xt7vt43hxw3j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vt43hxw3j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1934-11-dec11. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1934-11-dec11. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1934-11-dec11. 1934 1934-11-dec11. 2011 true xt7vt43hxw3j section xt7vt43hxw3j 

    Minutes of the Regular Quarterly Heeting of the Board of Trus-
tees of the University of Kentucky of December 11, 1934.

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in
President McVeyts office at the University of Kentucky December 11,
at 10:30 a. m., that being the date of the regular  quarterly meet-
ing,   The members of the Committee present were Governor Ruby Laf-
foon, chairman; Judge R. 0. Stoll, M1iller Holland, Dr. George Wil-
son, G. C. Wells, Robert G. Gordon, James R. Rash, Eugene Flowers,
Commissioner of Agriculture; W. A. Hanna, Louis Hillenmeyer and
J. B. Andrews.   This was the first meeting attended by Hr. Hanna,
who was appointed to membership 3rd day of 1ecember, 1934.

     1. Minutes Approved.

     The minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of
September 18, 1934, were approved as Dublished.    The minutes of
the meeting of the Executive Committee of October 23, 1934, were
approved as published.

     2. Financial Report.

     The Business Agent filed a statement of condition of finances
as of October 31, 1934, and a statement of condition of finances
as of November 30, 1934.   These statements were received, and the
statement of condition of finances as of November 30, 1934, was
ordered inserted in the minutes of this meeting,

                                              EXHIBIT "B"

             Statement of Income and Expenditures
                    Month of November 10D34

                               Previously     Current       Year
                               Reported       Month         To Date

General Fund Income
  Federal Appropriation         7,125.00       7,125.00   14,250.00
  Interest on EndowBonds        2,162.50                   2,162.50
  Interest on Lib.Loan Bonds      850.00                     850.00
  Vocational Education Board     3,634.28      4,258,69     7,892,97
  State Appro.-Back Salaries   71,100,00                  71,100.00
  State Appro.-Repairs to
      Buildings                                  276.42      276.42



State ALpro.-Summ-ier School  9,000.00
  Special Agri. Appro.        12,371.72
  State Appro. - General     245,302.78
  Student vees                93,222.36
  Student rees - Summer Sch.  39,745.74
  Student Fees - Un.High Sch.  4,200.00
  Student Fees.- El.Tr.Sch.    3,430.00
  St'udent Pees - Un. Exten.   7,086.96
  .i.scellaneous Receipts      2,585.75
  Rentals                      1,013.00
  M-en's Dormitories           6,420.85
         Total               509,250.94

  Tnstruction                217,344.80
  Adm.,Expense & Ha.int.      96,711.18
  Additions and Betterments    2,757,10
         Total               316,813.08

12, 849,90
   360. 25
   170. 00

2,509. 23
94. 040.16

  12, 371. 72

lib, 686. 07

  Excess of Inco-.e over Exy

Patterson Hall Income
  Miscellaneous Receipts
  Room Rent - Summer Sch.

192,437.86  (57, 337.93)

11,838.92    9,763.09
  1,323.75         2.25
  13,227. 67   9, 765. 34

135,099. 93

21,6 02. 01
 1, 326. 00
 22, 993.01

  Additions and Betterments8

  Excess of Income over Ex-

G-eneral Pund Income
General Fund Expenditures
  Excess of General Fund Ir
  come over Expenditures
  Accounts Payable - licui-

  7,308,_ 2    7,927.46

522,478.61    46,467.57
322, 732 33  95, 878 04



Excess of Expenditures over
Receipts for General Ledger
Accounts                  (87,785.03
Excess of Receipts over Ex-
penditures for the fisca.l year
to date - General Fund     zL0,861,25


)  52,278.40






- 2. 867. 93  43,729,18



1 837. 88

7. 757.13



Txcess of Receipts over Ex-
  ne-cI'tures for the fiscal
  yeta to date - Ge-neral 7und.
Cash i-n Bank July 1, 1934 -
  General Tund
Cash in Bank YTovember 30, 1934 -
  General Fund

Exneriie-nt Sttation Income
  Hatch - Federal Appro.       7,500.00
  Milk and Butter - Cash Rec. 3,369.45
  Beef Cattle Sales              239.89
  Dairy Cattle Sales             357.75
  Sheeo Sa.les                    61.11
  Swinae Sales                   230.67
  PoultrY Sales                  463.95
  7prm P-oduce Sales             286.96
  Horticultural Sales            263.35
  Seed Test                      820.40
  Seed. I'aspection           3,119.44
  Re-ntals                     2,552.68
  Miscella-neous                 875.16
  ?ertilizer - rees            5,263.50
  Public Service - St. Appro. 6,582.09
  Public Service - Yiisc.Rec.      5.00
  7eedinc Stuffs - 7ees       10,114.55
  Adamis - 7ederal Anpro.      7,500.00
  Serumli - Sales                284.68
  Serum - Virus Sales             25.15
  Se rum - Supply Sales           44.55
  Seruxm - Misc. Receipts
  State Appropriation         20,287.64
  CreemTery - License Fees    6,226.55
  Crea-mery - Testers Lic.     1,904.02
  Creamery - Glassware Tested    310.47
  Robinson - State Appro.      3,656.70
  Robinson - Misc. Receipts    1,751.91
  West i v. - State Appro.     4,494.10
  West Ky. - Misc. Rec.       1,506.88
  Purnell - 7edera.l ATPro.   30,000.00
  Tursery inspection - State
     Arpnro.                     450.00
  rTursery Inspection - rees  1,032.42
  Bloocd. Test                    20.75
                 Total       121l601.77






39,439. 23

632.27    4,001.72
100.80      564.75
28.45      315.41
 56.50      876.90
 146.61    3,266.05
 169.67    2,722.35
 13.95      889.11
,026.51   7,290.01
222.71    6,804.80
.081.70   12,196.25
 35.56      320.24
   5.85       31.00
   4.25       48.80
   8.75        8.75.
,303.06   24,590.70
  12.00    6,238.55
  24.00    1,928.02
  17.28      327.75
  910.81    4,567.51
,820.78    6P314.88
,139.91    3,646:79

 150.00      600.00
 115.00    1,147.42
i.026.42  136,628.19

Expense                     88,502 23
Ad.cd itions and Betterme-nts  4,833. 8
                Tota l       93,336.11

   139. 82
23. 165. 66



_ _

_ s ,



Excess of Income over Expendi-
  tures                       2i
Excess of Expenditures over
  ReceiTs for General Ledger
  accounts                   (1
Excess of Expenditures over
Excess of Expenditures over Re-
  ceipts for the fiscal year
  to date - Experiment Station
Cash in Bank July 1, 1934 -
  Exneriment Station
Cash in Bank IToveinber 30, 1934
  - Experiment Station


3 ,452.43)

D,813. 23

(8,139.24) 20,126.42


(10,189. 35)




  13,5 6.85


Extension Division Income
  Federal Smith-Lever
  Federal Add. Co-op.
  Federal Supplementary
  Federal Capper-Ketcham
  State Smith-Lever
  County and Other

74, 154.38
16, 400.49
56, 899.10


198, 0?0. 34

Expense                      1I
  Excess of Income over
  Excess of Income over Expend-
    itures for the fiscal year
    to date - Extension Division
  Cash in Bpnk July 1, 1934- -
    Extension Division
  Cash in Bpnk November 30, 1934
    - Extension Division

Trust Fund Incomre
  Student Loan Fund
  Student Yotes Paid
          Total Receipts

  Student Yotes
          Total Expenditures
  Excess of Expenditures ovei

88,678.03    30,726.68    159,404.71

34,284,15   (25,668.52)    38,615.63




261. D5

306. 90
570. 23


117 97      677.13       1,9o5,10

4,162.22                   4,162.22
                15.00          15.00
4,162. 2       15.00        4,177.22

(3,04L4.25)    862.13      (2,102!12)
           3. 04 ___     -(2,162.121~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Excess of Expenditures over Re-
  ceints for the fiscal year to
  date - Trust Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1934 - Trust Fund
Cash in Bank November 30, 1934 - Trust Fund




General Fund Income
Experiment Sta. income
Extension Div. Income
  Trust Fund Income

637. 304. 11


136, 628.19
90. 163. 16

G-enera1l 7und Expend.
Experiment Sta.. Expend.
Extension Div. Expend.
Trust Fund Expend.    _

93,33 U.11
5486, 909o.6


149. 770. 38


Excess of Income over Ex-
pend itures             238,395.42

Accounts Payable - liqui-
dated                   (71,100.00)

Excess of Expenditures over
Receipts for General Ledger
accounts               (106,237.46)

Student Loan Fund - YTotes

56. 42





   555. 23


1.411. 65

Excess of Receipts over Ex-
penditures for the fiscal
year to date - Combined
Fund                    111,914.38


  Excess of Receipts over Tx-
  penditures for the fiscal
  year to date - Combined Fund
Cash in Bank and on hand July 1,
   193'i - Combined Fund
   Cash in Bank and on hand November 30, 1934
   - Combined rund

Abstract of item shown on statement of
Income and Expenditures a.s "Excess of Ex-
penditures over Receipts for General Ledger
accounts $56,009.17"

Accounts Receivable       53,279.89
Insurance Paid in Advance 1,016.53
Sundry accounts            1,712.75





Cred it-






     3. President Mckeyts Quarterly Report.

     President 1cA.Teyls Quarterly report, ordered inserted in the Min-
utes, follows:

                     R7POR'T .OF TIEC PRTSID:','T
                           FOR THE
                     S~dOTD QtJART7R, 1  -34 o35

     ieambership of the Board of Trustees.  I have to report at the
opening of this meeting that two new members have been added to the
Board to succeed E. 0. Robinson, deceased, and Dr. XV. '7. hash, de-
ceased.   Lear. Joseph D. Haydon, Superintendent of L. & IT. Railroad
Division at Rpvenna, was appointed by Governor Laffoon to succeed
Mr. Robinson.   From the State Board. of Agriculture Mir. William C.
Hanna,of Shelbyville, was appointed to succeed Doctor 7ash.   My
attention has been cq7.led to the resignation of Mr. 0. 0. Craves of
Georgetown, which was sent to Governor Laffoon some time al'o.  No
successor has been appointed.   Then this appointment is m-Iad-e the
Board of Trustees will have a full ...membership for the first time in
a num.Lber of years.

     Attendance.  The only way in vwhich to determine the enrollment
of ant institution is to take the figures for a given day in each
year.   On October 15, 13{14-,there were 2,325 men and women register-
ed in the University.   Of this number 1,647 were men and 973 were
women.   In comraring the enrollment this year with that of last
year on the corresponding date an increase of 15; is shown.   There
are 50 more seniors, 43 more juniors, 53 more sophomores and 1 97 more
freshmen than there were registered last year.   In the Graduate
School on October 15 there were five fewer than last year.   In this
statement I have just made it must be remembered that the SumLier
School and Extension students are not included.   If these were add-
ed it would be necessary to increase the number by 1, 1-A for the
Sumner Seasion and 2,402 for the Departm.en'at of University Extension,
The total number of indiviOual students attending the University of
Kentucky for the year will approximate 6,G75.

     University of Kentucky Txpenditures.   From 1918 to 1932 there
was a steady increase in expenditures for educational purposes at the
University of Kentucky.   The table which is attached shows that
such expenditures rose to the sum of A991,287,11 in 1932,   Since
then the amount expended on educational purposes has fallen 241.  In
1918 the inventory of buildings for the general camnus was
,t503,750.00 and in 1934 the figures shown on the books of the Uini-
versity show t,3,491,586.18 in buildings.  The Experiment Station
buildings in 1918 are listed at tl93, 935.00, and in 1934 at
,382,554.35.  The teaching eouipment has increased in value from
.$1189,281.37 in 1918 to 0792,896.16 in 1934; and the Experiment
Staltion equipment from  109, 476 .16 in 1918 to 4209,349.09.  These
figures show a substantial betterment of equipment and buildings, but
it should be pointed out that the University has no provision for



depreciation.  Conseauently, the fiiures must be discounted by a
considerable degree.

     T"he Graduate School.  The largest enrollment in the Graduate
School at any time is in the Summer Session.  The enrollment for
last year on October 15 was five more than for the same date this
year.   As time goes on, the University of Kentucky must increase
its graduate offerings and it is suite important that such offerings
should be strengthened from year to ye;ar.  The University has been
recognized and accepted by various accrediting agencies, but it is
not a member of the Association of American Universities, though it
is on the list of that organization as an approved institution. To
become a member of the Association of Ameri.can Universities it is
necessary that the University of Kentucky shall maintain a high
standard of graduate work and. have the necessary library anld. eauip-
ment that go with such a. standard.  There are now eight dei-a.rtments
in the Univerriitly of Kentucky offering work leading to the Cd.octorts
degree.   Recently the American Council on Education set up a com-
mittee to study the institutions giving the doctor's degree. There
has been a good deal of criticism of the methods employed by this
commit'tee, not only by those who did not r.:et on the approved list,
but also by those who did.   The University was not on the list,
thouch it received a considerable vote in six of the eight depart-
ments now offering the doctor's degree.  There appears to be need
for careful study of the offerings nope made by the University and
greater activity on the part of the staff in the way of writing, re-
search and study in the graduate fields.  Graduate work is expen-
sive but is fully justified in its results.  The University needs
books and, arparatus for work inUte graduate field.

     Growth of the Library. The Library was increased by 17, 700 book,
last year.   Tt has a total of 165,000 volumes at the present time.
This increase over the last year is a notable achievemaent.  Zany
gifts have been received, particularly older books.  It would be
well for the University to canvass the State for books and .manu-
scripts for the University Library.  At the I.ast session of the
Legislature an act was passed authorizing the University to receive
duplicates from the State Library, and another law was passed author-
izing the counties to give old records and. statute books to the Uni-
versity.   In making provision for these gifts the Library needs
shelving and cases, narticularly the last, to take care of old manu-
scripts such as letters and diaries.

     Government Punctions.   The University has been called upon
many times in the last few years to furnish men for government work.
It has been the custom to lend them to the Government for short
periods rather than transfer them to the federal government activi-
ties.   This ornctice has been followed by the 7xtension and Experi-
ment Station Director and cooneration has been developed thereby. A
very heavy burden has fallen on the men and women in the `xtension
service in connection with hog, corn, wheat and tobacco crop adjust-
ments.  The work has been well done and on the whole writh compara-
tively little friction.  IYow comes the process of rural rehabilita-
tion and the Government is building up a. staff recruited largely
from extension workers.



     The FERA has been utilized by the University under the pro-
visions of the act.   The number of students receiving such assist-
ance is 279.  The purpose of the University has been not to make
work, 'but to use the additional help to assist in various matters
of importance to departments and colleges.   The result is,the en-
tire group has been put to work in different departments.   The de-
partments have developed a great number of needs which were evi-
dently not taken care of in the past, or only partly done.

     Problems in Education.   One of the problems of education is to
bring it up to the needs and requirements of the present.   It is
essential that instruction should be adapted to present conditions
and endeavor made,as far as possible, to throw light upon them and
assist the student to meet new situations.   This may be illustrated
by the reouest that courses be offered to fit a person for service
in the National Re-employment Service.   This field calls for
trained men and woomen, and as things stand now, they are difficult
to get.  Another field taken up by the University in connection
with the government is the Nursery School established in the College
of Education.   The school is in an experimental stage.   The Uni-
versity is feeling its way and hopes to answer the question whether
the school should be organized as a permanent thing.   If this
nursery school is permanent, after the next six months, the Univer-
sity will have to make more adequate provisions for it.   The neces-
sary equipment would include a. house, ecuiprent and some assistants.

     Alumni Relations.   It is ouite evident that any study of alum-
ni relations would indicate a need of reorganization at the Univer-
sity.   The question arises as to what type of organization should
be brought into existence.   For some years the Alumni Association
has been conducting some of the work, but it finds it increasingly
difficult to provide for a secretary and any sort of a publication.
Should this organization be taken over by the University, allowing
the alumni to arrange for dinners, class reunions and the develop-
ment of alumni clubs throughout the state and country?   If this
plan is followed the maintenance of the alumni directory, the pub-
lication of alumni news and the establishment of contacts would be
carried on by the University.   Here is a very important matter
that should be given careful attention by the University.

     It has been suggested that a division of public relations be
set up and that this division would include in its organization
alumni relations, publicity, extension and a placement bureau.   The
purpose of putting these different types of work in one orga.niza-
tion is to coordinate tinem and bring to thern a certain workable
policy that would apply to all, and to a certain extent, prevent
duplication.   Some study has been made and a more definite recom-
menda.tion will be made at a future :leeting.

     Ca:Mpus Conditions.  There are a good z'any things which should
be done on the campus.   Through the agendy of the C. .7. A. six or
seven buildings were oainted, somne grading provided, walls built,
and murals painted and placed in the library and the Xe-ire.morial Hall.
There is Much more to be done.   T'-here is a very great need for
repairs on the buildings, especially the older ones.    The roads
and walks of the University should be rebuilt.    More painting sould



be done and repairs provided in many places.

     It is likewise essential thpat the University should take up
the cuestion of a heating plant for the whole camPUs.   Some in-
ouiries have been made in tisi. direction, but nothing definite has
been cone.   There is still some hope tha.t something may yet come
out of the Public '.:orkls Admrinistration andt the University may secure
funds for the erection of a student union building.   This miatter
is much in the minds of the students and is called to moy attention
from -time to tine with a good deal of emphasis.

     Taken all in all, the University has been g6ing along satis-
factorily in view of the restrictions arising out of decreased in-
come.   lpluch is needed and the interest of the Board of Trustees
in the work of the University should be given it with increased
study of its oroblems.   Thle devotion of the Board to the Universi-
ty in the past has been of the highest order.    in this particular
time we need all of the wisdom, encouragement and com:'ient that we
can secure on the problems which face the University.

     I come to the e-nd of this report with the sorrowful news of the
death of Dr. D. J. Healy, ba~teriolorist in the Experimrent Station.
Doctor Healy hns been associated i-.tih the University of Kentucky
since 1910.   He was a graduate of iPcGill University, a student of
biology, and distingaished in some of the stork hle hld done in this
field.   The University and his colleagues will miss him as student
and. friend.

     4. Student Loan rund.

     President McITey submitted the following communication from Dean

          According to the records of the Business Office the
     Loa.n Fund has cash on hand %972. 47; on October 1st Mr.
     Peak invested for us 84,162.22 -- a total of  5,134.69.
     About October 15th last year we loaned 8200. So that
     we have collected to date almost 95,300,

     Tunds not invested were ordered. invested in State '7arrants or
other good securities.

     5.Real Estate Purchases Not Considered.

     President McVey presented letters from real estate agents offer-
ing for sale property of Hirs. I:attie Yager fronting 143 feet on
Tuclid Avenue.   It was ordered that notation of the offer be made
in the m!inutes, together with the statement that the condition of
finances of the University is such that the Board is not in position
to consider purchases of real estate.



     6. Radio Broadcasting Service.

     President 1'ocl.ey presented a letter from Mr. Credo  Harris, Gen-
eral t*:anager of WHAS, radio station of the Courier Journal and the
Louisville Times, relative to probable shift of time of service to
the TJniversity, as indicated in following quotation fromr. Harris'

          You are doubtless aware of the fact tha.t all chain
     outlets are under contract to the parent organization to
     clear time when the demand is made upon them.   This is
     a matter of necessity to the chain, because its coramercial
     department sells a national advertiser a. large schedule,
     and the advertiser buys the basic network which Leans a
     stated number of stations over the country.   If any one
     of these outlets should arbitrarily refuse to carry the
     programme, the chain wrould be not only embarrassed but
     suffer a financial loss.   These are the principal reasons
     why stations are nut under contract to clear time upon de-

          We have now reached a place where the chain positively
     demands a portion of t hat noon period, and Be are using all
     of the diplomatic efforts within our ken to save it for you,
     instead of giving you the same amount of time at slightly
     different places .

     President MoVey was authorized to act for the University in mak-
ing adjustments with PI.r. Harris.

     7. Printing by the Kernel Press.

     The Central Kentucky Employing Printers Association mlade com-
plaint through Judge R. C. Stoll that the Kentucky Kernelts job
printing plant has been doing printing for persons and organizations
outside of the University campus, and. stating that the soliciting
and acceptance of such pri-nting is unfair to Lexington printers.
After hearing the complaint the Board by motion duly seconded and
passed ruled that printing by the Kernel or other University or
caM-Pus Printing concerns should be confined to students and faculty,
campus organizations, and University printing in so far as such is

     8.   Purchase of Set of the Am-.erican Journal of International
La w.                  -   _  -   _ _   -  _

     Dr. A. Irsndenbosch, heed. of the Department of Political Science,
recomnm.ended the Durchase of a set of th e American Journal of Inter-
national Law, the listeO ori.ce being .1450.00,  President MTc'Tey was
auth orized to make the nurc-ase provid ed he considers funds availa-
ble f or that purpose.



     9. Proposed Change in Euclid Avenue to Intersect with Bolivar

     ';r. Hillenmeyer at recuest of Lexington city officials present-
ed a blue print prepared byr city officials showing; a suggested change
in Euclid Avenue.   The change would. cut from the southeast corner
of University property a section extending about 200 feet on South
Limestone Street.   The street would then extend through the vacant
lots on the west side of South Limestone Street, extending to South
Upper Street, opposite the intersection of Bolivar Street.    It was
stated that the change would be of benefit in the control of traf-
fic by the city, especially in that it would afford better parking
facilities for events held at Stoll Field, the University Gymnasium
and the Training School Building, and that such advantages would
inure to the benefit of the University.

     The Board recognized merit in the suggestion, but it was deemed
advisable to defer action pending further investigation, and a mo-
tion was Made and passed referring the matter to Fresident 2.cVey
and Superintendent Crutcher for a conference by them with the of-
ficials of the city and the city zoning committee.    They are to
determine whether or not the change will be advantageous to the Uni-
versity and to the city, the damage, if any, to University property,
its building plans and effect upon its rights and privileges; to
determine the lines of the street and the disposition of property
on northeast corner of Limestone Street adjoining University prop-
erty not used in the changed street.   Their report is to be made
to the Executive Committee, power being conferred on that body to

     10. Deeds and Contracts - Robinson Station.

     At the meeting of the Board, September 18, 1934, purchase from
Miles Back and wife of land adjoining Robinson Station at Quicksand,
Kentucky, was authorized.   Dean Thomas Cooper reported that   the
transactions have been completed, and produced the contract of pur-
chase, abstract of title and deed, with notation on the back thereof;
"Recorded in Deed Book 70, page 422", the certificate of the county
clerk of Breathitt County being endorsed at bottom of deed.   Dopies
of the foregoing papers were ordered inserted in the Minutes, and
the writings were ordered placed in University files.    See Appen-

     A collateral agreement in connection with the conveyance between
Hiles Back and the University of Kentucky referring to tearing down
buildings,. rebuilding, rents and tenant contracts was presented by
Dean Cooper, approved by the Board. and. ordered inserted, in the Hin-
utes.   See Appendix.

     The Board ratified, confirmed and approved the signing of each
of the aforesaid contracts by R. C. Stoll, chairman of the Executive
Committee, and D. H. Peak, Secretary of tahe Board of Trustees.



     11. C. 0. C; Cpmp Site - 51 - Rental.
     Public voucher in amount of $1.00 (payment has been made) for
rental of Camp Site - 51 - C 0. 0., So. 547, Yoble, Kentucky, for
period of June 1, 1933, to July 30, 1934, to-other with the sign-
ing thereof by D. H. Peak, Business Agent, and return to J. E. '.Mil-
kins, Captain, was approved,   See Minutes of the Heeting of the Ex-
ecutive Committee of June 30, 1934, item 10, for renewal of the

     12. Agreement -    V.. A.

     Dean Cooper presented through President McVey a tentative agree-
ment headed as follows:


                           Relative to

     Systematic Procedure for a Coordinated Program of Agricultural
         Research, Extension, and Land-use Planning within the
               Region of the Tennessee Valley Authority.

     The memorandum of agreement was approved on motion of Mr. Gor-
don, the full text being set out in Appendix hereto.

     13. Tobacco Warehousemen's Contribution Accepted.

     Letter of Dean Cooper:

          In 1932 the Lexington tobacco warehousemen contributed
     'e6OO.00 for the purpose of furthering the work which we are
     doing in assisting the farmer, particularly the tobacco
     grower.   All of the warehousemen are tobacco growers, and
     have expressed their appreciation of the service which is
     being rendered by the College of Agriculture to farmers in
     keeping them informed as to the best method of producing
     and selling their products, and hope that we will be able to
     continue this service.



          The Association has offered a contribution of 6-650.00
     this year, particularly to aid in giving Marketing informa-
     tion.  This contribution will be most helpful in our work.
     I recommend that the Board of Trustees authorize the ac-
     ceptance of the fund for the agricultural extension division,
     and permit its use for aiding in the development of m-arket
     information on tobacco.

     By motion duly seconded and carried the offer was accepted and
Dean Cooper was authorized to receive the contribution to be used
as set out in the letter copied above.

     14. Heating System - Western Xentucky Station.

     The Business Agent was authorized to sign contract with B. YT.
Lusby and Company, Princeton, Kentucky, to furnish all labor and
materials necessary to complete heating system by iiwstallation of
direct radiation in the large assembly room of the Service Building,
at Western Kentucky station; consideration $1095.00.

     15. Farm Purchases - YTot Considered.

     Dean Cooper presented through President Mc~Tey a. letter from
T. 0. Dawson, Birmingham, Alabama, dated IYTovember 17, 1934, offering
for sale the T. 0. Howard farm near Experimient Station farm.  It
was ordered that notation of the offer be made in the 11inutes to-
gether with the statement that the condition of finances of the Uni-
versity and Experiment Station is such that the Board is not now in
position to consider purchase of real estate,

     16. Central Heating Plant.

     President McVey reported that, acting on the authority given
him by Item 18, Minutes of the Executive Committee October 23, 1934,
to make incuiries as to competent engineer to study the problem of
a central heating plant, he had made progress by consulting the cor-
poration of Warren and Ronald, Louisville, Ky.   He presented a com-
municetion from that corporation containing the following