xt7vt43j1c7n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vt43j1c7n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-11-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 03, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 03, 1987 1987 1987-11-03 2020 true xt7vt43j1c7n section xt7vt43j1c7n  




Aikido club practices “graceful training”
for the fun of it. SEE PAGE 5.




For a review of Sting’s latest
album, SEE PAGE 8.



Today: Sunny
Tomorrow: Sunny




Vol. XCI, No. 57

m 1894

University of Kentucky. Lex'mgton, Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Tuesday. November 3. 198:]

Alcohol task force to consider dormitories at next meeting

Executive Editor

The alcohol task force will cmsid-
er how an alcohol policy should
apply to UK‘s 18 residence halls
next week after deciding yesterday
to examine dormitories, fraternities
and UK staff separately before
forming a policy.

The decision to break an alcohol
policy into three discussion areas
was made by task force members
after they had mulled over three
policy scenarios submitted by Vice
Chancellor for Student Affairs
James Kuder.

The task force was appointed at
the beginning of the semester by Art
Gallaher, chancellor for the Lexing-
ton Campus, to form an alcohol poli-
cy for the University by the end of
the semester.

Currently, there is no set alcohol

policy for the UK campus. As a
practice, alcohol is not allowed in
dormitories and only students 21 or
older can drink in fraternity houses,
Kuder said.

Kuder submitted the policy exam-
ples, not as proposals, but as a basis
of conversation for task force mem-

Policy 1 is a “permissive” policy,
which states that the use of alcohol
must “not violate state and local
law." Under this policy alcohol
would be allowed in dormitory
rooms as long as the resident was

Policy 2, a “prohibitive" policy,
would not permit alcohol in dormito-
ry rooms or on “University property
or on University property leased to
other corporations or individuals "

Policy 3 reflects some current
practices at UK and stresses compli-
ance with state statutes. The task

force was also given the University
of Louisville’s policy, which has con-
tracts for alcohol at parties.

Conversation at the meeting, how-
ever, quickly drifted away from the
policies and into a discussion about
residence halls.

Student Government Association
President Cyndi Weaver said she
thinks that the majority of students
are in favor of allowing 21-year-olds
the right to drink in their dormitory

One possibility, Weaver said, is
forming a special wing of a dormito-
ry for 21-year-oltb.

Eleven percent of the 4.800 stu—
dents living in UK’s dormitories are
21 or older, said Bob Clay, acting
dean of residence life.

That figure does not include Uni-
versity apartments such as Greg
Page and Cooperstown apartments.

Several committee members said


“it would be very ideal to say that (someone)
21 years old or older can drink,” but it places
RAs in “an uncompromising position.”

there were several problems with al-
lowing 21-year-olds to drink in dor-
mitory rooms.

Clay said that a special wing —
specifically for 21-year-olds — might
promote a certain lifestyle or social
atmosphere of drinking.

Even if alcohol was allowed only
to 21-year-olds in the current dormi-
tory setup, problems would still
exist, according to committee mem-

Greg Wiiborn. a resident adviser
and member of the task force, said
allowing alcohol in the dormitories

Ken Walker
Resident Adviser

would turn RAs into something like
a bouncer at a bar.

RAs would have to spend much of
their time — when they could be
doing something else — checking
student 105 to make sure students
were old enough to have alcohol.
Wilborn said.

"it would be very ideal to say that
(someone) 21 years old or older can
drink." but it places RAS in "an un-
compromising position." said Ken
Walker. an RA and member of the
task force.

The mission of the committee is to
find a policy that's fair to evervone

and not too difficult
Walker said.

Walker said that the current alco-
hol practice has been a workable
one. “We neither look for nor ignore
alcohol,“ he said.

Weaver. though. and that the
practice is fine up until someone
who is 21 is forced to get rid of their

There‘s got to be a compromise
between no alcohol for 31-year~olds
and coming through the front door
of the dormitory with a beer in hand
for a party. Weaver said

A practical solution. she said,
might be to have a policy of “per-
sonal consumption" in the dormitory
room for 21-year»olds.

Alcohol would be a personal priv-
ilege for a 21-yearoid. Weaver said.
and if that person were caught serv-
ing to minors the priVilege would be
taken away

to enforce.


Staff Writer

t 7:30 every morning,

Diane Strangis gets down

on the floor and plays with
little children. At 8: 30, her
assistant helps her push them in
doublestrollers around campus.
But she said it‘s when she starts
talking to them that she feels like
an idiot.

Strangis is head teacher at
UK’s Infant and Toddler Day
Care located in the basement of
Erikson Hall.

The program offers
individualized daycare for young
children between the age of six
weeks and two years. It also
provides experience in infant
care for UK students. The
program began Aug. 17 as a
division in the Home Economics
department of family studies.

The program will enroll any
child from the community but
most are connected with UK. The
cost is $115 a week for full-time
participants and $57.50 a week for
part time.

Strangis, who runs the program
along with her assistant. Carolyn
Dixon. said the program is more '
than a generic babysitting

“Infant care should be
idealized with a lot of individual
attention." Strangis said.
“Babies should be on their own
schedules —— not a strict routine


Campus center
attends to kids

The day-care center has a
special process to determine each
child‘s needs. As the first step in
enrollment, teachers visit the
child’s home and have a
conference with its parents in
order to assess the child and
become familiar with its daily
schedule, Strangis said.

The Denver Developing
Screening test is administered to
each infant to determine normal
mental levels, she said. The test
is administered four times
throughout the year to determine
if the infant is progressing

One of the program’s primary
features is its high staff-tochild
ratio, which averages one staff
member for every child, Strangis
said. That high ratio is
maintained with the help of
student participation.

Students taking introductory

child development and applied
deveolpment classes have
mandatory labs which are
scheduled one hour a week, said
Dr. Kim Townley, director of
early childhood laboratory and
an assistant professor in the
College of Home Economics.

“The classes are designed for
students to gain experience
working with kids," Townley

During the labs, students work
eight weeks with infants and

See DAY CARE, page 2

UK's Infant/Toddler Daycare Center is part of the division of family
studies for the College of Home Economics. The day-care center is

designed to provide individual attention for children and hands~on

experience for UK students.





Former UK head coach
helping Salvation Army

Contributing Writer

Forget the basketballs, the hoops
and the boilers, Joe B. Hall is play-
ing in another game now — helping
out the Salvation Army.

Hall has agreed to be chairman
for the Capital Campaign project,
which is trying to raise $3 million to
help build a larger facility for the
Salvation Army, said Maj. Ralph
Michaels. of the Salvation Army in

“l‘m happy to do it,“ said Hall. “I
always had a great respect for the
Salvation Army. They‘re very de-
pendable. They do their job without
a lot of fanfare.“

Michaels said Hall has the special
appeal to bexingtonians that will
help raise funds for the project.

But whether it is in their hearts or
in their wallets, Hall has tough com-
petition in front of him.

Last year, the lexington Herald-
Leader was flooded with letters
about the homeless. Businessmen
and concerned citizens expressed
their hostility over the negative
image the streetpeople were givim

Some individuals even wanted the
Salvation Amy to move out of the
downtown area.

Michaela, however. said he thinks
the majority of people are in favor
of thenewfacility.

"Unfortunately with all the lattes

proportion. By the same token, it let
us know that the community was be-
hind the project," he said.

The new core facility center
should be under construction after
the first of the year.

The Salvation Army is waiting for
approval of the architectural draw-
ings, said Michaels. The plans will
then have to gain approval from the
Salvation Army headquarters in
New York and the state. Bidding for
construction will then take place.

Michaels said the new addition
will offer in-depth programs and
other benefits unavailable at the
present facility.

“We will be able to stay open 24
hours a day for the homeless,“ said
Michaels. “We will be able to look at
their needs a little more thoroughly
than just giving them a place to stay
and sending them out in the morn-

The present facility, on West Main
Street, will be used only to provide
beds for the homeless. The Salvation
Army projects that it will be able to
home ma'e than a hundred people
per day in “a lot better fashion"
than it does now, said Michaels.
"And we are not talkirg about sleep-
ing mats on the floor. "

Wily. any homeless person
But the specific details concerning
1mm after the addition la com-
:fid is not yet known, Michaela

'. Gorbachev wants ‘restraint’

When a street person first comes
in they will be given a place to sleep
and they will be able to get on a the-
rapy program of some kind, Mi-
chaels said. “It’s jist going to be a
lot better, and there will be a lot
moredonefor them."

After the buildirg is completed,
there will be different phases of the
program for people to go through,
said Michaels. There will be some
study mama and work programs.
some counseling.

But not all the homelas people
come to the Salvation Amy for

Michaels said unofficial estimates
are that about 200 people sleep
somewhere other than home in Lex~
imton evey night.

“There is a certain number of peo-
ple you will never get off the
street," he said. “It‘s a fact of life in
thiathy andage."

Associated Press

MOSCOW - Mikhail S. Gorbachev
accmed his Kremlin critics yester-
day of being either too timid or too
impatient about the pace of reform,
and advised “revolutionary self-re-
straint" in the drive to modernize
theSoviet Union.

The Soviet leader said Josef Stalin
committed “enormom and unforgi-
vable“ crimes and announced re~
sumption of a campaign to rehabili-
tate the dictator‘s victims. He also
praised the communist state's sec-
ond leader, however, for collectiviz-
ing agriculture and industrializing

Gorbachev's nationally televised
speech, which lasted 2 hours 41 min-
utes, was part of the 70th amiver-
sary observance of the 1917 revolu-
tion that brought the communists to

It was his first address since the
disclosure last week of a top-level
fight over the pace of “perestroika.”
Gorbachev‘s program aimed at im-
proving the quality of life by
streamlining bureaucracy, encour-
aging individual initiative and boost-
ing production of consumer goods.

in a mention of his visit to Wash-
ington next month for his third sum-
mit with President Reagan. Gorba.
chev pledged to seek a “palpable
breakthrough" leading to reductions
in long-range nuclear weapons and a
ban on weapons in space.

Signing a treaty to tan interme-
diate-range nuclear missiles “is
very important in itself." he said in
his first public comment on the mat-

ter since the announcement Friday
that he would meet Reagan on Dec.
7 and plan for a return visit by the

Ayeement to scrap the weapons.

he said. “was largely settled back in
Reykjavik." That summit collapsed
over the issue of Reagan‘s project
for a space-based defense against
nuclear attack.

“The world expects the third and
fourth Soviet-L’ S. summits to pro-
duce more than merely an official
acknowledgment of the decision

agreed upon a year ago. and more
than merely continuation of the dis-
cussion," the 56-year-old ('ommunist
Party chief told an audience of Sovi~
et leaders and international socialist

“That is why we will work unre-
mittingly at these meetings for a
palpable breakthrough. for concrete
results in reducing strategic offen-
sive armaments and barring weap—
ons from outer space ,, the key to
removing the nuclear threat."

Sec (EORBA('III-l\ . page 7

General election being held today

Today, from 6 a.m.-6 p.m. Ken-
tucky will hold its general election.
UK students living on campus who
have registered in Fayette County
will be able to vote near Coopers-
town Apartments.

Kentuckians will cast their vote
for eight statewide executive of-
- lieutenant governor
attorney general
oaecretaryof state

0 superintendent of public imtruc-

- commissioner of agriculture


Poll officials expect a light voter
turnout in most parts of the slate
and the Democrats are ra‘edicted to
win all of the major statewide con-

Officials at Democratic state
headquarters in Frankfort said Wal-
lac Wilkinson will make his an-
noiaicement tonight at the Frankfort

Civic Center and then fly to
Owensboro around 10:30 CDT.

Durirg the primary. Wilkinson
pledged that if he was elected gover-
nor, he would move the governor‘s
office to Owensboro until that city‘s
unemployment rate went down.

John Harper's campaign said its
candidate will make an amounce-
ment at Louisville‘s Master-son‘s
restaurant once most of the results
hadcome in.

Sec ELECTION. page 2


 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday. November 3, 1087


Continued from Page i
eight weeks with 2-to-5-year-olds,
Townley said.

Valerie McGovern, one of these
student assistants, said the class
builds off her textbook learning.
“I didn't know what to expect.
It‘s fun to apply what you have
learned in class."

McGovern said the day-care
center has a family atmosphere
rather than an instutionalized
one. The infants and toddlers
spend the day working in
productive and learning activites.

“The infants and toddlers
participate in planned activities
such as music and movement.
simple painting and different
equipment to promote motor
skills. “ Strangis said.

It is this stimulation and
activity with toys that really
helps her child. said Cynthia
Kennedy, mother of 7-month-old
Ruth Ann.

“I searched for months trying
to find a sitter but no one was
satisfactory. Kennedy said. “I
was hesitant to place her in a
day-care. I wanted my baby at
home because I thought that was
the best thing for her. “ Kennedy,
who is a part-time instructor with
the department of nutrition and
food sciences, visits Ruth Ann
when she has a break.

Parents are encouraged to
particpate in activities such as
motor skills and language
development. Working with
parents is valuable research
because parents are the first
teachers to kids. Townley said.

Reese and Becky Reinhold.
parents of 6-month-old Lacy.
arrive at lunch to play with their
daughter and the other children.

“As working parents, it‘s nice
going to work and knowing your
baby is secure.“ Mrs. Reinhold

0Day care center tends to kids


EIeven~month-old Nick Hurry enjoys some of the fun and
games that UK's Infant/Toddler Day-care Center has to offer.




OStudents can vote today in election

Continued from Page i

Wilkinson is expected to win the
race by about 30 percentage points.

Here is a brief biography on the
state's two major gubernatorial can-

John Harper:

ODate of birth: May 3. 1930.
~Place of birth: Chicago.
OResidence: Shepherdsville.
.Education: Attended the Uni-

) '..

versity of Louisville. 1949 and
1950; nodegree.

-Occupation: State representa-
tive; engineer.

OFamily: Wife, former Mary
Wigginton; son, Alex, 27.

Wallace Glenn Wilkinson:

oDate of birth: Dec, 12, 1941.
~Place of birth: Liberty, Ky.
OEducation: Attended the Uni-

versity of Kentucky and Camp-
bellsville College; no degree.

00ccupation: Businessman and
developer; owner of Wallace's
College Book Co. and Wilkinson

oPlace of residence: Lexington.

OFamily: Wife, former Martha
Carol Stafford; sons Glenn, 17,
and Andrew, 14.

Weinberger expected to resign

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — mus-end
Caspar W. Weinberger no
comment“y tyeatu-dayon broadcast re-
ports that he would resign soon and
be replaced by National Security

NBC Nightly News. quotine top
administration and cowessional
sources, said Weinberg' er was ex-
pected to announce, possibly this

week, that he is ruining for per-
sonal reason. W ’s wife,
Jane, irhuwn to he certainly ill,
thenetwork said.

ABC News, quotim unitbntified
White Home officials, said the White
Home did not dispute the la-oadcast

CBS News reported that Garlucci's
assistant. Lt. Gen. Colin L. Powell,
was expected to succeed Cariucci in
the White Home post. CBS said Car-

lueci unused as a leading candi-
¢htefatheibfeue secretarypost
over firmer Sin. Jdin Tower, R-

Asked at a NATO planning meet-
ing in Montcey, Calif, about the
broadcast reports, Weinberger re-
plied, “No comment.”

White Home officials refused to
comment on the reports.

Plans to combat fraud are routine

Associated Press

LEXINGTON — Law enforcement
officials say they plan only routine
efforts to combat vote fraud in to-
day’s general election, despite alle-
gations of vote-buying and tam-
pering during the May primary.

Gov. Martha Layne Collins has
asked the Kentucky State Police to
be alerted to potential vote-buying
during the election, but police offi-
cials said there were no plans to use
extra troopers to watch the polls.

“We will be available to answer
complaints of vote-buying,” said
state police spokesman Capt. John
Lile. “But we have to assume that
the electoral process, except in iso-
lated cases, is fair."

Lile said that troopers occasional-
ly would patrol voting places on
Election Day, but that there were
too many precincts and not enough
police to provide comprehensive en-

State police patrols at voting
places are aimed primarily at pre-
serving order, Lile said. Most com-
plaints in the past have involved
drunken or disorderly voters, not
vote fraud, he said.

Local prosecutors said they
planned no special effort to combat
vote-buying or to monitor precincts
with a history of election fraud,
problems outlined in reports by the
state’s two largest newspapers, The
Courier-Journal and the Lexington

Some officials predicted that a
general malaise about the guberna-
torial race between Wallace Wilkin-
son and John Harper and the lack of
hotly contested local elections would
contribute to low voter turnout and
fewer election abuses.

“This election is quiet — there’s
not a lot of interest," said Jolin
David Preston, commonwealth’s at-
torney for Johnson, Martin and Law-
rence counties. ”If you did have
somebody watching the polls, he
might be by himself all day .}-’ '


Past elections have not been so
uneventful in eastern Kentucky.

A local yand jury indicted 71 peo-
ple in Martin County on charges re-
lated to election abuse after the May
was primary and more than 90 per-
cent were convicted or pleaded
guilty. In addition, former Magoffin
County Sheriff Thomas “Skip” Saly-
er and nine others were convicted of
mail fraud involving absentee bal-
lots from 1979 to 1981.

Magoffin County became the focus
of vote fraud allegations in May
when assistant commonwealth’s at-
torney Ferrel Adkins filed a lawsuit.
Adkins, an unsuccessful candidate
for commmwealth’s attorney, said
in the suit he had found substantial
evidence of illegal activity by pre-

cinct election boards and of wide-
spread vote-buying.

State police are still investigating
charges of election fraud in Magof-
fin County, said Capt. David Wil-

Adkins agreed that vote fraud
would probably be down, but he said
vote-buyers would still ply their
trade because local campaign offi-
cials wanted to impress gubematori-
al candidates.

“Local officials want to deliver
the county by a substantial margin
to make a good impression,” Adkins
said. “As long as local officials have
an interest in the outcome, whether
to enhance their influence with state
officials or to win local elections,
vote-buying is going to go on. "

Signatures might force
Arizona Gov. election

ay LAURIE assao
Associated Press

PHOENIX, Ariz. — Opponents of
Gov. Evan Mecham capped a four-
month recall drive yesterday by lil-
ing petitions that they said con-
tained 3138,5138 signatures, nearly
twice as many as needed to force an
election that could oust the maver-
ick Republican.

If enough signatures are validated
by the secretary of state, the em-
battled governor who took office in
January will have to either resign or
fight to retain his job in the recall
election, which would take place
next spring at the earliest.

“Mecham is going to face a recall
election," Mecham Recall Commit-
tee founder Ed Buck said yesterday.
He said he saw “no possibility” that
so many name would be invali-
dated that the petition drive would





Buck said the committee collected
388,” signatures for yesterday fil—
ing with the secretary of state‘s of-
fice. Additional signatures might be
turned on today’s deadline, he said.

The committee needs 216,746 valid
signatures of the state’s 1.3 million
registered voters to force a recall
election. Buck has long said he
wanted 350,000 names to provide a
cushion in case a large number were

“The governor has a day of reck-
oning sometime in May and that‘s
an inescapable fact,” said Senate
Minority Leader Alan Stephens, a
Democrat who supports the recall.
“The chickens are coming home to

Gubernatorial press secretary Ken
Smith acknowledged that recall or-
ganizers were close to forcing an
election, but said, “It certainly is
not inevitable.”






Paid for by Hensley for Council Campaign, Michael J. Beaten, CPA, 'Ihasurer, 400 Old E. Vine Streeet, Lexington, Ky. 40507









Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday, November 3, 1087 — 3


Staff reports

Last month the Student Gov-
ernment Association passed a
resolution that called for the es-
tablishment of office hours of
SGA senators. The hours are:

Senators at large:
Penny Peavler — Monday 10:50-

Bryan Payne — Monday 12:30-

Ken Mattingly — Tuesday Noon-1
Linda Bridwell — Tuesday 1:15-

Leah McCain — Tuesday 3-4

Susan Brothers — Tuesday 7:30-
8:30 p.m.

Kim Lehman —

Ken Payne ~ Wednesday 1-2

Kim Young — Wednesday 2-3
Mary Beth Brookshire —Wednes-
day 2-3

James Rose —- Wednesday 12:15-
1: 15

Kim Fowler — Thursday 8-9 am.



Office hours for SGA senators com

David Moore — Thursday 9:45-

Tim Henderson — Thursday 1-2
David Botkins — Friday 8-9a.m.



Sean Coleman — Wednesday 11-

Chris Price — Wednesday 2-3

College Senators :
Lexington Community College —
Oswald Building

Chris Essid — Monday 9-10

Business and Economics
Mary Tripp Reed — Monday 10-

Library Science — room 504 In-
formation lab, M.I. King South,

Jim Koegei —— Monday 2-3

Architecture — Architecture stu-
dio in Pence Hall
Glen Buckner — Monday 2-?

Arts and Sciences
David Allgood — Tuesday 11-

Graduate School — room 755 Pat-
terson Office Tower, 7-6791
Mehran Jahed — Tuesday 11-

Allied Health
David Bingham — Tuesday 7:30-

Social Work
Susan Bean —— Wednesday 11-

Home Economics
Lisa King — Wednesday 1-2

Andrea Suffill — Wednesday 2-3

Medical School — Office of Edu-
cation, 233-5261
Stephen Stigers — Wednesday 1-2

Agriculture — Dean‘s Office, 7-

pleted, listed

John Kuegel — Wednesday 3-4

Pharmacy — room 21¢ Pharmacy
Jeff Hughes —- Thursday 9-10

Dentistry — room D-Gll, Chan-
dler Medical Center, 233-6322
Rosanne Palermo — Thursday


Jeff Goodyear — Thursday 12:30-

Jason Williams — Thursday 2-3


David White — Thursday 4:15-

Lexington Community
Oswald Building

Betty Reed — Thursday 4:305:30

College -

Fine Arts — Dean’s Conference
Room, Fine Arts Building
Freddie Herman — Friday 1-2



Navy frigate fires warning shots at three

Associated Press

MANAMA, Bahrain — An Ameri-
can frigate escorting a refueling
tanker fired machine guns to chase
off three small vessels that ap-

proached “by surprise" and may
have been Iranian, US. military of-
ficials said yesterday.

The Pentagon said the dhow and
two speedboats approached about
dusk Sunday as the Navy ships
passed a Persian Gulf island Iran

III lllllIIlllllll

has used as a speedboat base for at-
tacks on shipping in its 7-year-old
war with Iraq.

Pentagon spokesmen said he USS
Carr fired .50-caliber machine guns
at the vessels, which were ”sus-
pected" to be Iranian, but none was
known to have been hit and all left
the scene.

American officials in the gulf said
privately it was not certain whether
they were Iranian craft threatening

the US. ships or fishing boats of an-
other nationality.



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“We’ve seen these types of boats
before but it’s the first time that one
ever came that close to American
ships,” one official said. “We’re not
sure they were Iranian, but the US.
ships were taken by surprise. The
only things that make this incident
different is that it was night, and the
boat came as close as it did."

He estimated the closest approach
at about 500 yards. The officials in-
dicated there had been other occa-


sions when US. warships fired
warning shots to ward off vessels
that apparently were innocent, but
would not give details.

Only one previous shooting inci-
dent has been made public, accord-
ing to records available here. It in-
volved the destroyer USS Kidd,
which fired a warning shot Aug. 24
at a dhow, the slow-moving fishing
and freight vessels that have plied
the gulf for centuries.


The Interfraternity Council


Government Cheese

playing in a benefit for WRFL

Tonight, 9:00 p.m.
at Breedings Night Club
509 W. Main

also playing!
Bates Motel


111 Heaven

$3.00 donation per person at the door
All proceeds go to Radio Free Lexington










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 4 - Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday. November 3. 1007


Talk, talk


Melinda Riddle. an undecided freshman, volunteers her time last
night for the College of Business and Economics Phone-A-Thon.

The phone-a-thon is expected to raise $30,000 over the next
five days for the Carpenter Scholarship fund.




Unseasonably warm weather sets state records

Associated Press

LOUISVILLE — Warm, dry air
from the Southwest continued to
drive away the chilly reminders of
Kentucky‘s fourth coldest October,
as record high temperatures were
recorded across the state Monday
for the second straight day.

In Louisville, a high of 82 broke
the old record of 81 for that date es-
tablished in 196I, according to the
Nitional Weather Service in Louis-
vr e.

Wilkinson team ready for transistion

Associated Press

FRANKFORT — Democratic gu-
bernatorial nominee Wallace Wilkin-
son. considered a heavy favorite in
today's election. said yesterday that
a transition team has been at work
for him for about six weeks to help
his administration get off to a
smooth start.

”I wanted