xt7vt43hxx81 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vt43hxx81/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1956 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 27, 1956 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 27, 1956 1956 1956 2012 true xt7vt43hxx81 section xt7vt43hxx81 / A:   EA =
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 . I · ` ` 1 ` t ` ' »
N . of I Wo. of . 4 _ No. of 1-,1...
Clbn- Total - . xCon— Total ‘ ° Con- ’]‘, ·"""
. KENTUCKY _ No. of tribu- Contrib— KENTUCKY ‘ · N0. of tribu- · Contrib- OUT-OF4S'l"ATE No. of trihu- Cor;
, (by counties) Alumni tors uted (continued) Alumni tors uted Alumni tors rr;.  K
1 .
l · . · Lar e .............,...... 38 2 10.00 Alabama ....... . ........ 172 4 Q1. pubfshed
1 Adair '''`'°''''```''‘'''''` 4} 2 8 10`00 Laiiiel .................... 82 0 0.00 Arizona .................. 18 2 11 Kgnfugky (
Allen 13 0 000
A11d€1.S(111 '```` ' ````'````'``` 67 2 10°00 Lawrence .. ..,........... ‘· 29 , 2 10.00 Arkansas ........,....... 46 0 tat Lexingtg
· 3111111.11 1 ‘`''''‘‘``''''` 44 1 5`O0 Lee .....................,.. . .25 1 *2.08 ga1ifor3ia .............. 302 lg 7252,00, Mem
`   hlllill -   I l L slie `.. ..............   20 1- .0 O Ora O ........,....... · 1A550 `gfqm
r g§‘{{f“ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘   (1 388 Lgtcnnr .................. - —-60 _ 2 10.00 Connecticut ..........,. 77 0 g;A1,,,r(iiw;_
· B:111 ```''`` ` ``````'````'````' 1 -117 4 25-00 Lewis ` .... . ............... V37 2 10.00 Delaware ................ 41 0 1 .—n-.—-
Boone ```'````'`'``''` " `````` 7q 1 5`00 Lincoln .................. 93 4 20.00 Dist. of Columbia .. 138 11 25~Member or
B1111111011 `'''`'`'``''`'`'''`' 200 11 · 107`50 Livingston ....... . ...... 13 0 0.08 glorida ..................   1% 22; Kentucky
V ''''''`'''``''```' ' Logan .................... 44 4 25.0 eorgia .................. ... 1 10* Alumni (
1 gg; ''``'''`'''```'''`'`''   1},-   Lytgi ...................... 12 0   111aho ..,..........,........ 412 10 1 T
` . `''`''`'`'''```''``''` _ ` Mc ra k- ............ 19 1 . inois .................... 15,142 tered za
    ``''``''```'````''   3 ·   McCre§r)$“ ..............., 39 2 10.00 Indiana ...........,...... 523 7 .1=O£Hce at L1
B1,eCk1111.1(111é ```'```'''```` 35 1 5 00 McLean .................. 24 0   kiwa .. .................... 42 5 =the1{—1ct of A
_ - ''``'``''' ; __ 0 ' Ma lis n ...... ,§· .......... 194 4 4 .0 ’ansas .................... 4 ini ssociati
    32 ~ {1   xaigofliin ................   0   houisiana ........,....... 10; 3  
.1 arion .................... = . aine ............,....... » een .
1     `'''``''````''`'       Marshall ................ 32 1 5.00 Maryland ...,........,... 167 6 11*G. Lee Mc(
51 C11mp11€11 ```'``'''`'`''`° 204 7 40_00 Martin ............,....... 1 8 0 0.00 Massachusetts .,...... 75 1 1111/Iarguerite
E (1:11111111 '````'.`''```''` 18 0 0_00 Mason .................... 135 12 87.50 Michigan ......... .. ...,. 228 9 SAUDI-! Wien
`_ (11111.1111   62 3 1;;_00 lVleat¥· .................... 23 (1   Minnesota ....... . ......   0 ;—
_ ,   __ ___________' _ _ _0 Meni ee ..............,... 1 ( . Mississippi .............. 7 2 1=
A I   ` ` _ _     7g_0g Mercer ............ . ....... 124 3 20.00 Missouri ........ . ......,.. 155 3 1* 1956`5
j   138 0 0_00 Metcalfe .,.............. ll 0 0.00 Montana ................ I1 0 rwm Ed C1
1 `· C1m.1< _ __ _   _________ 234 8 4250 Monroe ....,............. 16 0 0.00 Nebraska ...,............ 18 1 * AYE-- AS1
` C13),   __________ _ ____ 26 1 10_00 l\'10¥'lt[.Z()l`I`I(‘l')' ..........       Nevadail .....   ............ lg 8 11¥1gg:mGP1
` ·_ · __________________ 1 0 0_00 Morgan ..........,.....,. · 1 1. :.. . New lamps iire .4.. ·
  g1.1;I:;:11C11 ______________   1 5_00 Muhlenlwrg .,.......... 74 0 0.00 New jersey ............ 232 12 1 522 Sa§’1`€
’ »   1 Cumberland ............ 24 0 0.00 1*101s0i1 ....-..··.»......... 111 0) 3.88 New 11e>S¤n .......... 111 11 =B·1£1c§1¤%:
. ' ·   _ 1 ·   __________________ 2 y· 14000 l\icl1o as ...... . ......... » . New ’or .............. . 8 1 T' ·
1 ’ I Ediiiiiiisson ..,........... 783 18 0.00   -···----»»··--·····-·· 62; 1   N0rt11 Carolina ...... 169   1’M$é1_§;?]I1‘1*1I;
Emntt __________ _ ______   14 1 5_00 diam .................. 52 ? ` . Nortr Dakota ....   5 ( 1
· · _ o · ...................... rs 1 5.00 or ...................... ass 42 ar $91
. 83318. `‘‘‘ ;;;;:;;;;;;1i;;;;; 4,928   898:88 0¥¥§ié»· .................... 50 0 0.00 018810 ·»·0» . ............. 70 2 rW{}*¤¤*¤ M-
1:11.m111g _______ _ __________ GG 1 5_0() Pendleton ..............   1) ‘   Oregon .................. 719 0 Pa13r°GlT;1
· r ....... . ............. . 10.00 P rw --··-·-·--····-~··--·· - P ..1*- '= -....-...- J2 4 4‘ ‘
l:ii·`il1181li11 Q ..............   1:1 197.50 11;i1<<· 11 ·--.·..-.·..»··.--.....   41 2§.gg     .......... 12 0 W1'E1;1;’1¤<11
 _;_ F 1 ___________ _ ________ 84 3 17_50 owe .................... 2..;. J. Sout aro ina ...... 8 2 Z ‘_
·`   Gliilililn .................. 26 2 10.00 1’¤1=1$1<1 ·~·--»-··········· 192 9 57.50 South Dakota ........ 15 0 1R·B11dg15a%;
J   cnrmra .................. as 2 10.00 1101¤·1¢00¤ -···--·-~·--·· 19 1 ¤·00 T¤nn<·ss0v ---........·.. 495 4 - 195;,
` 1 Grant ...................... 72 0 0.00 11¤¤1<¤¤s11¤ ---·---···-··- 09 0 0·00 Texas ·.·.............·..... 363 13 11Brml L
— 1 uravr-5 .......,..........., ss 2 15,00 1‘10W011 .-......·-..........   0 gg?) gran .,............,..,,... 11 1) 3 inggja 71,
 ‘ 1 Grayson .........,........ $2 0 0.00 ,“Ss€ ···················· : · (111110111 ·-··········-··· i I Richard E
G .. ___'________________ 37 1 500 Scott ...................... 192 6 :30.00 virginia __________________ :343 12 t . ·
" (:;;:-:111) ,___,___________,_ 67 1 5_0o Shelby .................... 134 #3 15.00 Wgglyingtop ___________, 43 0 Hggm 19§1
Hmwock ________________ 17 1 5_00 Simpson ,...... . .......... 49 0 0.00 West Virginia ________ 292, 16 ll 11 1195*
Hardin .................... 124 I2 82.50 $r>•=¤¤<·r ---··~--·»··--···· 19 1 5-00 Wisconsin .............. 57 ‘ 2 iggraiej G  
rrnnnn .................... 200 15 05.00 10111** ·-··--···-···-·---·· QQ   1§1·gg Wv¤·¤i¤s --·-···-···---»- 1*1 0 ton trél,
‘ Harrison .........,........ 158 5 32.50 0}( ···-··········-······- L- · APO & FPO .......... 1f 4 ZD1. Ra] h
 · E . H. t ........................ 48 1 7.00 TNSQ ···-····---······-···· 24 2 10-00 U.S. Territories ...... 34 0 ' p ‘
. 11;1(11.1sm1 ______________ 136 7 3;100 Trimble ..... . ............ 27 0 0.00 Other Foreign ________ 116 2 lltcgt lag?
V Henry ..... , .............. 114 l 5.00 1·1{;1l°r; ····'·‘‘·‘‘‘··‘‘'‘·‘ 1716     Sub-Totals ...... 7,898 231 $17.0 IBOard oi
v_ V 1li11ck11nan ...,............   2   Wj:;11(1::¤11)11 ··············· 12   10110 Totals ............ 23,6781 725 S2(l.5’&0l1IS Cox,
OD ms   ............,.. · · . ‘ ············ ' ·· · gmgr L_ 1
Incksm.1 _ _______________'_ 24 0 0_00 Wayne ....... . ............ 47 1 5.00 1 __ , _, _ _ S S
. · 1 _ _ _ .. VV, _· _____ _ ____________ 6 _0 • This includes a single $15,000 111 · _€c011
Jcnusqn ‘‘‘’'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘ 2'2'62 Q? 567'00 Lbstiil   0 0 0 for the Alumni-Faculty House from Mr. pr°Sld€“t1
V\'1·atl . . 162 4 20 00
V ]l’¥ill]`Ill]€ .....,....,,....       W011(*}   ‘‘·'‘ · ‘‘‘‘·‘· 18 0 0‘00 (2.11.1].111.111 Or C111c.11_1O M?1`g\l€r1te
jo nson .............,.... L. . ’ ········· · ~···- · ···· _· is -1-11*, ,` ° ' , · , , ngton (L
. , . W __________   . · I ___ _ 1 t total number of alumni for uhm
`     111   0m;fITdT 1 V 15;;; 49.; $3 4;; Og are current addresses in the alumni filr··;I‘0g1_;Flm1
_ · nox ................. . .... · 7 . `11 1- ota s ...... · , . " , ‘ .5 F. George
ington {L
- Senior Class
. . . . . _ _ V _ , inz._Jr..
, T he above listings were compiled as oi _]uly l, 1950. A complete Alumni Roll (.all will be publr N¤1¤¤¤a1
. in November, witl1 the name of each contributing alumnus listed by states and by counties in KClll1r_Ca1,11s1eA
_ Individual gifts will not be listed, only the totals by areas and the percentage of alumni partici1>z1ti11;gi,;°§1"§9’]
. . . . _ ies. Lex'
each area. 1,11.111 O1 1161
~ _ames B. A
V 1 \\'e hope to have 10,000 alumni listed in our Roll Call tl1is year. II` you have not sent in y1‘>111‘°'1Q'§'dB°'
1 § tribution please do so, if possible, by October l, 1956. {Q 
T 1. w. N
 . ‘ ierbert Er?
s 1 Thank you, u
1 \da' C
  xlleii Ccciiiii
_ 1 james A. Beazley \1;)derson e
r · . , 111`8
1 Director, Alun1n1 Fund
i ru s K
.· '   x

. It I I “ .
itucI· of   I  
on- 'l`i.· I I
Ihu- Cai; Ballard County——Mrs. Shirley Williamson, Marshall County—J. Homer Miller, Benton I I I -·
Drs u:—T-he     BWick1iéfe I I Mason County—Wi1liam D. Calvert, Maysville cI I =
1 ii Published quarterly by ¢g¤Ih¤¤IIsr¤¤v_I¤f B2{i€°'&0u?.‘€§‘3CE,I?.?;2 £§§2L?,?‘O‘€J?§§§$lii. ME‘§$.d‘§?.‘é’3E§‘w‘II‘““ "°“" A“°“‘ II I I I
2 III K§¤t¤Q1vI{¤ty`—¥V. S. Duty. Jr., 327 Maple RValIeyC I Om H G k_ R H II
0 ,wiu Ed Covington, President, 2655 Virginia Cla}§’°6Oun‘g,*;_‘§§·af{ Stinson Manchester lgsgjings mm Y- B a as ms- um
1) lW31l€:;1[?,ihg1,;]r(IinI Vice President Frankfort Clinton CountyJChar1es Luttrell,_Albany I Scott County—J. C. McKnight, Georgetown
Helen GI King Director Of Alumni Affairs Crittenden C0unty—Lou1s D. Chipps, Marion Shelby County—French Smoot, Shelbyville
lg I 522 Sayre AJE Lexington ’ Cumblerland County—Leslie McComas, Simpson County—LeRoy Hughes. Franklin I
, · " _ Bur esville Spencer County—Harold Love, Taylorsville I
1 _;B‘ Ar S*IIIely· TY"”“r"‘ D°"a"'“°“t °f Mh Daviess county-J. E. Abell, 1321 ciaraneiie Taylor County—Harry R. smiincampbeiis-
11 I, letics, University of Kentucky Ct Apt 2 Owensboro vine
,, IiMrs. Hampton C. Adams, Old Keen Place. E .·· · I , _ _ I
- V II P·k I L · - still County—Stephen Rice, Irvine Todd County—Logan Webb, Guthrie
42 In lgggial es I Q exmgmn (Term explms Fayette County-—Mrs. Elmer Gilb, Paris Pike, Trigg County—Tom Magraw, Cadiz I
-· ~:Wim M_ G L M · B ·l - I _ Lexington I Trimble County—J. G. Dye, Bedford I
2 » b°;,mITermagxpir,;S0?$§9I ul dmg Owens Fleming County—Dr. C. D. Blair, Flemings- Union County—Bowers Wallace, Sturgis  
2 ,lPaKl; G. Blazer, Jr., 2717 Cumberland Ave., Flbuggc u t R·b tAu Wh 1 _ ht Wgllelil §°lé“l·y_H’·‘ll'l`y Lane- 803 Edg€W°°d· I
i hl d IT · 1959 oy o n y— o er en, ee wrig ow in reen I,
2 I`wi11ga:~InH_ ·I?;vr:,In§;c,Fc;fEi:·irSt Iqatienel Bank Franklin County—August Luscher, Jr., c/o Washington County—Charles J'. Haydon, I
5 4 Bldg., Lexington vreim expires 1958} Fiihengy 1Ts¤1g>rs.VII¤cé P£IrarIIkf¤rtB h I WS¤r¤¤séi¤1dt CI I R C II_ M t_ II i
__R_ R, D I BI I IK I · u on oun y— r. ar us art, us ar Hyne oun y~ m . 0 1115. on ice 0
4   1958] awson Oomfie d y (Term expules Clinic, Fulton Webster County—Harold Trader, Providence
13 I:‘Blanton L. Collier, 209 Ridgeway Road, Lex- Garrard County—Miss Iona Montgomery, Whitley County—Sam Cannon, Corbin I
1 · ington Irperm expires 1958) Lancaster Wolfe County—Everett Miller, Campton I
lg Iliiohard E_ Cooper, Somerset, Ky_ Irperm ex- Graves County——William Parham, Mayfield Wzodforg County—John W. Wilmott, Jr., I I
pires 1957) Hancock County—Harry Black, Hawesville BFSHI 95 I I
0 Herndon J Evans Pinevill K IT Hardin County—Robert McNamara   I `
16 I'. pires195l7) ' e` y' erm °x` Eiizabeinicwn ` ,
2 IGerald Griffin, 233 Kingsway Drive, Lexing- Harlan County—John Crosthwaite, Jr. A11¤¤t3· Ga·—-13mCS C- Downing. 1711 I
ll , ton lTerm expires 1957) BOX 589 Balnesdale Way' N‘E‘ I I
3 'D? R¤1l>h Angelucci, 109 Esplanade, Lexing- Harrison County—William Renaker, Route Blghllhghiiéh. Aé¢=I£é—M. Thomas Brooks,  
. on tBoard of Trustees) N0~ 1i Cymhialla mw"` mx · .
LJ. S, Watkins, 251 E_ High St__ Lexington Hart C()unty—R, W, Poynter, Horse Cave C1'l8l`1€St0l1, W. Va.—RObel'l Bleldt, 514 22nd  
231 $17.07 IBOard of Trustees) Henderson County—Sam Lambert. Henderson St-- D¤¤1>81f· W·_V¤~
725 S20.5‘L¤¤i¤ Cox. Frankfort ilaoard of Trustees) Henry County—O. L. McElroy, Eminence Greater Cmcm¤at¤5A1an R. _V¤geler, 3700 = I
‘_ 1‘1¤¤'\€¤‘ L. Baker, Louisville cement c0_, 501 Hickman County—Jack Newton, Clinton CHMCF AV€·· 1V1¤F¤€¤l¤¤i; C¤¤¤m¤¤I·¤ 27 I I
$15 ()()() di S- iecogldi Louisville ilmmediate past Hopkins County—Mrs. Moss Patterson, Earl- Clgcilgoi 1;-% IY.PI;le1;iti¥5. 1315 North I
I I .III pres; en I mgten ranci ., I a , .
e fm"` I I Marguerite Mci-ziiigiiiiii, 226 E_ iviaxweii, Lex- Jefferson county-ciaudc spmwis, 229 cum- Cleveland. 0h¤¤—R¤bert McDowell. 3203 W- I
mi for “·hI,II— 1¤EY0¤ iLife member, honorary) berland Ave., Louisville 14 _ 71st SL I _ I I
,,Ium,,I f{I€iH‘D·P?1m0Y€,FI`8l'\kf0l`t mise member, mm- Jessamine cciiiiiy-wilson Rouii, Niciioias- D¤11¤SI Te><==s—Chest¤r C. Y<>u¤s· 2941 Fw- I I
Orary ·u mon I
DT george XI/ilson, 200 N. upper st, Lex- Joxnszn c¤».iniy—1v1rs. Aipiiareiia Archer. D·cIIII»t¤¤I 0lg¤¢Mrs. Wi¤St¤¤ Blythe. 120 I
_ n_ 011 l 16 member, honorary) Paintsville ars on rlve I
flxgr§1¤SiIR¢§l:f$ier;2ative. C. Gibson Down- Knox County—Barnard McKeehan, Barbour- Detroit, Mich_-13wCe Mumford, 1870 E_ Maple I
. ·_ 1`·» · 0 , eenan and Park, F' t ville R d, B' ` gham, M` h.
be I)l1I)II‘ Natl°“al 11'·¤¤1< Bldg., Lexington Us Knott County-Claude Frady, Principal, Midliilmd ;;;;_H J Picker 207 E Maple
' ` h School ‘ ’ ' ` ’ `
· A1=Po1NT1v1·: MEMB H1"dm““ mg - AVE- I
In Kem" Carlisle MYCFS, Jr., 1211 Rigiffgoiid Road, Lani? C°umy_St2ml€y A' Hagel-’ Hcdgen Middle Tcnnessee—Robert T. Hanna, Trimble I
rtici )_uIII;ILexington Lavérg County G W Griffin London Road, Nashville, Tenn. I
I ’°iZ’§IESei.1?§$“m€y°'· “‘“°"‘“°y" Numr L¤-»s¤¤·= <=¤¤¤w—¤·=¤r¤·= R- Bgrgess Lmeggs I`IWa3,‘,§2i‘£2§;, ’i§‘iivE"*°'g€ E‘ I°“"5‘ "°°°
71 ]O_ Lee County-—Dr. Clarence Com s, Beattyvi e N , Y k Ct _T d C - I 577 Sh It
Ialglrs s.I1liZ?.?‘éZi“i‘?§”i§I,¥,.*?.;‘21·,AS“‘“"d ,r;¤gII·; Cgm¤g—¤g¤grHA¤gm;,hggg=II,··;;;g ‘§`0sd,°§idg€ii¥1¤s,°N. iT’““° °  
. ldwaiaa ’ - · · wer ¤¤¤v—· · ay- S Ph'ldlh`.,P..—Pl r>.E ,971H i
In YOIII {Ort €¤¤€tt. Schenley Distilleries, Frank- Lewis C0umy___C,I;Im_1€S Strggg? Vwceburg écaiade ri\IéI*IIII0I;n S3IIr;gI vans un I
l`. H. H · · . L` coln County- ruman ay or. aynes urg _ · _ ·
X. E, v€;I1kv;;Cké(§{Eg%%ck1¢§1tn §(;li_°:iIh;*°xlngt°" Lggan County-—GranvilleCglark, Iguiiellville   Clyde Harnsom 3520 Van
*1.W.N 1, `· - ' .' _ Lyon County-J. Phillip enn, u awa ·Il- I W_ V __C_ R_ W·l I J __ 109
{erbert °I?Iun(€IlI’Ir111¤eJIr;;<;I;sdOfHce, Herideisgii M§Cmck€nBC0;I(II;3}I;J0};)n §,IlacII§burnI Citizens \V30;z;r;;0n\v€I a 1 son r I
‘ ' . uca
CLUB PRESIDENTS avmgs can t glwa Hume Stearns `
ldalr C¤¤¤ty—EarlHudd1eston Colum ` Mccmary mm y.- l I I ` `
. bla ,_ Executive Committee meets second Monday
{gs; C°u"ty—·l°lm Pedigo. Scottsville McLean Count} Chmllesi Géttcn Sacrénfllto night of each month. September through I
bur slm C¤¤1'1l·y—Walter Patrick, Lawrence- Magoffill C0¤¤l·Y·1—·¤th€l Rl°€· Salyelsvl le May. 6:30 p.m., Colonial Room. Lafayette I
g Marion County—Paul Owens, Lebanon Hotel. Lexington I »

_ _ Dr. Eaton was relieved of tear]
Dr W   I m   I,] duties last semester so he could an  
— • I 8 •     il gfilflt fI`OII’1 [ll€ l‘lLlI1[lHg[OIl Lili;
— at San Marino, California for rest,
Y ° ° ° I in the librar ’s manuscriyt collenj
i r . Y . .
Q I n The Uk nrofessor IS also wrui; ‘
, _ l
' life of Henry Clay to be publi
= Dr. \\’illiam Clement Eaton, profes- Dr. liaton is the 12th member of later this year. It will be one ol HO"
sor of history. has been chosen by the the college to receive the award since volumes in the Library of .—\mc1
.-\rts and Sciences faculty as Distin- it was established in 1944 as a means Biography, edited by Professor O Dgg
guised Professor of the Year. of recognizing outstanding academic Handlin of Harvard University.
Buell y€2l1` lll€ Zlllllllill i1l`tS Z11l(l sci- 1t(TlliC\‘C111(;‘l1[. lr2lClllI.y 1i1€1l1l)Ct`s will- D1". ELIIOH l1ElS 1llSO \\’l`illCll HAC Fumky
ences lecture is given by one distin- ning this honor are given a semester tory of the Southern Conieclciq »47 for t·
guished proiessor ol the year by secret lree of teaching duties to conduct re- " lhe (.ultural History ol The Universit
vote of the college faculty. The sub- search of their own choosing and to South," "Freedo1n of Thought Inj Educmim
ject of l)r. Eaton`s lecture was "Henry prepare the annual arts and sciences Old South." and   History ()lA dem Of y
Clay. .-\ Portrait of a Kentuckian." lecture. Old South." I the Y0,
history oi
A Dean l
V ‘ -  L {gf · 2; I   :-at .. gv _;    :2 =< >· 4 I   ,·>   `~?§§g» g     5 {Y rg ;,`;`_:;x‘;;`;.§}*;;:é¢%§i\;i gw
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  · .· ;.—i>`   v<::»   At ,. ,,,,3;, » rt   ~ . Jr ’   ··.¢zs:s:2tr·-=*==··=·=-·.=-v:2:;:·=¤=-·:··.==.  Wm ;<<*> -f» ‘>>;*·    D '
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A   s ·  ii i   ~.   t‘A - ».°°`   »,‘‘tc *·AAA?‘A¥·   and 1943»
      ’`;‘°i A °‘*`     =—.r.   ‘=.-   · ‘   --.. 7: Work rela
  =‘‘’       ‘     `;·  A·   cmg °°“Si‘l
Ul{’S FIRST F.»}MILY-TSLECT—Dr. Frank G. Dickey, dean of the University of Kentucky College of Education pcmissions i
with his attractive family following the announcement by the Board of Trustees that he has been elected prcsifl F1-Om (
§1:ftlyt;IUn;\ée1;:y£ They are, from left, Joseph Terry, 10; Mrs. Dickey; Ann Elizabeth, 8; Dr. Dickey and Frank. 1946 he
. era 0 0. »
 A 4 le E

   l l[ '  
l ‘ ·l
. l ` 1
. [ I
l of tend . ° k T ' {
could   lFr3|”\l( Graves DIC GY O BGCOITIG FI l 1 1 l · 
gton Lilly   i [ [ ‘
; for rest; i • ' ° [ 1  
**°°ll“*11Pf€SICZl€Tll   U|'l|V€|'S|lY S€pl€mlD€I" ll i l
lso writin, ‘_ I 1   1
be ublk ` ·
e Oge (11 . 1H01ds TWO Advanced reaehing thegrade of master-sergeant. wide recognition for its work in de-     ~ ·
Ol A111e1 . His work as sergeant-major of regi- xeloping competent leaders. [lr 1
Ofessor O Degrees From   mental` headquarters was largely ad- Not only does Dean Dickey have the [ 1 [ 1
ye1·Sl[y_ ministraltive and consisted of the direct responsibility of administering the Col- `      
itteri "_l; 1:1,1111k Graves Dickcyry M_3_ *421 l)_];tl_ supefyision ol as many as 200 I-iriny lege of Education, 1but he has an eee;] [     1
joirletler. ,47, 101. the 1111St Six years dean Ol the and civilian personnel and the indirect greater responsibility of admmisterrng   1 1
Ot Tllei_Un1v€1s111, O1 Kemueky College Ol SUPCYVISIOII of approximately 1,000 the total program of teacher education 11 1 1
night llli Education, will become the {-lfrh Pres]. 0[11€I` C1€Y1F2ll l)€l`SOHIl€l. OI`! `the University campus: 1 1 ‘
gory Ol`1 dem O1 111c U111ye1.Sl1y en September 1 Upon his discharge from the armed This task involves workingyiith the 1 1 1
11 the youngest 1)1.€S1d€111 111 the 91_ye11r lorces,1Dr. Dlckey entered the Ulx Col- otliencolleges of the University in de-   1
11151011] of the 1ns11w11O1.1_ He 15 gg lege of Education to. work toward the welopmgea cooperative atmosphere for 3
_j` Dean Dickey will sueeeed Dr, Her- (1001015 (1€g1`€€y $€1\'1I1g 21S 21 gI`3(1L11ilC ll1€ leileller l)re1)ar3ti()n 1)rr)gra111s_ 11 [ [ 1
  man Lee D0nOv;11,11 ’l4, 11,1101 011 SG1} assistant in the Bureau of School Serv- Dean Dickey has the administrative   [ [
  érélbcr 1 w1111€111.e z111€111z1v111gse11ved ice.· In addition to several research responsibility for the undergraduate 1 [ 1
  {$15 yez11S_ projects in educational finance and program in education and also the   g
  .   D1C11€y was born DEC. 11 19171 teacher personnel, he worked in school obligation to coordinate the largest 1
   Wagoner, Ok1z1_1 111c 501.1 01 K;11h_ surveys and in various types of consul- graduate program on the campus. i1 ;
  r  e are B·‘1<*g€S and the lm Joseph  “g‘§‘Z.EEt`i`-‘2l§i33§L`Zl‘“ “l`°°l af’§1{l.’ZE'L°‘i0‘ii ‘i3“J*"“     1
.:..= 1    ne Dicket, r. He is married to SYS 'll·` ` ll l ‘   ` ll ll ll` m ll lll Cl lllll lllll [
 gl`   former Iilizlbeth Drymon of Fay- . .-\lte1· receiving the aclvgrncccl degree 11115 totaled more than 55 per cent ol  
  et  county, and is the father of three iu 1947,   Dickey remarried on the 111€_ €11[11€ §1”?l(l1l?1ifl‘·l)1`0§,’I21111 oi the 1
  4`’"·   |C@df€n. lliltiulty ol the College of Lclucation as U11|\'C1S1l}'. lll addition to1undergr;id- gl
  le ean Dickey attended public schools an instructor in the field of secondary mlm   1§1`?1d11?1i€ ?1f11111111$iY?1¤V§ {C-   1
    ichita Falls, Tex., and Lexington. education and administration. In 1949 $l>011$1l1111U€$» D1`- D1Ck€y also is in [ ‘
    935 he was graduated from Henry he became chief administrative officer §11111`§€ of {11C 011·€P1¤1P11S of 11€1<1 S€1`\‘· 11
   1 1:,  High School receiving the josten ol` the Bureau of School Service and l¤€ PY0g1`¥1111 1Y111€11 “'<1T1<$ “'1[11 11101`€  
  =:` `V J   for highest scholarship in his six months later he was appointed 111?l11 20,000 1y€11i¤€1<}’ l1l11>llC Scllool [
   _  _r  i`  dean of the College of Education. At l€ll€ll€l`$» ?l(l111ll1l$lml‘1Y$» and $@11001 1
T  ‘  ·    _e received his undergraduate edu- the time of his selection, Dr. Dickey l)Oa1`d_111€111lJ€Y$· V [
 -_\   ‘   ·l~,  n at Transylvania, graduating was the youngest dean of a major col- Dllrllig f11€ $1111111161 of 1092- W11§11  
  .__``l·-~ .. 1   s Cum mae in 1999. His two lege in the mitimi. 110111 1¤`€¤¤<1¢¤¤ D<>¤¤*=·¤ =¤¤_<1 V¤¢<¤
  11` Heed degrees, Muster Of Arts and For 111166 \1€m_S DC1111 Dickey, $61.1.611 lresident Leo M. Chamberlain were 1 _
QV @.1*  01 E<1¤¤¤1i¤¤ both were re- as ttmrmsu bt the state csmmmee of       [ [
`*  l   from 1116 U11lV€1`$11’ of K€11· the Secondari Commission of the _‘ _ ‘ _‘ ‘ _l l l l Q
    J · l sotitiimi Assoiiation of Colleges and lll ‘l"* Olllce Ol lllc l’l`“l°l°ll‘ lll Dl`· l
l l  is i1111·ii111€ ¥€11€11i11g €XP€Y1€11€€ Secondarv Schools. He also has served Dollmllms request'    
V it  ‘ when he was a senior in college. (,,1 the _~ldt·isory Committee to the Record Is Cited 1 .
 {1 1 €0mP1€¤111g 11iS €0L1YS€ f€Cl11iY€· (jotmcil on Public Higher Education Under Dean Dickey’s administration [ ’
   l111¤11<1·*/€¤f 118 1¤€€?1Y11€ U?-‘¤€11€1` of and is a member of the Council on the College of Education has gained 1 5
'— § €1'1» €1T?1111€1[1€$ €111€1 E11g1i$11 21[ BTYH11 Public Higher Education by virtue of recognition in many fields of endeavor.  
  'slil loll Hlgll S€l1001 111 1"?lY€1[€ 0011111)* his position as Dean of the College of During this time the college; [
 1 1 1;.;,  ·ll}G§€Pl€111l?•€1` 1939 11€ l1€€?1111€ H f€i1€11~ Education. In this lorganization he Was designated as "one ol the out-
  i—  let lll the l—·€Xll1g[011 UW $€11001$i 1`€· has had experience in working with standing teacher education institutions
    lllallllllg 111€Y€ 1111111 116 €i1i€1‘€d i11€ other state institutions of higher edu- in the nation" by a committee repre- [
  armed forces in 1943. emlelm senting the American Association of  
  y . _ _ Colleges for Teacher Education. ·
  yvyg guring ti;rl::11;§lC1€1§Ey19111 1111121 Backed Kellogg Pl`°J°9* 1 1\iVas selected as one of l101institu-
    1943,   Dickey did investigative Dr, Dickey has taken an active. inter- l1011§ 1111lhe H-111011 to l)1ogr.un.