xt7vq814pm9b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vq814pm9b/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1970 journals 190 English Lexington : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.190 text Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.190 1970 1970 2014 true xt7vq814pm9b section xt7vq814pm9b I KENTUCKY
· C. G. P¤¤€|€if * PROGRESS REPORT
K. O. Evcns 190

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  Q w Note; See Table 3 for exact test locations
The authors gratefully acknowledge Mr. John Byers for his assist-
EIHCE lll SLlTT\IIl3l'iZj.I`lg Cl`l€ I'€SUlIZS p!.'€S€DC€d lll Cl'1j.S pI`OgI€SS report.
Also acknowledgments are made to the following persons who aided in
the conduct of this year's performance test:
Charles Tutt, Research Specialist, West Kentucky Substation, Princetol
Paul Appel, Superintendent, West Kentucky Substation, Princeton.
C. E. Wyatt, Area Extension Agent, Mayfield.
Stuart Brabent, Area Extension Agent, Henderson.
John Kavanaugh, Area Extension Agent, Hartford.
Clifton Taylor, Area Extension Agent, Franklin.
George Armstrong, Superintendent, Robinson Substation, Quicksand.
Dr. A. S. Williams, U. K. Department of Plant Pathology, Lexington.

1. Pedigree of Experiment Station Hybrids in 1970. 8
2. Hybrids Tested in 1970. 9
3. Agronomic Information Pertaining to 1970 Test Locations 13
· 4. Annual Summary, Normal Population, Lowes, Ky. lh
5. Annual Summary, Normal Population, Princeton, Ky. 15
6. Annual Summary, Normal Population, Henderson, Ky. 16
7. Annual Summary, Normal Population, Hartford, Ky. 17
8. Annual Summary, Normal Population, Franklin, Ky. 18
9. Annual Summary, Normal Population, Lexington, Ky. 19
10. Annual Summary, Normal Population, Quicksand, Ky. 20
ll. Annual Summary, Normal Population, All Non-Virus
Locations, 1970. 21
12. Annual Summary, Normal Population, All Non—Virus
Locations, 1969. 22
13. Annual Summary, High Population, Princeton, Ky. 23
14. Annual Summary, High Population, Lexington, Ky. 24
15. Annual Summary, High Population, Princeton and
Lexington, Ky. 25
16. Annual Summary, Screening Test, Normal Population,
A Princeton, Ky. 26
17. Annual Summary, Screening Test, Normal Population,
Lexington, Ky. 27
18. Annual Summary, Screening Test, Normal Population,
Princeton and Lexington, Ky. 28
19. Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus Test, Normal Population,
Frankfort, Ky. 1970. 29
20. Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus Test, Normal Population,
Frankfort, Ky. 1969. 30
21. 1970 Southern Corn Leaf Blight and Grain Quality Ratings. 31

C. G. Poneleit and K. O. Evans l
The objective of the Kentucky Corn Performance Test is to pro-
vide unbiased performance estimates of hybrid seed corn sold in
Kentucky. This information, hopefully, will aid farmers as they
select hybrids for use in the following season.
In addition to the crop hazards expected during a normal crop
season, the 1970 Kentucky corn crop was attacked by a devastating
new race of Southern Corn Leaf Blight (Helminthosporium maydis).
Summarized under the next major heading are some of the points that
each corn grower should consider before purchasing seed corn for
Occurrence and Symptoms
The new race of Helminthosporium maydis was first diagnosed in
Kentucky during June 1970. It is extremely pathogenic on plants
containing the Texas male-sterile cytoplasm. The disease is first
noticed as light green flecks on the leaves; each of which eventually
forms brownish lesion that can enlarge to % inch long. Under ideal
conditions the lesions will cover the entire leaf surface, causing
death of susceptible plants.
Since the disease is likely to be a problem in 1971 also and
since the best method of control is the use of resistant hybrids
(those that do not have Texas male-sterile cytoplasms), the follow-
ing suggestions should be used when buying seed for 1971.
Recommendations for 1971 Seed Corn Purchases
The University of Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station rec-
ommends that seed corn for 1971 be purchased in the following order
of priority:
l. A hybrid with 100% normal cytoplasm (N) that has performed
well in past years' tests.
2. A hybrid with a blend of normal and Texas male-sterile
cytoplasms (B) that has performed well in past years' tests.
3. F2 or second generation seed of a proven normal cytoplasm
These recommendations are based on the observations that sus-
ceptibility to Southern Leaf Blight of corn is associated with the

 Texas male-sterile cytoplasm. Most normal cytoplasm hybrids appear
resistant to this disease. Also, the 1970 test results presented
in this report indicate that at least some blends approach the
resistance level of completely normal cytoplasm hybrids.
F2 or second generation seed has been given the third priority
_ position because of the known reduction in yield potential of this
type of seed. This yield reduction is independent of disease
resistance and for AX, 3X, and 2X hybrids is expected to average
about 20, 25, and 30%, respectively. However, these figures are
only averages based on previous studies of other hybrids. Actual
yield reductions of individual hybrids could be much more severe.
Seed Labeling Reguirements
All seed corn sold in Kentucky for the 1971 season must be
labeled as to type of cytoplasm according to the Temporary Labeling
Requirements for Corn Seed which was issued by the University of
Kentucky, College of Agriculture, Division of Regulatory Services
on November 10, 1970. These requirements state that seed corn shall
show the identity and percentage of the cytoplasm in the seed lot
on the front of the analysis tag or label. The symbols N, T, and B
will be used to indicate 100% normal cytoplasm, 100% Texas male-
` sterile cytoplasm, and a mixture of normal and Texas male-sterile
cytoplasms, respectively. The word, detasseled, does not guarantee
that a hybrid will have normal cytoplasm and therefore cannot be
accepted as assurance that a hybrid will have resistance to Southern
Corn Leaf Blight.
lf you have further questions about Southern Corn Leaf Blight
or other items discussed in this report, please contact your County
Agricultural Extension Agent.
Test procedures for 1970 were similar to those used in 1969 and
are described in following portions of the text.
Selection of Hybrids
Ky 105 and Ky 592lW (Table 1) were included as check varieties.
The com ercial hybrids shown in Table 2 were selected from those
being marketed in Kentucky. The hybrids included in the performance
, test were recommended by independent groups: (l) a committee of
farmers with broad interests throughout the state and (2) the hybrid
corn companies. The final selection of entries was made by the test
personnel and the state grains specialist. Seed was obtained from
dealers and processors throughout the state.
Following each entry in Table 2 are the letter(s) A, B, or C
which indicate whether the hybrid was included in the performance
test (7 locations), the preliminary screening test (2 locations),
the M M virus test (1 location), or a combination of 2 or 3 of these.

 Location of Tests
The 1970 performance test locations were identical to the 1969
test locations. Each location sampled a different soil and climatic
area of the state. The map on page 2 shows the location and Table 3
shows pertinent agronomic information for each test. The Lexington
and Princeton locations had a normal and high population test as
well as a screening test, which was initiated in 1970 to help identify
promising additions to the larger performance test. The other test
sites had only the normal population performance tests.
The Frankfort test site was specifically chosen for the presence
of maize dwarf mosaic virus. The hybrid corn companies were asked
to nominate only those hybrids that were known to have virus resis-
Cultural Practices
The seedbed was prepared by conventional tillage methods at all
locations. Fertilizer was applied as indicated by soil tests. The '
test areas were treated with herbicide and supplemented by post
emergence cultivation when necessary. Table 3 shows the specific
treatments for each location.
Experimental Design
Uncontrollable variability of soil types, fertility and other
factors was sampled by using three replications of an 8 x 8 balanced
lattice. A separate randomization was used for each location.
Information presented in Tables 4 through 20 is adjusted for block
and replication differences when shown applicable by statistical
All plots were planted with a conventional four-row corn planter
modified for small plot work. The planter boxes were replaced by
special planting heads to permit clean-out after planting each plot
row. Each hybrid plot consisted of three side—by—side rows. The
two outer rows bordered the middle row from competitive effects of
neighboring hybrids and were not used for collection of data. The
row width at all locations was 38 inches. Population was varied by
altering combinations of row length and number of kernels per row.
All plots were harvested with a conventional tractor-mounted,
one-row picker-sheller. The middle row of the 3-row plot was picked,
shelled, and the grain collected in a metal container. The grain
weight and moisture content of each plot were then measured and
recorded on the harvesting equipment with a portable scale and
moisture meter. Later, acre yields were calculated and adjusted to

 No. 2 corn at 15.5% moisture. Only grain picked up by the harvesting
equipment appears in the yield column of the following tables.
_ Dropped or missed ears were not gleaned from the plot.
Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus
Each hybrid in the Frankfort test (Tables 19 and 20) was rated
for virus resistance on a 1-9 scale. A rating of l indicates complete
resistance to the virus, while a rating of 9 indicates extreme sus-
ceptibility. The virus rating should be used in conjunction with
yield performance for evaluating hybrids in the Frankfort test since
the yields of the hybrids were noticeably influenced by severe lodg-
ing which may or may not have been caused by the virus disease.
Southern Corn Leaf Blight also attacked the hybrids in the virus
test. Several of the hybrids are new and consequently were made by
hand pollinations of normal cytoplasm stocks. These varieties
undoubtedly had an extra yield advantage over the hybrids that had
the leaf blight susceptible T cytoplasm. For this reason yield and
virus ratings may be difficult to interpret.
Southern Corn Leaf Blight
Dr. A. S. Williams, State Agricultural Extension Plant Pathol-
ogist, rated the hybrids for leaf blight resistance at the Henderson,
Hartford, and Franklin locations. Rating of visual leaf blight
symptoms were made on a O-9 scale with O indicating resistance (none
or very few Southern Corn Leaf Blight lesions) and 9 indicating
. extremely susceptible (the entire plant was necrotic or dead). A
summary of these ratings is presented in Table 21.
Due to the occurrence of a severe epiphytotic of Southern Leaf
Blight of corn (Helminthosporium maydis), presentation of the 1970
data has been changed from past years' format. Multiple year averages
have been omitted since we feel that averaging data from years that
had no disease with data from 1970 would be of little value. This
decision was based on the knowledge that most of the hybrids tested
in 1970 possessed the susceptible Texas male-sterile cytoplasm and
_ that much of the hybrid seed for use in 1971 and 1972 will contain
the more resistant normal cytoplasm. However, several hybrids
tested in 1970 were 100% N cytoplasm or a blend of N and T cytoplasms
and the data presented for these varieties will be of interest.
We have also included data from preliminary screening tests at
two locations which were initiated in 1970 to screen new entries for
possible addition to our regular tests. These data are included
since some of the hybrids, although they may be in short supply, had
normal cytoplasms and could provide additional resistant seed for

 ln addition to the 1970 annual summaries for each location, we
have included the 1969 summary over all non-virus locations and the
1969 M M virus test summary. This is done because most of the I
hybrids tested in 1970 had the susceptible Texas male-sterile
cytoplasm and the 1970 data will not be an accurate assessment of
their true yield potential if they can be produced and sold as the
more resistant normal cytoplasm versions for 1971. Therefore, the
1969 averages will be helpful when deciding among several hybrids
that were susceptible in 1970 (T cytoplasm) but may be resistant for
1971 (N or B cytoplasm).
The plots in 1969 and 1970 were planted at 20,000 and 26,700
kernels per acre for the normal and high populations respectively
and were not thinned. The percent stand indicated in each annual
table, when multiplied by the number of kernels planted per acre,
will be the actual plant population of that hybrid. A percent stand
less than 100 would indicate some loss of plants owing to incomplete
germination, seedling diseases or other factors. However, a stand
reduction of 15% is not uncommon. l
Comparisons between yields or other characters of any two or
` more hybrids should be made only with data from one table at a time.
The testing procedures employed do not allow comparisons such as
a hybrid grown at one location and population with another hybrid
grown at a different location and population.
Table l. Pedigrees of Experiment Station Hybrids Tested in 1970.
Hybrid Color Cross Pedigree
Ky 105 Yellow 4X (T8 x Cl21E)
(38-11 x Oh 7B)
Ky 5921W White ax (CI64 x 33-16)
(Ky 201 x Cl66)

 Table 2. Hybrids Tested in 1970
Hybrid Test* Color Cross** Source of Hybrid
A.C.C.O. UCi+600 C Yellow 2X ACCO Seed, Div. of
UC6000 C " 2X Anderson-Clayton Co.
Belmond, Iowa
Dekalb XL44 A Yellow ZX Dekalb Agricultural
XL45 A " 2X Association
Xl.66 A " 2X Dekalb, Ill.
XL81 A " 2X
XL85 A " 2X
XL390W A White 3X
1006 B Yellow AX
Exp. 901 B White —-
Funk's G4333 A Yellow 2X Funk Bros. Seed Co.
GQ550 A " 2X 1300 W. Washington St.
G4697 A " 3X Bloomington, Ill.
‘ G4761 A,B " 3X
G5757 A ·· AX
G508W C White ax
23413 B,C Yellow 2X
2i+963W B ‘ White 3X
G¢»895W A ·· 3X
Indep. S&W SSQOO A Yellow 2X Independent Seed 6. Wire, Inc.
SD60O A " Ax i+60l Jennings Lane
SS800 C " Ax Louisville, Ky.
K.A.E.S. Ky 105 A,B,C Yellow ax University of Kentucky
Ky 5921W A,B,C White Ax Agri. Exp. Station
Lexington, Ky.
King, W.O.
& Son K-,60 A White Ax W. O. King 6. Son
K-70 B,C " ax Hopkinsville, Ky.
McNair X2lOV A,B Yellow 2X McNair Seed Co.
Exp. 7090 C " 2X P.O. Box 706
Laurinburg, N. C.
_ Meacham's MX-7W A White 3X Meacham's Hybrids
MX-30Y A Yellow 2X Route 3
(MX-15Y) MX-QOY A " 2X Morganfield, Ky.
MX—5OW C White 2X
MX-75W B,C " 2X

 Table 2. (continued)
Hybrid Test* Color Cross*=‘< Source of Hybrid
Schenk SS-X8 C Yellow 2X Chas. H. Schenk & Sons
SS-66 C " 3X Route A
SS-88A A,B " 3X Vincennes, Ind.
SS—98W C White 3x
ss-101w c ·· 2X
s-96w A,B " Ax
So. States 707 A Yellow 2X Southern States Coop., Inc.
720 A " MX Seed & Farm Supply Division
750 A " MX Richmond, Va.
840 A " Ax Y
865 A " Ax
866 B " AX _
935w A whine Ax
Stew. Card. SXA7 A Yellow 2X Steward Hybrids, Inc.
Route l
Princeville, Ill.
Stul1's 550W A,B White Ax Stull Bros. Inc.
700wsP B,C " 3X Sebree, Ky.
720ASX A Yellow 2X
7A7YSP A " 3X
807SX C " 2X
807A+SX A ·¤ 2X
808SX A ·· 2X
907YSP B v- 3X
307Y B ·· AX
Evans Bonusmaker-S C Yellow ZX Taylor—Evans Seed Co.
Cashmaker A " 2X Golden Acre Hybrids
Harvestmaker C " AX Tulia, Texas
Mintmaster C " 2X
E-20-Y-A A " Ax
M-20w A White Ax
69l6 A Yellow 2X
VR—20—Y B " AX
VR-20-W B White Ax

 Table 2. (continued)
Hybrid Test* Color Cross** Source of Hybrid
Migro M-AOSX C Yellow 2X Migro Hybrids
M-AASX A " ZX Box 7
M-77SX C White 2X Mitchell, Ind.
M-720 C Yellow Ax
M-750 A " AX
King PX5O C Yellow ZX Northrup-King & Co.
PX6l0 C " 3X 1500 Jackson St. N. E.
PX6l6 A " 3X Minneapolis, Minn.
PX678 A " 3X
KT680 A ·· AX
P.A.G. SX—l7 A,B Yellow 2X P-A-G Division
SX-39 A " 2X W. R. Grace & Co.
SX-53 A " ZX Aurora, Ill.
A SX-68 A " 2X
SX-90W A,B White 2X
SX—93 A Yellow ZX
SX—98 C M 2X
A92 G ·· Ax
6AAw B,C white 2X
Pioneer 31A7 B Yellow ZX (Mod.) Pioneer Corn Co., Inc.
3188 B " ZX (Mod.) Union City, Tenn.
3196 A " 2X ·
3306 C M 2X
3308 A v 3X
333A C ·· 2X
3369A A " 2X
3516 A ·· 2X
3571 A " 2X (Mod.)
5llA A,B White Ax
XBAAS B Yellow ZX (Mod.)
X8537 C M 3X
Princeton SX-650 C Yellow 2X Princeton Farms
SX-803 A " 2X P.O. Box 319
· SX—80K C " ZX Princeton, Ind.
SX—823 A " 2X
SX-836 C " 2X
SX-850 C " 2X
920A A White Ax
9AO B,C " Ax
960 B,C " Ax
990B A " AX
1006 C Yellow AX
875M B " Ax

 Table Z. (continued) .
Hybrid Test* Color Cr0ss='¤’< Source of Hybrid
Trojan M-112 C Yellow 3X Trojan Seed Co.
TXS-ll2 Eastern Division
(Exp. 2650) A " 2X Windfall, Ind.
TXS-116 A " ZX .
TXS-119 C " 2X
TXS-120 C " ZX
(C/F 66) A " ZX
(C/F 105) A " ZX
TX-6593 (Exp.) B " 3X
TXS-6642 " B " ZX
TXS-6702 " B " ZX 4
TX-6753 " B " 3X
TXS-6772 " B " ZX
TX-6833 " B " 3X
Zimmerman 94W B,C White AX Zimmerman Hybrids
Route 2
Evansville, Ind.
>‘< Test - A = Performance Test
B = Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus Test
C = Screening Test
M- ZX = Single Cross, 3X = Three—way Cross, ax = Double Cross, MX or SX = Multiple
or Special Cross.

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