xt7vq814r03x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vq814r03x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1915-04-22 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 30,  April 22, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 30,  April 22, 1915 1915 1915-04-22 2015 true xt7vq814r03x section xt7vq814r03x ,•,•1*° roll,
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______A VOL. VII. LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, APRIL 22, 1915. No 30
• U •
lllllllll Jlllllllll Plllllllllllll All lllllll *“· N· *""*‘S“· ""’ * lllllllllll llllil
...... l
llllll lll lll Illlllllllllllll lll Ellllllllll           »cc€»   lll mlm rl
.» sltlon as assistant instructor ln chem-
""_` C"' W` |ll·lll‘)’ to llll one of the vacancies caused .-- . _____, i __
2 2 Greatest Social Event of the Year on University Calen- |*>>’ **1** '°°*¤"****°** *1* '**° *“'° ””*"‘ "Dutch" Accepts Eleven Chances Without a Wobble and
· ' • · ant instructors in that department `
_dar Qtven by the Junior Hosts at fhoemx Hotel ,,,,,0,,, ,, ,,.,,,,,, ,,,,0 ,,,_ ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,8 Makes Great One-Handed Catch; "Turkey"
»· With Seniors and Others as Invited Guests been located at Altoona. Pennsylvania. Slams th P`ll W' h G
as chemist ln the laboratories of the 6 I It Ood Results
’ennsylvanla Railroad ln that city, _...._
lbut was granted a leave of absence
SEVERAL HUNDRED GUESTS ENJOY PROGRAM ,0, six   at me request of D,. Tu,. vols. TO MEET THE cars HERE NEXT WEEK
—--— tle, ln, order to flll the posltlon at the .
. un versity untll the end of the year.
s Th° annual pr°m°"°'d° given by the Jumors H8 **0**5 mth ***8 S‘m*°*`** * Mr. Marsh graduated at the unlver- The Wildcat bageball team journeyed to Knoxville Tenn last w ek
_ and others as invited guests was held ln the ball room of the Phoenix Ho- lslty ln 1914 from the Department of where they met ,,,9 t·,,,,»€,·,,,,y 0, ·,—,.,,,,,,,,.,,, , . ,· I `. " I ef '
tel Friday evening with about two hundred couples present to artlcl ate **l1€¤1l¤il‘Y Hlld Since that time has .. [ V   mw or it t“O`g°‘m° genes' F"`
, p P day and Saturday lhe \\ildcats won t fl r ·
  ln the festivities of the evening, l :>l6€t1A11;i0l‘klvngS:1slcgemlst, first glvlth but lm, me QQCOM by the close mn 0,12 trst sage by a score of ll to 0,
The ball room was attractively decorated with palms which stood be- le n NWS Be °mpany’ of ew` . . l y ` 0 *' *8 following a°°°umS 0*
· ,,0,-,, Ky_, and ,,,,9,- with the pennsyi. the two games are reprinted from the Knoxville Ledger and Tribune Th
tween the window and were banked ln a circle before the orchestra. Miss vanla Railroad tAIt n A · . . . ' " Q
_ R 00 H- t the Plld Tennessee Vols. will play two games with the Cats on Stoll Field on Frld
Katherine I-logarty’s orchestra, of ten pieces, furnished the music. The of the $€h00l term Ml'. Marsh will re- and S,,,,,,.,,,,,. O, ,,6,,, week ,,.,1Q Bccounu 0,, t, ` K H, at
grand march was tea by eminem P.   tum to l1l¤ former v0¤lt1¤n. · ‘ t · ‘° _**°“ 8 games aref
E. Hundley and Miss Elsie Heller, the ‘ ——-•·••———— F**'** 6**1*1%
vice president. ,“ ” “ ’ I Knoxville, Tenn., April 17.-—lf "bad
I Receiving were tl,e officers ol; the, Ibetitnnlngs rgigke good endlngs," the
, , un or C ng; pres dent, Mr, _ E, l I I . n versity o ennessee baseball team
• Handley; vice president, Mlss Elsie   lought to flnish the season on the home
· Heller; Became, Ms. Elizabeth,               M[Hn       4   5 l=~»¤¤¤¤ ln   nm of glory. The va.
Alexander; treasurer, Mr. L. H. Nel-, , iunteers opened their season here Fri-
son. > day afternoon. lllallng the Kentucky
They were assisted by the chalr~l l ` _,...... |§:;:§n;"**é:*·,3**? **d{**0*`% *¤%;¤¤Dl§il01:iS '
men of the committees, Messrs. R. E.· A . . . -`*· l ’** *·°**` Y 6 mag U6 .
· _ , ; _ _ C -l • A MOVID PlCt.l1I`€ SC€Il3I'10 ` · lT**‘“ Orange and “'****€ ***9** 11*3 d
3:*;** C!;,;°*’,,e,ff,ha*;,’ u§,*;l’;’f**,u§,’;; , P1£ofess?rBNo}e’sfDé·ar;,1at1za-l of an gAmuS,ng Farce Many of Girls Are Interest-{lagged flelding game, were I.lI1&!¥€ tg
M ’ d t, , R_ A_ Mb t, ,0,, O OO O S I- I _ ° · unch their hits successfully, and went
ll32§f}s¤$§?"‘ll6‘i-l,2r, Graham °i..vl{g`Zi t ° a Comedy m 16 scenes ed and Take A°*“’° ¤···»·t¤·»¤¤¤g·· tm   Occag tm. As
tions, and ithe challerones, President Pronounced Success * .;.- I Part lll Work la result, the flnal score was about
and M,.s_ Barker Professor and M,.s_ , S ' _ -—-- twelve to nothing in favor of the Ken-
· . . yno l.. I tl Wild t fitt d ·
. II£·gon,dP1r[ofessIor a;1dKM1;s. Iglreemlt-?n,* tllexlngton Herald) lomv ,,1;;; mg), ig, thecsilgar 1:, *3*,8 The Y, \v. (·_ A. for 1914-15 has l1ad*:,::*)*:1*;zl:`s, who played well all the way
. . , l` . - · ` · ‘ _‘ ’
d °n {5 ,,°°°p* as ,$ il n _ The Ph at ,K. T. H. ll. A. track Saturday after- 8 most S**‘F€“****** Y€***`_· A** ***9 com , Hutcheson started the game for the
erwccd. F0 €8¤0l' B11 JFS- - K- Y , ,_, V d ,,,, .,, k mlttees have been most active in the
Fnnkeh Judge and Mm' W. T. Lauer, ,,,, me 0,.,,,,,. O, ,,,9,,. ,,,1,, appearance, ,,,o0n,\v_l,le` tat, er t tra;) tean; too ,u,,_,,,m€m of all that they have un_,locals. and although the visitors made
ty, Dr. and M". J. J, ,,,,88,, profes, A,,,,,,,d ,,.08, at ,,,0 (,0,,,., 0, Aha; , len it ca s Cn to'c;;npTy s§or ng is dertaken The Officers were as, fOl_,seven runs during the six innings he
sor and Mrs. L. L. Dantzler, Professori uemsl ··‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ **60 Jay Sandmannlgiqdl S .0 Nl; lks IT “0 tafteaul lows: Annie Hodges president l·‘l-*waS on the mound' Only 0m` 0* the
and nm. Alfred zembmd, Dean Anna` Smerdls <<*<>¤rt1~`¤¤1> 1Vm-C-Slllnnlckh, ,j,,{‘",§§ fg ff: “"‘§r· ,° -. ‘{“J use spa-k vice présidem- .t{l¤i{il ??"""“`” “i"“ **‘"“""-.““‘* 'agged **9***
J- ,_,,,m,,,0,, and Mus Mary F,,_,,,Q,_· vaS,,,, ,,),,,,,0Sed Queen 0,. P€,,S,a, ,fer U , a 0 is recor 0 as -.>,,,9m_d Sezretary Jeanhetie HBH |lll,.{.\\`2lS responsible for the remaining
The Jumm, Prom. has been the, ____________________ (g€,,8_ Cregor 0l`_ 19 llUd¥'l9l° Wl19ll ll9 l'€€l€d ll off _ _ ‘ · ·ih:tl? dozen. At the end of the sixth,
cause of many an hour of m,,,6c,,0n,Z€,,,,,,. ,,,9,. ,4,,,,,, ,,, w,,,,,,,g,___ ,lt1 nl seconds. and G8_1‘l1€1‘ made th<;,*"Q‘,§fj‘*‘,,,,,,“, t, , . _ . ,lt't»ach Clevenger called Hutcheson
i   C,.,,,,€,0n ,,,,,€w€,,¤mile in 4 minutes 41 1-5 seconds, 4 4-o · ·· _* _0*` *» C *a*m***“ 0* ***€ ;back to the bench, as the game was
and envy and vuln lensing on the part . i . . lxtemtlersinl tommttt i · · ·· -
of ,.,..4., since me M Aga. 0.,., so -·---   lA t¤¤¤m»·»t»»·¤» ..... *gt?:),:22Sy;:,F;9,;gghag,al:§$ggt,f8,,,300,1,gledin mit, ,.t,,.,. E.$’§l,;"§..§§ll;$`§,?lilt1*1,*rr;**·*  mi   11‘e··¤·=r—
of the inevitable aftermaths causes? ··············· Reuben T- T8·Y*°*`* . · O · ,0 .*and many of the girl.- ·r i t r nt dl lm to I In ming limi The new *)m`h`
ih., mournful attendant to ,..ma¤,¤¤m»¤ tm ¤·~¤·<» g*¤,,=¤··%,~,,·-,, l‘iiY.?3Etd"l‘§2 $',1f‘i2€?l,°.,“d “J2$§p£tllf`Jf5 lm me     Mil; init?   ?l’}l,.?‘lIti;..‘l‘°1,.I"`S§llZ“'3l3"il   5'“€""
away from shows. tea dansants and ................. Bf er F3 BH] ` ` rv ," _ ' T, , ,, . ( g * - A ' l 19 HEX WO
even a few days from the races be- Z€resh (His \V1fel.Katherine Mltchell*21 mg ha"u{wr.ulr0“` lumen Ot we meeti’ng;eT·[ot1l)l?1i?eli “l>tc·‘ ilizgriflzlltx*f0HmWd mm twobasp him' S0 mu"
cause of the emptiness of the little Parsandetha (HBP Lady lll Walt- l,,,;),**l;L(,?,?r€;:,,,;;;1s 2*g;,:;rg3?;€;“(2;;?élqulst from the Y W C   lieadt1uar—lS(‘-ores were marlled Pp before me m`
,, U 1 t, _ ing} ............... Martha Wl1li· , . * A . · , . · . ‘· ` ' ' `. , . .*****¤ WHS t11'<*l`- l1 H9 t1€Xt frame. tl
Pa mr recemace than *9 Carries *A,,,,,,,,e,.uS ,K,,,,_,, 0, ,,€,,S,a,.__·n °,and being a member of the \\’lIll\l[)g*terb 4* *€“ \0*`*‘· 3**** Mts? b****f** triple and a sacrifice fly accounted for
Nevertheless, they came with care- . . relay team (lrabfelder led tle St t **0*** me *"**’*** **°***·**l**·**`*€'> at BL t · - ·
_________________ _]_ l.,·a,,k,,,, (,0,.,,, · _ I 861, . ,,,, Y Y Y _' . _ , _ , llc i11€‘ll°lll Fllll, as Weatherford re-
• {l‘®€uh6¤·;‘t Mld {.01Wmt mind gn? d&flT€d ,,,8,,,8,, ,,,,_, Queen, ,,,8 ,,m_na,,jcoliorts with tl points. ,r;*1*::§·Pd ,,;**5 “lf‘*`*1 ‘*’*5 **1*·l’*,*`***¤ *;*****tlred the Kentuckians in order in the
0 16 Ulm 0 lll! 811 _ ¤¤Dl’llE ` Z ````'' Scene 1—tlnteriorl—Ilusiness of:   _“ g sa ’~‘"*°“**_ 0 g°‘“· rinth frame.
3§l‘§"°‘ “Z.Zl“.ml‘° lEl‘°$’*il.E.l;’$.."‘$ "Si Dow ·**l—€—r· ·I7*`*1*·  lt*$**i*lg*>'€"*$·*···3*S"""""   “" S‘“‘°`“""" "“°"is..},'.‘li “$1*il‘l.' ‘i.‘;l‘”2233;l.lS,‘3§ "f,,‘1f"‘c&** ··¤ —··¤   t ·=·· t ¤·t·»·~   ··t~   to
th uy gr Y D Q V GW 0 ,,,0,,d,_C,,, ,,,,,,6 Jew, H_N_,,,,,uS w0,,ln1eet. K, ` ,p_u_,\’ an the be hmm, of vt, !~·l el _·*|score, tllll on each occasion the runner
Yam3i°w` t t si to - sud, cme com saga) ........ b<‘*‘"·* <—*.*·1**‘t*9t*·1’*·**°Y 1******1,,;,.,-‘tQ.~ as M5 .,,1* 1—P"°i3 ¥`l*l"`“* "‘“""" ""‘ ‘" ""` *"*"°· *"""*’°*
the Jubrorgrsgsis Kilda rtlfelr ll3nv?l$;d`* ‘‘‘·······   *490 J¤Y Slilldlllallll bmims trmll for E'exmg‘w“` {acted as escorts for bthe dew? a11gt;ri:t*l)"l** **`*’*** Venter *"**`*d°r wright be
t bled l tl b ll ,,,,,,,8,, Smvesl ,,0,,,,, ,)u,,c€,,S’, Scene 3;- tluxterior>r—-Vandyites   was me bdsiness of Pa I, ld i , [ ling responsible for the demise of two
51:5: smayssgrg kmdlt; diggcsez wrgogigv ,,,mmbe,_,,,,nS’ “,,,,,€,_B’ H,,,_,,,dS' C,m_,all§;iEtn2ro,n#: ,,1;,1;:113'oiiKl~.er,`1tu}t;kyBsog.ISH; that me bm, “’l,O,noSh€g rims elf th,»lrt,,1ners at the home plate. ln
the friends in the faculty looking on. g*eb€,{"€rS' Lgdiet, and Gentlemen Of 'l`rackl-—1tltl-yard! dash,. Turner,   bmlliélll 111+31 t·1‘cr1‘ Mw and <*l1J<1>'<’d tile sesls*it>tinw*1‘;ll`·i    
The merry assemblage grew larger 19 out an °U€rS' *10 3-5: Gfubféldér. K. the ""°“*“g· ‘Ashe followed withha two-bag·er Flint
and merrier even untll the midnight (B E h G h )   Scene 5—~tSame as 41-—Atkins_ v_ i l*t»(rhaps the work of the Social Serv. ,,,,,,.,,,,S,,,, ,,.,,, ,,,,,,),,,,1 out ui` Home
hom-, y noc re an. 2;,,~ :,3, S,8,.€,,S0,,_ v_ , ce ‘ommittee which was under the A,-I , , - , , `,,· d ,   ’
'l`he bright eyes of the maidens The Social Service Committee ofthe, Scene ti-»tSame as 4l—High ju11tp,·S“*’€"iS*°" 0* MBS ******9 *)*"*“`y· **“S A` llttfeollaiero Aslhle w?;st;lst;ht[ll)t*:>x**li
gleaming out from behind a bouquet Woman's Club, through members of t‘asey, V., 5 feet 4 inches; Zerfoss at1d`“`°llr°d the most °`m`°*i"*i and l’*`}’i“‘*` 0lll at llUlll9` on Mct‘lure’s fieldt-;rs`
of flowers caused some of the older the Strollers and Canterbury Clubs of Mobley, K., 5 feet 3 inches. ,*`?* "* **“ S*'*’l"“· T***`°**g** **S i**`**"****`S choice. With one down in the eighth
` persons in that gathering, who are,State University, presented ‘;'l`he Call Scene 7—tSame as 4l—Broad jump, g**`*‘ _*'€"’° *"*`°*l ,S°**' out [O. valllous w**¤¥l1¢‘l‘Y0l'd 11115 t·ii1'€t1 at l1useot1balls:
wont to peer over their spectacles and of the lllood’ at the Ben Ah Theater (‘hester, V., 19 feet 8 inches; t`tirry,»*’*f“`°“ "* **“° Q"-? “,*_“""` Eh"', "**°"” and Ashe singled. Mct`lure struck out
askiastounglng questions, to remember,Wednesday night to a select and ap- V., 19 feet 4 inches. {:;:5**;,,E’:`,,;*;`**’;:*_·, ,r*_**;T _*·,\} ·“*,·_,i\; but. W. Williams camo through with
• aga n the ays of the r youth and trlp preciattwe audience made up in the Scene 8--·t_Satne as 4l—44tl-yard run, ,,(;u_;,, *_*l , rm ';_ *f, ” 2**   **_ *_”f1? a single, and Weatherford was thrown
on the light fantastic toe. It was an main of university people. Turner, V., 51; Atkins, V. { ·_ ·, * *‘ *··-_ * _**** ***** _**° ***1*°f*v°*` otr at the plate by Wright.
affair that will be remembered long, "The tall of the Blood' is a poetic Scene 9—tSame as 4l—22tl-yard low 1 ***" ‘_****‘*r"“, "* ******"’*** b*`**°°*· bel"' 'l`he visitors played "jam-up" ball all
after the guests of honor have left, dramatlzation of the Book `of Esther hurdles, Stahlman, V., 27 2-5; (`hester, °;*_}’*_,**;*idg:*`,*§ ;§;`**_* _*`°l¥:*****?*{I_**’_ ****i the way through, the only misplay bp.
ll·`°¤§l$$¤g·°lZl¤t° t°k° up mm w°rk|$YIXI’ l?il,Z¥‘§l?$“?§a$‘,,”3,5., fl{‘;“;,,?,* Vt , ,,, ,, ,, ,,,, *i.·T$IT`Jll2.,.. ,,*12 .{i?.,l.",L;‘f,,7,‘; ,;,,$§?"{§, 1··¤ ¤.,~~·,·<· ·1¤·,·>-· 1»>· latte. the to-
. . 1 , - scene --— .ame as —-. e run,   * ‘· , * · incr pt c ter. w ll i.· no · ti — · · 1‘·
When darkness has settled down duction Wednesday evening was for Garner, V., :4:41 1·5; Woods, K. `ml l*,'° Ur*'*‘a"S, Hm'"` *****1 ***" Qld <1f1l·ctl1irtlsuclcasadltlkellzllghlidil;
over tlée cauipus, whenuthe hallgvaysgthe benefit of the neighborhood settge- Scene tle-tSame as 4l—22tl·yard   ,(*l*l"Q*;,ld 3**;::1*,* l***`*‘u**§*1;*l;**l* rec·-ived in football last fall incapaci-
resoun no onger o ie soun o ment iouse. " 1 y w t d d· ·l, 'l‘ ~, ., 22 4.:; · .,,· l . es t z· c os o utttty t, .•   ·. · ~ . ·
voices that made merry the ball room 1 Jay Sandmannte lol? th? sslttggllergi · Kébl umtr V ) hm {elder lll'l¢‘l`ll00ll- ,>lfcliet*`ls0bB;H I;{l,;(&*;.,;(:-r ,:;,21,*; 1,*;,,:23
on that evening, those who played the Club, who designed its scenic effects.! Scene 1::-- tSame as 41--—120·yard T*"` S“*“"‘*“y *’“‘*"*`*‘ *‘:l******`- **** a good game vesterd·nv' as he kwirk-
part of the thoughtful host may polntlableaux and costumes and directedlhlgh hurdles, Stahlman, V., 16 1-5; *`:",”**"` "*‘*F **“'**, “**‘ *7****** **’*` ****‘ cd" llutchesonh for twfo `bases on balls,
with pride to that evening that stands,throughout, not only the synthetic (`hester, V. "*******`*Q** *_**’*** *·****'°*** b*;*_**’***· 11**** got one two-play swat, and scared
as a memorial to their passing through phases of physical production, but in Scene 13—-tSame as 4»—l’ole vault, ** °********¢‘** *1** *¤t»%<* ll11`¢‘<*·* three runs. As a matter of fact, each
m$_,**U*V€|`*:Y·Y· t H ml t [ l l(Y0l1ll¤\1€d 0ll PRES YOU?.} (`urry, V., K feet ll inches; llranhani,   ltlctllber of the vigitim; (pan, ,,,,,,,6 ut
nose w o were no e g e o a-, ———-—-——·~——————-—*~——- ---· _ i»,_· 1 » » . .
{end this fungglonlwereltnany. but they§E, C,     lvscene 14 tSame as 41-—lnsert;         zfnlltdigit:lll!ltyv:;.hH:\';i:lil;ht·gLt*t9ie3"§f`f
¤ n t , · r I , » rv I _ V `1 , ,. _ , ’_ X .
lli‘.¥.?.,l&°'ii§‘2.l a§“2ll`.§‘§ ll‘i2w“§"£L»,3l$l ALASKAN LECTUREltlll·.',‘$-, ll’lIl,.tlYLl§.i, &TT’lJ‘,L,.. Jl?.’5l1Li;Z “**·*’*AT SCHEDULE ?·'·`·`Z· *i?`$£"Ll··l2lZL°K?t.t"3¥'il’$.~°i’§,.,L2’*’L‘{
nigh when they may be the host, and, ___ w,,,,,,1,·_ ,{__ go fm., g ,,,,.,,,1 nur
I later the guests of ll0l10l'. $01118 Ml {5,,; ,q,,,,,,,· (1, ,,,,,,,,._ ,·,,,·,,,,,.,· ,·,,,,,_.d‘ Scene l~l {Same as ll--#Mlle relay; The Wildcats will meet Miami l'ni» Z\lct‘lure's fielding was one of the
**“’ "°***"***“g J“"*°*`s were "*******’***y~States 'l‘reasurcr Representative in V**llllt‘l`llll[, :1:30 1-3. l`hester, Steven- `,°lrS**1‘ M` *l1*'1>*`**» 9***** *"*`***ll1‘ and features of thc game. as the Tennes-
d*"“*`b°d for “ w****°· *‘·““*`*“g ****’·*.Alaska, gave a stereoptlcon lecturcjson. 'l`urner, Atkins: Kentucky. lloth. “‘P***mM lm 5***** *"**’*** lllltl the fans scc shortstop handled tive clmttccs.
their erstwhile friends, the soplio-,·,·,,,,,,,,,,,» ,,,,,,,, ,,, ,,,,, ,.,,,,,,,., of 8,,,,,, tlrabfelder, Lindsay, lillls. 11tll bc l~2l1'l'll llll oi·portttuity to see some of which were difficult. 'l`he er-
m°*`°“ und **`““**"“"“· "***’·**t *“*“’ *’*`“`ll*nlverslty about the changes and rt».l tScorlng: l·‘irst place, 5 points; sec- two of the best gutncs tltat will be rors of 'l`hird Sacker ltagland and Sec-
0¤\1U0!l tu k66D Ul9m)¤W¤y l°l`0lll l’H.t·,,,,,,,,.,,,,,, of A,,,Sk,,_ ,,,, c,,,z,,,,,,_ ,.,.0,,,,, ond, il polnt,,_, played on the new diamond this sea- ond Iluseman Ashe were also lluitp
lesson Hun and the [wl"' lrailroads, hotels and newspapers. Scene ltl tln light of setting snnl SM1. 'l`ltc l`ttts are in 1`ar better trltn <‘l1ll*l*l<‘llM1S. as the former had three
*`**9 *1***** upon t***’ **0“'**‘*U“'** ***0** '|‘|,,» title uf mg nddrvgg was ··A]ugk,,_l Vandy t‘ommodorc with halo on llltlll 11llMl iltc1' lltlctl 1111 llléillllst the while Ashe had a couple which were
chants for the Well-kll0Wll ¢’1’¢*lllllbl gm., p,·0,,,|,..,· \\’,,,,,|o,—|,,,,,| ,,,• ,,,,.Zhead. llejected-looking Wildcat in Uhio and Michigan boys, as was evi- "lloots" all of which were costly,
dress was unprecedented, and tnany|w,,,.,,,_·- ,,,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,,,,.,.,, ,,0,,,,, ,,,.,,,,,,.background. dent at l{uosy·i1lt· last w.·t·l,_ The also disastrous.
w*’*"’ ““*’**’*° *0 g°* ***"*" ""‘**’*`“ ********·~fnl hand·painttd views of the scenery,l l’¤¤Sctl l>1' llMtl'l l»1¤llll1' ltcrc. as and \\‘right‘s singlt~_ ,t,,,,n,,.,· ,·,,,, wu,
music were sounded throughout thc ly after his siege of collecting class~llenry, of \’antlerl»ilt_ |tn·|,,,,·,t,,,,,,_ uf Uaptain Jimmy will be at third and made in the fot r ·· · .- . . `
.. 4 1 th on latks walk and
festive hall. ,dncs. lt cost n lot of work, hut all,Vandcrbllt; Clerk, lien lloth, of Ken- "*l•‘*l_ Slullllltti-1 wlll gambol around errors l11 llttglattd and t‘att·ln·r Keith
The hlrd-Wufkllll ll‘eusul't+l' ullceltlioso collcet‘lled say ln view of thtelr‘tncky; announcer, Taylor, of Ken- lll lcll llcltl. l"l)'llll, St‘l`1‘cl' or ’l‘ll\llllilS _ , _
more ls permitted to draw breath free-·success that lt was "worth it." *tucky; scorer, llarblson, of Kentucky. 11*** lltl lllc l1<‘1l1‘ll1s- tt‘ontlnued on Page Three.) W A
1 •

Y __ _____ THE IDEA _Q I,
I a
Symphomc Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures G0 Where the Go'; G0
Meet T T ‘
... A EU M H EA RE °"""'°“ °°
c t
V1` 1 I 1 ‘Ih·· ·tIt|m1
I     Ixtutwl thm me- stuule-nts nf the- nmlver- I   &  
Publlutmd every Thursday throughout the Foliage your by thv student body I my N "'""""‘l u"""` I" “""""`I'Y I0 "*" · '
of tha State l?nIversity uf K•~uuI¢·ky_ mr me b4¤n4·|I{ or th., under. I¤·<·¤.vI<|•·r thv vnxw of tlwlr frlnml L’h1I,I uccnnr M ·A”m• · c°' Q O
graduates, alumni and Iavulty of the Institution. land to r+·Insmt•— him to his furm¢·rI   W- Main St.
supgmug vgungvmg  .—...§ ....—A ...... .....3... .. . . . ... . . . . . . .. A         " "””“ " “""I °°°T °°°" '°°°""'" '" '"'
, , · •· ·s I3 mr u 19 Tn wr ty. t Ith Y :.· ·· · - .
the vlew of furnishing to Its sullsvrlbers all the uolleigc news z>f8:{\;8ntu:ky,I:l;s,t,Tim],iI;I;, mm hmm ,0f HN WH I QTY. HN. CANON.
together   · digest of nieuls of intel-ost Concerning the univorsltlu   ( Ig') '0 Qhp waste basket.];--tit-—;; 
0;},,;;- lumps and plnldl lor du tlunw III pnwvr stlll hold It to   t
. 2       . · C h¤·mn~I¤I•·r It'? I n C
UB8 RIPTION, ONE DOLLAFI PER YEAR FIVE CENTS PER COPY M"""" Phu “'**’* "x""'| I’*"`¤"*““ ih"'
• • • • ` » . I . rr I •
3     3 · hntered at Lexington Post Uffico as secunu class msu manner, I*"""" "°‘ *""' “"""‘ ""‘ ""I"*'Y "l’ I"  
_ _ ltlw pun- {uml r•·gulutI0us. Muybv u
ED|1’()|\|Ag_ g·rApp_1g14_1g15_ .II\Il‘I`UIN‘ Ilmuvd umn an ph-<·•· of InIs  
      I ULYUE P TAYLOR Edu _ Irumiy, amd an fuml sharp ¢lIs¢·0ver(·d It.
. ................. . .................,... 0I`-Il}-LIIICII \I UM No Hm R I man r l
  ,   vs aonna v
      |\|,>.§I;| II DOIN: ................. . ................... MmmgIug EdIL0l‘ `M-0,, with u ·-hug" on in is worth ngsm  
. J. O\\ EN REYNOLDS ............... . .................... A||Ist,a¤t Editorial ll u. m. than a sterilized nrtIcIe‘OH. _ _ • ·
. A"°c|“• Editor'. llut; r IH tho day, when hunger d0es\ ers free tuition in lll d•P·Yt*
UNO? Entlnly NOW NIDIIIMOM rJEANE’I"l`E HELL .... Patterson Hall J. E. ROLLING ...... Mech, and E1gc_I;l.(I;H (l;;H_k·N) hmimpnuy Lets have ments to the K P8 d ll 8, { 6 8
    l,;]s)lr;I;{\'IFZ ......... i;.AitIIlfLIcsil}. U. ROGERS ............... MI¤i¤¢ UNF} WH0 NIISSES HIM. of KBINDUCKY High S¢h00]| Whi)
~ . . ............. gr cu ture k`I.<>Ill~]Nl`l·] HVGIIES ..... Exchange ` ""‘·····•+•·—····
I _____ LOMPETITIVE DRILL are prepared to enter the Fresh-
x.n:sTEn w. 011ADY ....... . D I FRIDAY AFTERNOON
1 . ....... . .................. us ness Manager .
J. T. GELDER ............... Subscription Manager I — man Clash
_   '‘''‘'' ' ‘'‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1 'Ihv annual cunmpetitive drill be-
twm-n the- four I-ompanies of the Uni- EBC}! ¢0\lIlt}' Ill th! Stltl il
.,;*=i., `vvrsity of Kentucky will tk, I
I,. _ I I·`riu|F€· and other feesp OBB OY UWT! I} • •
\\ li p"  .
. ' I ·
'|`Inmk what kim! of an lm- you uw \.»m|im;_ mp,. Mk ),,.,rs.,H· ml,. qm.H_ I. P. A.   polnteel
tinm, "Is liI`e· worth the- wlnilv'?" `    
• .
        If we Ivud za I'I`I\'()I1)lIS. ¤·:u‘e·—I`r<·e~. s•IIisI1 lIt<· vruvim: for worldly pI¢»·asure·z·¤ T') Sweet <>¤’l¤l¤l delegates to mp` Necessary expenses m°der·t.•
uml goods, naturally our urnsww will he- iu me- m·g;gti\’4·_ resent the l°°°l club a meeting ls an` F .
H Th.- ma;. who pnjuys lin- is the mam wlm 1»<~ss•»sse·s am ambitious. in- I|;;HII;1·HI' MII arigxayrnixxnm%I1:glI¥Ic§3é or fun lnfonnatiou rogud-
_ 5 to ectuul, <»ue—rg<»ti¤·, (`hristiun spirit. As lw guw alamy.; varrviug the nag or of gh; Ibéai (lub. for {lex" ' •
__ _L-   _ __ _ · · · * · year will m 3
7-   gf . I lrvtwry ultvr Inv hans made- lIIIII|+’¥`U\lS Sil<'I`lIIl‘¢*S, ¢·IimI»¤·d Iurge S;umb1I¤g am) IW °I**€'I€‘d ¤ll1¤l¤ m€€¥I¤K· 8 ppmnteem course. of ·tud,'
AJ. ·;.’Q,"Z;    e l>lu<·k> und ()\`(I`('()lII(* various ml;.-r (]i`{i(u|;j,.q I * . . . , `  
,r Wx    ,_/ _ v_ , · .. ne is .nI>l¤ to >t.md up and cost of board etc, g
f ,   •·f ¤l•~I`A thv world tu say that life is not ww;}. mp whiI(·_     ’ , pplyto
  .__4-..,.§Q..·_ ;._.·; it Hut thel 11II+· mnlookvr ulm probably oust usidv gulelvn opportunities to   7   2 H' S'  
 _r\`   r•·mIe·r se·rv1¢·¢· 111 the world, uml is Ivzulim; u us•·Ie·>s liI‘»· will say: "()II well ’—‘—* P  
I S\I¢· of 1Iw IiI'·· In hp loss in Knoxville.
*\ ~.; I \\`<* ~wu\’·- \'»III| ¤·(»1.»r> ..1; mu- uw,. “'l`h<· (I€¤|~;¥lSdlIll6d up as follows; ( p
· _ . _ _ _ Y ` .` umu ‘. uy en, ·t`; Ab ll, · ; G -
L? I .3'1TZ.‘..]Z"..`."'.."“.`."    ";‘"; "" "?,"‘· 3*; "‘*";’· bs" E; FOR PENS ‘"° "*"°"*’·
. . > .· .. ·· >4m·;._ r ; Sauer, 1 ; T. Hayden, c; Flynn, p.
· I A1. 4:, K. s. 1>-.1.ee, nb; omuom, zu- Stan— TABLETS AND FINE
· A, _ ___r_____ '_ __ V V i Ivy, 3b; Harrub, ss· Jasper p· ,Mi1ler
> I4- ·|• ·I• •I• •|• •I• •I· •|• •I• *\• •I• •I• *|· by )'•’I>Il1|`l\l‘\'4* hou wv found out,   a
I ___ . S T0 MICHIGAN ° • g
4 r'l`IIe· (`uI4>m¢lmax1 girIs` tvaxu is lI·>:•·r |'·u·1·i—alI ·I nm mln: of __" sm wut Mlm ·`""
. · , _ . . ~ · · · - ‘ " thc , , , _
To , • MIM! l¤u>•·b1IIl Ixouurs ${1111111:1;;; A; I H;} SI; my I.> g , - . .. _ _}‘l`3!1k I\Fllll€d}', at sémor m th, A -
¤8P¢¢¢ the new Spfmyl II.: ..-...4. ...I.I.....5 ... 0...,..,.. -»§.f,- §,.,_·-` " ""‘ ""' "" "*'*‘· ru-unzuml nmpumuem, will xw; .1.%. l
· |Y -l`• “ilI`Ill'lI 'l!.i\Il|$I <»‘»··r·-truininy ___A___r___ murnixu; fur Grand Impids, M|(~h__   `
Styks m H\.\_;.l_,.4|'.|., ....,·!._ .,,· I-I,.,.,..,,S(.,. h 'lv ,,,,,..,\._ hu,. ;_,\..m hm, H ,.._lmm_ “'Ill’Y`lt lw hu; %l<‘<‘¢*_1>i€d u position inl ·i———;———-——  
l ·-\·· I'·llIl>x ¤¤·1»¤¤·y. I
* lu y \\IlIn III¤· |»mk·e·y.· Q {5.,,. His lIl_l|I¢·H \\IlI· ruusist of uxtuugign HAVE YOUR
Sh . nlI;,~! >·IlIII\> \II•·r»~ ;u·4· ;; {pw _______ “0I'k \\1lIl [IW Iul‘ll1<·l‘s uf I\1I(·hIg;,m,· I
0eS, sxvk. S.,nH_miH: U) “m_l_·\ Mmm is me (I¢*llI()IISU`i1[IlII.§ to them how Lu grow   I
  I`!. ’_‘”"”"" QIRIII that .IUIII\ I{otI1<*lZk)' uml Imrmllv 2;% {Toll; [Matt the °°"'pB};‘Y “`ant$»`   I
__ ,,,g,,iM,i :\_ . d All ,0, ,.· la _ I _ _ __ _. · · I In emons ration wor t 11i. ,
* wm     II? ..,·— ....... ....._ 1....3 "»'¤.-J".? .-.» .’£fZ.'J..,"LI.£Y.‘1...I’I$i$"“1Z}- ~·¤···e· ·‘~~·¤¤¤ of <··»—»»~»¤<»·· ¤°e»$~%¤ *0** THE KENTUCKMN
  .|.h_1 NP" York {numb Maud ,l,·_mH_> IMM (·uW_ (m_um(_“u .1.mmS Hull" IIIH'Ii1l`lllt‘f`S and the` Heinz 1·ompuuy_ MADE AT
A WH __,__ __A__•____r__ \\hIIJe utfsvltqul, bragnk engaged In
ti; · I I ·- . ·· .2 · .. u lllllll eru u·1*'I' ·_ I -‘
D ’t L B _ W.'.;.m.l.;...Vx. h;iLmI;_; .1....MS W + + I + + + I I + I + + +I.,.— ..... .-. I. i·.`1».T"i....§.i?f‘?E.1‘i?2.‘€.‘iii£ IIlIlIl[)IIl'¢y’S SIll(II0
on     \\'i|I uiw smnv (‘()lIS(lIil[I(>lI_ .'I' STUDENT? FORUM •|•. "‘i:;‘*;‘ <1<>¤¤arI¤ <>¤l<~ of I GOING? ° °
;________ Ammonium Valcrmatc visits Jun IIl•‘ IAIIPI Ill Ln II14· \xu\‘ tu ulpliviun T
- ` 0
IOF Prom. IUI lI1•· I‘ilIlI]IlI>l_ uns "I’I1II" 0ul`
I phlI`$ PUSIICBF! becomes a mem- Il‘III'IlI Irhml with the ` °
. - · ~pn>lu·urt. I·`m· I D
. cry. , _ _ V _ t
    . TWO ..C»- swdcs make ..A.s_,, ,I"“'l"' Il >*‘¤ll¤ Il·‘ IMM! <··¤m·· ··\··ry Izur        
I Prom orchesua works ovcriime. ‘I*** "’ "**‘ **'*l*•‘¤°>ll>‘ **lll· ¤ ~~’¤s:<»¤¤
& (   . Prcsiilent Hundley one hour |age_I¤¤&•·|¤·I11]» And |•·>p4·I·(
I N A I nl {I11 IIIII ·
I . '_ _ ` H V· ·» ··m». II·~ uns il gum! Irieud,
ncorponted lm II;. “I\¤·xIIm-ky MIIII I\I|'lI¢‘|` lrzxrk uml xxhvu <·u~II naw >II¤»rt, I'I1Il uns not
The College Fellows,   } • M .un unnqanulnmqi >III·I-.-N A W wu>mm_ M Mum! (TWIN YM`.  
I I"¤ll' \'¤lII(|l‘I`IIII[_ I ""*" il *l'*""‘ I’Il‘il>ii|ll AIHII ;I¤·<·u||1|umIu_i-
" ’ ‘ ‘ · ~ ~ —~—~———-t....i! -—-·-.... II||p |¤I|>IIv;I|‘[ [Hu]; `
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M f II! \1Ill¤I}‘ I·4»)‘* H1:uI¤· an IIIIIVII bm MN |lI*iI‘iIIIYI\ III All \`|,,, IMM; ·—\\·|m`
I A gnu gqiurfrj `gf `lll >Il**“ Illlé V   ‘ {VIII I\:u1lu IIIi> il m4»rn"f" His (‘;1l'I is
I   i IIIIU" “""" """"‘ **I*I*l`*·Ii¤¤l···I ¤m<·I. m`IH"’ I" Il"` "•‘=ll` <¤l' his >1¤»¤·.· 4,,. T • •
Fl|II>. Ul~‘·I<|\·;I), amd lII¤· h|lI(I\‘llI> I|IUI|I`lI       N S .
136 wggr MAIN 3]-gggy \ I ’ "i——· l··¤‘ l|¤·· wml rI»i¤»,;~ muy ;u·.· H., .,,.,,·,._ g    
Iv; *.¤_ · . · . ‘ · .
‘“"' "‘   ' ""“" ‘   ml. Ml U IH ULM Mm" H MH ""·'*l lIl·· l·»l`·:<»iup in mmm I,.· in   I __
DR. J D   _____ ______ I YM ·I lim! "I’I1Il" .:— ;;nn<·I¤1II1•·I»<¤>z0|II
EYE EAR Qosg d THROA llnr m··n .u·»· \\'i|·|(-MIN I ?·~ l.¤rI¤•·r>, but ig is IH,. N, H,.
• • I|‘\ T I ’ W W ..*» I·rII_¤ In I I· · I- I,. .. b
srzcmusv I lm ¤··- um ..{. ·· \........ .I.... ..... ...... ,._   _M‘ '_|‘ Q]`f'T """_.'_' ‘·"‘*_*‘** COLLEGE WORK A SPECIALTY .
Q|.g·•. Ground go 0rd"._ ";il*<*ll ??luY·· ·•nxi|l·· wml |·{.t ('h:.;I.;Lp,;myI,I:;I;:
-.~. , _ r. o- ;4v··; ·, · ·   ’·•‘ ’ :·
C er r°s•\ tt‘ontlnumI from Pngetlnn.1 }]""‘ '“"" """"*‘ ""` "'"“‘· '"““"*{ . . ,` ` " `"' """` """" ll no •..-upenn ~·»r·w·to..,,, Th,. HW,
_ ark, Ilrxt up In tho nlnth, nm] Tmtlot Y. \\. { A. work \~··r·· mm h ;t|.pl~.· _ ,, I   __ _ `
° llwnt out on u tlv to right nom Hm,. .i. . “‘ ""' "‘l" ` *" —•l¤·' ··» |·¤rz·· n•nnh•·r
  “vr|¤I"'“ NYM". YW'! **UY|*‘¤ URFWB Hllfl ],·|,,.,mn umn ,,tr";.k mn \vB;tM.q Ani H P ( '"wl hl II"` (`"m""'· "' *"‘|*‘L‘4l'•·~l wt |h·· Illno Hielgn (nm,
(`r""'." g""rm"° ny “°"·"d ""°""""'F•·tnn•··¤·w=¢— rontnrs wom wndl | (1-.} I Th" """""""" """"l“"»* *¤l¤*|·*v‘ t|¤·~ " """"‘ >" "¤" ·¤··| ··l' this war uml an
415*23 E· M““"" mnrkpr ln the fifth, while mrs hy Tug.}m__m_‘;·;, half or me hmm ‘ H?m__m;` l :;ll"‘*`Vl¤l<*¤¤ ol` N|i¤>¤ Lois ll:•rtl•·tt uml   '* ‘*•"'•" l`*‘*‘··F<¥ i< ··\1¤··•·t···l for tho
• I . · ’ ,· 1 ‘ ·.i~+<|·'= ··¤H·l ·I,I;‘·l·· t <·¤v·¤¤¤¤,~·z·
SD¢¢|8l BQ\\q\\¢t8 Mad? for $Q§,,i‘,I‘.1’.,`Z{L‘2}J,'.j',1?l,‘,,“{‘,,",',Q”‘{,,,‘,§‘”‘{,§",§}§lQT;g fA";(_*‘1;f ;:"’:_‘;f·r"‘:)‘ "'·' “"{'*‘""]‘l wally ¤:»m:·»¤t¤¤L `;.»»·1H1:·‘·1,.h.‘l H H{;~`:... H ·¥|'l>l'|`l| l:l·:Mu>,
UHLVCYSILY St\Id€I\t8 for ¤i¤\h. Wvntlte-rfortl passml S¢·ltrndprg,,m[k,Qr and KM"` Jinglgll il: :;_;(;?; l;T¤¤¤*:<‘Hh=¤¤ nlwnyn h;·•·r: Iwzuttlful mnt "l¤=¤l¤‘¤y;·'¤¤¤ of \<[’1i¢4·»; HH;] '\li -\ll¥li" t'U¥I!• 5 ‘.V2I*i tII•· L{\||*!·\' ()f
K, 8, U, Rqpr¢||r|(g\|vg ¥I*"¥·* Ullt Ht HTH! svtxrvd the fourth ruy;4 wh"‘_“,aHhpd `thp volunmprs 'I_,rm:;lY