xt7vq814r10q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vq814r10q/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2011-10 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, October 2011 text GLSO News, October 2011 2011 2011-10 2019 true xt7vq814r10q section xt7vq814r10q Do} 310“
mg G L s o
‘l {I W /
. Help Keep the Doors Open
Sponsored by
Unitarian Universalist Church

 Bullyingle Education and (not necessarily approval) is what ]
airness makes our world peaceful and just.
By Craig Cammack, , _
Contributor With Lexington Fairness’ Project (
Speak Out, we will bring nation—
For far too long, all students, but ally-renowned professional train-
especially LGBT students, have ers to Central Kentucky. These
had to live their lives daily in trainers will help educate a core
fear of being taunted, harassed group 0f community volunteers,
or harmed while trying to attend whether they are part Of our l-GBT I
school. No longer will we stand community 0" hOt- There Will be
for this intolerance and freedom to no restrictions on helping edu-
bully. Lexington Fairness is taking cate those who want to make a
a stand to stop and/or prevent bul- world of safe and secure schools
lying in our schools with its Proj- for all students. From these vol- |<
ect Speak Out program, And you unteers, a, grassroots training
can help make it come to reality. program Wl” be thtitUted, ViSit'
ing schools, holding forums for
We hear consistent and constant teachers and counselors, provid—
storles of students being bullied ing safe school resources to ev—
for who they are, who they were eryone who wants them. We are E
born to be. And in too many cas— determined to prOVide AT LEAST,
es (one is too many), we hear of bUt hopefully many more, safe
suicides or suicide attempts from school allies in each and every
those bullied Children who feel SCh00i, giving all students, LGBT
condemned. Students who feel or not, the ability to feel they have I
they are no longer safe living as an ally who Wiii hOt tolerate bUi— _
they are. Children who feel they lying, discrimination and the dis- c
need to look no further than to grace so many of our Children feel.
end their life in order to stop the
pain of harassment and abuse. We hope you Will join Lexington
These stories are so heartbreak— Fairness '0 bringing Project Speak (
ing and destructive to the diverse OUt to reality during the 2011' (
fabric of our nation. We can no 2012 and 2012-2013 school years.
longer sit on the sidelines and We will makeadifference. We will
watch as Children have to fight for provide allies to bring a safe and
themselves, deal with the hurt— secure learning environment to
ful words and actions of bullies our SChOOIS- We Will help make 1
and struggle to live in our society. the world a more JUSt and fair I
place to live, no matter your sex—
We know the bullies do this from ual orientation or gender identity.
learned behavior. No child learns
how to bully without being in— Your next event to attend to help
grained with intolerance. The bring Project Speak Out Closer to
adults (parents, educators, family reality iS the October 15th To Die I
friends, celebrities, etc.) put forth For: Get YourJust Desserts murder \
notions of injustice and discrimi- mystery. Being held at the Loud-
nation which the Child sees as nor- OUh House, the Imperial Court Of
mal. With this normality, and pos- Kentucky is organizing this event
sible lowered self-esteem and self to serve as a fundraiser for Project
worth, bullies are born. We al- Speak Out, bringing us the ability
ready know it’s hard to change the to provide schools with the knowl- 1
minds ofan adult, but children can edge and resources they need to ‘
learn that right is right, discrimi- prevent our Children from the fear
nation is wrong and acceptance of being Who they were born to be.

 Issue 10 201 1 Feature Story
CONTENTS Keep The Doors Open Page 5
Keep The Doors GSA Meeting
Open Page 5 Every Tuesday, 7 pm.
Pride Center
— “5° Gm"
INSIDE THIS EDITION Every Wednesday, 7 pm.
Pride Center
. . Bluegrass Trans(Gender)
Bullying, Education Youth & Families
and Fa'mess 2 Saturday, Oct 8 & 22, 1 pm.
Pride Center
GSA Needs Pride Kentucky Bourbon Bears
Center 5 Board Meeting
Saturday, Oct 8, 9 pm.
Pride Center
ICK Represents GLSO B d Meet'
oar mg
Bluegrass 7 Sunday, Oct 9, 1 pm.
Pride Center
_ _ Imperial Court of Kentucky Meeting
Unltarlan Church Sunday, Oct 9 & 23, 6 pm.
Welcomes All 11 Pride Center
Lexington Pride Festival Meeting
Spiritual Disciplines TthSdaY/ Oct 13, 7 pm-
12 Pride Center
I —

 GLSO News Issue 10 201 1

_ _ Aaron Baker, Interim President
The GLSO News Is published Orvis Kean, Vice President
monthly by and for the Lexington Secretary, Vacant
Gay and Lesbian Services Organi— Glenn Blind, Treasurer
zation members and community.
The mission of the Lexmgton Gay
and Lesbian Services Organization J C , At L
is to provide support and services Tingmsas aCroElIIins AetrEaerge
t th GLBT IA ' . '
0 e QQ commumty Mary Crone, GSA
The vision of the Lexington Gay Jesse Howalr‘d, Marketing/ Sales
and Lesbian Services Organiza- DonhLowesz, tHLarg: L
tion is to empower the GLBTQQIA Ant .ony m: W9? ' At arge
community through voice. Jessma Sucn , Affi iate Groups
The Lexington GLSO is founded
upon the core values of fun, in— m
clusion, respect, integrity, dignity,
service and competence. Chad Hundley, Office Manager
GLSO Pride Center
389 Waller Avenue EDITORIAL N OTES
Suite 100 . .
Lexington, Ky. 40504 The GLSO. IS currently looking for
new contributors and editorial
859.253.3233 . .
www.glso.org staff. If interested, e-mail
2011 GLSO News sponsorship packages are now available!
Email editor@glso.org to pick your package today!
_ l

 Letter from the Why the GSA Needs the
Presudent Pride Center
By Aaron Baker, By Mary Crone, Contributor
I Contributor
Teenagers between the ages of
Thank you for reading the GLSO 15 and 19 meet every week at
Newsletter. As you can see from the Pride Center with our com—
this month's cover, we are in munity Gay Straight Alliance for
the midst of a fundraislng cam— Youth. Sometimes a young per-
paign to help keep the doors of son will come for only one or a
the Pride Center open. I'm sure few meetings and then not return
many of you have gotten the for many months. It could be that
fundraising letter that we sent a parent will not let them come
out. If you support the mission back or they may be in internal
of the GLSO, I encourage you conflict concerning their identity.
to make your tax deductable
donation in this time of need. It is not unusual for a teen to find
their way back to us after some
As an organization, we have time has passed. For them, it has
made a commitment to refocus been great for the GSA to be in
our energies on providing our the same place, at the same time,
core services. Those services are every Tuesday night for a decade.
the Pride Center, the Pride Festi- Young adults also come back to
val, the GSA youth group and this see us after leaving for college,
newsletter. Your monetary dona— or after their family has moved.
tions will all go towards fulfilling
our commitmentto these services. Yes, we can re-establish our
group at another location. But
Look for some exciting new fund- teens need a safe, accessible
raising events in the near future. and accepting place to meet.
We are reaching out to some ex— Parents need to consider the
citing new partners to bring you location safe for their child to
a wider variety of events that are drive themselves to meetings.
fun for the community and sup- The Pride Center has been suc-
port the mission of the GLSO. cessful in meeting those criteria.
As the interim President and on You can help the GSA continue to
behalf of our board of directors, bea special place for teens by sup-
1 want to ensure the community porting GLSO. Please make a do-
that the GLSO will survive this nation to GLSO through pay pal at
hardship. This board is dedi- www.g|so.org/site or
cated to serving the community. by mailing a check to
’r As aflwaygl, we want yr?” to fehel GLSO Pride Center
com orta e approac ing te
GLSO board. Transparency is 389 Waller Avenue
|our mantrra, and the GLSIO be—
ongs to t e community. want _
you to feel comfortable contact— Pl‘lde Center
ing any board member, including HOUI'S
myself, if you have any questions.
The new hours are Tuesday 9 am.
Again, thank you for reading the - 1 pm; Wednesday and Thursday
GLSO Newsletter, and I look for- 3 pm. - 7 pm; Friday 9 am. - 1
I ward to working with the com- p.m.;andSaturday11a.m.-3p.m.
munity in the coming months.
I _

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 Ti" ICK represents Just recently we were very lucky
~ B'uegrass across the to host Reigning Emperor 39 of All
country Alaska, Kevin Fawcett Majors, to our
By ShotZ Contributor show Standing Strong. He sets a
; ' good example in that he happened
September was an exciting month for to be 'h Kentucky for the Bourbon
the Imperial Court of Kentucky! We Festivaltand while here looked online
,t: seem to have unofficially declared t9 see 'f. there were any Court func-
{fe September to be “youth” month as tions being produced while he was
we hosted two shows in which the 'h town. He h°t only attended the
:j. proceeds would go to youth oriented show but brought us raffle prizes to
j programs. We hosted our first fund— be used for fundraismg! We encour-
raiser of the year for the GLSO, en— age you 150 9° to www.impcourt.org,
: titled Standing Strong. The proceeds the twebSIte for our International Or-
from this show will be donated to the ganization, and learn about the Courts
GLSO’s Youth Empowerment Train- that are in the cities to which you
: r, ing Project. We wish them much travel. You will be surprised by the
success and thank them for all the amount of new friends you will make
hard work they do! We also hosted With a Similar philanthropic mind.
” a show called Spotlight on Drag Lex- ,
ington and designated the funds from September 3'50 welcomed the hrSt
'f-if this show for The Trevor Project. We Imperial Leader. Th'5,'5 a quarterly
' ' would like to thank everyone for com- DUthat'Oh that we w'“ be .Sehd'hg
ing out to support these events and to our membership (Via email and it
both of these amazing programs. We will be posted on our webSIte) that
. could not do what we do without you! w'.” keep them up to date 0” gath-
_;, erings and events of the Imperial
We also represented the Imperial Court of Kentucky. We would like to
. Court of Kentucky while attending thank The CrownerPlaza _ Campbell
the Coronation Ball held by the Im- l-louse for sponsoring the first ed"
5 perial Sovereign Queen City Court of tion of the Imperial Leader and re-
. the Buckeye Empire in Cincinnati, OH. m'hd YOU that they are the only TAG
5,: Congratulations to HMIM Emperor 21, approved hotel 'h Lexmgton, KY-
5; , Edward St. James and HMIM Empress _ , . .
21, Maxi Malone, we Wish you a very October promises to be filled With Just
_7 successful year! We are also proud to as much eXCItement 'f not more! We
congratulate one of our own; HIM Em- Will begin the month by attending the
press 29, Helena Handbasket who was annual JUSt Fund event, ,JUSt Fun:
proudly named Empress 21 and a half Celebrating Decades of Justice on Sat-
3-} of Cincinnati, congratulations Helena! urday, October 1 at Spindletop Hall.
1 We then followed that weekend by at— on Sunday, October 2', 201.1 at 7pm
tending the Inaugural Gala of the first at The Cabaret 'h C‘hc'hhat'i OH we
Imperial Court in our nation’s capital. w'h be attending the Investitures. 0f
’ That’s right, as of September 17, 2011 Reign 21, 0f the Imperial Sovereign
our International Court System is now Queen C'ty COUhIOf the BUCkeye E.m'
69 courts strong with the recent addi- pire. Road Tr ‘p- 3.0'" the Re!9"!”9
tion of The Imperial Court of Washing— Monarchs in celebrating the beginning
ton, D.C. As the Reigning Monarchs of the let Reign of the ISQCCBE.
of the Imperial Court of Kentucky you .
Willsee that we have been,and will be, The followmg weekend on Saturday,
traveling throughout the year to other October 15' 201,1 at 73‘0”" we M” be
Courts across the International Court working alongSIde Lexmgton Fairness
System. We welcome each of you to and producmg our first Murder Mys-
travel With us to show Kentucky’s sup- tery, To D'e. For: Who W'“ Get The”
portofeachofthesehardworkingCourts. (continued on Page 11)

 % I Gait!)
Vt ml .‘
G L5 0 l M
El! Hum maximum %
E-Newsletter Subscription
In a mission to I'Go Green” the GLSO Newsletter is giving you the op-
tion of helping the GLSO to save some “GREEN” by reducing our
printing costs. We’re doing this by offering the option of receiving
your newsletter as a monthly e-blast through your email.
If you wish to receive your free e-blast newsletter, please send your
info including your first and last name and email address to
chadfllglsonrg or sign up directly at glso.org/newsub.php.
Since we will still send our paper newsletter to anyone who wants it,
you may help us no cover our printing costs by making a tax—
deductible donation to the GISO. You may send your donation to:
GLSO, 389 Waller Ave, Suite 10!}, texington, KY 40504.

408 '
Thursday E
October 20 lallguln $5
8:00pm in ‘
.7   m
Piano Bar Invasion: Benefit
for the GLSO’s “Keep the
Doors Open” Campaign
More info: 85912533233" if

 2~ I, ,, ,fi,'IljgfllluthQtlTSltPT DPtStHltD M J
im- m “u l|1t mmmmcoumor nnmcm e
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’7 3‘ .1, b

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. 2 Doop:7:3opm tthll28200Dm g

‘ llll lOUDOUll HOUSE .

209 cnsnrwoon DDth :

5 $35 lllDlVlDUlll

Sl65 GROUP Ol llVl 5

Elll fly. is Milli—nigh

 (continued from Page 7) XXX, ShotZ at shotzwithaz@live.com.
Just Desserts? This promises to be a If YOU are not yet a member, join-
murder mystery like none other you ing is easy, simply attend one Of our
may have attended. We will have sev— shows and see a member of the Board
en bakeries from the area, each repre- Of Directors for a membership appli-
senting one of the seven deadly sins. cation or to pose any questions YOU
Our guests will be invited to sample may have. Our current Board Of Di—
these sinful confections and help us rectors are Wayne Clayton, Wes Nel-
select a “Bakery of the Year" all while son, Wayne Swope. Clayton Burchell,
trying to solve the murder mystery ShotZ, Fred Worsham, Jonathan Bark-
that has been played out before them. er, Brad Shepherd and Daryl Royse.
Of course, the Court is involved so we For more events coming during 0C“
will also have seven of our girls; each tober and coming months, please,
dressed as one of the seven deadly check our Facebook group Page and
sins as well, helping to collect votes our website at www.imperia|courtken—
for the Bakery of the Year. Advance tucky.org (C'le on Upcoming Events).
ticket purchase is recommended (tick— If YOU have not yet joined our group
ets will be available at the door on a page on Facebookjust '09 in and go to
first come, first serve basis) by going our page and send US a request tojoin
to www.imperialcourtkentucky.org
and clicking on Upcoming Events and 7th Annual Statewide
finding the event and clicking on it in Fairness Gala
our calendar. (This show is also 18+!) November 12 2011
. . , Old Medical School
The Relgnlng Monarchs Will also be Building
hosting a “Line Meeting" on Sunday, Downtown Louisville
October 16, 2011. This is a meeting 8:00 pm. (ET)
of the guys and gals currently on the
Male and Female Lines of Descent but Don't miss out on an unfor-
we also invite anyone interested in gettable evening! Enjoy food
being more involved to attend as well. drinks and dancing with a liye’
During these meetings we discuss DJ in celebration of a Fair Ken-
ideas for the ICK while socializing and tucky at the 7th annual state-
getting to know 83C“ Other in a re- wide fairness gala, Out & About!
Iaxed “non-show” setting. The Mon— During the gala KFA will be
archs will be sending out invites to the presenting our ' "Amper&and"
current Lines of Descent soon, if you Award and our Community Ser-
are not on the “line”and would like to vice Award. We will also be
attend simply contact Emperor XXX, recognizing the recipients of
Free W°r5hamr (”Empress XXX, ShOtZ this year's educational scholar-
to find out how to get more Involved. ships from the KFA Foundation.
, You can purchase tickets at the

Last but not 'east, our first pageant of door or on Kentucky Fairness Alli-
held at Crossings Lexington on Sunday, eral Admission tickets are $75
OCFOber 30! 2,011 beginning at 89’“- each. Currently enrolled students
This pageant is a crowd pleaser WIth can purchase tickets at a reduced
its over-the-top costumes not only be- rate of $35 by using the discount
ing worn by the contestants but by our code "student" and completing the
audience members as well. Are you "University/College Name" field.
the next Diva of Darkness? Do you You may also advertise your
have questions about the pageant? business in the Out & About
Need an application? For the answers program book. Contact us to
to all these questions contact Empress purchase your Space today!

 Another discipline is worship. In my opin-
Spiritual DiSCi lines ion this is a very misunderstood concept.
By Pastor Karen q‘aylorl The Bible Dictionary defines it as follows:
Contributor "reverent devotion and allegiance pledged
to God; the rituals or ceremonies by which
We have been learning about spiritual dis— ”"5 reverence '5 expressed". We express
ciplines the past several weeks at church. our worship 0f 60d through ”WC“ atten-
Discipline in general is not something we dance true, bUt also through giVing Of our
see a lot of in our society these days. As a time, money, SUng’ etc, as well as how
society we are overweight (I‘m right there We live our lives. ”The real duty Of worship
with you on this one), we tend to do what— ‘5 not the outward duty to say or do the “t—
ever we want whenever we want, most of urgy. It '5 the inward duty, the command
us do not excise our bodies like we should — “36?“th yourself in the Iford!l.ll' (I"Spiritual
(guilty as charged), and spiritually we ne— DISCIplines for the Christian Life' by Don—
glect our privileges, rights, and responsi- ald 5' Whitney pg. 90) At Open Arms we
bilities. "Ours is an undisciplined age. The USEd to Simply put the Offenng plate on the
old disciplines are breaking down.Above center table and people put '7‘ the" tithes
all, the discipline of divine grace is derided al‘d offerings whenever during the ser-
as legalism or is entirely unknown to a vice, before, or after. Until I realized that
generation that is largely illiterate in the “WW '5 actually a way t9 worship 60d"
Scriptures. We need the rugged strength NOW. we have a speCIfic time during the
of Christian character that can come only serVice to worship GOd through our givmg.
from disapline. V' Raymond Edman. The last discipline I would like to talk
There are many "disciplines" we could about is prayer. Prayer is Si?“ ply ”mu?"
discuss but I would like to focus on three. cating w'th .GOd' Communication ‘5 a give
One is Bible reading. I would say this is and take thing. YO? talk and listen. What
the most important and least exercised k'nd ofa relationship WOUId you. have w'th
discipline. We need to know for ourselves another ”855°” If all you ever (M was talk
what God has said, is saying, and the one and never listen to what the other person
sure way of doing that is reading, meditat- had to say? NOt much Of one for sure. The -
ing, and memorizing His Word. Too many Bible tells us. to make our requests known
Christians are content to hear their preach- to ng’ bUt It also says we mUSt learn'to
er tell them what the Bible says and take it be 5“” enough to hear that 5“” small VO'Ce
as truth without ever looking into it on their 0f GOd' CS'055'ans 4'2 Devote yourselves
own. Matthew 4:4 "Man does not live on to Wave“ 1 Thessalonians .517 "Pray
bread alone, but on every word that comes continually“. You T'ght be saying, "I “9*
from the mouth of God." 2 Timothy 3:16 k.“°w how to pray ’ and thats Ok’ the d's—
"All Scripture is God-breathed and is use— Ciples d'dnt either. They asked Jesus to
ful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and teach them to pray and He gave them what
training in righteousness." So shouldn‘t we know as The Lord 5 Prayel as a .model.
we be reading it? I read a story recently That pr ayer begins and ends In praise and
about a missionary who went to this very thanksgivmg. The heart Of the prayer-is
remote village to share the gospel. He asking for forgiveness as you haveifiorgiv—
found what was being called Christian en others, and then moves into petitioning
churches, but what he was witnessing was 90d for your requests/ needs. There Is no
not what he understood to be Christian fight or wrong way to pray. Its a mat-
behavior. There was lying, cheating, steal- ter 0f the heart toward GOd' Getting. to
ing, all manner of free sexual behavior, and know H'm better and @6th ‘3'“? F0 H'm'
more. He couldn't understand what was You can think of spiritual dlSClleneS as
going on until he realized that no one, not you do-physical exercise. Y9” put the right
even the pastors had a Bible. How are we things 'n’ VEQEtab'es' protein, etc, and ex-
to know what God's expectations are of us erCIse to be in the best phy5ical condition
if we don't know Him and what He says? (continued on Page 15) l
_ I

 .. a W i y.
e a'nfifivv “FW‘syv
The Imperial Court of Kentucky
im])(‘lky@a<)l.(‘()m \wa.lmpcrialCourchlllllt‘ky.org
GLSO News Monthly Sponsors
SisterSound 859.806.0243
Diverse Music for all Women
Debra Hensley Insurance 859.276.3244
1513 Nicholasville Road
Lexington Fairness—www.lexfair.org 859.951.8565
Moveable Feast 859.252.2867
474 Silver Maple Way
Unitarian Universalist Church 859.223.1448
3564 Clays Mill Road
Scott Ackerman, Keller Williams Bluegrass Reality 859.338.8483
GLSO Pride Center—www.glso.org 859.253.3233
Lexington Pride Festival—www.lexpridefest.org 859.253.3233
Open Arms of God Ministry—www.openarmsofgodministryorg 502.545.6355

 GLSO Phone Directory
A community resource page for gay and/or Sister Sound 859.806.0243
gay-friendly organizations across Kentucky. Social Services, Lexington 211
T _ i f Speaker’s Bureau 859.266.5904 ‘
' TransKentucky cassiemtf@ T
AIDS Volunteers Inc (AVOL) 859.225.3000 yahoo.com al
Cumberland Region, SE Ky. 606.864.3776 United Way 8593135465 3‘,
888.425.7282 at
Health Dept., Fayette 859.288.2437 W 2
877-606-2437 Integrity, Ky. Diocese 859.369.9691 :5
Health Dept., Jessamine 859.885.4149 Integrity, St. Martha’s 859.533.9851 id
”93”“ Dept-1W00df0rd 859-873'4541 Interweave, Unitarian 859.266.5904 P4
HIV/AIDS Legal Project 502.584.1254 Lex Friends, Quakers 8592543319 2"
LOUisvme Region 502574-0161 Mercy Ministry Church 859.358.3357 W
Moveable Feast 859.252.2867 MCC Paducah 2704433339 ;
Norther" KY- Region 859341-4264 Open Arms of God Ministry 502-545-6355 w
UK Adolescent Medicine 859.323.5643 if
Communitupdsedaietoupe W ‘A
24—Hour Crisis Line 800.928.8000 39"“ C°”ege ACE 8599583633 2.
24-Hour Teen Crisis Line 800.999.9999 centre “”399 BGLA 859238-5332 di
Alcoholics Anonymous 859.967.9960 Morehead State University 606.783.2294 it;
AA/Alcoholic Teens 859.277.1877 - hl
Bluegrass COLTS 859.225.9169 /\ isd'
Council for Peace & Justice 859.225.6999 ‘ T
Discussion Group 859.253.3233 1\ V «(0‘ 3938 .
Fairness of Louisville 502.893.0788 \ COfEéoftg
Gay Straight Alliance, Teens 859.266.5904 6:69):ng "
GLso Pride Center 859.253.3233 «:éte‘i‘giiéx
Imperial Court of Kentucky 859.619.7521 35696089 _
International Gay Bowling 859.276.3058 0‘9 } ‘
Kentucky Fairness 270.703.1582 ':.-_
Lexington Fairness 859.951-8565 . .
Lexington Human Rights 859.252.4931 ' "
Lexington Insight Group 859.230.2428
Lexington Pride Festival 859.253.3233 GLSO News Deadline
MACI' 859.358.8335 October 20
PFLAG Lexington 859.338.7393 Send ankles and ads to
PFLAG Louisville 502.329.0229 edit°r@9'so‘°'g
_ I

 Unitarian Universafist group that meets on Sundays at 9:45
Church am in the Allen House next to the
welcomes A" church. Topics are presented and dis—
By Mary Crone, Contributor cussed using the lens of Buddhism in
an effort to apply its principles to mod-
The U.U. Church has worship service ern life. A“ religious paths are WEI‘
at 11am every Sunday. We are a wel- come. The top“: Changes each WEEK
coming congregation that celebrates 50 drop-ins are always .welcome.
our GLBT members. We are located There is 3'50 a ChYIStlan QTOUPI
at3564 Clays Mill Rd. , just inside Man- a pagan QFOUPI end "We that meet
O'War. We are proud to sponsor the regularly. For information call 859
GSLO News. Ours is a liberal religious 223'1448 or VlSIt www.uucl.org
tradition with room for many beliefs. Also contact Mary Crone to V0"
Our congregation includes people who unteer for the Halloween
identify as Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Dance at the church on Friday
Pagan, Muslim, Atheist, Agnostic, and October 28 from 7:30 ‘11 p.m.
Humanist. This makes for diverse (continued from Page 12)
and interesting services presenting a Spiritual Disciplines
wide variety 0f beliefs and non-belief. possible. Spiritually you but in the Word of
There are a number of groups that God, and practice the disciplines to be in
meet regularly at the church. Inter- the best spiritual condition. It's all leading
weave is the LGBTQIA support and to a more Godly attitude and behavior. 1
social group for everyone. You do welcome any comments or questions. Just
not have to be a member to attend. send them to pastor@openarmsofgodminis-
The Humanist Forum meets the 2nd try.org If you have a topic you would for me
Wednesday of each month at 7 pm. to explore you can send that to the same
our meetings are open to people Of address. Don't forget to attend church
all beliefs, and those Of none. We somewhere this Sunday. Let's worship God
discuss a variety of topics related by giving Him a couple hours of our time
to our mission to explore Human- each week to praise Him and learn more
ist teachings “which counsel us to about Him. If you do not have a church you
heed the guidance of reason and re- are welcome to Open Arms of God Ministry.
suits of science, and warn us against We worship each Sunday at 10:30 in the
idolatries of the mind and spirit." Pride Center on Waller Ave. May God bless
The Sunday Sangha is a discussion and keep you through this coming month.
If you read the am Newslefler, you benelt
. from the senrice-i we pmuide.
‘ him we need an asthma!
,9 Donatemmprelervefl'leflso'ssewtes
'3 7 ,‘ Malmwlrdxmmmwrwem‘te,
" mmglamrg, in person orbyr mail.
Weca'l't do i without you.

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We are proud to Sponsor the GSLO News.
Unitarian Universalists do more than accept GLBTQQ
people, we celebrate their lives and value what
they contribute
to our church and to the world. Join us for a worship
service any Sunday at 11 am. We are recruiting!
We are hosting the GLSO GSA Halloween Dance on Oct. 28.