xt7vt43hz971 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vt43hz971/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1946-09-27  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September 27, 1946 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 27, 1946 1946 1946-09-27 2013 true xt7vt43hz971 section xt7vt43hz971 Deal vsupy nvcmciuie

The Kentucky Kernel


The Largest Circulating
Weekly In Kentucky






Record Set 4s 6,485 Register;
.Students Continue To Enroll
records and predictions, the University's fall quarter
enrollment reached a total of 6.485 i
yesterday afternoon, according to
figures in' the registrar's office.
All previously announced expectations had been exceeded by the
close of the regular registration
period Tuesday. A total of 6.398
registered during the regular period.
After regular registration of students according to an alphabetical
order was completed late enrollments were taken at a temporary
registration set up in the Armory.
partegistration is now going on in the
Administration building. Late registration is scheduled to continue
iintil Wednesday, October 2, which
has been designated as the last date
on which any student may enter an
organized class.
Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, dean
of the University, commenting on

Late registration usually increases
the enrollment by about 10 per
cent, but it is doubted that many
more students will register,



Dr. II. L. Donovan



agreed that classroom space will be
taxed to capacity by the enrollment
which exceeds the previous high of
4597 (mark set last spring) by
more than 2.000. .The normal prewar enrollment was about 3.800.

College Night
Tonight-SU- B

last-minu- te

Suky, University pep organization, will officially open its try-oseason for SuKy hopefuls at
the Xavier game on Stoll field
next Saturday night. All students,
old and new, wishing to enter the
booster club are requested to notify Ellen Wood, telephone number
Shelby 9429-before the Xavier
Those students who have
contacted SuKy previous to the
game should report to the organization under the Rose street end
of the south grandstand an hour
before game time.
The students trying out for SuKy
are similar to pledges in a fraternity or sorority. Their work during
the tryout period determines
whether or not they shall be accepted for permanent membership
in SuKy.
Activities which these students
perform during the fall and winter
quarters are, among others: selling drinks and food at the football and basketball games, designing card displays to be used by
freshmen in the cheering sections,
and making plans for Sadie Hawkins week in November.
SuKy President William O. Las-li- e,
while inviting all interested
students to sign up for this fall and
winter, emphasized that the number of students accepted after the
end of the basketball season will
be determined by the number of
SuKy members that will gradu-

Dr. Herman L. Donovan .president of the University, will be the
speaker at the first convocation
of the
school year, to
be held in Memorial hall on Tuesday, October 1. at 10 a. m.
All third hour classes will be
Dr. Donovan's subject will be
"Ring in the True." Dr. Leo M.
Chamberlain, dean of the University and registrar,
will preside.
The invocation and benediction will
be given by Mr. Bart N. Peak, executive secretary of the University
Deans of the colleges and other
administrative officials will be on
the platform and will be presented,
so that new students may know ate.

The convocation ts the first in
series of five scheduled for the fall
quarter. Other convocations are:
October 11 (Friday) 10 a. m.
E. Stanley Jones, evangelist and
public speaker.

November 4 (Monday) 11 a, m.
The annual college night
Erika Mann, author, foreign cora carnival and dance, will be respondent,
and radio news anleld from 7:30 to 11:30 tonight in alyst.
pro-pra- m,

Uie Union ouilding. Mrs. Dorothy
November 20 (Wednesday) 11 a.
Evans, Union social director, anm. Dr. Edward Mims, emeritus
nounced yesterday.
professor of English at Vanderbilt
College Night, sponsored each year
by the YMCA. YWCA. Student UnDecember 5 (Thursday) 10 a. m.
ion Board, and Student GovernPaul Appleby, assistant director
ment Association as the first
U. S. Bureau of the Budget.
social function, will feature an amateur hour with competition games and prizes for the
winners. Ten free tickets for admission to various booths to be sponsored by University organizations,
on teacher
A work conference
will be presented to each person at training was conducted Aug.
the door. Mrs. Evans said.
at the University. It was attended
The carnival, sponsored by the ' by 79 educators and administrators
Tte will last one hour.
more than 20 state
planned entertainments are a Ficit colleges, county school systems, pri
by Kathryn Mellenbruch, a movie, vate institutions and state educaand a fortune teller. Then? "Vill be tional organizations.
Dr. William
20 booths. Joan ScoU and Ralph
S. Taylor, dean of, the College of
Danford are In Change of arrange-inerv- ts Education, announced.
for the carnival.
Highlight of the conference was
Hadent possessing talent
a discussion held by professional
aarh aa singing, magic, imitations
of the Kentucky Council
abiMty ta play a masical instrument members
on Public Higher Education of the
l asked ( sign at the office of
Mrs, Evans, room 121, I nion build recommendations of the
"a training program
brfore noon today. Jack Veech,
the kind of teach(resident of the Student I'nion that will produce fulfill the duty of
er necessary to
board, and Howdy Stephenson, presquality
ident of the Stuuent Government education in improving the
association, are in charge of the of living in the community."
amateur hour committees.
At 8:30 the amateur hour will be
presented under the auspices of the
Student Union board. At 9:30 the
Student Government association
will present Bob Bleidt's orchestra
Daniel V.
with music for dancing until 1 1 30. acting dean of the University ColThere will be no admission charg- lege of Engineering since July 1,
es, Mrs. Evans said.
was appointed dean of the college
and director of the Engineering
Experiment Station by members of
the Board of Trustees at their
regular quarterly meeting September 21.
Professor Terrell became a member of the UK engineering staff
in 1912, two years after his graduation from the Universitv. He was
. 7:30 p. m. made mofessor of civil engineeer- VETERANS CLUB
Monday in Memorial hall. All vet- ing in 1917 and assistant dean of
erans, members or not, are invited. the college in 1942. His appointThe session includes an explana- ment as dean of the College of
tion of the functions of the club Engineering is effective as of Sepcommittees, and a business meeting. tember 1.
of the
Among the resignations acceptVeterans club officers, committee ed by the board was that of John
chairmen and steering committee W. Manning, professor of political
S p. m. Monday at the Lafayette science. Dr. Manning was director
of the UK Bureau of Government
He has served
TAU SIGMA . . . will meet Mon- Research in 1930-3day, September 30, 7:30 p. m., in in the U.S. Army and at present
has the rank of lieutenant colonel.
the women's gym.
Further consideration was given
UK DAMES . . . meeting at 7:30
specip. m. October 2 in the music room by the trustees to plans and
fications for the proposed new
of the Union.

Educators Conduct
Work Conference




Prom the tryout students,

steps to avoid
has taken
ticket rushes, improper playing space and general confusion brought about by Alumni
gym's -- limited seating capacity. In
announcing a
schedule, longest in the scjjoot1?
history, a special committee lists
17 home attractions. Of this number, 11 will be reserved for students
only, six the public. Three of the
tilts will be played
while the University is not in session.
The association expresses its "regret" in not making tickets available to all those wishing to attend
each contest, but feels that this
is the best possible solution. With
of the
fieldhouse, there should be no shortage of ducats.
Admission to all games assigned
students will be by activity book
only. Three games
carded for
Louisville with DePaul,
Dame and Temple are in no sense
regarded as home games, students
will receive no special privileges.
Prviously, ticket books were honored at these. Student applications
for admissions to public games will
not be accepted.
Primarily for visitors attending
the Shrine charity football game,
the opener has been set for Thanksgiving day, November 28. Five conTennessee, Alabama,
ference foes
Georgia and Georgia
Tech are included, will be met on
a home and home basis. Each of
the quintet plays host to the Wildcats in January, before making
Lexington trips.










Donovan To Speak
At First Convo

high enrollment, dethe
clared that the enrollment probably
could be explained as those students
who have been able to locate hous
ing facilities in Lexington or nearby. Miss Maple Moores, assistant
registrar, explained the situation
with the comment "we just did not
think that this many could find



non-stude- nt

long-await- ed


bers of SuKy will vote next spring
on which ones to accept in the organization. These people will then
be presented SuKy sweaters and
keys. The choices will depend upon
the amount of sales at the games,
attendance at the games, interest
in SuKy and its activities, support of UK athletics, etc.
Before the war, SuKy was composed predominantly of men, but
'during the war years, more and
more women were accepted as the
number of campus men grew
smaller. Now;' with males making
up the large majority of the student body, SuKy expects to re
turn to the men again, and men
are urged to apply for admission
to the pep organization.


Kernel Staff Meeting

Mackenzie Named
Army Public Relations
Coordinator In Area
InfG. T. Mackenzie,
professor of military science and tactics at the University,
has been designated by
Headquarters Fifth Service Command, Fort Hayes, Columbus, Ohio,
to coordinate Army public relations
activities in the Lexington area.



U. S. A.,

The area has within its limits the
Kentucky Military District, University of Kentucky, ROTC. Lexington Army Recruiting Station,
Lexington Signal Depot, and other

units in this area under the Fifth
Service Command.

at 4 p. m. Tuesday, Tom bell, Camp Breckenridge, Bowman
news editor,
announced pirXA Louisville, Covington, Pa- ducah, Owensboro, Ashland, Bowl- btuaents ao not nave 10 oe jour-- i ine oreen. Middlesboro. Frank
in order to qualify ,orti Hazard, Richmond, Somerset
nalism majors
for positions. Duncan said.
Lyndon, according to the an- ' and


Drum Majorette Trial
Trials for drum majorette will be
held in the band room at 4:00 p. m.

Monday. All men or women interested in trying out should report to
Mr. Frank Prindl, band director, at
his office in Guignol.

Col. Mackenzie will

man for







archltects con.
party from 7 to 10 p. m. m the card Qg
,u construction.
room of the Union. AU students, TwQ giftg were accepted by the
Mrs. Alfred
Board of Trustees.
BLOCK AND BRIDLE . . . meet- -. Zembrod, who died last spring, being 7 p. m. Monday, September 30, queathed $4,000 to the University for
Ag. Bldg.
scholarships in romance languages.
SGA . . . will meet at 5 p. m. j Her husband was for many years
Monday in room 205, Union build- - professor of romance lnnuanes at
in. .

The late Lelia Calhoun Ledenger
made the University a beneficiary
of the "Lelia Calhoun Student Loan
Fund." The fund was left in trust
for the benefit of Mrs. Ledenger's
two sisters, Mrs. Bird C. Greer and
Mrs. Margaret C. Bryan.
their death, the trust estate will
be used to provide loans to worthy
UK students.
President H. L. Donovan submitted his quarterly report to the
Board of Trustees. Excerpts from
the report follow:
"Let me review for you why the
University came up short on living
arrangements for its students. The
state of Kentucky has never seen
fit to erect dormitories at the University with the exception of one
small dormitory (Patterson Hall)
for girls, which was erected about
fifty years ago at the expense of
the state. Two other residence halls
for girls and three dormitories for
men have been built on a
plan. The rents from the
students have amoritized their cost.
The University has heretofore depended largely on the community to
house its students. One of the lessons of the war has taught us that
we shall have to erect a number of
dormitories for men and women,
and apartment houses for married
students, if we are to accommodate
students who desire to enter the
University in the future. Never
again should we be caught short on
housing faculties,


Trv For Second Win

The largest University band since
the war began is expected to make
its appearance for football and basketball games,, pep rallies, special
events, and, miring the spring, a
concert band presentation in Mem-

orial hall.
Women musicians, said Dr. Alexander Capurso, head of the music
At Lexington
(To be department, made an excellent
showing during the war and were
on effectively
30 t At Lexington
(To be able to carry a time when and
of the band members were
2 1Fort Knox at Lexington
women, appearing at all scheduled
7 Cincinnati at Cincinnati
engagements that the normal pre9 tidaho at Lexington
war band would have. Therefore,
12 DePaul at Louisville
he said, if women possess the
14 tTexas A. ic M. at Lex- - musical ability, and the ability to
function in the marching formaington
16 tAt Lexington
(To be tion, the University will continue
to allow them to participate in the
21 St. Johns at Madison marching band.
Band will meet eighth and ninth
Squar Garden
hours on Wednesday and Friday
23 'Baylor at Lexington
afternoons in room 8 of the Art
28 'Wabash at Lexington
30 Oklahoma A. & M. at New Center (Guignol). All students desiring admission should see Mr.
Frank Prindl, director, at his office,
Ohio U. at Lexington
11 tAt Lexington
(To be room 9.
13 Vanderbilt
at Nashville
18 Tennessee
at Knoxville
20 Georgia Tech at Atlanta
21 Georgia at Athens
25 'Xavier at Lexington
The Rev. Daniel Knittle Davis of
27 tMichigan
State at Lex- Lonsdale, R. I., has been named
chaplain to the bishep of Lexing1 Notre Dame at Louisville ton for Episcopal students at the
3 Alabama at Tuscaloosa
University and Transylvania Col8 DePaul at Chicago
lege, and he will serve also as vic10 tGeorgia at Lexington
ar of Holy Trinity Episcopal church,
at Lexington Georgetown.
15 tTennessee
17 t Alabama
Mr. Davis, who was released re19 Xavier
at Cincinnati
cently from three years of duty as
'Vanderbilt at Lexington a Navy chaplin, has assumed his
22 tGeorgia Tech at Lexingduties in Georgetown, where he
occupies the vicarage purchased
8 Temple at Louisville
recently by the Holy Trinity
He has been assistant
t Lexington games for students.
Lexington games for public. director of the Masonic services
two-thir- ds





Rev. Davis Will Be
Episcopal Chaplain

and rehabilitation


with headquarters in New York. Mr.
Davis is a Mason, a member of the
Prof. S. Brooks Walton, acting American Veterans Committee and
head of the department of Mechan- the Fleet Reserve.
ical Engineering during the past
year, has resigned to take a position
at San Jose State College, Saa Jose,
He will head a new department of
which is
Dean W. S. Taylor of the College
being established at San Jose.
of Education has been appointed
chairman of the Community Chest
public employees solicitation group,
LeRoy Miles, Chest campaign chairman, announced.
Dean Taylor's group will seek conIn answer to many phone
tributions from employees of all
calls a ad' verbal
government offices and hospitals,
Coach Adolph Rupp announces
that barfcetball practice has city and county schools, Transylvania College and the University. He
not started. Since
served last year as chairman of the
- would-b- e
'Cat netters have
schools division and is a member of
been working out occasionally,
the Chest board of directors.
reports have the Baron's
Assisting Dean Taylor will be Tom
in dally sessions.
P. Underwood, editor of the LexingAny student wishing to try
ton Herald, who will be chairman of
out may still do so, Rupp says,
the health and government division
and adds that the definite
and Dr. Howard Beers, professor of
starting date will be revealed
rural sociology at the University,
next week.
who will head the schools division.

Prof. Walton Quits

act as


War Department;
commanding general. Second Army;
commanding general. Fifth Service
Command; and local Army installations in all public relations matters
pertinent to Army projects and activities.

Dean Taylor Heads
Division Of Chest

Rupp To Anounce
Basketball Practice







"The influx of new students also
has overtaxed our classrooms and
laboratories. There is no space for
expansion of any of the colleges
or departments. Only by extending
the length of the school day and
scheduling night classes can addif
tional students be accommodated.
"We have five buildings on the
campus that are more than sixty
years old and there are ten that are
about forty years old. These buildings were not well constructed in
the beginning but are being used
today to take care of more students than they were designed for
Robert Morgan
in the beginning. Some of them I
Three additional instructors, all
feel are actually not very safe with
the capacity load they are carrying of whom are consluered outstanding in their fields, have joined the
department of music
"The peak of the prewar enroll- faculty.
Dr. A. A. Capurso, head
ment at the University of Kentucky
was in the fall of 1939 when 3.807 of the department,
college Thursday.
students matriculated. If
Aimo Kiviniemi, a veteran of
enrollment in Kentucky keeps pace
with the enrollment for the remain- the African and Italian
during five years' Army service,
der of the nation and there is ev- will
instruct in voice. He comes to
ery reason to expect it to do so
school of
then we have good reason to pre- the University from the university
dict a minimum enrollment of 7,500 music of Ohio State
to 8,000 students by 1955, provided where he served as instructor of
the state prepares facilities to care voice and did graduate work toward
for an enrollment of this size. a master's degree in music. He
This means Kentucky will have to received his bachelor's degree in
spend at least $10,000,000 between music education from Ohio State
now and 1955 on classroom build- in 1940 and has done considerable
private voice study.
ings and laboratories
Vilem Sokol will be an instructor
"The present classroom and
in music, theory and violin. Dr.
Capurso said. Mr. Sokol received
on Page Three)


Dean Of Men
Announces Campus

Parking Regulations











Aimo Kiviniemi



worried over Ken
tucky." Moseley believes the Bearcats were "keyed up," but thinks
them capable of maintaining something near that standard of play.
The Wildcats hold a 10-- 6 edce in
the series with Cincinnati, which
started in 1900. Last year, when
athletic relations were renewed ar-ta 11 year lapse, each school
won in a two-gaCoach Bryant has said that 45
boys will make the trip, leaving


Nation's Grid Fans
Watch Cincinnati,
Bryant And Boys

By Baxter Melton
Kernel Sports Editor
Parking regulations for students,
faculty, administrative and their
For the first time in so many
staff, employees, and visitors are years Wildcat followers don't care
again in effect on the University to recall, Kentucky will take part
campus, with the opening of the in a football game holding nationnew school year. Dean of Men T. wide interest. We're speaking, of
T. Jones has announced.
about Saturday night's
Visitors are assigned to parking game with the University of Cinin an area on the main circular cinnati in the Queen city's Nip-pdrive extending from the South
Limestone entrance, he explained.
Coach Ray Nolting's
The east side of the drive from were rocketed into grid
the Armory to the Health and by their 15-- 6 trouncing of Indiana
Hygiene Building will be reserved last week. "Bo" McMillin's Hos-ier'-s,
for them. However, in cases where
1945 Big 10 champion, were
the visitor has business in other rated a
buildings, parking for short per- had scheduled the game as a warm-u- p
iods will be allowed in other arbefore tackling Michigan.
eas, he added.
Here on the home front, the
Personnel and students of the
University's fcil'y-hoo"new deal-i- n
University will be restricted to park
football made an auspicious debut,
ing in specific areas. The campus
20-- 6
by besting Mississiopi.
has been divided into 10 different grandstand quarterbacks
everyzones for parking purposes
and where are wondering: was Cincindrivers of the estimated 1,000 cars
did Kento be allowed on campus are re- nati's win undeserved:
than it s
quired to register their vehicles tucky play better ball determining
for a designated area of their pref- able to maintain? In
erence at the Dean of Men's of- these questions the Bearcats
give Cincinnati
Wildcats should
sport fans something to think about
Although preference will be givBUI McKechnie's successor
en to
residents and besides
University employees working daily as manager of rsthe Reds.
in the BearChief trouble-makein the same building, requests for cat
lair are Captain Elbie Nickel
permits will be heard on
McMillan at half,
the individual merits of each case at end and Don
ironically, who
capacity. it was McMUlin,
until each area is filled to
figured in both sco'ng passes
Regulation is believed justified.
McMillin of CenDean Jones said, due to the vast against Indiana's
Capt. Nickel
amount of parking space available tre College fame. game in maradjacent to the main campus on played a great field
the win
South Limestone, Rose street, Eu- shalling his mates to played halfSince Coach Nolting
clid and Graham avenues.
back nine years for the professional
Bears, his proteges are expected to try 11 the intricacies of
Wo.wen's Glee Club
In switching from
Becomes Two Groups the Bears to the Bearcats the forthe
mer UC star , sht much of the
The Women's Glee club, under razzle-dazz- le
learael first-han- d
the direction of Miss Mildred Lew- from Clark Shaughnessy, father of
is, instructor in the music departthe T."
ment, becomes two organizations
Coach Bryant has been working
this fall. Two large groups, under hard on practice this week to iron
Lewis's direction wfll meet out weaknesses evident in the openMiss
alternately, one on Tuesdays and er. He was pleased with the showThursdays, the other Mondays and ing against Mississippi, expected
Wednesdays, ninth hour, in room 19 the miscues and bobbles that are
of the Art Center (Guignol).
a part of any first game.
Woman desiring to participate
The Cincinnati line will be heavshould see Miss Lewis at the Art ier. Coach Frank Moseley warns.
He scouted the Bearcats in their
dramatic debut, insists there wfs
nothing freakish in the victory.
Men's Glee Club
"They simply outplayed, outfought
The men's glee club, this year un- Indiana." he saj. "They're big.
der the direction of Aimo Kiviniemi, but fast," The v. ilea, backfteld
will meet ninth hour on Monday coach points out tiat Indiana got
and Wednesday
in room 19 of the deep in Cincinnati territory only
Art Center (Guignol). This course i once, that being when the Hoosiers
mav oe la Ken euner as a creaii .
"Jolting" Nolting ha3
course or as an extracurricular activity. All interested students are tried to keep his boys from becom
ing too cocky after their Indiana
asked to see Mr. Kiviniemi.
success. He has told the fellows
that "Kentucky expects to beat
you." possibly the same sort of
strategy he used against Indiana.
He has told newsmen that he is

Three New Instructors Added
To Music Department Stafl


fCats Face Bearcats,


students interested in working
Senior officers are being desigon The Kernel will meet in the nated for similar duties in KenKernel newsroom, McVey hall
tucky at Fort Knox, Camp Camp

Board Of Trustees Meets


Bigger And Better
UK Marching Band
Planned For 1946

Basketball Ticket
Divisional Plan
For Season Posted

SuKy Trials
Will Start
Next Game

For UK Entrance







Vilem Sokol

a bachelor of music degree from imately four years in the U.S.
of Naval Reserve, two of which were
Oberlin (Ohio) Conservatory
in the Southwest Pacific area.
1938 and has had sevMusic in
"The music department is at- eral scholarships and fellowships.
including an exchange fellowship tempting to provide the students
to the State Academy of Music in of the University, whether they
Praeue. Czechoslovakia, in 1938. are Planning to siuay music as a
After serving three years in the professional career or as a genarmy overseas, he came back to eral cultural background, an opcontinue a teaching fellowship at portunity to study and to participate in all phases of music."
Oberlin in March of this year.
according to Dr. Capurso.
Robert Morgan has been named
instructor in piano. He holds a "It is the aim of the department
bachelor's degree in music from to train leaders who are able to
Syracuse university in 1938 and a enrich the lives of the local com master's degree from the same in- muiii's through a musical expres- stitution in 1940. Mr. Morgan sior.. With this in mind, the de- taught piano at Elon college in partment has employed the ser- North Carolina and at the State
Teachers college in Bloomsburg, vices of talented and promising
Pennsylvania, until his entry into young teachers as an addition to
He served npprox- - its staff," he declared.
the service.

early Saturday monvrv
and returning after the
Saturday night.


ne late

University Station
Remodeling Finished
University station, the campus
postoffice a. the University, is in
full operation again today after
an extensive remoleding project
which saw the addition of 1.700 boxes to take care of the increased
enrollment. Miss Carrie Bean, superintendent of the office announced.
Although the station proper in
McVey hall was closed at the end,
of the second summer term on August 24, temporary quarters were
set up nearby in the hallway until
completion of remodeling at the
opening of Freshman week Thursday, and the postoffice kept its
record intact of never having lost
a day in the 32 years that Miss
Bean has been pos,.nistress.
Each student of the University
is entitled to a mail box with the
payment of tuition and receives.
in addition to personal mail, var- 'ious notiCe,, University communi
j cations
and the campus newspaper,
Tie Kentuckv Kernel. However,
mar,y students residing at home do
nub uvt&.i iiieiifeives ui uii
andJience. fewer boxes than there
are students are actually needed.
Miss Bean explained.

� '





Pat Burnett

tb Pod Offlc
t Lexlnirton, Kentucky, M
mcond data BMM nder (b Act of March 1, int.
stocky Interconeclau Prnt Anoclatlon
LeztnctoB Board of Comment
Kentucky Prnl Association
national Editorial Association




National Advertising

Sen ice, Inc.



3n iBrmnriam

Assistant News Editor
Sfi.tiis Editor

Your reporter cam" tuck to school
three days oar'y to write a feature
on registration, took on? look at the
mob and went home. The Kern:l
assigned another reporter, but he
was smothered in the bookstore


SkiiIs Edih ir
Ttewrite Editor
..Society Editor


Business Manager


tignei article

and column are to be couriered tht
opinio. of the writer themtelvei, mnd do not ftccesaartiy
reflect the opinion o The Kernel.

$1.60 On

Kevs Editor

Tom CRrnoRY

Nl tonnN.Y.
lm aasms

M On quarter

Mmt'iKii'S Editor

Jim Donovan
Rcmir Mm inv
(). C. Mmri









Let's Talk About The Kernel
Again it's lime to state Kernel jxduy.
of newsaeis is a favorite A merit an sjkmi.
J lie Kernel lakes its share.
should. However, sometimes it is good
piatiite to anahe criticism and to explain why
The kernel arts as it does in certain situations.
Criticism which usually is received by The
Kt nt I (alls into four tvjH's.
of these is treatment of the news.
tome in thai The Kernel gies too little
spate tti thini all the students are interested



Space for news stories anil placement of them
Tie in the hands of the editors anil the editors
only. "I hese editors do their work, on the basis
ol imoiiante as well as interest. A (lance or an
all I'niversity function is not as imwrtant as
a money grant, or the housing situation. Therefore the dance, although all students are interested in it, will not le given as big a play as
a story on one of the oilier subjects.
Not that social news will le excluded from
T he Kernel it's good news. But the fact (hat
Sianislav Kolivosky's band will play for a fraternity dance is hardly big news.
It might be emphasied here, too, that The
Kernel wants your story not to be run for seven
weeks or at seven times its proper sie or with
a lot of propaganda. But we do want it. However, T he Kernel isn't omniotent or omnis-- (
it nt.
lis staff of trained rejiorters (usually
journalism students) and editors (alwavs journalism students) tries to rcath every news source
on the campus. The staff doesn't always succeed. The attitude of many publicity chairmen
seems to Ie a
one. It's up to pub-li- t
iiy (hail men to rexri news from their organizations. Sometimes The Kernel staff has no
wa of knowing that the Society lor the Prevention or Cruelly to Rabbits on football
1 it Uls will meet tomorrow.
A meeting of publitity (hairmcn with the
Kernel staff will lie scheduled sometime this
month, the lime and date to Ie announced later.
And rememlier, important e is well as interest must le considered in judgment of news
pi a v.
I here is always the plaint "But my story
didn't get in." The Kernel promises no one
that his story will apear in any certain issue.
Iidiiois are instructed according to best
piactite to get in all the stories possible,
licit lictjiicnily there is more news than there
is pate. Here agavi the imjxirtance and interest aie considered. Contrary to what you may
have heard. tye isn't rublxr and it most certainly doesn't shrink or stretch. Something has
to go, and it's up to the editors to decide.
'1 he Kernel reserves the right
to edit all
stoiies as it sees fit. Often this results in the
omission of news which someone thinks important. Perhaps the story couldn't lie crammed
into the space. It's Inner to have a story that
cut than to have none at all. The
editors try to omit the least itnxn t ant fatts.
Ofien students write letters to the editor.
Vmieiimes these letters aren't printed. More
dun i hey apear on the editorial page under
tin title "Post Office Box."
I he Kernel piints letters which do not agree
villi the opinions of its etlitors, but they aie
opinions of students or fatuity and they have
a light to apear in print. How anyone could
i the
idea that The Kernel agrees with all
opinions which are written in to it, we do not
know. But this accusation has liecn made.
I he Kernel will prim all letters which arc
submitted to it with the lollowing reservations:



lengih: 3.10 words. (2) Letters
must be signed by the author. ( I his docsn t
mean signing someone c lsr's name as a prac- tical joke.) Whenexer it is rectiested that the
name of the a.i.ho, be withheld. The Kernel
be glad to do so. but it must know who
wrote the