xt7vq814pn5j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vq814pn5j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1989 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Programs (Women) University of Kentucky vs. Marshall University, January 13, 1989 text University of Kentucky vs. Marshall University, January 13, 1989 1989 1989 2014 true xt7vq814pn5j section xt7vq814pn5j I
Friday, January I3, I989
Memorial Coliseum, LexmgTan, Ky. 7:30 p.m.
The KehTucky Laay KaTs have The apparTuhiTy The "HearT-ATTack KaTs" haa Ta erase I6-paihT aeTiciTs
TahighT Ta exTeha Their wihhihg sTreak Ta faur games, ih The Tihal I I mihuTes befare wihhihg.
which waula rahk as The secaha-lahgesT sTrlhg af vic- BuT, as Caach Eahhihg waula be auick Ta palhT
Taries sihce Sharah Eahhihg became heaa caach aT auT, "wihhihg" is The key wara here. Priar Ta The cur-
KehTucky ih I987. rehT sTreak, her sauaa haa lasT six af iTs lasT eighT cah-
The lahgesT sTreak sTahas aT five, which was ac- TesTs.
camplishea aT The auTseT af Eahhihg's UK career as Ohe reasah TarThe recehT surge has beeh The aa-
The KaTs wah Their firsT five games uhaer The yauhg aiTiah af 6—faaT—6 cehTer Lisa Ellis Ta The Laay KaTs
caach. Sihce Theh, hawever,They have wah ha mare rasTer. Ellis, a iuhiar aha The sisTer af \/\/ilacaTs cehTer
Thah Three ih a raw. LeRah ElIis,iaihea TheTeam aTTergraauaTihg Tram Lex-
BuT while The Laay KaTs have re-aiscaverea ThaT ihgTah CammuhiTy Callege ih December. She jaihea
WOFIGGFTUI wihhihg farmula, They have alsa aaapTea The Team ih The miaale af a raaa Trip aT CihcihhaTi,
a haT—sa—ehaearihg habiT: waiTihg uhTiI The |asT buT maae ahly a Twa—mihuTe appearahce ih ThaT
secahas Ta capTure game. AT ThaT paihT, KehTucky was 3-5. Sihce Theh.
  »-Ts-- ¥ ii -r4.— I   i°i S §Q;  -_ri_    The caveTea   wiTh Ellis gaihihg mare-aha-mare playihg Time, The
  .,...,.7T;.   Ui<’S i¤ST Wh — i<¤TS me 40
  s( ‘, ,     83-77 aT EasTerh lh each af The lasT Three games, Ellis has laggea
    KehTucky Weahes- mare Thah 20 mihuTes aha given kehrucky an ih-
   &    aay highT — came TimiaaTihg aefehsive weapah as well as a hew
  ;'` . ‘T‘-i,v X          ·_»s_ T   ih aver—Time aha rebauhaihg Taal ah baTh ehas af The caurl. \/\/iTh her
        afTer KehTucky impravemehT eviaehT ih each game, she haw
     5 { fg}.;/RIT;   Trailea by five wiTh averages 5.8 paihTs aha five rebauhas.
  r`-»   Mw “~   (iV’‘¤)-. Q     ahly Three mihuies STill leaaihg UK ih scarihg is sehiar guara Jaaie
    =  ·_,`. i   lefr. lh Their arher VVhiTaker, wha appears Ta be "back" aTTer suffering
      Twa recehT wihs, ThraughaDecemberslump.She averagesI3.2 paihTs
'A   .......,_ _     The Laay KaTs were aha 4.7 rebauhas. KrisTi Cushehberry aaas I2.8 paihTs
  ’  ”’f     eveh haraer ah aha 4.5 rebauhas. The freshmah sTahaauT has beeh
’ T     s`s`T:’  ` “  Their fahs aha habblea The lasT Twa games by a aeep Thigh bruise
    2 g J caach. lh baTh The aha a spraihea righT Thumb, aha will haT be Tull
[gs   ,   74-68 upseT aver sTrehgTh TahighT. ‘
    VahaerbilT aha The KENTUCKY will alsa be aT hame l\/lahaay highT
Freshman krisre cusnenperry wrllplayh 68-66 surprise aT agaihsT KehTucky STaTe UhiversiTy. Tipaff is 7:30.
Cl<¤‘Sr>iT€i¤i¤ii€·S· l\/liaale Tehhessee,
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Front row, ieft to right: Kris Mi//er, Ma/inka Sa/hi, Theresa Stewart, Jodie Whitaker, Ruth Mountain, Kristi Cushenberry and Tracye Davis, Back
row, left to right: Asst, Sports information Director Rena Vicini, Manager Jenn Ho/man, Asst. Coach Andy Barnes, Asst. Coach Cindy Noble-
Hauserman, Mary Custard, Pam Shrum, Angel Stevens, Lora Spencer, Vanessa Foster-Sutton, Jamie Hobgood, Stacy Mc/ntyre, Coach
Sharon Fanning, Rainer Sue Stan/ey, Graduate Assistant Jane Da/ton, Head Manager Sharon McCau/ey.
Numerical Roster
3 Lora Spencer 6-1 C JR Russellville / Logan County HS ,
4 Ruth Ann Mountain 5-8 G-F JR Columbus, Ohio / Lees JC
5 Theresa Stewart 5-4 G JR Columbus, Ohio / Lees JC
10 Stacy Mclntyre 5-8 F FR Georgetown / Scott County HS
11 Malinka Salhl 5-4 G JR l\/Ions, Belgium / Independence (Kansas) JC
12 Kristi Cushenberry 5-9 G-F FR Hendersonville, Tenn. / Beech HS
14 Jamie Hobgoocl 5-9 G-F FR Madisonville / North Hopkins HS
15 Jodie Whitaker 5-7 G SR Austin, Ind. /Austin HS
21 Tracye Davis 5-8 G SO Lexington i Henry Clay HS
23 Mary Custard 5-10 F-C JR Cynthiana / Lees JC
24 Vanessa Foster-Sutton 6-0 C JR Chickamauga, Ga. /Truelt-McConnell JC
32 Kris Miller 5-4 G JR Owensboro / Owensboro Catholic
~ 34 Pam Shrum 6-0 F-C SR Monticello / Monticello HS
55 Angel Stevens 6-1 C SO Jackson / Breathitt County HS
Head Coach: Sharon Fanning (Tennessee-Chattanooga, 1975]
_ 203-144 career (12 seasons) 14-15 at UK (1 year)
Assistant Coaches: Andy Barnes (East Tennessee, 1980]
Cindy Noble Hauserman (Tennessee, 1983]
Graduate Assistant: Jane Dalton (Appalachian State, 1988]

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No. Name HT POS Class Hometown/School W   y 
10 Jenelle Stephenson 4-1 1 G Jr. Charles Town, W.Va./Jefferson Counly HS
14 Lea Ann Parsley 58 F Jr. Gra nville, Ohio/Granville HS
20 Lynelle Richer 57 G Fr. Wauseon, Ohio/Peftisyille HS
21 Kristi l—luff 58 F Fr. Salenmlna./Salem HS
22 Heather Brown 6-0 F/G Fr. Wellsburg,W.\/a./Brooke HS
23 Sheila Johnson 5-8 F So. Louisville, Ky. /Doss HS
32 Tina Jones 56 G So. St. Albans, Vi/.\/a./St. Albans HS
33 Jill l\/lcElhinny 55 G Fr. l—lornesfead,Pa./Serra HS
40 Jenny Leavitt 5-10 F/C Sr. Parkersburg, W.Va./Parkersburg South I—lS
42 LolliShipp 6-1 C Sr. Carmioheal,Calif./Arnerican River College
45 Sharon Deal 51 F/C Sr. Onnaha,Neb./Southeast Community College
Head Coach: Juay Southarcl
Assistant Coaches: Bob Starkey, Dora Post

Coach: Sharon Fanning Assistants: Cindy Haussrman, Andy Barnas, Jana Dalton
No. Playar Position Fiald Goals Fraa Throws Fouls FG/2 FG/;°‘°"FT Tp r
3 l.eee speeeee,a-l,Jl.,l;  111111111111  
‘* M AM M ¤""*¤ *"-5·B-M/F  --I-
5 Th ¤r¤¤=   jlIIIEllIlIllIl@----
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11 Meilllile Salhi,5-4,Jr.,G _  
*2   ·= ~5~¤~~¤rrv   _IEE@@--I
14 Jamie llelegee.l,5-l¤l,i=l.,l;/F _ 111111111111  
*5   WM =¤~¤r   _¤¤lII@T--I
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24 Vanessa Foster-Suttcn,8-O,Jr. ,C _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  
55 Angel Stevcns,6—’l ,So.,C  
Llnivarsity of Kentucky Lady Kats
l\/larshallvilnivarsity I
Friday, January ’l3, ’l9B9
7:3C p.m. lVlsmorial Colisourn
Coach: Judy Southard Assistants: Bob Starkay, Dora Post
No. Playar Position Fiald Goals Fraa Throws Fouls FG/2 FG/Tsmsn Tp
10 .le.lelle seeelle.leel.,4-l l ,GlJr.  1111111111 11 12345   -
I M ==~ ~··· ··~~·=v·5-B·~~ _  -
20 Lynalle Richar·,5»7,Jr. ,G  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  
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za Sheila •.IOI'I|’I80I’I,5-8,I:,SO.  111111111111  
32 **~·· J ¤~¤~ ·5a6—¤»S¤-  ____
as Jin ivieEillllllly,s-scrl,  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  
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