xt7vq814r459 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vq814r459/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-02-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 02, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 02, 1979 1979 1979-02-02 2020 true xt7vq814r459 section xt7vq814r459 v'oi. LXXI. No- 97 K31 el li",“°'.s"-" °' K°“‘“"‘~"
“idly. “bill"! 2~ ”.79 an independent student newspaper eungton. “WW"!
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Pigeons, Pigeons, igeons. . . They go home again and again
- d - - ‘sl ‘ .i’ _
Bir racmg gives L 1'
- - th -“ - \\ -
Vicarious n s v N >f\\ . I
_ . ” .y ‘ » Kt. / \ '
And they're o/f. . 52.\ C5 h ‘ . ‘ . , "It ~13. . .jn f
()l'Ffi‘—h_t'-.\'ightis on the inside next to the . 1/ ‘ 1"; if}: . .'. .§ 1“” f‘*__, ' ~. ‘ ‘ ,5
high tension wires. 0n the outside Statue Sal , ._ l ‘f A i W. "7 . " Pu. -~ » . ‘ 3/?
takes the lead. Devi Dropper. Flight and " . ' I c." t% fig 32°,“ i 'i. I i - ‘5?
Fine Feathered Friend are trailing behind. .4s . ‘ 5 - f/ , ' k e l {J ck, 'd I). fir .‘\';°'.’ ‘7?“ \ id avg
they come down the home stretch. it's Fly-hr- . . . / .1 c" E i‘ ' ' f ‘5‘ f." - ‘ V I, A if
Night and Statue Sal/lying beak to beak. And ‘ / 4] K a“) 1"‘4 { {51...c,‘v: ‘31 " \ y %‘
. the it'imiah. FI_i'-ht-.\'i'ght hr a wing span. . . ,. ' i i' y, \L i \ ' W
. p I r___._ . _ ~ ‘ ~Ffi‘ —“ so . I 13,0
By NELL FIELDS . ~ \ .. . .
' lmages Editor . I zlf‘ «\‘I/f I '4’” fig” f;
Although racing forms and pari-mutuel ‘ lg”?! “ l ' F“ ' ‘ ' (m - ‘ l ‘3‘)
‘ window‘s aren‘t available yet. pigeon racing ‘ ”If". V ”9' . . t 11'. "s 'w- .. A
has to be one ofthe America‘s fastest growing .. w" W . . .- ‘ ~ . \ f. - rP / ” '51,..3
sports. In Lexington. members of a club . ' : _ ‘ ‘ 0;”;
' devoted to the sport meet every month. as ”/5“ a. _ ‘_ , _ g , . . K tag/f
‘ they have for 40 years. \ - ,. - - ' ' '1 M
Nature endowed pigeons with an innate . , ., . '
homing instinct. one that science has not , ‘ .y ‘ I ,
sufficiently explained. Collier‘s s. “'1’ " .. ,_ ~ 2“ .
Enclyclopedia cites experiments that indicate ‘ (J 1/ y
that pigeons navigate by the sun. and have the ' .1.
ability to judge time and direction. Also. _, a» -
when nearing the home loft. a pigeon is
guided by familiar landmarks. . ' 1523135112
However it‘s done. pigeons somehow " '
complete races.which be as long as 500 miles. birds are shipped to specified locations. the finishtimc is stamped on paper. Aircrall Iatimcr. who works as a detective for killed by flying into high tension wires.
Pigeon racing in Lexington has two seasons frequently in southern states like Florida and the birds are in. members meet and compart- I.€Xlngltm Metro Police. said pigeon racing is During fall racing W450"- some 0f the birds
fall. for the young birds (raised that year). Mississippi. results; the pigeon with the fastest speed wins. a type of sport anybody can get into. "It is a are shot by dove hunters.
and spring. for the older birds, Some races Delta Airlines ships the birds for the club, Speed is judged by the how much distance highly competitive sport. It also offers lino years ago Metro Police hada“pigeon
have over 6.000 contestants. The shipping cost for I50.000 pigeons is was covered and how much time the bird competition to people who can‘t afford detail“ that Slim pigeons in response to
The Lexington Racing Pigeon Club club around $75. Delta makes arrangements with took. The distance from each member‘s loft to horses " complaints that the birds spread diseases.)
has more than 13 races each year. Their races ticket agents at the release point to feed and the release point is certified by survey Io some. pigeons are a nuisance. But A good racing pigeon is worth a good deal
‘ arejust for fun ., no cash prints are awarded. water the birds. and then to set them free. companies in yards. latimer said pigeons can show quite a bit of more than an ordinary bird in a bush. While I
. In larger clubs. however. some races are The agents call the club to tell them the But before the race. the pigeons haveto be character “If wounded. for example.“ he an average racing pigeon can be purchased for
4 worth $1000 to $2.000, relase time and what the weather conditions trained. Young birds are released a mile from said. “they’ll still come home fly over 500 as little as $10. top-notch racers are
I Jim Latimer. president of the club. are. the loft to start. and gradually worktht‘ir way miles just to get back to the loft." sometimes worth over $500. Latimer was
explained how the races work: Metal bands When the bird returns to each member‘s up to I0 miles away. or until the ow nerthinks Club member (‘ecil Hestund said not all once Offered 5500 for one of his birds from a
are attached to the pigeons'legs. and then the loft. the band is put into a locked clock and the bird is ready for the big race, birds come home. He said some birds get local bidder. He said We highest-priced bird .
today is worth $2i.000. .
To raise money. the l3.000-member ‘
' ' Willi UK sophomore Ken SChlle‘ Brt ade was scheduled to attack the Italian American Pigeon Racing ”“0"- a national
In pigeon raC/ng, Schlick. a French major. has been racing WWII spawned cityg of Colvi Veccia The [S was club. has a P'ESO“ “Clio“ CW"): year. MOM.“
pigeons for two years and is a member of scheduled to bomb the city to soften the from the “"9“” goes to the Vincent Synder ,
.- the Lexington Racing Pigeon Club. _ entrance for the brigade. Scholarship Fund. which supports applicants
StUdent enjoys He owns 80 pigeons of various strains. a pigeon hero German troops retreated. and British [0 nursmg schools. .
He said the cost of feeding the birds runs troops entered the city ahead of schedule. “WOW-i“, pigeon ‘racing “.35 a. large
. about SIS a month. "They really don‘t eat All radio attempts to cancel the bombing. following m the LS. Belgium '5. the
~ takln art much. just all different sorts of grain." ‘ Everybody is familiar with (il. Joe. the howev er. failed. traditional home Ohh? sport. Pigeon racmg '5
g p I The cost of keeping pigeons can bealot nine-inch soldier doll with IR movable With the important message in "band." also ‘6” popular m England, In these
higher. depending on the size of the loft. parts. But now. trivia buffs. try this one: (il. JOE flew 20 miles back to the US. European countries the sport ‘SSOPh‘St‘ca‘Cd
' ' Schljck said a loft can be as elaborate as a “VITO IS the GI JOE (Sit) who saved at airbase. Ht: arrived just as the planes “CFC enough ‘0 have full-time 10“ managers. who
not VICTOFIQS person wants. but it doesn‘t matter much least I.000 British troops during World warming up to take off. mic“? 0f the birds. ‘
to the pigeons. He keeps his birds in a I2- War “7 (LI. JOE was awarded the Dicken , Highlights 0f ”I“? sport have been recorded
by-l4 foot room in his family‘s barn, A pigeon. Yep. a one-pound homing Medal for gallantry by the Lord Mayor of In the 809k okahorld Recoffjs' One account “
By NEIL FIELDS Although Schlick has not yet wonarace. pigeon. . London in November. I946. He is the only :2 ‘h:_[lge/c50rc:elgot$ Stile [his account 0f the
“63 6 Hum one of his birds has placed third. There is According to an account recorded by US. bird or animal to receive the high in; 5, r . lg ' f h' f“ h
S no money included in the winnings. but Otto Meyer. former Commander of the award. A pigeon was released. tom a S tp 0 it e
that doesn‘t matter to him. “I race birds for US. Army Pigeon Service. G.l. JOE is the On June 3. |96l. G.I. .IOE died at the of [Chabf’ Islands. “65‘ “7”“ or.‘ April8. [845'
Pigeon racing is not one of the usual the fun of it." most outstanding military pigeon In lit. The dark. checkered bird can be seenin The ptgeonvfiew'7.000 milestryingto returntc
extra-curricular activities college students Well. with 80 pigeons. who wouldn‘t history. the Historical Center at Ft. Monmouth. ”5 ‘0“ at Mm? Elms. England. Q" June I. 55
put on their resumes. That wouldn‘t betrue have fun? On Oct. 18. I943. the British 56th NJ, stuffed. of course. dais 3“" "Clea“- PM weary b'rd dropped
dead one mile from its home.
Oday SBA P es'dent Cunningham ‘ '
. local nation t h f th b tt \
undetermined amount .Of money. police said yesterday. TRAINING SYSTEM DESIGNED to crack down on By JAY FOSSETT exception and added that sometowns as much a farce as the courts
:11: min didl’not display a weapon during the 3 pm. mismanagement and corruption and target more aid to the Surf wnm are much worse than his own. themselves.
ro ry. ut p0 ice tentatively were calling the modem an most needy. _ “Theyjust scare the hell out ofthese “They (public defenders) get paid a
armed robbery "mm” afternoon. The depanmem ”“1 yesterday " has replaced mp Shirley Cunnin ham Student Bar e0 leandthereisnobod downthere ' ' 1 mo nt fom the state and
. The bandit was described as 6-feet. I60 pounds. He, was Washington managers of the Comprehensive Employment A' .' '. ’g p p . . .y minima a u r
. Wearing a nylon stocking mask and a brown knit cap. and Training Act program. developed new controls to root~ ssocution president. IS a man M i0 take Sincere interest I." them'and really “3,“. no concern about the
according to witnesses. out fraud and bad management. and adopted 51m" many views. opinions. and plans. inform them of what their'rea'l rights person. It Sjust another buck fromthe
penalties for those who abuse the program. C unningham. who was elected last are. They don‘t even know justice. and state.“ '
THE CORNERSTONE HAS BEEN LAID m The overhaul also includes simplified rcgujauons. October as SBA‘s first black president. probably don‘t even see what the Cunningham said that if blacks are
~ KENTUCKY OF A PROPOSED TRANSPORTATION increased federal assistance for local CETA managers and discussed his views on Kentucky. the justice system holds for them. They to receivejustice today. they will have
NETWORK at improving shipment of Appalachian coal to new eligibility rules that would limit assistance to poorer law and academic integration in a aren‘t even aware there is justice.“ to do it through the political system.
. “"""°5‘llr9"8h°u‘th¢ 535‘ afid‘Midwcsl- and lonzfl-tcrm uncmploved pcortlc. recent interview. The regulation which provides “The day of the Black Panthers is
ofAin‘1123luogalZgzecbmcw-l‘ras“find Tuesday bya group “Being raised in a small town in public defenders for people who gone.“
ors ea c . y '. tam ughes of chmglon to western Kentucky. you don‘t havethe cannot afford legal counsel. he said. is Continued on page 6
. purchase the 50-mile Paris to Maysville line from the ri ht kind ofmotivation and incentive
Louisville & Nashville Railroad for $672,000. worId g . - n .
The agreement hinges on approval by the Interstate $39??? Wis: ‘ogflgcrlg' 3:213:11 '
'Commerce Commission. which could take six in . a l ‘ " 'e. c a l
. more. However. Hughes said yesterday he “Dominic? vazgrgkgclfluRUHOLLAH KHOMEINI. THE lapses of any black professionals. so Van dy thkets ready
will grant an emergency car service order to permit his . AR WHO ROCK“) IRAN into that you don't even perceive the
: company to begin operating the line March 15. fryileri‘i‘i'suhef Selitliltycgiztifymc to Tehran triumphantly from "long"! 0f pursuing some type 0f
. He challenged the shaky government and warned professional career. - Ticket distribuiion for the UK- game. said Associate Dean 0f
. -‘ Americans and others he will “cut the hands“ of foreign .lm really concerned wllh the Vanderbilt game, the final home Students T. Lynn Williamson. .
, State control over the nation. "ml“! justice .Sysmm‘ said game. will be done this Sunday at Remaining tickets for the
'. .lll'TTngrnm kflcount? :1“? sozjrgmems- 50 ”1° 5:221:8312‘” 22:21:53: h;li::lill Memorial Coliseum. along with Alabama and Mississippi State
' t I c it ii iii overnment s 3 en orse asto etout." ' ~ - - - - ' s.
‘ - y g 1ch HSIAO-PING TRADED WASHINGTON AND he atitcirtreti. Khomeini wants to establish a relgigiously have old time mock courts — it‘s d'smbu‘m" °f “u".‘m. 9“” f‘” “ans“ :V'" Pf‘wlggfiygefltgg
- j ‘ 5 THE RIGORS Ofsmemft for the frilid south yflterdly to oriented but vaguely defined Islamic republic. unbelievable some of the things you the Alabamaand Mississmpi State stu en 5 w“. -v“ . I en I l- '
. .' ' . , i see first-hand the American technology he covets for China‘s see u ’ games. Distribution w'" be from 2 tion and actmty cards. Remaining
‘ .' ~ 'j catch-up race with today‘s world. ' . a." boils the hell out of me onl to 5 pm. Sunday. and from 9 mm. lleCtS for lhc Vlnflefbm game WI“ .
. . 3 ‘Teng walked toward a small welcoming crowd ll the h be I Id ‘t - - y to 4 pm. Monday. not 30 on 3|" “mll Tuesday. FCb-
. ,. _ , . _ I airport outside Atlanta and shook hands in the style of an went er cause cou it see me committing The Vanderbilt game Will be 20-
: : ,4 ,_ . i. Amman WWW“ ”WWW?“ myselfto going back toaplacewherel played Friday. Feb. 23. at Rupp The Vanderbilt game was '
, .’ , 4. -‘ i; “I am sure that our vitit in Atitntrt will term it. with ring ICLO'UDY AND SLIGHTLY WARMER roosv with "“3“ u“ 53’5“” “5 5° “W?“ “9 Arena. The change was made scheduled on Friday night because
. i memortesandthatwewilllearnnlotfromyou."theChineee highs in 'the mid and upper 20s. Cloudy with snow that“ couldn‘t “0”?- 1 mm" [d be because of many requests and . of m away contest with South . 'g
. . . ' Vice premier Slld in a brief reply to Gov. George Busbee‘s commencmg tonight. continuing tomorrow. Low tonight beating my head “Sam“ the W3" Md desire m avoid another Sunday Carolina on Sunday. Williamson 3 . .
j i ' welcoming address. near 20. high tomorrow in low 303. “W" making any progress." d' 'b t' ~ f it] said . S
’ . . Cunningham said his town was no “m u '0" mm" or o y one ‘ ' 3
:f i l
. . , _ \

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New Bailing" lhomus ( link “If! [\nn Bach-rt “alter Innis Jamie hught 10m Moran
It/III'I in t Incl lilniimit’ Itliiu/ Rulh “Illingly 44$! ’J/lltll .Xliom tililor [humor of Photograph
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. . Images hm“, ,- \tliltml . [mm ii HUN 1
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lhe goals the l niver‘sity has set for hiring minority and lemale m ,. , i, ' -> f . . . f- . 1 . In?» x _ ‘
laculty members are iinpressiie But to C\L‘Il come closetoi'eaching m , \ ‘ k ‘ 1’ 3 3 i , . fl, 7
those goals. l l\ must pertorin significantly better than it has in the gggggggj. aigégfigfig ’ . . . . ,
‘ . ‘ ' . 12233353555525? ’1” ‘t «(2" 6 ' ~ , ‘8 .
[my 2;; .‘v r i; ., . 1,, 7% , - t
'l he total l niyersity taeulty has only 32 blacks and 492 women . . , ;— j ‘ y i
among its 3.043 members. lhat means only 1 , percent of the ‘l( , i;
tiieztitv is black and only 2-1 percent is temale i .53: \.......-—-' i v, , , ,4 .
‘ . . .15 . 125:33533355fiizigé "— r‘ :
()n the lesington eattipits. less than 1 percent oi the laculty is M ; "*iiiéii, . 5.H.._.5;.g;s;;;g§;§s§g;g:-~=gggggg; - y, y .s V j ‘
'+=I:‘; 5;, ;:.f 1‘22};E:E:E:E;E;E;i;¢;€gE;E5555igitigigiz .' ' ”7/ / I
black. and only I: percent is temale. I he sad statistics explain why i ~ ..; .-.:.gs;1;.g...:;:::;-;.::..:§i:.l§:{’§i§'§:;.§2ti§§ii3 . - . 2. ‘ _ f , K
[' K‘s image is tainted by impressions of aw hue-dominated. country :~. hoary“ 33335.“ .3353? ‘-'-'-- . ,, p. 1 , i
- .:.:::2:2~::2:e:e::.a2*;52;;:_:::;:=;sgs;:;;:::e:a:z:s:s:vr-s:=:a;:-"- .. - , ,. .- .. .- , i
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k lUb atmosphk rt i . - ' 3:: . I $1“ ' 'i:~:-;-:».»,... "‘ ‘e. I N F l" P i‘
l hat image was attacked last year by ttie W otnen s i own \ction {552:2}g:32;-;a§;:.:,:t....,_.;, . .. -_ :1 , , lg» WA UM i
~ , ~ ' ' . ' -25E::E:151;533533;;Egigigigigigfg;3.3::g.;:;:,~;.;.;.;.,_’ =---:-;;.; ,- ;._ " _> ; "fz';i;-;-.'a-'fi-'5;§;5:55‘-:5;j:;:13‘:5-.: :vru s y ’ .
league P und. w hieh said i K has the worst record ot the nation s 50 ""'“iiifiiiiiéiiifii55355335%?555iifiii;:sséeéééiééiéééésiés?2-5;;LI......gse::3:is5ii€53???iiiiiifiiiiiiiiiii535?iii?i?iiiiiéiiifii§i2§5355§25.55935?ir'ifiiiiii‘i?’ ': ii I Iv 2'13””: ”1E WL I GAME (9‘3 '
hogoo rosooroh cooshi .n homo whole soonhos oho ohuhoors - 8th iii 1"ng ,
L‘ K women lactilty members. the group said. comprised only 4.2 I'"i”5:553555553535-‘5'3’“ ” »- ....;;, i533: ‘ \K '_
percent ot- the solcllCC and engineering taculties. tar below the \START Mule O'KWF Am WATCHING WCAN WEH'S/‘Slm PW Mk I l m
national average ot l6 percent I I I i ,
‘ l'K Ullic‘l‘dis disputed the figures that were cited by that ‘S READY To G'VETHIS COUNTRY BA“ EWWANI .
. organi/aiion. saying that they were somewhat dated tthe tigures :
l ‘ ' ‘ ' _~ ____.__.._.___—_________————————-———————-—————_———_ ,
came troni a \ational Science Foundation l9 suryey ). Btit recent ———‘—‘_‘ p
gains are probably the result ot more hiring of female laculty , ', . .1
members at the community colleges. ()ttieials admit that the record l 8118,48 t0 the Ed/tor .
. isn‘t as good as they say they'd like it to be. ’
A\eeording to the new plan announced this week. 25 more black _ 5,
professors will be hired. making the faculty 3 percent black; w hile 5h p ...
additional leniale members “I” be added. increasing their ratio to _ _ . Such indiltereiicetothe consumeris Student Corner lee (Team palor. l l heard any evidence in [his bubble _. .1
1* jcrccm l K; administration has higher proportions ol KI'Ilng Amerlcans not uncommon. ()1 course. publishers wondered why a student would leave language from the gills of those two . ‘
t E t m' t'il “ 1 -n“ m ludtd in th 1m have their own worries. lhes are onethere. l turnedtothe editorialpage exrting players as one of their reasons '5
* ’i . L . is ‘ ‘ e ' . . . - . - y \
m 11-” H 1‘ f. l L f ‘h ‘ P‘ H l (ireg ( ampbell. in his .lan. 3l letter squee/ed by costs as we all are. and and myanswer lay before me lherein for leaving. (oachloe B. Hall haslost
in some ln‘ldnti‘r-if'ku I.‘ “My Ulmmmik‘ }\P“'d .\ m I u to the editor. clannsthat the American banking on a demand tor books is a bold print read "S(i's Wildcat lodge two players this season.but he has also . '
sciences have d‘iilum.‘ getting any applications 1” “H from government is directly responsible tor risky business. l‘nlortunatelv. more approval is slap at on-eampus gained two scholarships to cast out 7;
women tor ‘Islh openings. the atrocities oi the human regime and more publishers are passing along residents." into that great sea of talent that will
"We haw ‘a dt‘\PCt‘ate thlem getting women toenter the field of »\lba ()rsi talso in a letter to the their costs in the form of The wise editor who wrote that the CXISI at season's end. »
engineering." said i'ngineering Professor 1 nuts M, Brock sewral editori tells its not to identity with inconveniencetotheircustomers:slow difference between the students living Sure I would liketoliveinadormot ‘
weeks ago "lhere is a small pool of qualified women _ _ . am American oil companies that pay service. late service. no service. and in Boyd Hall and those illmg in lht‘ the quality olithc Wildcat Lodge. Who
women I ' lranian labor staritng wages poot intormation. “IDS" ttempora- Wildcat lodge is that one group is at knows if I grow 20 inches this
_, . 7 lhe protestors in Iran aren‘t killing rilv out ot stockl can mean almost [K to student and the other group to summer or am able to increase my '
But there hasnt really been ans pressure brought b\ the g . - i . .. , _ y , _. ' ‘
. . j- . b l' d .. . d B ‘k th‘ hi'd n the American goiernment or tinytiing. Bookstores must swallow play basketball . speedto beatAnderson 20yardsinthe _
administration I” 1001‘ “ littlc ” 1‘” er. “1' ) m“ ' L “1 ‘ American oil companies just ever~stricker from publishers on Must we assume that l'niversity' of 40-yard dash I may become a ' f
”7‘3 l K MUNICH“ '\“”Cli”“”l “i l mWf‘”) i VOiC‘Wr‘ chapter. vkmericans minimum ordersandthe percentage of Kentucky basketball players are not resident. But I‘ll settle for my self— ‘ i
“I‘m not blaming them; it's _iUst never been much ol an issue here' John \\ hite unsold copies that may be returned, students'.‘ Then why is it that I saw paced fast break from the heart ofthe j. i
But the percentages of minorities and faculty members at l K is Accounting sophomore .-\nd there are always new. higher Dwight Anderson and Kyle Macy student ghetto to Big Daddy‘s and ..' i
now becoming an important issue. :\ team of federal inspectors PrlL‘CS- “055mg through the Wind tunnel the back. “”h 50"“? 1”“? blue fiPirilS 1“ 9 r
lrom HEW “I“ be touring several state universities ”m month. to Can’t get books Perhaps you should place more of other day when it was [OD-IQ} for even time to watch the replay on the tube. . j
. H T . . ‘ the blanielorlate bookson publishers. Jimmy Conners and his fountain So here‘s a tip from mv Wildcat ‘
evaluate how wet. Kentucky has done in desegregating colleges. - . . ' ,. . . . . «- :
H P“ h l h j - ll ll b ~ l lhere is some truth to youi espose Born belorethe age otcomputersdam lectures. With my hand ona Rawlings. sock—cap to Student (iovernment for .2
' ‘h \ townt ‘1‘” h “1 ingto ” urcaucraticmusc u on 0i PrOls‘SWF‘s “hit order te\tbooks still ania/edthat it takes morethansix lll swear they were carrying books. supporting the Big Blue. (Identify j ‘
dCWt-‘ngll‘m H“ high" Cdllkdll‘m ‘5 “WWW \orth( ”191”“ Mid late, llst'rnel. Jan Dbl l think I did it weeks to send bookstromawarehouse Could it be that Freddie Cowan and yourselfand you can cutinfrontofme ; .'
other states were threatened with the loss of federal and unless once. But this time. my orders were in to a university bookstore. 'l he reasons Chris (iettlefinger are merely just at any ticketdistributionline.)And to ; .
integration ettorts were improved. before the tall deadline and still I are probably very interesting. But a hanging out in my Kentucky the Rennie/tit?) Kernel aslap ofmy ;
ln Kentucky. the low percentages of black studentsand faculty at hadtostartaspringcoursewithouithe letter'.’ Geography class each TUCSdaY and Wildcat claw. May ' “188551 a nice '- ~
the most prestigioUs university. coupled with the existence ol a I“; 'dPWM‘d Ibo ”:6 I”; hippltncind Thomas M- Adams Thursday. OWNSC SChOQi 1" Knoxville?
. ' . . ' .. v '.\t n ' . . i . . -' ' . ' , ' '
traditional black enclaye Kentucky State in l‘ranklort may (d hi. ”it. It H , pu 1‘ m u L .kssistant Professor The writerwent onto proclaimthat Mmk.” McCoy ‘.
brir‘ , strong criticism from HFW ' ' to 00m) 6|!th hoolshlort' that th’IIIlt‘ l mversrty Honors Program Student (rovernment 5 support of English senior t .~
I]? e l K d ' l y _ i had been taken over by a new special athletic dorms does little to ‘ '
t , , . . . . , , . _ , . ,
t s necessary ti.r to tmonstratc t lat it is actingin good lait i publisher until the day before dim“ "Genlusu editonal enhance their role as the spokesman I , e olution
toward bringing more black prolessors and studentsto Lesington started. They chose this convenient for the UK student body. I disagree. ran 3 r V ‘;
lhe new plan s goals are laudable. but the effort to fulfill them must date because that was when they sent i‘riday. .lanuary 26, I picked up a The athletes are as much a part ofthe I am surprised that no one .
be just as good all the book orders they did have. [serum-Irv Kernel from the floor of the UK student body as any other group of connected with the Monte] or in ‘
students. And as for the majority of communication with it has taken note .
students' opinions concerning the ofthe currentsituationinlraninlight " ;
Wildcat Lodge take a poll. I‘ll give of what some historians have called . j
odds that it is a l0 to l favorite. the “possible phases of great ~, 3
YngD. I. w mKE—W w (The famous polls for the revolutions." i l
, H iT— ‘5 _ recognition of the Gay (Students This analysis. based on the English 5 i
t f w " EXCH/ksMGC .o Coalition) as an organized group at Civil War of the l7th Century, the ’7 .
j l {7 , the University of Kentucky never French Revolution of the 18th and , .
i;\ f r‘ showed it be popular with the student l9th Century, and the Russian '
”W W W' body. Then again. i don‘t believe its Revolution of this century, lists five . .
0 ‘ regular attendance ever reached phases ofa revolution:
' 2 ‘ 23.500 either.) I. “Moderate" revolution
0 ...t , Just how the hell the genius of that 2, “Radical“ revolution overthrows ‘
(t \ \ \ p editorial can say that Student the “moderate" revolution. .5,
_ ‘ \ V ‘ Government's approval wounded 3. A “Reign of Terror" 5'
\ \ k \ _ students living in dorms in desperate 4. Reaction against the terror 2"
\ ‘s need of repair. I‘ll never understand. It overthrows the “radicals." 5
. . . . . . . V
r ,. i ii I ‘ ‘ was always my impressmn that the 5. Consolidation of limited gains :3
X \ ' funds for the Wildcat Lodge came under a strong central government. ;
W I W from private donations. Are there not Under this analysis the present 3 ?
( \l / { ' \ rooms in Holmes Hall now available situation in Iran is somewhere between
. l K s g \ J) \\V for other on-campus residentsto move numbers oneandtwo.0bviously.such‘ .
- J \ \ \ into with the arrival of the athletic an anaylsis has itsdrawbacks. lt isvcry
.\ ‘ t y l\ _ \ ‘ ‘\ \ dorm? Given ~ a dorm such as Boyd artificial and based on situations in 2,:
. \ y I ~ \ j -. o s \ Hall isn‘t the Hyatt or Hilton of the countries very different from Iran in '
_: _ ‘ I ‘ ’ University of Kentucky campus, but certain respects.
t)? -// (r ;\ Coach Hall can‘t raise funds for that. However. this analysis is still useful
- 5 /' bk . If hell is to be raised (and indeed it in showing the enormous power that 7‘
i: \ Q should) pressurcthc University to dig circumstances alone can have on a
. \ . J a little deeper for repairs that I agree given political situation. Alexander 7
\ r~—"\ r—\—- . m A, are surely needed. Solzhenitsyn has noted that, “When a
2" ' ,7" ' i ‘ Sporting the mud streak of a river train carries you inthe wrongdirection . -
i carp. the writer suggests that living in and you decide to jump off. you have f”
‘ what he calls a “goldfish bowl" may to jump with the motion of the train, f
" D . Mfl have contributed to the departure of and not against it. The incrtialforcc of
I, . two players this season. (I had to wipe history is just as hard to resist.” 1
, ' ‘5 fudge off this particular paragraph.) Patrick Watts 5 .
. Totally ridiculous! Never once have First-year Law 9 i
w . i I l I
A i .4 , ......g...:.. .Taw..._,.-~...'- ......“ ...‘4.~v. .. .. . -- . .. -- wl‘ ~—-‘-—-—-—-——--~~ . a - -.. -.a- . ._________r_‘___ "' " * '_
V ‘ ' i‘ . r a. I I -
- I v . . . c y ' t
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~,\ 1' ‘ ‘. wag: ‘ fl" _ ‘

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‘_ _ -.' o ‘. ‘ ~ . .o ) .2; , ‘37} ., l’ldl) lebruiir) 2. |979 _t
Apr 7’ " ‘. l. .‘ 3 “i ‘w’fl fl

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i " " V V ’ ' c UK SUBS t0 SB" ' °

., l p ‘fid; ,. ., Friday IS Happy Hour
i ' W ‘ .
l‘. _ .
‘ V ’ "‘ " 9V“ impounded cars 3'9
.« i ' . P‘ , , ,1: PITLhEl’S‘ Michelob-$2.15
flow , “:er 7 V 3/ B) JA(’K “AINWRIGHT lhere were t-igiii we ‘ Pabst—$165
“a V“ « . a a P ” . I 2; (“pt iuiior oiigiiialli tiled iiU\\C\L‘l l k
, , ' ‘1‘ 5' ' ' '2 v . g. 2/ totintl its file viii ttgitllhl Drinks- 90‘ 8‘ 5105
i ‘; A Z \ thin-weal ateumulation Robert I \isitt to he ll) eiioi
1‘ 9- '7 4:3,) ot impounded aulos has lelt the In addition to the still against
- ' ' V I I” :5: Inneisits “lill a lull lot ol Hossain. slllls haxe been iliL'ti I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i'
' 3/ i. ’ unelaimetl ears that it Viants to against the lollouiiig ' ' I‘f’S BACK! .
‘ 4/ .3 / _ _ _ _ _, , a » I ' - o
. . ’ 4. 7; ,9]: 1/, ,2: a, ett rid ol \eunsiiits ham hull Heit\ l llison til 3)‘ _ i ni hi
' , H y l I . “I" ” 2% tiled to plant l l\ the right to l.ila_\ette l’ailusa}, [Wart ' Americas 1 M d g '
. ,4” f ' é sell the autos. il llllL'\ are not l’|\mouth impounded \ept 3‘ : AttdetiOfl! '
. M“ _ , . , /, 5 -;' . . Va Wild [9‘5 u isls 8‘01 ‘ I
. " "‘ «#1:!» "I, @- .,;- , .;;/-._ ; 52;,

. ,. ;, w/Zz/ ..i V I? ,1 / Ml “Wm. w- iwulrm “mm! l’mwn w M ' . ' ”l' 8'. SA! '

_> fl” a, "‘ . I; %% ol business gillaiis. said the ears ’\ oopt'islou n \pallnlellh ' .-. ' en E I _ ' M'dnlgh' I

a ”w ' » '. . m with“ W WW ”W "”V‘ “’V‘WC” l”]l“"l'“”~"’ ' " i . *' Feb 2 a 3 "

‘ Val/TWILV/’/ . . .. M’ ” l hm dent men run." he said Lin 4. l‘)“. einls S‘M 0 "1' . .1 ~ '

, jxe/VZ/flwwgi‘ V VVV‘ ”‘ Wklngh “\\e let the impound Roll-1M \1llL'llL'll Ul "" ' «a L V . ”'8’” V “8' |

”VI/“’V’ie‘V'V' ' / V 5/ lot yo until we lind that it's lull. \\ o o d h l ii e R oa d . l 9 tv 4 I “2‘7 . . , ; '5 Sales 899 V‘ -

- / .. / . a mi m w .. “ (W Wm M :l - . , l ‘ r ' .
,W/V’I/M: W a if f V Via. A ' “lilllltlll said this \ias the lust PVT eosts Sti‘l I ‘ 'V ' i ‘ ’ 'r
”MIMI/V, I I .:{-'}?I-~ V . I} 3:__' Vt time he could telnelnhet the lot ()hodult i) '\isl ol l l lll I I .

"V 1.} ”Ii/”W? WV a 11.342411 V;25;;a'.§:§:',,;{ l V 9": heme lull s ha u iieet ots n .\ par 1 me n t x . ""” '

j V . 9,: f.“ . . . I 231.: I l ni\ei~il\ .ihout Hill) in eourt \e pt 3‘. |\)"‘. We“ s54} . .

.- '- ~, _j I '9 if 44?; lt‘cs ( )ne kiL'iL'llkldlli l\ I mi (ieoi ye Sear ighl ot l ‘1 . '

i ‘- «. MM? V'- -'VV-r,. I a V" llossain ol l l?“ ( «H'Pt‘istoun ('ollas Street. Whh \ Allh\ I ' . . u. '

V "WM/2'7” 32%, ‘ 34;, ' \pitlllllt'llls lloxxaiii had his \sagen im pounded ( )et 3 I‘)" m 1/4 '

a ~52“1:3:‘2v’,’,..,¢ie.:r/, 71’ 71”?“ :32 ' ' .

. 1;; If”; 11" - gig, - - ,,, v14;

2 . WM j';/:.;: ' " \lthou‘eh it «minted nearh a '\Utllt‘\ \le\eal} ol Roiiit‘ . _ w I

I Z “AV/“i/Wi; .' ' \eai ago his \Mis the most 1 .lelieo. lennessee. NM ' ' V ' I
5 , 23%., ‘ ”/4“ ’t ”I lL'kL'ni inipoiindmeiii listed in \iL'erI) impounded. \ox lll. ' I

=::;?3-% ‘frj;;;:;-ri._'f'7.'-:;;'I;;_;:._‘,f;:_a', ,7; . _,,; _ . .. - ~ . <1 .
, . -,;::::'21"';._" ' . ”:10“? .1, .- ' “1.115%. 1-7”; I ;' "3:373" . _ lilk \lili\ i9 - (“‘1‘ S 9 V__ . I
. tn - ‘ a,” ~:‘:-= a . . - _ - '
V M - ,2,33;'l-f;3_=={;,;_;,,fj‘ V. .5 H imam. said her husband \ldr ol a use ' I I
u'VMVX-EV 3‘ 4:; "-".,,,.."‘"'Ig:-;;.'.ZZ""' ,- l . > . b I I I I I I I I I I I . i . ' I ' ' . .
g V ’11.. V Ivyfg‘jqfi'fi‘g” 'f-s'mr ,, . =3; onln l. t are that hzs l‘ltiti
. .. _ I, ;1€I:,..’-’-'s.-g..' ,,., ,, -, .3 31/ , g”, 21.3523 ‘ . _ \ t‘liu“ A FUN \\ A\ l { m t‘tl "'iit
“‘ (.UH ' “I” R‘ "*"“t" "3'" did not kno“ hou to dine it . RESTAURANT
' \shen he houeht it." she \tllti
‘ watChlng l'ls’ student Ron ()tto and friend take a "He lust let their. tots ll otl 253'0014
, ' treacherous winter stroll across the ice-em ered heeaim- ll d idn 't run \ Cl} _ ,
thelr Steps sidewalk h) the ('lassroom Building. \\ell " Dally SPEClalS
3;. Meat & Vegetarian Entrees
3"- ' ' t O O . ’ 7” , \ X ' Homemade Whole Wheat Bread
,‘ . v- .
5;. EPA WI/l Inspec a It WIt ~ -- ‘t"' ./ Jig/4% \ ._ & Desserts - Expresso
; - -‘ ,9’ -/ , ‘ Coffee & Heroel Teas
- ‘ -r ,
_ m 7 ,, , , - . \" Fresh Seafood
" Che [cal wages hambur ers ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
In LOU/sw/le area 55, S Limeswne 2193?...
‘\' ‘ ’ and back vioun ls il Ih ‘ sit ‘sti I ' SUN QENAISSANCE DANCE
g». Lot is nit. (All ‘\ - « e t 3 L L . Across From UK Main Gate MUSlC - 800
a, group of lederal “Hump uill assist in lormulating gllldt'illlL's