xt7vq814rb0p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vq814rb0p/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Department of Education. Kentucky Kentucky. Department of Education. 1957-09 bulletins  English Frankford, Ky. : Dept. of Education  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.) Education -- Kentucky Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Some Legal Aspects of Public Education in Kentucky", vol. XXV, no. 9, September 1957 text 
volumes: illustrations 23-28 cm. call numbers 17-ED83 2 and L152 .B35. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Some Legal Aspects of Public Education in Kentucky", vol. XXV, no. 9, September 1957 1957 1957-09 2022 true xt7vq814rb0p section xt7vq814rb0p  







In December of 1956, the State Department of Education in
cooperation with the Kentucky Association of School Administrators
and the Advisory Council on Public Education in Kentucky spon-
sored a conference devoted to informing school administrators of
many aspects of the legal responsibilities of public school officers
and teachers.

The sponsoring agencies were fortunate in being able to obtain
Dr. Robert R. Hamilton, Dean of the College of Law at the Univer-
my 0f Wyoming to conduct the conference. Dean Hamilton’s four

lectures delivered before the conference occupy a major pOI‘tiOn
of this Bulletin.

In our time society is placing ever growing responsibilities
011 our public schools. The consequences of these increasing pressures
make it necessary for school administrators to familiarize themselves
With the various legal aspects of the public education program. This
repert is intended as a source of information and reference to help
them gain a portion of that familiarity.

The Department of Education gratefully acknowledges Dean
Hannlton’s permission to reprint the text of his lectures as well as
1118 ass1stance in editing the manuscript.

Robert R. Martin
Superintendent of Public Instruction







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DECEMBER 13, 1956

My fellow school workers, we have started 011 a new road
in education. Through the cooperation of our state officials, our
P.T.A.’s, our progressive school patrons and the leadership furnished
by the school personnel, we have been able to get on the right road
in education, but reaching the highway and just standing there
gets us nowhere. It seems to me by virtue of our positions as school
leaders that we must reassess and re—evaluate the tremendous job
that lies ahead of us.

As has been said and pointed out to us many times, we must
test, grade, measure, counsel, guide, individualize, generalize, na-
tionalize, Americanize, Christianize, humanize, intellectualize, spirit-
ualize; we must classify on proper social levels, vocation levels,
maturity levels, intelligence levels, psychological levels; that you
must adjust the misadjusted, adjust the maladjusted, and the
utterly unadjusted; that you must not only be a leader, but a
pSyChMOg‘iSt, a psychiatrist, a sociologist, a progressivist, a modernist
and a fundamentalist and a 100 per cent Americanist —— all this you
must be and more; you must have a basic philosophy.

Some writer has said that education is guided growth. An-
Other Writer’s concept is that education is an increased appreciation
for'the eternal values of life and still another writer says that edu-
fiallmll is that process which enables a human being to be at home
m'thls modern world. Each of these philosophies says the same
thlllg in different words.

“WhNOlV following our philosophies it seems to me we should ask,
of at is a school worth?”. We might ask, “What is a superintendent
scha “#1001 SYStem worth?”. The briefest answer I know is, “A
- 00l is worth just the difference it makes in improving the lives
0f children.”
Chief; William Rainey Harper, President of the University of
(138011531711; 1903, said to a freshman class who had been called to
in the 131 or the first time, “Young gentlemen, you have come here
it \VOuldOIIm of furthering your education. If you are to do th1s
human b '30 Well that you have some idea of what an educated
0mg 13' If You have this, you will know What to aim at








here, what this institution exists to assist you to become. An edu-
cated man is a man who by the time he is twenty-five has a clear
theory, formed in the light of human experiences down through the
ages, of what constitutes a satisfying life, a significant life and
who by the age of thirty has a moral philosophy consonant with
racial experience. If a man reached these ages without having
arrived at such a theory, such a philosophy, then no matter how
many facts he has learned or how many processes he has mastered,
that man is an ignoramus and a fool, unhappy, probably dangerous.”

This concept of education has been accepted since the days of
Plato and Aristotle by our students of philosophy and psychology,
but today, as of yore, it is not seeping out enough to our students
in our classrooms.

We have failed miserably in our practices, in our methods and
in our procedures to convince our student bodies to learn that books
are a pleasure and that through them we travel to the utmost points
of the earth. ”We have failed to impress on our youth their obliga-
tions and respect to their elders. We have failed to impress our
students with the greatness of our country and the importance of
their patriotic duties toward it and its history. This was shown by
the reports we had from foreign countries when they sent their
criticisms after interviewing our soldiers stationed there during
the war.

My son who is a senior in high school, at the dinner table not
long ago, was attempting to convince his sister who is a sophOIIlore
of how much more difficult his work was than hers. He questioned
her thusly, “DOGS your teacher require you to go to the board and
work problems ?”. “Does your teacher require you to stand up 111
class and give a full and detailed answer ‘2”. “Does your teacher; at
all times, keep a record book in her hand putting down your grade
as she sees it ‘2”. In the discourse he continued to discuss the import‘
ance of the teacher’s holding the record book and the grade over
the child.

We are permitting the teachers to use the grade as a bIUff and
a scare to such an extent that children become disgusted with schOO1
work and are dropping out at the earliest opportunitY- We are
accused and rightly so of frightening our students with such state-
ments as “hardwork,” “difficult course” and meaningléss SW"
ments instead of encouraging them. We are constantly fnghtenlr'lg
our students with the statement that the most important thlng 13
the school is class work while at the same time we overlook the a







 An edu-
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important problem to teach the child the nieeties of getting along
together, of understanding and working for each other.

We stand indicted again on the charge of making students feel
the grade they get in a book or on a paper is all important. Further—
more, we, all to often, leave the impression that the student’s
academic record will make or break his life. We leave the impression
with students that the teacher, principal, supervisor, or superin-
tendent is all wise, all important, close to being omnipotent. \Ve
make students slaves to notes which they are supposed to commit
to memory and give back to us on examination. As soon as the
year is over, these notes are so insignificant and distasteful to the
student that he rushes out to burn them. \Ve talk about examinations
so much that the student comes to look on them as horrible labyrinths
through whose doors, if they are ever closed behind them, they will
never see the light of day again.

Can’t we come together in such meetings as this and untangle
some of these knotty traditional concepts that have been established
down through the cycle of ages and have our children live in a
modern world, making an environment for these students so accept-
able that instead of developing nervous prostration that they will
come to enjoy getting an education as well as using it after they
mature into manhood and womanhood? No wonder the hospitals
in this country are filled with frustrated people. In many classrooms
111 this entire land of ours we are helping to fill the psychiatric
Wards if not during the student’s life, he soon falls Victim after he
gets into modern life.

‘ $0me writer has said, “Youth is not a time of life — it is a state
of mmd. It is not a matter of pink cheeks, red lips and supple knees
f It 1s a temper of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor
Of The emotions. It is a freshness of the deep springs of life.
”.Youth means a tempcrmental predominance of courage over
_ dlty -“ 0f the appetite of adventure over a love of ease. It can
0xlst in a man over 50, as in a boy of 20.

”No one
the s


grows old by merely living a certain number of years.
eie‘row old only by deserting their ideals. Years may wrinkle
selfidliig hilt to lose enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, doubt,
bow th us 2 fear and despair f these are the long, long years that
n e head and turn the growmg spirit back to dust.
10Ve Ogl‘ifithlel‘ seventy or twenty, there is in every being ’s heart the
llllfaihnn. nc er .— a gentle amazement at the stars and moon — an
r: aDDetlte for what is next in the game of life.
















“You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt — as
young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear — as young as
your hope, as old as your despair.

“In the central place of your heart there is a radio receiving
set- so lonO‘ as it icks u inessaoes of beaut he 0 cheer courarre
7 C D 7 7 J D I
and power from the earth, from men and from the Infinite —— so long
are you young.
“\Vhen the central place of your heart is covered with the snows
of essimism and the ice of c nicism — then are *0u 'rown old
indeed and ma. God have merc on our soul.”
7 y y

Shirley Cooper, President of the County and Rural Area Super-
intendents of the United States, when asked to anticipate his
assignment, writes:

“Any look toward the future of any phase of education in this
country must be taken with consideration given to a few basic facts:

1. The job will be bigger. There will be more children, more
teachers, more buildings, more materials and equipment, more
everything that goes into the operation of schools.

2. Education will cost more, much more.

3. There is and will be much more to teach and to learn than
ever before.

4. The stakes are higher than ever before; that is, under-
standing, reason, command of technical information and highly
developed skills will be more important to individuals, to industr)’;
to business, to our culture than ever before. .

5. Educational leadership in the country has been given a
clear mandate from the people to make marked improvement in the
schools — to do everything they have been doing well in the past,
to do more and to do it better.”

\Ve seem to be on the threshold of what will be a new era 111
public education. New proportions of quality as well as new dimen-
sions of quantity will be added to the educational program- The
intermediate district of school administration is in a most favoréllole
position to contribute to the progress. Its organization; its funfmon’
its staff, its financial resources, its relationships to other units 0f
school government is being carefully studied with a View to improve-
ment. It is not tied down by tradition. It is ready to changea and
through legislative action already under way or actuall." accom-
plished in many parts of the country substantial improvements are
being made. The rate of improvement will speed up as the way ”E0
move forward becomes clearer.






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We may look forward to seeing more attention given to:

1. Use of more media of communication in regular classroom
instruction as well as in adult education.

2. Enrichment of the educational program to challenge and to
develop the abilities of the mentally gifted children.

3. Use of the community school plant facilities throughout the
school year.

4. Marked improvement in instructional materials and equip-
ment — tools for teaching must be the best that can be devised
and that must be kept, at all times, in the best possible condition
for effective use.

5. The teaching staff must have the opportunity and leadership
needed for continuous improvement. Anything less than the best
cannot do the job that can be and must be done.

It is through making a major contribution to bringing about

these improvements that the intermediate districts will move for-
ward in the future.

Finally, Administrators, in the light of my experience as a
school man, I have found that it is most important to look into the
future and to set up some goals toward which I think the Kentucky
Association of School Administrators should move:

_ 1- We must work hard and loyally together on school legisla-
tIOn, let it be national in scope, or state or local. The cardinal lesson
that We learn from the defeat of the Kelly Bill is that no educational
leglslation will pass without good bipartisan support. One critic,
after the Kelly Bill was defeated, said as follows:

“In my mind, the inactivity and complacency on the part

of the school people was an important factor in the Kelly
Bills final defeat.”

_ 2. I believe that we should ask the State Superintendent to set
:{S‘de a room in the Department of Education to be known as the
cohlltiuCky Administrator’s room for the purpose of taking care of
1H_110us reports, a permanent storage of records and research
I‘lals. In this way, as each president of your association com-

PICtes his term, those records will have a permanent home.

of i I think we should have a committee appointed. The purpose
job“ 10h to 100k after worthy administrators who have lost their
s, to help them) if POSSible, to find a new one.

4. . .
prom t1 Would recommend a standing committee on research to
0 e and strengthen our organization.








5. This organization is capable of making valuable contribu-

tions to the Kentucky Association of School Administrators by
preparing annually, pamphlets and booklets on desirable school
procedure. I recommend such a committee.

6. I recommend an ethics committee for our organization in
order to stop superintendents from unethical practices on fellow


l. I recommend that the K.A.S.A. give aid in State Educational
Philosophy. We offer little aid to new superintendents, both local
and our incoming state superintendents.

8. I recommend that we join the American Association of
School Administrators 100 per cent.

Finally, we are glad to have you with us. We hope you will
like the program that has been provided for you by your Board of
Directors. I do want to commend our very able and hard working

Secretary. He has done all the work and I have been blessed 0011-
tinuously with his wise and able counsel.






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. . . . An address given by Robert R. Martin, Superintendent
of Public Instruction, at the annual joint meeting of the
Kentucky Association of School Administrators and the
Advisory Council on Public Education at Louisville, Ky., on
December 15, 1956.

The year 1956 Will stand as a landmark in the history of
education in Kentucky, because in that year we saw the fruition
of many of our efforts over a generation. The profession has been
concerned With the plight of public education in this state, but
only through the survey, the campaign to amend Section 186, and
through the enactment and financing of the Foundation Program
Law did we begin to see the fruits of our efforts.

The credit for these accomplishments undoubtedly belongs to
the teaching profession in Kentucky and to the countless devoted
leaders of the profession and laity who have labored unceasingly
fOI' the advancement of education in Kentucky. The 1956 General
Assembly, on the recommendation of Governor A. B. Chandler,
provided for full financing of our program.

We believe that the accomplishments can be sketched in outline
form under six headings. These are:

1. Financial Support
a. Full financing of the Foundation Program.
b. Full financing of the Teacher Retirement Act.
0- Adequate financial support for the University of Kentucky
and the State Colleges.
Increased appropriation to the Department Of Education.

Legislation strengthened the position of Kentucky SChOOl
Bullding Revenue Bonds.

Reorganization of the Department of Education

a. Organization of Department into sections designed to secure
economy and efficiency.

b- Expansion of staff to provide better services.

0. Increased staff to furnish additional services.
(1) Guidance services
(2) Added administrative and public relatiOnS service
(3) Exceptional children

















Improved Instructional Program




Provision for full—time and part—time supervising principals.
Instructional supervisors available to all school districts
for the first time.

Higher level of teacher training than ever before.
Minimum of nine months’ school program for every boy and
girl in the state.

Expanded program of iii-service teacher training with the
full cooperation and participation for the State Colleges;
The programs in many districts have been expanded by pro-
vision of music, art, industrial arts, library service and
other enriching areas.

Teacher morale is high as a result of better working condi-
tions and salary increases averaging $600 across the state.
Over 100 school systems held pre-school planning confer-
ences this year. This is more than twice the number in any
previous year.

There was a 50% increase in the number of graduates of
Kentucky colleges remaining in Kentucky to teach.

Higher Education




Cooperation between the State Colleges and the Universit.V
of Kentucky has increased tremendously.

The Council on Public Higher Education has, for the first
time, been provided with a full—time staff.

Evaluations of twenty-five colleges have been completed
this year.

The Colleges and University have more adequate staffs and
salaries have been increased. ,
A State Medical School has been authorized, and active
planning is now underway for its construction.

Expanded Educational Leadership



. ‘ vas
The first Governor’s Annual Conference on Education \


The Advancing Education in Kentucky program was inaug-
urated with a three-day conference. The program IS
expanding and gaining momentum every day.

The Advisory Council on Public Education in Kentuck .
established by a combination of legislation and State 3031
of Education regulation. lt accomplishes the purpose of
providing advice and assistance to the Superintendent 0
Public Instruction from the district superintendents-

V was



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d. A series of four two-day Foundation Program Workshops
were held in May for the purpose of explaining the operation
of the program to administrators. This was highly successful.

e. The most progressive program of school legislation in recent
years was enacted during the 1956 session of the General

f. And, of course, this three—day School Law Conference in
which we are now engaged, under the guidance of Dr. R. R.
Hamilton, the nation’s outstanding authority on school law.

6. Consolidation and Construction

a. There were 350 one—room schools discontinued this year.

b. One hundred additional unsatisfactory classrooms were
A net gain of more than 750 new classrooms has been made.
. A majority of the school districts have building programs in

some stage of planning or construction.

The implementation of the Foundation Program this year and
the study of the educational situation have brought to the forefront
some problems in at least seven areas. I shall discuss these briefly

and recommend we seriously consider them for future legislative


_ First, the Foundation Program is a “dynamic” program, and its
flnancial requirements will increase as we improve the educational
prOgram for more and more boys and girls throughout the Common-

Second, we do not have enough trained teachers for our schools.

Third, we need additional classrooms to house our boys and girls.

'Fourth, more talented Kentucky boys and girls need the oppor-
tunities of training beyond the high school level.

Fifth, the Teacher Retirement System needs to be strengthened
and defended.

Sixth, the Free Textbook Law needs to be implemented through
adequate financing.
admgfvtmfli) the profession has the opportunity to improve the
COnstitllsltratlve structure of education through the adoption of the

1011al amendment which will be voted on in November, 1957.

1' The Foundation Program Must Be Kept Fully Financed
Hamill; Foundation Program is not a “static” program but is a
Serviees c one. The cost of the program wrllbe increased as more
units Willa? prov1ded for more boys and girls. More classroom
e needed as we solve the shortage of teachers and class-













rooms. More classroom units will be needed as we improve our
educational program and increase the pupil holding power of our
schools. More classroom units will also be needed as our enrollments
increase as a result of the increasing birth rate. The allotment for
instructional salaries will increase as our teachers are placed in
higher ranks because of a higher level of training. More transpor-
tation units will be provided as we advance our school consolidation
program and transport more rural boys and girls into larger and
more efficient school centers.

The General Assembly wisely realized that the cost would
increase from year to year and increased the appropriation for the
second year of the current biennium by $3,000,000. \Ve must realize
now that the appropriations for 1958-59 and 1959-60 must be sub-
stantially increased as the Foundation Program gains stature and

Our best estimate is that an additional 4 to 5 million dollars
will be needed during 1958-59 and an additional 8 to 10 million will
be needed during 1959-60 over the amounts appropriated for the
second year of the present biennium.

\Ve must also constantly evaluate the Foundation Program to
determine if the allotments for instructional salaries, other current
expense, transportation and capital outlay continue to be adequate'
These levels were set in 1953 before the constitutional mendmeflt
was voted. They are extremely conservative. Their adequacy must
be evaluated.

2. The Critical Need for Qualified Teachers

There is a critical shortage of trained personnel in all skilled
and professional fields. By 1965 there will be 10 million additional
jobs, and a college degree will be almost essential to the success 0f
the individual.

In no field of endeavor is there a more critical shortage than
in the teaching profession. The problem of providing the thousands
of additional teachers is a three—pronged one:

(1) Securing good teacher candidates .

(2) Providing salaries and working conditions suffic1entll’
attractive to retain teachers _

(3) Providing the college personnel and facilitle
training high caliber teachers.

5 for

1 6

There are some rays of hope, however, because recellfll th

attitudes of young people toward teaching have greatly 1111mm;
Teaching is now high 011 the job preference list. College em‘OHme



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in teacher education have increased more rapidly than the general
increase in enrollment. Interest in securing a college education is
deepening in the minds of more young men and women, and because
of the increasing birth rate there are more people in the college age

In spite of these latter two factors, it is an irrefutable fact that
of each 10 able high school graduates, 4 attend college, while at
least 3 of the remaining do not attend due to financial reasons.

We must be seriously concerned with this group. Here is the
source of many fine teachers.

lrecommend that Kentucky, just as 34: of her sister states have
already done, establislra scholarship program designed to aid
capable boys and girls to enter the teaching profession. I recom-
mend that we urge the General Assembly in its 1958 session to
implement a state-wide scholarship program providing at least one
thousand scholarships ranging from $400 to $700 annually for a
period of four years. These scholarships should require at least four
years of subsequent teaching in Kentucky. I am convinced this
step is absolutely essential if we are to secure qualified teachers to
staff our schools.

3. The Shortage of Classrooms

. The shortage of classrooms for the school children of America
15 rapidly becoming a national disgrace as well as a national tragedy.
We have a shortage of classrooms already for 5,000,000 American
children and we are continuing to fall behind at the rate of 50,000
ClaSSI‘Ooms a year. In Kentucky the situation is deplorable. We will
need to spend $350,000,000 in the next ten years to build the addi-
t1011al 10,000 classrooms that are needed and replace the 10,000
Classrooms that are inadequate, obsolete and unfit.

Where can we get the financial resources to meet this need?
0111‘ local school districts are making tremendous efforts to meet the
DTOblem. Sixty-two of our 221 school districts have special voted
takes for school building purposes above the $1.50 tax rate. On
51132:):0, 1956, the school districts were amortizing a revenue bonded

Bdness of $74,000,000 besides $1,896,500 in voted bonds.
ThevBEt the local school districts alone cannot meet the problem.
aneé lust look to the natlonal government and the state for ass1st-
DOlitiilaih: recent presidential election it appeared that the national
“'ithwh Gbate regarding schoolhouse construction was concerned

0 was respons1ble for the failure of schoolhouse construction












bills rather than the national obligation for providing adequate
classrooms for children. This leads me to believe that the next
session of the Congress will provide some type of federal aid for
schoolhouse construction. Alas and alack, however, no realistic
bill has ever been presented to the Congress, and Kentucky cannot
hope to receive enough in federal aid to meet substantially our
need for classrooms.

I am convinced that the solution to the problem in Kentucky
rests in a state-wide bond issue for schoolhouse construction. This
bond issue should be based on the needs of the various districts as
well as their ability to meet the needs. It should take into consider-
ation the efforts already made by school districts to meet their
building needs so that all districts will be treated fairly. It should
be large enough to meet the needs of the public schools as Well as
the state institutions of higher learning and the special state
schools. It should be presented to the people at the earliest possible
time. We have a committee of administrators who are working
diligently on this proposal.

4. Opportunities for Training Above the High School Level

The problems faced by higher education in Kentucky Wi11
become increasingly acute in the next few years. Enrollments are
already higher than they were at the peak of the veteran enrollment
after \Vorld War II. They will go even higher when the childl‘en
now crowding our elementary and secondary schools reach eollet’e
age. Three major problems which face higher education in Kell-
tucky are the need for more buildings, the need for more faculty:
and the need for additional programs of study.

Last fall we had 33,585 students enrolled in 40 institutions 0f
higher learning in Kentucky. In 1900 the comparable figure “’35
4,918. By 1920 enrollment had increased only to 6,379. During tile
decade of the twenties, however, it increased to 16,668. By 19501t
had become 28,878.

The estimated fall enrollment for 1960 is 50,200. It is estimated
that our higher institutions will need 2,000 additional faculty 1119”
bers by 1960 if the present student-faculty ratio is to be maintained
How can we adequately staff our colleges? _

Educational expenditures in Kentucky colleges were 51/2 mi
lion dollars in 1932, 7 million in 1942, 191/2 million in 1952 and W11
be an estimated 33 million dollars in 1960. The estimates for our
public colleges show a need for 25%; million dollars in 1960 01' an
increase of 91/2 million over 1954 public college expenditures.




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More buildings are needed for the students already enrolled
as well as for those Who Will arrive in the next few years. The
faculty shortage already is becoming critical. Additional programs
are necessary to keep abreast of our rapidly developing industrial
and agricultural economy.

The mounting enrollments do not mean that all who could
profit by a college education will receive one. I have already
pointed out that surveys have shown many of the most able high
school graduates are not going to college due to financial reasons.

Fundamentally, these are the same problems that face all
education — higher, secondary and elementary. Basically the same
type of action will be necessary to meet these problems at each edu-
cational level.

5. Teacher Retirement System

The Teacher Retirement System needs to be strengthened
through the addition of the so—called “fringe benefits” and through
an increase in the annuities of teachers already retired and those
who will retire during the next ten years before our Teacher Retire-
ment System reaches its full potential.

We have one of the finest Teacher Retirement Systems in the
country, or we will have as soon as the recent changes have taken
full effect.

It is as sound as a dollar. I have said on other occasions, and I
repeat at this time, that no man, I am convinced, in the entire his-
tory of public education in this state, has served a given sphere
mOI‘e ably than the Executive Secretary of our Teacher Retirement
System, Mr. N. O. Kimbler. I know you are distressed as I am at
the state of his health, and we all pray for his recovery and restor-
atmn to good health.

6' Free Textbook Law Appropriations Should Be Increased

Kent??? have had a program for the provision of free textbooks in
is beineofy over the last two decades. Unfortunately, that program
The coZt Segerely handicapped as a result of inadequate financmg.
Dui'chag (:1 textbooks, like the cost of every other item which we
at a rat:’t as increased, and state appropriations have not increased
0 prOVide the necessary textbooks for our children.

“mag; 0alimentary-pupil enrollment for the 19