xt7vt43j199q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vt43j199q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-03-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 04, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 04, 1971 1971 1971-03-04 2020 true xt7vt43j199q section xt7vt43j199q I . ‘1
.3 .. 3 ..'
: i, :1 ‘ -. .1
Thursday, March 4. I971 UNIVERSITY or KENTI'CKY. LEXINCTON \ ..i i \H. s.. «u. »,
—————__—_—_—_———___——___——_ _,7'_".i‘;."3
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egere, c wartz to 1 1111 or t , p1 esu enu
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ege r ea 311‘ » he m a I‘ll.
2,533: ’ . 1" ‘-‘ ' I. . .
make plans 3 I . 3 , . _
5' p ans llllll\
' 0 23:3 . ,. 3 .3
for campalgn II ’.
Kernel Staff Writer I , ‘1", - 5
Announcing his candidacy for 33mm .W.-. W L “_,___ - 7" "(A 777' '.' 7' 7 \ T at ":7 ' ' 'I' 7 .~ '7
the Student Coverninent l’resi- . . 3' ' ’ “‘MMMW. W il Assistant Plantain: l (.19in ._ l
dency today. Jerry Legere called 3 7 2” 3w." 7"" .' \"7 'A " "7" 3'7'.‘/ ' ‘ ' 77' " "7 j".
for enlargement of the office, g . ,. 3&4 3" II - ""7"". 3777"" ' 3 “'7," " '1 "" ‘fw'_7 .‘7-
Of Academic Ombudsman and s ”g: 3. my 3‘ 3"”.5 3. :lill't‘ii’ntllt. o:t .’=vl:‘t .ilgtitvtin ._ ‘7 i 3; .i.
'increased .student participation 2 MM? 3 &%~ . ..~ ~ 303% , 1" e"; .3 ' ’ 3'."',""\" 3 7, , -. ,. i 3‘, . L 753...;
in L mverstty deCismn-makmg. :5::.f .W,W‘§1 ' ’ ‘ v3, ' m ""l 3". 3" ‘, ‘ ' ' .-'1 1' '; 1 1~ 1'
Mark Blair aiinounCed his €53 3' ' 7 . ‘7 9y '1 ”pnww' "A." ""7 " ' ‘ 7 ' ' 33"~_'~";3 :
candidacy for Student (loveni- ‘ ' ' . '2 ll 7"""3'.'"" "' ""7 " 7 7' ' f" ~3
ment Vice-l’resident and Legere's 3 - ' 7' ' ' . ‘ '7'7'm3f'7ddt'7 , 7,-- 'Z ‘ '5‘ ' 7' ‘
ninning mate. Legere said,”()iir 3‘" 7 g, 3,3133%”?‘K L *3 II 333‘ 7"": ' '3 7 '3 7 ' ' , ' 7.p'_ :'
main concern will be to improve $3? 1 3. / \ _ ”7"“ _3 a.» rim . 3 .. , 3 » , ._ ‘ . .. .2: .7' »

” the L'niversity of Kentucky and 31;; ‘7' r ’ . "'— " ' '3: 77 ’ 3 :77
not with something we LtlnnOl _> L. " ,.. .1.—III; _ _' ' "7 '7 " ' ' .'
affect in \\ ashinuton." ”Maw” 4 ' 3‘ 7'77 ' ' '2': ‘

Legere. former speaker ofthe 7 ’ s .. 7 " '7' ' '. 3 3 ‘- 1 1‘-
Student Covemiiient -\ssemhl}. 3' 2"” 3 ‘ ' ' . ‘7 7 3 4 “7" ‘ 'Q ' ' . -"".7 :
said he is read} to ”speak on » ' ' 7‘“ ' 7' "'7 7 ', .. 3 ' M ",1 ' ‘7 '1- i

" _,, 1,, w o . . o ‘i .' 2.
3’“ ““91 ,"“~’"‘ ““t C“,“:’""““~ brrozr"s ii‘hlle fm'e flirted ii‘llli .s‘prm'r Vesh’rrlu \' 13.1. . . ’3 1--
and be anywhere at anytime on .- 3" . . 33 3 3 I. . 3 , 3 -' ~13;
campus. 7"; Kernel photo h} Boll ”H‘H“! 7" ' W 7 7 "I 1.

Coiicemina the office ot " “I‘ti‘w 1' - ‘ ~ ‘7‘,» i711 '1 ' . .
academic omhudsiiiaii. Legere 'i {3, ’ ”5,7’.
said he would like to add ”.1 C 9 /' ’ ;_ 3
committee ofinitial appeal voiii- W(l r 0 I)? r W ’1 (I "I () 87' (‘() ’1 [I I, (I l) " I: ‘
hosed of students from each 1 '/ “‘ V ' ' 7 " '7'“ 7 ' L ' 37'5';.'3 €157
college." \ecording to t()llt‘§1t‘ 3'? - "'. " / '."’
size. the (lean. with theaidofstie lh “WHOLE M- HICKS” '\ H“- '\ l1 " " » . ' ' 3 'i 3 . 7 ‘7:
dent senators. will select three Copyright. 19H. Reporters News Serxiee aim Y'L', ‘tl vi; ‘1 21-171.; " ' .: . ~ . - ‘4 .' Rig)
to five students. lllcc()nt!tiltl’t’t"\ \\ \Stll\(.7l't)\7— \lt wl.it.oi.ite»it lttgli'13tiiil.i'. pi pagan 11.: ..1 that t, , . 1 1 . x . . 1 7; '2' “MLJLL
duties would include first—hand waged dining 1070 In {sum the 't'nited ‘wtatts and ‘s'oii'n \ .th’r hm l! .t l.i' in: ,1‘1' -' 1
reviewing of all academic coin» iiaiii o\ei' the names and status ot iiiissilig and tagitmed '\!itt‘lli his The l“ iitag-ii: ii i. . » -1,~ 1 z ., t ' - . . . '49-. 17' .,’
plaints. ('On'l‘ltation “'ltl‘ “17 .1\t issue was the lll‘illldf) s tltlltttlltl that the llaiioi gmeiiiiiiviit ivi-wtin; the li tn .1 1; t .. .i’i .. . 7 317:.»773';‘23' 3' »-,.
l‘lICklnger 'c‘\cademic Unibtltls‘ tell whieh pilots \\eie captiiied. The l'i't!t.tL{-’it: was t.t?t\ttl',_[ inn-iv .iiidttisfu xv 1‘ it» '~\ , . i s ‘... » ‘ 1' .. - ' ',4
niani - and direct communica- than 500 names on its hooks as eithei captured oi missing Iii (Wen. man} iamihw u: :» 3's .1: .1. ' . '2 . é" ’7 " 71-3: '5 7'.
thn \VlttharmllS deans and \UI-t}. View-am ()Hicials had e\i(leiite. liasetl ‘tll iiiteiiogations then man \\.1\ deid. v:.1. ‘ ‘r ;:,_a ; " .' ._ ‘ » '2", .1. '7
professors. . . _ from ex—prisoners and other sources, that only about 370 men were on holding out hop if» at: :1 ~ ti' ._,. , -i .r _ ’ “ 1. ,3 ‘5: ‘3' ‘

1213331 Skyler ”(’3 P261391" in fact being detained. That meant about 430 women were widows. limit} women tow .iiii the Hitl'i‘l.1l'~ ' ‘
:hd :x—hgad 8;":1'1'2n'12telflfiif hilt just who was which was not known at the lit-ginning ot the l“ Deu'tiilii'l. 1 “it. \ll \ (j, :.t V‘ ‘ 3‘ 1» '- 3 -' i . 3 ' 7 ; '\ '..’7 7‘13"},‘2'

- ‘ ~ ~ . \ear. antiwar leadei. was iii-iiiiitted it, :nti .1 '.’ '-» ' H ' 3_ '3 .. — A. I
munity College Student (,ounCil ' \ _. .. . . . 3 3 ‘ , l i, 3, , 3 ..3 ~ , .3 . '- ,-'.
in Kentucky, added. “greaterstu- 3 . lost Americans considered llanoi s failure to \lli)l>l.\‘ ”I“, ll"‘ “”“W “ ‘ "1' 3'” l‘ ”'3' “"" m“ "‘3 " . " ‘ 371.3 .‘7."".~—'
dent participation in making ot prisoners an intolerable hreach of international law. lhe \o‘ith lllllilt’st‘tlt'lltt'il iist ot l9)... ',1E'i\- nus ;i:‘-:» t. ‘1 .: I, .f, ,3, _,
decisions" is needed on items Vietnamese responded. in its propaganda hroadcasts. h) reattii'iiiiiig \lrs \\eiss ixeiitii in .miiomt . U. My ~11» 1;: : ' . ' . ‘1', ;,»
going to Frankfort for “legisla- its conviction that the 1945) (Iciiesa (Ioiis'entioii did not appl} to leaders had .iui‘itd. .1i llnwi s mm: st. t w‘ i; _. "s " ‘i . 7' ‘13:" ’
tive approval" next year. the “WM criminal" PHD“ (ontiiiued on Paat T t oi. t '.7 '. _'.' 3'3 3 ’7’

‘ _ , ‘ ~., 3. t »' . g.
Wltnesses sav no massacre o rde rs ;.-;.:_'
. 0 =1..'
_ ‘1 _331,,‘:-.,.
' 3.4 . 4 O ‘ 0 Y ' '0 0 . ,-‘ t. i- t" ' 1 3 '
. 7 Issued from h igh le\ el ol t 10 l a l a
.- K .
1 W31“, ‘ FT. BENXIXC (Ia. ‘.\l’ istiiia \'ietii.iii.esi itli'Ii w uni -! . _;.. , ' » '
' ” '3' 87.31 No orders e\er w (-lt- issued tioiii .iiid 1 ., ' 7 7' ’7 7 (linan that l “Wall." lt‘\t'l t‘tiltlt‘l‘t‘tlt‘t‘. l’iirtliei iehiittal ““1 \lltl‘ltt‘“ ' 7' ' ' i
7" ' - «7 ' Another witness who was Dlt‘- testiiiioii) is e\l)ected to deal \lt'tlm-t 1‘1“ l“"'“‘ "“31"" “ H" . «f 7' ". .
3‘3 7. ‘3” f . WE sent at the briefing. whit-liCalle} “'H' 1‘ “‘IN‘I'WM l’W'lt'Hl \lt“ """"‘” ""l""“""'”-‘ "" “"3 ' -

" '7' (lid not attend. was It (Tol. ""' ""7"" "' \'\ 7 ".' 7"" "'7 "7' ‘ . i
3 - 1» 3.333.333. 33-, “3,333.. .,.,3 33.3.3 --,,,,---,-,-,-,--,--- w m iw wit 3., mi ii a . .3 . _;
'3’ _ ed has thinned lllt \iii.\ :s gaiti '3 3 . .1 _
Q. Do 3”“ ““3“” A”) \lH‘t‘lllt' .. eiitiiig hiiii lt"ltl ll st!l\ttig at 3 . - ’. 3
7 " 3.- iiieiition ot women and children” \‘ (1“. '1‘... (..i|le\ s tii.d. \s m Ii 3n s.iio ii.» - > . ‘ -
.»\. \ot speelllt'all). no. tl'tlltl “'3th the \lt'l' itil.tlll s .it '3‘" " ‘3 .'
Q. Was there an order ilneii Fair and cold today and 7"L'"""" "1777'“: "" ""7"" 7 ' '
An arts display in Room245 oftheStudcnt to kill exery man. \wliiim and tonight. The high tempera- In the absence of the jury. the 7 .‘ , ' '- 3
Center is being featured as part of the (hild in the arm.” ture today will be in the 30's. tnal judge, to] Reid \\. Kenne- . 7
Black Student Union's “Black Cultural A. Not tit—no. the low tonitlht Will be 20 d), told prosetiitioii .iiid detense 1 - ' 7
Blde pearls Festival." Ron Dellums, a Black Demo Q. Was there an order gix en degrees. It should remain clear lawyers that the hours thL' the ' ,
cratic reprmentative [ran California. will not to take prisoners." "3d sunny tomorrow With 3 high right to call w itiiesses— includ— ‘ .
speak Friday and Saturday as a part of A. No. temperature 0‘ 'bo‘“ 50' iiig Malina—after hoth prosecu- F
the festival. (Kernel photo byjeanne Pa- Calley, 27. is accused of pre- tion and defense have pleaded '
trice'l‘hompson). meditated murder of 102 unres- -"~o'm"~"’l,,,’ their case. '

2—TIIE KENTI'CKY KERNEL. Thursday. March 4. 197l . —_ __...___.. ___—___— l ._
. e h d 8 h l. ' L
N. V 1 ts s oot own 6 icopters over aos
' S;\l(2()\ l.»\|‘3—Severe fight- in other developments The President Nguyen Van 'l‘hieu down but are not listed as lost in Cambodia and Laos have iii-
lug bloke out in ”Hum". 1.“.)\ LS. Command said \nrth \ let— declared that he hoped the \nrth because they were recovered. flicted heavy casualties on the
again \\ ednesday and eight l .S. namese surface to air missiles Vietnamese ”would soonawaken A command spokesman. said enemy. . . 'k la
helicopters flying in support of were fired into South Vietna- to the reality and not put us in one crew member was killed. He. said all the actions tai'en co
the South Vietnamese were shot mese skies Tuesday for the first a situation which forces us to seven were wounded and Eight by his government.“ 1nd" lng (A
. down, the LS, (Iommand said. time in the war. aiming at two attack them right on their own are listed as missing in the latest those outside South \ lemamidrs be
lt was the largest loss of American planes. Neither was territory." chopper losses. . entirely for our protection an f0
‘ . helicopters in a single day since damaged. The North Vietnamese Hill 30 The 30 announced helicopter legitimate self-defense. g3
‘ l _ the drive to smash parts of the have been moving these SAMs 'Ihe heaviest fightingreported combat losses now listed in Laos ”Although we have to think i
. Ho Chi Minh trail began Feb. 8. Closer to their southem border. in the Laos campaign was a bat- raised the casualty figures I" about attacking the Communists . tn
' ’ tle at Hill 30, a govemment po- those aircraft to 17. killed. 28 in North Vietnam, then it will ‘ D
‘ . I sition eight miles northwest of woul‘ded and 22 mlss'm" “C' just be because theytlvemselveS (A
i ‘ ' ' the border. cording to command figures. have put us in a situation which . d?
' ~ Apply now to be a (andldate for South Vietnamese losses were , About 2’000 \ ietnamese ma— forces US to think about that i a”
_ . announced asone killed and three rines have been moved ”“9 Laos option in order to legitimately i
- V I O wounded. Sixty of the enemy m thge 935;“? (til'sicf’l'tsmg the defend ourselves," he said. :, hi
w .aid to have been killed num r 0 "0” '9 namese - - - -. l-
. . Cheerlead'ng bilaertillery and air strikes troops in that country to 18,000. . The“ sa‘d \tha}: \‘l :vas hl“ 3 to
- ~ , It was not known whether In its announcement of the W‘Sh {Eat the ‘ :kten tdethgrfeegle "‘ m
. ' ~ - ( . . _ w - r
' APPLICATIONS ARE IN same as she helieomer lasses 31:“ 33*;335133; 2:22;? 5:13 Wild 2%?"sz in a situation .
‘ - ' h h' r t k 1' around ' .' ‘ - .
. , . DEAN OF STUDENTS OFFICE 3311 so lolfwhaetflzr Ifhaecyewere in— fired at a l\avy A7 fighter-bomb- whilcth .fortcles' us to] 2:?ch their:l
‘ 5th FLOOR OFFICE TOWER volvedin an assault landing that floregllhrlfisllinfhorllrazll5:121:16:f”fr: 011:“ ‘ilgrdsel‘rNslfet the au?hor-
BEFORE MARCH 7”! has not _vet beet reportec Army()\ 1. reconnaissanceplane. itiles in llltallml decidtetEy ‘tl‘ivemt
, 30 copters lost Mobile launchers 59 veg w e er or no_ e) '“l
‘ . . .. ‘ . ‘ . v .‘ htintheir
. Prad'lce Sessnons 0" Morel" 8: “I 29 lhe new losses raised to 30 'lhe SAMS have a ran e of tobe attacked by llSl’lg.‘ ~ '
~ . g own territory. which is North di
, . . Tryouts on April 1st, 6:30 p.m. _ . . the number of. American heli- 30 miles and can easily reach Vietnam." e:
. ’ Memorial Coliseum COpters the l .s (aonnnanclao into South \ ietnam from nlObllt‘ There was no elaboration on 1“
' . l . knowledges ‘as 10“ m Laos smce launchers near the border. Thieu's statement immediately. th
. You must apply at the Dean 5 Office— the South \ ietnamese drive into A third plane, another \avy nor any explanationwhyhechose st
' and more information is available there that Country began. Helicopter Mimide Laos W61S the target 0f to make it public at this time. or
pilots say more have been shot a SAM, but the command has it
.. reported previous such attacks ———————————————-——— trl
, . - . along the Ho Chi Minh trail. KERNEL CLASSIFIED ADS kr
. , 'l‘hieu told a meeting in the BRING RESULTS!
. ‘ , - Mekong Delta that the attacks ___—___.— m
l_| e Wow, A WHALE OF A l?
. . _ of
A Cl 'f' d
+ a S S l I e +
‘ I l - 8"“. are ‘1_25 (or 20 word.' ‘34”) W {h
. (or the: case-“v: Inner-shag 7;! the F03 BALI . to
> . ‘ 10% OFF ON EVER Y I H I NG. BOOTS, LEV'S week. 20 words. STEREO for sale. Decca 8-track com- ’ :1]
‘ BELTS FL ARES prfoil’etodzz‘gfaitlrn liltiole-tutllszmiti’t ggznflllgil tape stereo $50-$60i9FCIal‘l ll
' I - 4 - v 1-“; run-o gailolnn 9! 943193;! : __.,,7,Wi.___s_____w_w:__w l.
' . V , ' I rain as tiifiullfia'afi‘ (or renting STEREO AMP—50 wag FisherflX—lOO-C E pt
'00!!! Ol' 01' emp oymen - $90. Also AM-FM urner arman-
25% OFF ON FRlNGE LEATHER COATS ___—___. may as; g
l l .I - 50% OFF ON VESTS The Kentucky Kernel, University W F”
‘ Station. University of Kentucky. Lex— LAWNS FERTILIZED—Work done by Ha
ington, KenSuckyllell01506.t Seargridt cliss Agricultural students. Free estimates. fl;
ta ' t , . _ .
‘ pM0:i1e%e 333; times 123563 du‘r’l‘né’cule PM“ 25‘ 2559 an" 5-00 p-m- 3M5 m
’ school year except holidays and exam W L‘()
‘ ' \ periods, and once during the summer RIDES WANTED
. . . . O . . seifilggfshed by the Board of Student CHICK interested in skiing in Ver- W4
. ‘ y ~ 1115 Sale |s Publications, UK Post Office Box 4986. mont over spring break. Needs ride ; ‘
' L I ‘0 “I Elghndas the Cage! mthmsl: and from New York to Vermont. 234% g m
r ‘ ‘ ' us as e erne _ f 6, i s
. New Way Boot Shop °" Y ' e 55.351315.” y 266 55-" e m - bl
‘ ~- express purpose Advertising published herein is in~ RIDERS WANTED 1)‘
. ‘20 N Mi" f h . tended to helpdthe rgadetr buy.hAriz; l‘r‘
'- ' . . ~ . ~ false or mis.e. '. er ising 5 cu , 5
° 3 ”"39 “is be '3’ GK aesswgseos‘) :
. 4 a recua Ion SUBSCRIPTION RATES . . '-~' ‘ I .,
. A REALLY GROOVY PLACE To SHOP PP O Yearly. by mail _ $9745 dale. IllinOis. Call Tom. 218-7523. 4313 \d
, . ' m students! Per copy, from files -— $.10 WWW tll‘
. , -. " ' ' KERNEL TELEPHONES" - - isl
‘ ' 4". 'r 5-3133?),inllsllggngklfiimlr 23‘4'55 MODERN furnished efficiency vapart—
- Associate Editors. Sports , 257—1740 n10lltS.‘ Only 2 bIOCl“ from ,L’K 0n
. * :‘\d\'crli\ing. Business. Circula~ 422 Afvlt‘SfOI‘d Place. Immediate 00f
’ tion . 258-4646 LuleHC)‘. or summer and fall novv
‘ ‘ ' " “ ‘ ' being rented. Call 254—4949. 4mm
ROOIVTfor rent close to UK. one block
I e from Med Center, Working girl or
‘ student or working lad) 120 (roar;
. ‘ ’ Terrace. ;
.- S DECwYou can give without l()\'lllE.
- . . CLM. .l ‘
- i' . 1 ' ' ° MISCELLAHOUS 'N' 5
_ .- CINCINIXATIAS grlcatrest new rock
. r . ' ‘ '1 1. la ' h; ‘d k.
. . ietdu‘ieppgllii?x¥rliffic. Who lalv'ailgljile
in Lexmgton, only $200. Call 258E1113124
. 26 -
caffeehouse School Auditorium. Friday, March
r 5th,7:30.F't ' :C'thd 1 -
“ ‘ LITTLE KENTUCKY ART GALLERY tet. Bythmggtgrrsmguar‘let?1;:WQ%:;-
- _ ‘ DON GRALICK phasxs Trio from Lexington. 1M5
- " , ‘ 227.35’ '
. QUEEN CONTEST March l-Z—Complex Grille by JAMES FOOSE frbdingBoonesebordgto‘fNaabrd Winczhgsllleis.
. 8‘00 and 930 pm Phone 744-8325. M 4. io. 24, 31
, l, Preliminaries March 8 February 24‘M0rCh 1‘ ROCK—_fltOLL—On; of Cincinnati's
' I MOICh 3—4—Student Center l l a m .7 m Da'l finest rock groups. THE NEW LIME.
‘ ' ' p. ' IY looking for Lexington exposure. ___
. . Candldates Must Be Sponsored By A 8:00 and 9:30 Dem. Available for $250. 255—3744.
Registered Student Organization March 5-6 Student Center StUdent Center A" Gallery
8:00, 9:30 and 10:30 p.m. MOVING
' . $95 ‘4 44>; M 55,9 .
\N Pk .\ Mn 6’00” [53 Domestic and Overseas
e d 4 he“ MISS U.K. PAGEANT 4pm] who v
o . 3 ' F
' on , 1 mcent Ister Inc.
5 . Us or“ wool“ 8 p.m.——-Morch 27 Slade 8:00 97; ,
p . l “a so "r can Dal, 266-2153
. xe‘ G‘° Memorial Hall #9, Gr
“\ Ce“ d . ‘ and 80/] 2305 Palumbo
S‘“Ae $1.00 per person a mrssron '00", Off New Circle Road

 l —_ _ _________.—__-._._. THY. KENTII K\ KERNFL Tliuisday. “arch l. l‘l7l—‘i ' 31'.
o o o ,-
upreme ourt BCLSLOH raises problems
H- By The Associated Press tive means of enforcement in cer- guarantee of equal iiliilt‘i lliill .it ln agent-it's on th.- p.ir' at shun-or... ‘.\ Li. \.i\ s '( I . , . .
he Revision Of laws ll) provide tail] Situations- ] think this i“ ”19"?“3- llit‘ i‘li‘lllt‘t' lli‘dl llit‘ llt'i l‘lnii l-lll limit and thou i [ll Y iiiil llit‘ "I 'I " _. '
jail sentences instead of fines going to require us to take a [he court (lid not rule out ini~ ioiildentoiirageiiol.itn.i.sntlaws Ill hi1] " IaIw -
en could result from the Supreme real careful look at our laws prisonment of a defendant who like traffit statutes in persons in l‘iiilrrnund "2 . ’Einni spil ~ . 1' ;
nil (Iourt's ruling that no man can and see if we do need some has the means to pay ;i line but who felt they mum Mimi hm“ ( 1mm [Wigs \i, mm“ i “i: m, ' . .
re be jailed because he can't af- remedial legislation.‘ refuses to do so. and knew they wouldn't he Milt-«l said lip “\ds ti}... “,1 ' lo ii”. -
"d ford a fine, judges and other le- The unanimous niling‘came .‘\n Associated l‘ress survey Hobert Heelil. senior Judge of ruling. lt‘s aura/iii; that tlrr 1"“51 f '-
l gal officials said Wednesday. in the case OfPYEStOH -’\~ late, 'd Showed that although some offi- the Dade (Iounty l‘la. \letro- iiirreiit \illJH‘llié' ( mm a”: 35-”. ‘Ihgf :; ‘5‘-
, k l “It's going to cause a lOt 0f ”OUStOH laborer WhO aCCllmlllat- Cials favored the decision as a politan (Iourt. said the ruling cover that .i sy \li'lii wt fines that _z‘.’~ ‘ ' _«j
tg l trouble," said Judge 1“]de 6d fines Of $425 on traffic COH- means of eliminating discriniina- ’can he a real problem. ' l nder has existed in common lau hurt. :.‘;-.'I ‘)
ill l Doyle of Nashville Metropolitan victions and was sentenced to tion against the poor. many were the present system. he said. "it here and in lungland for Win up; :' _
es .' (3011" when asked abouttheTues- the municipal prison farm {0’85 concerned over: a person can‘t pay the fine. .llt‘ than 300 years suddenly is 'll‘.-
ch 1 day ruling. ”Who's going to de- days because he 00“” ”0' pay '1 he problem of deciding who gets 315 credit on it for each day constitutional ‘\\ ho's going to in. .E
at : cide if a man has the money." up. could and could not pay. injail." decide who has it money to pay 'I:3_.
ly E what kind of criterion do you The court said that imprison- The possibility that laws ”9 said some offenders cum- and who hasn't‘ ltcertamly “km l
‘ have to o b 1’" in a convicted poor person for would be changed to provide lain they can't afford the fine away a valuable Vilinelif iiini‘sh- -. '_ .
. g Y 9 . . . P . . i . , .
. i Alex BiCkICY. Dallas city at- an offense normally punishable routine impos1tion of jail sen— but pay up at the last minute. ment in a proper case and the i' AI
is i tomey. said the decision “would only by a fine is discrimination tences instead of fines with a re- Deehl also said the ruling can irresponsible are largely rm on“ 1" .Z ;- .'
“1e " mean there would be no effec- in violation ot the Constitution's sulting loss of revenue for pub- encourage irresponsible driving who benefit." ”w. 'I " 'I.-‘ "‘
i - i ‘~;-:-:-:¢-:-:»:-:-:-:-:~:-:-:-:-:-:-:':-:-:-;-;':':-:-:+:-:-'..;-:-:v:-:~:-.~;~:~:-;-:-:-:-:-:-;-;-.-:«.~.<-:».-.-:-,-.-.A:-l-:-;-:-:-.~:‘;~:-;-.«.-.-;~.-:~.-:-;~;a~;::~.-:.:3:-.-.--;~;3.-;-;.;-:.;4..rI..._.W . .. . » "
"lzizizkizizizizF’":1:311533;:21:1:3:3:3:‘-:1:?:3:i:¢:513:1:2151112323:1:1:2111212125345;1:1:iziziz3:1:2:333:22?517:3:1:3:izi:ir7zi:§:I:Z:I:Z-.1:1:3:f523:1:1:lzfizl:32311:?:1:5:13v3'v'i:-'-:-:': . "z 3' . ‘3.—iii. - s, ' '> '

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r. tates respond 0 V prob em , , - :-- ..

1- ‘ H ‘ ' ' . .' J I ’ f ‘\ '5' ”I '-'I 3' s l: 9 '

nt BY “10 Assocmted Press because it allows government tomey generals opinions saying I - . ) .’ .3 ;-_I'_ t, .6ij 1... -'; .3

-ir With the incidenceofvenereal to step in and take over the role it is legal for youngsters to seek l i , . l ’. I. I . _ . I??? I. .

th disease in the L'nited States now of the family. . ‘ . medical attention for \ I) With- _ “KW . 0f?” lit -. _ x. .
estimated at more than two mil- A pending bill in (:eorgia out telling their parents._ x& x z; / , r" r" ‘ ’1 ,-

)n lion cases a year—nearly twice provides that attendingphy: Most health officers in states ~ . . 1" . ._ I- ,

y. the number five years ago— sicians may tell their patients where minors are permitted to .

99 state legislatures have passed parents but are not required to seek help on theirown agree the .‘7 _

'e or are considering laws to make do so. A similarbill was approved laws are helpful in controlling ‘ifi . . K. . » ‘

' it easier for youngsters to get by the legislature last year. but \ D, but they say. it s. too early 5 «.I :'
treatment without their parents' was vetoed by Lester Maddox, to develop statistics indicating \l . _ __ _
knowledge or permission. then governor. more youths are getting treat- $5.552: ' m .4' . \T'l's

Massachusetts passed the na— In addition. six states have at- merit earlier than preViously. 32533:: V E ,. . I. 3'. . . ,
tion's first sUch law in 1954. and “\V; i ‘
33 states and the District of(?o- 1:15;: / / [x 573‘- "- 5' . '
lumbia have followed suit. most . ‘ . < ,/ / ’/l ‘n '.' ' : . .'
of tligni in the past two or three ' x f f . ' / \ ' p . ‘3_ ;
\‘ears. . ) ,’// ‘i t '\ i .I J! \ . 4“. 2;: j ' ".2
in \orth Dakota.acct-uliiiuto E \ a l ~ I, x .. 5i .7 ' : l 4 '- '
‘ ~ . '- - f“ w . - —, ,C ; ,,. , . , -’ ‘ ~ .I : ,1 -! .-
the \tate li’it‘wli‘ll summation. ' ‘w’ 3:4; " l’“‘"“’ ““05" 9*" ' ~ . ‘ .e__ “5 ,Xe’ ' '1‘» ‘ . »
the law lean-s .i f)ll‘_.'\li'i;iil open E g ///‘ 4 a); SUSIE _ 217' ,.I~, I, _ ', > Ir Ir 5'! ‘ __ , ‘ . -.
. to an .issauli charge ii he treats g l , /‘ . f\ ‘x\ *4" .144; ,r'T-Vé-I‘: 3' -' ., , ,« , f3; ‘;_‘. 3;" g
é iilliii'flx fax' xenwi'w il illsmise '5; if )5.“ \w“ I \ I z " . ,;_ «if “ ' ' -_-4‘."__.;:.e4.

' I \i‘l ' ‘ r‘r‘i r ‘5 L '1 3’ ilk/li ’ ‘ “I r I " ewes”? ” " '

11 'i.‘ if‘ri‘ill: .1 t'." E‘UYt' it‘s Li‘iiist‘i t :3 ' :43“: “A .. 3AA], . 7' . ~"' .. I 5'" ~ I

4 3 However. a 3“."- tt- . liangc Iliat is {2 / i‘ ~ " A .1 . A (I. i ,1 if . 1;; - , 4,; " if. it -~—7

C ‘y‘itl‘itllllfi in '1 v' legisiaiure. I '. ,f-"t' sax... ,= , w ., . i _’ .w— ‘ ». f, y

' i \rizona. 'ai'luc'n reuiiires that ." “' I i 7" ti r\-:~.-\ . . -:

11 i . I , , . f . \AZ ) I . c V 1‘

5 g paients '. ititied and give . g, .2” i _' A .I_ / , . ,\ _ I .r

t'.eir i‘erin;ssioii beiore their A i _“K‘ t 3: E K I,» ”‘5‘ ( 3‘ ._
children can he treated for \ l). j 4/ I. ”/4" % r, 3. \."\ “‘*~ i,\\ /4 <3 _ .
.y has a hill under consideration iii 5 (‘84 64 A (4/qu ‘ S "- . g! a...“ ., "I "_. - ' .: :
S- the legislature which would ner- d. ,3 J, V E 5 .i' ‘q f .'»..‘ " - ‘, ,.
. A .) 7L ~‘ p m ‘. ; . t . s I_ . x .

5 niit treatment Without parental ’0 ’ ' ‘2 /' \‘\’ .j

consent. 3 ; i \ _- ,1
"l think most health officers ag- , ‘ \ .2 1 . - .

é . would concur that this law A 2' \i i -_ . .

ii is; would help.” says Lawrence . . 1' if" 3 j; I _

8 . lhiiiiisky. chief oi the Health , 5,; ‘ \ (.wa ~. ,
llepunliiieiihs '\ l) control sec- 3, I ,' ._ q aI‘ '.-’ 3' .

1‘3 3 \iich a bill reached the \e— I; "ENC“ f; . ,‘

15 vada Legislature. but it was re- 7;; ti 31/ .3
turned to committee after a leg- ¢// Soag/afld @f,‘ l \ ‘r ‘I, -:
islator called it ”Communist" fig; / \ pf.

t— 3:333:35; it; , 1" .31 '

n 5'55; '\I""1 5 l

‘1} ' / 't -. g

'éziii?i€§if ,/ ' . . ;_

’i / '

gisésiiiéa ” x ' z. " I.
13 * 2:322:22? J/é/ \ - . . ’.-- .
:-:;;;;;:;'. // 5/ ~ '. I; r ,
J \ ( Home...” .
.;.;.;.;.;. . ' ~. 9 - .-

' 2:53:32; 7 .. -.

'4 f / a o ' .~., .5

- ' College Shop I flea, 1 ca e, flfmc .. .. .. .

(5/ f / <5; i A. , -.

k- :izl:i:3:3:5 . / . ’ E - 1' ~. 5. i

1e (4‘2 5 fit—Vii. 7/1159 ~11 .- w, .

2. 1:523:35: '. i . ‘1 I. x ‘- ,


h .2222: , I: . . . I.

' TL“e raqc "f the inshwn tenszrn r: 31m co .. A r‘ I‘ ' .«_.~‘-

5 exciting . . new . . mini shorts. Cutteo rim. ‘i'lh'WlCnCCl 7 -‘ . l _

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" "-:-:-:-:-:-‘.s ‘:I:1:15:Z'2:2:25$;::::1::::::-:::::;.;.;;;;;:;:;;;.;:;:~I:;;;;;:;.;:;.;:;:;;;.;:;:;:;:;;;z;:;;;:;.;;;:;.;.¢;~:-:;.;.;.;.;:;.34.3.;3:.;.I.;.;.;.;.I.;.;.;.~.;.;.;.;.;_;;:5:.1r;,;;:.\:::;~;-‘.;.:.;.:.;.s-._s 5:: '

 o o
, u e I.
A rather strange optmilsm E
‘5 gwemm—a /, '
\ campus-wide referendum on the student code? Sounds like a per- {kg/w "' To]M L /
tectly good idea until one hears that the referendum idea must first . ll." A , /. __.r‘
pass the board of trustees. and that if it did, the results would be it I "‘0’ J l: 1 \\'.r
. . t . 1 ' t ‘ ‘ a 1
. ’ binding on the same board. \()\V the question suddenly changes to gttwe KC": 7‘ . ®\\\\\ Army
what is the real reason behind Student (lovernment President Steve , kernel-y - ‘3‘“ \ "“difl
, _ . _ _ . . if” <~ \\§ § .~\ rmy
. bright to propose such an impossible dream 7 ‘ K__ \ his“s
- . . . . .. . . . H ' ‘ '\ ‘ss h
' \\hile Steve Bright might be able to say he is optimistic about f' '0‘» \_ § plicat
' such a proposal. it is much easier to believe Board member Thomas s “#6 X‘ , § “QT?“
. . - , . .. - - . ’ .__/__-_,--— ’ mi i a
bell when he prophetically' notes. I doubt it it would pass. After all, t g BoA R D l § \1-
' . the board is charged with making rules for the t'niversity, not the It 1 §
. - student. 'l'hat's the duty of the trustees." this seems to be a much i OF ,, ‘ .
more accurate. although disheartening prediction of the entire subject. ilTRUSTEES _' 4“: - ‘ ,
. \\ e all know the board will have the final say on the student code l ; ___ - . / ,u; t\§\§
. . . . . . , : * ’ “ ' ‘ r \ ,
_ ' - and they certainly aren t going to let anyone pressure them into making {,1 i ; A r, ‘ 9A 1!
. a decision. .\t least not directly. as a “binding" referendum “'Ollld (10- %:::’::<» ‘9 r, I}. ‘ 'l‘ht
- . ' . \\hile no one can predict what is exactly behind bright's idea, it is \l) / (V ' from
- " . if . ., .. v. ., :' . ‘. .. '~ . . ‘ I/yrl'l"‘ K / &‘lf
- always fun to try and guess. I irst, let s guess he is some sort of super- . o. ._ . ( 0r
. ~ idealist. ”Super" in that he surely must recognizethe Board of Trustees Ml ‘ ./ B“
' . . . . . . _ , , t ‘ ' an owi
. . conservatism after watching the 1npzirtite report be whittled away. : w j ‘/ 1:3, / M \\ Usi
' .. . . . . ,. \ /’Al« / f7.\s\., ~
. :\lso, this is the same Steve Bright that has said he would like to / ' M1\~/ , \: f/fl ,/ \\ pursut
‘ , see the hoard of trustee s abolished, questioning the legitimacy of ,rmfi/ ‘ fl \: / {fl . \ that vs
. . . . . . . . . ‘- a ' M //’:‘~ not oi
' businessmen and politiCians as L niverSity superVisors. “374 V . ~;:;.;._, ,g u \ _
. . . . - . \ . .I'l _ ';'.;:;2:' It, ,,.:~:.;t.;zg~,:;- /~ j siderat
. ()kay, if that guess doesnt fit, maybe it s all a part of a compli- U( r \ A. i has: 5; /.;:;:-_:;::;:;:;:~;- , ..(.(
. v , “we ‘v /.-:'. 11.5“}! ’".. 3"“12'.’ . ;. ~ J
. 4 , - cated scheme to create more tenSion between the students and the ,. 2;”in ...""'-'-:.'1:=:'-:-‘.- b 33%, . M . rt, /,/ tuel in
. . .. «WW r’ .-2-'.~‘.;1:-'.-.. .;'.;‘.;'-:1:3:-:;'.;'.;'.; 1 " ’I I’ r .
- board. By presenting the board With a proposal that he knows they . {yrs ” 5.;g;3;3:;:;:-_:;3;:_-.;:-_.;._.,,.-' :;:;:;:;Z_:g:::;:;:;:-y, E , \t. \Ué 71/ therei.
~ - . . ,- ‘ t' "I", l I r .'-'-"f.-_‘.:2:'-_'.;'.;'.;Z;'.;'-'_'t‘.;'.;'.-_' -‘. :1;'.;'.;'::;'.;:-_'.°Z-‘. if... , ,’ t
. . would tum down, bright could perhaps be elevated to his revolutionary :. \ i ll! MW! / ,' Mz;:;:;t;.ztz-_z-_,et‘fi31;:;‘.-_.;.-.-_...5-2;. lit \\ ‘7 , E)“
. . . . '2 ‘ - r ',« NWT--5. '-"1:1:-::1:=. :- "-'--.1:'-:="" f' ‘s . 005 5
status in time for Spring. i l‘ / n ,U W that“. Lg.:-.-_'.;.--. g.»\"‘-“=‘5‘53‘1‘ 5 \\§\ \ minin
. \ . . . . , ,‘y 5 . \..'::¢:':'.‘. - 2‘ ‘ ‘ .212'32. l ‘ A
. Last but not least, maybe our SC president was sitting around his '/ ‘ \/ (5 M ‘ --:;:;§:§.“t‘-Et. M3335, -; t. \ of Sm.
' ' ' ' ' ~ - ‘ ‘ ' ,1 . H ‘;.s ‘:-:-.'.. \ :-::'-:‘-:'-:-.:-.:::. s o ‘ x . .
office and an idea for a code referendum popped into his head. He then 4;,” “\/,\m\ ll tt 8%" o; >.:;:;:;.;._;::;:;.,, w&%\ \ electn
' ' ‘ ' ' ' - " / 7“ ' ' .°°- "1:1'.3:-2:'-:'-:1:3:3:. ,/ ‘ i .
. immediately went out and announced his idea Without even thinking l; f}; ‘ fat ~‘ X‘Q .0. .7! ,/\: a t 325;:
‘ . . about the consequences of the whole issue. ’ / ., ryr/ ~‘ (/1 a-“%i v 1,) ”/ ' prices '
' ’ ' Needless to say, these are nothing but guesses—anyoneis welcome to WW? Q @% ‘ Bu
' '- make his own. Looking at all of the possibilities however, leads one to 1.321.223.323233333333232323?33333332.23333333333223323':3':I}.3':3'333';3':I}.3':333‘;3':32223333223231.2323}?‘ a L g _.333:;3;:_;3:§;§i§3§3335=