xt7vq814r523 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vq814r523/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-10-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 06, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 06, 1985 1985 1985-10-06 2020 true xt7vq814r523 section xt7vq814r523 u
Vol. XC. No. 8 el . ,
Universny oi Ke
mucky LeXIngton K
’ . entucky - > .
Independent since 1971 W d . _ .
to deb at . 9 ”NOV OC'Ober l6. I985 ' .
e l e C -. f .
O ,, . . " r' "’1
W d V ment resol , w, ..
Special PTOjects Edi The [‘ ~ . . .- ,. -
tor “nerhlty has In v . ~ . «1 . .
Th :htegnational BUSiHESS\ehlt/Ir:(e‘:itrblelbn the Sullivan Principles for the last mot , _ , .‘ -«‘
‘ < ,- . or . ‘ '. '2 . ~ e aw . .. V ' l . 4 I, ',
nighte Stir-:1 senate W“ deCIde t0_ roval hIOSOr (0.. Burroughs. l'ni- sacrizat} would not be V . socalled people “32mm. Any tlme we get pends on him bus‘lnf‘“ -~ 1 ' J J "-‘
cents in t?) 5: tit will put its two which (12%th Reynolds all of he saidwrtvde-V morleli“ Miller said success " "fled in a topic~ it's a the government hots-m?“ pressure \llllllltilb .thivh rim ., : _. f 11,- ,11
, .' 0 convince ' _ ‘ mess inSo - . i .‘ ' SO “wo dn‘t 1 V " s _ _, ‘ ' ”"4"! 7-111 1 it", . , 1'
versfl)’ to get its $1.2 milliohhzultmf 1h? purpose of dlvgtstthfigtcé, Lniverstty“intodivesting rush the he said he also thinks divestment tf 83‘}? Miner and Mum"? “‘1" 'hdl ”3:21 \m‘d ' » l' ' "' I- 1/ '
South Africa. 0 pressure the South African gt):b to At its Mav 7meeting the Board of '5 ‘3 moral imperative “ ‘ alone dlw‘qm It “"UI" ”M ht' l‘tlstln'v't ”mg ‘ ‘ “‘"N‘ 111 Hot. ' ‘ ' 1-;‘1' 'Ij.‘
. 'er. . . - .. .. .V . ..:(‘: N V ';'
Student Gov them to make reforms in its svsterrh Trhmeéb anhounced 't “'35 gomg to do uhhshexe the ‘ “”9””! should "H( is not [e d “”m jtghtirxvdm V." ”‘3” 111 mm 1' '. . ...;',-.‘
Senato , ernmem A550("lallon 0 legalized raCial SQgreh1 he ”‘8 hOIdings in 809mg (‘0 be 1. [5 morally right I believe (lidnt t1 d 11131 d ”Wu-mom 1‘ "The i ‘1 .,, NANA “1"” "‘1 ‘.1 *1 "' a.
John girl-large Theo Monroe and khOWn as apartheid . gum)“ clause the Compam. does not folloxi "l ”(‘10rally Vi'rong {or US to be In end , {Tm ” "W‘t‘meni it wont tmt l )Jn” ‘rqppnm mm W 5: ‘ ‘ , ‘ 1.57,”)?
. 1 l er are s m . ‘ t e Sull’ . -. _ ' v0 ye 1m S . ‘ ,, ' i lovenit-nif _\ _. ‘1 .. .. . \, t-rr} “my: '. . ' , “1..
tion that calls roEOCSOririg a resolu- The deadline for divestm practicewfl PTInCiples of busmess anintertvwwfihlh hfricav. he said in an integral part oi mom“. “M h " I . 'E 1 ‘ ', HI ..-' ..
merit of U _ mp ete dlvesl~ Sponds With h . - entt-tirre. . st semester. the scA .. , dstvwek lllmemtxnt ,, . l1 ., MWJJI
_ »K holdings by Oct 3] P _‘ I c tlmo the Sullivan passed a resolution c d .' We feel that dh't’stmeni _ Hlé‘ “with“,n WNW A .. 1. ‘ ’1 1.1 '.
#91”. In Companies that do b " ' ' rmtlples Of bub-”less pract» . ‘ . apartheid 0n emmng [aht ”3501‘! for n“ . ‘ la the h out tif [ht' “I” V I” A it“... ,, 1. .‘ T." '2 ‘ 7.".
i 1 . ess - 1 t orm stiu io - . 1 , . ‘ . 11 mm. s ' i 1. ,1. .
nSouth Africa ”mesh ente run out. and "those C39” m Niuth Mm.“ -~ “ Sl‘ulh’ht r‘l ln ’ The re 1 t n tllt> t ulumtiiu 1 iii H‘LillUiix last “wit-Hi ‘7' , " Put ; , V , , TI 1 I ’_
tions which have been hiding $31 Monroe said the main reason he is ‘ ‘ 1 ”MM \erm-V' Ru‘gw‘ [‘ant’l-Mtv th“ I m. ture so '.\('ll 1“ the in 17..L1h' 1'" ' '- ".P' f 1' ' U3 .2 I
' ' " i . ' ‘ ' ‘ . ‘ ‘ ' ‘ 11M: 1H 11,. , .’-l . > .
Sponsoring the resolution is to pro- S ”tK manner ”‘- “hlL‘h t-hange in 1%:l:\ . t“ (“”9“ “Ilium Stan- dh‘mniuhi ' h “ r . ”Pg/ice:
. ~0U h Alrica WI“ i'onie about d ._ . . m N “h" I "”9“”? 0f 31355;. The iiiuii. mu \ , 'i, ‘. _‘ 5 l ‘5 1.;
c t (hUsetts and (”“3th (.UHU _ . 9 l vkllt-lnon; '3‘.” ‘. ' z A :‘J . ‘ ,i‘ . ‘1'
. ulre fit as in \tt ““hhu \l ‘ 151.: ‘1.' ”Jr-11.1.“:
F OK - 9"]: ’ FRI"... '.3-::£
o ‘ ~ 1 '91‘1
ellcha t ‘ Orgy S creat . .
85 n S - ‘ . 10" ‘,'.'..‘,“r'
.‘ ‘_ a I I h.
UK c'FOWd ‘ ‘ . 0f first Republican
Broadcaster talks - t n‘ ‘ fund r O . .1 15;! I: "I.
1 ‘ - aism - '
0f baSketball 1' - » “ . - 1'0“ . , x -,
lfe ‘V ‘ _ ‘5‘ t .'
, 1.3 \‘ "'.~~_ .‘

V _ - B\.\I,\I ' - .~ . .fl‘.’ .-‘ ‘,-.
If)\\ll.l.lhl||\'r'r \ :\“mm:hil;;fl||.l.llt.|(h\ WM ;.. ,MW ,, _ 4 _
Sports Editor N I H U w» “Humid 11.: 1i.‘1;r1..m W 1 \ N” "W - ‘1‘ ( .' ‘ -.

" ‘ " ‘ i \ “A l 1v-- \ ' I.
He made it ' PRANkHMT Lari‘i ‘ 1. .2 , t: “"' “"hh-‘r .x' - . . - ' ~: -‘ .. ‘
that he was ass; rtlsh"‘(;l'way [he {”7“ Republican ('illl(lll(‘l::ll:)llll; hint 7“???" m“ ‘1‘ l' m; ; ‘I . " ‘11- .
ar0und” and not d . I dnce governor to (Team ‘ til i , 1 111 M that“; A1,,“ . .‘ I,’ . . _ .- '. 3
- v on» . . . r. , \ .t» ::. w, p. h t, . ‘
{0pm. Last n hue I on an‘ t i (‘thtllttee hut Fort: ,m rll\lnL’ Iii tr 1 . I .. MUM” ““1. ,. ~ ’ 1. _ 2/. . ‘
Couldn‘t fid‘lt lg ‘1‘] McGuire 1“\ p0ct~ (lther Hepuhll L, F‘Jltl h{‘ (1‘ t'tit dbtlul hb ln'.t‘ll[‘t;1‘\ . ‘ , 1‘ 1 ’. ‘ : ..
' " prm‘itcd a more ‘1. . f , Wm H enter thy i‘ult-tl. u! a,“ m _ , . " ‘ “‘ ' ‘ 1' ‘ '1 " .1.
revealing glimpSQ 0f her“ . : ,1 rd} “W198? ' tl,. .1)! “.1.”qu , . ‘ _‘ ~ -.' _ _- ,
_ , . .59” If he i . I . . , ' ,{phuhll .‘ (I \ltl' m I h , _ \ . ‘ i" > .
hagdoneitanymherwav \ ‘ . 1133311?!“ §\'rklantl, .i r‘riinktort wt \Ulllt'l jet1 in “ll\f” w“- h LN ' '1 ‘ ’ ' M ' V‘
. > - . F ”K ¢ ~ 1‘ ‘ . .. . il‘\ \, “v“ ,d\ \H'v.‘ _ . ., -_ . I -. .-
Studeai‘itbpxghfponsored by the 1 . t I ‘ "Kentuckll:i(isrt}:r lmumr pdpflx mr MW. m “”ka ‘ “j " 5 v' t V‘ I h ‘ ‘.
1 1“ 185 Board. i 1‘ V, i . ‘ 13”?» ~Ui‘izi will liitl 1'11. 1w; .e. ” "V “‘ ": «1‘ ,' - =1 ‘ . ' ":
('u'm‘ the form” Marquette 3:: .1 1 1% ”.19 “much “WM“- wt Elwin”: Knight: I‘ WWW ' : 9 ' . ‘1. "
"91‘5"! basketball coach now .I‘ ‘ k F‘nan“e.‘">’t<‘rda} 7 wmmlh‘: W‘Hm““' 11' i1 1:; _ ; ’ ‘ i "
analyst with NBC. rammed , f‘“ ~ , . K ‘ ' l tully “pm mm) m w , ., F“ ‘1 ”jam ht' ,\ it,” V . 1 L, .‘ 1 ~
t1 \Vhile . , , ll _, .i R: WA 41.14.11“ t _ . t‘ A
sung 1." haSkeIhall with his p9r- " ‘ ‘ , ‘k » pui Kdnpnmm.‘ Fore} Milt) position .. ”p' “WWW“ “3 ‘l‘ ' g ', :-;' -
sonalhf‘) . x " i ~. ' , l‘urg} “am he dUlhOri/t-d the "Th1 , _ . i . x
The f, 1t «:1 \ a. - ation at H1 . U‘ ‘ 'h'm t111i::1;".-.- s . . ' 1 V
lion' ddt that most of the Quos- . 3;;— . g ‘ . i} I” ( hut w M tampaign ctiinnnttwi l} t'ttlllltlt‘lll thin I 11 ' ' - . ~ 1 .. e “ V ,
. . 5 uring the qUQSIlon-and-an. "‘5 \ - v “ mu! V _, . d5 not Wild) to make tin tilt; Lituvrnnr nt- . . W1 \ 'm ‘ I i * ‘ "
sitter period concerned his per. ; « / ' ’ Lialannouncementtit littt.;,n,md(_\ TM” 1, Mm.‘ > ‘ x V . ‘ 1 .
50ml] MP and not ['K hitskoth H V V \_ . s Kimono “h“ “an“ I” rlr'm f li- h- , ‘ ‘1 ”17.1 ~ l) .,., \1, 1, f j .- M _ -
Oan reflecu , . ' d ‘ ' \ coilt‘ltisiom l‘ ‘ “”31 “ '1” lwi'iiit-r i,.,._ , . .. ~ ' , 1
. « ju>l h\)“ C! t .. , ~ I rum ll. ”KW [ , ' > ‘ . x ' 1 I .
the m dp “died ‘ ‘ l tlr'ivi th> ’ ”‘th 1" “rm-'1 ~11 «‘1‘ lo 1 . 1 ‘ ‘
ore than 300 people in th ' ‘ ' ~ _ , c ( ('(inelusltin thdt 1 llt‘ (1.. l m. t . , “ Z Knit; vi '1» t.t--» .. .
Student (‘Pntt‘r Ballroom “'9‘8 , 1 ‘K ‘11 5(’rlt)u> .ihmit tl‘: it\t‘l‘llltlrl (ht "fl; AMMU- \\‘ik>!.\'17 Yi.:‘.- 1, " 1 .1 :l H “
“"thglmcfiuiretheperson ’0 1. I. . i ‘ '- ‘1“ W87, FOI'L“. .im “1‘“ 11"}(i‘iii‘t‘flghidwl Illlltbnlit' 4.»: 3 1h“ - ._ . I ‘

n ‘ ' - '* . . ' y “* \iatiwi‘ . . .'.1.’ , '. _ ' .

captured]; unstruttured d€|l\‘€r\ :f'nfiv [no other pl‘iim ‘. ., .ii1 ,Mwmzwt 1” 1 ii .. .,_. , . 1 3 J 2 . ..
.. .15 personality ' 1‘1" 5? - l‘..<1.‘t\1.v.,. . mm me'lw‘m‘ - it~ \,‘ 1h m” 'r' ”H; .N-u, 1 . ‘ _1’ . ’.

I dont Want to be a _ .1552; ‘ . ,- f~t‘ti .i:: 1,1... t 1.??.~.1_ - H :ng 1m.”- bmr.“ \ 1.”: 11m . .- V v .
who 1. .. ~~ . person “‘7‘ - herndtnrta] T‘lt'e , , r 4 , ‘ _ .

h d)s. MM-Uire said. refer— 1 “(mm 1r, ~ and \i llt’ part) ot FM“ . . > y w ,'
{ling F0 the ““3" he \‘leWS hlmself \ . ' ‘ ( “"“W'l‘fi 911? .i (it)? up. L‘ “"'1“"1"'1i)""'~l"tf '11' wt h.: 1 1 _ '2 1 V

“ant [0 b0 the person who ‘3‘. . \1}”R(.\ L _ . ., I
comesandgoe$~ - ' ‘ P k. » .__ 4 , ,.

, And in his talk he did Just that I 1 . ar lng ombudSm _ . .1, 1..
It!" d lUOSt ln‘lnh’iu‘ manner é a n ,- ‘., , > I", .' a:
tar“: 1 r t 1 crea ' ' ‘ ” '5

. S 0 got through (“Ollege ! t d f _ ,- .. .I . ‘» -,
a?“ «1‘ t e or commuters 1 -' * "
“533$“.h‘gh mm“ 'H“ 5m" h." ‘ / ‘ “1 HRUH‘thI‘R 'i I’ ‘ "l' I I

I 00 Stu ” ' '"1 . I .‘ . . ‘. . ~‘ , if ‘
therightmwlfl‘d: he (Opied Off I," _ 5t"“f’\\rllf‘t‘ NW” lht miimzutei sum-m . L ' .. V .1
.‘1 53V ll “0 ' _ .’ . in lhé’pdl‘klP‘i '“V‘L‘quH-f‘j 11 i. l. < ~ , 32"... 1' . j
med- h“! bfi‘auie [35:11:15.e [m ‘ f ' T‘('k“[m”r““‘<‘tlwax llll)U\t]~ ~1 '““ “WM 11m «M. the \i’lw .1 .. I ~ . .J . 5 ‘
lMdei 1~ . ’ £ Other / - Th0 l'K t‘omm - 1‘ ‘ ‘ ~‘_ \(‘Fllttb and it""ll ... -- K. . .- . " ‘ " "
of me- he said “~\nl ’ 1 h' _ Ultr Student titlice L 111: t p.1vtm1 _\ t t . ,
llkt‘Al McGuire “ ' ( I . ' ()dhb established a parking tiiake Lill tilemtiiit-n‘ ~lli x. 1 I. ’ . " '
While touching on \‘pecif . f I: Udsman to help Students mm There .lrt‘ .. lot ht lllt’flllill,tt'.1. ." . ' '.

'ts » . ‘ K 8" gt" ' “ dt ‘h0} call ‘spr \ . . Phiil‘h and ihm m, , . 1 3- ,1 , ‘z . 2

pet 0f hls Cinch n . .. Wu (ind le’it . <11 hit. t .. . .1 _ . _
, ‘ ‘ l g tareer. as ,5 mate comilv \ . g l ‘1! ”mum .1 n . ' .. .. » ”WW. ,' 7 : ,. ., _
“E“ as Olht‘r pertinent t ‘k , .t ., , ‘ l dlllls tilmut the parking at (”1.thle \ , .' _ , '
Issues such as a“ )as ethall ‘ 3 situationoncampus 'lt thew t. 1t.t_1,~,.,.‘., 3 . _' é' '— ‘_ i- -
r 1 ~ .. ) Ege athletes ,» ' ,1, ‘1’.“ -' ‘ Beglnnmiz tomt 1 Plaint. \‘hlii\ \v ‘1 ”f ' ' f' . "f
etening salar ~ ~ , - a; , )ritm dp till)” 1. .iiii W,‘ H 4. H . . “
(“an tail (6 offfrsh ‘Mchmre . 2%” _, ‘a inents can he made “1”] \E'lm‘n or at MN ”Mk“ A21. m .3 .. 1- .. .3. . .1?
phies aboutlife h philoso. "with? gr ‘:~ 31(1):: IEVBS} Thursda} alternooh he Lhi ill'lilrlelll :ii L‘filltl'llldiztit: .qt : '1 ,1 .' {to '3 -'
”Please. alwms “ Y ' f ‘i . V am 4 3"pm ‘ um'm M‘Fh'dh ‘ ”llilll'llm- ..- ; u , : ,, 7. '. I ‘.
(‘IUll‘e said '- Falk' MO (hug-51 program (‘Ufirtllnatti HumdhKt'wtirrt-shroud“ Q . 1“, . 4“ V I,‘ ,.
niCate Al , ““835 t‘ommu» S the (ommuter Student UH . r for [ion Thornton t“. it, . . ' ‘1,“ "
. ' “a.“ be aware of a r- ports onOIYS’ and tormer M - . Luv/mm; .. W . taken on th- K" h‘“ Hf Admi \ .. k , in M k ‘7 1'” “IV 1 ' ‘I' ‘1 -
sonAndah‘aVS dream “ pe 'Y basketball coo h Al M G Orquette Univer5.. mer UK CO h J m ”VG“ gfPTVlCe h (h riponNmm ”1 m“ 't 1 Hail-“Fm“ M“ HIM“ “”2 ’ ' ' I A , '
lle ex , ’ , c C Uire chat 1 °C De 8. Hall . ' - W 10 s e said t, t“ _ ‘ ‘ ”111 K’illllt'ul'; h, Mt.“ ._ . t. , , . . 1 , ,1.»
this in hfldcggghhno“ “he applied (‘hampionshipinthxl 5 Wi'h for- campus '°° CFOWd of about 33328:; 'Speokmg on to t"‘tlt’r meet the needs :)?::i::l;li (.‘(anlamh dl‘t‘ \Ktil'l'fiflltI“: ”7. f: . .‘ ‘ .I‘ ‘I ' ‘ ‘ ".‘ -
he recruited pl;"§t‘:dhe\ert;hhen “l dr9amt that (1 11:23:): with a rich tradition in f00tb 5 night. [lggyi'li-ommuter students oho ."V lr‘itt‘h case \ull he .1” Mm {WM 4..» ' . . i, , _‘ , .V I
- ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ s01 ~\ “ , 1 . 'mi‘t
them out for walks and .just c215- back a team," McGuire saidmlgt and elaborate analogies, McGuire "hed cracks in his career one "This serii» StntTeIijiltm l] . . .‘ ‘1,’ .‘
uallytalking “'hhthem. A ‘ greamed I was going to bring :UCcessfuuy Conveved these dif “he? hit alloweda Plaier toshmt feel thexh hai’koe I: tor [Emple “h“ Pr‘K'H‘d thrrtlm Th1 W Winn“ “ -‘ l M V ’ f I i"
He recalled a photo 30" a (Wlnmngi t ‘ eremmeSsages ' ‘ ' “ a e called "Hail \5 -. eted ‘. ‘9“ “h illrl} tick. t . V M " t1~i‘i:;_ii i‘W'M ~ ;. , -- it . ,1. 1
graph he H . . __ 1 eam_ Fortuna. Wh 4 Shots h . . .lar} , . towed Quay or can't finl 4 <1 tiling .i Chmptmm .\ ., 'h _ . . . . ‘ _ .
Once saw of fans gtandm ( 3 m 19H. It all met That w . en MCGUlre went to ' oping It would 9 e. in to , ‘ .. ‘ park- hi , . ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 ' l A k ' 1- ‘ ,“ ». » ,_'
* - . . ~ as » Mar. la . , am his 9. mett their needx sh» .. l l» \ppcals in” . . t. . . .
[Elephone pole: wa' . 8 up On all she wrote Th d quette in the 19605 ‘ . P )erdprocontract Wth -. _. t said . i.i.i 4. t“. V .1 ’. , ,3.
- iting to greet . .. - 9 ream became , . - he Bald he “If . 1 1 the Cooperatmh f .. (‘mhudmitin wt] not . . -
the ()re on 5. , . . _ , areahty went into his off'1 . _ you acce t th' . De . 4 0 the [h . ‘ 1 H’plmw 1t... H _ V-
which 12 > tat: bdhkkthdll team l'smg himl' . cracks on [heceil “9 dnd saw aren't right." I?“ (‘ ”‘25 that Eitmem 0f Parking and Thins “’mmmt‘t hiil \1ill pt-mirle shim-nu _ . ‘
“on the 5; t , ._ ‘ ‘ar phrases. llke . mg 1 1 C Mire sattt POT ion of tho [hm » ' sommm. to N n,“ mw . .. it
a tonal n0-neck _ [5mg th . . , )ou ll never . . t H _ . ' ~10" 0t Human p 1» tn HI-«.pl..iiit\ ' ‘
sthools for schools GUlre I: as an analogy. Me Ital The cr kreiith tour poten- esource Bert-“.95. Chlldh ml] hel to 1 -. __
EXp alned how he devel< tobethere 9c M“Brent supposed E‘hd‘jms vnth legitimate complaint? “hire or to» sh; »\ 1._.i1m‘ 1., ’ ' I' _ .‘i 1 .
. -\ “”rklhg 85 an Intermedlan he rela.‘ ll’glllllitilt- “implant“ .thw ' '> " . I »'
pea 91‘ dlscus ' ~ ,
SCS ,.. . . .
v 'd° Bar holds ben f' ° ' » ~
1ns1 lOll ’ b ' ’ e 1‘ night = -
S 21 0111011 P - . * .
. 2 for hl Delt frater . G." Stolt’s DOOM is hosiin a he ' v V .' .’ ‘
W . I y efit featuring readings and lgn‘ n» ' : ,
S I] cut r0 ‘1 '6‘, 4.. BYLQl’ISSTRAl‘B sive drinks for (mom... ,h‘f'f” - . '.
u ‘ > . Contributmg Writer existing structure or him a new slish staduatc trhoolk‘ 1‘ n- i
B B “ ‘ h0u>th$prettler Mild mmline. Fm detriils sc "‘2‘?“ ‘ ‘
' ‘ ‘ .y a ~. . ku - .
.‘ RAD( "OPP,“ .- _ ‘ (Irf’f‘ks holpmg ng‘Oks‘” \ I I think ll .\ tilt-til ”ml 30., h1 - 1 SIONS. page 34 R - .
staff Writer tuning issues such as the living ‘3 / theme for tonight's bencht tt‘, h' I‘“ iinteori-d t.) h(‘lp Us, . \ald \‘ear‘rum‘ .
Th _ :‘ll 1:,“ Tight ‘9 die and the deter- ‘1," '7 the Phi Delta Theta fraternity c5? Ph-‘y president of Phl Della Theltl; ‘fllcrdny marked the , ,
, 9 President of Kent . . “4‘0" of brain death, Ar 2 With the tire that h' . r p‘ "h a good way i. . basket “" “' ”if
R 1 uck} State (19“ bed V b0ga§l r b 't "5 house early . ) help us and 20! ball \Caxon for . .
Ight to U“ '35! night said abortioh A“ - their FGIationshtp 10 the ”“5 month ' [NEWER (‘Ommunm together " m‘dmght pracii ‘c d mm“ on '
has led t0"insidious" - “homo" Issue and the need _ ‘ From a m t. . Spreitzer Sdld ‘ . ., _ s ‘ ‘" mm“ 481. we ~
.. practices. lf for pro \ , P 1 l a m . 80.; Again the 8\ent ,e Our .PORIM—iagu
Up girletfirek Other issues p0pping kln‘zmS W139“ ‘0 be “vigilant and “mks Place. 393 Waller Arenue $1? to repay "‘0 Week communtti I
In have come about ' ' a 580mg on.“ Wt be donating a“ m i 1 o greeks have be . .
- . as a 11 1 v . 0nei collec , . 911 so good to u The ma i - .
direct result of our disregard for life be Aportion is only the tip of the ice- at the door to the Phi Delts The {tad “9 J‘N wanted to return some 3t "10$! llkcltnnzd'h; “mm" “mm
in the womb.“ Al ArbogaSt said at lrS. he said‘ ”And it is up to peo- ' , ternity's house on Woodland AVen ' their support " radio “3-“ l a net. campus
meefir‘stw meeting of Campus Right t0 {Lt-net: you. {Dung peOple who are 55*,“ :85 setemy damaged m an Oct“: 00A! the;1 from door there m” be a $1 ‘hould 10mg? “Either, \iudcmt
, - ' e're are not onl- . ' P909 9. Who will have t " 1- w . Ire that officials sus . , ""r c 31’8“ for peo le 21 - - k w . V‘" "ha"?! '“
thhabortion, we are a]; 3:228 face up to thae problems and tur: been Caused by arson pect ma) hate At the Side door thus: undsrngl‘gg 2:9“. f‘ormai. pm a wlummsi'g
W‘ikhrgggamicid"andeulhfinasia " g {:25 CS.‘?""Y'S thinking around on MIARBOGAST baDave Spreitzer. manager of the mahedgiatmns ' 1‘“ “I“me‘mufi' I
35" tOId about m ' e "‘85” r. said the Idea for th { e r 3'50 Will offer SI 2'
the m ' .. . 9909'? at Ar . t - . 9 und-raiser 5 la]. n '3 drink
My "Senna that abomon ls prom to 11328;“ also de_scribed the Right 1’38”" 0-0. which draws 50000 to Cfmf? am“! from many of ms em pf} tgindfl ”p‘lCherstomght
and '7‘?“ "Woman! social, moral . . ovement In Kentucky, One 1000 People. Many of the ' I po-‘m- who are members of the have ‘ " successml' “'9 p'a“ ‘0
todaypolitical issue in this country rifgpout‘e Sdtate Organization shows rho lizarticipate in this “1390;: yet: community evervseéiflgfmgr for the greeks
. 1 I" an “witness for me" t b mm entucky he dd " '9 are donating $200 d - 1 ‘ ‘ "- Vpreltler said
“When you hm, ~ partici t‘ ~ 5 y A, 1 3 ed. our ho . an it IS _
e di . _ pa "‘8 In 8 ml! on b08115! co De t0 raise anothc ,
at one end of the “gig: for lifet Capitol Steps when Wylegistltfiui‘ea: who attended ngezdégtéhem petople the Phi [)elts_” he said $193930; b\:rh;§a:r\n9£;‘;|so fhast been raerved :03"! will be why sunny with 3
Kim rise to disra “1'. "v ‘ "1 session “It is - 99 mg shame that 3 gm it ~ - 9 ra ernitv {or its 1 mi 70.C1ear -
t for great that m . * a fraternity W0 _ comm . . - .. Shes "“1 cool
Manna!” them .. life at Arbogast also mentioned M h you have built an 50 short a time ing hard to succeed. sufferg é Fk nam unit) SQTHCP award The conditions are expected ioni in 'h
. for Life. the annual rally in wig. "“5 size “ hesaid dogmff‘m" of setback " ‘ major ties $1:er "SEEM“ and 50'0" ' '°" "0'“ 45 to «o plrtl'y 3.7.?
_ - . ‘ I is is an The mone V "l ‘ aISQ mmt mone . l Skig .n . ' ' y
\«Ann . -‘ “" be given to the heturn -‘ “Y” . Med for two"
RTION. page fraternit} either to help rebuild the er said ed in '0 FarmHtmse_ Spreitz- m'wlrowd'n °‘

 ' I I I o
Advice on academics careers
'1 bl t t d t t t
3"?“ a e 0 S 11 en S a C911 er , __. .
By l~‘.\ -\J.MINKl.l-j er. the center will provide test tak- clearer. “Most of the time peOPIe i ' . ‘ 9
(butnbuung‘Vy-lter lngworkShOIS. leave WIIII a good Idea of What I \ '
'hitoring also falls under the head they're going to do." O‘Neillsaid. j . __ ; .
. “mime, "-5 pre-exam tension. ing of academic counseling, O'Neill 0f the nearly 2,000 students the 4. .
- dating doldrums or a deSire for ad- referred to the center as a kind of center saw last year. about 60 per- ‘ . " " W 9
.' “Ct. about a possible major. there is “clearinghouse“ for tutors, adding cent came for personal reasons. The «9999‘- ‘ ~ 9.; 2.
, a place students can go [0 release that tutors are available for almost remaining number sought academic ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘y i I} I‘ 9. ’ -
- their college frustrations every basic subject. or career counseling. 3 .- f 92 .99....\.: _ ‘L‘ 5
- . The [K Counseling and Testing To be placed on the list of tutors. The center‘s psychologists concen- ¥ 2‘ . » ‘ ; I.
9 ‘ ' ‘ Center. a diverse and resourceful students are screened and must trate heavily on the personal prob- ‘ s “PW ‘ \‘
. section of Student Health Services. have at least one letter of reference. lems students or faculty members ‘5 ' . ..
_ . 9. , can help with these student prob» Students desiring academic help may encounter at UK. Most stu- " 2'99» ., . 'l
. .' . [ems Staffed with licensed. “1”an contact the listed tutors directly and dents. however, do not seek personal , 2 .. ‘9'“
. , ‘ ‘ psychologists. the center offers stu» negotiate a fee. which is usually help until their junior or senior year. "\”""‘““2-9»999 _
' 2 ‘ dents and faculty a mde range of aboutSSanhour. while freshmen and sophomores N92 N
- . ‘I counseling sernéesI including aca» Lisa Marsh. a tutor with the cen- tend to rely on the academic pro- - .. 3» \ ~ ‘
' ‘ ‘ ' demic.career and personal advice ter. said that although she spends grams offered. But O'Neill sees this ,9 ’ ‘ "2 f'
' " 9. ' 9, Academic counseling. while not only about two hours a week giving as being developmental. , 2 99,
. ' the center‘s main emphasis. is an individual instruction, many other ”It's the initial stages of saying to
. j .9 . Important part of the center's task. tutors spend five to 15 hours per one's self that you need help. . . and its . .
. 2 . 2 ' .7 Study skills specialists meet with week being ““1“"ng maybe tell someone ‘92 \ d :9 _...
' 2 students either individually or in "Self-esteem and confidence play else "13‘9“” 'hesaid. 9 \ f " .9 . s; 2' 993
' ’2 ,3 ‘ . _ groups to discuss exam tips as well an important role in all aspects of , . 'd on] . . 9%, cm 99“. ..
‘ " .. 7 as studying and readingtechniques. an academic career. but they can 0N9!“ sat y extreme cases - ‘ ‘9‘.” ’ 2.
. - 2. . - ~ 2 . - 2 are referred to other servtces. such 95.9;9-- ‘ ,
. . _ create a fine line between personal 5 Student Mental Health _ t9. ‘
~' ‘ , "'PartiCipation in the center's and career counseling, 0 Nell] a ‘ ‘ »._‘ “M _ 1» . 3‘“ f‘
_’ ~'_. 99 ‘, .2 .- '9 . services is high during registration said. ““5 fine “99“" cause (“’5' Appointments for the Counseling g r .9- ,‘ 3‘23;- . .9 .9 _ \ .. 5 \ 9" * ,
» J _ . but decreases toward the end of the "390“ when demding a career or and Testing Center can be made by ‘ .9“? . 9 . m. _ ‘ ’ 2w“ " " .. .
' , _ 9". 2 semester." said Charles O'Neill. one major calling 257.me or by stopping in at 32 ./ 2 1’3“ x ‘ . * . 9”
. ,2 - _ Of thghfour piyglétffloglsfls all little cen- The center works with the student 30] Frazee Hall between 8 a.m. and l l I nun“ wrtuausou KemelStalt
‘ . , ~ ' ter 9 W99 ore ina 5- owe“ to he] make these career decis‘ons 4:30 .m. Monday through Friday. ‘ '
~. -, . . . _ P 1 P Fun With physrcs
.: ‘2». I" _ . David Charley, a computer science . iuniol‘. computer science junior, conducts an experi-
9: 2.: . . orgy watches as Elizabeth Robson, a phySICS and merit in a physics laboratory class yesterday.
I» 9 ' . " :. t Jillintlh’d ’li‘lll pagcwic
.2 .' ‘ .' C
’ .' .2 into iiitikms‘ ”19 plunge nearly ll The snowballing cost of political Democratic domination of guberna- .Parkln
' ‘ ’ months before the “at 1985 prima- cam i ns also rom ted the move. torialpolitics
2 ’ ' pa g d l pbel' p f ' (1. Continued from page one
,. 9 2 r} Porgy sai " ieve my men s .2 . .
.- _ , y 2. .- . . "We are taking a page out of Sen will raise enough to be compct» mgrlgl‘hrlljl b28131 irhhrfiedigfglcb ”is;
. . ' -!\litch2 Mct‘onnell‘s book begin itive.” he said w.“ :19 ushingfmm th‘ 'ri‘t‘o t department so we can work together A survey of 1,200 commuter stu9 caused by the results of the survey."
. . . ‘ ' . as early as your competition does." MN; {112$ "hi said '5 p0i n 0 to arrive at a pOSitiV'e solution to the dents conducted by UK Commuter shesaid
.9 9 . 2 9. .. ‘ . Forgy 531d Some [)emm-ratjc hopefuls have l: . 'ld' . ted .h , ht h I problem."Thornton said. . Services last summer revealed that The parking ombudsman position
' . I. 9 .2 Mct‘onnell's upset of incumbent said they expect to spend as much . I orgy ‘1 .“a e mig f.“ However. because the parking about 70 percent of the 438 respon- is temporary until it is determined
. ‘ ’ .2 Democratic Sen Walter “Dee" Hud» as $5 million for their races. a figure ’I‘m" raismg money even Ipar ‘er ombudsman position is new. the dents are dissatisfied with the park- how many students will take advan-
' ' ' 2 dieston iii 1984 has become a model based on Gov. Martha Layne (‘ol~ ““1"“ for a concern .ab0“t,t e cur- need for the office is still uncertain ing siti ition at UK. tage of theservice.
2- ‘2 . . '2 . of sorts for aspiring Republican can- lins' successful effort in 1983 ren. election season Iinvolvmg l0?“ “We don‘t know how many students Child said the survey “’35 a cat- 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O
' , didates in Kentucky McConnell ('and'date‘ A statewide fund-raismg W1“ ““1”“ [his “”1992 we don't 31)“ tn "‘9 creation 0f the new POSl' Beg-Type
, - ,9 ’ spent several years campaigning Porgy declined to speculate on effort during ”115 time COUld h?“ know what they will be coming in to tion "Parking has been a major
- 9 2 ' j , and began raising money early in how much a Republican might have taken money “’3." from local office— tell US — we‘ll jUSl have l0 play it by complaint of UK commuter students 251-5525
2 . - . the effort ' 10 Spend ‘0 overcome the traditional 599ker5~ he sa'd- ear." Childs said. for years, and the position was not a a o a a o a o o o o o o o
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 9 o I ’ i
_______________________—_‘_.——_—————————-—-——‘— KENIUCKYKERNEL WM» 0cm 1‘, 19.5 - 3
Arts Editor
Assnstont Arts Editor '
B ‘ y 11 h th ° 1 ‘G Ml ’ I
By LYN “RUSH: At the tender age of ii. he watched __————————— family as “The Four ('ohans " B} 1, . , .'
Asststant Arts Editor a school carnival in his native home agezohe was the act ‘ . . g ‘5. " ' yr: 3
_ . of Moline. lll , which opened a door “Travelin is the hard An actor. dancer. singer. t'UlllpU!‘ I “55’s. , '. ..‘” x L" . x - ' I
1"} “0t kidding It 5 an excellent for him The performers “were a g er, playwright and theater manager .511”: "1"“; x ‘ ‘ '1, , '_ . ‘ .
show. bunch of kids my own age. I knew part (Of theater) . . . owner and producer. mam of ('or . trig? v " . , , i -v .l_ g
A veteran actor of both stage and from that moment on that's all I , h I han‘s best recognized songs are .1 1 in“! 1.. . ‘
50'9"}; Ken Berrywdiscussed the mu— ever wanted todo." Berry said. “e am: to ge up found in this play including ”Give ' 1.! 2' )7 _. 3.1
:‘fifieufifirfizft dunng 3‘ recent And he waiogght- d earlier than l'd like.” My Retéartli; :01 Broadyaik” "Yogic ~- t - ' :'- .' g
- So the -nature ‘oun man . , a (‘ran 0 ‘a‘." " 'an ce [)(x e . - .. ‘.
Berry should know- “‘3 P‘mrays set about his dream. Foiir ygars of he“ Be") balmy" and ~of’er There ' All the ‘1... .5: f -.
the WWW“? George m m? 9135 lessons and training landed him a niuSlC is (‘ohan's. while the plays ' t J .' 1., “3,1: ..‘. j
film?) begin; tomorrow e‘iemlflgthn part in Horace Heidt‘s "Youth Op- book is by Michael Stenart and John '.- “‘ ~' film;
1“ pera ouse as par 0 9 rtunitv Pro ram." The ou did . andFranPascalt 'i'v-Cv’V" a?
Broadway Nights Series He's done £3.91.“ ' ”vagudevmemegr pgrfor. 23 2”? eEiSOd:S(rt-m;;28 :“gftklgi (:3; Berry seems very fit tor portray- \ it"? I. ‘5', .'is’
58"”?1 productions ‘0‘ the musical, mances,” He also toured small . .“Sie if“. ) .. M‘fh i Ie t.) ing the patriotic tap dancer who 113.34". I; .’
”“hdmg summer stock and com- towns with the opening act of anoth‘ h‘” d rustrating N etue (r coasted awat from the stage and ‘ .r l . ..‘“; ‘v.’ w.‘ G‘-
munitvtheater. er show hesaid him Especially, he said. since this then returned l :‘i'i'."'.'7a"‘ 7 {.‘.
~ ‘7, . ~ 1 . . . ‘ ' . . ,- tour has turned out to be primarily ._ _ _ . (.'.‘it’ft - '.

I H ne\ er thought of myse { as a “hlle servmg anle Sam “1th a . ' Maybe that s uh}. even With earl} ,‘ ,3 a. ;,- _ , -
theater person." he said. "until the few years in the army. he made his one-nighters .. mornings and monotanous traveling ‘ "' .1551; '
last 10 years «when he began sum- .'- u ' a And. "1 like being at home. he , . . ‘ ~. , -- ‘3; a. : ,‘ I__ .,

. , teleusion debut on Arlene PranCis . . , ) h' . f hen B Is going around t)n( more ‘1 x t .. , ,.,\._ _ W 3,
iner stock! " “Soldier Parade." followed by an said Frau-ling is the artl part to time as "George M l & l f ‘. , f} _, f3)”,
The 51‘)'ei"01d actor is 935“." ”’0' appearance on Ed Sullivan's “Toast theater‘ . ' we'haxe m g“ up 9‘” ' ' , . ~ 'ff'nfi ..’."? i
ognized due to numerous TV guest of the Town ~ thanks to an Army 119? than I dllke ~ "George M'“ will open tit k p m to ' . . i ,;-,f' ‘ ’ ’ ' 5' ‘; .'- {.'. H;
appearances as we“ as three series talent contest ' Whmh certaml-V ‘5“ t t“ 53y he ntovrou' flight and run through Sol - “I. A ‘ V ,/. {tr-fl". ~31"“'~.'.:. Ii
R ‘ I) H an most recen _\' onto the screen With guest SpOlS on . - - ‘ . * " r't't' wt )e (1 matinee .‘iutnrtiti. tit ' ‘ ‘ ,' tfi " ‘ "3;" . I, : .‘." f3.
.-.\lamu~s Family” as well as a “The Dick \‘an Dyke Show“ and numerous dance tunes 3 p m Twin,“ (m, 53‘: 50 and 517 m, t ...)”, i. ' ‘ If ., 0 "L _ _ ’ 9-31.. Pt? 3“
l9“ Walt Disney movies including “Dr Kildare.” “rial“, landing a Honing performumes and 33.9 and Mfg); 1” 2' 31"" . ‘Eo'QJiJA- 3 vi. .3331?
the memorable ”Love Bug Rides steady role m “F-T‘roop.” a comedy ”The mustcali chronicles 317 tor the matinee Thet our. ht» 1‘ .. i‘4‘