xt7vt43j174p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vt43j174p/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1992-07 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, July 1992 text GLSO News, July 1992 1992 1992-07 2019 true xt7vt43j174p section xt7vt43j174p flpWKI/MeleWWWZWSW W
Egghfgay Bluegrass Bids Farewell to
« » Activist
¢hamh¢r at tommtrtc As of this month, Chuck Smith
focmtug steps down from the editorship of
the GLSO News and the GLSO Board.
Chuck has taken a teaching position
Several members of the Lexington at New Mexico State University, Las
lesbigay community have joined to Cruces, NM-. fie has been a 900d
organize the Lexington Lesbigay friend, aCthlet' and leader for
Business Coalition. Modeling itself many m the LeXington gayicommunity
after several successful groups in igdugafmjgsg gerigtariniztrlsveafiinfié
other cities, the Business Coalition Gay Men’ s Slpiritual Group. Our
hopes to draw together both gay—owned community will sorely miss him but
and gay-friendly businesses. The wishes Chuck good luck in New Mexico
Coalition has several goals in mind: with his partner Doug.
- creatin a local director of a . . . .
and garfiiendly businessei 9‘ y Elhnlcuv/Raasm 10 be Dlscussed
. increasing patronage of lesbigay Growing out of initial meetings‘at
businesses by the lesbigay community the recent GLSO Forums at the New Morning
- working on a group health/insurance COffieehouse’ a .Cqmmunlty .dlSCUSSan on
raCism and ethniCity Within and without
plan . , the Lexington lesbigay community is to
'increaSing buSiness between be held on July 8, 7pm, at a local home.
leSbigaybUSinesses themselves (i-e- The invisibility of minorities in the
restaurants and suppliers, etc.) gay community in Lexington will also be
' coordinating efforts to draw in a topic. For more information, contact
business from local lesbigay Mary at 266-5904 or Beth at 253—0955.
C O n f e r e 1'1 C e 5 y[III/IIII/[IIIIII/IIIIIII/IlllllIII/Illllllllllllll/I’
- reciprocal tickets sales in // ’g
businesses for advertising on fliers ? GLSO NEWS g
for local events g g
' providing potential avenues for I , , _ 5
employment by local lesbigays é mdaéowlamww. ;
- creation of funding pool for g Squ1al Medla ?
loans, scholarships, etc. a Joseph-Beth Booksellers
- helping gay and non—gay businesses g Alfalfa ' S 2
include “sexual orientation” for E New Morning Coffeehouse,
iiiéffatiiiaciiceiddffg Wdeoiistii ? The Bar “mph"
é Natural Food Co—op g
a CrOSSings /
(CON'I‘INUED ON PAGE 8) ll/l/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/I/Illll/l

Pubhshed Monthly by the our imam/Joya! [la “want going to [mg for Mat gig
' lions; (DE. (47 ma [:5 4552755 mou' to (Waafli tan.
flexington gay/[aim assuring “on “y m9 ”9
, , DKc/ZW'LM, 524th up: £511.; is [/25 B09 dng/Vé‘
(Orgaanatwn 9/21: gulfcli next £1001 to £51: audio was gong/it 53/ a
PO. BOX 11471: Lexmgton, KY 40575 55.6510ij DA: atmangmt find tit/iatwouléaa it
EditorSI Mat 1;: is going to flat in. amalgam uppity gay 5m. in [£5
Jeff Jones, Tom Murphy, and Kristin Smith M dam. (WM out go; 4. (Vi/lime $54.1.
GLSO Annual DUCS - $1000 wants to gnaw [4 «753 ii Mia straigfl man 40 intzustadin
Dues for Cou les — $15.00 3‘? 5“”-
N 1 gal $5 00 (stiéids,fldo want to my again, 12/ cu £0.05 an
CW3 Ctt€f Y — ' quuflom 015m»; afiwfll’zmtgaiyom ofdoéntizd‘fufi:
. . . . can flip you. «47:15, you. fut unit: ms in. aauflo/ £5.54 fins
39:53:.5533322:5::S:::.::.:2i;:::.:::::£2.32: Mam. 9a 912/01 ”panama.- ave 0....
the GLSO Board of Directors.Submissions are welcome. All ”/5 clarinet/2' £4 mud
submissions become the property of GLSO and must _ ‘ ”15 ' _
indicate full name and address of the author. The staff Disclaimer: Don't blame us—-The Editors
reserves the right to edit submission and ads to meet .
ExiliiSifE.ESEET‘Z’EZ“§.Z.SS raisins: 22:93:23 Postcards from the Famllv
gawzu::::s:?t:ue:toot:s: iiiiiieiciiml orientation nor GLSO News is often approached
by concerned citizens seeking
information on ways to support those
Court Say: that Lesblun has a (use groups and individuals who support
:11 , , _ our community. Now GLSO News wishes
On May 8 ' th‘? Ninth CerUlt to address this need with a monthly
CO9“: Of Appeals in Los Angeles column of names and addresses of
rejected the U'S' Army 8 request supporters. The invisibility of our
that it _ rehear a case brought community in Lexington is a major
against it by former Army Reserve problem according to attendees at
Captain Dusty Pruitt ' Earlier the recent GLSO Forums . Letters and
Court ruled ll'l Pruitt v. Cheney that postcards of thanks to supporters
Capt - PrUltt must be allowed to are one way to show that lesbigay
pursue her lawsuit challenging the people do live and prosper here in
military’s 19°1le banning gays and the Bluegrass. Such “thank you’s”
lesbians from serVing 1n [the U' Sr}; are the concern of individual readers .
armed _serVices. _The Court 3 May 8 GLSO News provides this information
deClSlon reaffirms the Court’ 5 as a service to our readers . The
ruling that the 'U- 5 ~ names of worthy supporters are
Army must show rational welcome _
(commum on PM ,0) Donna Moore, Program Manager
$541202 (Wit/Z 04unt££ disclcla
(Way 50 a and gimfl, 0¢unfi£ alfsda/a dub; t maria; “
[ tli' w; jg . Never doubt that a small
any EttE'ZA wmyou LL mo, aoflgusu /u.4£ dad 0|] of thoughtful citizens
(la/2015155595000! [algal EDUMTION g' p h m M
quzhl woufd [1.62 51/05 [(A5 some lbwfifs 45:. 55am! cal“: 33g; :hWOI' I
agent mwwtfy. gt woufdgs mine to £5105 WELL to M30 I'I ee ' S eonx
/ J A c5 5 g [I [A g A: , thlflg that ever has.
1m. 1w mmyfio at so was ow. dVow oug , awn M tM d

 W . BIDS Conlerence finds Warmer
wfljymm Welcome in amslerdam
M '5Mw'7m The Eighth International
5‘ H” ‘5 "H? 5m” ' Conference on AIDS convenes July 19
7‘ WWW call in Amsterdam after moving from its
257—70271 originally scheduled site in the
Boston area. After arguing for
months with the Justice Department
Men’s NBtIJJDI’k over its ban on HIV+ foreigners
entering the U. S . , Harvard UniverSity
BY Nail Chethik withdrew as host. Organizers moved
A group 0f Lexington men has the site to Amsterdam, The
recently founded the Men’s Network Netherlands, for the five day
of the Bluegrass, an organization conference.
dedicated to the personal growth of As of 1987 when Jesse Helms ~—
men. The Network meets once amonth, (R-—NC) pushed through Congress an
focusing discussion and activities amendment adding HIV to the list of
on issues Of particular importance dangerous and communicable diseases,
to men: fathering, work stress, the U.S Immigration and
relationships, emotional expression, Naturalization Service has required
sexuality, aging and many other . . .
subjects. ViSitors to state if they are HIV+
The group also seeks to and forced imm1grants to take a
create better understanding among blOOd test. The Department Of
men of different races, ages, sexual Health and Human SerVices (HHS) has
orientation and abilities. attempted to change this policy.
Men’s Network gatherings are Similarly, homosexuals are not
held on the third Saturday of each allowed entry to nor immigration
month, from 10 a.m. to noon, at the into the U.S-
Unitarian Universalist Church of For both the United States and
Lexington, 3564 Clays Mill Road. The the Boston area, the loss of the
gatherings are free and open to conference is a slap in the face.
newcomers. For the U.S. and the Bush
The hope is that by sharing administration, the embarrassment
experiences With each other, men can of having to move the very conference
learn from each other, create aimed at a knowledge exchange to
friendships, and work together to hasten an AIDS cure calls attention
improve the community in Wthh we to criticisms of a relatively weak
live. . ‘ , national HIV prevention campaign.
The group was formed ln Aptll' For Harvard’s Cambridge, MA, hometown
More than 50 men came to the flrSt and nearby Boston, the loss of the
gathering, and deClded to meet once conference dollars from the 15,000
a monthfge:§;lietril::t tsgveszZl $223,117 visiting scientists and hundreds of
gatherings, the Network is organizing other reporters and lobbyists further
smaller men’s groups that meet harms the area’s troubled receSSion
weekly in people’s homes. There is economy.
no charge for Network activities. The Netherlands does “Qt
For more information, call Neil restrict entry nor immigration Of
Chethik at (606) 276—1136. HIV infected persons.


In case you were wondering whether M Nob? f3 1)::prng
or not Lexington has any venues for Us‘t‘é SDOETSHASSAOC
amateur artists to express
themselves, the answer is yes. Each j
month the Working Class Kitchen
meets to allow poets, musicians and WM!)
artists an opportunity to display UC-MAOO‘2773 (“)259‘8203
their talents and to have non— * ,____
performers gain insight and
inspiriation by viewing the talents
of others. Support our

The next meeting of the Working .

Class Kitchen will be on July 12th agfiyerthersrfbr
at Alfalfa's Restaurant. Another .
affiliated group, Poet ' 5 Happy Hour, supporting
will be meeting in the Martin Luther
King Center on the UK campus. These 115 '/
readings will be held at 6pm on the
last Friday of September, October GLSO NEWS
and November.
For more information please contact
Lavern Zablielski at 278—4107.
Everyone wishing to participate must
. meet at W.
For more information
, Brad at 278-5109
sponsored by
- 'K 9' VI 7

 'Communit _S otli ht
a ads and man Number Expand
AVOL is a group familiar to many ’ ' '
members of Lexington’s gay community, but P-FLGG S "anonwlde
like so many organizations dedicated to outrud‘]
helping others they are sometimes taken for
granted. To help insure that AVOL doesn’t
get lost in the sea of good intentions which In a public service announcement
dominates most lives, we want to take some th t - b - - d TV t t' .
time to let everyone know a little about a ls eing aire on S a 10115
this group. across the country, members of
Founded in Qctober 1987, the AIDS Parents and Friends of Lesbians and
ligiggtgferssefficlexwgiog,was CEO Lfoer : Gays gather to proclaim their love
es inc u ing e uca ion an - -
information about AIDS, AVOL, consisting for all their family members.
entirely of volunteers from the Central The ad features 45 P—FLAG
Kentucky area, is dedicated to preventing members of various ages and races,
the Spread Of HIV and Offers support to with voice—overs of parents recalling
those affected by it. All services their ex eriences f . t t
provided by AVOL emphasize the philosophy , p , O CPmlng O erms
of healing and recovery while helping Wlth haVlng a lesbian, gay, or
people live with HIV disease.” bisexual Child.
expiiii231¥hiiiii?§§$hf§fT€fi§ygiifighii3 Viewers are inVited to call a
pointed out what they thought to be the VOlce_mall SYStem that prOVides the
greatest strengths of the group: the numbers of local P—FLAG helplines in
commitment, caring and understanding of more than 270 towns and cities. The
the AVOL volunteers. Through these people messa es are ta e in both En li h
Central Kentucky is providedwithaspeakers (:1 Sq - h p d g s
bureau to educate people on the spread and an panis ' _ .
prevention of the disease, anda system for The national number 13
providing victims of the disease with help _ _ _
in obtaining medical supplies, groceries, 1 800 4 FAMILY
transportation and support groups. They 1'800—432—6459
also are responsible for fundraising in the "The ad is intended to serve as
area, maintain an information line to . . . ,
answer questions and also distribute condoms a statement to right-Wing religious
and information. . and political groups as well as to
BeSldes these Strengthsl the group ls more typical traditional American
also affected by weaknesses. One of the f 'l' h . .
greatest of these is there not being enough ami ies t at P_FLAG families are
volunteersat times like 9_ to 5, Monday whole, lov1ng, healthy, and
through Friday. The emotionally taXing productive," said Tom Sauerman, the
aspect of getting to know people, and then t' d' f P—FLAG
slowly watching them waste away and die execu ive lrector O '
also weakens the group. Despite these In Phoenix, AZ, the ad was
problems and a constant need for more (CONTINUEDON PAGEH)
money, the group still manages to maintain
a network which is able to get life saving
information to people. P T I I
Young people are one of the groups q usus rave "C-
which are in greatest need of this "If” 'zézfll _ £1111”! _ 1:!!!
information. AVOL, unfortunately, has not ,4 7 7
been able to get into the Fayette County
School system but has had victories in some
rather surprising areas. The Antioch
Christian Church on Paris Pike, the 2nd
Presbyterian Church on Main St., the lst
Baptist Church of Corbin, the Jessamine
County and Paris City Schools have all
asked AVOL to present their education 2040 Ide '10"meth
program, and none have asked the group to ' -
modify their presentation to conform to any Rlcmmd Road' lexmg‘lon. KY 40502
ideas of morality. According to AVOL 800 W337 606 268'll337
all of these groups have received the
Programs With understanding and open minds. GLSO Donation With Each Purchase!

 I 6 @3 NEWS GLSO GHYLINE.......................................23H.335
[y] y GLSO Board(Craig).............271—8477
GLSO News (Jeff). . . . . . . . . . . . . .253-9729
_ Folding (Lee)............277—9365
ed hu F rl sat GLSO Speakers Bureau (Bill). . .266-9175
sun Mon Tue W T GLSO Phoneline (Tony). . . . . . . . .266—9175
GLSO Support Group (Mary) . . . . .266—5904
1 2 3 4 (Cole) .....233—9991
salzlleshian 55 32m Atlanta Amory Classic Atlanta Armory Classic Atlanta Armory Classic DEG Businegs coallglOIz (31:33d) gig—gig;
, B uegrass .O.L.T. . Mar -
Lesbian Men" Chorus 53W Frontrunners, 9am' ICBE-Imperial Court (Tom) . . . . .255-2299
Overaaters, 4pm. Rehearsal, Gay/Lesbian Parent- Gay/Lesbian Parents Rainbow Bowling League. _ _ . . . _ .267-2127
GLOBAL meeting 7 3 30PN- C°nf°r°nc°* C°nf'r°n°°* Tri-State Gay Rodeo (Terry) . . .233—7266
HIVAIDS . . amHIV/AJDS supp. gxp. NAMES Project KY (Katie). . . . . .223-3855
pm / supp grp Lesbian Potluck...............231—0335
Bisexual Support Grp. (Beth). .253-0955
5 6 7 8 9 1] © 1' 1] Esmerelda’ s Parlour. . . . . . . . . . .255—3851
Atlanta Armory ClaSSiC Gay/Lesbian Al—Anon, Dlscusslon on Men's Chorus Gay Men's Frontrunners, 9am. irontMRurvmeé‘: J099ergh(ggufk) -§;E:gggg
- 7pm mm H Rehearsal, Spiritual Group amHIV/AIDS supp. grp. ex.. en 3 ourus ( e y I ' '
Wm ‘ __.V_:_B_- _ . Lesbian Overeaters (Nancy) . . . .268—3941
Gay/Lesbian Parents W 7 ' 309“" WWI—3mm Gay/Lesbian AA (Dave) . . . . . . . . .293-6822
Conferenco* Lesbian me-IIV/Ams supp. grp. Gay/Lesbian Al—Anon (Robert) . .293—0515
ICBE 7 o t s 4 m LesBiGay Parents Group (Jeff) .253—9729
pm “in“ er ’ P ' Religious Groups
Dignity: Catholic (Don). . . . . . .299—4458
1] 2 l] 3 l] 4 l] 5 ll 6 fl 7 fl 8 Gay Men's Spirit Grp. (Steve) ”233—1782
AVOL Meeting Gay/Lesbian Al—Anon, Qayzlesbi an AAI 8211]. Men ' s Chorus Gayfleshj an AA. 82m. Frontrunners, 9am. éntergivf: Ungtarian (crigg;)§;%—gggg
, ’nai a om: ewis -
Wm 7Pm- Lesbian 5822817831, am HIV/AIDS supp. grp. Student Groups .
Ovareaters, 4pm. 1 Pm- UK Lambda (Andrea). . . . . . . . . . . .253-0955
4 mAVOL Board meet.
SgOpmAVOLgen.meet. GLOBAL pmHIV/AIDSsupp.grp. (Jeff) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .253—9729
GLSSO: EKU (Laurie). . . . . . (606) 623-3072
B-GLAD: Centre C. (Gary) . (606) 236-4547
AGLF: NKU (Pat) . . . . . . . . .. (606)572—5604
1] 9 2 © 27] 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 WKU Lambda (Larry) (502)777—1249
8th Int'l. AIDS 8th Int'l. AIDS 8th Int'l. AIDS 8th Int'l. AIDS 8th Int'l. AIDS 8th Int'l. AIDS Frontrunners, 9am. GLOBAL: U- 0f L- (Dam-d) - (502)634—9642
Conference, Amsterdam. Conference, Amsterdam. Conference, Amsterdam. Conference, Amsterdam. Conference, Amsterdam. Conference, Amsterdam. amHIV/AIDS supp. grp. AIDS Information/Sewices_
_ . . h G M I Kentucky AIDS Hotline. . . . . 800 645 2437
Mum AV L B M m men-am “a“ 3 C ““3 aY 9" 3 AIDs Vol. of Lex. (AVOL)......254-2865
Ga Lesbian Al-Anon, Lesbian Rehearsal, Spiritual Group HIV+/AIDS Support Group. . . . . . .254-2865
ICBE 7pm y/
. 7pm, Overeaters, 4pm. 7 =3°Pm- Maw ANONYMOUS AIDS TESTING
Lesblan P01111319 2pm. Pm HIV/AIDS supp. grp. Lexington-Fayette County. . . . . . 288—2437
Madison County. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .623—7312
26 27 28 29 3Q 3“] Jessamine County..............885-4l49
. . - Woodford County...............837—454l
. _ , Gauélesb: an 55 gm . Ch GaylLeW . . . . .
Magnum Sari/Lesbian Al Anon ‘ :ZZQZIBafruB NationalGay/Lesbian Cr181sline
P ' GLSO Board Meenng . ’ (800)247—4283
GLWLEQJ-dm Lesbian 7 ' 301”" Nationalsggtgcflngzsfiotline
Overeaters, 4 m. HIVAIDSS . . 47—
? pm / upp grp Teenage Gay & LesbianSupport
(800) 347—TEEN
This line is staffed by teenagers.

 How Fairness Fares Lesbigay
Louisville’s Fiirness Campaign “Chamber of Commerce”

seeks to add sexua orientation to a
the city’s anti—discrimination Forming
protection policies covering (Continuedffompagel)
employment, housing and FUbliC partnership benefits for same sex
accomodations such as hotels could
not legally discriminate by this couples . . _
characteristic. Although often ' POSSlble hosting 0f BUSlneSS Fall:
referred to a “gay—rights law/ for local lesbigay small businesses,
clause, " SUCh protections craftspeople, artisans
technically cover all orientations . creating logo for display on cash
including lesbians, gay males, . t t 'dentif _f . ndl
bisexuals and the ubiquitous regis ers O l y gay rie y
heterosexuals. Thus far the buSinesses
Louisville City Council has not As a group, the Coalition hopes
adopted this measure. 30, today to tap into the lucrative lesbigay
lesbian Louisville (and ‘Kentucky) market as well as to advertise its
employers should technically be buying power to the general business
able to fire straight employees, _
refuse potential gay male renters community. Recent surveys have
and deny bisexuals motel room because found that although lesbians and gay
0f who they love. Realistically, men make up 10% of the population,
these .3“? other types Of they control 20% of the United
discrimination are more the fare of St t , d' bl in m a eh' hl
lesbigay people. a es isposa e co e, r ig y

Although Louisville has not educated, have our own press and are
yet based anti—bias protections on extremely product loyal to supportive
sexual 03: affectional orientation, producers. Gay males and lesbians
over .80 Other U.S.. Cltles and are also twice as likely to be
counties have. These include college ,
towns such as Amherst (MA) and Ann college graduates and to have higher
Arbor (MI) as well as major cities average household incomes than the
such as New York, Los Angeles, U.S. average households: Gay men
Detroit, Chicago, airid ricently, New ($51,325), Lesbians ($45,927), U.S.
Orleans. Partia y us to its
sexual orientation clause, Columbus, avegggecéjfféf::)w.ill have its next
OH, has been devoted by several .
lesbigay authors as the best city meeting on Sunday, JUlY 12, at
for queers in the U.S. 7:30pm. For more information contact

On other levels, Israel in Brad at 266-8187.
£33232? anifléliincie‘fla$553333; WWW/”WWW
discrimination based on sexual % 508-254-9112 “NW-59““ 5" ¢
orientation nationwide. At least / Luiwmn-KY‘OW’ %
six US states, five Canadian provinces % %
and one Australian state have laws % LAURA E KAPLAN MSW %
protecting sexual minorities. % ' ' %
Including 46 of the top 50 ranked % /
schools, many American universities % ‘ClinicaISociaIWomer %
are also adding sexual orientation % CW-Chem'ca'oeper‘dancv COUn- g
to their non—discrimination clauses. % //

 To the Editors "Cbmmunit -s otli ht
, , Y .P 9
D E d' t Anyone wishing to volunteer, should
ear 1 ors, . . stop by the AVOL office at 214 West Maxwell,
I am writing on behalf of and fill out the application. The next step
Hospice of the Bluegrass to thank the is an eight hour orientation and education
friends of Kevin Drury for their program t9 acquaint. 11h? new members With the
generous donation to Hospice. Kevin' s orgéntzatmn' . Thls 15 .then fr°ll°wed by
f . d . d a b f . t “D n’ t additional training seSSions which can last
rien S organize ene 3 ’, O , from one or two additional hours for certain
Let the Sun GO Down On Me, in April less strenuous jobs, to an eight hour
at the Bar Complex for three commu— training program for those wanting to be a
nity organizations; Hospice, AVOL, “buddy” to someone with disease. These
and the Names Project. sessions serve two purposes: one to make
The erformers donated their sure that the volunteer is comfortable with
. 1p (:1 . F . d the choice, and two, to make sure the person
time, ta ent an. tips. _ rien s is equipped to handle the position.
donated their time and skills as The GLSO News regularly runs the
waiters, waitresses, and hosts . The numbers of different AVOL services and the
patrons were extremely generous to numbers for HIV anonymous testing centers.
these three groups which work in ghese,cen:ershdl§f‘?r fro?“ thl‘: tteths Perform,2d
different areas of service to per— y prlva e p ysmlans m t a t 6 person 5
. . . identity is never revealed and cannot be
sons With AIDS - The benefit raised obtained by organizations such as insurance
over $2000 . companies. Anyone wishing to be tested or
Hospice of the Bluegrass has wanting to help the people at AVOL are
cared for many persons with AIDS in encouraged to call. As one volunteer said,
- - “I would love to be able to lock this door
the past Slx years. Tl‘fongfifiitofigg 11:8 and close this office for good, but that
won’t be for a long time."
A casual atmosphere
W1 III a menu that varies
dauy stressing born
x , internation a1 and
X s i 7 / regional rare. ,
1212:2131}: ‘ ‘ e '- , .. 53:33:33;
" wt 9/ JV’lV/y ‘* x-
iaéaézézézi . n- ”1/, , s
2:32:22 - r '4’ ~' ...‘.=" 223232323235;
fl ,, ’4." ‘ ‘h 3:555:22;
525552525: :I ,' \ : ‘ ‘
“ 1' -‘ ‘ -~ Always offered are:
RESTHUHHNT s Poultry, seafood, &
557 S. Limestone vegetarian entrees
Lexington, KY ‘ A selectlon of salads
2 5 3 _ U U 1 4 ' H o m e m a de b ak e d
bread & desserts
- _ ‘ Domestic & imported
3533555335; LUDCh — Brunch — Dlnner _ 15523352333352
beers & Wine

 How Fairness Fares Court Say: that lesbian has a (use

. . _ basis for its policy based on grounds
protections tend to be éfflllated other than the prejudice of othe rs .
with the Roman Catholic Church The case will now move to the
(Notre Dame U.) or the Mormons district court unless the Army
(Brigham Young U .) pet it ions the U . S . Supreme Court for

And finally, American businesses review.

are also finding that such anti—bias _ The Army discharged Capt . Pruitt
policies make good business sense by in 1 9 8 3 after an interView in the Los
promoting employee satisfaction . Angeles Times about her ministry
Joining this bandwagon are such With the Metropolitan Community
corporate celebrities as: AT&T, Church. The. Lambda Legal Defense
IBM, General Motors , Levi—St rauss , Fund along Wlth. the American ClVll
Sears , Xerox, Wells Fargo Bank, Walt Elfiefrt 1.8 S U“ l on .3? S§Uthe. IE
Disney Inc . , Citizens Fidelity Bank, a l oinia are prOVl ing er Wlt
Ridder—Knight Inc . (owner of the cou‘fqlosser; make up only 10 99 of Armed
LEXlngtOD Herald—LgaBder; 'J most Services personnel but 22.9% of
compu er companies an en erry s discharges . Thus, lesbians are
Ice Cieal‘qm' h L . '11 I F . twice as likely to be kicked out of

A_ t oug OUlSVl e s airness the military!
Campaign may be temporarily stymied, _
sexual orientation as an area for 1991 Department °f Def-an“ Discharges
lega 1 ant i—bias protect ion remains For Honosazmality—Ralated Offenses
a hOt tOpiC on corporate, academic’ a——-—-——mc».—.
local, state and national levels . Tvlal a ' “

7— 2‘ 2

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Other Years
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1 1 3 Clay Ave. Lexington, KY 40587 40 .
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 ads and 1800 Number Exoand Postcards from the Family
”1663 Nationwide Gum-d] “Mg?” "m" W 2’
(CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5) 600 Cooper Drive
first shown during a FOX Network Thamg‘bogdrxfngffgfn lesbi a -related
movie, Doing Time on Maple Drive, programming in Juneg for (aTshe Lost
the story of a family with a gay son, hanguage 0f Cranes” and" in JUlY for
and repeated during the following Porfifiéfir Of a Marriage
hour on a Star Trek episode. The Lexingtm Harald-Radar
Phoenix chapter received 30 calls wgglozndxgveiosoe—lggg
the next day. Thank the Her'ald-l’eader for Liz Petro’s
To The Editors Si‘ScrfniZZ’éiofiaZZZiistafiififiiys 31,1822
(CONTINUED FROM FREE 9) thekLexington Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Pride
H i idintdthlu Wee-,
pizgig: casre i: iIaDSepatfentes.p w: mgiraggamity
are grateful to each person who 1155 Battery street
contributed to this benefit. San Francisco, CA 94111
Thanks again, ~ 1—800—USA—LEVI
Gretchen M' ‘Brown ThanfaifeXfif’S—Efiatslssggor being the largest
Executive Director conrqgany in lthe U.S. .to add addimegtic
NOTE: Readers may also wish to read Ezuprliis. po my covering gay an es lam
the GLSO News article on this event Thank our advertisers for their ads
by the two John Michaels in the May :2 $13? Press and for suvporting our
issue. '
/-‘ /
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GLSO / JULY - ll

 The key to HIV
Prevention is
Spread Facts,
not HIV.

For more information, call your

local health department or the

HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.
12 - GLSO / JULY

 loseph—Beth Booksellers
The landmark guide to H i ?§‘C‘g ,
relationships for gay G V. sfié’a? 3* gig}; ‘SC‘gi Cf?» C * v
fig? :3 {*5 1‘“ gig; ‘ ' ,
men has been thor- S ii?“ iii? 16 ifig‘
m r :E’ff‘; ‘ : it‘iéegéi 11:!“ 4:31;. a I. a) g; > ‘- Cé‘ 21“.? .f
. CC. «“23“ ,_ r C: :E v . f
oughly updated With ”.5 riggifaef‘“ MM} 4.» 1,: D l T i? E p
, if: a 5’: ,‘gngkCii-l ii?” if!“ i‘v 3 Vi , ’_ 7 O ,N
the latest information Q3: “336”“? 7‘31} 7 ; " ‘f
, 05%; WW C - ‘ * .
on how to bu1ld suc- cry {3“ 2;; f C7 l - - _ .f .
cessful and rewarding N 3C, _, , ' i'
(DC-1}: '- it All??? :2??? l . .
relationships. This Calif .C C ‘ . if i i i
warm, common-sense Q VI] . f" U A5: 9 -
companion, w 1c 21;» ,9 if i ,, CM L?
. . 0:; . ,
includes extenswe N ‘i C: i'; - C: ,- , ._ ,7 . ,-
source listings, is £17 - ' 7- if; ::C Cr“ :31 ~ C i- __ ‘/
based on inter- O . l7 I] CC“? C14 r A i i
Views w1th gay 3 ’ “II/’7‘ ,. C. [1 g ' " g ’
"1C 33:77:53" '5' 5'5? f’ 7m ' .A :3 : .7 {3'3
men across the G F CC :7 {93/ Jig 77%,! ”(i-fl . g .
. l: C3 ~:: . CC: ' " J «
country, their més’EJ’CC'fi‘x} {5: F? / 5%; I ’ -
‘4le3 CC- CC - ” ,
families, health CsfiE-Z'CCICC‘F ii): i ii
‘;;L"’T-? >4§’fl§s§ :2 - 11$. \C-LII C i
. «‘ng ifgéja CC V 13 U S C ‘
professmnals, ' i ‘ ' " ’EFMAK
, i";r~::,__l 7" G H H
A A _ , n s 7 arper
and Peer i - ~ °~" Y Collins
counselors. $14.00
Lexington Green / 3199 Nicholasville Road / (606) 273-2911 in Ky. 1800-2486849

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