xt7vt43j188k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vt43j188k/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1946 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, August 1946 Vol.17 No.10 text The Kentucky Press, August 1946 Vol.17 No.10 1946 1946 2019 true xt7vt43j188k section xt7vt43j188k . , I j
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~.."Sgizigigigigiézigés555355533:$333532ES22553552352253}???EEEEEEEEEEEESEiii?EE23552535EEEEEESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE3E3E3E355335525E3£53535z333253553525355355555?$555E3E5E555E5E3S32535553355555535535555535E35335if25355553555535232325355353335523555352333535253E321‘:523E3E5S3E535E5252553S5E523E355S5E3355335E325E525E5E5E3E533EE33E525E525223$55525??53323£52552%Wit-£233$535353553‘632’1535EEEEEESEEEEEEE5£335352333E555E3E55555E3353E5:’=S555E5E535355333E323555535332525332535§5§E3Efiifiifiifiifiififififlfiifim I ‘ . ,
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’ ‘ I I .
, at s M aka Newspaper W eels A Success I a »
Ihere’s a new package on the way for every day or every week newspaper public Here are a few examples of public service 3. , . , ..
6 National Newspaper Week, October service is living up to the finest traditions activities of the press: 3 I .
)duC- .I 8. of the American press. To serve as a voice American Red Cross: Christmas seals; aid I ‘ . '
Ihe slogan—“A Free Press—Voice Of Free- of freedom and a guardian of liberty, the for needy families: civic improvements; tax .
I, Guardian of Liberty.” press must remain unshackled and free of economy: schools, libraries; better highways; . . ,
, he theme: The newspaper as a public hampering restraints.” safety on highways; Farm Bureau, 4-H Club; .. ‘1 ‘ .
ant. “Newspapers realize this responsibility. skating rink; law enforcement; cancer pre- . I ‘_ _;
'reedom of the press is still a historic is- » During the recent war they accepted every vention; cooking school. . I I -
for winning the peace. In the 1946 challenge which the government placed Anti-tuberculosis; church attendance; I‘ i h
yional Newspaper Week, however, it re- upon them. The press championed the swimming pools; youth play centers; recre- I
ts an added grass roots significance in needs of the hour again and again. News— ational parks; better farm life; sound agri- . I : ,
lives of the American people. News- paper~sponsored drives collected scrap metal, culture; soil’ conservation; music festival; I i
labor, ers.put to work this cherished constitu- waste paper and fats. Newspaper carrier parking for cars; good government; home I i ' .
com- J31 right Of freedom 0f the: press when boys of the nation sold two billion war gardening; civic Opportunities. I W 1
'champion the public‘s interest in home- stamps. In the Seventh War Loan cam- Health information; veteran housing; I
'Ie' communities. In a larger sense the paign, the volume of contributed lineage graft prosecution; fire prevention; commun—' I ‘ i g .
. Q munity" served by the newspaper inay reached the staggering total of 62 million ity building; get-out-the-vote; rural elec‘ I 3,, I . I,
‘alarge one—the rural community within lines.” , .trifiction: learn to swim: amateur sports; ' 7' , .
, county or circulation area as well as v “To furnish the American people with famine relief: saving stamps; city beautifica- I '
urban cOmmunities that lie Withih the information, newspapers sent correspondents tion; town meetings. .
Iership radius Of the press. and photographers to every fighting front Added to this brief, representative list I ,1
he new package—the newspaper as a of the globe. The record shows that 3] _cor- are a hundred other things that affect daily i :i I: '.
lic servant—exemplifies well the 1946 respondents and photographers were killed, the lives of the American people. ' i f I:
.n, “A Free Press—Voice of Freedom, 29 were wounded, while five were captured From market news for the farmer to . I 3
rdian of Liberty.” by the enemy.” shopping news for the housewife, the news- ‘ ' . , -‘
' Oppnl‘tunit)’ For Inventory ‘ “Americn newsapapers have a just reason paper columns contained vital information ‘ -'
. he NatIonal Newspaper. Week Com~ to be proud of their record Of public service Of concern to the American PUth- I
ee of Newspaper Assoc1ation Managers, in World War II." Kiwanis To Feature Service . ‘ 1
~,believes that the 1946 theme Will afford ‘ _ _ _ Kiwanis International, with Offices in ‘ , ‘ '
imel tunit for‘ each news a er Newspaper SerVIce In CommunItIes Chic i. r . ' h 'd v 1‘
y Oppor Y P P ago, s equestlng t e preSI ent of each ,
_;Or to take inventory of what the news- L655 spectacular than this war record, of the 2,200 clubs in the United States ' Ii“
“I" has done in the way of public ser- but perhaps more meaningful to the aver- and Canada to observe National Newspaper I: I
during World War II and since mem- age newspaper reader, is the role 0f the Week, Oct. 1-8, with a special program. i 1.
1e V—J Day, August 14, 1945," said Gene newspaper as a public servant devoted to Here is the plan. as announced by Fred 3 i ‘=
.man, secretary-manager of the Michigan the interests 0f the public in home-town B. Worthing, director of public relations? i i ;
5 Association and chairman of the com- communities. The editor of the community’newspaper - I
lee, Here is‘ a truly grass roots demonstra- (plus department heads of the newspaper, ' . :_
, ‘Ve believe that the editor‘who cham- tion of the public service performed by if there are several Kiwanis clubs in the I I , I I
Sthe welfare of the community through American newspapers, large and small. Community) will be invited to~give a 10- if I »
— 1. .
. . , , #777 ,_ 7 _ ,,_._.__——————--———

 ‘ .h I I ' 1 1946 AL
- ”11191 ‘ AUQUS I '
anti?" 11.111211“ . .3
' ‘11 1111111111111 KENTUCKY PRESS . .1
.11 111% :‘ 111111-11 THE The 111111.61. may lie m it
‘.; ‘1 ‘1“.1,“‘-"1 ‘ . -‘ bs? ' ‘ ‘ ‘f
’1-“ 1 . .;-1"‘: . (01116 (1111] , _‘ ws a
‘i 1 ii iéii’i‘i Page TWO . ‘ )ortanCC 1“ 'h , . 1 )uthhers. The De .w.’
‘11" 1 3 1‘ “Hi-‘1 an be of tremendous 1m] “mude of 11105 1 ire invested 1111
.1 1 1 1‘ 11.111, ers c ‘ . . 2» nents i ‘3‘;
i it“ Y h" “i h - - I'iwanis lunCh' pap , e . 1 advertismg (lep 11 t1 .-1 . 1 have becom’
" 1' li ‘ 1iil'i‘1*‘-‘ the l‘egl‘l‘“ “ its ob-‘ier‘ahC ' . .. be prep‘ue‘ citemCht. I 10> 1i
. :11| 1 1.1‘11‘1, 1‘1 minute talk at “per has served the ‘F r 111511111“: house ads (All dep‘rh glamor and 6X [ newspaper Owners an‘
, 3 l i. :1-‘1 1. he 116VVS} ‘ , 1 ‘ O ' ’ , f every ‘ ‘ . “(61-115 () - ..
1 1i I111111111l 1 on hOW t 1 1 severa . 1 . _ eratIOH 0 _ _ the Chlef CO I , . dull an
1 J ' MW“ 801 - fOHO‘VEX )y M bu] the OP 1tereSL _ 1% stodgy, ;
. 11,1; 1 . i11t1111‘111‘l -. Thig 111111 be . 1,110 destll 8 , 1 Human 11 . .1 rs C1rculation .
1‘ ‘2'- . ‘ >111 .1211 )ublie. 2 . 1 1’iwanians ‘ ~ 1 newspapel- . . [ publls 16 -- .. 11-11 . to popul,
11.1 1. 1!’1~11: l lks by selectec \ 1116111 01 [16 , - 111C d111eren , , b 1«c_;1(,c01(1 g .
. ,. . - , ~, 1 in 11 a 0 , .-
1111 11 1.11, fivemmute ta , 1 “huh the 1 , 111e emphyses I _ :111 m a . , 1 1r basic fun
‘ ii: 1‘11 hi? 11- . ested Wm“ )y '[0T16521b011l— , qt the tom '- it? 111 1“ m . . v
1 hi“? ‘i1i1‘l’t‘ Wih Present hhhh lest ser/ve the commun' s1 'irtments can be used so tlu ,sl)'l1)61‘ is thought. But 1‘5 1 holding subscriptio
11-22 1‘ ‘11 1 , - (:ou ( 3‘ Th6 ( CP‘ -, 1 . t the 116“ ‘ . 1 1 ikh’flg Ell“ ‘ -, ‘
. i1 news )apers . 1~ follow. . , realize tm I ~ . 110113— N . . , )ubht rela
:12" ii ”hi . 1. roup discuSSIOIl "‘ In with munlt)’ “‘Ohhl - 1 community- and 1h t'on distribution (‘hd l f l ‘
- ”“13 ‘ 1i h‘ h it)" A g - hide the PrOgrhm . ‘ttnlly 21 part 01 me ~ _. t )1le€ 311 Promo 1 i ' 2 nuity and resource hh
, 111111 .1 1111111.- President W111 COHC (The same program h. c 5 haw their 011,11 ”upottan l 11011s__a11 the inge 11 ”16111131 advertise
. 11’11 .. 111111 111111311“: to the piers ur community does (.ltlZCl’l 1k 111e116“'51’“hhrh (10mg. . . I (.111 111m it takes to «*0 (wiry are required.
1.11 . 11-11111 ~ flowed 1 ’)"’ . the W0 . .,1 1dvert1s1ng t I im )ortant . .1
. 1 111111 - Id be to 1'5 a Ronny ~‘cs oi 10“ ‘ .- or Get 3“ 1 ~ -‘ land-1
.1; ‘. .11. 1‘11- LO” . -. C1111) but 14 . “SucCCSs st011 . 1116 part a . . 15 a Lll‘Cll
1'}. . ‘il 11‘;"I‘11i , .e '1 Klwkllllb . .1 sun- ‘ 1~. (»()1111ecL1011 , 1 11111111.- tlmes .
,. li‘; - 1 i 11-,1j1;i not 11th L , .1 ’ln ‘6 Club, 01 ‘ ‘6 )er6d_ In [115 . 1 . 'lkilloi \ ct 110“ 1 ’l HEW feature
.‘ ‘11: ‘ 11.11 L' 115 club, EM “ g be 1’1 1 . 11111911151111; 1n m- o 1 , nsultcd when « 1-
, 11W! 1 “ :‘It club, 10 ‘ , ewspz‘lpel ‘ , 1 ..)-»_ “nugcr (0 ‘ . 1- ~ 111—21 COml
' i‘ i‘ ‘i ”h ”i u ) ~ 1' la 16d bl n -[1§el’ slchCss n t . . 1 . editorial 100 1
- 111.1; ‘ ~1 1191311 -1 11111Ch€0n gro P ’ . 1 194b l\1' P l . 1: .1 10cal lldVCl - I ., ”1111“ 111 me f 11111
' lil’h‘ 1' 1’1": 1‘ l at - beheVCS “6 - buSmCSS 0 ‘ . . -' ' as 10 contCll I . and 50 or ‘
, 11 ton - the , 111 .1 stories . , 11111111111,
-1 1 ‘1 ‘1- .11 VII \Vorthlng 11 hlgh 111 . 1 t rood C CC ' . , .- final bt013~ ' 1at101
”"9 2 h“ 1‘ "i““ 1 ' ‘11 m'll‘k a ne\ : ~ 11 be 1156‘ O 5 1 . Act Its SHIP- 2“ . ]'tt the Cll‘cu ,. .
, 1111‘ , w, ,111: 1111 . 1‘ nCC W1 ¢ I 1II .. a_ 1111 (:1 1 .I 1. 11) note I . I 1‘ uttcn 111
1111. -I11 “131115 obsethI ,3 ptu-ticipfltiOh 9t hemp wlnt the newspapm 13 hhlhhl 12111st E1111.61. is h—equentl) 111% 01111611 have the clos€§
:1 ‘ 11'}- 111 - amzatlon‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 lileut anc , . 111d 115 W ‘ 1 1 1
1. 1. 1.1... “ the 013 ,, 1 0111 11am 1 , , -_ manager < 1 rs 16aC€T1
‘1‘ i 1‘1.|“i§,‘ readels 1" - Local adVCl : 1 newspape - .
l ‘i “:1 ‘ . ,7 . 1 ~ 1111116. h [18 ','
Mil ii ii iii hh h 6:1; t o and Meyer'Both Ads 1 e1 tising would be hhl1hh l to use National contact Wh 116 ’ldvertiSillg ”hum WI}
1 i i. ‘1 ”11'. i : e I” , 1 1V 6V " 11“ 11C€( . . _ than 1 t I [ll-1
'11,. 1 1:111 - \Ietro am 1 . . 1, . 0111(1 be , se dosel , [3r (.loser
111111 1. I11 ‘11.! October ServlCCS of i . n services “.111 users sh Week to explain Why theyIu Visifi g])€CifiC “flaunts, andI departmel
. 1,”. ‘11. .11 .111; . ; , ~ - "111.0 1 .. , )er , -, ~ one - - . - ton 1-
Ii. ' ‘1" i1] ? 1 advertislng 111mm. for spon— Neuspal 1 and What It 11‘“ ‘ rter. The (”(hhh - . r2131
1:1 ‘ 1:. 151‘. i but 1 d rldvertlsements newspaper 21dyerttsxl g. the Yepo ll (301)“)!lech or 1) II
. 1 ,. .1. 1 1 . . - ( _ . 1. ’- '-
. ‘ii 1 .‘ii ‘1‘I ‘ ture suggeste _ ~ b a commun ’ . «g the dd) 1’) L y . , 1 courtesy
. . ,. . tea , . . . .1 1. heaL . . am ,
‘ii 1‘1‘_13'l'1‘ 1 b the nCWSPde' 01 y- NeWS- 101 them- _ . ,1 J-lrt 01 the now . BY its efficiency .-
' 1‘"i“ 1 i ”Mi Shrhhh y bserv'tnce of Natlona1 . 1 “Advertisihg is a um 1 [1e newspaper of the Papel‘ 'It all may be judged. It.
11,, - "11‘ . ' 01 ‘ ’ 1 . , 'l ‘ . , 1 - ‘ 1 . i 15) i- 5
W11 1 pilié‘i 10’ group: in 0 is“ desigmng ‘1 SpeCh , )el‘ VVlthout adx e1 Using I 1, its char- 111e net/151331)“ show wlm10W. .
W1 13711" ,1 16‘ Week- Me“ ‘ Pd] ' 1 se a large 1)?”L 0. ‘ . . 1. the nexvsPi‘Pe‘ “ ‘ _ 111,
I Eh ' 1‘ ‘hijéii Ihl 1 1 would soon 0‘ . thional Newspaper [1 u) ll 1. publif remtlons, t 6 P1
‘ 1 ‘ 1 1:12 6111- _ 1 . 3561‘“ 1 . 2 re'tsOll r , he ( 0 ' . ' e
' hit} ' A. ih‘h hhlh - 1e war NeWSPWCl “ ehh 0 ~55 Zlcteh F01 [hh (1 erved without the lull 1” the 1- 11 alert circulation (163133”an
V iii 15‘: i' 1i .1 Dhrlhh U he important of 21 tree 1h. ‘ Week cannot be 0h 01‘ each member 01 sible role 0 “I )rcd Many large me 2
‘1‘1““ .‘1'E‘? 1 .- 1' 1 r ’ ' . , -( ' . -
hi1' i' ii hil- ’ anCe Stressed t [Democmcy and t0 “Imhhg co-o1)erat10n and 1ntercsL t" is too often 13“ 1 11.6 setup separate pf.
' “‘ ”i 1. '5 ‘ - 1' O K . . en . 1 1. 2 1‘8 12 '-
11111111. i 1. ‘1‘, to the suluval (‘e the advertlslng departm polttan neubplpe , 1m in the 86““
111.: .‘ i‘ -1‘ ar and the pea. ' . 1e ' 1 (1e )artment-S. ) - 1ekl
lit-1:1” 1 ii‘ 1‘" Of the W . , . estions £01 [1 .’———‘— mothllfl l _. (1211111 and “6
l1“! 1- 1 .11 l" 11 [in ofl-Cl‘lng sugg V k —'———— litall 51112111 UL), ' b CC’
1111111 111 .111 In ’d bu e 1 . ,11 Navspapel‘ V ee , . C Uld Bring. mCtI‘OPO ' , 1 men“ would nOt C .
W511i :11 observance Of ham? ’lssoci‘dtion recom' Circuit]hon 0 fields such dep-U“ It is the circulation 1.
“'11‘1' “1‘. i“ ‘ - , lis 61‘5 " - _ ue . .2. 3 1e. - ‘
hi‘iii ‘i ii iii the Amenchh hhh rs demonstrate the hh Large PO r1- Of Reven llomlchhy lhhhlh ould handle reader-Intel
.1: e . - .._ ' C -~ 1
Mil? i i 1 mends that neWSPaP s to the newspaper - 1) irable for c1rculat10n 16‘ bartment whlhl. 1uabl€ advertlsmg dh
. 11,1131 ii ‘T :1 3Ortance of a free preS 1itiesflthe free 11 is highly (es nt of the total reV- est survey-5'1 obtaln Va 11 board of 111113111
12111.1 ‘2. 1.,“ 1 - ‘ ' own commul reach 50 per Ch . ~ 16- n as the SOu (
.‘..‘1‘11i. 1', 1. rcaders 111 then” . of the people- enue t0 - (curs the Circulation C and [unLLlO
' . Vii-iii ‘l ‘1‘» . 1' h is the fight ‘- )nue. When thls 0. 1 u 001‘ re- - 11111 1 111‘
- “111.11. 1‘1.‘11 press w11C e [or example: 15 C - definitely out 0E He P ()1)lnl 1 [0111 revenue tom .
111 1» 1 . 1 ' .. ‘ 1 " ,1 t
15‘“ ii1 iii “The houslng worms] ms besetting the parhheh: h (1 can Sit at the head table‘ Fifty Per “ht h 1nds impossible. Bur
»‘.1 .1111 r0 6 . - ‘ ~ass an ‘ . . . ‘~ he - . , ' ? It 501 ‘ - “
iii i ‘i ii 1 'ust one of many IP ,1 bulletin thts lation L, (11111131811111- words 15I1 I 1.1.0111 clreulatlon I I 11t the C1rculat101
111' I ‘ .. “ 11 1] ‘ CltV, the . S eakln" these ’ n-luons 1.11 arrtves [1‘ CI'5
h hi 1 l 1‘ average Amhncah I mmObile 111ghwav)’ h - h '1n'tger of one of the . ll when the U) into the HCWSPflp
"7““ ‘i ‘ ‘ ' i " 0E 7‘“ 'irculatlon m< ‘ He won t t is drawn 111
111.111.. 1 111 The rise E er neWS- L .11 1611,51,a1)ers. departmen b ing the .
"ti": . .11 ‘ Om' . '~ nother. V y . . UlstCI‘Il (131) I ~ vs- . - - _‘ ste'ld 0E e .i
iihij‘ 1i ‘ traffic aceidents 1s .11- “ith the Pressmg hhhhhiflh‘ dmit that the income lrom 11er Official tamily m r it can become a real-
, 1.511“ - _ -1 'r ’ 1 a . _ 1’nm 11a 'on— ‘ .
111.11: . i 11 C1 1‘ 15 [aml 1d the pI‘Oba Y . 1, )- [(101116 “1 1 t0 the “ g
"V11 .1. 1 61‘ e 1t0 e'lder 1n 1 n -('hlld dOLSn whee ,'
111 1 l. ; Pap front the r ¢ ,, rdoms step 1 . 1 mark
11 1‘1‘ . ‘ 11 . ' s that con vices. pape . I 50 )cr L611 1 I ,
1111.111; 1,1 problemI rliich his newstlper ser I shooting distance of the I 11 he mentions ity f,
‘iili ‘ ‘i' ‘ commuhhy h 11' ‘ na1 suggestions tor ‘ lis own paper, but the 9-0“ ____——o——“——
Vii-11121 1 11 . , “(mo ‘ on 1. - .
1. 1.11 , 1 ,1 4 are 1 , Ck . ' '
111111-111 I1 1‘. 1 1.1 followlng e of National Newspaper We 11215 merlt. h e prinCipal depal‘t' I” Off News ertel’ .
‘11: 1 ‘ 1 nc . ‘ re ' 1
11:11’1111-1 ,. I11 I the observfi ”I. There are only t ewspaPer 1313“ t— Clove P h .11e ' ‘
1' 11113.". 1 i“? 1 - bu C 1 - . dern 11 - , V| ‘ ,' 1
111% m the speakers Needed ments in a hm and circulation. Of the D165 In N05 P 1k e ditor of th
“‘5?“ ‘ ‘1 .s . - rtlsm ‘ , .~ . 1. . o , " .
h Whh' i‘ ii 1 nost important and Appre news, adve . mhore important than (““1111 Mrs. LOUISE hhhhhth ckenridge News
1111 «2:11-1:11. ‘. -1 .1 f [16 ,1 , d‘tors one IS _ t to 16 re‘ . .
1, 1. One 0 ‘ - - and 6 1 three, 11 . 1 statemen ,, e of t1 1,1119
- 1.111.111 ii . - ublisherb 1 .1 (when t 1 man s pag , Knox
. 1; ions . . . . . )e - _ . _ wo _ 11 her
i hhh “ h dated comrhhht cchss of NathIlal News “on Thu 1111:), f.1cts are crystal clear. Ad Clo‘ierlmrt’ (hed August 6d: 1 en associated!
. 1 1.111113: 1 1 to f e 511 1 _ uCSt [ But t e l 1‘€\" 5116 ha )6 .1
1‘ @111. "'1 . "1‘ (12111 makC - sen-lees as g aCCCP - . . . 1‘6 the [W0 1 6 1101116. 1. . [h
«11.1w 1 ., 11 - er thelr , . ~ . ulation A _ Tel nesse 1 1 . “mung ,.
‘ iii-Egg 3‘ ‘i Paper Week IS t0 01:. ct of 21 [1‘66 press hh‘ vertlsmg and “if rtmentS and WlthOlIt .11 the paper SlnCC 1952’ he lived ll
1!. a - e , ' >21 - 1 - . . wl . s .
h h! i h speakers Oh the bu "J club meetings! “11001 ehue‘prodhhmh €111 ele would be little 01 Zln's 13218e deshhh the fact sister,M‘1
111-1, 11:". . 1 . ' , ' ~‘ 7 C ‘ . I. , ' 1 ‘ . . VOL? . H 1‘ ' .IJ
Miii ‘1 i fore Servlce dhd hhll‘k Your State assoCla' PrOVEd LIrChhlh-Oh 1 ertising \mthout ‘hh ‘1 ‘xville the past 19 Ye‘hs' Hhu editof'oh
I 1. . . I . 1 the 1 6- . , - ,: 1ent 'ln a( v - ,_ \no. . 1 '61-)0rt” 15 I
52W? 1‘ assembhes anc 1 1btedlv arrange as mhhy no mhhhh C0111(1 not be enough 1‘6“ Mildred Babbage. C10\ 1 ll known amoIrI1I.
in“ :1 ‘i1 tion Can um 0L is vou (an posSIbly vertislhg’ there 1 p'xsic purpose of any 1 )'11)€r MrS- 1)01k was he mbef 01,1
* - “.1: . nts 2 ‘ _ tle x , .. tre < - . me ,-
1 1:1i1 ,1 speaklng engageme 1 cnue to finanCIe .. omration ot the neus . Lyille writers and “as a rmnizflllo-l
7‘ xiii" i. ii 116 . newspaper: Wh‘Ch 15 1 ' km ‘ , 1 (.11 Of a national 0 5 .'
‘ 1i i‘h'h " hanC - nt Co-Ol’eratmh t . - 1 Knoxv1lle blan . .
.fiiil‘iiii .‘7 Ad Deparhhe 1ould be made dehhrhhhh . ‘L the percentage 01 Ch-hhhhhhl of women “The” ,
11:11" 1 . 1 . s1 . sn L -. a . ‘~
, 1 .1‘1-‘I1i1‘3 , . . . , .1 I h every effort . I I . :1 )er \Mh) ( 03 I a neWSpflPer 5 tOK . I ‘.
1.511 . 1 AlthOUg . - Nauonal heusp l 16 increase “hen ,
i 1‘11 ii? i i not to commercmhze d ‘tlllCl’ltS of news ”Went
1| ‘1 Ti??? ‘3‘ 1‘ 1 rtising e132” ‘ ' .. v.37.
21:11111i1i. Weekrthe We . - 1
- 1 11-133- .
11g hh‘hh 1.1131 1 ,1 \
. 11.1.1. “51 ‘.
1 ..1.;. 1 .
' {113:11 I; .
111.1311? ‘.-“ ‘ ,7. r ‘
.i 1,11,1l“ ,, .iA"r;‘
‘ ‘1 £1 11' 117* 11 11 , ‘ #——————v—7

 as: 7141;:_"':-:r:e-';:v;*2: :-‘~"i: V 'I'EiEiiTIC'iFI?"TY-2.3117597: i'; r '1: " ., a — ” ~— ~ _,... 3 'L': '- 3 3;; ,
vii ‘ 3 '
~fg . i
1946 31' August, 1946 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three , 3
may lie in [[3
The news an: _, ‘ I
invested wif“ v I .
V have beeofii ‘ : 3
er owners an“. 3
(lgy, dull, at 3 3 .
g m H 011) I 0 Keep -. ~ .
ur basic fun ‘
subscriptio . “ 1 ,-
3)ublic rela 3 3 .
weet 0m weet . ‘
m1 advertise - ' i
re required. , 3
a circulatid '
16w featurei ' *
room—a comi 3 _
1d so forth? I 3
the circulatid; _ _ .
we the doses ' Agricultural leaders have long tried to find a way to make sweet corn ‘ 3
W3 Nader-3 taste as good in the home as on the form. It is likely that an A & P exper— 3
solicitor wli' ' . . . . _ ~ : ‘ 3
[M closer 3h: Iment now being conducted In cooperation Wl'l'l'l Massachusetts State College '3 3
m departm; and a group of Bay State farmers will provide the answer. .,3 3 -
tints or pra" ‘ .
y and courtesy . _ _ _ ‘
judged. It 5 ' Corn Wlll be harvested In late afternoon forearly mornmg delivery, at > 3 .
windOW- 7 down for morning delivery, and in the forenoon for early afternoon delivery , 3
3““? th‘: P to A & P Super Markets in Springfield, Northhampton and Greenfield. ‘3
[on (epar me, 3 3 .
y large me .. v 3 3 3
1) separate pr In one store the sweet corn will be kept under refrigeration, in another 33‘? 3 3 , »
in thersemfi it will be displayed on the regular produce counter, and in the third it will ’ 3 E ‘ .,
y am wee ‘ . i, 3' ,3 ,
1d not be cc. be sold from special racks to determine consumer preferance. Point-of-sale ' 3
Circulaltior.‘ (1‘, posters will explain how wthe corn was marketed. Handbills accompanying ,
.le reac er-inter ~-
ldvertising d; each purchase will tell customers how to keep the corn farm-fresh until it , , 3 3
“mm Of 1)“in is served. - . 1
v e comill . . . . . . ‘ _ ‘
iiiianonible Bu This experiment :5 one of many Initiated by A 8. P to Improve the 3‘ 13‘ '3 \
the circulatid :1 quality of perishables, reduce the nation's food bill through elimination of I If . , '
, er's ‘ . ‘ 3 3.
.angneglsfang 3 spoilage, and insure a higher return to farmers. . ‘ a '
) . 3 3 «3
become a real-.3 ‘ . '
I. It is because of such constant efforts to provide better food more eco- 3 3 :3
__,- ' nomically that the men and women of A & P are doing the nation's most f"; V 3‘3
ter ‘. efficient job of food distribution. 3 1
k, editor of L1} ' 1* ¥ 4 V - .3
kenridge News 1 .
t her KnoXVllle3 3; 33 . 3 '
been associdte' . 3,3" 3
act she lived 1' ' ' 'i‘z'v. ‘ .‘ .
Her sister, M! ‘33 3 3 »
fit, is edit0¥'°“3 . V .33 '3 3 -
11 known 21111593 . 3 3 3. 3 3.
a member 0‘13 ' 3 .
rnal organizatio- . I 33 '3 .; '

 " -f -. '11‘1,*1.1;‘«1 5 ‘ ‘1

‘ "3“ 11“,;-1:2:.11‘. ,.

‘11 ‘11 111;; .

‘ ‘1 ‘~-*"
1,111 . 1 Rage Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS August, 1946 A

, 11115111111, 1

‘ . “113‘ . 2.

' 1‘é‘11 ‘1‘,;§1;11‘ Official Publication or the Kentucky Single veterans and $200 per month for uprer
“ j ,1‘ 7/78 Press Assomatiori married veterans and still receive suh.1reced
' 11. ‘I ‘ 1,15, ,. 1 -—————."— .1 u '1 ., , 1 '

: 1 11 1 1 ,1 915’; 1113 Victor R. Portmann, Edlmppubfisher Sisteiicc payments [mm the Government,

‘ 1,“ 111“"111 en .E’, V if D 88 ———-——-——' 1 This will mean that employers’ maXimum' In a 3-

‘ ‘.1 ‘11“? ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ». Printed On The Kernel Press, Lexmgton salaries to veterans will be $110 per month; iire Su
‘ 1 ‘ l‘l‘ ‘4“ . 1 _

‘ 11-1; ‘ ‘11‘ 11 formerly veterans could receive up to $300 onality
‘11 11.351 ‘1' . - ' '7 ~ ‘ ‘ “ 1““ ‘

L .‘1 1 :1-‘,_1 he Kentucky Press Assoczatzon recognizes the furldamental importance pci month horn employers an( sti TCCEIVCtI‘USIIlE

" 111‘ l 1 ““ of the implied trust imposed on newspapers and dissemination of public lull G. I. Slll)hl$t€n:€:111 11 11 . :mlpsl
3.1 1 11 ' -. . ' truth azrness accurac and decenc m the pre 1 _ , . _ ,

‘ ‘lj: 1 11} 1 ‘11 information. It s‘m‘ds f0? [1 1 f tl’i C’nons ofylournalism 9‘“ advocates The Congressional Reorganization Law' quirmg
" 1“ ‘ ‘1‘ 1‘ -1 sentation of news, as 56‘ fort m e. a l‘ ' I‘ ‘ ‘ th ublica ‘ signed by the President on Aug. 2 providesations
. 1.1;1_,,.11. .' ' ‘ ' , ., .‘. ' 6’ ’ ‘ ’ . ., .
.. 11 111, 111.11,.11 strict ethical standards in its advertzsmg co iimn t opposes 1 p 1 {or [11C reglstmlmn of 101111111515. However, 1 adv:
.; 113131111, ,111 tion of propaganda under the guise of news. It afiirms the obligation of a “61111113116111 and Persons regularly 611111101’ed11l11er1isi
1111111 1111111 newspaper to frank, honest and fearless editorial expresszons. It respects in the newspaper business as such. are 81111111 hm
‘ ‘11‘.‘11'1‘.‘i‘1 _ , . . . . . . . . . " 1 1 .
. 11111111511119.111‘ gquaimi of opinion and the right of every individual to partzczpation in (mm [mm [hm Provlmom 1 “ubllSlll'
1‘.‘1‘ , 11.11411 ’ . . ‘ ~ - . . 1 . .
11111 , 1 1‘1 the Constitutional guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes in the 1 1.. i .1 =e ublishe
$11-11 ‘1‘1112 newspaper as a vital medium for civic, economic, social, and cultural com- 5,1 0,, .\ug. 9 the 0,1),,\_ ruled that 11315.0 [est 1
4111-1111113 r ’ ’ .5 1 . 1 H; 2 . c1 ..,1 .
£11131; 1 11 1711113111 development and progress. piint could be sold on in idJustiile prit lll\ of
“1‘1 “ “‘11‘ 4 ing‘ basis” pending final determination by Follov
ll l“1 111 ““1“" . the O.P.A. This action was taken to man (insider
“ 15‘1111‘1 1‘11 i'oliimc Seventeen, Number Ten photographic material. "'1“ ‘Other commodi- rain the [low of newsprint 1mm Canada'ompanj

- “ll 1111111 __————’——.—————# ties using silver, W111 become more plentiful. withcut impairing supplies while waiting he fall

“ “‘ “ "‘ “‘ ‘ r.- : . . . .‘
“11‘ “11 Kentuckv Press Association Officers * * * for a 5proval of a price increase. No ”“1111”. l‘ellt
. 111151 1,111.11 HaroldA Browning President Effectne O(tobei l. the domestic rate on cation as to the price O.P..‘»\. w111 allow hasnblisln
1'15 ‘: “3111,19, ‘ ‘ ’ . . . , . .
i “111‘ - “‘1 1111‘ Whitley Republican, Williamsburg air-mail Wlll be five cents an ounce. been made. he (161.;
, 151111 111 ‘-‘.“1 11‘ Fred B. Wachs, First Vice President L ' is as a >x= £11 1111 L :11 United
l 1111 1‘ 3‘1“? Herald—Leader, exmgton - - ‘ ' ‘ 3 - ‘ ‘
.1‘{ i1; :‘ 11; 11?! 1., , Regulations issued by the (.hildrens hui- , » 1 1. .1 f latter
1.15 ‘5 111:. 11 i 1".1,‘ , , ' d t ‘ , If )ublisliers have )1 oniotion 1c eas 0r
‘1““E‘“1 “‘ "1‘ *““ Tyler Mumford, Second VICE Pres: en eau authorit b the Fair Labor Standards , ‘ l 1 - 0.
111‘é‘l1“. “‘1 “‘ “ l Elmo” County Advocate, Morganfield ‘ . y y. . . National Newspaper Week pl‘ease send them Clltmo
,«1‘1 ,1‘15“‘1“ Victor R. Portmann,Secretary-Manager Act, W111 hence forth be administered by in to be passed along to those in charge The
111.1 1.11 11111111 University of Kentucky, Lexmgton a new Child Labor and Youth Linployment of )l'mninO' the observance 1 .icross 1
1133.1“ {11.1 , . . . .. . 1 _ , 1 1 r 1 . t -
11‘,“ 1111‘ 1‘. ‘1 11 135511in E‘Xchl‘t‘Ve Committeemen Branch ol the DiVisiorii ol LabOi Standards. 1 7 1* 11: A11 111 10 enacl
“1““ “1 ‘ ‘r‘l, ‘ 1 M. Willis. Messenger Bran— 5“? >11: at :x: “ 1 , .
11.11111 ‘11 51}l|1 Chairman, San-1:132)- F‘rst J‘oe La Gore Sun- - , . - - ~ The ANPA is assembling information con- ulation.
11‘ ‘11; S111 ‘ 111‘1‘51H denburg, “Poi; in g ’ 0‘ John B éaines The National Wage Stabilization Board ' ‘ 1 b‘ , Th‘ ._ f ma "()1 of

- 11.1“»:‘1 ‘1‘!“ 31* [1711 Democrat! a “ca ; .ew" ’ .' ’ « , . - . . - , _ cerning tie newspaper oy. is in o -

11,111,111, 11 11, 111,111 park City News, Bowling Green; Third, J. M. again warned, in a iecent1order, that al 11 should be sent in early One important deemed
111111311112. 1‘ 111-11. Wynn, Courier-Journal, Louisvflle; g'fthiuy‘r‘ lowances to on-the-job trainees are not ‘0" : ‘1 l 1‘ 1 f items ion of
“ ““““ “""‘ ' ‘ — 1 011' ‘ ~ "2 i .‘ .. c1) inso , ,

' . 1‘1 5‘1“!“ ‘11”‘1‘1 3“ P' sandersi Sun Democrat, arm!) : wages and that employers may not consider need 1“ ‘11 tears ieets mc 11) g 1 nation
1111.11 1111 .5 . 1‘1 Sixth, Enos Swain, AdVocate'Messenge” an , ‘ . - carried in any newspaper mentioning the
11111111“ 1,“ li‘l ville; Seventh, Norman Allen, Floyd County them as a part of established apprentice- ‘ 1 , Tl \NPA wants thesé‘omem‘
“-‘1 “"‘l ‘1“‘1" Times; P‘eStonSburg; Eighth, J' wl Hsgfzn’ ship of trainee Day. The order was a part newspaper 303' ‘6 r 1 f ‘ ‘lle 131113 clean
. ' - ' - : . . . ~‘ ' 1 ' rora) :
“‘1‘“ ““ " ll" Advocate, Mt: Sterling, Ninth, Kye 1e of a Veterans Administration campaign to clippings whether the item 15 av ‘ The
111“ 311.1: ‘1 1, , head, Enterprise, Harlan; State-at-Large, 56)“ , _ , not and regardless of whether the person
‘1 ‘3 1111 E“ 1 mour B. Goodman, Enterprise, Elizabethtown; safeguard tralnlng standard f01‘ 252,000 “Et' ‘ ‘ ‘ “ l H “newsboy‘ Branch,
11:51 , . 5 , 1 - u . _ 1
111,;.1Z1E11.1-.,1 .1 1; Immediate Past Presrdent, Chauncey Forgey, erans enrolled m on-the-10b programs. is called a newspaper )oly1 03a 1 t1 5 mid th:
“1 1‘3““ “ “ ‘ ‘ I d d f AShlaDd- . ‘ a ”newsie" or some 0t er escrip ion. .1 ,

. 11, 1.1.1, , 1 ., ,5 n 6P9“ 9": «11‘ it * * or liture
Iii 1““1 1 "i1 __—_________.__——————-- . *1 9k is a)? ,
1:41.11. - 1 “C' ~ lation su )ervisors of newspapers ' ‘iews )a
1,1 11:11.11 1 . ircu . 1 1 1 1 1 1_ 1 _ s‘ I
1‘ 11‘“ " 1 1‘1 NATIONAL €DlTOR|AL—. cannot qualify for exemption \lrom the Neither advertising nor circulation M11” 0th
21-11," ‘ 1 ,1 1.1 ,, . ' -. . . ‘ ' ‘ ‘0' ‘
‘12:;‘1111 1 1 1 "‘ 2%(fl‘ SSOCIATION overtime provisions of the F air Labor been under control of OPA. Publisliersh_t110 say
5, 111,111,11 _ m1+131 . , . . . 1' “ v ’11. , .
‘13, 11,7111" 1 1‘ l "“34"“ l f I , Standards Act on the Inns of being engaged ’ gethei uitli all others are Jittery over/1:11 611‘s arbi
1... 11,111“: ‘,‘ . 1 . . 11 1. . . . , . V _ .

:11 Ml -_. .1 J11, in a local retailing capacity, the \Vage and it ill be the finaldisposmon of OPA . [111 Minna
1.1 1:11:15, 1:. r"——-———-—-—-“ _ _ _ . . . - - - '
‘11 ', 1:;‘1,111 Hour DlVlSlOn recently announced, stating tisnig. Circulation and little of ~101) prm1 111 The
‘3‘33‘1’" . -- - - - . ‘ 11. ..
1 ' .{1‘1 .1‘1 1‘1 Here And There - ' ' that, “The work 0t superVising carriers and Wlll be involved. The newsprint part 1‘ a (hm
1“ “"““ ‘ 1‘ . .i ' ' ' ‘ . , ‘ 1 1- ~ l iztched. ‘ ,
1 ‘11 1‘11 1 111 A recent AP dispatch says: The approx- distributing newspapers to carriers nersboysi )e “l 1‘ 111 1111 1111 111“)
. 131.3‘1151 . . . ' ' ' :1 . 1- v
1! :9; "T ‘1 111 imately 600 union printers on the {our and dealers is neither the making 0 “retai 11 1 1 1 1 B11111 med
1‘: 1,1 ‘1 1‘1 : 5 Washington daily newspapers Sunday adopt- sales nor the performance 0i work imme- Sage advuge from the Michigan Piess ~nf that
z ‘ 11"» ‘ 1 t ‘ ' . . . , . , - . 1' w ,, . . tion 1
“ .‘ 1‘ ‘. ‘j ed a program which includes a demand for dlfltdy inCidental t1l€1€t0 45 required by letin states. This is the recommend: her Enactec
1‘1, 1 1‘1 a 75 per cent wage increase.” The printers the regulations." ' of a former Michigan newspaper pub: The
1:319 ' :f ‘ 5 . ~ . - We
‘~“ “71'1"?“ ‘ 1 i decided to ask for $112 for a 321/2 hour * * " "* “ho discovered, too late, that he <10l11dd‘alrases \
l} ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘1‘ week day shift as compared with $64 for An AP dispatch originating in VVash- saved several thousand dollars in fe 6211111351510
-:‘:‘: 111:: ’ ’ . : . , - . 2 x 2,
11 3‘151 ‘ 1‘11, ,‘ the present 35 hours; $123 for a 30-hour ington,and dated Aug. 9 stated that. VCt taxes if he had only (onsulted a th e ph‘s made 1
1:1 '7“ ".25 “‘1 week night shift instead of present $69 for erans now may accept jobs while going to prior to signing a contract for sale 0f '1 of the:
1, "“Zéz‘E ‘ ’ ‘ , ‘ '. . 1, . 1 .1 n,
l 0‘13 “‘ shift against $74 for 35 hours. The pres- school under the GI. Bill of Rights and property. In this respect, it should be 13111111111115 e.
11"i ‘ ' ’ ‘ . _ , -. . _ - ' e " ,.
1. 1 1 35 hours; $135 for a 271/2-hour week, third also draw some government subSistence al ed out that the tax officmltlls of the irtlive 1111111; lh
' ‘» ,‘11 1 1} . . , , " v ( ¢ 00 era t
1 j 3: . ,111‘ . ent contract expires hovembei 11. louance. revenue. bureau. are usua y c p how. 1h 0
1 ‘ ‘;‘ g‘. 113, , a: as all it An act signed on Thursday of last week giving information to taxpayers as t0 1n5x1sten
.1 ; =.: {'1 . . . . , ’ ’sio .
1 ‘1“; 1,1 “‘11 . Government price on silver has been set by the Pre51dent spec'ifiesthat veteians may they can take advantage of legnal pl'0V1 1.11am;
>2211,|'\ , . , .. _ . . _. ,1
‘3 -, at 901/2 cents an ounce. This means that not receive mOl€1 than $173 per month fol forreduction in federal taxes 111m tl
. :(1 ' ‘ - 1 . ‘ 5. -.".‘“ .

5 “ l1. 1“ “ ‘i‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ > ‘ :i

111*“-.‘5 .. ‘ .i_ 741 W . 1 .

 ...V L. “4.72,. wfi 2... , ‘ V .. M1,. 3.5., ...L .. . ,.-..-. halos-.2. ..-'_V-.,r.r «, a 4‘ e V -» . .r.’ : n 'V " : Iii:
it ' :
l946 if?“ August, l946 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Poge~iFive
.1. I:flonth‘m upreme Court UphOlClS form rate is not dissimilar to that employed Crime, Scandal Stories I'
C(CIVC ”h'receden’t—Se’t’ting Low by {W State- J Do‘Not Dominate News I. '
Government The Court refused to accept the propo- : "
Ers’ maximum” In a 3-2 decision June 27. the New Hamp- sition that the Legislature must regulate “7h“ do people read in their newspaper? J i
0 per month; ire Supreme Court upheld the constitu- 51“ 01' 110116 Of the advertising media. MOSH-V crime and s‘mldm‘ the average J i
'6 “P to $300‘onality of the law regulating political ad- It was HOt known what factual con- person seems [0 ‘hihk- But he’s mistaken. .‘
(1 still receive ertising rates passed in 1945 by the. New siderations prompted the Legislature to en- University journalism students asked 265 , J:
. arupshire Legislatura The high tribunal ZlCl'. the law, the Court Silid, but “it is 110T: ’ reader “his question: i
iled that the Legislature acted properly in U) be assumed to be unreasonable if it ”H0" hhl‘h ”l W” ‘h‘lh' P211“?1~ i5 (16 J
nization La“? quiring newspapers, periodicals and radio can be supported on a reasonable basis.” voted to sports news: to com