xt7vt43j1c5g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vt43j1c5g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-10-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 14, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 14, 1985 1985 1985-10-14 2020 true xt7vt43j1c5g section xt7vt43j1c5g V . I v V

Vol. XC. No.6 Established 109‘ University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky Independent since 191! Monday, October l4 I985 ' '
.W ' . . ~
n a . Ambassador seeks
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: ,a . 7 f g . j 'I- . , Byvit'mni.,snii»so\' ———-——-—————- i .'...‘r'!
. ‘ a”- ~~ ‘ ‘ ”’w‘sf ; f‘ “ ’ "' Tl ' t f “slat": AssOCiatedPress H y ‘ ‘-..' .I ,5}-
gé , ‘ {gr-3;, g?” ,- do. - ’ , , r. R W hen all the facts are ,"tziir‘
i.~._ is n- ‘ “-r' r‘ , “1,“... 25".!” l ’ ' . . gag . - ' ‘ 0MB ~ l' S Ambassador .‘ilax , , , - j ; ; Q; l 1" i; ‘
- s. 7‘ wig- f is: ' l ' t " 0 ‘ . ‘7 M ‘ fr“; ) f ,R (’1‘ \ AELRKCA < . a well Rabb yesterday sharply re kn0“n dTICl CdelnCd f I. ,‘_-.“~';
Em ‘ . W . 4,9. ' n}. ‘ s‘ £0“.th lit“ E7}? J m buked the Italian government for re . _ . you Will see then T; . f ‘ '23."
.‘.. . . \‘s J C» \ll'“ «v’ 2 -~ will» leastng a top PLU official who l 'h r 3 - .t ' ~ ”‘..-.‘l
it , . u FWD 1%... ,- «A accompanied the Achilie Lauri) p, l lat - e decision taken '." .' j. M1
14 ’ L M «‘..— 4 ‘ ‘ rates out of Egypt. tiring 4. new b) the “aha“ g’.‘ ‘1 [.’.H'I' ~".
\ _ salvo in the diplomatic row between - ‘ ' i " ,
. ' ’ : - ‘\ q thetwoeountries government . . . \‘i 8% ti '. '
S - In a two—hour meeting with For ' . , .- -~ .‘- ' ,, ‘ '
- _ ,' eign Minister (.iUiliti Aiidrei'ltti. Rabi) ““1 (“1d “156' , - :
'1‘ ‘ ' y . - also asked for extradition of the four Bettino ( f'dXi. " , ‘4 - l ' . f .5
l ,1...» ‘ I 8"]. ‘1 . Patel-“mall“ Whl,’ may“ l.“ ,1“ Italian Prime Minister .
_ .. g ‘. ury inter and are accused of killing . . . j _
,c :J ‘ , ’ " "‘ '.. } & fill-y'earold Leon Klinghoffer, a par- *— = l ' "l ‘~
.. . ‘ . l .' tially paralyzed American passen 5 ' -'“- j _j- ‘._- 1'
. - ' ' i - jg. if ,“r .i Sega b h tacking last week tr 'wn't’r‘. t:l)4"ll 3m .. ' '
., 's. a . . ~ ~ i .5 .- ..~n,"' ' ‘ b and e told Andreotti 'hat passengers and 1m .wre .m-hi 'il)\- .' ' 1
‘1“ y 3325‘”. .J' , 1 3:4 " ' ‘f' 3‘; . ",5" I t. s’fiitfix “’3 the release of Ntohammed Abbas. U128 .‘ i‘ I '
-" '7' z .5! {will : if ’5' ‘1‘ “ “ ‘J‘I . .5 ’ d 2‘ l 2",}; . 8“: “.321? 3"; ii sought on a ['S arrest warrant Abbas a close its-u. wt I‘ll) '. .I "i '.
~ “jig“... 3 a, is” 5, z '3’" " afi‘adg‘f: "1’ \_ - 9‘ ‘ - ’r "99 ‘ " ’21:. v. , . ‘ charging him with being involved in leader \‘assei Arafat .tm or.» of . '1 , .
‘~ «f ”redefige. wagging» - c . , . _‘ '1 ‘ ‘1‘; “s!” “W“‘d. ‘ A” _:c hostagetaking and piracy was ' in» two Palestinians unit uu unnamed ~ ' .- _. "
Effif’n. ' #25:“. at “. i. :3; .,, ‘ Z: . .1 W. ”’9“ ‘ ~. '..; v .: ‘1' comprehensible to the government the hijackers on an Pimple-.1 lr‘ Ital ‘, ‘. " V i
”"I’Wn ~‘A-' .. t l ' W ,- ..- n! y‘ \ .J'! ' t ' ‘_ . . t ' ’. N 1 ":1“: 3-: ' 0f the l.'nited States and to the pet» was intercepted h; l‘ \’ idi'planes '. ' “
'1 <. I‘- ‘ . ’r' . - c I ’ ' '. '.v "A"? r ' , a,“ . f " s V . ~it". .. 'i .. ' , ple of the l,'nited States ' 'i‘l'dsmng over the Mediterranein on. f'il'l‘t‘i‘l 'i 'l ' " ~ ,
‘ -~ . i "J“ 5 c ‘4. f'wnl' (H‘ 7' - “:4? ‘ 3. :Qv ' . A“: {'1‘ ton has accused Abbas ot innster- tlwtzinSicil} earl} H in. l, " . 1 I . .' 3'
J . "r ‘ ‘ ‘ w‘ e - - ‘w’ ‘" mindingtheshipseizure Egypt clatms thi- plane Air to - -. -
. Auuuwo “WWW“ Italian Jutlicial dull'.t'i‘lllc\ but .i.» turninE after heme denied :ai'iiiing . 5 ‘. ' ‘ '
FlogEstes, a doctorate student in education, and Joe Belle, 0 sign of the National Anticportheid Day protest while their termined there “He no legal rights iii’I’iJri;\i;i usher, - A... :np: m " _. I. . '
Business 8' Economics 5'0" member, how on anti-cportheid dog, Pepper. veins in the action. grounds to hold Abbas the Foreiito 'hel ,\ yer. f -' ' ~ “ ' '
' Ministryhas said an Saturddx ltnif. n \rr..~ \llp ‘ . , ‘ 15 _ 3
. . Prime Minister Hni'in .-. t . . on .3 ‘fR. w, .. .. . .. 1,"? x t p
rotesters ca or anti-apartheid stand I . -
all the facts are known drid L'.\dl..' 4105321190Palc~lih:.ir-u~n , " ‘: ."‘
1 med with objectnit); and with the l'he l'niled States wants ‘i'ugiisla- .- ‘ _' 1
° - , necessar} serenity. you will we then Vld to arrest Aoiias but .i i1(t‘.i'.'n- . ‘ - ‘ . '
Speakers say divestment would pressure Pretoria government to alter policy that the dectsmn taken by mutation mom slimmer: m optimise m : ~' .
government wasjustand wise' refused to be mentioned .2) name. . ‘ - .
H) Tl\l.IOHNSO\‘ dom lovers unite and raise your ton. right here at UK and right and also ruled it would not invest ”.3“ called r,“ meeting ”1 “‘5 ”m” bah," ms wilmr" has “’0‘“ 5" {dumb ‘I 3' : *
Sam". Staff Writer voices and your fists m condemn- here today .. in companies that do not follow Cabinet for-tooay it) (“5‘11“ the h] u-IIIIJ the ll.l) and at support the i. ., , . , . .
ing. in no uncertain terms. the Ernest \‘anarella. a political the principles. ' Jackingswhyich has generated deb‘m’ Pd‘mlmla‘niaqw ,. , . .4 ;
Brandishing protest posters evtlSystemolaparlhetd-" smence professor. emphasned Dick La Brecque. an education among msmteipalt-‘Im‘ll‘mn r 1?,”th ?‘.‘.‘,"'f‘l"“f'“" R l :‘m‘ ' .. '
and chanting "Hey. hey. ho, ho. "My words echo the frustration that point when he asked. professor. recommended dives— Italian omm‘fl“ had we" ”78”” ’.‘f‘mdol. x} "““_“f‘.””“‘ ”Pym 5 T . l, ‘ ' - .
apartheid has got to go," I'K stu- 0f the people in South Africa." he "Where is South African apart- ment asasolution to apartheid mental m arranging f” the ”“9"" I‘ ,‘m". rlgypt. W’Wlm‘l m" the y. ‘ ._ ' 7
dents and faculty joined other said. “We should all share the be- heid'? .. . ‘ tine Liberation Organization LU help Lnited htales‘l't‘tll‘t'lled it flat) to in , . . , , f '. ; .
universities around the country lief that every person should be "We forget that apartheid, ‘h‘l‘e must keep pressure on the negotiate an end to the twoday hi tercept the Lgyptian plane f . _ _. V. .
Friday in condemning the South “‘39 " while ier}, far aw a), is very :pdretheiedgnfi?lscaidehzt§id lioy eEhIdd . iv 3 ' 7
African policy of apartheid. erry Stevens. director for stu- close athand.“ he said » , ' . . ‘, . ' . I ' :
About lOt) universities and com- dent fiscal affairs in the Office Yanarella said apartheid eXists ”llgdd” PCTnyhmw aneStmegsts' m‘ Stlng to '10] d concert ~ ~
munities besides L'K partiCipated for Minority Student Affairs. in some of the largest corpora cut ingk‘clo ”:5 ”mm" 3?? ' - '
in National Anti-apartheid Pro- stressed that the situation in tions in the world which still have SECSZLZNhZZaide pressure “11 o o o : - 1' '
test Day. said Erik Lewis. L'K‘s SOUlh Africa was "handwriting investments in South Africa. He - ‘, . , .. . M l C I " V. . - "
rally organizer, on the wall and a clear focal also attacked the Reagan admin- fhm triatsch: in assistant ['K In emorla O lseum ' ' ,‘ f
The rally was held from noon pomt that somethings wrong in istration. which he said has gymnasnics coaic h“ (:1 attendid . ' - ’l I V -
to 1 p m in the Student Center the world today." passed "toothless sanctions“ e r: .3‘ 58‘ tede oped t e “affrewr‘” [“flr‘bmm“ pom“ “‘ll be made . . .‘ 7 l
free Speech area and was spon- Stevens. as well as the other against SouthAfrica Spteec :5 genera 'd more student . . public tomorrow morning (in lexmg- . .' .’
sored by Socially Concerned Stu- speakers. urged all citizens to re- At L'K. he said. apartheid “Sits mfg“: l“ apar el , , Sting Will bring his Dream of the ton rad.“ ~«anon, and Ir m ddyer. . . . -‘ , .,.‘-.
dents. African Students Associa- alize that apartheid not only at in the 18th floor of the Patterson C01 ege students are so often Blue mules Vlorlri T9“ to Memori- “"‘mem 1” 'h" ”“1“ "~ l‘r*"'l"~~ . -' , , -
tion. Democratic Socialists of fects South Africa. but the l'nited Office Tower." because the caught up m the" own world 9f al Coliseum N0" 'J' the Slum)!" A“ sad Kakie L’rch. mm"; 5“”‘mm-"l’ . I -' ‘ ‘
America and the Feminist Alli- States as well, Board of Trustees voted to divest ijhlngto Eliciadth and 319-" dose! “Vllles Foam $10M?" committee all‘ cochairwomari . , ‘ i : '_ ; . ;
‘ ' . ~ . n . . . n - ' ' , . i p 059 w 0 are ‘ nouncet )‘t‘Slel' ay Some of the locations \lill be for .. ' ’ . ’ .
Benjamin Eshun. adviser to the he said “There is a moral agnd The Board voted ‘1. ' _ t . ll mocracy. he said. South Afri- sale tomorrow momma They Will with ID only Other locations will ' g: 1' .' . .z 1", ,_
African Students Association , . ' . _ . ‘ . f d.‘ r 0 58} can students used to protest Just be $13 for lower arena seats and SH selltickets tothe general public , I; _ f: ' g ,.
s akin to mo e th 60 l - spiritual dilemma affecting us holdings in Boeing (0.. because it like we‘re domg now. but the only for upper arena Sting has perform“ a; WWW} ,' .- '. j ,1 ; , J
nee“ i ~. r 10 Ian‘ If?!) e. Way- and “i9 have to be 9°” does ”0‘ follow the Sullivan prin- difference l5 that they were other college arenas on lhl> tour . “' E -.L - _'
g a peace \ers an ree- mitted to it right here in beating- Ciples of fair business practice. gunned down forit." Tickets will be sold at several ye‘ The concert will be al x p m in Me , .l '- "7 l'
unannounced locations in Lexington monair‘nngeum . ' 4 j l:' -. l
i, . . . g .5 - '
UK th ' 't' 'th b AIDS '
, 0 er llfllVCl'Sl lBS cope Wl concerns a Ollt Vll'llS p»- . l.
.\P and Staff reports and to come up with at least loose (K has confirmed no AIDS cases Cox said L'K Medical School Dean venous needles or tainted blood Virginia ' If. for example a <(h00l ; . , ‘ , i" "g
guidelines to deal with questions through the Student Health Services. Robin Powell is developing a task transfusions, seemed to ban: an own; liberal ,. . '
Already says Boston University‘s from parents and students. said administrator Jean Cox. So far, force ‘.‘concerned With the Medical "One Of our greatest fears is the policy with AIDS \zctim: then it ' , -’ > -. ' . ‘ J .
medical director Dr. Julius Taylor, Should students with AIDS be al~ UK has experienced no panic from Center Spolicy on AIDS.:‘ ‘ sense of panic." said Kaye Howe. might attract certain groups and not .‘. . ' "
the phone calls from anxious paren— lowed to live unrestricted in dormi- the students Cox said. “We‘ve had College offiCials nationWide em- vice chancellor for academic affairs others as students ' '- ' . f’. .' ' . -. '- _;
ts have started. tories'.’ Should colleges admit high some concern. some questions phaSized they hopeto amid the emo- at the University of Colorado. where Health offiCials on campuses hope. . v_, .’ i” . -
“My son tells me there‘s a gay school seniors with AIDS? Should asked. Curiosity questions. but I‘d tional. uproar which accompanied one student has died of AIDS therefore. that they can present. as .‘ . ..
person living in his dormitory." the they be allowed to attend classes or expect that, It‘s not a central con— the first cases of AIDS in public “There's nothing we've seen from united a front as possible or. tit’JlillE " ' ' . ,
typical call begins. “What are you participate in intramural or varsity cern of students or parents at this SChw'S- , . . , , , the CDC that would make “5 shill“ Wllh AIDS ' " , 4 "
doing to protect him from AIDS?" sports? Should faculty with the ill point" MOSt 53” ”‘9" ”“nkmg '5 bemg mall’a’llc- . . . ' - ‘ ., '
Few colleges and universities ness be allowed to teach? What "Most people seem to think thata guided by the ledtlal Centers for St‘ILthesmkesaremormmfi keeling chairs a ”9“" iormed »' I "
have had more than a handful 0f about staff such as food service policy is needed. but they also feel Disease Control. which has saidthat "What 00‘19895 would llkt‘ l0 aVOId task force 0’ the "mer‘mn “”939 ' . 1
AIDS cases. School officials across workers? What steps should colleges we should try to stick with non-dis- AIDS l5 Ml 599031” CONBSIOILS. is a ‘reputation issue.‘ " said Dr Health Assocxation. or ““5 “'h'Ch .- ' .' i.“
the country. however. are struggling and universities take to protect the crimination.“ said Dr. Kevin Pat- and can only be contracted lhl'OUEh Richard Keeling. director of student l5 working 0“ 901W)" gUl‘lCllm—K‘ ll . - ' ' ~ -
to educate students. faculty and par- confidentiality of AIDS victims on rle. director 0f Sludettl health serv- sexual contact. contaminated "lll‘a' health services at the l'niversity of 8:: All”. F‘ailt‘ ‘ .' I ‘
ems about the risks of the disease campus? ices at San Diego State University, - .
"-' a °~ o . " .
. m , Wes“: at '. .. .4. . not 39%;
S p ans ' " ass ran V" e p 9 “ca 9 INSIDE - '
:- . »- -.':‘-:22:22:--.:sl:::si¢é:;2§:.;s;=,i§=a: ’*\ ' V
0V . I'll) g dOCtOI'S caring for aged "Sweet Dre-ms." a mm mm the '
' ',-' 2:“ c‘ «“5ka I M23 . . . . \ “strict! ' for teaching. If we have all a biography do": “"h much 3““ . l
to Florlda l - "d’ " %N t "' §§§fi gtlafgflllvlrite’r‘ MALE IPA" that rogearch bUl ddll‘l get ll lo the and ham?" For a m'ew‘ we D"
5 ' \‘* il‘ p people. the research is not of much VERS'OM" 935° ‘-
ByW'ENDYSUSAN SMITH 5 a?" \\ Gerontologists say they already use."
Staff Writer : if???" , *fiilélliééi“V'iélf'iillsii have done a lot of research about 1“ the past “teaching was geared hie Wildcats passed by the Missis-
, i t ) ‘ ., health care for the elderly. but need towarduthe health care of younger ”W‘- State Bulldogs to win their first .
Beach balls rebounding from the l ' y . away to‘publicize their knowledge. . adults. Brasfield said. “Health Pro' southeast,“ (comm: gm. pm
Student Center cafeteria ceiling next " I giéfii'f"? , UK “"11 now be able ‘0 meet "“5 fossionals are reahzmg that the pop- the same story. see SPORE. page
week “1'“ let students in on a trip to %/ need with a grim: establishing a Ge. ulation they are seeing now are ‘
Florida to watch the Cats tangle " J l\é 1 riatric Education Center to dlsmb' older. .
withtheGators. . /“ ‘+ \ ' ute current knowledge on medical ‘ “They have recognized thatuthere
The November jaunt is the year‘s J . ~ > care of the elderly to health profos- is . a new body of research. she The Mom Proud-'3 literary ma;-
first for the Student Activities ‘ .'i - Slomls . . . sa‘d‘ ‘Tl'ls Bram. ls Palllc‘llalh' all"! “R will hold a lea PW to
Board's travel committee. which is i "A ' ', M i 5 -fill";123:5??? . UK is one Of ‘5 umverSitios to re- geared towards "t.”lnnglhe knowl- m l“ “Mlle” F‘" “fi'si 5“
onalrlal basis thisyeal'. ‘ ‘ MAMKQrMIGro‘t celve the ml”) grant from ‘he me that fialreafiyéheg hl f' 't pans
dents just weren't supporting the ac- The cost is 3125 and includes the US. 'Healtthesourcos and SerVicos w’l‘he fac uty W] t utlge' :30 510
“Last year the Board decided to livltlaitdld." football ticket, bus transportation Adm'mSl'a‘m The 3"“ “T” my 9;: ‘fifmgggm l: m‘fi'
reimtate the travel committee .. . SW“ not only hive the chance and iodging at the Holiday Inn West "mm m the C°"°3.°. °‘. {mm meniamz'fwengdevel “(feet 3,
tosee whatthestudent interat was; to have P great time, but also to in Gainesville. lgeeagth mel Mult;:sc‘ipltm the M deem amfimgm.
and this year if it does wcii, then we "ml “l“ ll. WP °‘ M" ‘."d Deadline for paying the 850 depos- Jrz-ojxt 0” ins out."Brasfield said.
will continue to have it," said Joan meet new fnendsr Wm Sild- it is tomorrow in 101 Student Center. y "We will be {mm on educatio— “Even if new courses are not ,
wighrey. assistant director of Stu- “Fmttteeis Interested in pro Simms said students who do not m, mam no. mm, .. said added. the advancements made in ' 7“” "ll ‘" M M
dent Activities. viding quality trips to mce locations have the deposit can “let us know Davis Gardnet" associate F'o' tdj. geriatrics can be integrated into m mood “W' 1"
"Bl Students otherwise couldn‘t do that you definitely plan to go on the rector {or the mining edifaum existingcmmfcardner said. M 'l” 5' l“ ‘h‘ ‘9' 7“ m ‘ 7'
“We haven‘t had a travel commlt- ontheirown." tripandwewill holdaspot." center “We want to try to take what In dditim to teachi the facult m m 0' Ii!- Tou VI
tee for about six years (he to the The travel committee's first Students can sign up {or the trip “Walmdyandputittoile.” the ‘ jectwill 'dle‘seminars g,“ 5' do"! VII M M
loss of student interest and ii had major trip will be Nov. 1517 to the between noon and 3 pm. today and Linda Brasfield. associate director “JEN Wm] Wm “-”mm°“*‘
economy," said Fran Simms, chair- Wildcat! football game against the tomorrow in the room across from for the multidisciplinary cutter of the b' h 'h b" .' Tm
woman of the commiiicc. “The flu Florida Gators in amt/inc, m. SecnblllDA,mc7 gerontology. said the mm is SecGIANT.pueU '- " “It "Ill m I“

 V V T I v
2-KEmKYKERNEL My, 00m 14, 1'“
Information on this calendar of events is collected and
coordinated through the Student Center Activities Office.
203/204 Student Center, University of Kentucky. The infor~
mation is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor,
with editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of
expression. For student organizations or University depart-
ments to make entries on the calendar, a Campus Calendar
form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activ-
‘ ities Office.
‘ _v m n r Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Man-
. day preceeding the publications date.
_ " . l e Other Student Development Counol Membership ' Workshops Interviewing and selecting personnel by ° Other: TKE Fraternity Rush: 447 Columbia Ave.; 8 ° Concerts: UK Room 22 1011 EMOMNO. J- Steven
.3 - ' Dr to opp5 new ooaizobie IIQsiui—gm‘ 3.dg Call 7 1308 BiIIGeorge Campus Employment:8a.m.inoon;Call7-1851 p.m.; Calla-6681 M00”. dl'OClOf- “’00: Center lor the Arts; 8 p.m.; Call 7-
“ _' v . . aims Ashland Kmonls Club mm “Hes $3 50 0, Ash ' Academics Undergrads planning to participate in Nov I Greek: 3rd annual Delta Gamma HaircutrA-Thon- $8; ‘900 . ‘
' ~ ' “ V l 5 10nd (ommw‘r, College ACC Audlmnum 7 37 p m Coll Advising Conference for the '86 Spring semester should SC Ballroom Lounge: 11:30-7:30 p.m.; Calla-2077 ' Meetings: UK Fencing Club meeting; Alumni Gym; 7:30
' ‘ I 320 Qqqq ’ apply tor admission or readmission. 0 Meetings: SAB Concert Committee meeting, 228 SC; 5 p.m..Callm-5201 .
‘ '- .' V. . “cum Co, People 51 .5 w UMD Worshom weave o Lectures, An Evening with Al McGuire: $4.5m“ $6— p.m.;CaII7-8867 0 Movies: Empire Strikes Back: $t.75 w/UKID; Worsham
‘ I . -- '. ‘ 7 ii‘ p m Pub SC Grand Ballroom 8pm. Call7-8867 0 Other: Oct. 2l~0ctx 25 on campus interviews lirst Theagr: 7:3(ép3n. ||
.. , . _ i _ . V , . . . . _ . . . . 0 t or: Y 's Co ege Young Democrats first meetin
I y A ~ , Worhhops Res me n“, n 3 k h 201 M m 0 Meetings American Marketing Association meeting, priority sign up. 201 Matthews Bldg. ‘ g
. I - ' , . . i‘ r U I 9 W r 5 Op m ems SC 7 30p m. Cal|7«3388 0 Movies: Star Wars; $1.75 w'UKID; Worsham Theatre; for1985-861, 2285C3613°P~m.;Call8-B272
- - “95‘9”” 'Oth-‘G ' I‘
J. y _. r ~ . ; e Meetings 30m.“ Assoc 0,90,,lmhonm meehn‘g ,0 or- ' Meetings. SAB Public Relations Committee meeting, 7.30pm. , °'- rowing 0d '" Appalachin: C°"'0"‘P°'°"Y l5-
: ' :' . ' ’ ' ' ; 90",“. a spicy (me 8 905,9” 10° SC ~ 30 p m go“ 2527 115 SC 4pm Call7-8867 ' Other: Food for Thought discussion group' ‘Taking sues-tree; ‘28 Home ECJ l2:wp.m:;Cal| 2375471
. ' _. , 27308 0 Meetings Campus Right to Life meeting with speaker Your Teaching Degree into the Workplace, 119 SC' Noon’ ' Other: 1°“ Hour for l""""°"°"°l S'Ud°"'57 L°°"9°:
« l '. J " - Vet“ "9‘ Uh Water Ski Club everyone mellomel Al AbOQOS' 2” SC 7309'“. C0" 2726723 CO” 73295 lBth floor POT; 3-4.p.m.; Call 7-6601 . .
;i ‘ ' ‘ ' ' P.805clk‘rlliei 228 SC 7 p m Call 27: 0mg ' Movies Cat People $1.75 vaKiD; Worsham Theatre: 0 Meetings: Students with a purpose- Maranatha Chris- ‘. 0'6“: P'°""°l Strategies b" D90""9 w/Stress bY
'. . . _. ' ‘ o 01' .3, Deadline to app“ tor No. 11 Nr‘, ~15 0,, mm 7 30pm tian Fellowship; Maranatha Center: 7p.m.: Call231-7001 M'ke N'ChOIS' “PP" followrng; 2‘ 3 older; K-House/412
~' .. .‘ - ‘- ‘ . V pm mumews 201 Matthews Slug 0 Recitals John Meade, trombone- free: Center for the Rose St.‘ 5309'“: Call254-1881
, . .' g... . . Arts 8pm. Call7-4900 0 Other: Panhellenic lnterfrat. Council Day at Keene-
‘ “g V V ' ‘ ' 0 Worship TNTV Tuesday Nite Together- Baptist Student land- "‘99. c” turnstiles 0' I315 len 2 ENE. 3 p.m. 0' 4
. . ' V -- Union 420 Columbia Ave, 7:30p.m.VCal|7-3989 P-mi my own admission:Calla-55280r8-6278
. . ' . ,1 , e ome, Deadline '0 apply tor N°v_ 11-Nov. 15 on mm. 0 Other: Oct. 21~Oct. 25 on campus interviews open sign
V '_.l : '~ '_ pus interviews 20l Matthews Bldg. up. 20‘ Matthews Bld9~i Bo.m.
~ V ' r . ' 0 Other Oct 2l-Oct. 25 on campus interviews priority . Other: ASPA' Amer. Society '0' POTSONWI Admin. Cin-
. , , ' ' ' lISlS published 201 Matthews Bldg. cinna'iTrip-contoctcn otticertormoradetails.
' . . 0 Other Benefit Amnesty International (local musi-
> ' (ionsl-S2 High on Rose 8 p.m. Call 7-1654
‘ ‘ ' , ’ '7-_ _-~‘.__-V-"__ —_—_~_-‘ _..- ‘-_ ~«‘ '~>._ _ ..__,___ m m— mm
’ . ‘ , l _( ' - V 7 V . C , G , ,. G L kt b . h . ' Concerts; Eder String Quartet- UK students admitted ‘0”191' 5A3 Awareness W99“
.' . ' _ . com?!“ Lexmgton Phdharmbmu Cancer. Le, e ‘0 oncer 5. ues (oncer eorge UC en urg arpsr with ID cards $7-regular. Center for the Arts 8 pm Call ‘Other' Student Activities Board Awareness Week
the A,“ all 2334226 chord tortep.ano tree Center lor the Arts 8 p m. Cal 7 _ g
V_ ‘ ‘ . 7-3763 I Other National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week
. . -. . g. . Meetings UK Sodmmton Club Seato" 5 30 p 'n Call 4900 . . . I _ ” (BACCHUS)
. ' ' - 278-7138 I Movies Star Wars Triology (all three movies- 54) Meetings. UK Badminton CubV Seoton 230 p.m. Ca _
‘ - . Mo “es Return 0’ the Jedi 5’ 75 UKID W-rsham Worsham Theatre 278-7138 OAcademics, Lastday to dropocourse '
, _ ' v . Theatre»? 3013 m W b . Other. Pharmacy Careers Day for High School 8 Pre» ' Other: Sunday Evening Fellowship- worship dinner 8. ' Academics: Last day to withdraw from the University
. _ - 1 . Lemmas The Babel Faiih who” , A“ Abom? by pharmacy students, 20, Pharmacy Bldg: 9_30°m_3 p.mV fellowship: KvHouse 412Rose St. 5p m. Call 254-1881 orIe’dAuce course 10:? andszfigive/cbng'gelwgr ham "we"?
: i , David Nicol Pres of Bahai Assoc 205 SC 7 e in Call 'SPOTTS' UK Footballvs LSU ‘1on LSU 7 30:32?“ 0U OYV l W V 5
. _ 4 252 2303 0 Sports. UK Baseball vs. Eastern (2‘) at home; Shively ' ' y .
. - - . Othei Brown bag seminar on long term 5,“,er .,- Ger Field 12 noon C .H 70:32:; Meet the SAB Board night, 230 SC, 8.30 pm .
V , . monyrtree 205 sc 12pm Cain-813° o l
_ ° Workshops Mock InTel'Vleva‘ schedule a 2‘3 lnzn slot
' one week in advance 201 Matthews Bldg
_ ' Lectures The Middle East Since 3982 Prospects by
.' . ‘ Dr Robert Olson History Dept King Library North 12
. ‘ noon
, > >'\ \ ~ i, n‘
. " _ . :0 w. Cat People 51 75 w UKID WOfsl’lot‘n Theatre 7 30,; m 10 17 UK Room 22 Jazz Ensemble, J. Steven Moore, director- free: Center by 10 19 UK Football vs. LSU away; LSU
v. _ , . ‘ 10 15 Cat People 51 75 w UKlD Worshnm Theatre 7 30p m the Arts: 8pm.; Call7-49m 10 19 UK Baseball vs Eastern (2‘, athome; Shively Field; 12 Noon
‘ . . - 10 16 Sim Wars 51 75 w UKID Worsham lheoire 7 309 m 10 18. Lexington Philharmonics Concert: Center for the Arts: Call233-4226
‘ ’ -~ . i a 10 17 Empire Strikes Back $1.75w UKID Worshom Theatre 7 30p m 1019‘ Guest Concert George Lucklenburg, harpsichordr'lortepiano- lree;
2; ‘ ' ~. I.‘ 10 18 Return ot the Jedi SI 75 w UKID Worshom Theatre 730p m, Center for the Arts: 8 p.m.; Call 7.4900
“ . _ . v .. 3 10 19 Star Wars Triology (all three mowes- $41 Worshom Theatre '0 20' Eder 5""‘9 QUOV'GT- UK students admitted with ID cards S7-regular.
' h A. ,' l" i 10 20 Foul Play 51 75w UKlD Worsharn Theatre 7 30p m Center for the Arts' 80.m.: ca” 73763
‘C.".il., -‘ 1": .
-< l - ‘ . i > '
. ' l 5: l _ . ' ,. "
{_ ‘. ‘l ‘ ' '
.I“ ' ' ' ' . ‘r i i
,l'ffi'”. .
:i‘ I" V: 10 15 An Evening with Al McGuire fish; so pub SC Grand Ballroom 8 10 l5 Undergrads. planning '0 POV'iCiPOTO 5" NOV- Advising COMMON? ‘0' 10 19. Pharmacy Careers Day for High School 8 pro-pharmacy students; 201
1 - _- ,‘ ' - . g“ p m (0117-8867 the 86 Spring semester should apply for admission or readmission Pharmacy Bldg; 9.300.m.~3 p.m.
' . ,, .~ , io 18 The Baha‘i Faith Whats ii All About" by David Nicol Pres. oi Bahai 10 21: lastdayiodropocourso 10/20- 5 nda E en'n F 110 ii‘ - h' d’ i ~ . .
5133‘: I i ,, a, . A55“ 205 SC 7p m, Col|252-2308 10 21* Last day to withdraw from the University or reduce course load and Rose 5‘" Usp J; .Ealil2g4_r381ws Ip wars "3' "m" & ellowship, K House/412
.' r, ‘ i‘ . ‘ .' 10 18 The Middle East Since 1982 Prospects by Dr Robert Olson History ’9C9lV9 °"'Y refund 10.21.25. SAGA W
. Q" - . I . _ Dept Kingllbrary North 12 Noon 10 14 Ashland Kiwanis Club Film Series, $3.50 at Ashland Community Col- 10/21-26: finderxirgi‘ztis” 3.3:", Awareness Week
«‘ = . . k . , ‘0 ‘4 80"0' Assoc. Organizational meeting to organize display case 8 post» “’9" ACC"“""°"“"‘I713791":“"379‘1’9‘” tom-273 National Collegiate Alcohol AwarenessWeelr (BACCHUS)
V ,.- . ‘ -VI:_ ers 1095C 7 309m Call252v2306 10 16-17 3rd annual Delta Gart'ima Haircut—A-Thon- $8; SC Ballroom Launge; 10/2‘. Mk. the SAB Board night' 2NSC'B'Wp m 'Call7-8867
. .' - ’ . ..I; _ 30 14 UK Water Ski Club meeting Everyone welcome' Please come' 228 SC, 11 30‘7 30p m Call 84077 l0/15:John Meade trombone- iii-”r cuiuir 9°.- ih‘lAns. 89 m .cou7.49m
I. . . .1 7‘, m Call 2770618 10 14-24 Student Development Council Membership Drive- apps. now avail- 10/”. ResumeWriting workshop 2"" Matthews 3'69 ' ' "
. ’, .'-‘ l v ' 7- '0 '5 An'e'im" Mo'kfling ASSM'Ol'On ”“99""9 5C 7 309 1'" Call 7 3388 °b|°' ”9 SturgillBldg.. C°"7"3m 10/15:”: Interviewing and Selecting Personnel by. Bill George Cam us Em-
_. - v. w 10 is SAB Public Relations Committee meeting i15 sc 4p m Call7A8867 ‘0 “-15 Deadline to apply tor Nov. 11-NOV- 15 0" campus interim“: 70‘ ployment so.m..Noon Call7.|35| ' p
" . ' . ‘0 15 Campus Right to We meeting With Speaker Al Abogast, 2n sc. 7.30 M°"“°W53'69 10/18 Mock ' t ‘ V . l't I - ~ .
. V " r p (all 272.6723 10 is. ca. 2mm. 25 on campus interviews priority lists Published: 2m Mat- Monhwdwg "MM 5‘ ’d" ° 2° """' "°' °"' ”'k '" “mm" 20'
;' y‘ . ' , I ' '0 ‘0 5A3 COMO" C0mm"'9e ""99""; 239 5‘: 5 P '“ ("3” 7 5867 thews Bldg ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ . 10 15: TNT- Tuesday Nite Together- Baptist Student Union; 429 Columbia Ave.;
. - ,' 10 16 Students with a purposeMa-anotha Thiixtim- fellowship Morunatho '0 ‘5 Benelit Amnesty l"'°""°"°"°l (local mUSIcIans)- ‘2? “'9h on Rose, 8 7.xp.m.,Call7~3989
" Center 7p.m Colinnooi p m Com-1654
. 1 ‘ . I l0 l7 UK Fencing Club meeting Alufitf‘i rum 7 y: _- 'v~ Cull 23375201 l0 l6-l7 TKE Fraternity Rush: ‘47 Columbia AVQ.: 8pm,; Calla-6881
, . V 10 16 UK Badminton Club Seaton 5 30p m (41, gig, ‘138 10 l6 Food for Thought discussion group-Taking Your Teaching Degree into
' . 1' . 10 20' UK Badminton Club Seaton 2 No m Call 278 7138 ""9 Workplace', ”9 SC; Noon: Cain-3295
'. .‘ . 10 16 Oct 210“ 25 on campus interviews first priority sign up; 201 Mat. LOOK'NG AHEAD
. (.1 V : thews Bldg.
, . ' Lomncgi‘l: gaggl'WO VOUW WWW" "'3' meeting 0' ”35'5“? 228 5C? 633° 10/22: Purchasing Procedures by Tom Fields. purchasing: 15 Memorial Hall; I0
, , -,~ , ‘ . _ . a.m.~12Noon:Call7-1851
' , - :gg-p :wzgr'i'sgiis‘iwim'ochmr CWWPW'Y “WW "'0' 17° ”0'"- Et-: 10/22. SAB-BACCHUS co-sponsored speaker, Bob sausage no sc, reception
, . 'y ' ' ' _ following in 206 SC. 8 p.m.: Call 7-8867
’ 23:76st Hm" l°' '""'"°"°"°l Students; l°""9" 18th "°°' POT; 3" p.m., 10/23: Pizza Eating Contest-reps. from 19 vanity athletic teams 8 Band will
' ‘ , . . , . participate; Stall Field; Noon: Call 7-0867
l 7 . . . . ,
Sif';i§if'i°i?33/ST2331‘2?2736?; mm: its?“ W i” "Max" “"ti "" '°*'° """° °"°"" W“ "W"
_‘ .' ‘ " ' ' " ‘ ' . enter art rts; p.m.;Ca 7-3l45
Pig; :Oghglz'"; :gflio‘l-pczuflily 0‘" 3:301:03" 33200;?3‘7'3” °' 10/24: Guest Concert: Colorado Wind Quintet- free: Memorial Hall; B p.m.;
v - . ., . V, . ., . .: OW" - ' Call7-49m
:39” 832i ”‘0" 25 °"‘ campus interviews W “9" up; 20‘ M‘mh'w‘ 10/24: Rock I Roll Time Tunnel Shows- free (12 noon, I p.m.. 7 p.m. B B
" ‘ _ p.m.): SC Ballroom; Call 7-”67
2:62; ffiro':d":;~ms°d‘~ '“ "'MM' Admin. c'“'""°" "‘9' ‘°'"°" °" 10/24: Baby with the Bathwoter; comedy about marriage B child rearing- $5-
., -t _; t ; . .: -
10/13: Brown bog seminar on long term study in Germany- tree: 2% SC; 1-2 Wb 34 s u Lab Thea r. Bo m Call? 135
p.m.; Call 7-8139

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KENTUCK YKERNEL, My, 00m 14, I,“ ~ 3
_ ______ _.__ _ _.__,_____—_ __ .______—_______.______.___,_
Arts [do 1
LynCorliolo ' ,
Assrsta“ Al's Ed 'u'
” ' ‘ v . '
O O C C .
line llm satis leS , ' ~ s Blake breaks ‘Baretta’
‘S 9 ' ' ' o o . . . ' : I
weet Dreams d1 nifies old theme . ma th . , . , ..
g I l 6 WI new series .’ '
l _ I ~ 1 , . , ,
_———-—-——-— ‘ v i . . ' i '
By (EARYPIERCE I , ‘ B ”.RRYBHK ———————————————— .i’ .n' ' '
Arts Editor v Ew } 5‘ ' ‘ , . . r, *
I RE | f Abboc‘d‘edpre” “W hen I came up with x f I? " . -'
"PW it? I" he] want ice water." — ’ - . - . ' ‘ 'I' V" 'l ', ‘
savs Pgtsy (‘line to her persistent r - ‘ LUS ANGELES it s not '(ioing the idea iOT ‘Hell 1? ,- ' I
soon-to-be husband in “Sweet rise to tame. their chemistry is crit- .’ , . ‘ My Viay. the 19'” “mg CHM“ Town’ [ \A ,. 1 I 7"‘.' _"- .V j
.- . . i , - ’ mov1e about a arish riest that w ' ‘ ' en 0 '
Dreams. “but that dont mean they ical to the film‘s credibility. , (7 . _ _ p p ‘ ’n . :33; . v.4
get it," Through all the couple‘s }O)'S and ‘ “x OscarIIsIdBut [figmrajmakr “h“ ABC and begged lhcm- I; ." -’ {’7 ‘1' f. 1-"
Needing more than vou can possi- torments Harris manages to remain was a C l m e 0‘ mm“ 1” YO . r ‘ . Vi": '« :
m) ever have Is pretty much the essentially likable despite his fre» .4 .r/ I 17‘ clearly going his way in his new U kno hdl ABC '. III/II i4! .IIrI
theme of the emotionally charged (uentmaritalatrocmes ' I i ' televisionseries HellTown [Old me? ‘PUI a gun ill ’-".~ "r ’3,
, - v l - - ‘ Blkbo 'edthe' rm: ~ 1- "l‘
tiliii biography of country singer In fact. the film turns much of its . \‘ ~ . I . a e Irrow name " ‘ hi l'l (l t .. ‘fiiihr‘; t i I"
Patsy (fline. “'5 not a new [heme by attention [0 Charlie‘s fumbling and i ' fl . CIhUlI'Ch. Si Dominic s, from the S an ~ 2': :‘.I',': I; I , ’3'... .
any stretch of the imagination. but occasionally misguided attempts to ~ . a , (méb) movie, but ”‘9 ""5“”‘l’lam'e Robert Blake 'I~.I"~';,.’ I {if
rarely has it been done with as deal with being “Mr. Patsy Cline." ~~ ' i4 . v ; , » “Where . , . :1»::_'-'.-~
much graccand honesty ()ne of the funniest and most telling 1 ’1'. . . . ‘4 I ‘ Blake stars in the new .‘\B( # I 371.} III/II “.
Cline. who died In a plane crash m scenes comes when a couple of ’ ‘ ”‘3 . I r. I c drama as a pugnacious priest whose . . . ,. ".“i‘.""t : .
1963 at age :10, recorded a string of mostly goodAnatured co-workers 4’ u < ‘_ f .7 .e I I impoyerished parish is smack in the They dont hold eriiiigtu 1' mg 4i" -, 'IiI «i
heart-throbbing hits like "I Fall to ran. (‘harlie while his Wife‘s latest I“ ~ 4 Q I a . ‘ I“ 1 middle of an [Last Los Angeles area change lhisItown s ion Hus, -. :iolii 'I‘I,’.f.‘ir‘ 1",,‘57‘
Pieces" and “(‘razv" that are still hltpluvgontheradioI “ O u . :'I .~ . C I ' '. . known as “Hell Town It follows a grudge if you meet. Lose 1"",va ‘I
lllllll.ilt'll('ti lll their gutsy yet—grow ’l‘he‘real emotional center of the - - . - ./ a " . . ‘3'.“ l N” 5 "Highway to Heaven tor a clean and 5°“ ”Wm“ 5““: ““1 I _3: «5917 ,i
cling ik‘l‘lV‘TA‘ and seamless melding i‘lllil l5 (‘llntf’S relationship With her I; .’ 4 . '{ s 0'; .i I (THC-ilk“ SPlFlanl pUIllCh r‘t-SUst‘ilalt' I\titilsulIII II. IJIIII'II I...IIIII.,I .I
of country rhythms with uptown pop mother. played with down-home cons ‘ . ' ’ v.3 ' ‘ He ‘ rather Noah Hardstep He pl‘lb ”l‘ “ r" "'1 I" 2' if" '1 i - J. 1"": ' .i'»,:‘.
arrangements viction by Ann Wedgeworth She is " ' . ' ‘ . ’. . ‘. Rivers. who as an infant was abanr tableandexaniiiies ‘hi-st-oa ‘ II. II=“r,_ Hi“
|-'ortunatel_\. howe