xt7vt43j1733 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vt43j1733/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1987-11 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, November 1987 text GLSO News, November 1987 1987 1987-11 2019 true xt7vt43j1733 section xt7vt43j1733 I i ; Free at Selected Business locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
. ”
Being a part of the March on Washington Favorite Buttons:
for Gay and Lesbian Rights, Oct. 11, was an Buttons became an interesting phenomenon
experience none of the participants will ever at the March. Nearly everyone was wearing
forget. Over 60 events were offered in some .sort of button which identified them as
connection with the March and various related Gay or Lesbian:
activities. Choosing which of these to attend Dip me in honey and throw me to the
was difficult; six days were just not enough Lesbians!
time! Nuke .a Gay Whale for Christ.
At least 25 lesbians and gays from QUEER!
Lexington spent the weekend in Washington in I'm not Gay but my lover is.
the midst of half a million Gay Americans.
Summing up the weekend is not an easy task, Enough to Bring Tears to Your Eyes:
but maybe the following personal impressions The Healing Service for PWAs and all Gay
from local Marchers will lend some of the People held at All Soul's Unitarian
exhilaration and energy of the experience to Universalist Church on Sunday
those who were unable to attend. morning before the March.
Gay Men's Chorus dedicating a song to
Favorite Signs: former members who died of AIDS.
Genuine Corn-Fed Iowa Faggot! Denver Women's Chorus, Gay Men‘s Chorus
Breeder for Gay Rights. of Washington and the Gay & Lesbian
Come Out Chris Cagney! Bands of America performing ”America
Gay Garbage Collectors. the Beautiful."
My Doctor Is...My Lawyer is...And I Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays
think my Uncle Harry is, too. (P—FLAG) cheering on Marchers on
Keep your Church out of my Crotch! Pennsylvania Avenue.
I'm Thinking of the Ones Who Aren't Seeing a women spot the panel she had made
Here! for her late brother pictured on the
"Names Quilt Project" commemorative
Favorite Chants: poster. I supported her for a
F-L-O—R-I-D-A, Orange Juice Makes You moment, she bought the poster, then
Gay! turned and walked back to the quilt.
200 Unitarian Universalists singing "Ho-
Mo, Ho-Mo, It's Off to March We Favorite Moments:
Go, We're Gay and Proud, We'll Two lesbians from Louisville stopping at a
Shout it Loud, Ho—Mo, Ho-Mo, pay phone and calling friends who
Ho-Mo..." to the tune of "Hi-H0, couldn't come, then holding out the
Hi-Ho, It's Off to Work We Go. . .". phone so they could hear the March.
600,00 Lesbians and Gay Men chanting Overhearing a young man breaking away
"Shame! Shame!" at the 1 from the throng of gay people at
fundamentalist hecklers. DuPont Circle say to his companion,
1-2—3-4, Ronald Reagan wants a war, "It's a feast for the eyes and I don't
5-6-7-8, he even thinks his son is think I can stand it anymore!"

 , Most Wonderfully Eerie Moment:
Pm” 59"“ me 5 free m‘mduf‘ml'y In the middle of Saturday afternoon, in
"‘ issue 0‘ the 9M and information downtown D.C. , with traffic, overhead
on GLSO' planes, tourists, and hecklers, the
I'd like to become a votin Member of abrupt and sustained pure Silence at the
L.) GLSO entitling me to freeghome delivery start 0f the Wedding Ceremony.
of the GLSO News and discounts at . . . .
GLSO f—_unctions. My annual Member- Most Hilariously Pathetlc Action: .
ship fee of $10 is enclosed. Almost every smgle male not attending
the March was constantly clutching onto
I don't wish to become a voting Member a woman when in public. God forbid
—»-‘ but please send me the GLSO News anyone should thmk they were ,
each month. The annual charge of $5 ...QUEER!
is enclosed. '
Most Infuriating Incidents:
March Organizers reported a TWA plane
me: which had carried persons bound for the
March was disinfected after the ‘
passengers disembarked. ' .
dd:ss:__________—__ Saturday night's Concert was delayed 45 '
minutes because ushers refused to work.
. . ~ « They thought they would contract AIDS j
Clty' 51' le‘———————_—_— by tearing tickets.
I ' -
to. 52:12—12:32!" 15,20,651?" 11471 Most Depressing Moment: 1
' Returning home to the real world. 1
GLSO News is published monthly by the Best Feeling: ,
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. Knowing on every street, at any ‘
(d.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian. Services moment, for that weekend, only one-in- :
Organization), Box 11471, Lexington, KY 40575 ten people were straight. i
_ Steve Savage. Editor WASHINGTON, DC WAS THE GAY ;
Craig Clere, Asst Editor, Events Calendar CAPITOL OF THE WORLD!
Edwin Hackney, Asst Editor, AIDS Information 1
Laura Joans, Asst Editor for the Re-Entry into the real world was
Esmerelda Collective (Women's News) astonishingly depressing. And then the press :
Daniel Stinnett, ASSt EditOI”, News Items coverage was ever more upsetting. Associated j
_ Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist Press reported 200,000 lesbians and gay men ,
Additional Contributors: Dave, Julie, Barry, took part in the March, even though this 2
Teresa, Debbie, Keith, Lucy, Dennis, Craig; estimate came from the same people who twice (
Sharon Vardatira; AVOL; Couples National during the preceding week tried to prevent 1
Network; NGLTF; Partners; The Advocate; the March from happening, the U.S. Park
Typists: Dave, Craig, Kenneth, Steve; Service. March organizers were giving figures I
Equipment: Dave, Karen; Typesetting: Matt; ranging from 500,000 to 750,000. Anyone who
Layout: Dave, Craig, Darren, Daniel, Becky, was there knows that any figure below half a
Steve; Mailing: Bill, Dave; Courier: Barry; million is ridiculously low; even the Village
Folding & Stuffing: Mark, Steve, Jim, John, Voice insists the number of participants had to
Gerry, Dave, Wanda. have been at least that, if not much higher. .
The Associated Press also drastically 1
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are underestimated the number of couples who took :
those of the authors and do not necessarily part in The Wedding as only "several H
represent those of the GLSO Board of hundred", even though the Washington Post
Directors. Submissions are welcome. All gave a much more realistic figure of more than 31
submissions become the property of GLSO and 2000 couples plus another 3000 observers.
must indicate the full name and address of the Estimates taken from aerial photographs Will c
author. Anonymous submissions are not eventually set the true figure. I
accepted. The editorial staff reserves the‘ Both the MBPCh and the headline on the I
right to alter submissions (including ads) to Oét. 20 issue of the Village Voice sum up 1
meet publishing requirements. many of the achievements in Gay History in e
2 l

 the last century. As this headline shows, 200 UU'S GATHER FOR PRE-MARCII SERVICE
the March on Washington has replaced Oscar

‘ Wilde's famous quote "The Love That Dare Not Two hundred lesbians and gay men,

Speak Its Name," with "THE LOVE THAT including ten Lexingtonians, gathered at

DARES TO SHOUT ITS NAME". Washington's All Soul's Unitarian Universalist

‘ Church for a pre-March service sponsored by


Lesbian and Gay Concerns.) The service,

On Saturday, October 10th, the day which began at 9:30 am, consisted of several
before the March, over 3000 persons gathered speakers including the Rev. Rose Mary
in Washington's Congressional Cemetery for a Denham, who recently left the United
dedication ceremony on the site of the Memorial Methodist Church over her sexual orientation
for Harvey Milk. Milk, San Francisco's first in a highly publicized case. Rev. Denham has
gay supervisor, was assassinated along with since affiliated with the Unitarian Universalist
Mayor George Moscone, by former Supervisor Association (UUA.)

Dan White. The keynote speaker was the Rev. Jay

The idea for the Memorial to honor Milk Deacon, director of the UUA's Office of
came from former Navy sergeant Leonard Lesbian and Gay Concerns. Rev. Deacon
Matlovich while visiting the Paris gravesites of spoke of the desire of the UUA to have
Alice B. Toklas and Gertrude Stein. Matlovich lesbians and gay men consider Unitarian
felt the United States needed a place where Universalism as a viable religious alternative.
younger gays and lesbians could remember The UUA was the only major religious
their fallen heroes and heroines. From denomination to endorse the March on
Matlovich's inspiration the Never Forget Washington, and has been on the forefront of
association was formed to honor these persons. recognizing and endorsing lesbian and gay
Milk's memorial is Never Forget's first project. issues for the past fifteen years.

Milk's successor as supervisor, The most moving part of the service was
Supervisor Harry Britt, was one of the half— a healing ceremony held for those who have
dozen speakers, many of whom talked of Milk's suffered from AIDS. The congregation recited
love for the community he helped found in San a chant while holding hands with each other,
Francisco. The crowd was visibly moved as then vocalized names of friends who had died
the speakers shared their experiences with of, or who were afflicted with, AIDS.

Milk. Concluding the service three buses

The ceremony concluded with the crowd transported the UU'ers to the Ellipse where
organizing into groups of five which filed past the group marched with other religious
the eventual site of the memorial to lay a organizations in the March. Those who

‘ flower. Milk's ashes were present, which participated agreed that it was a perfect start
added even more emotion to the event. The to a wonderful day in Washington.
actual specifications of the memorial will be
chosen later from designs taken from the
lesbian and gay community.

You probably noticed the new format Our writers, editors, typists, delivery
introduced in September's GLSO News: we've people and envelop stuffers are all volunteers.
eliminated the cover page artwork and now Over a hundred hours of free time is donated
begin the news on the first page (like a to each month's issue. But, it still costs us
"normal" newspaperl). You may also have about $200 per month for printing, postage,
noticed the new subscription form on page 2. and supplies. We cover local stories and
That change is important to you and to GLSO. events, and try to provide information you will

Each month we provide a few free copies find valuable.
of the GLSO News at businesses such as The Please become a GLSO Member or GLSO
Bar, Sqecial Media and Joseph-Beth, so new News subscriber. Simply complete and return
people in town will know we're here to help. the coupon on Page 2. We need your help to
Those copies usually don't last long - cover costs if you wish to receive a monthly
everyone likes to get something free. issue.


JUST WHO IS ESMERELDA?!?!? life. While attending a night class at the
She is a collective of women who have college she is surprised, but not particularly
organized through the Gay and Lesbian alarmed, to find herself attracted to the
Services Organization to provide the lesbian professor, Ruth. A growing awareness of the
community with just that - community. We depth of her attraction tells her that this is
originally met through the Coffeehouse and no mere "schoolgirl crush", however,
Dance Committee and continue to be actively particularly when Ruth responds.
involved with the C & D's which help fund the The chemistry between Ruth and Lianna
GLSO News and the Gayline. When Feminist is beautiful to watch unfold. Following fast on
Alliance folded we welcomed anyone interested the heels of Lianna's budding relationship with
to join us for a continuation of Feminist - Ruth, however, are the all too real
Lesbian politics and support. We have just complidations and pitfalls she must face. We
re-established monthly Lesbian Potlucks experience with Lianna not only the joy of her
(Esmerelda's Sunday Socials held the 2nd making love to a woman for the first time, but
Sunday of each month.) We hope to also the pain of having family and friend alike
eventually have a Lesbian movie night at one turn away from her. But Lianna is a
of the C & D's and to possibly sponsor a survivor, and she forges ahead, knowing
women's softball team this spring. instinctively that there is no turning back.
One day, as she walks alone along a street
BUT WHY ESMERELDA!?!? seemingly overflowing with women, she smiles
to herself at the realization that she is seeing
We like the name . . . you know, Ezzie, women in a whole new light . . . not just
(ok, it was Janette's idea.) We initially had Ruth, but all women.
to decide whether to be independent of GLSO In a movie such as this, where so much
or join forces. In a unanimous decision we of what happens is simply everyday life,
chose not to splinter off but instead work with character development is critical. This movie
GLSO and strengthen both groups. But we literally shines through its women, who are
still needed a name for phone/mail contact. wonderful, complex, believable individuals.
Therefore if you call the Gayline or write to An interesting twist, however, is that this
GLSO, just address your comments to male director, whose female characters are
Esmerelda and the message will get to us! We developed lovingly and with great
welcome your letters, calls, comments, and understanding, in unusually hard on the men
announcements. Please join us for a meeting, in the movie, most of whom come across as
a dance or potluck! ignorant, pompous, or downright despicable.
That‘s about it for this month. We've Lianna's husband, in particular, seems to have
included a great movie review this time! Also, absolutely no redeeming qualities, which may
remember there is no C 8: D in November but cause some viewers to think (however
see our article on a production by Between the involuntarily) that it is no wonder that Lianna
Acts! turned her back on men. We would hope,
In December we will begin an article on however, that this would not cloud the real
Women's/Feminist/Lesbian spirituality. It is issue, which is not that Lianna turned away
intended to be an overview of a very intense from men, but that she discovered women.
and encompassing subject. Anyone who would And oh, what a discovery! Debbie & Teresa
like to contribute personal experiences or
opinions on spirituality should write us now IN SEARCH OF WOMYN MUSICIANS
and we will print some of the letters we
receive. Be well! Labrys Records, a women owned
independent record production company is
FILM REVIEW OF LIANNA interested in women with original lesbian-
identified material for a recording project.
"Lianna" is a gem of a movie, filled from They are especially interested in women of
beginning to end with special little moments color and/or women who have an original
which are familiar to us all, leaving us with approach to their music. All women will be
the sense that the director could have made considered. Women are encouraged to submit
his movie about any one of us, and made it a home Quality cassette containing 3 or 4 of
just as interesting. In this case, his story is their best songs and information about
that of Lianna, a young college instructor's themselves to Labrys Records, P.O. Box 174,
wife who is restless and dissatisfied with her Tolland, CT 06084 by November 30, 1987.

, Submissions are being sought for an Partners: the Newsletter for Gay 8:
g anthology about the experiences of lesbians Lesbian Couples offers a free, newly expanded
3 whose sexual assault or attempted sexual list of "Resources for Gay & Lesbian Couples.”
; assault by men was motivated by anti-lesbian The annotated list contains information on
. sentiment. By recognizing this extreme form nationwide social, political and support groups
of violence, the anthology seeks to empower who serve gay and lesbian couples. Relevant
, survivors and expose the extent to which our books, videotapes and films are also listed.
, homophobic society condones crimes against To receive a copy, send a self-addressed,
1 lesbians. Lesbian survivors/victims and their stamped business envelope to: PARTNERS,
1 friends are invited to submit short stories, Box 9685, Seattle, WA 98109.
a journal entries, poetry political analysis, and
:- essays. Topics may include, but are not
t limited to, the following:
3 Circumstances of the assault or COUPLES NATIONAL NETWORK CELEBRATION
1 attempted assault;
g Response of Lesbian/feminist Dubbed "A Peach of a Weekend," Couples
, communities; National Network 3rd Anniversary Celebration
t Response (if any) of rape crisis is off the drawing board and promises to be a
3 programs, social services, police, medical, big event in Atlanta (Feb. 12-14, 1988.) This
; etc.; is the time when all the concept groups from
t How to empower survivors and motivate the Couples National Network will collectively
lesbian/feminist response; celebrate their anniversaries.
3 How anti—lesbian sentiment was The weekend will start off with a
, expressed or understood; welcome cocktail party, followed by a dinner
e Process of identification as victim or dance reception with special guests,
e survivor; entertainment, and a farewell brunch on
. Your emotional and physical reactions as Sunday. In between, Atlanta Couples
5 related to your lesbianism; Together, the host group, will play tour guide
e Political analysis. to the sights and sounds of the South.
.t Selections will be published anonymously Approximately twenty groups from around the
n upon request, but a name and address must country and New Zealand will participate and
s accompany all submissions. Deadline for celebrate this grand weekend.
. submissions is March 1, 1988; extensions will Couples National Network is an
e be granted if necessary, if requested in organization by and for couples from the gay
y writing. Send submissions and correspondence and lesbian community. The organization
r to Sharon Vardatira, Box 2304, Harvard provides social, support, and educational
a Square Station, Cambridge, MA 02238. outreach to its membercouples. For more
" _ information regarding the anniversary
,1 BETWEEN THE ACTS celebration or about the Couples National
y A Women's Theatre Group Presents Network write: Couples National Network, 343
‘_ Drizaba Avenue #C, Long Beach, CA 90814.
a "8 X 10 GLOSSY"
An award winning play, written by Sarah COUPLES NEEDED FOR SOCIOLOGICAL STUDY
Dreher, "8 X 10 Glossy" is about the fear of
.d loving and the fear of being loved. By A lesbian graduate student is seeking to
is searching deeply into the lives of four women interview gay/lesbian couples for a master's
,. - Mother, 2 Sisters, and Lover - the conflicts thesis in sociology. The study examines how
t. and secrets are exposed and resolved with lesbian and gay couples are affected by the
3f compassion and caring by a fine balance division of labor in their relationship, but will
3.1 between humor and hard-hitting emotion. include only couples in which one partner is
)e the primary financial provider while the other
it Friday 8: Saturday partner is primarily responsible for household
3f November 20-21 tasks. If you are interested, volunteer to:
It Unitarian Universalist Church A. Fuller, Peace Studies, Colgate University,
1, 3564 Clays Mill Road Hamilton, NY 13346. Phone: (315) 824—1000,
Tickets $6-$]O sliding scale ext. 547.

 LOCAL BIGOTRY and shows that he had exhausted all
Chapter 4 reasonable alternatives to change the situation
or to resolve the problem."

Events in Lexington are proving to local This case is not the first instance of
gays and lesbians that things here are not as alleged firing at First Security because of an
safe and just as they sometimes seem. One employee's sexual orientation. But it is the
gay man is a recent victim of homophobic only recent case in which the employee has
prejudice, and has found that in the midst of fought back.
such bigotry there is no where to turn but to As Tom put it, "Each time I talked with
his gay brothers and lesbian sisters. someone about the trouble with the bank I was

On September 28th, Tom Kahn, was told there was nothing I could do. It makes
pressured to resign from First Security Bank. you realize how vulnerable we are." There is
He had been an employee there for six and a no reason why we must be this vulnerable, as I
half years and had received several promotions the March on Washington recently proved. We
and raises, eventually reaching a supervisory need each other's support to fight prejudice.
position. Nonetheless, upper management
decided Tom was to be fired without allowing NGLTF RELEASES
him to defend himself because of rumors POLITICAL ACTION PACKETS
circulating amongst other employees. llis
supervisors refused to tell him the accusing The National Gay and Lesbian Task
rumors and apparently did not make any Force announces the release of political action
attempt to discover the truth behind the packets to inform, inflame, and inspire gay
situation. and lesbian activists and organizers working

The probation forms presented to Tom on the state level.
on Sept. 25th stated he had been relating "Perhaps before AIDS we could ignore
"personal activities the nature of which is not the politicians and let their disinterest in us
only repulsive to average persons, but also pass for tolerance," said Sue Hyde, director
should not be related according to common of NGLTF‘s Privacy Project. "But given the
sense." According to established personnel Illinois legislative experience in which every
procedure at First Security Tom should have bill regarding AIDS - from the repressive to
first been given a verbal warning and then a the progressive - was passed by that state's
written warning and finally probation, if legislature, we can not afford to let the
anything about his work performance was not politicians muddle through these issues on
satisfactory. Both of these preliminary steps their own."
were bypassed in this case. Tom was simply Focused on five central issues - sodomy
told he could choose between resigning or laws, AIDS, family issues, hate crimes and
staying with the bank. If he stayed at the civil rights protection - the packets include
bank he would be demoted and never be fact sheets on legislative campaigns within the
considered for promotion or raises. past year. Also included are resource

Tom discovered through co-workers the materials to help activists develop effective
rumors circulating about him were graphically statewide action networks and information on
homosexual in nature, and that he had NGLTF organizing projects which deal with
contracted AIDS. When these rumors reached sodomy laws and hate crimes.
upper management, these managers did not The packets are a part of NGLTF's on—
realize that some of the stories were so bizarre going State Action Lobby, whose aims are to
as to be impossible, and they did not bother press the gay/lesbian agenda at the state
to learn that Tom in fact is HIV negative. level. Packets may be obtained by writing the
Management cared not for the truth behind the NGLTF State Action Lobby, 1517 U Street NW,
rumors, but just that they had a gay man in Washington, DC 20009.
their employ and that they wanted him gone.

Tom spoke to two local lawyers and was PLAY IN CINCY
told that under both state and federal laws he
is helpless in the face of such homophobic Arts Consortium Studio, located at 1515
actions. The Fayette County Human Rights Lynn Street, Cincinnati, will be presenting
Commission has filed a complaint on his behalf "Boys in the Band," Thursday, November 12th
based on sex discrimination rather than through Sunday, November 15th. This play
because of anti-gay discrimination. He has was one of the first gay—theme productions to
also been granted unemployment compensation, receive wide acceptance, and to be adapted
even though he voluntarily quit, because into a motion picture. Call (513) 381-0645 for
"Evidence of record supports his allegations ticket information.


{ “$165k 5; Lounge ~’ 15% W. Vinefil.
’6 ”Sunday ~gmm‘n n ,9,me pm
L x am you can Ea): $4.95ae 7‘
E "'Happj Hour 4pm-} Pm. JV
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N [DI-mm? 5300‘“ 1000 pm.
Eriaay Lunch 11300 "2100 pm.
§ N ’Dinncr Sioo~flioo pm.
E salurday ®inner 5:00 ~11300 Rm.
3 ~ 255-0001 ~ at);

- - “
Dear Aunt Mary: Recently my lover of 8
years was hospitalized for a few weeks with a
serious illness. Fortunately he has completely
DICNIYYILEXINCTON recovered and life has returned to normal.
”13°- ‘9‘" L'I‘nl‘on.“ ‘05” During his illness, on top of all my worry
about his health, I was constantly under
269*8417 additional stress and hassle due to hospital
personnel and doctors who refused to discuss
treatment, prognosis or any other relevant
FROM DIGNITY'S PRESIDENT information. I was simply told that this was
privileged information between the patient,
Turning negative things into positives. doctor and the patient’s family.
It's funny. Of the things I am proud of in My concern and the nature of our
my life, perhaps being able to turn negatives relationship was apparent to all, but I was
into positives is what I'm the most proud. treated merely as a visitor. For all intents
I still remember a Unitarian Universalist and purposes I am the only family he has and
church service on the lives of lesbian and gay I feel our relationship deserves to be
people. A woman commented how she'd never respected! What could I have done to avoid
had an easy time getting along with men. this? Angry - Lexington
Several others agreed. After a moment's
silence, I popped in with "I've never had any Dear Angry: We have all heard the horror
problem getting along with men." Laughter. stories of individuals who have been booted
Relief. A negative into a positive. out of homes they have shared for years with
Just last month I was terribly sick. a lover, who never dreamed that because the
There was one weekend where I didn't sleep house was in his name alone, his family would
and it was extremely painful to swallow. I step in and quickly claim it upon his death.
learned the following Monday I had Or, about lovers who had no say in the
mononucleosis. I learned on Wednesday I had funeral or burial arrangements, and even some
strep on top of the mono. I missed work for who were barred from their lover's funeral by
a week and a half. I spent ten days doing unsympathetic relatives. Your's is one more
very little but sleeping. example of the legal problems gay couples face
But, like so many other times, many every day.
good things came out of this experience. I In addition to very careful choices of
drastically cut back on my schedule, and I medical and financial advisors, gay couples
had time to myself. Being sick has helped me must take advantage of wills, durable powers
to find a healthy balance between being of attorney and other legal devices before the
overcommitted and not having anything to do. need arises in order to avoid this kind of
The other plus is that I now have lost unfair treatment. If you are involved in a
20 pounds — 20 much needed pounds. I weigh long term relationship, now is the time to take
now what I did the summer I went into college care of this - tomorrow could well be too late.
over 8 years ago. To say the least, I'm If you do not have an attorney, call the GLSO
excited. phoneline and you will be given several
Turning negatives into positives. It's referrals. Aunt Mary
probably the healthiest thing I do.
I hope to see you at Dignity soon. If you would like to write to Aunt Mary, send
In peace, Keith your letter to: Aunt Mary, %GLSO, Post
Office Box 11471, Lexington, Kentucky, 40575.
NOVEMBER DIGNITY CALENDAR If you would like a personal reply, please
include a stamped, self addressed envelope.
Tue 3th Liturgy at Don's, 299-4458, All names are strictly confidential.
7:30 pm
Thur 19th Rap Session at Keith's, -
7:30 pm

Announced last month, AIDS Volunteers Retrovir (AZT) is now available to
8 of Lexington (AVOL) is a group of local gays individuals with AIDS at a price below
a who seek to improve AIDS awareness and wholesale, thanks to a national program
7 promote safer sex practices within our announced recently by Family Pharmaceuticals
‘ community. With the support of Joey, AVOL of America, Inc. Family Pharmaceuticals, a
>7 has already established an information booth at South Carolina based pharmacy which serves
r The Bar on Saturday nights to distribute patients across the nation through the mail has
} brochures and answer questions. This high agreed to make Retrovir available for
3 visibility will raise community consciousness, approximately $200 per hundred capsules,
E even for those who don't stop to talk or pick including shipping. "The cost from Burroughs
’ up a flyer. A benefit is in the planning Wellcome for Retrovir may vary, but we'll keep
’ stages for November and will be publicized at the cost about 10% below the national average
The Bar when details are finalized. wholesale price," according to Kim Richardson,
E. Get involved to learn more about AIDS company Vice President. "The program is
i and to promote awareness amongst fellow gays. really quite simple. Anyone with a valid
3 The next meeting of AVOL will be at 5:30 pm, doctor's prescription can charge their
1 Sunday, November 8th, at Comp Care. Call purchase on major credit cards and Family will
3 Chuck at (806) 233-0492 for information on ship the medication in tamper-proof boxes by
1 AVOL. PWA's needing support should call First Class mail, assuring that all transactions
Edwin Hackney at (606) 233—0444. will remain confidential."
Individuals can enroll in the program by
V calling Family toll-free at 1-800—922-3444.
1 This article is based on a press release from
1 Family Pharmaceuticals. We strongly urge all
3 AIDS patients to discuss the program wit-h
1 their personal physician before enrolling.
3 ; a _ . Y i
s ; / Andthe Band
. ~ , PlayedOn
E ' ' ‘ - ‘ Politics, People, and the
a f Aids Epidemic. A newly
a it , 2 published book by Randy
- ’ ' 4* Shilts, the nations premier
i f j '1‘"; ‘1 ’ 5' : , Aids reporter.
V i .\ x n 1 n H g ’324'95
2 A I n s , ,
l 1 r r ‘ n r u I . 3 [be/Walla![.m'mglonGrew
t i ’ ' ‘ Niclmlasr rillc Rd. at New Circle
1 . I,
; M l llY lHllll (WW/329“


This past April, Tom Brougham was A San Francisco Superior Court jury on
elected to the Peralta Community College Board September 9 unanimously awarded James B.
by the voters of the East Bay Area of San Short $2.28 million in palimony payments for
Francisco. This brings the total of openly the 19 years he lived with realtor Charles
gay elected officials in the U.S. to 23, nine of Gale. The dispute is believed to be the first
whom are in California. gay pallimony case settle by a jury, and

experts said the award is the largest involving
BOSTON, MA two gay companions.

A committee of the Massachusetts Senate
voted on September 22 to approve a gay rights
bill, thereby assuring the legislation of a vote WASHINGTON, DC
by the full chamber. Gay activists have been A bill that would protect the privacy of
pressing for action by the Senate Ways and people with AIDS and bar discrimination
Means Committee since last May, when the against them may have been dealt a setback
House passed the measure by a 77-65 vote. recently when the Reagan Administration
The bill will ban discrimination on the basis of announced