xt7vq814r04h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vq814r04h/data/mets.xml Hamilton County, Tennessee Tennessee Historical Records Survey 1937 Prepared by The Historical Records Survey, Division of Women's and Professional Projects, Work Projects Administration; 130 leaves: illustrations, charts, plates, 28 cm; Mimeographed; Includes bibliographical references and index; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number Y 3.W 89/2:43 T 256/no.33 books English Nashville, Tennessee: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Tennessee Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of the County Archives of Tennessee, Number 33 Hamilton County (Chattanooga) text Inventory of the County Archives of Tennessee, Number 33 Hamilton County (Chattanooga) 1937 1937 2015 true xt7vq814r04h section xt7vq814r04h      I I     I wwwnmInIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIInI111ma¤  
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E Ppsrlcs
The Historical Records Survey was conceived in the conviction that the
v public records of the nation, wherever deposited, are well worth preserving, =
; that their condition and arrangement be improved, if possible, and that full
1 information on their nature, extent and location be made readily available.
Deposited in the some three thousand courthouses of America is‘a great
mass of public records of priceless historical value. The Inventory of County
. Archives, the first undertaking of the Survey, expects to list and describe
the county records of America. The Survey was launched as an undertaking of
the Yhrks Progress Administration, on a nation-wide scale, in January 1936,
. and is new operating in each of the forty-eight states. Operations were begun
in Tennessee in April of that year. Hamilton County was one of the first
, counties opened. Field work there was completed in a little less than a year.
The Survey has completed or is now operating in some twenty-five other coun-
ties of the state.
That the task of inventorying the records of a large county is a diffi-
cult one soon became apparent. In spite of widespread loss and destruction
ef records, the very number in the average courthouse is almost incredible.
That the priceless value of the county's records, records that for both legal
and historical reasons should be preserved at all costs, has not been fully
realized is also tragically apparent. In many instances records have been ·
piled for years in confusion and disorder in basements, attics, bell towers
and storage rooms, vulnerable to the ravages of time, fire and dampness. The
A chief of the enemies of the archives in Tennessee, however, are official care-
lessness and neglect. Hamilton County, although its records have suffered
heavily from fire and war, is happily an exception. The officials there have
apparently made every effort to preserve, in comparative order, the county's
records, as required by law.
In Hamilton, as in most counties of the state, the Survey has been gra-
ciously and enthusiastically received. If the unqualified enthusiasm of
county officials, historians, attorneys and students of government for the
Survey is a true indication of its worth, then the money expended and the un-
flagging enthusiasm of the workers will have been a profitable investment.
Already the Survey over the nation has made discoveries that have, directly
or indirectly, meant a large saving of money and effort to counties and to
litigants. Examples have been discovery of chancery papers that has enabled
the courts to make an inexpensive settlement, the discovery of lands that had
been escaping taxation and the finding of unopened letters containing checks
and currency. Several hundred dollars have been found in Tennessee in the
form of uncancelod checks payable to the counties. ~
d The Survey makes no guarantee of absolute accuracy and perfection.
A Errors undoubtedly have crept into this inventory, but no pains have been
A spared to keep that margin at an irreducible minimum. The same records may
" assume different titles in different counties, and the tremendously wide vari-
,.·_ ‘ ation in the systems of record keeping in the different counties may cause the
Q user of the inventory to mistake apparent lack of uniformity for error. The
E fact that practically every bureau in the state is affected in some way by
Y Tennessee's unique system of private acts, and the fact that modifications of
Q a bureau's operations are made with amazing frequency have precluded any hope
f of absolute accuracy in the bureau sketches.

The Survey believes that the arrangement of bureaus and entries, arrived
at after a process of trial and error, is the most practicable and the least
illogical possible in view of the extremely complex nature of some of the bu-
reaus, particularly that illusive body, the county court.
The user of this inventory is urged to read the introductory sections--
Historical Sketch of Hamilton County; Governmental Organization and Records
System; Housing, Gare and Accessibility of Records; and Lists of Abbreviations,
Symbols and Explanatory Notes-—before using the body of the inventory. The
sketches preceding the bureau entries contain information on the present and
historical nature of the bureaus and list the records each bureau is required
or permitted by law to keep, and may be of help in understanding the entries
A system of cross reference has been devised to connect entries for
similar and closely related records to one another.
The number assigned this inventory, Ne. 33, merely indicates the alpha-
betical position of Hamilton among the counties of the state.
The records entered in this inventory are those that were available on
April 1, 1936. The sketches preceding the entries have carried the bureaus .
through the legislative session of 1935.
In Hamilton County the Survey met with splendid end encouraging coopera-
I tion on every hand. Without exception, every official in the courthouse saw
to it that the Survey received a full measure of cooperation. The Survey
extends cordial and special thanks to County Judge Will Cummings, whose
ideals of public service make local government in Tennessee that very personal
and tremendously fascinating phenomenon it is; to Mr. Fred Frawloy, chief
clerk and purchasing agent, without whose invaluable cooperation in innumera-
ble ways the Survey in Hamilton County would never have been carried to a
successful conclusion; and to Mr. Jack Hixson, deputy county court clerk.
The Survey is also greatly indebted to all other officers in the courthouse;
to the Chattanooga Public Library; to Dr. Frank W. Prescott, of the University
of Chattanooga's Department of Political Science, and to Dr. W. C. Binkley,
of the Department of History of Vanderbilt University. The Survey in
Hamilton County was under the direction of Mr. Arch Feidley, Jr.
Inquiries relating to the work of the Survey in Tennessee should be
addressed to the State Director of The Historical Records Survey, Works
Progress Administration, Nashville; and those relating to its national opera-
V tions, to Dr. Luther H. Evans, National Director, l734 New York Avenue,
N. W., Washington.
Tennessee State Director
The Historical Records Survey
November l, 1937

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[ l. Historical Sketch ......................... . ......¤... 3
Map of Hamilton County
2. Governmental Organization and Records Sy