xt7vt43hxw0s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vt43hxw0s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1963-04-mar15-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1963-04-mar15-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1963-04-mar15-ec. 1963 1963-04-mar15-ec. 2011 true xt7vt43hxw0s section xt7vt43hxw0s 

          Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky, March 15, 1963.

          The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky met in the President's Office on the campus of the University at 1:30
p.m., EST, Friday, March 15, 1963, with the following members present: Dr.
Ralph Angelucci, chairman, Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer, Dr. H. B. Murray, and
Judge James A, Sutherland.  Mr. Smith Broadbent was unable to attend. Also
present were Dr. A. D. Albright, representing President Dickey, who was ill,
and Mr. George Kavanaugh and Mr. Clay Maupin, representing the Division
of Business Administration.  Dr. E.N. Fergus was a guest.at the luncheon which
preceded the meeting.

         A. Meeting OpeneO

         Dr. Angelucci called the meeting to order and welcomed Dr. Albright,
Mr. Kavanaugh, and Mr. Maupin. He indicated that Judge Sutherland would
serve as acting secretary.

         B. Approval of Minutes

         Attention was called to an error in the date for the Minutes of the
February meeting.  The secretary was requested to see that the date was changed
from Saturday, February 16, to Friday, February 15. With this correction, on
motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Dr. Murray, and carried, the minutes
of the meeting of the Executive Committee of February 15, 1963, were approved
as published.

         C. Financial Report.

         Dr. Angelucci indicated that the members of the Executive Committee
had already examined the financial report and found it to be in order. Mr.
Hillenmeyer moved that the financial report as submitted be accepted and filed.
Dr. Murray seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously.

         D. Approval of Trust Agreement with Mr. Herman W. Schoolcraft

         Mr. Kavanaugh presented a trust agreement appointing Mr. Herman
W. Schoolcraft a trustee to act for the University in acquiring additional land
on Lake Cumberland for use by the 4-H Camp. This trusteeship would permit
the acquisition of needed land at reasonable prices and, as soon as sufficient
funds had been raised to cover the cost of the land, the trustee would convey
by deed to the University, the land held in trust. Mr. Kavanaugh recommended
that this agreement, which had been examined by the University's legal counsel



and approved by Dean Seay, be approved. Upon motion, seconded and carried,
the trust agreement between Mr. Schoolcraft and the University of Kentucky was

         E. Injurie s

         Mr. Kavanaugh presented the following list of claims for injuries
sustained by University personnel while carrying out their assigned responsi-
bilitie s:

         GROUP I - General

         1. Sanders, Halsey Jr. - Hospital, PCS Department (C]ean-up Aide)
             Date of accident September 6, 1962.
             Lifted stack of trays, twisting back. Accident report filed,
             but patient did not seek treatment until a second accident of a
             similar nature occurred on October 30, at which time Mr.
             Sanders stated to the doctor who examined him at the University
             Health Service that his back had been bothering him constantly
             since the first accident. The following bills have been received
             and are recommended for payment of the amounts involved:

                     Dr. Thomas D. Yocum, Lexington, Kentucky     $14.00
                     11/2/62 Consultation       $10.00
                              Phys. Therapy       4. 00
                                                  $14. 00

                     Universitv Hospital X-Ray                      $17.00

         2. Walker, Roy T. - Ag. Exp. Station, Farm Mtce. (Electrician)
             Date of accident October 30, 1962.
             While repairing lights at Farm Service Center, wrench slipped
             causing Mr. Walker to hit his hand against iron beam. A pre-
             scription was issued by Dr. Sprague of UK Health Service.

                     Sageser Drugs, Lexington, Kentucky             $ 6.50

         GROUP II - Accident cases receiving treatment in the Outpatient
         Clinic, University Hospital - charges as shown below being made:

         1. Smith, Gayle - Food Services, Manager Blazer Hall Cafeteria
             Date of accident February 8, 1963.
             Giving cleaning instructions for soap dispenser and tool slipped,
             piercing left index finger.                             $ 9.25



          2. Patterson. Fred - Med. Center M & O., Heating & Cooling Plant
              Date of accident January 8, 1963.
              While working on 6 ft. scaffold, platform released causing Mr.
              Patterson to fall.                                     $ 10. 00

          3. Ritcher, William V. - Dept. of Surgery, Technician
              Date of accident January 18, 1963.
              Laceration of right index finger, while working in Operating
              Room.                                                  $ 12. 75

         4. Johnson. Robert - Med. Center M & 0, janitorial
              Date of accident February 12. 1963.
              Cut thumb on side of cart while attempting to prevent it
              from turning over.                                     $ 7. 50

         Upon motion by Mr. Hillenmever, seconded by Dr. Murray. and carried,
the claims listed herein were authorized paid with the expressed understanding that
the University does not admit negligence nor liability, neither does it set a precedent
by action taken herein.

         F. Surplus Property

         Mr. Kavanaugh presented a list of items which are surplus to the needs
of the University. These items fall within the general groups listed below:

         Group I - Surplus Furnishings
         Group II Surplus Electric Shop Items
         Group III - Surplus Plumbing Shop Iterms
         Group IV - Surplus Machinery & Equipment
         Group V   Surplus Vehicle
         Group VI - Surplus Items (miscellaneous)

         Upon the recommendation of Mr. Kavanaugh, the motion was made,
seconded, and carried that these items be advertised and sold and the list of
specific items contained in each group given above be filed.

         G. Receipt of Documents from Educational Development Association. Inc.

         Dr, Albright said he wished to report to the Executive Committee that
the University had received a deed of conveyance; abstract of title, certificate
of title, and a site survey from the Educational Development Association, Inc.
of Pulaski County, Somerset, Kentucky.

         Dr. Angelucci requested that these documents be examined by legal
counsel and returned to the Board for action at a later date.



          H. Consultative Serv, ces Approved

          Dr. Albright presented the following recommendations from the deans
of the colleges concerned relative to consultative services for faculty members:

          Dean C. C. Carpenter, College of Commerce, requested that permission
be granted Professor James W. Martin to serve as a financial administrative con*-
sultant for the State of Georgia.  The time involved will amount to approximately
two or three days on one to three different occasions and he will receive travel
costs and a per diem compensation, The work will be arranged so as not to
interfere with Professor Martinis regularly scheduled duties.

          Dean R. E. Shaver, College of Engineering, recommended that James
M. Elliott, Department of Mechanical Engineering, and Martin C. Krimm, De-
partment of Electrical Engineering; be permitted to serve as consultants to the
Kentucky Public Service Commission in connection with the Meter Standards Labora-
tory to be constructed near the campus.  The time involved will not exceed three
or four hours per week and will not interfere with their regular duties at the Uni-
versity. A nominal amount will. be paid them for the actual time spent o::., the
work and they will be reimbursed for personal expenses incurred.

         Dean Lyman V. Ginger; College of Education, recommended that Mr.
Bernard Fagan be given permission to serve as an advisor to the Lafayette Voca-
tional School for the coming year.  The assignment would require approximately
60 hours of work, limited to two evenings a week over a period of 12 weeks, with
a total compensation not to exceed $300. 00.

         Dean Ginger also recommended that Dr. James T. Moore, Dr. Morris
Cic'rley, and Dr. Thomas P. Field be granted permission to serve as consultants
on the Bullitt County School Survey being conducted by the Bureau of School
Service.  The assignments are net expected to require more than eight hours
of time during a month s period.

         Dean William A, Seay recommended that Dr. T. R. Freeman, Professor
of Dairying, be granted permission tc serve as consultant for two regional dairy
organizations--Beatrice Foods Company and All Star Dairy Association, Inc. The
assignment would involve periodic visits to the plants operating in Kentucky and
would require 14 to 16 days per year to be taken as annual leave,  Remuneration
f'or this work is estimated at $500 to $600 a year.

         Dr. Lawrence S. Thompson, Director of Universitv Libraries, has
requested permission to serve as consultant to Valparaiso University on library
development for a few hours with the compensation for such services not to exceed

         Upon motion made by Dr. Murray, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer. and
carried, the recommendations that Professors James W. Martin., James M.
Elliott, Martin C, Kir'nmrn Bernard Fagan, James T. Moore, Morris Cierley,
Thomas P. Field, T. R. Freeman. and Dr. Lawrence Thompson be permitted
to do outside consultative work be approved and ordered put to record.



         I. Appointments tc Graduate Faculty Approved

         Dr. Albright presented the nominations of the Graduate Council of
the following persons for membership in the Graduate Faculty and recommended
approval by the Executive Committees

         L. Clark Keating, Visiting Professor, Department of Modern Foreign
         James G. Morris, Associate Professor of Metallurgical Engineering
         William Danks Shepherd, Assistant Professor of Physics
         Frederic Thursz, Assistant Professor of Art

         Upon motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the appointments to
the Graduate Faculty were approved as recommended.

         J. Recommended Changes in Governing Regulations

         Dr. Albright indicated that the University Faculty at its meeting on
February 11. 1963, had endorsed certain amendments to the Governing Regula-
tions and recommended to the President and the Board of Trustees the adoption
of these amendments which dealt with tenure and appointments.

         Dr. Angelucc3 expressed the feeling that no change in the Governing
Regulations should be made until the Executive Committee had had an opportunity
to examine the recommended changes more carefully and requested that copies
of the proposed changes be supplied to the Executive Committee.  Action was
deferred until a later meeting.

         K. Edward Warder Rannells Fine Arts Library Named

         Dr. Albright presented the request of the Department of Art that the Art
and Music Library in the Fine Arts Building be officially named the Edward Warder
Rannells Fine Arts Library,  Professor Freeman, Head of the Department of
Art, included the following statement in his recommendation: "For more than
three decades Professor Rannells has interested himself in the Library, has
built its usefulness. has made gifts totalling several thousands of dollars and,
in general, has given it its present shape and character, so the naming of the
Library would be most fitting arnd proper."  Both Dr. Lawrence Thompson, Director
of Libraries, and Professor Bernard Fitzgerald, Head of the Department of Music,
have indicated their approval of this recommendation.

         Upon motion duly made seconded, and carried, approval was given to
the recommendation that the Art and Music Library be named the Edward Warder
Rannells Fine Arts Library,



          L. Beardsley Graham Appointed Research Professor

          Dr. Albright presented a recommendation from Dean R. E. Shaver of
the College of Engineering that Mr. Beardsley Graham, President of Spindletop
Research, Inc., be appointed Research Professor of Electrical Engineering on
a part-time basis without salary. Mr. Graham would give assistance in the
preparation of research proposals and finding sponsors for these projects. He
would also be in a position to give several seminars each semester for the benefit
of faculty and graduate students for the purpose of further stimulating the re-
search program in the College of Engineering.

         Dr. Albright recommended approval and upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, Mr. Beardsley Graham was appointed Research Professor
of Electrical Engineering, without compensation.

         M. Increase in Residence Hall Fees Approved

         Dr. Albright next presented recommendations from Dean Doris M.
Seward and Dean Kenneth Harper that residence halls fees for both men and women
be increased $15 per semester beginning with the fall semester of the 1963-64
academic year. This would mean an increase in the men's residence halls fees
from $115 to $130 a semester and the fees for the women's residence halls, which
include room and board, would be increased from $350 to $365 a semester. Such
increases are necessitated for amortization purposes and because of increased
operating costs.

         Dr. Albright recommended approval and upon motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer,
seconded by Dr. Murray, and carried, the fees for the men's residence halls
were increased from $115 to $130 a semester and for the women's residence halls
from $350 to $365 a semester, effective September 1963.

         N. Budget Adjustment Approved

         Dr. Albright presented the request that the following amounts be trans.-
ferred from UK Restricted Account 3420 to KRF Restricted Account 2412: $5. 280
from the National Science Foundation and $1,449. 74 from Vational Defense Educa-
tion. This transfer is requested to reimburse the Kentucky Research Foundation
for administrative expenses in connection with the National Science Foundation
Fellowship Program.

         Upon motion by Dr. Murray, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, and carried,
the Division of Accounts and Budgetary Controls was authorized to transfer $5, 280
and $1,449.74 from UK Restricted Account 3420 to KRF Restricted Account 2412.



          0. Report on Community College Policy Statement

          Dr. Albright presented a report from the University Faculty Council
which was presented to the University Faculty on March 11, 1963, which outlined
policies concerning Community Colleges. The recommendations contained in
this report were:

          1. Approval of the statement of functions of the community
            colleges which appears in University catalogue.

         2. Adoption of a definite procedure for the screening and the
            approval of programs in the community colleges which in-
            cludes.approval by the University Faculty.

         3. Institution of two new degrees--an Associate in Arts degree
            and a Technical Associate degree.

         Dr. Albright indicated that it was his understanding that the Uni-
versity Faculty did not approve the recommendation relative to new degrees but
indicated its preference for the awarding of certificates rather than degrees upon
the completion of the two-year community college program.

         Dr. Angelucci requested that copies of this report be made available
to all members of the Board of Trustees for their information.

         P. Resolution RAative to Procedures for Handling Uncollectible Bills
in University Hospital

                        BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES

         By means of resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees on April
    3, 1962, authority was delegated, through the President, to the Ni2ce
    President for the Medical Center and his subordinates to admit and dis-
    charge patients to the Hospital and clinics and to enter into financial
    agreements with such patients or third parties covering payment for
    services rendered.  This policy was adopted in recognition of the need
    to admit and discharge patients on the basis of the needs of the academic
    programs, the needs of patients for the services provided by the University
    Hospital, and other factors.

         It is the practice of University Hospital to maintain a uniform schedule
    of charges for all services rendered to patients and to enter such charges
    in its accounts receivable in all cases, irrespective of the portion of such
    charges which it is anticipated may be collected. Wherever resources
    are available, whether from the patient, another state agency, other third



    party sponsors, or any other responsible party, it is the responsibility of
    University Hospital to collect for services provided. The amount to be col-
    lected will be determined by the actual charges made, by agreements
    reached with third parties, by the ability of the patient to pay, or by the
    needs of the teaching and research programs, whichever is applicable.

         Under this policy, it will be necessary for any amounts not collectible
    to be removed from the Hospital's accounts receivable. The criteria and
    procedures to be followed in determining amounts to be removed and approving
    such removals shall be established by the President on the basis of customary
    standards of prudence and sound fiscal management. Complete accounting
    records shall be maintained, appropriately classifying and recording all
    such removals. A summary of such removals shall be included in the regular
    financial statements submitted to the Board of Trustees, in whatever detail

         After some discussion of the need for such a policy statement, upon the
recommendation of Mr. Maupin that it represented a basically sound procedure
for handling such accounts, the motion was made by Judge Sutherland, seconded
by Mr. Hillenmeyer, and carried that the resolution as presented be adopted and
the University Hospital be instir.cted to handle all such accounts in accordance
with the procedures so outlined.

         Q. Gifts

                      From: Mr. fack Farley--$20. 00.

          Dr. Albright, Executive Vice President of the University, presented $20. 00
check from Mr. Jack Farley and recommended that it be accepted.

                      From: Inland Steel Company, Wheelwright, Ky. - -$900. 00.

          Dr. Albright presented to the Executive Committee check for $900. 00,
made payable to the Scholarship Committee of the University, in support of four
scholarships for the second semester of the 1962-63 school year. He recommended
that this be accepted.

                      From: Foundry Educational Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio-
                                       $1, 000. 00,

          Dr. Albright reported that the University is in receipt of check for $1, 000. 00
from the Foundry Educational Foundation, which the Foundation wishes used in support
of its scholarships for the second semester of 1962-63. He recommended acceptance
of the gift.



                      From: Mr. Lee P. Smith, Paducah, Ky. --$500. 00.

          Dr. Albright reported that the University has received check for $500. 00
from Mr. Lee P. Smith, in support of the Lee Potter Smith scholarships for 1963-
64, and recommended that this be accepted.

                      From: Metropolitan Woman's Club of Lexington, Lexington,
                                       Ky. --$500. 00.

         Dr. Albright presented check for $500. 00 from the Metropolitan Woman's
Club of Lexington, which they wish used to establish the Metropolitan Woman's Club
Scholarship Fund, and stated that this check was drawn on the Club's Charity Fund
in support of a scholarship to be awarded the second semester of the current
academic year.  He recommended that this check be accepted.

                      From: Miss Alda Henning's Estate--$9,000.00.

         Dr. Albright reported that the University is in receipt of check for
$9, 000. 00, made payable to the University of Kentucky Thomas Poe Cooper Scholar-
ship Fund, which represents proceeds from Miss Alda Henning's Federal Employees'
Group Life Insurance, and stated that Miss Henning had designated the Foundation
to receive the proceeds from her life insurance policy to be used for scholarships
in Home Economics. Dr. Albright recommended that this gift be accepted. and
suggested that a special account be set up, to be called the "Alda Henning Memorial
Scholarship Fund", within the Thomas Poe Cooper fund group.

                      From: Shell Chemical Company, Union, N.J. --$1,500.00.

         Dr. Albright reported that the Shell Chemical Company had given to
the University check for $1, 500.00 to be used in support of research in the use
of insecticidal chemicals developed by Shell Chemical Company. He recommended
acceptance of the gift.

                      From: Mr. Herschel Weil, Lexington, Ky. --$200. 00.

         Dr. Albright reported that the University was in receipt of $200. 00 from
Mr. Herschel Weil, which Mr. Weil wishes deposited to the Jonas Weil Memorial
Scholarship fund, and recommended that this gift be accepted and used for the
purpose indicated.



                      From: W. Atlee Burpee Company, Philadelphia, Pa.
                                       $100. 00.

          Dr. Albright reported that the W. Atlee Burpee Company had given
to the University check for $100. 00 to be used as a scholarship for the recipient
of the Burpee Award for the current year. He recommended that this be accepted.

                      From: Nytronics, Inc., Lexington, Ky.  RCA Television
                                       Station Synchronizing Generator.

          Dr. Albright stated that in March of 1962, Nytronics, Inc., supplied
the Department of Electrical Engineering with an RCA television station synchroniz-
ing generator on a loan basis. Now Nytronics, Inc., has notified the University
that they wish to make an outright gift of these items to the University and Dr.
Albright recommended that this very useful gift be accepted.

                      From. Dr. R. C. Kash, Lebanon, Tenn. --Shares of Stock.

          Dr. Albright reported that Dr. R. C. Kash had given to the University
a twenty-shares stock certificate, registered in the name of the University of
Kentucky, to be used for the R. C. Kash Scholarship Fund. He stated that the
current value of this gift is $1, 235.00 and recommended that it be accepted.

          Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, each of the gifts presented
was accepted and the members requested that letters of appreciation be written
to the donors.

             R. Appointments and Other Staff Changes

          Dr. Albright submitted staff appointments, reappointments, salary
adjustments, leaves of absence, resignations, promotions, and other staff changes
which had been recommended by deans and heads of departments.  He called at-
tention to the recommendation for change-of-work for Dr. Edward W. Rannells,
which had been mentioned earlier in connection with naming the Edward Warder
Rannells Fine Arts Library.



         Guy R. Maudlin, Instructor, Mathematics and Astronomy, for ten months
beginning September 1, 1963 ending June 30, 1964 (transferring from Southeast
Center, Extended Programs)



          Benny R. Riley, p-t Instructor, Physics, beginning February 1, 1963
ending June 30, 1963 (prelviously was Research Assistant)

          Thomas C. Greenland, p-t Instructor, Psychology, beginning February
1, 1963 ending June 30, 1963

          N. B. Patel, Instructor. Sociology and Rural Sociology, beginning
February 1, 1963 ending May 31, 1963 (previously was Graduate Assistant)

          Richard W. Thomas, p-t Instructor, Psychology, beginning February
1, 1963 ending June 30, 1963

          Patricia Ann Hart, Senior Clerk, Radio, Television, and Films, beginning
February 25, 1963 ending June 30, 1963

          William H. Lyle, Jr., p-t Instructor, Psychology, beginning February
1, 1963 ending June 30, 1963

          Clara Sue Hefley, Visiting Instructor, Library Science, for the month
of June 1963 only

          Charles B. Traux, Associate Professor, Psychology, for 10 months
beginning September 1, 1963 ending June 30, 1964

          Julia Elizabeth Sabine, Visiting Instructor, Library Science, beginning
July 1, 1963 ending August 31, 1963

          Esther Virginia Burrin, Visiting Instructor, Library Science, beginning
July 1. 1963 ending August 31, 1963

        ,. Mack Woodara Bailey, Instructor, Anthropology, beginning July 31,
1963 ending August 31, 1963

          Mara J. Stuart, Clerk-Stenographer, Mathematics and Astronomy,
beginning January 1, 1963 ending June 30, 1963

Re signation

          Manouchehr Ganji, Visiting Assistant Professor, Patterson School of
Diplomacy, effective February 1, 1963


          George W. Rogers, p-t Instructor, Psychology, beginning February 1,
1963 ending June 30, 1963

          Richard M. Griffith, put Lecturer, Psychology, beginning February 1
1963 ending June 30, 1963



          Edgar A. Moles, p-t Lecturer, Psychology, beginning February 1, 1963
ending June 30, 1963

          Keller J. Dunn, p-t Instructor, English, beginning February 1, 1963
ending June 30, 1963

          Dorothy A. Leathers, Clerk-Stenographer, History, beginning February
1, 1963 ending June 30, 1963

Leaves of Absence

          Lee W. Gildart, Associate Professor, Physics, sabbatical leave beginning
September 1i 1963 ending June 30, 1963 (to study at McGill University, Canada)

          Ross A. Webb, Assistant Professor, History, leave beginning July 1,
1963 ending August 31, 1963

          Charles W. Hackensmith, Professor, Physical Education, sabbatical
leave beginning September 1, 1963 ending June 30, 1964

          Graham B. Dimmick, Professor, Psychology, return from sabbatical
leave effective February 1, 1963

Change-of-Work Status

          Edward W. Rannells, Professor, Art, to go on change-of-work status,
beginning February 1, 1963

Chanes in Status

          Lola Eddins, Analyst Specialist, Physics, adjustment in salary, beginning
February 1, 1963 ending June 30, 1963

          James R. Bryan, Research Technician, Chemistry, to return to duties
as Storekeeper, with adjustment in salary, effective February 11, 1963 ending
June 30, 1963

         Elizabeth G. Zumwalt, Secretary, Psychology, adjustment in salary,
beginning February 1, 1963 ending June 30, 1963

         Beverly Joan Wilson, Secretary, Social Work, adjustment in salary,
beginning March 1, 1963 ending June 30, 1963

         Robert F. McGuire, p-t Instructor, Physics, changing from Graduate
Assistant, beginning February 1, 1963 ending June 30, 1963

         Rachel C. Roth, pot Instructor. Art, adjustment in salary, beginning
February 1, 1963



         PhilIp Hisel, Jr. Storekeeper. Chemistry, adjustment in salary,
beginning February 11. 1963 ending June 30, 1963 (decrease in duties)

         Janet Lee Ramsey, Secretary, Psychology, adjustment in salary, beginning
January lo 1963 ending June 30. 1963

         James A. Crutcher., Storekeeper, Chemistry, adjustment in salary,
beginning February iI.. 1963 ending June 30, 1963 (fewer duties)

         Homer L. Grimes Storekeeper Chemistry, adjustment in salary,
beginning February i' L963. ending June 30, 1963



         Ronald L. Vaughn, Technician, Experiment Station, beginning February
1, 1963 ending June 30, At963

         Sally Jayne Greer. Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in Training,
Henderson County, beginning February 14, 1963

         Norma Jo Carter, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in Training,
Webster County, beginning February 14, i963

         Virginia E. Stephens, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in Training,
Perry County, beginning February 14., 1963

         Mary Beth Roddy, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in Training,
Jefferson County, beginning February 14. 1963

         Glenda G. Walla-ce . Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in Training,
Madison County, beginning February 14 1963

         James L. Car-ringer, Technical Aide, Horticiulture, beginning February
1, 1963

         Lindsay D, Brown. As~-.stant Professor. Horticulture, beginning March
1, 1963

         Edd Sam Bates., Draftsman., beginning February 8. 1963 ending June
30, 1963

         Ida Lee Whee'er. Senmor Secretary. Experiment Station, beginning
February 12., 1963. ending May 3i, 1963



          William G. Moody, Assistant Professor of Animal Science, beginning
July 1, 1963

          E. Dale Purkhiser, Assistant Professor of Animal Science and Area
Swine Specialist, beginning March 18, 1963

         Gianna McClellan, Clerk-Stenographer, beginning March 1, 1963

         Anna Bernice Lucas, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in. Training,
beginning February 14, 1963 Owen County

         Mary Jo Dixon, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in Training, Scott
County, beginning February 14, 1963

         Wanda Lee Dodson, Assistant Home Demonstration Extension Agent
in Training, Whitley County, beginning February 14, 1963

         Lona Roye Talley, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in Training,
Grayson County,beginning February 14, 1963

Re signations

         Billy T. Ridgway, County Agent, Carlisle County, effective March 4, 1963

         Reba S. McClanan, Home Demonstration Agent, Carter County, effective
March 5, 1963

         Joyce Hewitt, Extension Clerk, Carroll County, effective September 3,

         Roy T. Walker, Electrician, Farm Maintenance, effective February
19, 1963

         Sally Murphy, Laboratory Technician, Horticulture, effective February
4, 1963

Leaves of Absence

         Iona M. Ruble, Clerk-Typist, Experiment Station, leave, beginning
February 1, 1963 ending February 28, 1963

         Robert E. Eplee, Associate County Agent, continue leave beginning March
3, 1963 ending February 29, 1964


         Owen Blakeman, Laborer Emeritus (on change-of-work) Farm Laborer,
died February 23, 1963



Changes in Status

         Glenn B. Collins. Research Assistant, change from part-time to full-
time, beginning February 1, 1963 ending June 30, 1963

         Ray C. Hopper, Extension Specialist in Animal Science, to go on Civil
Service retirement e ffective March 14, 1963

         Gordon Henshaw, Associate County Agent, Crittenden County, transferring
to Carlisle County, with adjustment in salary, beginning February 1, 1963

         Alice G. Smith, Assistant in Animal Pathology, adjustment in salary,
beginning February 1, 1963

         John Harris Byars, Research Assistant, Experiment Station, continue
appointment beginning February 1, 1963 ending June 30, 1963

         Glenn E. Conatser, Instructor, to be Extension Specialist in Animal
Science, with adjustment in salary beginning February 1, 1963 ending June 30, 1963

         Carroll D. Bailey, Assistant County Agent in Training, Magoffin County,
to be Assistant County Agent, same county, beginning March 1, 1963

         Kenneth C. Bean, Resource Development Specialist, East Kentucky
Resource Development Project to have additional title of Assistant District Leader,
with adjustment in salary, effective February 1, 1963

         Henry H.