xt7vq814r231 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vq814r231/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1997 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, December 1997 Vol.68 No.12 text The Kentucky Press, December 1997 Vol.68 No.12 1997 1997 2019 true xt7vq814r231 section xt7vq814r231 ' ‘ w 3 th ' "‘2
n 3 THE KE T December’ 1997 i
‘ ‘ )okout N UCKY Volume 68. Number 12 3
J , . 22-23 The OffiCIal Publication 5
, Jan. F (UK g
, ' PA WinterConvention CENT}; LEX 405 Of the KenlUCky Press 3
- II _ &Trade Show MA AL SERIALS RECORDS Se rvice .3
Radisson Plaza, Lexmgton RGARETI KING LIBRARY 3
I . & 0March 27 H 40506 5,
.3 Docs N ()l KHSJA State Convention _ 3
“ MW! -- C‘irculuic Radisson Plaza, Lexington —/ -“ , '
_' Ojune 18-20 I
~ 1998 KPA/IPA ;
; Joint Summer Convention 5
Sunspree Resort/Holiday lnn .. 3
{ Gatlinburg, Tenn. 3‘
7 C t' ff h f l ' d f
By LISA CARNAHAN prize drawing. , ‘ " :
KPA News Bureau In an effort to take in some of , a . . _. . .«- -»- 33
j What does a chance to fly Kentucky's nationally-known sports " .: a f
across the country, the fast-paced action, the KPA Awards Banquet ” fi, ‘1"«- 9“
action of a hockey game, the thrill will be held on Thursday so KPA ’ ' z;
of awards and education have in members can watch the f" . ,1; » 51> 1'». 4.
common? Stumped? Then make Thoroughblades take on The Beasts ‘ f" ’3; ‘K !
plans now to attend the 1998 KPA of New Haven, Conn, Friday night. :3” Q; ‘f 7?. y m, ,r , ‘ ,. ;:
Winter Convention, scheduled for The Thoroughblades have PF0V3d9d g." u, 3 , 3'33" ’ . f;
Jan. 22-23 at the Radisson Plaza in free tickets to KPA members so start ”W ' if. 3; figs? . , ~ ' '
downtown Lexington, and find out making plans NOW to check OUt the ’ £3 W" . ,, " ’ ”“3; I
_ , what all the excitement is about. “other” team in Lexington that's ’ 313 3 - _':. ‘ ' _
, The Winter Convention always 981133118 all the fUSS- The __ 3' if 3,» " ' Q
features top quality presentations Thoroughblades set an opening ' __ p ' 3' 3 ' "“ i
for newspaper advertising, circula- night record 3333 year. drawmg . . . v if
, tion and editorial staffs and that 17-509 fans 30 dOWHWWD Lexington. 3 '5 u " 3 ‘ ’ .‘ "
won't change this year. But to add If you missed (“It on 3353 years . _
' some "spice" to the two-day meet- convention and "missed out" is ‘ - . ‘ ' ”a...“ :ghgg d,
‘- . ing, convention goers will have the the appropnate term for the top- ‘ 7; *gai '
' opportunity to see the Kentucky notch programs that were offered. " 33% ‘
~ '.-, Thoroughblades in action. Those we V9 got good news. The 1998 cm" . . its: /"\~
f, who attend the Trade Show can vention features encore perfor- ' ‘- .
; register for two free airline tickets mances from three 0f the mOSt David Carlson, one of the leading speakers on newspapers and the
, to anywhere in the continental talked abou‘ Presenters m recent Internet, will make an encore appearance at the 1998 KPA Winter
_ USA. to be given away in a grand See CONVENTION, page 7 Convention.
’ on business meeting schedule Abernathy to fill Dlstnct 6 post ! ‘
' The next called busing, Simpson. Backus reelected .1 - i
7 meeting of the Kentucky Press NOtice JOh“ 539350” managing Editor “3 :13. 3 : 3W
AS.SOCiation ,iS scheduled for This serves as official notice the. Damille :Afiiocfite_wlhshe?gen and 3; 2:23" v.4: 1 ‘W ,
> Friday, Jan. 23, at 8 a.m., at the f 11 d B . t' f Jack Thomas, htneral manager of the '1 . . _ z y 34
Radisson Plaza Hotel in down- 0 3 ca 6 usmess mee mg 0 ' Jackson Times and Beattyville ‘3} . if.” ; ‘3‘,
. the members of the Kentucky E ) ., h' bee lected to h > , ., , . 3,, war; 3
‘ town Lexmgton. P A . . ntLrprise, ave ,n e , t nee- ,, 1 - 3* _
. ‘ ress ssocmtion for 8 a.m. year terms on the Kentuckv Pm“ x,“ _, . t1 ,
‘ . ' The meeting Will be held dur~ (Eastern), Friday, January 23’ at ., . . n/K (k P ‘ VS 3 l at“ ,, ’3, l , .
' . ing the 1998 KPA Winter the Radisson Plaza Hotel in A‘wmam. 8mm y Tess 9W1“ NELSON THOMAS
Convention, set for Jan. 22-23 at Lexington, Kentucky, to consider BoardofD1rectms. ,‘ , .
- the Radisson. the following amendments to the Nelson, who replaces Tom Moore of Somerset Pulaski News-Journal. and
The meeting's agenda includes KPA Bylaws. The. amendments the Stanford Interiordournal, was elect- Marty Backus. publisher of the
_ , . ‘ ed to the board for District 15B and Appalachian News-Express m Pikewllv.
~ w See BYLAWS, page 4 3.. ”m 9‘9. 4 Thomas was elected for District 12. He won re-election bids in District 14 and \
3 . replaces Louise Hatmaker who had 33/11 “51M“??- thll filggf‘gphzh‘egh at
_ served on the board more than 20 years e oonc “3‘0“ 0 9 mt”
. Fall Contest broke records agam andhaddeddedmmwmbm Comm, WW ,3, m3 ,, ,h,
‘ The 1997 Fall Newspaper Contest set a record for KPA with nearly Stuart Simpson, editor of the See BOARD. Page 5 ,
4,000 entries from 84 newspapers. We if” A”: 3 1 . “-1: "'”;,‘i;?‘ ‘
~ The contest was recently judged by the Mississippi Press Association $35 ‘79? £1 "1f ‘ {¥i~‘*sm“s.fi~é
.. « and judges, once again, raved about the quality of Kentucky newspapers. ,3; -, ‘j "sf? ', ’f ;, “fugifgwhfig,€§§§§f
' The awards will be distributed during the 1998 Winter Convention at '-_ ' ‘ .,: ‘ ,..,:'r;:,. fihiifififiwfisgsfiw
' the Radisson Plaza in Lexington. The awards banquet will be held on ' - - . - v ”%Wadfiéfitt*wfl?ffiwfii’iéfiffi
: Thursday, Jan- 22- , ~ . -. w fesmes i
- , Total revenue generated from the contest was $16,665. 3,3,; x 2"” 7'"? 5 ‘. r ' 'éyg;.i.;’3’~??§f‘-'I,‘T 3” 3m A; w":
3 I ’ , wwwxwu’w”. I . ‘.. . ,_ , -1 ., ,.,_. _ -, , . . , - ~ ~\ r . ~- »-. ~ . . ‘ .
,“3 ‘ I .~ ‘ . l . 3 3 'i“ " 3‘ . I 3 . ' 3 3‘ 3 '3 3 ‘ 3 a
’ w . I .' ‘ ~ . ‘ .. . . ‘l . ,7 . ‘ ' > ’ . I,
,. f I . , ' I ' r > . n .
' h . > ,.\ _. P. .' : ‘ “ _ . . ‘ n V . . . ..
.‘ 51* 3 . .3 3 > ” . , \ - t 3' _ ' o_ 3 V

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press. December. 1997 .
Eldndgc lldlned [0 [Up New S-ElllCl Pl lSC Slclllh l)( p lilliit iit i, (it \t [oping lllt h‘pttil. llvti s in hadclill. ( (illi‘il)
s . . _ department is led by Jamie (larion iii liotiiswlle and lhe .
pust at JCSSillllllle Journal new bUSlnCSS [ublrnd ii/eniore. formerly :id manager at (‘ominunity Standard in Louisville.
‘ , . H . lhe News—lunteprise
Dave ltldi‘idge has been named A division of lhe {\ews- D .l
r I ~ » . . ‘ ' f)
piiniisher ot the Jessamine Journal hnterprise ( orp, has started a new F lt . k e 3 ' .- ‘11 y Independk’nt
in Nicliolasville monthly tabloid devoted to covering 6 y {‘1 6" [30‘1le dt h Id . l' , c .k h
Reared in liexmgton. Eldridge the Hardin (‘ounty business coin- MadlSOTlVllle M6986“ yer 0 S iterdLy W01 5 0p '
comes to Jessamine (‘ounty ironi munity. _ i . ‘ ‘ ‘ E The Ashland Daily
The Henry (‘otinty Local were he Business Matters” first two ‘ 1’7”." Tilt." has .l‘ml“d th" staff Independent recently co—sponsored
was general manager. He started issues will be inserted into The of the Madisonville Messenger as a a workshop designed to teach par— 1
his newspaper career at The Nt’\‘\‘:s‘~l‘iiilt'l‘pi‘lfit‘ to introduce the reporterand ('opy‘editor. ““9391” that newspapers can help
Winchester Sun in 1979 as circula— product but alter that. will rely on F 6 "MW" ”l bhawneetown, lll~~ them improve lhm" 11V“-
tion manager. subscriptions. 10in hli” iif_1nk15{1‘fr§ df’gre‘c in The workshop drew about 30 .
. . \ x ) ,— . v V \s . , j ) . V i . ' l 1
In 1951. he was named circula— Julie Roberts. a former copy llhiitriuilm lllmlii lMlhbllplll Std“ pcoplc, ddUlth and childrt n. and
tion director for The Henderson editor at lab/.abethtown and assis- on carrier)i “2 1:}:(\:I(nb:m(;::ri l2th (111:0 sme 01}:d .b“. ”H
V . . t ‘ , - z ' r; x i . .. g x , . , i . .
(ileaner and hes also held similar {ant editor at T he hentucky . . . . , . ‘0“ uc _.V '0“ 55101731
_ . ‘ , , ‘ , reporter in Mississippi. Indiana (.ommunicators. Among the topics
positions at newspapers in Standard. is the editor hoberts ‘ind Illinois He worked as ,1 covered were how to use the Cl'l"i
"r '2 1; h“ t 2 s2 12 ' biz ;-( " “ ‘ _ ‘ ' ‘5‘"
\ ”MEIR; l3“ i ind ('iUth “liknix'll’A “dhlvh‘ tilililld Y‘Tld ‘ i ‘ part reporter and photographer for the beds to find employment and hous-
‘ 11“)"; ‘i n‘s ‘ " '1‘. - ~ v‘ v. . - ~
1 ‘ d 1}de It “(-(‘tm't .‘ ‘ “" B‘H‘“ H \11‘ :tdl‘l RYETF "t 1‘ Daily Register and WSlL-TV in mg and using grocery store adver-
“if“ ”i WNW“ “'9“ M "11”}: V . .Ul-‘lll‘: “ ‘l glx‘l“ . \‘ ”5 “l Harrisburg Ill. and also did t‘ree- tisements to comparison shop.
Districtb. seveia pro iittst ( . (w intuie> lance work for the Evansville (‘hildren who participated in l
(ourier. the workshop made their own i
—— e entuc y res S " ' newspaper page by clipping out pic- l
H W w 1 POL“. JOln BreCklnrldge tures ai‘d articles from newspapers ‘
Thekenttitlu PresstlSS\stl(lZ,~—ll~24iispul» l)l'\ll'ltll‘ and pasting them on a sheet of
lished monthh h\ the Kt‘lllll\b\ l‘ress (Jenntirm Manihester l‘Hlt’l‘Pl‘lM‘ Herald News 5tal’f poster board
'\\\U\lillltlll Kentutkv l‘ress \enite lnt ‘ ‘
l‘t-ritxiii‘iil~classpostage is paid at lriinktort, ”Mr“ H The Breckinridge Herald News
l\\ 4mm Subscriptionpriteis S‘pemear ‘ w ,, .. saw the addition of four new staff Embre takes OVCF
. . V \tuait \imt son, l ulaski \\tt k
Postmaster \end change ot address to lhe mombe” recently R d
kentut‘lu l’ress llll ('onsiiinerlane, v i i ' ~ - ‘ " CCOI' er S 0118
_ ; . t ). , . t . t t
E‘mnkmn M timiiiRoZiZZ‘s—MZ‘. ”Mr“ 114 ‘ li .iL) ( ombs. H3. is a staff ‘ p ,
lonit .itii‘lilllexington lleraldileader writer. repnrl‘il‘ and photographer. Tom hmbrey ”1 ls the news
(li'it’t‘rkdi'k‘ll)lrt‘(lttr\ A graduate. of the Lniversity of sports editor for The Recorder
l\en‘uck\ l’ressAsstK‘ldtlnt‘i ”Mm, 1:4; Kentucky With a bachelors degree Newspapers. l
loni \loore,‘~tantord lnterior lournal ln EllgllSh and hlSl"r.V~ 5h" l5 3 Embrey replaces (ThrlS Granlkt’ .
I’residenr . native oi'Louisville, who resigned to accept a position
(.eiiek laws. Rounder \euspapers cm“ at l MW, Lynn Adams is a writer for the with Northern Kentucky
,, shim-m Tummski.\Mmhesiersim paper and will also work in sales Universit ' as assistant woml 's
l resident lilLKi . ’ . i . . y , 7 _ ( n
(:u‘. llattieldk'iti/en \oixednd Times and malkk‘tmg. A naith’ 0i lVthClé‘. basketball coach and l'dCilliies me-
id Rine\,UwensboroMessengerlnqiiirer Ind. and a graduate of Indiana dinator.
I’asil‘rtsident University with degrees in library A native 0f Leesburg. Va.
Iohn TXrlHanto,.~\shland I‘milx Independent Mark \t‘lklrlk‘ Kentutlu Post science and history. She is a resi- Embrey earned a bachelors degree
. d9!“ OTAddiSOU- in journalism from Northern
\ict’PrtNltit'nt (hip Hutchinson, l’rmt’eton'limes l eader Leah Meredith Pepper joined Kentucky Universitv At NKU
Russ Powell, Ashland Daili Independent h , , ff , V , i i ” i i ” ' . i ‘ '
t e std . as a reportenphotograph- Embrey served as sports editor and
Trvdkum :ssncidics [)nision er. She is attending Elizabethtown managing editor of The
Mam Balm Appalachian MM‘EXPR“ ldrbdrd l‘lklhnlt‘llh‘wm Mt'h‘r ( (immunity (oliege where she 15 Northerner, NKU‘s campus news—
Manuiacturmg working toward a bachelor's degree paper. l
Dismal in journalism and political science. ; 1
William Mitchell, Fulton leader Ad\ertising on ision She is a native of Louisville . . ‘ . 1
Teresa Re\lett,\1cl.ean (ounh News Gary Gambino Sr i€ a staff Jorddn JOlnS NEWS Staff
DEE“: writer/reporter for the paper Tie " t R h d R ' t
led Dillin ham,l)awson5 rin ysl’rt yress v‘ .\ : ' , , ', lb 3. 1C T1101] 6 IS 61‘
g P h ‘h bins Lditorial Division a graduate of the UniverSity of g
District? Iohn Nelson, [)anulleAdxotateMessenger Louisville and Elizabethtown Darrel] Jordan has Joined the
Teresa Revlett, Mcieancounn- Nevvs Community College and previously staff 0f the .Richmond Register as a
l I l 1 I worked as a sports writer for The general aSSignment reporter. I
District-l ourna lsm 'c Lit'a Hm NEWS I eader in LOUlQV'll s
. - 1 . i e ee PEOPLE
Charlie l‘ortmann, Franklin l-avonte Dr Ron Wolte, l-astern Kentucki ‘ ’ page 11
District 2
Dd\'ld (,ireer, Eli/abethtown \t‘VN's “0mm” mewp eat S
Enterprise Jon Fleischaker and Kim (ireene,
District n Dinsmore & Shohl
Dorothv Abemathv,()ldham Em / Carl Whltson Harrls gle issues of the paper to be mailed
' Kentucky I’m“ Association Carl Whitson Harris. a long- to subscribers. It paid him 25 cents
WWW” Komu‘l‘yl)r”““5"r""i“gt“” time Madisonville Messenger an hour.
Kelley Wamick,(§allat1n(\ounty News David T Thompson, Executive Director emplovee died Nov l at the A member of the First Baptist
BunnieHoward,Busmess Manager . ’ ' ' ‘ ' . Church of Madisonville he is sur-
Dist 1&9 , , V _ v 7 National Health (are Nursing . . t. ‘ .
. nc , (,loria Dans,Adxertismglhrettor H H q Vived by his Wife. Bonnie Mae
K9“ M9”, Bath County New‘ OUH‘X’k Lisa (amahan, News Bureau Director 0m" .( “(LN ' 4‘ _ Harris: a daughter‘ Jane Ellen l
DistrictiU-il RebaLewis,Research/MarketingCoordinator M Whitson retired from The Scott, Evansville. Ind. two grand— l
i ' \ ‘ t , , SS . ‘ s ‘ ' _ ‘ . _ l
Mam, Backus, Appalachian News Express “m (ammack, Sfivrttfin . 9 enger as composing room fore childien and one great grandchild.
4 BuiiVSams,Bookket‘plng Assistant man. H9 began his career at the Funeral services were held at
DistriCtlZ BOtlQ'l/Vhllfiun, Advertising Salt’s Support newspaper as 3 Child helping out Barnett-strothor Funeral Horne I
Louise HatmakerJackson Times/Beattyville Janet Rmsor, Advertismg Sales Clerk his older brother. His first paying and burial followed in Odd Fellows l
Enterprise Tom-a Wrmldndge, Advertising Clerk job at, thp paper was wrapping Sin' Cemetery.
. . - . q
. \ .
l . M ‘ _ ‘ / l

 E ,
The Kentucky Press, December, 1997 - Page 3 '
I Uncover the ‘conflict’ to make stories interesting
, f __-a__r,,, __, with. no dark side. explaining, she revealed a lot about the conflict
coaCh s ‘ ‘ But conflict exists. and the conflict is what between raising a headstrong teen and being a '
, 1 a ‘ makes the story so interesting. Think about it: public Christian.
f corner i’ b‘. , Jane. at age 14, has progressed so far in poetry (‘onflict is what. makes life interesting. If '
' I. ., fi ‘ that she is able to write better than thousands you uneventfully drive six blocks to pick up a
l "—H" "' ""“’" I ; of others who have a lot more experience in pizza. there is no story to tell; but if en route .
By Jim Stasiowski E ‘ writing and m life. some maniac cuts you off and forces you into the
l i__., .,_ ‘ To write the best possible story about Jane. median. you burst to talk about it to your fami-
f wp write about conflict. I must delve into the conflict. I must explain ly. co~workers. 91"-
I. You want to fight about that'.’ how she overcame the drawbacks of having only [Ami-5‘ 511)" N011 E91 a press ”‘lWiSP about an
I To write a newspaper story. you need a 14 years (iflife, even fewer years of writing author coming to your town to give a lecture. If
l theme. What is the theme of a story? Most writ- How did she compensate for that lack of .VUU "“Wntf‘ the Pr“SS release. ”‘05“ already
t ers say."The reason for writing the story." experience'.’ Did 5}“. read night and day‘.’ Did interested in the author w1ll read the story sim-
That's a good but limited answer. In practi— she listen as her parents argued about adult Pl." t” get‘the “if“ “Pm” the V15” . ‘ .
' cal terms, the theme is the precise definition of experiences she hadn't yet gone through‘.’ The 8111 1‘ .V'OU Inlf‘I‘VHfW the author. if you write
the story's central conflict. closer I Come to explaining how she overcame about ”‘9 strussles 0‘ h” 01‘ h” m‘fi .“tu attract
When I tell writers to write about conflict. her age drawback. the more l engage the reader. more "“3‘d“f5~ ll 3“” #591 the i‘U‘h‘H' t“ ”‘Wiil l1“ '
some get pugnacious. "You’re telling me I have That‘s conflict. “T 5h" ‘5 going t“ “Pld WWI"? at the lecture “W
to create a conflict.” an angry reporter will say. Too often writers look for simplistic conflict. ”W” “’mpliit't‘ucy. for their middle-class values.
"and I think thats whats wrong with newspa- the extremists on both sides of an issue. That s youattr‘act l"‘i“1“"“_
pers today. We shouldn't cheapen our coverage rarely worth writing about. No one is going to . (lk- Eh" skeptic SEW-‘3 but “hm “hm” mt" .
by creating flashy conflicts." read the views of the two extremes on abortion. Sltllfltll'll:, I‘wo bardfnosed business people talk
Good policy. but a bad argument. I ask writ- for instance. We‘ve all heard both sides so often. merger. [“XPF‘MS [hmk 't 5 film”: to h" a mu”
! ‘er not to create conflict but to uncover it. we can quote them in our sleep. battle. but iiisteeid. the two people agree .‘m
i Technically. conflict means a battle or dis- We should be looking for conflicts that "Wm-thing Ihe bait!“ evaporates. TIN“. SIM“.
i agreement over interests or ideas. I stretch that aren't so obvious. I know. for instance. of a fun- an amicable deal. “11mm" the ."“”.”"" i
to mean anything that must be overcome. damentalist-t'hristian. anti-abortion politician Ah‘ j.” that “is“ thy conflict H hMWW'l,lh9
For instance. let‘s say Jane. 14, wins a who unmarried teen-age daughter got pregnant. (TPWtfl‘Hm and what actually happened. [he
national poetry contest open to all ages. The politician told a reporter abortion was “rmi should "\h‘m MOM” what mule“ combined
Clearly. there seems to be no villain to fight never a consideration. but in the process of See CONFLICT, page 9
—————-——-———_——___——___ —————__
Panel looks at future of newspapers Onllne press «
l C
5 By LISA CARNAHAN isolated from the community w we job. But newspapers do serve sever- Struggllng
. KPA News Bureau ca n't. be. The people know our al functions and I believe they have .
Yes, Virginia. there is a future faults and our strengths." a long future.” , l
for newspapers. Mike Kupinski, a media mar- There is no "right formula" or for equal '
I David Stolberg, retired assis- ket analyst. said newspapers faced easy answer for newspapers trying
tant general editorial manager for a tough battle as the market con- to solve the Internet puzzle but .
Scripps Howard newspapers, told tinues to diversify and their adver- Kupinski offered some advice for cred€ntlals ,-
Kentucky editors "bah humbug" to tising share shrinks. newspapers venturing onto the \
doomsday forecasts for newspa— ”The fact that more and more Web. _ _ . The outcome ”1- battles m.” “
pers. computers are being sold. more Invest now Be first. If you re press credentials and access for I
. Stolberg said people had been than TV sets. is a fact of life. And not first, you'll be on that second online sports journalism will affect
predicting the demise of newspa- as that happens, more people will tier and you'll always be trying to all news (Wk-3n“ panelists- said ,
pers since 1897 when the New depend on the electronic delivery of catch up to the competition." he durin 1i receiiti discussion on /
York Sun's front page headline information. That's a real issue said. . g ( .‘i . ~
. . . . , Internet Journalism at ( ritical -
l . touted the wrong candidate as Wln- that neWspapers are going to have The panelists also adVised MW“ .. a conference 1h“ w.” '
f ning the presidential race. to face,” said Kupinski. "TV compa« newspapers to hold onto their most 'webtast' on The Freedom( For-rim
"How dreary the world would nies are also increasingly outsourc— valued franchise, the local neWs. Web site
be with no Virginias... no newspa- ing newspapers I believe newspa- "That's something no one else ’Vl'ik ) .IVI ' d' U f b' ‘
pet's, no public conscious, no watch- pers are going to have to 'rethink' can produce like you be protec- . f l i ‘. oran. ”Ht.“ 0 pl] 15
dog," said Stolberg. the idea that they're doing the best tive ofit." said Kupinski. i‘nforniatiori and mod“? relations
Stolberg was among the pan- for ther. ()lympic (omrnittee. .
elists who spoke on the mm or . . . . {Elf ”$3?ng 3:213:31}? i‘i(i;ili\i:fgii§ '
_ newspapers at the recent AP AP d t t L 11 V ' . ‘ .‘ _ - .. ‘ .. .
' M e 1 (”3 mee 1“ (““3“ e 33123-1?titllairiiillflli}i‘f:‘§€1‘£‘1‘1§: ./
saidGheenfoglékl): scofififigfftraliiiiiilfh: _ The 1997 Kentucky AP Editors Meeting featured a look at both the 1998 Winter Games in Japan. , _ ~ .
future of newspapers. Three years history and future of newspapers and a panel of business people who are Unhne newS Sf‘I‘VH‘é‘S im' lt‘gm- l
ago. Clabes had three weeklies in successfully marketing Kentucky products around the world. . mate neWs media. and I support
Northern Kentucky. in Boone. The annual meeting, held in .L()UISV1lle the first weekend in ltheml. but the l()( is concerned
Kenton and (‘amphell counties. Novemberadrew the largest crowd inhrecent years. (lav. Paul. Patton, that some of them will compete
The papers had a combined circu— who has enjoyed a far better relationship With the media than his recent with its own Vt eb site. Moran
lation of 12.000. Today. the group predecesors,‘ gave the opening speech. ' said. , .
has 11 newspapers with a circulas In addition to the key presentations from outside guests. AP staffers Press credentialing is also a sore
tion of 55.000 He recently sold the and insiders reported on the results of a recent member survey deSigned point among online Jtillpndllstfi
neWspaper group to ('ommunity to gauge AP s‘effectiveness and level of contribution. who Cover news other than sports.
’ Press but he remains as publisher. Bureau (.hief Ed btaats announced the AP had met and exceeded a second panel agree. As happened
i ('lahes. president 0f» KI’A. said goals set in I996 which included bolstering coverage from the Loutsvdle With radio and TV ~iournahsts in
i small. local newspapers connect to staff. producing a more polished, tighter report that includes more hard— iht'p‘ast. Web mehpqx ‘lm‘ll face
l a communitv" m a way that H“, edge stories. increasmg computer-asSisted reporting proiects and produc- indifhirence or hostility from pen.
I large (11,”in don t. _ mg "‘1‘"? photos. ‘ p . _ ple who decide which Journalists
‘ “v0 reallv are ”W pulse of ”w btaats also‘announced plans for a celebration of Al’s 150th anniver- can cover an event or work from .i
‘ communitv and that S ”H, wav it sary in l998. 'Ihe event will be marked at the JOHN KI‘A’I‘PA bummer put»- gallery
should iii-y said clam. We iii-mi “i’n‘t‘ml‘m Jun" 18‘2" ‘“ "““ml’m‘g- 19“” See ONLINE. page 9
.a—y '
\ \ , i _ .
. I ’ i r i (A I
. i”! .

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, December. 1997 .
B 1 sons oi the News Editorial. . .
y aWS Advertising: and (‘irculation divisions A '
shall be extended voting privileges in r6 g1 [S wort t e Staln

Continued from page 1 Board matters
an amendment in the Kentucky l’ress “1h“ Bylaws changes 1”." approved ° 9 . . ° V} (7 1 '
.\ssociation Bylaws concerning.r the h“: the memlxtrship. the Chan-”TWIN on I I IBdla S credlblll Ly l
number ot~ members on the Kl’A f’f the m”? divisions m“ infill-<10!“ . ‘

Board The amendment was presented ing as voting Board members (”“91“

to the board duringr its Fall Board 1:13]:(((l)):::)::tti:::] 0' the 1.3% k] A (‘anned hams. Boxes oi . i
retreat and .i iiroved unanimously. ,. _ , '. -;, g {I c- . >- U ’ f‘,- ' ‘ Bo .5 Pr 9 I
That reciiinineiiilation now goes to the lhe ”“3“5 SUPUIMU) that an litiliiiihzei d k“ i U” “h 6881"

tall members-hip tor considering the amendment to the Kentucky I H.» The editor cleared a corner ol' Issues

change. :\>>‘tx‘l.tt|t)tt Bylaws may be amended his desk for the (foodies that

Th“ publication WWW b otticial by the Board at any regular.meetingot arrived d-iilv a: (‘hris‘ m.“ . .

WNW I“ m“ ineinbeisot m“ Kentucky the Board b) an attirmative vote of neared Soinetimes the })il;)‘u“‘w;‘ By Jerry Hilliard

l)l't-\‘s‘ .\sstit'l.’tlltit1 ot' the called UHthrdfi “i all (illiwimh M 1h.“ so liin'h that he had to find zitititli— and Randy Hines' - .
l'ill\';lit ss 'tit‘t‘ltlttl. ‘ .i in l‘iastern [\Nlmimuni but ”H amendment Shim er pliice to store the little tokens EaSt Tennessee State UnwerSIty i
tiiin riralay. January 3’). at the become ”pm-ml“. or Ml“. “mi—CI until (it .‘ippr‘eciatioii l'roin news . - * ' ‘ i
Radis‘son ”A“ HM“! 3n l.e\int=‘ton the same shall have been ratilied by a mum“ ‘ press organizations in the l iiited .
. “ inaiontv ot the members by consent iii ' " . htates. l‘or example. in it s

ktnlll‘lu wiitttiuililed with the secretan ol‘the MU“ M ”W treasiii'e~ti‘o\e HDN'I‘HVHW" ”ti l’rinciples “H ttl“

.\s presented in t‘i-e board and :Xs‘StK'ltttlth m. h\ atlii'iiiative \‘Uu. cast exited with the editor at the end (‘onduct 0" Journalists. the .
.ipprmmi. the illitelltllttt‘ttl would add at any ”1”qu H! the ineinbeis t‘i‘L’tl- oi the day. but rejected items liitei'n.‘itional Federation ol' t
'e ‘h« voting. ineintu-rslnp ot the board 1m.“(“neonudt provult'tl that any such occasionally made their way into Journalists includes among
3t“ 'lt-W'P'WWVV “t ”Ht" KR“ amendment shall liayetirst beehpul» Ill“ lltm‘l-‘ “t ”llllt'm'httlw' ”grave professional ol't'ences” the '
ll:'t!\l't!1 -- .\d\ei'tisin-;. t'ii'culation lislied ”n Pitt!“ 1 “Uh“ “me, publica— reporters and copy editors. who ”twpmlwp nf‘t,,.ii,(._\- m 21m (”l-”L ‘

.ir-d News Editorial l’oi the past se\~ “(m otthe:‘iiis'stx'iation. together with :1 gave little thought to what really Also getting in on It“, ”(a is '
eral years. the chairpersons ot those notice M- the [WWW]: 2'” which ”n. was happening." 1}“. Public Relations Society at”
three divisions had attended Kl’:\ same “I” be ”(Mid tlllml .n- with a That 5 tht‘ “7U tttt’ littll‘ltifi' America. whose members repre-
l‘ward tunctiens to tlt\t"tlss di\tsion “'HUV-‘t tor a “my,” ”WW.“ ”I. ratiti- season went in many newsrooms Him what some people might
.zet.\it:es but had not been granted “Hm,“ tbereot'. and a WP" ”1- such at the time we were getting start- regard as 1}“. culprits. [n its
mm": l’rmllu‘i‘.‘ m “HM matters. In“) Dublication mailed to t‘itt‘ltinit‘tttlwl‘; “(l 41-" .lt'tlt'ttiilt-"tS ’l‘ttitt Wit“ film“ ”('ode of Professional Standards}
‘litiil‘lx1t‘lk et the Kl';\ .Xssociates and m the “Wm that 1}“. amendment time ago. but we have good reason [hp PRSA {tn-1m“ mpmtwrc 1‘,
Division has sened on the hoard as a shall he mncmmd 1., in writing “3' a t“ t’t'lit‘Vt‘ that “.‘Jttt-‘Q' ”“t ”“tN 4” engage in any practice that cor-
\otiizcnieinlwrsince.liiitt.19M majority ”f 1h“ members. then upon ('liristinastime but throughout rupts the integrity (,f‘ Chunmils (,f'
it‘ll“ ‘t‘ttt‘ll‘lml ti} tn“ >"""“”-“ the tiling with the secretary~ shall pub— tl‘“ .Vt‘in" 11'1"” “Xi“‘tlY things ”t. communication.
”lt'lu‘l‘ lisli in the Associations publication a tll" past. Th“ main tllt‘tit’t't‘ttt‘“ The PRSA code s otlicial inter—

.\ititle \'ll change the numherot notice ot‘ the adoption of" such amei'id- may t)“ that many “t“V'SDitPt‘V'H pretation says: "Among practices
persons st’t‘VlttL’ on the hoard to not ment and shall cause a copy ”f such and their employees have far diti- prohibited . ‘ . are those that ipnd .
tewer titan 2H 17. previous: nor more publication 1., ix. mmlpd 1‘, each mem- t'erent attitudes about accepting,r to place representatives of the ‘ i
than 362:4. previous hep them. media . . . under any obligation to i

Aiticle V. Section 1 —- change the Also on the agenda will he election At. the ltt‘itt‘t 01‘ the matter is the member. or the member's
number of persons st‘l‘\'ltl;f on the ot'the vice president ot' the Kentucky perhaps a publication's most valu- employer or client." Specifically
Board of Directors to not to exceed 26 Press .‘Xssociation for 195%: the 1997 tittlt’ and most t'Y‘tlgilC asset, its mentioned are "gifts (it more than
23;. preyioiis directors financial statements of" the Kentucky C""tllt’tltt.\'~ nominal value]

Amati \‘H. [inn-1.,” _. add 1}“. 10]. pm.»- [\c-lc-(mmi‘m and Kentucky [5-95,- The problem is summed up ['nt'ortunately. thousand of
lowing language to Section 1 -- Bach Seiyice; and the 1998 budgets ot'the thl‘ Wit.“ b)" [MUN A- Day in tht‘ "PR people' are not members of‘
dixision shall elect a chairperson to Kentucky Press Association and the book Ethic> l” Mt‘dlt‘ tttt’ PRSA and probably t‘tW"
serve a two-year term. The chaiiper» Kentucky Press Service, (‘ommunicat ions: ('ases and never heard ot its code of stan—

. ARTK'LEV (ontroverswsa Journalists pri- dardsv. . ‘ . .
Notlce DIRECTORS niary responsibility is to their V‘Vllllt‘ ethics statements ot

S tion 1 readers and 'vieyvers'aand. when national and international groups .

Continued from paget ‘ 8C”) The direction ”f the they acceptiavors. gifts. or other may be admirable. the growingr ;
‘ , , ‘ special considerations from vested number of rules adopted by indi-

were approved h} Iltl'lt‘mative vote AssOCiation Shall be V‘J‘q‘id m 4“ interests or news sources. it rais- vidual newspapers undoubtedly i

ot‘ the Kl’A Board of Directors in Board Of Directors “”1 1" “xcwid 26 es serious questions about their have more clout when it comes to '

regular session on Friday. October (twentY'SlX)d1""t't"r‘“- _ ‘ _ objectivity. entorceinent. l

24‘ 1997- T” amend Article VH‘ D‘VlM‘mS‘ I Although tinspectacular l'ree- Members ot a reporting class .

The motion to approve the t") read: bies may not be problematic. at lCast 'l‘eiines‘see State
amendments. with the changes in ARTN‘LEV“ oy'ei‘ timeKthe reporters prot'es~ l'niversity recently s-et out in
bold face. include: DIVISIONS sional detachment could he quest ot' various papers puide- ‘

To amend Article \'ll. Board of St‘i'tt‘m 1‘ Th“ :‘Xssociatton “‘ Board undermined. hi the eyes of the lines t'oiit't‘t'ttllt.Lr tilt“ it‘ll“ "“‘Ult‘

Directors to read: of Directors I‘e(‘0mli7.t‘>' tltt‘ W't‘tl tt’t‘ public. the appearance of a con» were iiil'orinative and. in some
ARTICLE Vt] specialized Divisions within the ”M “m be I” damaging I... 1}“. cases. entertaining.
BOARD OF [)[REFTURS Association. such as the Advertising “mum tic-ply For example. the Seat t le
The at'tairs ol' this Association Division. (lirculation Division. (‘mtp‘ of ”in“ adopted l’.\' 'rinw“ told 1]“. students: \‘DN
shall be directed by a Board of N“‘I\‘>“l‘:dlt0rtdl ”MSW“ “Wt journalism societies and associa- \\t' have a rule. The rule is' NH.
Directors consisting of not fewer ASSUCl‘dtt‘S “MSW” 'l‘ht‘ Bttm'd 0t tions are contrtw'ersial and usual‘ N“. AND lltlqu‘ l‘lVl‘IN llllNK
than 20 nor more than 26 persons. l)ll‘t‘Ct01‘>‘ t5 iltltltttl‘tY-(‘tl t0 t\PPI‘UW‘ ly are HIH‘Dltil‘fttllilt‘. However. AHHL'T lrll- lt‘tl’t' tlll‘ ”Mb“ It
the exact number within such lim- additional Divtsitms when it would they do represent attempts to Clt‘itt‘li
itations to be determined by the t)“ beneficial to tht‘ growth and wel» upgrade practices in the pi'ol'es» 'l‘ltt' Stilt“ Ht (Viltlmliizt 5th.
85-1111va of thc corporation. fare of the Association. Divisions sion. and in that regard certainly "“ll‘WtNl tttitt ”ll l“? ”ttll‘litilt‘tv“
Fourteen of the directors shall be are governed by the Bylaws of the des'ei've respect. ”Wt (tinSHm ltt'iltlfi ”HI-<1 sign :1
elected by the members Within Association and members of Many of the codes. int-Indira,r “mm”"’ti'tntt‘tt‘v‘t *tittt'mt'ltt ”-‘Wl
each of the 14 districts of the Divisions must be members of the those of the Society ot' tl“‘””.‘s'lWUt th“ K'tlfs’ltt'ltl‘tttt‘t
Kentucky Press Association. The Association. Each division shall Professional Journalists and group.
remaining Directors and the elect a chairperson to serve a American Society ot‘ Newspaper S‘HW‘ PUPPY" hm“ lilltt’t't‘tt
terms to be served by all ot' the two-year term. The chairper- Editors. poll no puttt'lies. 'l‘hey “VN' “'tttnfs' 3‘ ”‘J‘lelt'l‘ ("it‘ll
Directors shall be as provided in sons of the. News Editorial, simply tell members to ret'use all ”In" "t. filtl’ tlli't “W.“ h“ ”(‘t't'Pt'
the Bylaws, Advertising and Circulation gifts and other special tavors from “d
To amend Article V. Directors divisions shall be extended vot- WWW NHH‘CW 51“” mt'mlmi“ ”l ”m ”Mllllm‘ ;
to ”aid; ing privileges in Board matters. The concern isn't limited to See GIFTS. page 8
-» ,, - . - , . .r’f— --.9 .