xt7vq814r548 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vq814r548/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-09-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 22, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 22, 1987 1987 1987-09-22 2020 true xt7vq814r548 section xt7vq814r548  





UK’s Tony Massey filling in, in fine
fashion. SEE PAGE 6.





Beat Farmers combine comedy
and seriousness. SEE PAGE 3.



Today: Partly sunny
Tomorrow: Clear and cool



Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCI. No. 27

SW 1894

University of Kentucky, LOW. Kentucky


Head light

«Ti 3. - T.l
_ I l


Sheldon Creech, a UK Physical Plant Division
employee. paints the light for a walkway in the

quadrangle by the Chemistry/Physics building
yesterday afternoon.




McConnell optimistic about treaty

Associate Editor

Kentucky Senator Mitch McCon—
nell said he is optimistic about the
latest arms agreement between the
United States and the Soviet Union.

The freshman congressman from
Louisville told about 60 people in 228
Student Center yesterday that the
recent agreement between the US.
and the Soviet Union to remove their
medium- and shorter-range nuclear
missiles from Europe is one of the
most “significant“ occurrences in
the nuclear age.

Although there are several areas
that still need to be worked out be-
fore an actual arms treaty is signed,
McConnell said last weekend's an-
nouncement by the two superpowers
is a good indication that the U.S. is
dealing with a “new crowd“ in Mos-

“There‘s pretty clear evidence
there's a new crowd over there," he
said. “All the signs coming out of
the Soviet Union today are posi-

McConnell, a member of the Sen-
ate Agriculture and Foreign Rela-
tions committees said he is hopeful
the latest developments between the
two superpowers will lead to possi-


ble progress toward a strategic
arms reduction.

However, if the two sides want to
substantially reduce their military
budgets, McConnell said they need
to reduce their conventional forces.

McConnell said he is convinced So-
viet Secretary General Mikhail Gor-
bachev is committed to reforming

the Soviet Union's economy. But he
said the job will not be an easy one.

“What Gorbachev is up against is
the most bureaucratic society in the
world,“ he said.

Another topic that has been in the
Washington headlines recently has
been the confirmation hearings of
Robert Bork to the Supreme Court.

McConnell praised Bork, calling
him a “giant" in the legal field and
an individual who believes in judi-
cial restraint.

“Clearly, the president has picked
someone of great distinction for the
Supreme Court,“ he said.

Some members of the Senate Judi-
ciary Comittee have criticized Bork
for being too conservative, but Mc-
Connell said political ideology
should not be taken into consider-
ation during the confirmation.

Philosophical leanings of nomi-
nees is the president's choice. he
said, while the Senate should ensure
the nominee has outstanding creden-

“Whether we like it or don’t like it
there‘s going to be a conservative on
the Supreme Court,“ he said.

If Bork is defeated, McConnell
said that President Reagan will
nominate someone else who will be
“younger and just as conservative
as Bork,“ and he will be confirmed.

Independent since 1971

Tuesday, September 22, 1987

Hearing gets response

Executive Editor

Randy King, 28. is a third-year
medical student at UK. King is ahlr
to go to medical school because of a
Guaranteed Student loan and the fi-
nancial support of his wife, who

His wife, however, is nine months
pregnant and will soon have to take
a leave of absence from her job.
King said that raising tuition rates
next semester would cause “a
crunch” for his family.

Evidently, he‘s not alone.

More than 200 students and region-
al university representatives at-
tended a hearing yesterday to voice
their opposition to a proposed mid-
year tuition increase.

Yesterday’s hearing, held in the
Student Center‘s Worsham Theatre,
was sponsored by the Kentucky
Council on Higher Education. It was
the first of three hearings designed
to gather input about the increase

The next hearing will be at West-
ern Kentucky University on Sept. 24,
followed by a hearing at Ashland
Community College on Sept. 28.

The tuition-increase proposal is in
response to a projected $9.4 million
shortfall in funding for higher edu-
cation. The council is considering
raising tuition next semester to off-
set projected budget cuts.

UK, Kentucky State University,
Eastern Kentucky University and
Northern Kentucky University were
all represented by students, with the
largest contingent coming from KSU
in Frankfort.

Terry McBrayer, vice chairman of
the council‘s finance committee.
opened the hearing by saying that
because of the projected budget
cuts, the council has been forced to
look at other alternatives for fund-

McBrayer said the council is also


More than 200 students and university representatives attended
the CHE tumon hearing in Worsham Theatre yesterday

considering revising the current way
tuition is set to help in funding high-
er education. Since 1982 tuition is set
through. a comparison of tuition
rates with benchmark institutions
and examining the state's per capita

UK Vice President for Administra
tion Ed Carter said the University
administration is against both pro—
posals because they might ”negati-
vely affect access“ to higher educa-

The balance for funding higher ed-
ucation has been shifting toward the
students, Carter said. A mid-year in-
crease could be “detrimental" to the
objective UK has and the objective
the CHE has for higher education _
attracting students to universities.

Dennis Taulbee. director of budget
and planning for Northern Kentucky
University, agreed, saying that ac—
cess is a critical issue in considering
any tuition increases.

Kentucky has the lowest rate of

people going on to college. Taulbee
said. Anything done that might hin-
der potential students should be con-
sidered carefully.

While the hearing allowed admin-
istrators from ['K, KSI.‘ and EKL‘
the opportunity to speak on the
issue. it was student representatives
who dominated the discussion.

L'K Student Government Associa-
tion President Cyndi Weaver said if
the council increased tuition next se-
mester, it would break an "informal
contract" that students have with
the council

The proposal to raise tuition would
set a bad precedent. said John Sea—
bree. NKl's student government

It would be. Seahree said. going
backwards by making education less

Higher education cannot be made
a “luxury product.” Weaver said.
"Some of the burden has got to go

Sec II III()\. l’agc.‘

Texas evangelist to speak tomorrow

Contributing Writer

The Rev. Bruce Nieli, director for
evangelization in a diocese in Texas.
will try to spiritually move his audi-
ence tomorrow at 7:30 pm.

Nieli’s lecture, the first in the
1537-88 UK Newman Center‘s Distin-
guished Speakers Program, is free
and open to the public.

The title of Nieli‘s talk is “Ameri-
can Metanoia: The Awakening of
the Spirit of Christianity" and will
focus on America's hunger for spiri-
tual renewal.

Nieli said “there is a revival of re-
ligious life throughout the United
States that is beginning to happen,
that more people are becoming

aware of religion.“ He said Ameri-
cans are reaching for a deeper sense
of belonging and that this is fulfilled
inthe church.

Bernie Vonderheide, chairman of
the speakers program, said he chose
Nieli to speak because of his well-
known reputation for speaking and
relating to students. Vonderheide
said Nieli has done a lot of work
with students and described him as
“particularly appealing“ to them.

Nieli earned a master‘s degree in
pastoral counseling from Iona Col-
lege and then served as a parish
priest. As an accomplished musi—
cian, he served as a chaplain at the
Julliard School of Music,

His speech will be at the UK New-
man Center at 320 Rose Lane.

U.S. bombs Iranian

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — A U.S. military
helicopter attacked an Iranian ship
in the Persian Gulf on Monday after
discovering it laying underwater
mines, the White House and Penta-
gon said.

The Pentagon said the stern of
Iranian ship ”Iran Ajr" was set on
fire. The fire was extinguished but
the ship was left “dead in the
water," said Fred Hoffman, the
Pentagon‘s spokesman.

Marlin Fitzwater, the White Horse
spokesman, said U.S. forces “took
defensive action“ when the Iranian
ship was discovered laying mines in
international waters 50 miles north-
east of Bahrain.

The attack was outside an area
where a British tanker was attacked
earlier yesterday by Iranian gun-

Mining building to attract funding and students

Contributing Writer

Rose Street is blooming with pro-


Its newest addition is the Mining
and Minerals Resource Building,
which will be a great asset, not only
to UK, but also to Kentucky‘s coal
industry, according to Jack Blanton,
vice chancellor for administration.

The 814 million building has been
under construction for about two

years and will be ready for use by
the beginning of the 1988 spring se-
mester, Blanton said.

The College of Engineering's de-
partment of mining and minerals
will share the building with the Ken-
tucky Geological Survey. the Insti-
tute of Mining and Mineral Re-
search and the Coal Survey.

Dee Saperstein, the new chairman
of the department of mining engi-
neer-Ira, said he is “overwhelmingly
pleased" with the new building. He

said that the new structure was one
thing that attracted him to UK.

“One of the things a prospective
faculty member looks at is where he
is going to be able to teach,“ he
said. “The College of Engineering is

He said the new facility “will give
everyone a little more space."

G.T. Lineberry. associate profes-
sor in mining and emineerirg and
director of the Kentucky Miniru En-
gineering Scholarship program, said

the new building will attract major
national funding for the mining and
minerals wogram.

Lineberry emphasized the role
that the new facility will play in at-
tracting quality students.

“It's goirg to help us tremendom-
ly in our recruiting efforts," he said.
“Just like the athletics department
is excited about its new building,
we‘re excited about ours and the
Ithins it's goirg to mean for our col-

The incident was the first Ameri-
can military action against Iran
since Aug. 8, when a Navy F-14
Tomcat fighter fired two missiles at
an Iranian jet that was judged to be
“hostile." Both missiles missed, The
episode was the closest that the two
countries have come to combat
since the United States started es~
corting reflagged Kuwaiti tankers in

Hoffman, appearing at a Pentagon
briefing yesterday evening, indi-
cated at least two American heli-
copters were on patrol from the frig-
ate USS Jarrett when they spied the
Iranian ship. One of the helicopters
opened fire with machine guns and
rockets after observing the Iranian
ship laying mines.

“The location is in international
waters at a spot frequently used by
commercial vessels, both those of
the United States and of other neu~
tral nations,“ Hoffman said.

He said the attack occurred at
night, and the helicopters were able.


mine ship

using night-vision d9‘.l(‘e.\. to identi-
fy objects being dropped over the
side of the Iranian ship as mines.

“Acting under the rules of en
gagement as ordered by the com-
mander of the Middle East Task
Force, the helicopter engaged the
Iranian ship. setting its stern ab-
laze," Hoffman said.

“The fire appears to be out and
the ship is dead in the water. Our
ships and aircraft are standing by to
render such help as may be

The White House said L'.S. forces
acted “in accordance with existing
rules of engagement."

“We have previously commu-
nicated with the Iranian government
the way in which we would respond
to such provocative acts which pre-
sent an immediate risk to United
States ships and to all ships. United
States forces acted in a defensive
manner and in accordance with

Sec A TTACK. Page 2


Task force

Staff reports

The Student Government Assn
ciation‘s Sexually Awareness and
Safety Task Force will hold its
first meeting tonight at 7:30 in
the SGA office, 120 Student Cen-

Scheduled to speak to the five-


to meet

member group will be Jean Cox.
Student Health Services adminis-
trator. According to the task
force‘s chairman. SGA Senator at
Large David Botkins, (‘ox will
address the group about ways in
which to prevent the spread of
sexually transmitted diseases
and unwanted pregnancies.




 2 — KENTUCKY KENNEL. TMy. W 22. 1087

0Attack by U.S. leaves ship ‘dead in water’

Continued from Page i
existing rules of algagement." Fitz-
water said.

Hoffman said the helicopters were
about 15 miles from the Jarrett
when they observed the activities of
the Iranian vessel. it was only after
the air crews were sure that the ship
was dropping mines over its side
that the crews asked for and re-
ceived permission from Rear Adm.
Harold Bernsen to open fire, the spo-
kesman said. Bermen is the com-
mander of the Navy‘s Middle East
Force. the Navy battle group that
operates inside the Persian Gulf.

“It wasn‘t a snap judgment,“ Hof-
fman added.


Hoffman declined to identify what
type of American helicopter
mounted the attack, but it appeared
the aircraft was a specially
equipped Army copter assigned to
the Special Operations Forces. A
Special Operations aviation unit has
been in the Persian Gulf to augment
the firepower on U.S. Navy

Hoffman declined to say how
many American helicopters were in
the air, beyond saying it was more
than one. The Jarrett is believed ca-
pable, however, of supporting only
two helicopters.

Hoffman said he didn‘t know if

any warning shots were fired or any
attempt made to establish commu-
nication with the Iranian ship.

But on Capitol Hill, aides to Sen-
ate ' Leader Bob Dole of
Kansas said they had been told by
the White House that radio contact
was first established with the Irani-
an ship which was told to cease and
desist minelaying activities.

order a warning shot was fired, the
aides said. They said they had been
told that only when that measure
produced no response did the attack

Hoffman said he did not know

whether there were any Iranian cas-

Sen. Sam Nunn, D—Ga., chairman
of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee. said the United States
“had every right to take the action
that apparently we did, which is to
stop the mine-laying by stopping the

“So I would say that we acted
prudently and well within our rights
under international law," Nunn told
United Stations Radio Network.

“This is just an imtance where
the Iranians obviomly got caught,"
Nunn said.

Kentucky ACT scores catching up with nation

Associated Press

FRANKFORT - The gap between
scores of Kentucky students and
their national counterparts on the
ACT college entrance exam nar-
rowed significantly in 1987, accord-
ing to figures released yesterday by
the Kentucky Department of Educa-

The composite mean score of Ken-
tucky students graduating in 1%?

was 18.3, an increase of 0.2 over
1%, while the national mean de-

‘ clined by 0.1 to 18.7 on a scale of 1-

36, the department said in a news

Kentucky students exceeded the
national mean on the English por-
tion of the four-part, multiplechoice
test but fell below the national mean
on the math, social studies and natu-
ral sciences portions, the release

Homecoming Application



at 12 NOON.
Turn them in at Rm. 203
of the Student Center.



The Kentucky composite score
also was 0.3 points above the mean
for students in the nine-state south-
eastern region, which besides Ken-
tucky includes Alabama. Florida,
Georgia, Mississippi, North Caroli-
na, South Carolina, Tennessee and
Virginia, the release said.

National composite scores were
released by The American College
Testing Program in Iowa City, Iowa.
No state-by-state list was provided,

however, and Kentucky‘s scores
were released by the department in

The ACT is the predominant col-
lege-entrance exam in 28 Western
and Midwestern states, including
Kentucky, where it is required for
admission to a public university. Na-
tionally, 777,444 students took the
ACT last year, including 23,117 in

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Civil leaders anti-Bork

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Civil rights
leaders yesterday urged the Sen-
ate to reject the nomination of
Robert H. Bork to the Supreme
Court, with Atlanta Mayor An-
drew Young attacking him as “a
protector of privilege and power
rather than opportunity and free—

Had Bork‘s views prevailed in
the United States, Young testi-
fied, “Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
would not be a venerated national
hero. He would instead be serv-
ing a jail sentence in Alabama."

Young, a former aide to King,
told the Senate Judiciary Com-
mittee: “I might have been
branded a terrorist and jailed for
my participation in the civil
rights movement instead of be-
coming the first black elected to
Congress from Atlanta in more
than 100 years.”

The mayor, who was ambassa—
dor to the United Nations in the
Carter administration, said he
agrees with Bork‘s characteriza-

tion of himself as being neither
liberal nor conservative.

“He is neither. He is an ex-
tremist whose zealous dogmatic
view of the world allows him to
travel many rationalized paths to
his negative ends,“ Young said.

Waiting in the wings as the
committee began its second week
of hearings on the Bork nomi-
nation were supporters of the fed-
eral appeals court judge.

Meanwhile, Sen. Bob Pack-
wood, ROre., who is not a mem-
ber of the committee, said at 3
Capitol Hill news conference he
will vote to deny confirmation
after the issue reaches the full

Packwood said Bork‘s restric-
tive View of privacy rights threat-
ens women's right to abortion. es-
tablished by the Supreme Court
in 1973.

The Democratic-controlled Sen-
ate is sharply divided over Bork‘s
nomination with leaders saying
the outcome of the battle is too
close to call. A final Senate roll
call is not expected until October.



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