xt7vq814r929 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vq814r929/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1941-03-10  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 10, 1941 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 10, 1941 1941 1941-03-10 2020 true xt7vq814r929 section xt7vq814r929  



minutes of the University denate e February 10, 1941

the Registrar would send Senate a summary of such


rules and uolicies before





- m
March 10, 114

L 4

The University Senate met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall
March 10, 1941. Fresident Cooner nresided.

The minutes of February 10 were read and annroved.
On recommendation of the University Council, the Senate ape
tion for an organization to be known as the Students” Art C
«L ‘r
' r

petition had been submitted in accordance with the Senate

and carried the signatures of 69 eligible students.

In the absence of a formal report for the month, Chairmen R. H, Weaver
informed the Senate that the Curriculum Committee had given considera~
tion to the request for apprOVal of Hygiene 51a and 51b. He stated that
the Committee had voted not to annrove Hygiene 51a, but that on request
of the College and the Department, additional time had been granted for
submitting more information on this course. He added that action on this
course would be reported at a later meeting of the Senate.

Chairman R. H. Weaver made the following report on the work of the Curric—
ulum Committee since its establishment:

“The Curriculum Committee was established at the March, 1938, meet”
ing of the University Senate. The committee consists f the chairman,
elected by the Senate, and nine other members, aptointed by the chairman,
subject to the apDIOVal of the President of the University. There are
five members from the College of Arts and Sciences, including one from
the social sciences, including nsychology, one from the physical sciences,
and one from literature, philosophy and the arts, and one from each of
the other colleges.

The function of the committee, to quote the resolution which estabw
lished it, is 'to examine existing courses and to make recommendations
to the Senate as to the need for and desirability of these courses; to
recommend to the Senate the action to be taken by that body to eliminate
duplication of courses between denartments and between colleges; and to
examine all pronosed new courses or changes in courses and to recommend
to the Senate the action to be taken to prevent future duplication of
courses and unwise expansion of the curriculum.‘

 Minutes of .ne University Senate ~ March 16, 1941

[he 1935~39 committee met 31 times

— . . O V
spending antrox1mately 60 hours

in session; the l939e40 committee met 2% times, suending anoroximately
50 hours in session; and the l’940v41 commn ttee has met 23 times, spending

anoreximately 35 hours in session. leost all of this time has been re- ll”
quired for the consideration of new courses and of Chang es in courses. , is
As the Various members of ‘ne committee have not been able to devote more . tf
time to the work of the committee, the function of examining the existing l
curriculum has been almost entirely nee filected. A list of live courses ‘.fi
was nnepared through coopera.tion with the various departments 3nd colleges rd:





of the University. AbboVePLlJ I1 many ce.ses a conscientious job was done, at;
but in others many dead and moribund courses were left in the list. A , ,
ct dy was msde of the courses dealing with statistics and a rearrangement Ht



f courses for a tria.l tweeyear neriod was agreed unon. Next year's com- , .
mittee will have to reconsider this question. The question of advertis~ -;fi
ing courses has also been investigated, but it annears tli.t no satisfac— _U~
tory solution of that nroblem has been reached. -H

7.1-4... .5.

The need for a thorough study of the University curriculum has bee
come more and more apparent to the committee. There apnears to be little
chance of making such a study unless the number of new courses to be con-
sidered by the committee be materially reduced or the members of the come

i“... 1" 1;.

.1. .1. urn-1- -__ -_*__h .1._. ,_- -... 1- --- __.‘..1.h-- .

mittee be given some reduction in teaching load for a sufficient time to ‘ ;;g
make the study. In addition, the committee would need some secretarial “1%


Since the committee was established in March and membershin is for mf

a onemyear term, chairmen have been elected at the March meetings of the ) b
Senate and the new committees have taken over as soon as they could be 'g”t
organized. This has resulted in a great deal of waste effort and in de— (_fi
lay in the consideration of courses New committees have had to start "3:1
over on the consideration of courses to which the nrevious committee had 55"
given considerable time. We are recommending, therefore, that the time -‘til
of election of the chairman be changed to the regular May meeting of the .“[1


Senate and that the new committee t9 file office with the beginning of the
fall semester.

The committee has onerated under a set of self—imposed principles.
They are as follows:

1. Whenever the committee makes any recommendations to its Senate
concerning which the committee is divided, it is recognized that the
minority has the right to nresent a minority report.


2. Whenever the committee decides to make an unfavorable recommen- ' 1 d
dation to its Senate concerning Droposed new courses or changes in courses, ,p
or a recommendation involving the elimination of courses from the curricu- J t‘1
lum the dean of the college concern ed will be immediately notified of the '
recommendation to be made.

3. When a course is being considered about which the committee feels
there may be come doubt or conflicting interests, it will be the burpose
of the committee to consult members in other denartments who may be inter-
ested as well as the nerson prOposing or teaching the course.


“151.1%" ‘__., ~ "4.11. A A ~

___,1_ _,‘ “:11- 11—7


 . .__m ‘_


. . u ‘ -. “ yh a: ._ 1“?“ z
Minutes a: the bniversitfi SEflflb: - Caron lC, ipd: 1
* ~m . r , ~ if ;- , ,, n r r «i . —: r“
4. :nenever any member Q; the committee J10 1 swecizi intc-est in g
the deoi. si on t :; 'L' e me e oxgzn cerz'1in a co urse , 5 mod: Fl :3 3 C ; i pier M
himself disnualified from voting in 5L6 dPClSth or t-e committee. inch '
~ 1 i ' A if ,. .m ‘ w”- 4. x .. e. / ,n r" , . ' -
member shall be c*rs:dereo, however, as nev1nb a right to be uenrd 0L


the q nestion.


5. In oerforming his duties as a member of the committee, each
a v


member shall c neider himSelf rcoresentetive

., it _, " ¢ “—4.: .i r '1 ~ ‘1 ‘ nnw'n w
WhOle Ta’pfliil' 125411; OI any 73"},‘fblcll4vnr college 01 Gene: talent.

n | ~

5. The members 0: the cemmittee will regard the deliberations of
s e


the committee and the nerstsnl oninions exnre.
so strictly confidentiali

7. A roQuest to the r the anorOan of a new course or the
S ‘


'ssion to the ccmmi tee be accom~

, l 1
nanied by a stwtement of the n;ed ior the course, by comelete outline
q , , c

nonroximate time to br snent noon

k 1
,_ .

h are (or can be


each tonic, and by a bibliogranhy of course materials whi

made) eyeils oi tnis course. A later int rnretation


ole anniied i' 'or increase of in a


of this nrinc‘

course as weir as to reouests for GUVFCVQl of new courses.

x"sfied that the last nrincioel has been worth

H .

The committee



while. It ha: resUJ ed in a more careful consideration

before they are oresented t the com» ttee and in the furnishin
i o '

o i
committee with informat'on wn ch enables it to act more
intelligently. e
mittees and sho

id "e carefully filed. If the committee is to continue
to function ' e n r

.ds a budget which will allow the on


(D H

<+ (I)



$324 ‘


ifl‘ ,









Of a filing cab COVE]? mimeografihlng GXDEHSBS.
Summaries have been made to s

V 7 ‘ r‘ n
now the worn of the 1936cj9
1nd 1940*41 committees (see Tables)

. 9"
huring the term of th 1935~39 CO!"
mi ttee there Was a net increase of oo.4 credits in the regular curriculum “
of the University. During the term f the 193 ~40 committee there was a ,.
net increase of 161.3 credits. Actually, the increase to the teaching
lead was Drobably not as great as this figure would indicate, because


a,b,c, and d sections are included for a number of Seminar courses. Dur»

ing the term of the l940~4l committee, there has been a net increase of
5.7 credits.



ee hopes that the statistics for this year may be inter~
Dreted as meaning that we are sporoaching a 'balanced budget' as far as
course offerings are concerned. At least for the nresent it annears
that the addition of new courses should be balanced by the dronning off
of old courses. Perhaps a moratorium on new courses for long enough to
allow a reevaluation of our old offerings would be worth while.




During the three years u. the committee's existence. there has been
q net increase of 254.4 credits in the regular University offerings.





These figures do not take into account changes that were made in aonrov-
ing the list of live courses. An additional 41 credits have been aboroved
P . «u. v. " r- I. A" " ' '

tor the Summer bession and 4/ credits have been given temoorary enproval.


en courses dove been diSaDorcvei unon recommendation of the committee and


 Minutes of the University Senate ~ March 10, 1941 l, W


eleven were withdrawn after tney had been nresented to the committee° W‘













lb“ When the records were investigated to obtain data for this reoort, ‘l l:
, ' it became evident that certain courses have been and are being offered '7‘
in violation of the tyne of annrovul given by the Senate. 'l
Although Music 133. Function of Musi~ in EduCation (3), was it

ennroved for the 1938 summer SGUSlOQ only, it was also offered in 1939 Ht

and is still being carried in tne catalog as a live course. ‘fi.


Although Education 252. Field Problems in Music. (I), was aonroved it

for summer session only, it was offered during the regular session in {$
1938~39, 1939—40, and 1940~41. ‘i«
Although gusto ggi,‘ghorel Literature and Egphnioue. (2) was V'i»

ennroved for summer session Only, it was offered during the regular see" ,h

sion in 1939e40 and 1940e4l. i


0 Although Education _.’_2_6Q__ Teaching Consumer Course}: .12 £92 3.33:1 School. i
(2) was aporoved for the 1939 summer session only, it 'as offered a C26 j

(3) in the 1940 summer session. “ iii


Although Engineering fliElPiStréEEEE 101. Law for Engineers. (3) was gdt

annroved ‘To be taught by a member of the Law College Faculty', it has i

been taught by members of the Engineering College staff. "' f


There may be other violations, ‘t:

1 ill

/” Although the Registrar's Office, the Summer Session Office. and the ihi

Deans' Offices nrobably should have detected these violations, the commit~ .lli

tee believes that the.denartment should be nrimarily resnonsible for the ,1”

legality of all courses that are offered.



In order that the students may not suffer, the committee recommends ‘ ' h

, ii

a that the Senate authorize credit for students who have registered in these f
" courses. . .u

The committee also desires to call the Senate's attention to a danger h”
to the Senate‘s jurisdiction over 'Determination of curricula, authori23~ I
tion of new courses of study and changes in courses of study'. (Governing
reguhitions of the University). Courses may be changed so that essentially
new courses are offered under old numbers. Certain examnles of this tree“ l“

tice have recently been Called to the attention of the committee." M
Signed e Francis Gallewey Cecil C. Carpenter .
Huntley Dunre Frank Murray if?
Hobart Eyland C. C. Ross :
Stetie Erikson Srinkley Rarnett A
Arthur C. McFarlan R. H. Weaver, Chm.

It was called to the attention of the Senate in the annual TGDOrt of the g't


Curriculum Committee that according to nrevious tractice the chairmen of , r
the Curriculum Committee was to be elected at this meeting of the Senate. '
Following a reCOmmendation of the Committee, the Senate voted thet the

Committee as now constituted serve throughout the remainder of the school ' 3,3
year, thet the new chairman be elected at the Mn] meeting, and that the l


 _- ”.2

--.‘--w ‘57 »












H - ‘ l (1 w . .1. ,. its ‘ .1 1’ 1 ’l
fixinute : or the _u;vers1ty senate - “~TCA i3. 194~


. . . l . it
‘ ‘ * ‘ ' ,1 f - v ‘r‘ :. 2 *q r 115’!" TH." 1 7" _‘-‘_.._:‘I'> T ‘7? \r '11 “I! 3
comnnqttee cmw:oi L31 5%! crla.rmao De: 1 iti‘ 4J-11 i” 1H,‘J,.u1ci. i“;
i , , . . p
)xL- ‘3“ *3 I“ r i'.” “‘"1‘ «wire 1,1'hf‘ "tzxrs. inert)! ""43
Geunte elso v-1e VJ autuorize cresiu to snidehds ,MJ onus tmleo U4”

" ' ' 7 4.‘ rx .1. j . 1 T
conrzses mentioned in Lee reoort o: toe qurliCflth ugfe


been offered in Viol )tjon of ‘he conu1t13ns under ‘ oriqlfi—
‘ ' ’ o ' 7' ' ' C or v i s 7‘7 r “7 I: " “'i “th T 1ml»: (17* H“""YT?!1I F11? 'bl‘xp '3 br v.7:
511. 137 ’217‘tI‘L)Vt:C1 Dy; tilt? Jul: ‘u: ~ :1 .141. Lu‘y’ , u u 2.1, ,, , x. 1, V ,._ c - .i 1., , .1 V

.. . 1 fl- 1; _.H. u N fir .:v+
two recommendwtiuos in tie nnnu l renoru oi use curlieolum pommltoee,

' ‘ ’. L 1, .e .. _,1 ,.\,.J..
t;1e 30311711363 voted to new) time :31? L111.» rework).

The Senate next gave attention to the rules rni noministretive oo11c1e:
. V ~ . . —. . , _ 1 m Tau -;;. am... “all
observem in toe admission of students to toe quiversiuy. xuese 1u1es

' ‘ ‘ ' * .' . V . _ ,‘ .3 :- 44}, r'V I”?
end DOllCleS had been mimeog‘qnnei and sent to the memoels Oi bud bennue
‘ " ~ \,1' ‘.s .' m s +-_
orior to the meeting. Wits resoe .ct to tues, noiieies and rule“, the
Senete gave its QU“TOV31 to time following MOSLOD:

”The Senate nerebv authorizes a study, and if necesserv e revision,
of Universitv admission nolicy end rules. This study end rev1sion is to
be conducted by e senate committee of seven members, which the ”resident
is hereby requested to enooint. She committee is to retort nrt later
than the regular November meeting or the :en? te. $endinv this reoort
uni the action thereon, tue Senate n r r
ist.ative Policies Observed in the Admission oi Stufients t; Joe Univer~
sity of Keutu CKV' as they have hereto

The rules and oolicies approved in toe above ac tion are made 9 Dart of
these minutes:





‘ ‘ 4.1 w,
rite TDTOVlCle tzlat


The rules of the Univers' v 80
l u





wdmission to the freshmen C


t e a
oresent 15 ecceotmble hien school
units, includiuz three in nngl q i


, on



in algebra,




etry. Not more than four units


offered from to


cellqneOus groun. This is eouivslen saying that at least

H‘ C‘.‘ D"

1.1 CA-

.. 8

is of study;

must be ottere d tie the six major f i.
s r119 me thematics, and the natural selenc.

guage, seeiil

Certain limiteti ons ere olaoed on toe number of units that ay be accented

in a hartiColnr subject. (See catalog or Senate rules)
1. 'Reiiieot freshmen.

a. Grodustes of accredited nigh schools who liv ve in Kentucky
and whose work conforms to the ebove be ttern are afimitted irresoeC'
tive of the duality of their work. (Senete Rule) Hoxvever, some


effort is made to discourage s'



f unusually low ability in
attemnting college work,

b‘ fentUCkY afitliCents wn? oresent fifteen ecceota ble units,
but who have not graduated from hisl school, must oass the entren nce
examinations. (Senate Rule) The examinations referred to here and
in subseoueut neravrsohs ere the three niecement tests given all
new students. They cover general scholastic an otitude, English, and
mathematics. By nessing these tests is meant the attainment of a





 Hinutes of the Universitv Senate - March 10, 1941

decilc rank of seven or better on each, or an average nnnroximating 1

m his standard. _ ‘ if;

c. Kentucxy non~accredited schools must nnss the


entrance examinations in eidition to submitting the fifteen accents“
ole units. (Senate Rule)

2. Nonresident freshmen.





in order to be admitted without examination, on out~of~stote H‘W
.4 -. n.. ‘l
annlicent must renx in the unner two~thirds OI his high school :
class. Annlicants who lave not attained this rank are given an on— Mi
nortunitv to take the entrance examinations where it is convenient "W
for them to do so. They are not encouraged to come to Lexington N

from any great distance to take these examinations. The nractice
of sending the examinations away to be given by school officials has

proved unsatisfactory and has been abandoned. (Administrative Policy) . w



‘ll With the excention noted in the nreceding neragranh, nonresident
annlications are handled in all resnects in the Same way as those
from resident students.


3. Conditional admissions to the freshman class. 5



In a few cases, where all factors seem to warrant such a nro— " l
cedure, epnlicants are given conditional admission to the freshman ha
class even though they do not meet completely the requirements Out—
lined above. The tyne cases are es follows:

a. The student who lacks either the unit of algebra or the

unit of nlene geometry, but otherwise presents a satisfactory ennli- ‘l

cation. Such a student is admitted nrovisionally, on the basis of ~l'

high school graduation and fifteen accentable units, and is given ‘

one year in which to make un the deficiency. He is not readmitted ‘

u at the beginning of the second year unless the deficiency has been ‘ I '
T” cleared. A nrovisionnl admission of this kind may be allowed when 1-”l
either the algebra or geometry unit is lacking, and in very excen~ ‘Wd

tional cases, when both are lacking. (Senate Rule) ’ 4 l


b. The student who nresents the basic units, but who Cannot
submit fifteen acceptable units, even though he has graduated from - fl
high school. A case of this kind is usually the result of an ex~ 'H
cess amount of work in the vocational or miscellaneous grOun. Where .1XV
all other factors are favorable, an annlication of this kind may be . '
accented with a deficiency of from one-half to one and one—half
units. Against this deficiency is charged from 2 to 6 credits of
college work ner unit, denending on the ouqlitv of work done by
the student in the University. (Council Internretation, Sentember 5
16, 1932, and Administrative Policy) "_:

c. The student who takes the examinations for entrance and
does not make a clear case for either admission or failure. If
other factors seem to warrant, such 9 student may be given a condi—
tional admission to the freshman class. In order to be readmitted,


the student must do satisfactory college work. (Administrative , ‘qfl
Policy) ‘

._ A k.u__ r... ._


















man C
and t

. -V .L
8:; ()3. Bl

these n


lass is neVer


to at rove one with m

o insist that the st 1*ori fo

ver the dellCipJCY aonroximntes or
.3 . . _ 2 #1." \
(Aiminietrativc PuLlLY)



1 . , n ,H u
1. residents I Kentucflv.
_-——-._.-_‘ —._._ a—‘—_ H“ —— M

W. ‘ t is acce nteu on

from, or in on nrobatio¢ ht ancstxier

accented unless no can snow en


b. In weneral toe trans fer si:
standing of l.0 in all collere work


c. In some Ceses, ween other
aimitted on t

ttainment of

Unlicant is ran


tuck V

1.0 Such ssions are

ion demenii ng on the e
istznt ve Policy)

. ‘ ' J ,' ‘ .. .. ~ .1 ‘x 3;
rov151onel aumLSsiens to toe LTESJ"

are then one tyne oi aeiiciencv

r additi

exceeds a malfoveor of hirh school
A ~ 1 -
Chonsicr wno Has been orowuei
instititfon, nor is a Ctgdent
r ble dischargea (Administretivv

udent is exnected BO nreSent n

1 I -
taxen else where- \Admin.o*~iuive

factors seem to vverrent, a Ken~
sfer with a standing below the

aanys nrovisiozi 11, with readmi5*

a satisfacto or: standing. (Admin*

2. Noov25.cer‘c with advanced standing.
A nonresident student is th admitted on trqu,fei unless me

a 1.0
tile nonresident transfer
the Kentucky

has maintained standing on 21
nolicies as student.

reary, 19fl0>

trans fer ca.ses not COvereC
the Universitv

3. All
ted to

more or 1r,.S
deternli ned in accordance w
fer student is 9i

V mer3 a

(An Senavc=
in commuting

oints. nro

counted the stu

work done at a aCC

i ed credit for (Adm

to be classi

f a regional accrediting

onDroveo list of the st te un‘

Advanced standing from a

be meteriined bv the nolicv of the
institution in whi h the collep e is

an unaccreuited college may be obta
0 r1 1 If

ky by sneciel subject examinat

l collegze1.work tMce ClSfiTLGT'.
is handled ccording to tne same
(Administrative Policy since Feb~

EUtCIdtiCR lly er nd theii advance
ith the followi 1:; nolicy; A tr.ns

dva 7.1ced he can present

ove tare granhs ere


credits as

Vides that advai ced credit Vill
dent's standing for graduation.)
rediied olleze or univers itv is
inistrative Policy)

a college must be
or it must be on the
ty of the state in which it is
college not fully annroved will
strte university or equivalent
located. standing from
ined at the University of Kentucs
(Administrative Policy)


10118 A






lit" C

lei} ,
”inutss of the University Senate ~ March 10, 1941 ;r;
l Ill. Alhlstlffi iO PARlICCLlE COLLEGES H
l. gpldfififii.05 Arts and Sciences eni Agriculture. ' 1:

Any'student admitted to the University in accordance with the

above nolicies is eligible to enroll in either of these colleges.

2. Colleges f Engireering and Commerce. -”t
Any student admitted to the University in accordance with the .,H
above policies is eligible to enroll in either of these colleges, l
nrov1dei his st using on the three entrance examinations is not in t”
. A . l (W
the two lower deCiles. (ecllege nules) ‘L
3. Colleve of Education. b
*_”““ “““""“W”*“ m,
. . . 1 ., . , - —, . . s ,
AdmiSSion to the freshman Class of the College of Education is %
limited to students ranking in the utter eighfiruercent on the three t
. . ,. , . . - ‘1L
entrance examinations. In oruer to transfer to the College of Fouca— h
. ..,_ . . . . , . , - . El.-
tion from another institution or from another college oi tne Un1ver~ t
sity, a student must have a standing of 1.0 or higher. (College Rule) t~
4. College of Law. it
In order to be admitted to the College of Law, a student must ' 3
offer sixty semester hours, exclusive of nhysical eduCation and mili~ ft
tary science, six of which must be in English. (Senate Rule) Records 5
are eValuated carefully in terms of the following regulations of the fi]
. . . ~ -, - ‘ll
Association of American Law bcnools: ”A Candidate shell nresent at M
- , . r H}.
least sixty semester hours of college work tanen in a school, anuroved m"
by standard regional accrediting agencies, and exclusive of credit QM,
earned in nonetheory courses in military science, hygiene, domestic W
. v ‘1;
arts, DhYSiCHl education, vocal or instrumental music, or other courses V”:

without intellectual content of substantial value." (Administrative

‘ Policy)

The minimum qualitative requirement for admission to the College
of Law is a 1,0 standing in all nrevious work. However, in accordance '-l
with a request of the College, apnlicants are not ordinarily accented
unless they can offer a standing of 1.3 or higher in all urevious

work. (Administrative Policy)


Graduatasof fully accredited institutions of higher learning are ad—
mitted to the Graduate School unon evidence of graduatiOn and an official 1,
transcrint of undergraduate courses. (Senate Rule) However, such admis—
sion does not obligate the University to accent all credit granted by the
undergraduate school. When full credit is not granted, the student is re~
quired to do more than the normal amount of work to complete requirements
for a graduate degree. (Administrative Policy)

Annlications from schools not fully accredited are individually eval~
uated. If all factors seem to warrant, the student may be admitted with

extra credit reouired, the exact amount denending unon his subseouent ‘5]
record in the Graduate School. (Administrative Policy) “

~ a)“. i-..,













7 ".:( _’\"‘l
J, An Io it»
Tut rLl~

uni v e r :t i 1; 7 Jr
and thwt other hereon:
ere nrccered to do toe

One years of age. (E:

In the admiristra


as graduate work.
only to those stu

graduate scnoo

toward an undergra“

2. All an licati
carefully investi
dent, he is urged
eeson for the in
ercial credi
son is tint etude
dentials neceSSnr
as sneciol studen

.~ &»
[I u

uslme Cimxiit i’


3. After comelet‘

student may,

neivilege, be
lowing conditions

9. If Ema he
stituted for ertr

its for each entr

If he ha
ted with

c. in any e
SnLisfv enur~nce

vhe subject

5 tang
include twelve or



" ' ~= ‘ ‘ ‘ 4-» ‘7 4 ”4.3; .. -
mav be aduitted as stealal SUJQFNIS nzo iced tney

’ ‘ .1 ..,‘ .. V _‘ "' ,.— ,_ 1- 1‘ ,l,‘ ‘L . V W;
work deSLreu and urotidec toe? Ala aw ladfib twenty~

.5 \
mate rule;

tion of this rile, the followixv U0llClGS ere ob~


is nermitted to count his credit thus earned
It is assumed thot graduate creui o
dents who have established thei admissio

earned as a snecial student may be sonliei
e degree whenever the student has sa'

admission resuirements. (Administrative Poli

O I:


fgr admission as snecial students are ratne"
d l s
to do so by filing the necessary C“ed

"tud.nt can qualify as a regular st ”
vestigation is thxt nersons nlannini l
t racket“ usually enroll as sneciels. Another rea~

nts woo do not Wisn to Dotner WltA ge“

A- n m . U‘ 7 ~' -' m v ' J- " - “a - f‘ . ’ w . l n ' ‘ ». i

y :o: acnissiou Eu ohc graduate senooi Mill enroll
‘v , A .-_ ~

ts WHO later WTLUESC l 0

he work.

ing the first three years of the course a snecial
recommended by the faculty of nis college for the
«dusted rs a regular student unon either of the fol-

s a standing of 1.5, his Ltra credits may be sub"
ence deficiencies a e ster cred"
ence unit not yet satis” l



3 made a standing of 2.4 for tne course, he will

out being renuirei to make up his entrance deficien"

r be sele
College of Arts and Sciences. TH'
ed'ts in college English. (Senate Rule)

vent, at least thirty credits, whether 13

conditions 0 for graduation, mus

ht in tne

A distinction should be made between the cart“
time student end the snecial Student. % sue“


cial student may be and usually is a part—time
student. ;ne Dartstime student, on t“! 0

hand, mny De either a 31 or regular stu—

e i
dent, denendi-g unon whether or not he has met
tll C

‘e regular recuirement' for admission.



 Minutes of the University Senate — Huron 10, 1941 9


VI. AALIeSl‘s £3 1L
-‘ 5y nayment of the required fees any nerson may be uimitted to a class ,W
‘ or classes as an auditor. According to the Senqte rule, a student reguleJ '
1y enrolled in any college must annly to the Dean of the college in which
he is registered in order to be an iuditor. Other nersons should ant-1y
the Registrar's Office for admission. (Senate Rule)



No credit is ever given for a audited, nor is the student ner-

c s ,
mitted an exeminati or for credit. (Senate Rule) ‘ m?


"II. AU‘IMILJI [113 A 14-11:. ‘IN‘LT S‘l‘UD'ii-j


Students who ere candidates for d _rees in ther institutiors are, un~ H

der certain conditions, admitted to the Urmi Versity for a narticular term or .fi
semester as transients. Under sucn conditions, the student does not submit , lh
his credentials and establish himself as a regular student. 1115 me .i he -h
oifers a letter from his institution showing that he is a regular student it
in good standing. If his record is ooor the letter must include the Dermis~ it
sion of his iiistitution to take the desired work at the Univer sitv of Ken~ ‘:.h
tucky. (Administrative Policy) ‘ fl
. .5.


Eote: The transient student is, in a. sense, a special, lh

but he is c19531fied differently because he Can- i

not in all onses mxet the minimum age requirement i

for admission as a snecinl student." it

Prof W;

ssor Latimer read to the Senate the following sts tement resnecting
in the rules governing this body: l
"The present Senete rules were nrinted in 1936. Some of the important it
rules were not included and of course there have been many changes and new 'L
rules since that time. It will probably be necessary to renrint the Rules
. in the near future and this will require a new comnilation. Some of the in
a old rules will need changing to corresnond to the amendments and additions I ..
' enacted by the Senate within the last five years and in some cases a revi~ - 4%
sion may he desire ble. i

This work will take a great deal of time and is too much work for one
committee. Therefore, I move the t the President be emnowered and rec nested
to select and annoint three committees to do this work and renort to the
Senate. ‘ Vt


The iirst committee having to do with the rules; now nrinted in Parts
IV, V, VI and VII of the 1936 edition of the Senate rules. Thes 3 rules are
concerned with the work of the student after admission and include 'Reouire”
ments for Graduation', 'Grades and Honors', 'Eules Relating to Studies' and , ‘
'Exeminations‘. .,l

The second committee to be concerned with the rules now nrinted as U

Sections VIII to XIV of the 1936 rules. Ehese rules cover student activi—
ties and discinline and also include the rules anulicable to Dhysical educa-

. — . . . I
tion and military sc1ence.

. 1. :1?!" _‘.-1f___1_ . _‘ A. ‘1‘"











l 1052




, . . 1 T ' .‘ ', _ 7“ J. , " ’:' v l 1 ’ 1 Cl /‘ .1
Minutes of tee UniverSiLv mentte _ narcn i0, L}%1
the Laird comuittee to be charged Witn tne ceileCtion eno euclicar
" ‘ ' ' ‘ - ~ w m L- .;W m fi?.rm w-4u 2"
Lion, Wlflu rcViSion weere necessary. or the ILles a;mii_5 tron o-nate
' ‘ ‘ "' ' ‘ n l w l r . i
orpenization an: mowers, Yltu soeczrl reierence to x it 0Tb uh cemqu-
Dr .

tee system now in use.

L would like to and that in all cases where there are sufgsr
changes that the recommendation to the senate for such changes shall he
cirCULatei to members of the senate in the usual manner at l

before the matter snail be subject

’ "7
( I

On motion, duly seconded, the recommendat

were nooroved.

Profevsor iontius requested that he
meetinvs include tne order of business in so


in advance. It was und rstood the




“r ."7" ".131 {’7"‘
ll! SLAAib

' 2


ine University Senate met in the ASSembly Room of Lefferty Hall Tuesday,
Avril 22, 1941. President Cooner Dresided.


With one minor correction, the minutes of March 10 were aporoved as reaa.

Professor B H. Weaver read to the Sennte the following report from the. ‘
Curriculum Committee: 1

”The College of A

s and Sciences recommends the following chanres
in the Denortment of s


JTOD EPXEEEE 10~ Elementary prerimental Physics (5)


Exoand Enysics 3a,b. General College Dhysics. from (4,4) to

The descriotions of the exoanded courses are as follows:

Physics 3%. General College Physics. An adVanced e
cov ring Hechanics, Wave Motion and Heat. Lectures and recitations,


four hours; laboratory four hours.

Prereocisites: College Algebra, Trigonometry, Analytics, College Chem~ ~
istry, Mathematics 20a, concurrent.

3b“ General COllege PhTSios. An advanced general cours
new sm, Electr