xt7vq814r701 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vq814r701/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-03-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 2001 2001 2001-03-26 2020 true xt7vq814r701 section xt7vq814r701 Word up


The owner of the NBA's
Vancouver Grizzlies
is considering moving
his team, which will
lose between $40-
550 million this year,
to Louisville.

The pro team could be
sponsored by
Kentucky Fried
Chicken. Officials are
kicking around the
idea now that the
team he called the
"Kentucky Colonels"
(Why not Kernels?)

The team’s new arena
would also be
shameless self-
promotion for KFC, as
it would be called the
"KFC Bucket."

Apparently, the team
would also have a
roster of it players,
each nicknamed after
one of the Colonel's
ll herbs and spices.

This has got to be one of
the stupidest ideas I
have ever had.

What's next?

-Bad Gimmick iii

USC hits the skids and
has to find corporate
sponsorship for the
basketball program.
Of course. one
company comes to
the rescue: Trojan
Condoms. Yes, rather
than some out‘of-
date Trojan soldier.
the team's mascot
would be "Lucky
Latex," the Trojan

-Bad Gimmick ttZ

The Toronto Raptors
manage to quickly
move up in the
rankings when they
begin a co-promotion
with the upcoming
movie, "Jurassic
Park III." Apparently,
the team owner
figured out that real
raptors, when bred
by Canadian
scientists, fouled a
lot harder than Vince

-Bad Gimmick 833

The American Medical
Association hops on
the sponsor
bandwagon and picks
up the Indiana
Pacers, renaming it
Microwaves are
forbidden from all
concession stands.

-Bad Gimmick M

After the demise of the
Mir space station, the
Russian government
decides to pick up
the tab for the
Houston Rockets.

-Bad Gimmick #5

The Denver Nuggets
decide to get some
financial backing. A
smile is put on the
face of every Denver
fan when McDonald's
hops into the NBA
and renames the
team, the Denver
Chicken McNuggets.
The new head coach:
Ronald McDonald.

-Scott Sloan

it 2.8

Would it be too much
to ask for some warm

Kentmfiii i;

VOL. 33106 ISSUE 38123

News tips?

Call: 257-l9l5 or write:







Student sails into
family busines


‘ ‘s s :{s
a 't,




Left to right: Charles Jones, Ben Bernstein, Brent Menefee and Kerry Snowden stand aboard the Belle of Cincinnati. Bernstein is a business man-
agement freshman at UK. This summer he will be in charge of the Mark Twain and River Queen riverboats in the BB Riverboats fleet.

Cruisin': Freshman started working for the family business

at the age of 13 as an assistant to the personnel manager

By Becky Heisel


l'K stutlents have a \'ariet\ nf' sum
mer itihs‘ linetl up. really to hegin t)li("' ti
nals are over. Waiting nn tahles. “taking
at summer camps as munselnrs; the list
goes (ill and (in.

But Ben Bernstein. a hiisiness man
agement freshman. might have tillt‘ til' the
most unique summer inhs waiting fur
him. He will he in eliarge til the Mark
Twain antl River (Queen riverboats in the
BB Riverhnats fleet.

Bernstein is a riverhnat captain.

"lt's weird.” Bernstein sairl. "l'm Itt.
anrl l have the same license as this giiV
whose heen Working ltil' tin \‘ezit‘s. He‘s
like 78 years tiltl."

Bernstein is the vtiungest captain in

Lee Conrad, a can-
didate for senate at
large and a political

science junior.
hangs up posters in
preparation for the


BB Bivei'lmats, it nnt wit the Uhie River
l’rnspei-tive t'iiptains must he at least in
tears ultl it) heemne lteenseil,

'l'lieV tiiust alse grarluate Irrnni a ll
t'enseil preparatnrv \t'llttttl tilt the ("east
tiuzirtl. They must have .tIIT) eight liriur
(lays ltiggetl nn hnartl. antl nnlx t‘t‘Illse
time t-niints. (‘riiise time is time artnallV
spent piloting the hunt. nut ilneketl.

They aim have to he (‘I’R eertit'ietl.
have three letters til remmmenrlatinn
from nther river captains. and he ilriig

"'l'hat's all just tn get lllV initial ll
i'ense." Bernstein said, "'l'n get upgratleil l
have tn tle it all over again "

lie is lieensetl tn eaptain ships lll‘I inns
tir iinrler While eaptain. he is responsihle
lhr everything that goes nn ahriaril. llit‘llltl
ing a ere“ utiirtiiintl 2t, I)enple

Arr-ertling tn Bernstein. Ilt’ilii‘lll\ p:
lilting the heat is net tlif‘tii-iilt. hiit llii' king
«an he a eliallenge,

"'l‘he :iitiial wit in
mater is lint tniigh I'l‘he
twat] tlttesit‘t t‘eai‘t like i
tar. tliniigli ” Bernstein
stiltl ”li tilil\ LIlt“,\ si‘x tit
eight miles per hour
()nee \ttll ll'\ n, maneii
\'t‘i' liai'k intn Iltil'k it gets
tricks "

lle hail ti: learn tn
compensate tnr Wlli’l and
t'lli'i‘t‘ltis till the river But
Bernstein inth tune hail an advantage
mer other prnspet-tix'e eaptains

lle git-u up wit the river. because his
family nuns BB Rixerlmsits llis granilta
ther startetl the mmpanx in IT“

”I've lil"‘ll \wrking slllt'f' l was H
V‘Iil‘s tiltl.” Bernstein s irtl ~l stiit‘tetl till
helping the persenne‘i manager. then


See BOAT on 2

Meet the candidates | page 3


The Student NewspapeL Wsiolieky lXiMJWi



DMX stars

Steven Seagal
in movie I 8

photo shoot

At issue: Some students say
interviews reflect poorly on UK

By Andrew Grossman

:22 :‘iv' em >' ' ..

With Nat/mi st lieilnleil tn phettigraph
l'l\' .winen this week. in up. tin uunpiis take
issue \\Illi tht r-iillege illt‘lII" ‘IIlll the girls
‘.‘.lttii lllili\i‘ m iniitleitiiilt'

'1 he .‘Hil'h'li “he ‘.\'Ill .ippe'n in l'ltigrlitn
-lit «II l'lx' stiittents. and Tilt". will he tea-
tnrwl In l’ltii/mi \ reitresetitatives
til ll‘.

'I‘In. it is .. iiiseil quit” a stir tin ezimpns.
‘i'.lII‘l" iii in. xanien feel that the shunt will
-" ”W I varn. wit the girls and the l'nix'ers‘itv

"I nits. .in'ls ,ire trashv’” saiil \liiiiitiue
i urti ipte phat lII.It'\' freshman "'l‘lie_\"re
ill i2, Ils'in,’ tlieiiiselyes liiiik lhlll H
\‘IM (tine. the presitlent tit I‘K's ll'enii
.' \i int i, .s Illlil k tn illillli nut that the

a» n. iking ,l rhuii‘e tn .ippear :uitle

ll ~Jillit' .t'ixs. it «an lie \‘er‘. 'lllphl"?

' .‘ wire-ii. Ill’l tlie‘; niike «l ~.(lt"l’ .Ile xl (if
‘. 'li’illl,1 if she saitl

ttii‘.e lls') pitints til” that l'l/Il/M/W, s pup
'Ii .1 it; is I ietlet'tien «it sw‘ietx "l‘hes'e
.- mar. gn'e senrling the message illili their
wiles vie then must iinptiitant .isset, nrtt
ttiee IIIIIlIl wr tlieii persnnalm "

\"\“iill wanen feel that using the I'm
'.'ersit\' 'is .i theme
A ill tellert pi’tttl'lV Hit
the st lllilil

'lhe \llt’ilil
il'tesnt retleit the
I“ isi Ins l'll' liigheri :I
;. lll‘tll ” stitl Katha

'ri‘m, ipiilit‘li .iE st;
we ll"sl.illl'l lt
.st makes l'K lrmk
‘ ‘ Isll‘» "

This is geittg lit
iii einphasi/e l'K as a
Iv irning institutien,"
“lt pit»
in Iit's l'k unmen as
r. Itlnng inure than
V \ tiltiei'ts ..


‘l rlrznt think it
retlet ts li:irll\ tin ['K.
Itetaiise (invent-
«he's reatling the
i:.ag.i/ine is iust as
"aslix as the \wiiien
't'. he. purse ttit‘ If.

She .irlils that it s
l-Ii slll‘ltl‘lslllfg' that
/‘//li'/)Iit has (linsen
in tin its tin ('iillegiate
winter. far its

"'l‘hex inst ex
pinit anmne thm ran. and these girls are let
ting themselves get exploited." she said.

(Ilix'e, who works ex’tens‘ively (in femi-
nist issues. times have a few wurrls‘ tifilefense
fer the magazine

“It‘s. the girls” eheit‘e." she said. “Play-
hmk a business . we can‘t tell them they're
nut alluvierl tn tr\ tn make money.”

'l‘his plinth shunt vs Ill help Playboy con-
tinue its annual issue at r‘ellegirite women.
This 'M‘ftl‘ s erlitinn. "( iirIs (if the SW will
feature unmen frnm earh schiml in the
Stilllllt'lisli‘l'll ('nnt‘ei‘ent e The issue is
slaterl I'nr release in August

girls are
They are

- Monique Carter,

(t i‘."' saul






z I MONDAY. MARCH 26, 200i” l



He’s a

pal. Steve Mart
to People.

describing his


The Low-down

Car bombs kill more than 20

RttS'I‘ltvrttertUN. Russia 'I‘Iii'ee
bomb stuffed cars exploded altnost simultane-
ously Saturday, killing at least 21 people and
injuring more than lint in the worst act of ter
ror to hit Russia outside warring t‘hechnya
in months Russian tilllt‘l‘dlS aeciisetl (‘het‘hen
insurgents of the bombings in three southern
towns near the breakaway republic. Iiut they
offered no e\ idence. and rebel leaders tlenied
responsibility, Police were on alert around
the country; and top government officials
lie“ lit the sr't‘tie

Strong earthquake hits Japan

IIIR()SIII.\IA. .Iapan .-\ powert'ul eai'tli
quake eoiiyulsetl southwestern Japan on Sat
iirdav. buckling roads. snapping power lines.
damaging houses and killing two people with
falling debris The magnitude ii i teinliloi'
caused damage iii t'ive Japanese states and
was felt as far away as South Korea. more
than Iiitl miles northwest ot the t-tiii‘t‘ltli‘t', Au
tliorities reported I;.’.“» injuries. i3 ot~ them so
rious. in the Japanese state of Hiroshima. and
scores more in surrounding states

Bush offers support in Macedonia

\\'.»\SIII:\'li'I'().\J 'l‘lie liiisli .itliniiiisti'a
tioii ott'ered to help iiiiproie the Macedonian
government's iiiilitary capability oii Sritiii‘

ClenCIBS day. hoping to quell the eoiitliri \\lllt i'eliel
Iious etliiiic .\lli:iiiiaii guerillas iii the border

. and hills iieai' Ix'osovo. Secretary ot State t‘olin
Insecu' l’owell spoke by telephone with the Macedon
‘ ' ” r lent Boris'l‘raikovski eiiiiiliasi/iiit'
S. iiii pitsii . _. . ..
rltle the strong statement a da\ earlier to I’resi
dent Bush in support of the Macedonian gov

Chevy Chase, eriiineiit. State Department spokesman

Richard Itoiieher said Saturday. Macedonian

in helicopters were tiring rockets near down
town 'I‘eto\o on Saturday as lighting escalated
iioiwoeii government forces and rebels lit-sieg
ing the country‘s second largest city

Census shows a multiracial America

S \X I’R.\.\'t‘ISt‘() With .\It]et‘l(‘£ttis aide
to claim liittt‘t‘ than one race on the census.
groups representing blacks. .\siaiis and other
minorities haye warned their titt‘Iillit‘l‘s that




U.ll. Secretary-
General ltoti
Annan declared
Wynton Mar-
salis a United
Nations' mes-
senger ot peace.
Arman made the
presentation to
the jazz trum-
peter betore a
concert by the
Lincoln Center
Jazz Orchestra
on Thursday
night. Marsalis
is artistic direc-
tor ot Jazz at
Lincoln Center.



A syndicated
television show
host has sued
rap mogul Sean
"Putty" Combs,
his record label
and members of
the musician's
entourage over
an alleged at-
tack after

a 1999 inter-
view. We'li keep
you updated on
Putty's newest



identifying themselves as multiracial could
dilute hard~won legal protectiond and politi-


cal power. Civil rights groups fear that de-
bates long framed in stark black and white
would lose potency in the shades between
that the problem of the 21st century would not
be the color line. but too many color lines.
California's census numbers will be released
this week, anti demographers predict the state
will be among the nation's most diverse.

‘Battletield Earth' sweeps Razzies

SANTA MONICA, (‘alif Hollywood got
its annual ()scar live poke in the eye with
John 'I‘ravolta's "Battlefield Earth" taking
the litilk of the let annual (‘iolden Raspberry
Foundation tiishonors. Seven Bronx cheers
went to "Battlefield Earth.” including Razzies
for Worst movie. actor. screen couple, sup-
porting actor, supporting actress, director
and screenplay. “Battlefield" was well ahead
of competitors “ltook of Shadows: Blair Witch
2" and “The Next Best Thing” on the founda-


Continued from page i

worked as food manager and
finally a senior deckhand."

His family is proud of him
for entering the captain ranks.
following the family tradition.
“[His mother] anti I are
just incredibly proud of young
Ben and his achievement,"
said Alan Bernstein, his father
and vice president
“I know if my father were
here today. he would be so ex—

cited for his grandson."

Bernstein himself was also
excited about his future.

“Having a role in a family
business ~ it gives you some—
thing to work for," Bernstein

“It gives you pride in your

He hopes that his business
management degree will help
him when he takes over BB
Riverboats after his father

“It'll give me the knowl-
edge, stuff to help me keep the
business running. anti expand
it." Bernstein said.

of the



tion‘s wot‘st-of-Btitltt list unveiled at a news
conference Saturday.

UK student wins big on Spring Break

I.I‘I.\'IN(;’I‘()I\'. Ky. A University of Ken-
tucky junior won a date with teen singer Jessica
Simpson about a week ago in an MTV Spring
Break competition in (‘ancun, Mexico

The competition aired on the music station
Saturtlay. David iovejoy. a 21-year-old psycholo-
gy and prernietl major. competed against more
than too college students in the contest.

"I made a coiiipiete foot of myself on national
television." said Lovejoy. “I line-danced. an-
swered a few questions anti rode a mechanical
hull. all to get a dream date with a celebrity I did-
ii‘t even know,"

Iiovejoy was in (‘anciin with friends when he
decided to enter the competition on March 16. He
was selected out of a few hundred applicants who
had to win over M’IV staff members to get to the
onstage contest. Lovejoy anti Simpson, 19. went
to dinner several hours after the competition.

Bellarmine University honors scholar

LOUISVILLE. Ky. Bellarmine University
has long drawn scholars with its archive of
works by late Kentucky monk Thomas Merton.
Now. the university has decided to honor him
with a statue. Intiiana sculptor David Kocka is
working on a bronze statue of Merton to stand on
Itellarinine's campus.

Compiled from wire reports.




Macedonian army ill-24 helicopter gunshlps tire missiles as they
bombard positions of ethnic Albanian rebels on the outskirts of Teto-
vo, Macedonia, on Sunday.







supplies - I

in thgfiai‘ca.
the great to




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Supervised wailing rlrr'u
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("HI/for (It'7(lil\ .’ /






'UK Judo (lub S 6 30pm Alumni Gym loft




, 'Film Food Green Tomatoes, UK Feminist Allionte, 6 30pm
I Auditorium '

' 'OMA Retitol Bpm Singletary (tr RH


' ‘UK Ailrido (lub B 9 30pm, UK Alumni Gym loft


"(tinned Food Drive, l(( SGA lOom 4pm, l(( Oswald Bldg lobby

Campus Calendar

March 19 - March 25, 2001

The (ompus (olendtir is produred by the Offite of Student Attivities. Registered Student Or s. and UK Depts ton submit information for FREE online ONE WEE t
PRIOR to the MONDAY information is to appear tit: http:/ www.cliyede/(olipiu Calendar
(till 257-8867 for more information.

M 2
. "Prayer ri Prone, (ompus (rusode for (hint, Born, Epistopol 6'

Young library


‘Ornntonori loi Internships and Shodovnng In Item ID]
Stiirltert Bldg

‘AllUMeeting Born 73l Stud (ti
’Oinnei in the Dorms Nillel/lewnh Stud Org 6 lSpm liltirer (curt






'lntounter (otylor (hint lprn 730 Stud (ti
'Green Thwd) M 730 pm IOA Stud (it
'Piriyei Attount





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or returning
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Kentucky this


Rer l. Dutrootli (ti

'Inllage libertarians Mtg BJOpm ll} Stud (ti

'Equestrion loom Mtg Bpm Ag North Bldg Rm Al

’Drestoge loom Mtg S 459m Goingus Bid; 7nd Floor (onlerente

"UK lirdo (lub S 6 309m Alumni Gym Iolt


SPEUAl Mill}
'(tinnod Food Drive l(( SGA It'tom Apnt l(( Orr-old Bldg lobby


'(ietittve Writing Group 6830M Writing (ti Young library
‘MosletsRetitd Born Srnglelory (Ir (H

'Honors Pertusuon (bomber Ouortet, 8pm, Singletory (tr
‘GoodEellos Mowe SAB, 9pm, Stud (tr Worshom Theatre

'lJK Ailudo (Tub 630 B 30m UK Alurm Gymloft
‘Medtevol and Renoiwmte European Denting 7 9pm 36] Old Stud


Wed 2

'Iniile Eiontmso Eienrh (onvnnoltori Group 4 6pm Blow Noll Private Dining Room

litv Groups Uplinlr (annoy Ministries 6 35pm (olmry Baptist (hurrh

'Dinnei and Worship Servtre Uplinli (mus Ministries 5 30 6 309m tolvory Boptist (hurih

‘Wolln Miller 'Arrhilelrt Boumetster Boultuenster GernIin Arthitottutol Piotlite Between the
Won llprn The Games Hurmnitiey (ll Binghom Dom Sen-rim Ilni



loom: TIIOS
Maximize Your Test Stores Workshop '1' 7 509m, TOI Fiozee Noll


'I NT Meeting, 7.30pm, Baptist Stud Union (hopel

”Feminist Allionre Mtg , 6 30 7 30pm. l06 Stud (tr

'AKPsi Regular Mtg Olfiter Elettions, 7 309m, BLE Rm 7|}

‘ieftnt Stud Union Mtg, 8pm, 228 Stud (tr

‘God's Anointed Bible Study 7 30pm, “3 Stud (tr

'Alpho Phi Omega Mtg, 7 30pm, 359 Stud (tr

‘Alphn Phi Omega Pledge Mtg 6 309m 359 Stud (tr

'Unitoiinn UtthetSOltSl Brown Bag lunth, ll 300m, Stud (tr Food (ourt (other Tobie

'Utt RUGBY Prottire, 6 Born. (lub Sports Field
'Toe Kwon Do (lub Prodite Hours, 6 30 8pm Alumni Gym loft






Yord l‘riynte Dining Room


'(annod Food Drive, l(( SGA lOorri 4pm, l(( Oswald Bldg lobby

'Amnesty International Bpm, 778 Stud (ti Thurs
'Freshmen Forus 7pm, Hopi Stud Union (hnpel

‘AED Pre Med Mtg , I 309m Stiente Outreoth (ti

'UK lumbdo Mtg, 7 309m, 23l Stud (ti

'Devotions n lunch, I? lSpm Bopt Stud Union Multipurpose Room
‘(ompus (rusode lot (host, 7 309m, Stud (ti Worshom Theatre
'(hiisiion Student Fellowship Synergy, Born, (SF torner of Woodland and (olumbiti

'UK RUGBY Prottite, 6 Born (lub Sports Field

'(tinned Food Drive l(( SGA lOom 4pm l(( Oswald Bldg lobby

'Furulty Ion (ontert Bpni Singlettiry (ti RN














‘(ultuiol Event in Frenth Mtg , 5 (rpm, Keenelond Hall Bus







'UK Symphony Orrhestrn (onteit Bpm Singletory (ti (H

’Open Gym VoKeyboll, Uplinlt (omnus Ministries Born (at



‘Phi Sigma Pi Mtg, 7pm, 230 Stud. (tr.


‘Romons Bible Study, 8:30pm, Baptist Stud.


'UK Judo (lob, Srlpm, Alumni Gym Loft








(hutch Rec. 8. Outretith (tr.



‘Toe Kwon Do (lub Prodite hours, 5 6 30pm, Alumni Gym loft
’Dept of Entomology (olloguim 4pm Ag Strente (tr North A]

'(onned Food Drive l(( SGA, lOom Apm. l(( Oswald Bldg lobby

it so

vory Baptist (hurth


“Newman (enter Moss, both


'lue Kwon Do (lub Piuttite Hours, I lam l2230pm, Alumni Gym loft
'lHSA Zone. 5, Region I (ompetition, UK Equestrian Team, @ University of South
Sewnnee, TN


‘Reforest the Bluegrass, Golden Key lnt'l Honor Sooety, Mosterson Station Porlt
'Big Brother/Big Sister Bowl ti Ihon, Golden Key lnt'l. Honor Sotiety, Southlond

'UK Solo (ompetition, 90m, Singletdry (ti RN
'BAMIA Mtg and Guest tenure, 9 300m, Singletory (tr PR



'Newmon (enter Moss, 9am, II230tim, 5pm, and 8:30pm
'Noon Bagel Brunch, Nillel/ Jewish Stud. Org, I2200pm, Manhattan Bagel on Richmond Rd.

'll.l2 University Worship Servite, le2pm, Southside Church of (hrist
‘Bible Study: Jesus the One and Only, Uplinlt (ompus Ministries, 5-7pm, (ulvory Baptist (hurth

Union (hopel

'llig Brother/Big Sister Bowl-oihon, Golden Key lnt’l. Honor Society, Southlond Bowl

‘UK Ailtido (lob, I-3pm, UK Alumni Gym loft
'Retreotion Nidit, Uplinlt (moons Ministries, 7pm, (olvury Baptist







mm | uoiioauaacaum I I



Ochse and Walton

‘I am a real student': SGA presidential candidate
describes herself as a ‘straight forward' person

ELTracy llershaw


During her freshman year.
Alyshia ()chse shelled out $400 in
parking fines. And like most stu.
dents who find a yellow notice
tucked under their windshield
wipers. she wondered how the
Parking ()fiice spent her money.

But unlike most students.
()chse found out and in the
process. convinced the director of
parking to offer students a week-
long discount on the lines in ex-
change for canned food for charity.

The parking project was part of
()chse‘s job as Student Government
Association Executive Director.
Now she wants to keep working for

he platform

the students as the next SGA presir

“I am a real student." she said.
leaning across the long wooden
table in the Alpha Delta Pi sorority
house (lining room. Her neon green
campaign T-shirt clashes with the
soft blue and yellow walls.

()chse. who graduated from
Notre Dame Academy in Northern
Ky.. describes herself as straightfor»
ward and a behindtlie‘scenes per-
son. During high school. she served
on the student council and played
several sports. When she arrived at
UK. she joined SGA‘s Freshman
Representative (‘ouncil

"i love organizing.“ she said.
"Just last week i took 80 people to

Along with working to achieve
the five planks of what she calls an
"attainable" platfomi. ()chse said if
she is elected. she'll also focus on
getting SGA a better morale and

"i want people to see us out
working." she said. "We are the
voice of the students. not political

She wants to make SGA meet
ings shorter and organize a dinner
for botii senators and the executive
branch before or after each Wednes-
day night meeting. “When you
know someone on a personal level.
then when you have a conflict it is
easier to approach them." she said.

()chse. who is a communica
tions sophomore. wants the lines of
communication to be open not only
between SGA members. but also be-
tween the organization and the stu-
dents it represents.

"instead of telling the 2-i.000

people I represent what I will do for
them. i want them to tell me what
they want me to do." she said.

Her running mate is senior
Josh Walton. better known to UK
sports fans as “Scratch." the Wild
cat mascot. ()chse thinks that to.
gether they comprise the total UK
student body.

()chse is the only female presi-
dential candidate and only one of
two females running for any execu-
tive seat. if elected. she would be
only the fourth female president in
SGA history.

"i don't think of it as a woman's
or a man's job. just the best perv
son's." she said.” and i have just as
much will and desire as Tim. Steve
or Nic."

()riginally. ()chse had planned
to study abroad in ltaly next seiiies
ter. but then "i decided while l am
passionate anti involved i would
stay and do it." she said.


Check out the platform

0 Continue working with the Parking Department.
including writing a proposal for a student
scholarship from fine money.

- Improve the advising system.

0 improve the study abroad program. Dchse said
she wants till to offer semester abroad
programs and to open a campus in another
country. Also, she plans to work to get
international students who are studying abroad
at Ull more involved with American students.

0 Encourage the Athletic Department to have one
students-only basketball game at Memorial

- Continue working on getting lower arena
seating for students at basketball games.

0 Create an “away package." She plans to work with
bus companies and hotels to create discount travel
packages for students who buy tickets for away

'3. Robinson and Harralson

Editor 's note: For the iii/l platform. visit
WWW. llkygu. com

~Force Parking and Transportation to be account-
able to students.

- Create a graduation contract.

- Enhance student speech on campus.

- improve academic advising.

° Conduct an environmental audit.

0 Protect campus green space.

- Encourage UK's membership in the Worker
Rights Consortium. .

e Defend UK's affirmative action policies.

0 Support the Cross-Cultural Workshop of the
Office of international Affairs.

- Promote joint initiatives between historically
black Greek organizations, historically white Greek
organizations and non-Greek organizations.

0 Fight for an additional student member on the
UK Board of Trustees.

- Convene monthly student empowerment round-

- Expand coalition grant funding.

- Enhance the Wildcat International Network.

- initiate studies on building campus community.

0 Construct the online campus community

- Revamp the SAFECATS escort service.

Starting early: Presidential candidate learned
work ethic and people skills from his grandfather

By Jenny Robertson

Although 'l‘im Robinson started
his career on a stool. he will move
into the SGA presidential sent if all
goes as he hopes this week.

As a 6 year old. Robinson was
paid in potato chips and soda pop
for working in his grandfather‘s Pi
geon Roost. Ky. country store
When his uncle was busy stocking
herbs and ginseng. Robinson was in
charge of handling the money tray.
Because he was so small. he had to
stand on a stool to see over the

“No matter who came into the
store, rich or poor. he treated every
one the same." Robinson said of his


He recalls a time when an im-
portant legislator came into the
store and chatted with his grandfa
ther. After the man left. Robinson‘s
grandmother chided his grandfa-
ther for speaking so casually to a
man with such a high position. "He
puts his pants on one leg at a time
just like i do." his grandfather re-

His grandfather's ability to re»
late to all people is one of the quali
ties Robinson hopes he gained from
spending so much time in the store.
He also thinks that he learned a
strong work ethic and a sense of
honesty from his extwrience.

Robinson‘s grandfather settled
the area around his hometown of

lnez. Ky. and Robinson feels strong
ties to the eastern part of the state.
As a second-year law student. he
plans on returning to the area when
he‘s done with school He is think
ing of using his law experience to
work for some kind of non-profit

“I‘ll get my diploma and ill be
home before dark." Robinson said.

However. Robinson is very
thankful of his opportunity to come
to th. Because ofthe coal boom that
took place when he graduated high
school. he said he should be work-
ing in the coal mines. He sees his
t’iresidency as a chance to return the
favor ['K af’fordtxl him.

“i want to give back to an insti»
tution that's kept me from spending
my younger years eating coal dust."
Robinson said.

While campaigning for presi-
dent. Robinson has taken a few
unique approaches. including a plat

form put together by students and a
coalition of senators running for of
fice He is particularly concerned
about bringing the executive and
legislative branches together

“it‘s been so frustrating being a
senator and not getting anything
done." Robinson said.

His running mate. (‘aroline
Harralson. has a personal connec»
tion to the issue of campus safety.
partly because she lives in a sorori
ty house. It‘s not uncommon. she
said. for someone to call and ask for
an escort because she doesn‘t want
to walk across campus alone Dur-
ing her term as a senator this year.
she served on the safety committee.

Harralson said she was a little
overwhelmed when she was first
approached about running

”I spent a lot of time thinking
about it.” Harralson said. "but I
cared enough about SGA and T de-
cided to make the sacrifices."

Check out the platform

Shaw and Kyde

Multi-talented: Presidential candidate says
experiences helped prepare him for leadership

By Jay Saylers


If you are looking for a presi
dential candidate that can. among
other things. be a DJ at your next
party. then look no further than
Steve Shaw. .

Shaw. a political science se
nior. has been a DJ for several
years. He does it as a part-tune job.
He also works as a bouncer at Two
Keys Tavern. Shaw is no stranger to
work. This past summer he held
four different parttime jobs. These
jobs included being a substitute
teacher. umpiring for little league
baseball. running a car washing
business and being a DJ for parties,

So how do any of these jobs re-


late to Shaw's ability to be the next
Student Government Association

"Everything l‘ve done wasn‘t
meant to be a premise toward SGA
president. but these experiences
have helped prepare me to be an ef-
fective leader." Shaw said.

Shaw grew up in Greensburg.
Ky. He, comes from a family ofthree
brothers and three sisters. Shaw is
the second youngest. His former
high school. Green (‘ounty High. is
not very large. Total enrollment at
the school is only about 600 stu
dents. During high school. Shaw
played football and baseball. as well
as participated in student govern-
ment. He was the student govern-
ment president his senior year.



Check out the platform

- Create a non-profit SGA bookstore that would

However. Shaw started gaining ex
perience with the procedures of gov-
ernment before his years at Green
(founty High.

Since the seventh grade. Shaw
has been an active member of the
Kentucky Youth Association's
Youth in Government. an organiza»
tion where young people gather
twice a year to participate in mock
government proceedings. Shaw con-
tributes his passion to serve in gov-
ernment to this organization.

"it really changed my life,"
Shaw said. "It gave me direction.“

Shaw has expanded his experi
ences with government procedures
during his years at UK. He was an
intern for U.S.Representative Ron
Lewis two summers ago and last
year. Shaw was an lnterFraternity
Council officer. He became a SGA
senator this past November because
of write-ins and now he wants to
serve as the leader of SGA.

“i enjoy leadership because i
can associate with a diverse group."
he said.

.lohri (‘ollias. former lF(‘, Presi-
dent who worked with Shaw. said if
elected president. Shaw will be an
advocate for every student on cam
pus not just a particular group.

”He brings a down to earth ap-
proach." (Iollias said.

Collias also thinks Shaw
couldn‘t find a better running mate
than Kevin Kyde.

"Kevin has been one of the most
involved leaders in the Greek com-
munity." (Zollias said. “He‘s the guy
that will step up and do what needs
to be done."

Shaw says Kyde has worked ex-
haustively to better the Greek sys-
tem and L'K's campus.

“He‘s been involved in every-
thing and knows how this campus
works." Shaw said. "He's a great
voice for [IK students."

- Restore fun into SGA

- Eliminate UK's new campaign slogan,