xt7vt43hxw2z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vt43hxw2z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1964-01-jan17-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1964-01-jan17-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1964-01-jan17-ec. 1964 1964-01-jan17-ec. 2011 true xt7vt43hxw2z section xt7vt43hxw2z 

          Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky, January 17, 1964.

          The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky met in the Board Room of the Alumni House at 1:30 p. m.,
Eastern Standard Time, on Friday, January 17; 1964, with the following
members present: Dr. Ralph Angelucci, Chairman, Judge J. A. Sutherland,
Secretary, Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer, Dr. H. B. Murray, and Mr. Smith
Broadbent. President John W. Oswald, Dr. Robert D. Haun, and Dr. William
R. Willard, representing the University administrative staff, and members
of the press were also present.

          A. Meeting Opened

          Dr. Angelucci called the meeting to order at 1:38 p.m. with all
members of the Executive Committee present.

          B. Minutes Approved

          On motion by Mr. Broadbent, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, the
minutes of the called meeting of the Board of Trustees on November 15, 1963,
and also the minutes of the meeting of December 10, 1963, were approved
as published.

          C. President's Report to the Trustees

          The Chairman called upon President Oswald for his report. He
reviewed the report of the varied activities of the University. Dr. Oswald
pointed out that this report showed the spring enrollment would top the
10, 000 mark; that a total of 363 students completed requirements for degrees
during the semester just ended; staff members who have brought honor and
recognition to the University and themselves; and some of the significant
activities of the faculty. Copies of this report are sent to key alumni throughout
the state and to members of the faculty and staff of the University.

          The Board accepted the report and the distribution indicated.

          D. Resolution for Governor Bert T. Combs

          At the meeting of the Board of Trustees on November 15, 1963, Dr.
Angelucci appointed Mr. Gilbert Kingsbury and Professor Paul Oberst as co-
chairmen to prepare an appropriate letter to Governor Bert T. Combs on
behalf of the Board of Trustees expressing the appreciation of the Board



for his service, interest and leadership as chairman of the Board of Trustees.

          Dr. Angelucci read the following statement and on motion by Mr.
Hillenmeyer, seconded by Mr. Broadbent, it was accepted as read. Dr.
Nngelucci asked Dr. Oswald to have the letter put into appropriate form and
sent to Governor Combs for the Board of Trustees.

                     Honorable Bert T. Combs

          Whereas, The Honorable Bert T. Combs, as Governor of Kentucky,
has given four years of dedicated service to the University of Kentucky as
ex officio Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

          Whereas,he brought vision and imaginative leadership to the establish-
ment of the Community College system.

          Whereas, he gave enthusiastic support to the development of scientific
research, granting a substantial sum from his Emergency Fund for the pur-
chase of the nuclear accelerator for the new Science Building.

          Whereas, he encouraged agricultural research by bringing into
existence the magnificent new Agricultural Science Center and its National
Tobacco Research Laboratory.

          Whereas, he courageously promoted the enactment of the tax
program necessary to give the whole educational system of Kentucky, from
primary grades through the University, a new basis of support, which will
uplift the student body of the University for years to come.

          Whereas, he asked the legislature for generous appropriations
for the University and other educational institutions and supported new fiscal
obligations for financing other additions to the physical plant, including the
fine Library addition, Commerce and Education buildings now under construction,
and Engineering, Law and dormitory buildings now being planned.

          Whereas, he implemented plans for the full establishment of the
Medical Center in all its divisions.

          Whereas, he charged the Board of Trustees and the Faculty-Trustee
Committee to search for a new president who would conduct the affairs of the
University in such a manner that it would find a new vision of service to the
Commonwealth, and he gave the Board complete freedom in the selection.

          Now,Therefore, be it Resolved, that the Board of Trustees, on
behalf of the University, and the Commonwealth and nation it serves, expresses
its deep appreciation to the Honorable Bert T. Combs for his wisdom, tireless
efforts, and dedicated service to the University; and extends to him an



invitation to continue his abiding interest in his Alma Mater, and to continue
to contribute his sage advice, his great prestige, and his wide influence with
the people of the Commonwealth in furthering the progress of the University
through many happy years of useful life that lie ahead.

          Be it further Resolved, that these resolutions be made a part of the
minutes of this meeting and a suitable copy be presented to Governor Combs.

          Given under our hand and seal, this seventeenth day of January,
one thousand nine hundred and sixty-four.

                                     UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY BOARD OF
                                                TRUS TEES

                                     By John W. Oswald, President.

          E. Presentation of "Blue Report"

          Copies of the "Blue Report", Recommendations of the President,
were mailed to members of the Board of Trustees prior to the meeting with
copies also available at the meeting. On recommendation of Dr. Oswald, Mr.
Broadbent made the motion that the report be approved as a whole and that it
be made a part of the official record of the meeting. On second by Judge
Sutherland, it was so ordered by the chairman.



Recommendation: that the financial report covering the five month period
ended November 30, 1963, and the financial report covering the six month
period ended December 31, 1963, be accepted and made a part of the record
of the January 17, 1964, meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of

Background: The letters of transmittal from Mr. Clay Maupin relative to
these financial reports give a clear statement relative to the financial position
of the University of Kentucky and indicate that the financial operations of
the University are being carried forward on a sound basis.


                    UNIVERSITY               OF KENTUCKY

                                  LEXINGTON                December 6, 1963

Dr. John W. Oswald, President
University of Kentucky

Dear Dr. Oswald:

The interim financial report of the University of Kentucky is submitted herewith.
This financial report includes the balance sheet of the five balanced fund groups
at November 30, 1963, and the statements of operations from July 1, 1963 through
November 30, 1963.

The statement of General Fund Income for the five month period reflects that
58. 8% of the anticipated income was realized. For the same period the General
Fund Expenditure and Encumbrance amounted to 43. 6% of the estimated expendi-
tures for the fiscal year 1963-64.

Respectfully submitted,

Clay MIpin
Director of Accounting and
Budgetary Control



University of Kentucky
  Balance Sheet
November 30, 1963


Current Funds:
A. General
    Cash in Bank
    Available Balance, State
    Cash on Deposit, State Treasurer
    Accounts Receivable
    Deferred Charges
    Accounts Receivable- Hospital
    Due from Capital Construction Fund
    Unrealized Income

            Total General

B. Restcd ted
    Cash in Bank
    Petty Cash Advances
    Accounts Receivable ( Net ) Professional
    Service Plans

$   557,099.59

  4, 657, 555. 67
  2, 616, 801.78
  1, 127, 788. 19
      7, 666. 20

612, 603. 99
285, 000.00


$   653, 896. 48
     45, 204.89
  4, 301, 840. 40

    200, 414.53

$ 21, 677, 258. 73

Total Restricted

Total Current Funds

II.     Loan Funds:
             Cash in Bank
             Due, from- United Aid Fund
             Notes Receivable
             Due from Federal Government

5, 201, 356. 30

$ 26, 878, 615. 03

$   229,534.00
      1, 000. 00
    903, 878.45
    26, 500. 00
        620. 64

Total Loan Funds

$ 1, 161, 533. 09

- 1 -


Uaivers ity of Kentucky
  Balance Sheet
November 30, 1963


Current Funds:
A. General
    Reserve for Departmental
    Reserve for Inventories
    Other Liabilities
    Appropriation Balances
    Unappropriated Surplus:
    Division of Colleges
    Medical Center
    Agricultural Experiment Station
    Agricultural Extension Service

$ 2,710,662.99
  1,127,788. 19
 16, 834, 021.80

$   448,401.09
    73, 335. 39
         38. 20

997, 119.55

                     Total General

        B. Restricted
             Outstanding Check Liability
             Reserve for Accounts Receivable
             Restricted Fund Balance

                     Total Restricted

                     Total Current Funds

II      Loanr Funds:
        Principal Balances-
             National Defense Education Act, 1958
             Federal Govern.ment
             UIJtveresity of Kentucky
             Accum, Interest Incoame NDEA
                     ToaI National Defense
                        Educationa Act Principal
          University Student Loans
          University Special Student Loan Fund
          United Student Aid Fund
        Expendable Bala.2ices

               $ 21, 677, 258. 73

$    19, 156. 19
    200, 414. 53

                 5 201,356.30

               $ 26, 878, 615. 03

$   787,389.55
     87, 487 7.1
     5, 172. 88

$   880, 050. 14
    222, 512. 29
    42, 319. 05
      1,000. 00  1,145,881.48
                    15, 651.61

Total Loan Funds

$ _1, 161,533.09

-2 -


University of Kentucky
   Balance Sheet
November 30, 1963


III.  Endowment Funds:
        Cash in Bank
        Cash on Deposit-Trustee

$    21,710.70
         32. 97
    329, 846. 13

Total Endowment Funds

$   351,589.80

IV.    Plant Funds:
        A. Unexpended Plant Funds
        Cash on Deposit-State Treasurer
        Available Balance, State Appropriations

    Total Unexpended Plant Funds

B. Retirement of Indebtedness Funds
Cash in Bank - Due State Treasurer
Cash on Deposit - State Treasurer
Cash on Deposit-Trustee
Unrealized Income

    Total Retirement of Indebtedness

C. Invested in Pla.nt
Buildirg s
Consltruction i .Progress

$ 2,879, 977.21
  3,669, 315.90
  6, 753, 086. 99

              $ 13, 302, 380. 10

$    20, 496. 15
    611, 1.43. 14
    51.2, 367. 92
  1, 427, 066. 38
     86, 582. 30

2, 657, 655. 89

$ 3,989,744.96
18, 297, 326.00
19, 133, 887. 86

To'al I.vested in Plant

Total Plant Funds

$130, 741, 526. 81

V.     Agency Funds:
        Cash in Bark

$    92, 610. 53
     12, 116. 40

Total Agency Funds

114, 77.1, 490. 82

$    104, 726. 93


University of Kentucky
  Balance Steet
November 30, 1963


III.    Endowment Funds:
         Principal Balances
         Expendable Balances

$    337,459.46
      14, 130. 34

Total Endowment Funds

$    351,589.80

IV.     Plant Funds:
         A. Unexpended Plant Funds
         Reserve for Plant Requisitions
         Plant Appropriation Balances

    Total Unexpended Plant Funds

B. Retirement of Indebtedness Funds
Fund Balance

    Total Retirement of Indebtedness

C. Invested In Plant
Bonds Payable
Due to Other Governmental Units
Net Investment in Pla-n.t

Total Ox vested ;ti PI.. I

$ 6,714,549.21

              $ 13, 302, 380. 10

$ 2,657,655.89

2,657,655. 89

$ 31, 269,500. 00
  82, 558, 264.82

114, 771, 490. 82

Total Plant Funds

$130,731,52 681

V.     Agency Funds:
         Agency Fund Balance

$    104, 726.93

Total Agency Funds

$  104, 726.93


         Urnivers&;y of Ke- .icky
   Sta-ernent of General Fu:i;d I. come
For the Current Fiscal Per iod W4.0b.c Began
July 1, 1963 and Ended November 30, 1963

I.    Educational and General:
        A. Student. Fees
             Incidental Fees anti Tuition
             Training School Fees
             Adult and Extension Education Fees

             Total Student Fees

        B. State Appropriations
             Division of Colleges
             Medical Center
             Geological Projects
             Agriculturd Experiment Statioon
             Agricultural Extension Service

             Total State Appr opriations

        C. Federal Grants
             Division of Colleges
             Agricultural Experiment Station
             Agricultural Extension Service

             Total Federal Grants

       D. Endowment Income

       E. Sales and Services of Educational
              Division of Colleges
              Agricultural Experiment Station

              Totlal Sales and Services of Educational

              Total Educational and General

II.    Service Enterprises:
             Post Office

III.    Hospital:

Total Gec eral Fund income


$ 2, 184, 499.00 J
     17. 100. 00


$ 1, 107,524.45$
     6, 840.00
     73, 091. 55


1, 076,974.55
    10. 260. 00

$ 2, 356, 999. 00$ 1, 187, 456. 00 $ 1, 109, 543. 00

$10,258,000.00$ 6,550.040.00$ 3,707,960.00
  7,050, 000. 00  3, 730, 000.00  3, 320,000.00
    640, 000.00   594, 350. 00    45, 650.00
  1, 480, 000. 00  910, 267. 00  569, 733. 00
  1, 615, 000. 00  1, 031, 693. 00  583,307.00

$21, 043, 000. 00$ 12, 816, 350. 00$ 8, 226, 650. 00

$   303, 071. 00 $  232, 742, 62 $  70, 328. 38
  1,028,054.00    591. 171. 00   436,883Q00
    2,277,998. 96  1, 140, 427.96  1, 137,571.00

$ 3, 609, 123 . 96 $ 1, 964, 341. 58 $ 1, 644,782.38

$    40 000. 00$    22, 182. 96 $  17, 817. 04

$    331, 500. 000 $  32, '51G 93 $  ( 1, 251. 93)
    _ '00, 000. 00  305, 237. 46  394, 76254

    $7  31.500. 00 $  337, 989. 3o9$  393,510,61

$ 2-7, 80, 622. 96 $ 16, 328, 319, 93$ 11, 452, 303. 0Q3

$     5, UQw0 Q0 $  3, 881. 05 $  t1, 61.8. 95

&3 270 OO $  479, 561. 05 $  358,708.95

28 , 624, 392. 96$ 1, 811, 762. 03$ 11, 812,630. 93

* 5 -



          University of Kentucky
  Statement of General Fun.d Expenditures
For the Current Fiscal Pertiod Which Began
July 1, 1963 and Ended November 30, 1963

Educational and General:
A. General Administrative

B. General Expensei
Student Services
Staff Welfare
General Institutional Services

    Total General Expense

C. Instructional ( Including
College of-
Agriculture and Home Ec.
Arts and Sciences
Graduate School
University Extended Programs
House Staff

    Total Instructional ( Includi
        Research )

D. Activities Relating to
    Educational Depts.

E. Organized Research
University Research
Agr. Exp. Station

    Total Organized

  Appropriation  Expenditures  Outstanding  Unencumbered

$   546, 089. 30 $  220, 032. 70 $  11, 800.43 $  314, 256. 17

$   615,259.29 $  242,620.55 $    13, 121.41 $  359,517.33
     360, 000 00    96, 945. 37                  263, 054.63
     705,500.07    404, 838. 20   63, 733. 30   236,928.57

$ 1, 680, 759. 36 $  744, 404. 12 $  7V6,854.71_$ 859,500.53

$   575, 091.09 $  211,085.25$    11,980.82 $  352 025.02
   3,58'7, -68.75  1,252,949.42   94,595.05   2,240,324.28
     397,630.76     152,700.20      4,340.94     240,589.62
     550,7,'49.38   186,045.83      13,904.35    350,799.20
     817, 5 3. 38  288,402.04     19, 064.01    510,107.33
     911,340.91    330,065.33      35,677.13     545,598.45
     200,266.64     '7",101.55      3,817.67     120,347.42
   2,7 09, 385. 55  885,186. 37   28,825.97   1, 795, 373. 21
   251,969.14     93,445.27         941.86      15;', 582.01
     17, 300.00     54,360. 32      9,231.34     113, 708.34
     39,9220.00    15,046.23         127.53      24,046.24
     770, 468.31   272,155,60      17,67/2.77    480,639.94
     221, SS7. S4   86, 150.53                    135, 7i 37.31


$ 11, 210, 751.75 $ 3, 903, 693. 94 $  240, 179. 44 $ 7,066, 8 8.37

$    75, 880. 00 $  28,543. 06 $  3,362. 00 $   43,974.94

$   365, 092.34$   125, 507.87 $  80,324.12$   159,260.35
  3,283. 054.00  1 ,113u95.19    189,156.27  1, 980, 102.54

$ 3,644, 146.34$ 1,239, 303.06$  269, 480.39$ 2, 139, 362.89

.- 6 -


          University of Kentucky
 Statement of General Fund Experditures
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1963 and Ended November 305 1963

   F. Extension and Public Services
         Univ. Ext. and Public
         Agr. Ext. Service

             Total Extension and Public

   G. Libraries

   H. Operation and Maintenance of Phy

             Total Educational and

II. Service Enterprises:
         Post Office
         Medical Center

             Total Service

III. University Hospital

IV. Student Aid

V. Working Capital

VI. Clearing Accounts

VII. Debt Service- Bonds Retired

VIII. Debt Service-Reserve

        Total General Fund

1 Negative Figure 2 Overdraft

  Appropriation Expenditures Outstanding Unencumbered

$ 1, 151, 594. 34 $  182, 765. 18 $  664, 391. 90 $  304, 437. 26
  3, 8a2,998.96  1,592,014.50    %,060.91   2, 291, 923. 55

$ 5,044, 593. 30 $ 1, 774, 779. 68$  673, 452. 81$ 2, 596, 360. 81

$   8Q4, 686. 65 $  344,540. 78 $  34,462. 02 $  445, 683. 85

$ 2, 665, 589. 00 $  916, 406. 67$  376, 625. 28 $ 1, 372, 557. 05

$25,696,495.70 $ 9, 171,704.01$1,686,217.08 $14,838,574.61

$    50, 626.00 $  18,664.90 $     785. 60 $  31,175.41
     105,034.55     42,277.59      16,765.59      45,991.37

$   155, 660.55 $  60, 942.58 $  17,551. 19 $  ?77, 166.78

$ 3 488, 100.00$ 1, 115, 404. 10 $   , 44$ 1,943, 956. 46

13, 800.00$    3,400.00$               $    10,400.00
$    90, 000. 00$ (126, 570. 31) $  279, 373. 46 $  (62, 803. 15) 2

$    69, 505. 04 $  39, 866. 11 $  2,911.83 $  26,727.10

$   229, 000. 00 $ 229, 000. 00 $        $

$   130 440.62 $   130, 440.62$            $

$29, 873,001.91$ 10,624,187.11$ 2,414,'793. 00$ 16,834,021.80


          University of Ken.tucky
  Statement of Plant Fund Expenditures
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1963 and Ended November 30, 1963

Construction of Buildings
Consol. Educ. Bldg. Bond
  Proceeds- Chemistry and
  Physics Building
Women's Dorm Architectural
Consol. Educ. Bldg. Bond Proceeds
  M. King Library
Addition to Student Union Buiding
Commerce Building
Elizabethtown Extension Center
Addition to College of Law
Med. Sch. Plans and Spec.
Medical Science Building
Medical Center Hospital Outpatient
Medical Center Landscaping
Medical School Dental Wing
Agricultural Research Caiter
Feltner 4-H Camp
Weed Research Greenhouse
Swine Farrowing and Testing Station
Horticultural Shed
Beef Service Facilities
Office and Service Building-Quicksand
Swine Farrowing Barn- Coldstream
Swine Testing Station
Sheep Barn-Coldstream
Ag. Research Center- 4 Greenhouses and
Delta Gamma Sorority
Prestonburg Community College
Somerset Community College
Hazard-Blackey Community College
Hopkinsville Community College
Sigjna Alpha Epsilon
Zeta Beta Tau
Sigma Nu Fraternity House
Addition to College of Education
Parking Area- Clifton Avenue
New Dormitory Complex
Phi Kappa Tau Fratemity House
UK Medical Center Laundry Building
Grain and Feed Storage

1. Deficit

Appropriation Expenditures

$   52,032.10 $

     2,911.94      2,911.94

   157,946. 00     4,874.59
   162,933.75     60, 240. 63
 24359,667.76     69, 167. 87
    31,792. 94    18,599.74
    15,174.69     14,857. 14

    11, 808.02    12, 604. 18
    85, 503.31    10,668. 91
    32,309,00         93.43
    25, 109.00
    17,800. 00
    7,660,57      3,147.11
      611.36        600.00
      103.06        201.01

   188, 733.47    14, 185.95
   226,213.00    127,491.20
 1, 183, 733. 34  93, 154. 48
   26, 200.00
   192,172,00        453. 60
      245.09        203.09
  194,774.00      6, 195,60
3,056, 8155.00   89, 437. 15
    84,014,00         11,50
    6,066.25      6,065.25
    93, 800.00


$   49,252.08 $

2, 683. 79
33, 042. 09
11, 275. 93
1, 500. 00
   307. 04

   260. 02
 4, 160. 15

 71, 467. 72

   50. 74
 2, 253. 00
 4, 482. 83



  150, 387.62
  ( 2,727.25) 1

   ( 1, 056.18)1
    3, 366. 68
    32, 215.57

      ,( 97 95)1

72, 847, 54  101, 699. 98

  53, 951. 26
  884, 866.46
  1, 000. 00

  185, 688. 30

  183, 588.50

  44, 770.54
  205, 712.40
  25, 200. 00
    1, 000.00
    6,030. 10
      42. 00
   4, 989. 90
1, 845, 452.50
    8, 41.1. 25
    3, 000. 00




          U'K:versty of Kentucky
  Statement of Plar: F-ud Expenditures
For the Current Fiscal Perid Which BEgan
July 1, 1963 and Ended November 30, 1963

Construcp.ion of Buildings ( continued)

Appropriations Expenditures



Tobacco Baris Ag. Eng.               $
Horse Nurition, Barnr
Buil Test Shed Quicksand
Dean of Ag. Residence
Small Beef Shed
Pa;.hology Barn 14 Stalls
Horticult.ural Building- South Farm
Swine Headquarters Bldg.
Decoratxng Consulting- Student Union Bldg.
Ua. iersi`.y Entrance Main Campus
Bull Shed- Coldstream Farm
Steer Feed Shed- Coldstream
Dairy Certer

        Total Construction of

Renova`1on and Improvement of
Repairs t.o Coldstream               $
Hor~icultural Greenhouse
C Adstream Beef Barn
Coc..ve-r Sheep Bu-!',lding- Pesticide
Repair and R'-model Buildings-
Hood Replacement-Home Economics
Agr. E'gr. Building
Rerovaiion of House-Quicksand
Pence an- Kastle Halls -
T..Ie Ro,3f Decek Funkhouser Building
1sola,.ioa-., Barn
Repair Animal Pathology Barn
Repa... Roof a-nd Bara-Dairy
Reynolds Warehouse Roof Repairs
Repa- rs 'ro Memorial Coliseum
Renovatior Admiristration Building
Storage Building- Ag. Engineering
Remodel Ag. S;a'.ion Bldg.
S'oyage S.'.ed Poultry
Metal Storage Shed
Replacemert Shed-Pathology
Plastlc GSeenhouses
Rep~a-. s and Alteration to Barms

10, 000. 00
36, 00 00.
   122. 06
6, 000. 00
22, 000. 00
20, 000. 00
1, 672. 56
   37 z00
   358. 00
   339. 25

$      140.09 $

6,499.73 $

1, 090. 00

1, 672. 56

3, 360. 18
36, 000. 00
10, 000. 00
(  967.94) 1
22, 000. 00
20, 000. 00
30, 000. 00

    35S. 00
    339. 25

  228,995.05      3, 196.35      3,859.45     221, 939.25

8,633t471.19 $  539,590.81 $2, 712, 555.99 $5, 381, 324.39

29,586. 07
    92. 80
 1, 208. 54

   53. 39

   153. 16
2, 140. 86
2, 280.54
14, 975. 00
 , 135. 85
 3, 184. 59
 2, 169. 20
 15, 322. 84
 1, 7L50, 00-
54, 660. 00
8, 000. 00
1; 000, 00
7, 500, 00
8, 000. 00
7r 80  00

$      229.48 $

4, 234 00 $

25, 122. 59
    92. 80
 1, 208. 54

53. 39

766. 72

13, 463. 14

15, 000 00
1, 600. 00
54, 660. 00

4,541, 40

( 613.56) 1
  105. 78
2, 140.86
2, 280.54
7, 135. 85
3, 184.59
2, 169. 20
  322. 84

8, 000 00
8, 000.00
7, 800. 00
1, 000.00

1,  Defic'


          Unirvers't~v of Kernucky
  Statement of Plar..; Fund Expenditures
For the Curren- Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1963 and Ended November 30, 1963

Rez..ova`4on aid Im2provement of
Build.r.gs, continued )

ApTrropriat ons Expenditures



To'al Renovation and Improvement
of Buildings               $

175, 646. 62 $

996. 20 $  93, 498. 54 $  81, 151. 88

Acquisi;ton of Equipment
Medical Science AMtivatioa of
Northern Extension Center-Eqidp.
Noztnwest Erzension Center- Equip.
Southeast Ext. Center-Equipment
Med. Scho L;.b. Acq. and Supplies
Medical Certer Hospital- Outpatient
Clinic Movable Equipmert
Medical Fcience Building-Equipmert
Medical Science Building-Act. of Iv.
Chemistrry Physics Building-Chemistry
Dept. Equipment
Chemistry-Physics Building-
Phlysizs Department Equipnent
Margaret K;g Library Equipment
Hospi,"al Equipment Accounts
Uv. fiHospital Patient Care-Activation
Dental Science Building-Eqipment
Rare Bnaok Room Equip.
Vatiderg7raft Equipment

        Total Acquisition of

$    3, 936. 64
     3, 037. 24
     4, 868. 85
     8, 255. 73

   379. 732.78
   217, 292. 17
   75, 000.00


     1, 338. 67
     24, 875. 82
     62, 927. 65

65, 230.62
361, 937. 37
     35. 27

$       57.00
       51.4. 69
     1, 463. 84
     1, 692. 73
     3, 645. 92


2, 040. 78


   170. 10
 1, 410. 55

 2, 929. 80
 26, 999. 14

783. 72
  356. 20


52, 116. 65
38,913. 11


   416. 13
   750. 00
15, 278. 16


     _ 1, 606.93       19.40      4,459. 30

$ 1, 217, 302. 07 $  78, 738. 90 $  185, 743. 88 $

2, 591.70
1, 277. 89
   1, 181. 87
 4, 253. 61

317, 576. 42
150, 681. 37
70, 184. 68

  2, 170. 88

    922. 54
 23, 955. 72
 46, 238. 94

 58, 337. 70
 275, 492.79
     35. 2 7
( 2, 871. 77) 1

952, 819. 29

Other Impolemen\ts
U. of Ky. Electrical Dist. System
U. of K-y. Razing of Water Tank
Bo'iler Reriov.ation
Robunson Sub-Station Renovation of
Hea Ing System i Auditorium
Fel:c e: 4 H Camp Sewage and Water
Ss-s .em
Replac e Water L.ie- W. Kentucky
Road-Sou't Farm
PumpLmuse and DJ'st-tbution System-
Soutft. Farm
Fqn.eing Agi ,)-.omy Area
Rep'air Roads- Mercer Farm

$   16,382.36


4, 785.00

2, 618. 84

1. Det~c t


3,614.83 $

6, 472.00 $


3, 012. 92


  898. 33
2, 375. 90
4,785. 00

2, 618. 84
  939. 25
  55. 50

- I10 -


          University of Kentucky
 Sta-tement of Plant Fund Expenditures
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1963 and Ended November 30, 1963

O4s.er Improvements (continued

Activaeton of Chemistry Physics
Roads- Pouf3try Farm
Consulting Retainer Proctor Ingels
Conversion, of Buildings to Gas Heat
University of Kentucky Campus Lighting
Water System-Soi.rt. Farm
Coldstream Farm Water System

       Total Other Improvements

Cotinvgency Reserves
University of Kentucky Clearing
Medical School Clearing

       Total Contingency Reserves

       To?;al Urnexpended Plant

 Appropriations Expenditures  Outstanding  Unencumbered

 $   13, 603. 18 $            $              $   13, 603.18
       112. 39                                     112.39
     6, 000. 00                   5, 000. 00     1,000. 00
                                     251.89      ( 251. 89)
    73,.586 ... 00  44, 883. 00  28, 213. 00   490.00
        49,60                                       49Z6O
    55,000.00                                   55,000.00

$  180, 776, 86 $  48, 497. 83 $  40, 056. 89 $  92, 222.14

$   2 7, 879,61 $            $              $    27,879.61
    52,433.58                                   52,433.58

$   802,313.19 $             $              $   80,313.19

$10, 28 ,, 509. 93 $  667,823.74 $ 3, 031, 855. 30 $ 6, 587, 830. 89

II. Rettrement of Indebtedness Funds
Debt Services
2nd PWA Issue
Dorm, Rev. Bond Issue
Auditorium Field House Issue
Lbrawy Building Issue
Stadium Add:iion Issue
Dorm. Rev, Issue ( 456 Rose)
Journalism Building Bond Issue
Dorm. Rev, Issue ( 476 Rose)
Student DoTrms ( 1953 )
Student. Dorm ( Kapps. Sigma)
Student. Dorm ( Lambda Chi)
St.uden', Dorm ( Phi Sigma Kappa)
Stider' Dorm ( Pi Kappa Alpha )
Dow'rn..;o.~y Revenue Bonds of 1952
Dorm1:`:orv Revenue Bonds of 1954
Dorm. Revernae Bords of 1956-
  Cooperstown Apartments
Dorm. Revenue Bonds of 1956-
  Six Sorority Dorms
Dorm, Reve.ue Bonds of 1956-
  Student Dorms Reserve

$   18, 207. 94
    24, 823. 25
    61, 040, 78
    131, 399. 97
    17, 947, 52
    8, 633. 20
    31, 470. 25
    4, 938. 93
    253 220. 17
    12, 028. 26
    13, '723. 60
    11, 418. 43
    12, 588. 74
    79, 729, 50
    39, 875, 61

    254 739.20


9, 120. 78 $

48. 748. 50
2, 420. 00
1, 443. 75
3, 153. 30

9, 661. 25

38, 597. 50
17, 264, 87

   173. 60

$    9, 087. 16
    24, 823. 25
    12, 292. 28
    128, 979. 97
    16, 503. 7
    5, 479. 90
    4, 938. 93
    13, 558 92
    12, 028. 26
    13, 723. 60
    11, 418.43
    12, 588, 74
    41, 132. 00
    22, 610. 7 4


58, 782. 50

58, 782. 50

37, 500.00

37, 500M 00

1,   Dteficit  2 Overdraft


- 1 1 -


          U'"if-ersi-y of Kernucky-
  Statement of Plant Fund Expenditures
For the Current Fiscal Pericd Wich Began
July 1, 1963 and Ended November 30, 1963

Debt Ser-vices ( continued)            A
Dorm. Revenue Bond of 1956-
336 Clifton Avenue                  $
Dorm. Revenue Bond of 1956-
Holmes Hall
Dorm. Revenue Bonds of 1956-
Dorm-Litory 'eva ue Bond of 1957
Dorm. Revenue Bond of 1957-
342 Cliftorn Avenue
Hous-ing Bond of 1958- Haggin Hall
Corsol. Educ. Bldgs Project ( Series A)
University of Kentucky Housing Bonds
UK Housing and Dining Hall
Community College Education Building
Consolidated Education Building ( Series B
UK Student Union Building

        Total Debt Service           $ 2

S`nking Fund Reserves with Trustee
Dorm. Reve. Bonds of 1955-
Reser.,e Holmes Hall                 $
Dorm. Rev. Bonds of 1956-
Dorm. Rev. Bonds of 1952
Dorm. Rev. Bonds of 1954- Res.
Consol. Educ, Bldgs. Rev. Bonds-
Housing Bon-:,d of 1958- Haggin Hall Res.
UK Housirng Bond of 1960- Res.
UK Housing and Dining Hall
Comm. College Education Building
Consol. Education Buildilng

       Total Sinking Fund Reserve    $ 1

ppropriations Expenditures

  8, 073.00 $

  47, 479. 00


  8, 246.55
  76, 426, 75
63, 083. 22



13, 695. 00


$    8,073.00

33, 784. 00

62, 840.00
5,750. 00

4, 626. 48
134, 218.75

26, 514.00
1, 751. 00

8, 246.55
52, 829. 17
354, 311. 13
16, 073. 52
42, 428. 88
18, 907.50
134, 21.2.50

002, 822. 70 $  558, 782. 55 $          $ 1, 444, 040. 15

102, 676.59 $             $             $   102,676.59

247,550.84                                  247,550.84
132, 396. 90                                132, 396.90
73, 825.62                                  73, 825.62

390,047.05                                  390,047. 05
75,410.28                                   75,410.28