan~
dem as you’ll see in t e country.
They’re very, very exciting bas-
ketball players.”

The teammates showed just
how exciting they could be in the
end of the first half.


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the ’Dawgs. It was the first
game in which he caught a pass
since the season-opener against
Louisville, when he caught three
for 22 yards.

The UK fans spoke volumes by
not watching the Cats and Bull-
dogs play Saturday night.

An attendance of 34,000
showed up on the overcast ni h ,
making it the smallest crow of
the 1996 season. And what was
even worse for UK, about 6-8,000
of the fans in attendance were
wearing the colors of Georgia.

The crowd ranks as the third—
smallest in the history of Com-
monwealth Stadium. The only

With 4:27 left in the half,
Anderson had a clear break to the
basket. Most assumed that it
would be an Anderson dunk, but
instead he threw the ball off the
backboard and allowed Mercer to
have the spotlight.

“If you’re not playing together,
you’re never going to win,”
Anderson said. “We now lay
aqgether on the same team an it’s


The Cats have a situation
where both players need each
other to improve.

What’s scary is that there is still
room for improvement for Butch
and Sundance.

“Ron has had some practices
which have been astonishin to
me,” Pitino said. “Both of t ose
guys feed off of each other ——
they’re very close friends. They’re
very exciting, very ex losive, and
both of them especial y Ron has a
lot of room for improvement.”

While Pitino may be a fan of







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am mnmnct Kernels-tag”
WATCH ITIIT Georgia quarterback Mike Bobo is bit a: be release: the ball
part UK’: Kurt Supe in tbe Catr’ 24-17 win on Saturday night.

On the night, the Wildcats
sacked Georgia quarterback Mike

two games to draw fewer fans was
last year’s game against Cincinnati

(25,231) and the Northeast Bobo six times
Louisiana debacle in 1994
(32,000). "K IIIIIIIECIIIIIIIII streak
-1 ' _
VII IIIIIIIIOI' SICK I! Ward The 24 7 Win marked the sec

ond consecutive Homecoming
ame UK has won. It defeated
SU 24-16 last year on Home-
All told, the Cats are 39-12 in
Homecoming games played since

Senior defensive end Chris
Ward picked up yet another sack
on Saturday night, the sixth con-
secun've game he has done so.

He leads the team in sacks on
the season with six.

westerns, neither Anderson nor
Mercer care for the name at all. In
fact Mercer had to be informed as
to just who Butch and Sundance

Besides Anderson and'Mercer,
freshman center jamaal Magloire
took some spotlight.

The biggest question many UK
fans have concerns the center
position. Magloire tried to answer
those questions by playing almost
37 minutes, oing 9-of-I3 from
the field, an finishing with 20

Kentucky Kernel, Monday, Omber 2:, 1996 8

“IIHIITIIGIIY played a lot 1mm than I’ve

seen tbem play. ”

.iim Donnan, Georgia football coach

Firing the locus
[IBSIIITB the Will

emotions of his hollow wm,
the an er swelled in Bill
Curry’s redciened eyes after the
third similar question was asked.

His W'ildcats had just sewn up
their biggest victory in three sca-
sons of UK football, and all
reporters wanted to know were
the emotional effects of his fir—

A man whose life was turned
upside down last week engi—
neered a victory with a strong
ground game, solid, opportunis-
tic defense and a lack of
turnovers ~the same style of
play battered by fans and
media as out—of—date.

It worked.

What he had preached
to impatient supporters,
administrators, ctractors
and players for years had

And it worked with

I'- rying to fend off the mixed


soul until embracin senior
linebacker Mike Schel enber er
after Curry’s radio show. Elis
glossy eyes and scratchy voice
was mov1n .

The Wildcat head coach
molded 99 layers into a family,
but how di a coach with a sub—
500 career record earn the
respect and adoration of his

Simple down-to-earth hon-
es .
“I had the op ortunity to go
to some other SC 0015, but when
I met coach Curry, he was so
sincere about my future not only
while I was here but after
my four years of eligibili-
rj; were u that I knew
t is was t 6 right deci-
sion for me,” senior co—
captain Van Hiles said.
“He really cares.”

The ties to their coach
were so strong that the

Billy Jack Haskins at the “a". seniors organized astate-
helSiiznior free safetv SIIIIGI'III'I mthotvgdklsrumzfiiilly. it
Leman Boyd said that for Spam. seemed to people outside
th {1 . . h columnist h th I
.03. em; 10.26.: iii} ' if $333312"; rigie’fl;
defehse showed up on the same each of their helmets spoke vol-
Saturday. umes about their loyalty.

The focus, however, Van Hiles said the adminis-

remained on something uncon-
trollable which took the spot—
light from Curry’s boys in blue.

So the loving and overprotec-
tive father that is Bill Curry
choked off any outburst by
politely asking that questions be
geared toward the efforts of his

This is the nature of the man
placed in the most unnatural
position for any coach, a man
who personifies everything that
is great about collegiate athletics
and a man who has the cleanest
image in the UK stable.

He sat in the Wildcat Den
fielding uestions by the same
people w o rallied behind the
decision to relieve him of his
duties with his trademark stoic
dignity. _ .

He fought off the tears in his

tration and media took the UK
general away from their arm
and said the move was a smaii
token of gratitude for all Curry

With a si h he added how
sorry he was that it took until the
Georgia game for the team to
realize their responsibility in los-
ing their coach.

“I personally feel like I let him
down,” he said. “We all did.”

Recruiting pitfalls make C.M.
Newton’s decision final and the
hope for a reversal futile, but
when UK begins searching for a
man to fill Newton’s shoes in the
near future, I know a great man
who looks good in blue.

And we all let him down.

Spam Columnist Aaron Sanderfitrd is
a political .rriente ropbomore.



“He’s doing as well as an
freshman I’ve had,” Pitino sai .
“Anytime you can have 20 oints,
eight rebounds, four b ocked
shots, you’re doing remarkably

Thus far, Ma loire also thinks
he has performe well.

“I’m getting a lot of rebounds,
blocking a lot of shots and scoring
some big points,” said the fresh-
man center from Toronto.



unis can? mam;

SillitilElt Derek Anderson Iboot: a
jumper in Saturday’s scrimmage.


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