xt7vt43hzn36 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vt43hzn36/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1999 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 74, No. 3, Winter March 1999 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 74, No. 3, Winter March 1999 1999 1999 2014 true xt7vt43hzn36 section xt7vt43hzn36 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE  
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 US ISSN 0016-21 I6
Table of Contents
Introduction to the FNS - Deanna Severance 1
In Memory of Edith Wooton - Jenng”er Swisher,
Elizabeth Nussbaum 3
Wendover News - Jeremy T Bus/i 6
Courier News - Jereniy T Bush 10
FSMFN/CFNP News · Dr. Susan Sc/iayjer 14
Beyond the Mountains — Deanna Severance 16
Miscellaneous Tidbits 22
In Memoriam 24
Cover photo: Brutus Clinic 1977 (from old photograph collection).
P/10ta by Marvin Patterson.
(CNEP) · www.midwives.org (CFNP) - www.frontierfnp.org
Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin
Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service. Inc.
Wendover. Kentucky 41775
Subscription Price $5.00 ti Year for Donors
Subscription Price $15.00 a Year for Institutions
VOLUME 74 NUMBER 3 Winter March 1999 ~
Periodicals postage paid at Wendover. KY 41775 and at additional mailing
offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FNS. 132 FNS Drive. Wen-
dover, KY 41775. Copyright FNS/Inc. 1999 All Rights Reserved

The Frontier Nursing Service
Uyou have never been introduced to the Frontier Nursing
Service we would like to take this opportunity to brief you on the
history and the on-going work ofthe Service. We encourage you
to share this Bulletin with a jiiend.
Born in 1881 into a prominent American f`amily, Mary
Breckinridge spent her early years in many parts of the world —
Russia, France, Switzerland and the British Isles. After the death
of her two children, she abandoned the homebound life expected
of women of her class to devote herself to the service of others.
particularly children.
Mrs. Breckinridge established the Frontier Nursing Ser-
vice (FNS) in Leslie County, Kentucky in 1925, then one of the
poorest and most inaccessible areas in the United States. Mrs.
Breckinridge introduced the first nurse-midwives in this country.
Riding their horses up mountains and across streams in blizzard,
fog or flood, the FNS nurses brought modern healthcare to families
throughout an area of 700 square miles.
Until her death in 1965, Mary Breckinridge was the
driving force behind the work of the Service whose influence
today extends far beyond eastern Kentucky. Through the Frontier
School ofMidwifery and Family Nursing hundreds of nurses have
been trained and this important concept of family healthcare has
been carried throughout the world.
Today the FNS is organized as a parent holding company
for Mary Breckinridge Healthcare Inc., (home health agency. four
outpost clinics, one primary care clinic in the hospital. Kate
Ireland Women's Healthcare Clinic) and for the Frontier School of
Midwifery and Family Nursing — the largest midwifery program in
the United States.
. Remarkably, the purpose and philosophy of the FNS has
remained constant since 1925. —Deunna Sei·erum·e, CEO

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I In Memory of Edith Wooton
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  Edith Wooton worked at the Maijv Breckinrid ge Hospital
  from December 1969 until May I 99] as a cook. Soon afterwards,
I Edith became disabled and legally blind as a result ofdiabetes. At
I thatpoint the FNS Couriers became involved with assisting Edith
with numerous tasks such as taking her to the grocery store, to her
doct0r's appointments, andhelping her with keeping lierjinaizeials
organized, etc. Many of the Couriers became very good friends
with Edith.
  Besides my grandparents, I did not have any older friends
  until I came to Hyden, Kentucky. I simply did not know how much
  they could enrich my life or how I could impact theirs. As I
; adjusted to life in Appalachia, I began to realize that some of my
  best friends there were older. These were strong relationships
I4 based on a kinship—type love I had never known. I was in Leslie
} County to serve and give of myself, but the mountain people gave
  so much more to me. I am so fortunate to have been a Courier and
I have had the experience to meet all different ages and kinds of

people while in Kentucky. The unfortunate thing was not being
there to say good-bye when I lost a very dear friend this week.
Edith Wooton was one of the first people I met as a l
Courier. Ibegan working with her during my first week in Hyden.
She welcomed me into her home and community. I learned a lot I;
about the history of Leslie County and FNS from Edith. Edith .
lived and worked in southeastern Kentucky her entire life. She  
told stories of working at the Mary Breckinridge Hospital cafete—  
ria; she loved it because she was able to meet and talk with many  
people throughout the day. Talking was one thing Edith loved to I
do. We would talk for hours during our visits. She shared with me l
"how things used to be" and pointed out changes of businesses  
and buildings in downtown Hyden. Also, during our times to-  
getherI would read to Edith the Little House on the Prairie series.  
and she would relate her life and memories to the events in the  
books. r
I will never forget Edith's bright, warm smile, sweet ,
voice, and true love oflife. Edith got excitedjust to hear my voice  
on the phone. When I say excited I mean that her happiness just  
spilled over into her words; sometimes I had to ask her to slow  
down so I could understand her. Food also brought Edithjoy. She  
especially liked fruit. One of her favorite things to do was sit on  
the front porch and eat fresh fruit while I read to her. She would f
talk of springtime and tell me that when it was warmer she would  
like to go walking outside.  
Edith always had wonderful things to say about FNS and l
the Couriers. She told me how the FNS had helped the commu-  
nity. More than once she asked me how we Couriers "had escaped l
the evil of this world". Then she would continue about how the l
Couriers were so wonderful to come from far offplaces to help the  
people ofLeslie County. Ido not think she knew the influence that  
she had on Couriers who have passed through Wendover. As I  
addressed Christmas cards for her, numerous times I worrld ;.
address a card to a past Courier as Edith would reminisce about l
their times together. l

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I Then we would check her mail and she received cards
from the same Couriers. It was obvious to me that she must have
' touched their lives in a special way, as she had touched mine.
-Jen11U‘ér Swisher '98 Courier
l` I met Edith for the first time on Tuesday, September l,
  1998 as a fall Courier.
  The first time I went to visit Edith she was hanging out her
  front window greeting and waving me inside. I walked in and sat
  down and Edith began to cry because she was so glad that I had
l come. Edith was thankful and praised God for every gift and nicety
  of the human spirit. In Edith's needs she had no room for the walls
  and barriers ofmy own life. She only had room to be thankful. I am
I often so filled with pride that asking for help or guidance is
  sometimes hard. Edith didn't let me fall into that trap of the self`-
  sufficient individual.
Looking back on myjournal and my months in Kentucky,
  I know that Edith had everything to offer and to give and she did! !
  Edith gave and I received. Service is often so paternalistic in our
  society as we never want to be the person who accepts, the person
  who is served, as being serviced seems to speak of a weakness.
  Edith served me in her trust and kindness. She did not know me
E from a stranger and yet trusted me with her life, her safety. her
I home, her money and her confidences. I will spend the rest of my
l life trying to be worthy of this trust and this love, this service.
l I took the news of Edith's death a lot harder than I ever
l imagined I would. I really loved Edith and she really loved me. I
1 can't stop thinking about her house with the connecting porch and
g her little puppy that loved Edith's leftovers; Subway lunches
  together in Hyden; the grocery aisles that she had memorized and
  loved to cruise; the endless talks; sweeping her floor; and trips to
i Sears. I don't really know how to explain my relationship to that
il dear old woman except that she was an important person in my life.
{ Edith taught me what it means to accept love and what it means to
j be thankful. I miss her and wish we could visit again.
[ —EIi;a}2et/1 Nuss/muni

Wendover News
by Jeremy T Bus/1 _
"T/ie seasons bring I/ie_fi0ww‘ again,
and bring I/iejirsiling I0 t/refine/<,· »
And in the elusk Q/`1/lee the clock P
bears OlIZ` I/ic /itt/e lives qfnien. "  
-Alfred Lord Tennyson  
"In Memoriam" (l833—49) —
Glorious Spring  
"Winter" has been very kind to us here at Wendover. The  
usual winter billows have been replaced with warm spring breezes.  
I have noticed some trees beginning to adopt a light maroon hue l
at the very tips oftheir branches. This wonderful weather is bound y
to have adramatic effect on our local plant. animal and human life. i
This time of year is perfect for fresh starts and new  
beginnings. A great lesson can be learned from the trees and  
flowers. Even though they fall and lose their luster, they still come i
back every year. The warm spring sun and light breezes signal a  
new season — a new life. They triumphantly rise again to a  
wonderful world full of vibrance and color; a glorious spring!  
Peach and Trish l
The wonderful weather has had very little impact on my l
furry little feline companion. If anything. it has made him even  
more sluggish than before. He feels quite content to lounge his  
time away in his favorite leather (yes, I said leather) chair in Barb`s  
office or on her desk amidst the paperwork.  
I must say that little Peach doesn't seem quite so little  
anymore. He has a pronounced "fat roll" along his lower abdomen. l
I suppose that is to be expected since his primary activities are  
eating and sleeping. W
Precious little Trish is as sweet as ever. We have an on-
goingjob monitoring her and the cat food. She likes it much better
than her special diet.

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Barb and Peach - at w0rk
Other Wendover news
Actually, things have been much too quiet at Wendover
during the last three months. Tours have slowed to a minimum and
guests are waiting for springtime, I assume. Dr. Anne is getting
. excited about "flower planting" and will have maintenance quite
busy in a few days building flower gardens, etc. We are looking
forward to the Board of Governors meeting at Wendover in April.
_ The Redbud should be in full bloom!
_ Correction
q In the last Quarterly Bulletin "Wendover News", I wrote
that I attended a book-si nin b author Mar Wells. I wrote that
8 8 Y Y
I the title of her book was Nurses on Horseback but the title is Mary
if on Horseback.

Mary Breckinridge Stamp Memorabilia l
The Wendover Gift Shop is offering special memorabilia
ofthe historic event ofthe Mary Breckinridge Stamp issued by the ·
U.S. Postal Service,commemorating her lifetime achievements.
We have 7x8 souvenior cards and #10 envelopes that each have a
wonderful silk screen illustration of Mrs. Breckinridge on horse- '
back, the stamp, and a first day of issue postmark. You may :
purchase these for $5.00 each. Please send check or money order  
to FNS, Inc. c/o Jeremy Bush, Wendover Gift Shop, 132 FNS  
Drive,Wendover, Kentucky 41775.  
# 10 Envelope  
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Mary Breckmridge
Frontier Nursing Service
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Q Mary Breckinridge (1881 — 1965) was a nurse,
I midwife, and founder of the Frontier Nursing Service,
  an organization that provides health care in
g rural areas of Applachia.
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Courier News
by Jeremy Bush _
The role (nf directing the Courier Program has l'(’('(’/If/}`_filii(?IZ
under niyjoh description. Karen is now studying photograp/ty in  
North Carolina. Thus, this precious historic Program has been (
placed in my hands to honor and respect.  
The Couriers we now have (Cassie Frank, Heather Tho-  
mas and Edmund Sears) and the one thatjust tearfully departed  
(Danielle Olds) are such wonderful people. Danielle is a very  
sweet, sincere young woman with a heart ofgold. Cassie, with her  
wonderful sense of humor keeps the group's spirit at ease. Heather,  
with a keen wit and an analytical mind, serves to offer special  
depth and substance. Edmund (Ted), with a strong and enduring {
spirit gives the group added strength and stability. This mixture (
serves a perfect recipe for success and a wonderful Courier  
experience for everyone!  
Current Couriers  
Cassie Frank, Bloomfield, Michigan, recently graduated  
from the University of Michigan. Cassie is pursuing a career in  
public health.  
Heather Thomas, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, recently I
graduated from Warren Wilson College. She is interested in l
midwifery. l
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Cassie Frank Heatlzer Thomas y

t Edmund (Ted) Sears,      W _
Yarmouth, Maine,recently grad-   I  
` uated from Bowdoin with a de-   .   fl of _~ 
grcc in Philosophy and Russian,        
  He plans to become a family     an  
t practice doctor or a pediatrician   .Z.>. ·  " V { `  
  in a rural area.       `   I
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  Ted Sears
  Former Couriers
l Sarah Bacon ( '94) graduated from Amherst College last
{ May. She is now living in New York City where she reads
  newspapers while sitting in one of Sherman Wooton's chairs and
  naps on the cushions that she made with Alabam Morgan. Sarah
l is working with a public relations firm that publicizes and advises
: museums and other cultural groups.
  Susan Mathew ( '98) has been traveling around India for
y the past few months. She spent the first month in the South Indian
@ state of Kerala. In October, she worked in a hospital in North India.
  Then, she was off to the foothills ofthe Himalayas to study Hindu.
l Susan plans to come back for a visit in early May or June.
l jennifer Swisher ('98) recently wrote to us about her
l wonderful transition to medical school. Reflecting on her time
  here as a Courier she stated that it was truly one of the greatest
l experiences of her life.
[ Catherine (Cat) Thompson ('98) wrote to say that she
  has missed all of us and that she has passed on many Wendover
g A stories to people in New Jersey. Cat said that she got together with
l Susan Mathew ( ’98), ,Ienn#er Swisher( '98) and Mariah Mottley
it ('98) during Labor Day weekend.

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,]enn#er Swisher, Mariah Mottley, Catherine Thompson, Susan J
Mathew (
Sally Kundert, Minneapolis, MN (1971) "I was a Courier
at the Beech Fork Clinic from l97l—l972. I ran a weekly pre-
school program for kindergarten 'drop out' and children who ran
the creeks instead ofattending I—Ieadstart of school. I assisted at the I
clinics where we saw everything from copperhead snake bites to .
knife wounds. I scoured the hills for children who need immuni— .
zations — driving where there were no roads. The Courier who (
preceded me died following a jeep accident. I hauled the saddle- ‘
bags into the "holler" when the midwives did home deliveries. (
They had jeeps but still used the sterile pack set up in the  
saddlebags. I literally hauled coal to light fires and boil water out  
of the creek for the nurses and their patients. Many of the homes  
I visited had no electricity or plumbing". V
Janet Brown jussel (1971) who now lives in Mount J
Kisco. New York wrote to Kate Ireland: "I`m 'driving' for my  
children. one at Sacred Heart. one in Greenwich and one in  
Stanford. Chris 'drives’ for his work plus a lot offlying for the Road  
Show. I see Elizabeth (Cynthia) Branch (now Mrs. Linda (
Eggeman - 1952 Courier) occasionally but have lost the address l
for Ann Proctor (1975). `

Kate Ireland received this photograph from former Cou-
rier D0r0thy (Dede) Trefts McEvoy (1971).
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A Dede, Dun, Jonathan, Andrew and Will
’ Danielle Stanko ('97) wrote to say that she accepted a
I marriage proposal a few days before Valentine's Day from Lucas
  Godinez from Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. He is in medical school
  with Danielle and they are planning a May 2000 wedding.
l .
g Year 2000 Celebration
  Mark your calendars now! FNS will celebrate
I, it's 75 years of service during May, 2000. The
l celebration will be held in Lexington, Kentucky.
  See "Beyond the Mountains" for more details.
  Further developments will be printed in future
I Quarterly Bulletins.

by Dr. Susan Schcgyer, PhD, FNP l
CFNP Program Director i
"Web·B0und" I
Dramatic changes are occurring in the way the educa-
tional programs at FSMFN are structured and delivered. Yes, we
are moving toward teaching all ofthe courses for the Community-
based Nurse—Midwifery Program (CNEP) and the Community-
based Family Nurse-Practitioner Program (CFNP) on the World
Wide Web! There are many advantages to Web-based courses, I
including speedy delivery ofcourses to students (no more reliance
on mailed modules), the ability to "program in" instant links to
other Web sites that are important to student learning, the ability
to make rapid course updates, and of course increased program I
visibility since potential students can browse through the curricu-
lum outlines and gauge the quality ofthe curriculum. And students
are picking up on this new technology as quickly as we can provide i
it. CNEP Class 25 downloaded the Banyan Tree Communication
software directly from the Web instead of waiting for it to be
mailed out. The majority of student inquiries for both programs are
now arriving through the www.midwives.org web site. T
The next step in this transition will be the placement ofthe
FSMFN Student Handbook on the Web, followed shortly by the
CFNP Pharmacology Course. All ofthe Level One courses for the
CFNP Program should be on the new CFNP web site
www.frontien"np.org in time for the opening of the Program in
September, 1999, including courses that will be common to both
Programs (the www.frontierfnp.org site should be accessible by
the time this Quarterly Bulletin goes to press). ,,
This rapid technological transition is possible due to the l
design team at the FSMFN. Heather East heads up the team, with
Cherie Bunch and Mary Ann Mullins providing talented support. f
All readers with internet access should immediately go to ,
www.midwives.org. You can meet all of the CNEP faculty, see  

photos of the Dedication Ceremony for the Mary Breckinridge
Stamp, and read the "Lost my Hat" stories written by many ofthe
l CNEP students. These stories describe the first births attended by
the nurse-midwifery students when they hand the parents a special
r FNS baby hat donated by the Daughters of Colonial Wars. Yes,
FSMFN is Web—Bound.
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  M ulti-media Team: MHIZVAIIII Mullins, Heather East and Cherie

Beyond the Mountains
by Deanna Severance, CEO
"Come in the evening, come in the morning, conze when
expected, come without warning: Thousands of welcomes you'!] ry
fnd here before you. And the opener you come, the more we 'll
adore you. " Irish rhyme
As we enter the season of tr  
spring, we anticipate the guests that if W r _
will once again visit us in the moun—      p L_  . _  il
tains. So many of you come from   {  Qi  ,
beyond the mountains to share in the   ’  ·· P   
rich history of the FNS and to share is i·t_y g. 
in our bright future. The Big House  I   · 
at Wendover will, once again, bustle _ ·    .;  p , tr`'
with activity, and we look forward   ·
to the warm months and to see you! Deanna Severance
Accounting Ojyices Update
Winter has been a busy time. In l 996, FNS opened offices
for the Frontier School ofMidwifery & Family Nursing in Lexing-
ton. These are supportive offices to our campus which. ofcourse,
remains in the mountains. The offices house ourelectronic bulletin
board server and network administration which is the electronic
heart of our distance learning program.
In the fall of 1998, the Accounting Offices of the FNS
opened in Lexington. This move was necessary due to the comput-
erization of accounting. As we moved towards compliance with
the Year 2000, we leamed that the electrical and telephone systems
in Leslie County would not support the computer systems neces- f
sary to mn the hardware and software needed to support our
organization. Those ofyou who visit us in the mountains are aware ._
that the electricity goes out for moments almost every day. More
than one guest has overslept due to an electric clock becoming
disconnected! We are moved into the offices! We are in the middle
of converting accounting software to "Great Plains" software.

  r_.A.e..LL-   .17
Many thanks to our technical support staff from the firm
of Keller Hewitt who have traveled to Lexington and beyond. to
the mountains, to assist with this implementation. The FNS offices
remain at Wendover and are linked to the computer in Lexington.
MBHC Computer Upgrade
February 24, Brian Lane, Controller, Bonnie Hawkins,
Assistant Controller, Ray Branaman, Mary Breckinridge Healthcare
Administrator, and I, traveled to Carlisle, Kentucky to view
software "The EXTra Advantage Healthcare Information Sys-
tem". The software at Mary Breckinridge Hospital will have to be
upgraded for the Year 2000. We were very impressed with the
Johnson Mathers Hospital and Nursing Care facility. Many thanks
to Ms. Doris Ecton for the time and tour of the software and
March 2, we will host Mr. Tony Barretta from Pineville,
North Carolina. Mr. Barretta will demonstrate the "EXT" soft-
ware to the Mary Breckinridge Hospital Business Office and Staff`.
Charlotte R. Schmidlapp Fund Generosity
I was thrilled to be present for a ceremony at the Fifth
Third Bank when President Sam Barnes and Vice-President Wil-
liam H. Hall presented the FNS with a generous check for $30,000.
The Fifth Third Bank is the trustee for The Charlotte R. Schmidlapp
Fund in Cincinnati.
The Charlotte R. Schmidlapp Fund was created in 1908 by
a gift from Jacob G. Schmidlapp in memory of his daughter. Mr.
Schmidlapp directed that the grants be restricted to helping women
establish themselves in life. A Distribution Committee makes
decisions on how Mr. Schmidlapp’s wishes will be canied out and
* to initiate new ideas for grants from the Fund.
February IS, I had the pleasure of meeting with Lowra
_ Baumann, Director ofthe Charlotte R. Schmidlapp Fund. to brief
her on the activities ofthe FNS. Ms. Bauman and Mr. Hall visited
the Lexington offices.

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William W HalL Jn, Deanna Severance and Sam Barnes
Nature Conservancy
In November the Nature Conservancy held a nature walk
on the Wendover property. We continue t0 investigate nature trails
at Wendover, and the Board is very aware that any erosion clue to
building trails could harm our hillside. I will keep you posted on
the progress.
Mary Breckinridge Stamp Ceremony
Although I mentioned the Mary Breckinridge Stamp
Ceremony in the last issue of the Quarterly Bulletin, this was the
thrill ofthe fall. So many guests were present for this occasion. We  
were excited to host a dinner at Wendover the evening before the
Ceremony. Present from beyond the mountains were Bluegrass
Committee members Marjorie Vogt, Frances (Pani) Luckett, »
Florence Rawleigh, Mary Francis Muir and Frances Frost. Carrie
Morgan Whitcomb, former member of the Washington Commit-
tee in the 80's and three of her friends, Mary Wooton, June Begley

and Charlotte Noe were present. Carrie began the effort to have a
I stamp created honoring the work of Mary Breckinridge.
‘ During dinner the lights in the "Dog Trot" flickered. Not
I wanting to alarm the guests, I waited until after dinner to investi-
` gate. The result was the closing ofthe Big House during the rest
of November and the month of December for the complete
rewiring ofthe downstairs. Many thanks to Miss Kate Ireland and
the Elisha-Bolton Foundation for assistance in funding this project.
i Keeneland Foundation
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William WI Hall Jn, Bill Greeley and Deanna Severance Qahoto -
{ courtesy of Bill Straus)
i Again, the Frontier Nursing Service is the beneficiary of
  the generosity of the Keeneland Foundation. This year the
  Keeneland Foundation funded the purchase of several urgent
f needs to assist with the operations ofMary Breckinridge Healthcare.
I including three fetal heart dopplers for the Kate Ireland Women's

Center; antifatigue mats for the Lab; new counter top f`or Lab and A
Office at the Beech Fork Clinic; two medicine carts for Medical/
Surgical; chairs for Social Services and a portable 02 SAT ma- i
chine for Home Health. William W. Hall, Vice-President of Fifth
Third Bank and Vice—Chairman of the FNS Board of Governors,
attended the ceremony with me. `
The Keeneland presentation is very touching. Each year,
short videos of selected programs which have been assisted by the j
Foundation, are shown. This is a touching reminder of the chari— ,
table work done by so many in our state of Kentucky.  
FNS - 75th Year Celebration 1
As we ended 1998, Nancy Wiser with firm Preston  
Osborne and I began planning for FNS's 75th Anniversary cel-  
ebration in the Year 20001 Board member Robert Johnson and 1 I
will be meeting with Nancy dur