xt7vq814r612 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vq814r612/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-03-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 08, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 08, 1993 1993 1993-03-08 2020 true xt7vq814r612 section xt7vq814r612  

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Student government presidential candidate T.A. Jones de-
livers his message from atop a Student Center table.

Tabletop speech begins
Jones’ bid for president


KYLE FOSTER/Kernel Stall



By Kyle Foster l
Senior Staff Writer


screamed his message of “get in-
volved." hoping to raise aware-
ness and garner a little support,
as he kicked off his campaign
for student government presi-

“We're running for you. and if
you care you‘ll make an in—
formed choice.“ Jones screamed
at the crowded room of hungry
UK students.

Although the lunchtime noise
ceased only for two or three min-
utes. students did not ignore the
message Jones and running mate
Andrew Shvcda were trying to

As the noise level rose. the
talk was of the Student Govem-
ment Association, its current
President Pete November and
“the guy standing on the table.“

“I think he had guts (to stand
up in front of everyone)," psy-


Standing on a table in the Stu -
dent Center cafeteria T.A. Jones 1 t l 5

333 k



chology sophomore lirin Will
said. “I‘m glad that he reached
out to students."

“It took nerve. He must want it
really bad," agricultural engi—
neering freshman Josh Evans

“(Jones) sparked a little inter-
est in the student government
that I hadn’t had before. Now
I‘m going to find out some more
about the other candidates," he

That‘s the whole point, Jones
said. “to get people to vcte and
to get people involved."

“Send a message that you want
to make this University better
than when you came." he yelled.

Shane Watts. a mining engi-
neering freshman. said Jones'

See JONES, Back Page



Employees learn to read
through literacy program


By Heather Reister
Contributing Writer


Reading and writing are such
simple tasks. most people take them
for granted.

For others. however. words can
be immovable obstacles that shut
otherwise qualified workers out of
job interviews and promotions.

UK’s Operation Iiducate was
founded in 1086 to fight this para-
lyzing illiteracy by pairing tutors
with full-time University employ-
ees who want to learn how to read.

The program. which is operated
in conjunction with Fayette County

Operation Read and the Fayette
County Adult Education Program,
also helps employees earn General
Equivalency Diplomas or simply
brush up on reading and writing

(‘onnie Johnson. program coordi-
nator for Operation Educate. said
everyday events like shopping. till-
ing out work fonns and signing
names can be difficult for illiterate

She recalled one UK employee
who was required to fill out forms
and read work orders as part of his
job in the Physical Plant Division.

See LITERACY. Back Page


Independent since 1971

Monday. March a. 1993;

Wilkinson trial set to start today


By Mark R. Chellgren
Associated Press


FRANKFORT. Ky. — The neph-
ew of former Gov. Wallace Wilkin-
son is scheduled to go on trial today
in the first court case of the federal
corruption investigation of Ken-
tucky state govemment.

Bruce Wilkinson is charged with
using his position as an aide to his
uncle to influence the resolution of
a dispute over intertrack wagering
authority between Ellis Park and
Riverside Downs. both in Hender-
son. He has pleaded innocent to
conspiracy to commit extortion and
mail fraud.

If convicted of the two charges
against him, Wilkinson could be
sentenced to 25 years in prison and
fined $500,000.

The case will be watched closely
by prosecutors and potential defen-
dants alike and could help deter—
mine the future course of the inves—

Prosecutors and investigators say
they are barely into the corruption
investigation and it could last years
longer with tnany more indict-

US. Attorney Karen (‘aldwell
said she believes potential defen-
dants could be inclined to seek a
deal if there is a successful prosecu—
tion. There have been 10 other in-
dicunents in the investigation.
code-named BOl’l'rot. Nine of
those have produced guilty pleas
and one other. former llouse Speak-
er Don Blandford. has not yet gone
to trial.

"I would think that if you saw a
couple of people go down in

flames. people would take a look at
it." Caldwell said.

The charges against Wilkinson
involve the controversy that is at
the center of the investigation to
this point.

In October l‘)‘)l. lillis Park. a
thoroughbred track. and Riverside.
a harness track. got into a disagree-
ment about the award of dates to
conduct intertrack wagering Ill
1992. Intertrack wagering involves
the taking of bets on races conduct-
ed at zurother track and broadcast
back to the wagering \llt‘

(iov. Wilkinson appointed l.inda
Thomas. a Bowling (ireen lawyer.
to arbitrate the dispute. In Decem-
ber 1991. Thomas awarded all of
the disputed dates to Riverside.
Prosecutors have said Thomas is
not suspected of any wrongdoing.

The indicunent alleges that Bruce








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The actors entered in full cos-
tume, reciting lines that
pulled the audience into the

But this play was not put on
just for entertainment; it also
was for a grade in Sara
Schneider's directing class.
The class IS one of many in
the UK theatre department
that provides a strong back-
ground in theater mechanics.
Subjects range from costume
and make-up courses to set
designing and acting.



Diabetes not likely to strike students m


By Clndy Fischler
Contributing Writer

More titan 500,000 Americans
are diagnosed with diabetes each
year, and most of those cases are in

The good news for UK students.

however. is that they are not likely
candidates for developing the dis-
Although Dr. Dennis Karounos. a
UK endocrinologist specializing in
diabetes, said “anybody. at any age
is at risk" of getting diabetes. most
cases don't occur in young adults.

Dr. Michael Eden. 3 family prac-
titioner at UK‘s Family Medical
Center. said there are two types of
diabetes: type one devekrps be-
tween childhood and early adult-
hood. with the majority of cases de-
veloping before the age of 20: type
two develops in adults between the
ages of 40 and 50 who are severely



The two types differ not just in
when they develop but also in how
they develop. Type one diabetes re-
sults when the body develops an
immunity to insulinproducing
cells, Karounos said.

He said there are three steps in
the development of this type. First.
patients must inherit certain genes
that would make them susceptible
to the disease.

Second. the patients must come
in contact with environmental fac-
tors that activate the genes for dia-
betes. These factors include certain
viruses. allergies to some foods and
a rat poisoning called Vacor that
can destroy insulin-prtxlucing cells.

Finally. one must develop an im-
munity to insulin-producing cells.

In type two diabetes. Karounos
said there also are three steps. First.
the body devekrps an impure secre-
tion of insulin. Second. body tissues

become less responsive to the insu—
lin. Finally. the liver begins produc-
ing too much glucose.

Fach type has different effects on
the body.

Karounos said type one results in
a lack of insulin. which means the
body can‘t metabolize sugar. As a
result. tissue cells begin bunting fat
as a source of energy.

The kidneys then excrete large
amouan of sugar. which makes the
body lose water and causes dehy-
dration. As the body loses water.
important minerals also are lost.

“Ultimately." Karounos said.
“one can develop coma and die.“

In type two. he said the effects
are decreased energy and blurred
vision. Eden added that diabetes is
the leading cause of blindness and
kidney disease and is “a major con-
tributor to heart disease."


Wildcats down Florida Gators in
Gainesvitle. 85-77. Story. Page


Moth Macabre welds talent and
unforgettable melodies into what
could be called one of the best
albums of the decade — NOT!
Review. Page 7.

Where You Bean is an amazindy
solid album with no apparent
dead spots. Review, Page 7.

Cloudy with a 30 percent chance
of morning showers today: high
in the upper 403. M030] cloudy
tonight; low near 30. M sunny
tomorrow; high bet" ‘5 and










Wilkinson, who was in charge of
appointments for his uncle, con-
spired With and took $20,000 from
Jay Spurrier and Bill McB-ee to en~
sure the decision was favorable to

Spurrier was a former chairman
of the Harness Racing Commission
and one of the most influential lob-
byists in the (ieneral Assembly.
McBee was the former chairman of
the House Business Organizations
zutd Professions Committee. which
oversees racing legislation. McBee.
a Burlington Democrat. had been
defeated for reelection in 1990.

Riverside has cooperated With the
FBI throughout the investigation
and provided 550.000 to former
Henderson state Sen. John Hall as a
purported fee for lobbying work.

See TRIAL, Back Page
Attorney wants
meetings open


Associated Press


A l.cxmgton attorney is hoping to
persuade a federal judge in Wash-
ington. DC. that the meetings of
President (‘linton's health-refonn
task force and its associated staff
should be open to the public.

Kent Masterson Brown. who rep-
resents the Association of American
Physicians and Surgeons. filed a
lawsuit on behalf of that group. the
National Legal and Policy (‘enter
and the American (‘ouncil for
Health Care Reform.

Brown says the 13 members of
the President’s Task Force on Na-
tional Health Care Reform have not
met. but more than two dozen “sub-
groups“ working on various areas
of the reforms “have been meeting

Brown argued the case before
US. District Judge Royce Lam-
berth on Friday. The judge is ex-
pected to rule within a week.

The stakes are too high to allow
the refonn effort headed by Hillary
Rodham (‘linton to proceed in se-
CTCL Brown said after returning to
Lexington on Saturday

“They are going to report some
sort of mzmaged-competition pro-
gram. wlnch would so revolutionize
the delivery of health care in this
country that I think most people
would not believe what they would
see.“ he said. “It is a total eradica-
tion of private practice medicine as
we know it."

The nation‘s first lady and a law
called the l-'edcr.il Advisory (‘om-
rnittee Act are at the heart of the

In short. the law requires any task
force making recommendations to
the president to do its business in
public. An exception would be al-
lowed it the panel were made up
entirely of full~time federal employ-

B in does the wife of the president
quality as a government worker"?

Justice Department attomey Jef-
frey (iutman argued that the first
lady is the functional equivalent of

See HEALTH. Back Page

Some donate plasma
to fund spring break


By Scarlett Consalvi
Contributing Writer


As spring break nears. some UK
students are selling plasma so they
can scrape together enough cash for
a place in the Florida sun.

Ryan Moxloy. a business fresh-
man. said he recently began donat-
ing plasma twice a week to fund his
vacation getaway. which begins
next Monday for UK students.

Moxloy said giving plasma —
the fluid component of human
blood -— is painful the first few
times. “but you get used to it after a

The pain apparently is worth the
monetary gain for more than just
Moxloy. He said he found out about
dmating plasma through friends in

his residence hall who also donate.

“A lot of people around here do
it." said Moxloy. who donates at
Plasma Alliance Inc. 2043 Oxford

Officials at Plasma Alliance dc-
clined to be interviewed. but the
company regularly advertises in the
Kentucky Kernel. One recent ad
said students could cam up to $175
in one month by selling their plas-

Moxloy said individuals may sell
plasma a maximum of twice a week
and are paid between $17 and $20
each time. depending on how much
plasma is taken.

The amount of plasma taken is
determined by the weight of the in-
dividual. Moxloy said. noting thl

See PLASMA. Back Page

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ART 8: M02 TES




Monday 3/8

- Exhibit: Oswald Gallery - Student
Works: Free; Student Center Ras-
dall Gallery; 11am-5pm, M-F; call

s Exhib'n: The African Merican
Church from Slavery to Freedom';
Free: King Library Main Lobby;
10am-10pm. Sun-Fri; 8am-8pm,
Sat: call 257-3593; thru 81/30

- Sculpture Exhibition; by Gary
Bibbs: Art on Main Gallery at the
Community Bank, Lexington

- Exhibit: 'Funcfi'n on Function;
by Steve Davk-Rosenbaum; Head-
ley-Whitney Museum: Cal! 255-
6653; thru 4125

' Exhibit: 'Transition '93.‘ by 53 KY
Artists and Crattspeople: Headley-
Whitney Museum; call 255-6653;
thru 4/25

0 Exhibit; ‘The Ladies Oracle: 1993
lnvitational‘; free; Reynolds Build-
ing, Barnhart Gallery: M-F, 9am-
4pm: call 257-8154; thru 13/12

- Exhibition: Connie Sullivan. ‘Light
Environments: UK Art Museum,
Rose and Euclid Avenue: call 257-
5716;1hru 5/9

Tuesday 3/9

. University Artist Series: Cecile Lic-
ad, pianist. followed by lecture by
Patricia Montgomery, $17-regular,
$10-seniors and students: SCFA
Concert Hall: 8pm: call 257-4929

Wednesday 3/10

. Performance: 1119—9313923 by
Don Deliilo; $2: Center for Contem-
porary Art, Fine Arts Bldg; 8pm:
call 257-4929 for tickets did 257-
6459 for information

Thursday 3111

0 Performance; 1m Om Room, by
Don Deiiiio: 82; Center for Contem-
porary Art. Fine Arts Bldg: 8pm;
call 257-4929 tortickets and 257-
6459 for information

0 UK Orchestra: Phillip Miller, con-
ductor; free; SCFA Concert Hall;
8pm; call 257-4929

Friday 3/1 2

- Performance: The Day Room. by
Don Delillo: $2; Center for Contem—
porary Art. Fine Arts Bldg; 8pm:
call 257-4929 for tickets and 257-
645910r information

- K.E.R.A. Workshop: for elemen-
tary general music teachers; 6-
10pm; call 257-4900

Saturday 3/13

- Performance; W, by
Don Deiillo; 82: Center for Contem-
porary An. Fine Arts Bldg; 8pm;
call 257-4929 for tickets and 257-
6459 for information

- K.E.R,A. Workshop: for elemen-
tary general music teachers; 9am-
4pm; call 257-4900

Sunday 3/14

- Central Kentucky Youth Sympho-
ny Orchestra: free; SCFA Concert
Hall: 3pm: call 257-4929



Monday 3/8
- Intramurals Entry Deadline: Ten-
nis Doubles: Room 145 Seaton
Center: entries due by 4pm: call

- lntramurals : Soccer: $20 per

team; Seaton Center; call 257-






Thursday 3n 1

- UK Basketball: SEC TOURNA-
MENT; Rupp Arena: call 257-
1818; thru 33/14




find out smith-no
benefits just ioiéyou. Every-
, ‘ . omisweicbrm; Student

I'mer'erand Ballroom;



. TICKETS ON SALE" Tickets for \
the Next Stage Series are on sale .
at TicketMester; general public. stu- .-
dentsl faculty and administration;

call 257-8427






Monday 3/8

- Classes: Aikido Beginner Class-
es; 8:30pm: Alumni Gym Loft; call

Tuesday 13/9

- Bible Study: Black Campus Minis-
try, Bible Study (Weekly meetings);
free: 7pm; Student Center, Room
205; call 254-1811

- Meeting: UK Cycling Club - All are
Welcome!; 8pm; Seaton Center.
room 212: call 277-6252

- Dancing: 'Dance the Ninht Away -
Swing Lessons‘; $5 per semester;
7pm-beginners, 8pm-
intermediates; Barker Hail, Dance
Studio; call 277-0664

0 Lecture: Dr. Renee Fox, ‘Organ
Transplantation: An Unordinary
Case Study of Advanced Medical
Technology'; MN 363, Chandler



Medical Center; 12 noon; call 233-

- Meeting: Cosmopolitan Club;
Jewell Hall Lobby; 7:30pm; call

Wednesday 3/10

0 Classes: Aikido Beginner Class-
es; 8:30pm; Alumni Gym Loft; call

0 Meeting: Encounter (Religious);
Student Center, Room 359; 7pm;
call 276-2362

- Contemplative Prayer / Meditation
Practice; 5pm; St. Augustine’s
Chapel; call 254-3726

0 Holy Communion; 5:30pm; St. Au-
gustine's Chapel; call 254-3726

. Canterbury Club - Supper and
Fellowship; 6:30pm; St. Augus-
tine’s Chapel; call 254-3726

Thursday 3/11

0 Meeting: CN2 - 'Catholic Newman
Center Night': Newman Center,
320 Rose Lane; 7:30-8:30pm; call

Friday 3/12

- Classes: Aikido Beginner ClaSs-
es; 6:30pm; Alumni Gym Lott; call

Saturday 3/13

. Mass: Catholic Mass; 320 Rose
Lane. Newman Center; 6pm; call

Sunday 3/14

- Classes: Aikido Beginner Class-
es; 1pm; Alumni Gym Loft; call

- Mass: Catholic Mass; 320 Rose
Lane. Newman Center; 9:00am,
11:30am; 5:00pm. 8:30pm; call

- Holy Cormnunion; 10:30am.
5:30pm: St. Augustine's Chapel;
call 254-3726










Feb 26:

-Price, Shaun M; 21; 93 E.
Woodruff; Columbus, Ohio; alco-
hol intoxication.

Feb. 27:
-Shean‘n, Earl Jr.; 46; 116 Hager-
man Court; alcohol intoxication.

Feb. 28:

~Burchett, John; 27; no address
given; warrant assist.

-Underwood, Lige; 45; no ad-
dress given; alcohol intoxication.


Feb. 28:
OTheft by unlawful taking, less
than $300 (misdemeanor); Kirwan


Tower basement; coat hanger used
to remove bag of cookies from
vending machine; UK Vending,

March 1:

~Theft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; Harry C. Lancaster
Aquatic Center locker room; items
not listed; Thomas M. Moses, com-

~Criminal mischief, second de-
gree; dental clinic, 801 Rose St.; 40
faucet handles damaged; UK, com-

oTheft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; Alumni Gym, items not
listed; Timothy F. Stamps, complai-

oTheft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; 23M Memorial Coli-
seum; items not listed; UK, com-

o'Iheft by unlawful taking, less



than $300; Commonwealth Stadium
parking lot; items not listed re-
moved from vehicle; Shawnetta L.
Powell, complainant.

March 2:

.Theft by unlawful taking, more
than $300 (felony); Sigma Nu so-
cial fraternity house. 422 Rose
Lane; automobile stolen; Heather L.
Taylor, complainant.

°Theft by unlawful taking, more
than $300; 309 White Hall Class-
room Building; items not listed re-
moved; UK Language Lab. com-

March 4:

Criminal mischief. third degree;
Kirwan Tower. 11th floor; building
suffered water damage on floors 9-
11 after someone sealed bathroom
floor and sink drains with duct tape
and turned on faucets. '

Clear beer next in avalanche '
of new transparent products


By Skip Wollenberg
Associated Press


NEW YORK — It‘s hip to be
clear. Or is it hype?

Marketers of well-known brands
of soft drinks, dishwashing liquids.
mouthwashes and deodorants are
scrambling to get clear spinoffs of
distinctively hued old standbys on
supermarket shelves.

Next on line: clear beer.

Miller Brewing Co. plans to in-
troduce the industry's first clear
beer, Miller Clear, in several mar-
kets later this month.

Already. there‘s Crystal Pepsi
and Tab Clear. The Palmolive and
Ivory names appear on clear dish-
washing liquids. Lavoris is market-
ing a colorless mouthwash. And
Ban has a clear solid deodorant.

Marketers say the clear products
provide real benefits or emphasize
other changes that distinguish the
clear product from the original.

Makers of clear deodorants, for
example. say they leave no white
residue like traditional sticks and
powders do.

But some marketing experts say
the onslaught of clear products
smacks of gimmickry that consu-
mers eventually will see through.

-— -— —--—- __,,.,

“People perceive clear substances
to be pure and natural and somehow
better," said Roger Blackwell, pro-
fessor of marketing at Ohio State
University. “The perception is the
beginning of reality, but it is not al-
ways the reality."

He said clarity may be novel
enough to draw some consumer in-
terest, but “only those with a dis-
tinct advantage will survive."

New Product News, a monthly
Chicago-based publication that
chronicles product introductions.
spotted about four dozen clear prod-
ucts among 16,790 new food, per-
sonal care or household products in
1992. That didn’t include another
35 sparkling waters and juices that
came out with clear variations.

Its editor, Martin J. Friedman,
said he doesn‘t know of any new
clear product other than the deodor-
ants that can claim transparency as
an attribute.

“Everyone is desperate for some-
thing innovative. But a lot of this is
just appealing to consumers’ per-
ceptions. I don’t think it will last."
he said.

Pepsi-Cola Co. began the nation-
al rollout of Crystal Pepsi late last
year, and launched its ad campaign
on the eve of President Clinton‘s in-
auguration, trying to capitalize on
the change theme.






The company said Crystal Pepsi
was developed because of a de-
mand for a cola that used natural
flavoring. no preservatives and less

Coca-Cola Co. is testing Tab
Clear, a version of one of its diet

Colgate-Palmolive Co. and Proct-
er & Gamble Co. began national
marketing of clear dishwashing liq-
uids in see-through plastic bottles
last spring. Each claims the new
versions are tougher on grease and
easier on the hands.

Procter's clear Ivory replaced the
white liquid sold for 45 years.

Dep Corp. Chairman Robert Ber-
glass said its Crystal Fresh Lavoris
uses mountain spring water and dif-
ferent flavoring, and is expanding
the market of consumers who've
been sloshing the red cinnamon-
flavored mouthwash for 70 years.

Jane Fitzgibbon, who follows
consumer trends for the advertising
agency Ogilvy & Mather. said she
suspects a fad element in “clear"
marketing. but it can be a potent
selling tool.

“We want clear air, clear water. It
means trouble-free and blemish-
free." she said. “It makes people
more comfortable in using mese



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Kentucky Kernel. Monday, March 8, 1993 - 3

gUK health educator travels state as tooth fairy


By Mike Embry
; Associated Press


FRANKFORT. Ky. —— We all
' know Clark Kent is Superman and
7 Bruce Wayne leads a double life as
. Batman. Now the truth can be told

L about the Tooth Fairy.

She's Lois Brown.

Most people know Brown as a
health educator in UK's College of
Dentistry, an assistant coordinator
of the EMS Education Center in the
UK Hospital‘s Department of Emer-
gency Medicine or as a consultant
to dental professionals.

But sometimes Brown can be



By Jamal Halaby

; Associated Press

ZARQA, Jordan — Mohammed
A. Salameh. held in the bombing of
New York‘s World Trade Center. is
a Palestinian whose family fled the
Israeli occupation of the West
Bank. He played mock war games
and soccer growing up in this min-

' ing town. loved Western movies
. and enjoyed wrestling.

“He had big dreams. He wanted

|' to fulfill his dreams in America. He

is not a terrorist." Salameh‘s moth-
er. Aysha, 45, said yesterday in an
interview with The Associated

“I am sure of America‘s fair jus-

‘ tice, and that my son will come out

of this nightmare soon," she said.

Authorities say Salameh was im—
plicated in the bombing when he
tried to retrieve a rental deposit for
the van used to carry the explo-
sives. Salameh had reported the van
stolen. His attorney says he‘s inno-

Family members denied Salameh
was a Muslim fundamentalist. as
claimed by US. officials. But they
also said his life underwent a no-
ticeable change in his final years of
high school.

“He became religious. started to
pray and read the Koran with other
friends in high school." said a
brother, Ahmed. “He stopped most
of his past activities and hobbies
and even grew a beard."

“He was not a fundamentalist. He

found in classrooms across Ken-
tucky, wearing a white gown with
wings and a tiara. She carries a sil-
ver wand that she uses to tell if a
child is asleep during her nightly
visits to check under pillows for

“Our goal is to reach as many
children as we possibly can," said
Brown, who spoke before 5,000
schoolchildren last year about the
need for good oral health.

During a recent visit to the Capi-
tal Day School in Frankfort. she
spoke to kindergarten through
tourth-grade classes.

She asked the younger children

suspect’ s

was interested in Islamic teach-
ings," said Ahmed, who was reluc-
tant to be photographed, saying his
blond beard might be misinterpret-
ed as a token of fundamentalism.

Fundarnentalists usually have
long, flowing beards, but shave
their mustaches.

Jordanian authorities say Sala-
meh and his family do not have
criminal or political records.

Salameh, 25, is the eldest son
among 1 1 children of a now-retired
Jordanian army lieutenant. Amin
Salameh. The family fled from the
West Bank village of Bediah five
months after the June 1967 Arab-
Israeli war. Mohammed was 2
months old.

The family lives in a four-
bedroom house it built two years
after the young Salameh traveled to
the United States on Feb. 17, 1988,
to study and try to fulfill his dream
of earning a master‘s degree in
business administration.

US. authorities said he stayed in
the United States illegally after his
visa expired.

Salameh was arrested Thursday
on suspicion of involvement in the
Feb. 26 blast at the World Trade
Center, which killed five people
and injured 1,000 others.

He was described as a follower
of radical Egyptian cleric Omar
Abdel-Rahman. who leads a
mosque in Jersey City, NJ. The
family denied Salameh knew Ab-

“He is a good son. He sent us a

how many had been visited by the
Tooth Fairy and what they had re-

“I only come when you're
asleep," Brown said. and then dem-
onstrated the use of the wand by
gently tapping a child on the head.

She asked how many brush their
teeth and how many like to brush
(they all raised their hands). then
she explained the proper way to
brush teeth to get food out of “se-
cret hiding places“ that can cause

Brown also talked about fluoride,
the amount of toothpaste that should
be used and the reasons for making

mother says Salameh ‘had big

total of $5,000 from his savings,"
his mother said in her modest living
room, decorated with pictures of the
Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. ls~
lzun‘s third-holiest shrine.

Also in evidence were copies of
the Koran. Islam's holy book. pic-
tures of Palestinian guerrilla fight-
ers carrying AK-47s rifles and
green fiags symbolizing the intefa-
deh, or Palestinian uprising against
Israeli rule in the West Bank and
Gaza Strip. Such items are not unu-
sual in Palestinian homes.

'Ihree of Salameh’s brothers —
Ahmed. 24, Majdi. l‘). and Rrunzi.
16 — sat on a sofa next to their
mother, who wore an Islamic head
scarf and a long blue dress.

“Mohammed was not affiliated
with any political or Islamic party
in Jordan." Ahmed said.

“He was a peaceful and shy per-
son and never had violent tenden-

.. -- -. .uvot u. -. .. a. -- .. .-

regular visits to the dentist.

“One reason we want to take care
of our teeth is so we can eat apples
and com on the cob when we're
65," she said.

“I thought it was very effective."
fourth-grade teacher Sandra Bar-
ringer said of the 30-minute presen-
tation. “They were surprised by her
costume. 'lhey had very good ques-
tions after she left. They were very
interested in teaming how to take
care of their teeth."

Brown recalled a visit to a school
in Eastem Kentucky where a boy
told her that his four brothers and
sisters and parents shared two

cies,” said Ahmed. who studied ls-
lamic religion in college.

Salameh pursued similar studies
at the Islamic Law college at Jor-
dan University.

Outside the hilltop house on Zar-
qa‘s outskirts. Palestinian refugee
children fought pretend battles with
plastic AK-47s and pistols. His
mother said the scene was reminis-
cent of Salameh’s childhood.

Salameh last telephoned his fam-
ily on Jan. 19, when he discussed
his possible marriage to an Ameri-
can in the United States, she said.

“His father and I always asked
him to come back and get married
here. but he told us he was looking
for a decent American wife,“ his
mother said. adding that his motive
might have been to get American

Salameh‘s family lives on the fa-
ther's army pension of $200 a

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I. I- a. I. I- I. l- I- I. I. -I I. .I I- - u. - - a. I. I. n. I. I. l- I. II -‘

toothbrushes -— “one boy tooth-
brush and one girl toothbrush.“

“I know when that little boy left
that day. he might not remember
how to brush. but he knows he‘s
supposed to have his own tooth-
brush." said Brown, who has been
the Tooth Fairy for six years. “That
really inspired me that these kids
really do need this."

Brown, 32, doesn‘t wear the cos-
tume when she visits high schools,
and she touches on topics such as
smokeless tobacco to the students.

Dr. Gene Lewis. head of the pub-
lic and professional services in the
UK College of Dentistry. said

month and his monthly salary of an-
other 5200 from a job at a shipping

The family does not own a car,
but it was apparent that their living
standards are much better than
those of many of the 1.8 million
Palestinian refugees who make up

Brown "is a goodwiu ambassador
for the college and the University"
with her visits.

"She‘s good because she likes to
do it," he said.

Besides making the presentations
for UK, she also participates in a
joint project with Delta Dental and
the Jaycees at schools and commu-
nity events. Former UK basketball
player Richie Farmer also makes
the uips.

“We can see 3,000 people a day
with Richie being the attention get-
ter." she said. “The whole program
is to raise awareness about good
oral hygiene.“


about half of Jordan’s population.

Most of the residents of Zarqa,
18 miles northeast of Amman. are
Palestinians who fled to Jordan
from the Israelboccupied territo-
ries. It is the third—largest city in the
kingdom and a center of phosphate
and potash mining.


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