xt7vq814pd7v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vq814pd7v/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1958 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 33, No. 3, Winter 1958 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 33, No. 3, Winter 1958 1958 1958 2014 true xt7vq814pd7v section xt7vq814pd7v  
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MISS MARY RUTH SPARKS, Secretary to the M€Ci1C&i Director ;
DR. W. B. ROGERS BEASLEY, Medical Director 1 ,
Starting off for an Outpost Nursing Center Clinic in Budget, the jeep i  
i i
Read Miss Sparks story The Day I Passed the Test printed in this Bulletin i  
Photo by courier Beth Burchenal   Y
i I
i l
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Covcr drawing of Balwtto hy Rose Evans. · I
Published Quarterly by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Lexington, Ky.
Subscription Price $1.00 A Year
Edit0r’s Otiicez Wendover, Kentucky
"Entered as second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post Omce at Lexington, Ky.,
under Act of March 3, 1879." r
Copyright, 1958, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. ,

* M.
rl,] A Memorable Friday Luree Wotton 23
K A Young Citizen in Hyden Hospital
(Illus.) Scope Weekly Inside Back Cover
Alleluia! (Verse) Andre Kopolyoj 2
Babette’s Living Memorial Anna May January 3
} Beyond the Mountains 33
g Editor’s Own Page 4
lp Field Notes 44
1 Memories of FNS Horses Lucile Hodges 5
— Old Courier News 11
Old Staff News 25
Q The Day I Passed the Test Mary Ruth Sparks 7
  Winter at Wendover Rebecca Brown 31
i Cucumber Soup Mrs. W’alter A. Hull 30
  Don’t Try to Explain Ellen Thornecrcjt Fowler 31
  Dog Psychology The Seeing Eye Guide 30
  V Four Future Couriers A Photograph 32
  Heart of England The Countryman 10
E Just Jokes 22
E No More Sam Postal Service News 8
  Old New York Henry James 32
  Our Mail Bag 43
E Peter Richardson Ehrlich A Photograph 9
  Recipe for the New Year Frances P. Bolton 47
_ Serviceable Children Grevllle MacDonald 43
i Taken Off Her Own Hands Sarah Orne Jewett 24
»‘ To a Mouse New York Herald-Tribune 24
 _  Understatement 10
 V White Elephant 42
* .

Easter Song of Little Russia —Andre Kopolyoff ii
(English version by Harvey Gaul)  
Ice has gone trorn all the rivers,  
Cypress trees begin to bloom; F
Now the wood—dove coos his spring song, it
Gone the days ot darl< and gloom.
Peasants in the tield are planting.  V
Singing as they drop the seed:  
Alleluia! Christ is risen. l 
Christ the Lord is ris`n indeed!  
Alleluia! Christ is risen,  
Christ the Lord is ris`n indeed!  
On the steppes the tlow`rs are gleaming, V
Winter`s wheat is cool and green, I
lvlaroh-buds glisten in the valleys,  
Lowlands glow with mossy sheen. il
Peasants on their tarms are singing
As the oxen munch their teed:  
Alleluia! Christ is risen, I 
Christ the Lord is ris`n indeed! I
Alleluia! Christ is risen,  
Christ the Lord is ris`n indeed!  
Alleluia! I
Used by permission of the copyright owner, i
Oliver Ditson Company, Bryn Mawr, Pa. .

*5 by
  Five years ago, early on a dark stormy night in February,
  Hobert Cornett, our foreman at Wendover, came for me; he
g reckoned Mildred’s time had come. We were all a bit on the
E anxious end of the bone, because it had been nine years since
Sp her last baby. Hobert’s heart was set on a girl-a girl it must
be. "Now Hobert, I can’t guarantee a girl. I will do my best.
Perhaps Babette will help us out."
5 Earlier in the evening the wind had howled and screamed
  with all its fury, blowing down fences and limbs over the creek
E E road.
  Babette, old in years and wisdom, was saddled by Hobert
  and, as we got on our way the wind only sighed through the
  tree tops; the rain had become a soft drizzle, gently brushing our
  faces as we rode along the creek road—covered with tree tops,
  limbs, and one chicken coop (no chickens)—and across broken
I bridges. Large billowing clouds chased each other over the night
il sky. A bright star now and then made an effort to cast her
brilliant rays upon mother earth. The night seemed almost holy
I   as Babette, Hobert, and I slowly rode up the road and creek beds,
‘ , finally arriving at his home.
{ L As Hobert unsaddled Babette I thought to myself, "Babette,
N I am counting on you tonight, do not fail me." Sighing gently,
I she nuzzled me with her soft nose and went on her way to the
, stall, perhaps to keep her vigil.
\ I prepared and made ready for what I prayerfully hoped
  would be the arrival of little Agnes Cornett. Then we settled
‘   down to a hot cup of coffee and patiently waited with Mildred.
i In due time a bouncing baby was born. I only glanced at
¥   Hobert. Little Aggie had arrived.
W After making mother and baby comfortable I prepared to
  go. "Now Hobert, you have worked all day and been up all
night, I can get back all right." Hobert, the fine gentleman he
  always is, said, "I wouldn’t think of letting you start back alone
` X on a night like this, I sure will see you over that awful bridge."
: So off we started, the night darker and blacker than ever just

4 FRONTIER Nuasme seavxcn  
before the break, of day. But our hearts were light and gay-—  
little Aggie had arrived; all was well with mother and babe. l
After Hobert had seen me over the dangerous bridge, and ;
the day was breaking, Babette and I went on alone. Then I fell  
down (not her fault but mine, because I insisted she go where
there was no place to go). She sighed and picked herself up.  
I remounted and we got ourselves back down into the rushing .
creek bed where we belonged all the time; then on to Wendover .
with no further mishaps. A
As I unsaddled and brushed Babette down I gave her a piece A
of candy, which I always carried, and put her to bed. Little did Ag
I realize that Aggie would be her last baby. She had not failed  
Hobert or me. f
May little Aggie, as I am sure she will, be always as gentle A
and wise and steadfast as Babette. A
I believe that Babette, in a green pasture, cared for by St.
Francis, thinks with tenderness of this little girl, and is pleased i 
to have such a living memorial.  
We are sometimes asked to explain the system of publica- ‘
tion of Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin. .
As all our old subscribers know, the Bulletins are edited at ·
Wendover and published in Lexington at the end of each quarter, ‘
in order to give the winter’s news in the winter number, etc. We _;
try to get the articles and stories down to our printer in Lex- `
ington by the last week of the quarter. As this "copy" reaches
him, he sets it up in type and mails his "galley proofs" up to our
office at Wendover. We correct the "galley" and return it to him.
After this, he "pages" the Bulletin and sends us the "page
proofs." These have to be checked with the galley and returned
to him. A`
After all of this has been done, it takes the printer several 1
days to run some 5,000 Bulletins through his presses, stuff them i_
in their envelopes (which we have already taken down to him),  
and carry them over to the Lexington post office for mailing.  
When we are expeditious in getting most of our copy down early, *
then the Bulletin gets in the mail by the end of the first week of I
the new quarter. A

V · (From Huntsville, Alabama—December, 1956)
g . . . Babette’s going brings back memories of many other _
, FNS horses.
V Glen, from whose back I got my iirst glimpse of Wendover—
around eight o’c1ock at night after almost a day with Mac at the
T. Hyden Hospital. Marvin Breckinridge was there taking pictures
  and she was my guide.
L Little Nell, the small mare used in teaching us beginners what
. was meant by the running walk.
A Remus who always knew which way I wanted to go better than
° I did myself.
fi Dude who shared my sandwiches as well as my apples as we rode
i along.
J Doc who took me through snow and ice up Muncy Creek with
° sandwiches for the nurse—midwife (Dougall) on the first—and
Z last—delivery I ever had the courage to attend.
Y Bruna that I was riding bareback when someone told me that
. the secretaries were not supposed to ride her.
J Darky who stumbled in the ford at the Mouth of Muncy, picked
himself up, went in again over his shoulders and recovered his
footing without dislodging his rider—me.
Traveler, the only horse who ever swam with me aboard.
Lassie and Lady Ellen, both of whom I had rather ride than to
f eat even when I was hungry.
i Penny (the first one) who took me with a child patient from
  Hyden to Bowlingtown when one of the fords (Elkhorn, I think)
  was very high and I was very scared. Getting that child safely
$ across the river was due to Penny only.
  Commando who nibbled grass by the side of the road while I
picked and ate blackberries.

 ( l
6 Fnonwmn NURSING smnviom  
Calico, as easy to ride as she was pretty to look at.  
Puck, given to shying and leaving his rider wondering what he A
had seen or heard. f
Silver, rearing gently—her way of asking for a cone of ice cream ·
at Hyden (a treat for which "Harry" spoiled her) .
Little Bess who let me bring a dog (in a sack) from John’s ,
Creek to Wendover. V
Royal Bill, out of control from Camp Creek to Wendover. I can it
see some of the couriers yet as they ran from the old log Garden ;_
House to "pick up the pieces." (The Brashears had phoned to say t
that a horse was running away with one of the secretaries.) ¤_
Luckily, I remembered that the telephone wire was low at the
Mouth of Hurricane—and ducked! h
Charming Billy who taught me that no horse, however gentle,
likes to be approached unaware. I startled him by patting his
hip without speaking. (Each hoof hit a knee and Dr. Kooser
gave me two weeks in bed to think over my carelessness.)
Lacey on my last horseback ride from Wendover to Beech Fork.
Boots who never seemed to mind how many of the dogs I took
along. _
Nellie Gray, Lady Jane, Birdalone, and Carmenetta were among
those gentle enough to meet guests.
Gloria carried many a heavy mail sack from the Head of Hurri-
cane without a protest. (Perhaps that is why she once bit me  
through thick gloves, causing a blood blister for weeks.)
Diana and Lady Jean were fast and spirited. So was the Old
Gray Mare, but I was afraid to ride her. She never ran away
with me but I always had the feeling that she would if she
wanted to ! j
Betsy and Flint were almost as easy to ride without, as with,  
the saddle. Flint gave me my longest bareback ride--up to Stin-  
nett by way of Muncy Creek and back to Wendover by the river {
There are many, many more of them—both living and dead 5
——but I have reminisced long enough. I, too, loved Babette.

[ MARY RUTH SPARKS, Secretary to the Medical Director
- Before coming to Hyden Hospital I had been told by the
, nurses about the outpost clinic trips on Fridays, and that I should
bring my red flannels, etc., since Dr. Beasley never put up the
y jeep curtains throughout the winter, all of which talk I did not
  take too seriously. I came in March and the first jeep trip to
A the Possum Bend Center at Confluence was uneventful. It was
  a mild spring day, we were back early, and I thought "this is
Zi not bad."
° The day of our Flat Creek Center Clinic dawned dreary and
cold, with an icy rain. I received no encouragement at breakfast
» from the clinic nurse concerning the possibility of the trip being
postponed, so I donned all my winter clothes, with plastic cover-
ing. I still hadn’t resigned myself to jeans, the more or less
standard costume for such trips. The nurse insisted that I sit
in the middle, out of respect for my gray hair I guess, but even
thus protected I soon felt drips all around.
It seems there are different routes to Flat Creek, and on
this date we were supposed to go via Gilbert’s Creek. Each of
, the two roads at the junction looked impassable to me but the
doctor and nurse decided one didn’t look as foreboding as the
other. We soon reached the conclusion it was the wrong turn,
but being more or less in a "point of no return" position, we
P jogged on. Time and again I thought, as the jeep went down
‘ into a muddy rut, that it would not come back up; but I had not
yet learned the enduring performance of such a vehicle, expertly
piloted by the doctor. I timidly asked the nurse what we would
do if we stalled; she replied that we would have to walk until
we saw smoke from a house. Since I had not seen any sign of a
, dwelling since we started on this so-thought Gilbert’s Creek road,
T this was not much assurance.
  We came to a river (or so it looked to me), which turned
-l out to be Elisha’s Creek. While I was wondering where the
bridge was we started right through the water. In my astonish-
ment I hadn’t looked down until the nurse said, "Miss Sparks,
Y lift your feet up," and then I discovered to my horror that the

water was up to the top of my plastics (I have since acquired ¤
rubber boots). They do give me credit for not screaming but  
claim I closed my eyes (in silent prayer they assumed), and I ' I
tell them maybe that is what brought us through.  
We finally emerged at the home of one of our patients, and I
a very good friend I later found, who came out bareheaded in the
still pouring rain and sympathetically informed us that we could g
not get through but would have to retrace our route and take ·
the other road. This was bad news, but I reasoned that if we .
had come over it, we could get back. And we did.
Gilbert’s Creek road was not quite as bad as Elisha’s Creek
had been, but the doctor did practically have to iioat through  y
another creek-river, the nurse and I disembarking and taking 3
apath. “
We eventually arrived at the Nursing Center, where a warm
welcome, with a glowing fire and hot coffee, awaited us. I
There have been many subsequent rough trips over rock Q
cliffs and creek beds—Shoal Mountain and Hell-fer-Sartain, for  f
instance. But Dr. Beasley always says I passed the test on that  .
memorable day in March. .
Winniield, Louisiana, Clerk W. L. Sowers reports two postal
cards and one letter which amused him. ‘
The message on one card which was studied because of I
incorrect address read: "I’ve decided to marry your daughter l 
provided you buy the license." j
The second read: "I’ll come back if you stop your nagging  i`
but I ain’t gonna farm that old` pore land." .  =i
The letter was addressed to "Sam ————, Box 685." But  
the present boxholder returned it inscribed: "No more Sam {
Dead Gone 3 years." ,  
` . ~"Chi1ck1es," P0stalLSemicc News, June 1957 Q

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Son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ehrlich
· (Old Courier, Selby Brown)
Q L .
 5 L .

10 Fnoiwrina Nuasnvc; snavrcn  
[Keep this for your 1958 holiday.] 6
We have said some hard things in the past about British I
Waterways’ lack of enterprise in encouraging the use of canals. 4
Now it gives us much pleasure to applaud their initiative in an-  
nouncing, in a most attractively designed and well-illustrated [
brochure, a series of five-day ‘Heart of England’ cruises between }
Oxford and Birmingham this summer. Meals will be taken on Q
board or at first-class hotels, where night accommodation will  
also be provided. There will be visits to Sulgrave Manor, War- 3
wick Castle and Stratford-on-Avon, and an evening at the ;
Shakespeare Memorial Theatre is included. These are luxury  
cruises indeed, and we wish them all success. Oxford is also the ,{
starting point for privately operated ‘hostelboats,’ which cater  
for shallower pockets. These seventy-foot canal boats, horse- g
drawn and equipped like a youth hostel, make a two-week journey l
to Llangollen by way of Birmingham, where passengers who  
can spare only a week may leave or join the cruise. The all-in  Ai
weekly charge is six guineas, compared with British Waterways’  €
twenty—five pounds. For some years the enterprising Canal Cruis- >
ing Company, with headquarters at Stone in Staffordshire, have  
been hiring boats to holidaymakers who want to navigate them-  Q
selves, and their success has evidently encouraged British Water- .
ways to equip boats of their own. Some of these are now avail- pl
able at Chester on the Shropshire Union Canal. 1
The Countryman, Summer 1957  A,
Sheep Street, Burford, Oxfordshire, England   .
Subscription price for an American is $2.00 a year  
One of our babies was nearly ready to make his advent into
the world. The mother, who wanted him so very much, bore her
pains without complaining, although the sweat was pouring down »
her face from her hard labor. Near the end she made her only I
remark, "Oh, shucks!"

; Edited by
Q From Mrs. Harald Vestergaard (Ellen Wadsworth),
E Copenhagen, Denmark—December 6, 1957
{ I thought of the F.N.S. on Thanksgiving as I prepared my
1 iirst turkey and will also think warmly of you all in the Christ-
i mas Season. As a matter of fact, I gave my health nurse here
  a bag of old clothes and shoes for some needy mothers and
 g babies—shades of GRAB! I hope all goes well and that the
( New Year brings all good things and thoughts.
»   From Mrs. McGhee Tyson Gilpin (Cath Mellick) ,
  Boyce, Virginia—December 17, 1957
  It is time to wish you a very Merry Christmas. I still often
  long for that wonderful buzzing and those hectic days at Wen-
, dover before Christmas. I shall never forget my year in the
.? thick of it.
 j Our news is much the same as usual—life in the home doesn’t
Q change very much from day to day—but every minute seems to
 ., be full of children—their plans and thoughts. We are growing
 { up, however, with all the growing pains going along with us. Tys
I went away to school this fall. He is at Saint Paul’s—and holding
ri his own—and happy. It truly changes life completely when they
*1 start to go. Donald and Drewdie are getting very grown up—
_ and our baby boy—one year and a half—is an absolute menace
S in the home—but hale and hearty and such fun.
 { , Tyson is still busy buying, selling and now importing horses.
  Some of the personalities he seems to import with the horses
I have proven to be quite interesting at times and not so inter-
S esting at other times—always fascinating—so there is never a
dull moment. We had a wonderful August all together in Edgar-
town, with everyone loving it.
‘ From Mrs. William H. Henderson (Kathleen Wilson),
» Ames, Iowa—December 19, 1957
I Another nice Christmas season when we think of old friends
and people who have meant a lot to us all through our lives.

This is a strange Christmas for us as my husband is in South J.,
America—Guatemala—for Christmas. He’s on a year’s leave
from his work here and traveling for the Presbyterian Board of l
Foreign Missions and Christian Education. He had pneumonia in l
Bolivia, at an altitude of 12,000 feet; and we are grateful to the  V
doctor and nurses in a strange country, speaking a foreign lan-  
guage, who gave good care to a stranger.  
Our oldest boy is very happy as a freshman at Swarthmore I
College—the big thrill for us this Christmas will be when he gets  V
home on Sunday. Our daughter istwelve and persuaded me to ;
unlimber and go horseback riding with her this summer. I was ,
amazed and delighted to feel quite at home in a saddle after at »
least 23 years! She’s afraid she won’t be a good enough horseman 1
to go as a courier in six years. I suggested that she might be l
valuable if she learned to type well. "But Mother," she wailed,  1.
"I don’t want to type !" .  f
From Mrs. Robert S. Rowe (Barbara Jack), Dalton City,  Q
Illi11ois—Christmas, 1957  j
Our farming operations have slowed down although we sell
Christmas trees at this time of year. I think some people come  Q
to roam the woods as much as to choose a tree. They stay for I
hours, exploring the trails. One wooded path leads up a hillside {
along the creek. When I ride my mare there I can imagine myself .
in the mountains in Kentucky. ,
But to get to my family. Bob, my husband, has taken a job *
with the Lindsay-Schaub newspapers, writing editorials for them. Q
The editorials not only appear in the two Decatur papers but in ¥
several other newspapers in Illinois.  .
Our boys are Jack, fifteen; Ronny, twelve; and Larry, four. Q
I can’t believe Jack is a teen-ager except that he does act like  
one. He is interested in machinery and loves to work outdoors ~
on a tractor. In fact, he just loves to work. Ronny is more enter-
tained by a book.  »
I take Larry to kindergarten five days a week, and while  (
he is there I attend a class in zoology at Millikin University in ‘
Decatur. I am finding it difficult; and, furthermore, my family l
does not like my retiring from the family circle at night to study.  Y
One day I asked the boy who grades the papers if it was con-

·., sidered a "hard" course. He answered, "Are you kidding? This
is where we iiunk out the pre-meds who aren’t going to make it."
l Sometimes I wonder how I am going to make it, but I struggle on.
{ It seems like ages ago since my mother and sister brought
, me to the mouth of Muncy Creek and we rode the trail to Wen-
' dover to leave me there as a courier. It was a wonderful experi-
  ence. Now, I must take a "soon" ride up the hill along the creek.
V From Anne Kilham, Colorado Springs, Colorado
‘ —Christmas, 1957
 . I am going up to Denver, Friday, for a few days before
i Christmas then having Christmas with the Marshalls, here in
_ the Springs, then I’m going down to Santa Fe.
 L Just finished, or will have finished in a couple of weeks, a
 * fascinating course in geology. This is a great region for studying
` this subject. Also am taking American Literature and Graphic
 _ Arts. Next semester I’m taking Ornithology and Evolution,
 » which should be interesting.
Y Have been very busy with the C C Mountain Club, climbing
almost every week-end. In fact, we climbed three peaks over
 it 14,000 this fall.
‘ From Celia Coit, Agoura, Califomia—Christmas, 1957
l More than ever I am enjoying living in the mountains, espe-
  cially after adding on a large bedroom and a new bath. Mother
. was to come out for Christmas and I was getting things ready
*  when she died very suddenly just before Thanksgiving. A real
 l shock to all of us but how wonderful for her. I’m so doubly glad
 ` now that I took my two weeks’ vacation this fall to visit her at
  Green Lake. She was in great spirits after her latest trip abroad
  —where she’d been for six months or so.
 » From Mrs. Charles F. Weeden, HI (Mary Sayres) ,
 ( Buffalo, New York—Christmas, 1957
1 Highlights of our news include the arrival ("Kentucky-
 ‘ style") of a daughter, Ann; our return from Seattle, Washington,
i where my husband and I did graduate work; and our present
{ residency here in Buffalo.

 14 Faourmn Nunsmo snnvica ]
From Mrs. John Ramsey Pugh (Weezy Myers),  
Berlin, Ge1·mauy——Christmas, 1957
I am back in the horse game again, due to the fact that the   -
only Horse Platoon left in the Army is here in Berlin! It won’t  
last much longer, I am afraid; however, there are many people  `
in Berlin (of all nationalities) who love to ride, and Johnnie is  §
working very hard to keep a stable of horses for their use. »
We left three horses behind when we came over here, but »
have now acquired two, which we bought at Dublin in August.
We are training them for show jumping. I
I remember like yesterday, my tour at Wendover, and that
crazy (but nice) rearing horse!  W
From Mrs. Francis V. Lloyd (Libby Boardman), A
Clayton, Missouri—Christmas, 1957
I am sitting writing Christmas notes while Frank is reading
the Bulletin out loud—interspersed with such statements as, ,
"This is a really good organization!" Now that we have moved to
Clayton where Frank is Superintendent of Schools, we feel very V
near Kentucky and hope to drive East some day via Wendover
with my young daughter who lives and breathes horses and still l
hopes to be a courier one day (she is twelve).  
From Mrs. Samuel Newsom (Sylvia Bowditch),  -
Mill Valley, California—Christmas, 1957  ·
I flew the kids back East for a marvelous visit with mother .
in New Hampshire last summer. The children couldn’t have been ,_ 
better travellers and we all had such a good time. Sam joined f
us later and we stayed until the middle of October and saw the _
autumn coloring past its height—such a glorious sight. Even j 
Chipps and Sambo were delighted and collected the different j
colored leaves with joy. Chipps is now in kindergarten and lov-  i
ing it. Sambo at two and a half is full of fun and energy.  _
From Barbara Clap, Cambridge, Massachusetts
-—Christmas, 1957 E
I’m at Teachers College, Columbia, for the year. I went to
visit Little Red School House in Greenwich Village about a month  

  ago and I met Norma Cummings. She’s at New York University.
I love New York and hope to stay in, or near, Manhattan next
j . year.
j ....
· From Justine (Dusty) Pruyn, New York City, New York
 i —Christmas, 1957
J The Bulletin just came today and I read it, as always, with
C ( great enjoyment and nostalgia. Now, I am back at work in New
York. This time, however, at Life Magazine answering letters
to the Editor. It’s fun, as it is varied and involves some research;
. but it’s good hard work!
From Lenore (Len) Fredrickson, Rochester, New York
—Christmas, 1957
` My summer at Embudo Mission Hospital was great and
helped me a lot in my decision towards nursing.
I saw Mary Sayres Weeden in September and was with her
i when she brought her baby girl—Ann—home from the hospital.
I They are now living in Buffalo and are very happy.
. I met Mrs. Harper Sibley last month and we talked about
. the FNS. She wanted to know how Mrs. Breckinridge was and
 2 all. I was so glad that I could give her a first-hand report, even
1 though it’s two years old.
W From Mrs. Bosworth M. Todd, Jr. (Joan Henning),
 . . Louisville, Kentucky—-Christmas, 1957
 E We have moved into a new house which is small but very
` comfortable, and we love our new neighborhood. Sam is almost
21 months old now and is keeping me really busy. He grows
 h more adorable and interesting by the day as he is learning all
  kinds of new things. Bos is still with Hilliard’s and is also teach-
  ing an investment course at The University of Louisville night
 . school which he loves doing!
¥ Mary Helm Myers has a baby girl, born in September.
Y From Mrs. Parker G. Montgomery (Jan McMillan),
Katonah, New York-—Christmas, 1957
Q I feel very badly that I haven’t caught you up on events! : we

 16 Fnowrrma NURSING smzvicm  
were married June, 1956; and John Bishop arrived August 28, .1
1957. We’re living in the country, a long commute from New I,
York City; and are now looking for a horse to add to our menage ,{
of baby, dog and two heifers! E
From Parker Gundry, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
—Christmas, 1957 _
I have a Special Studies teaching job here at Moravian Pre-
paratory School and am living with my aunt and uncle. I bought I
me a car and am very independent; but I may move into an I
apartment, come the New Year. I am teaching ninth grade
civics and two sections of twelfth grade government, plus an
assortment of gym classes. Monday evenings, I trip over to
Lehigh to attend an educational psychology class to get some
education credits. I have had an interesting time meeting some
foreign students from Lehigh through the wife of a professor. I
Thank Mrs. Breckinridge for being such a wonderful woman
to have had such an amazing creative and useful idea—that of
building the FNS and all that it means and does. I try to explain
the FNS to people but nothing except a real experience with it
can make such a place come alive to anyone. I even have many .
pictures, but no picture of the spirit of the FNS—none of what ‘
it really is.
From Mary (Timmy) Balch, New Delhi, India—January 24, 1958
Since September I’ve been working for our Regional Legal V
Counsel. He is on call for ourmissions in Afghanistan, Pakistan,
Nepal, Ceylon and India. As a result, he isn’t in Delhi a great
deal. I run (or try to run) the office here for him while he is away ~
and am enjoying it immensely.
In November I moved out of "The Toy," my former living
quarters, to my own apartmeiitelarge, light, sunny and utterly .
delightful; and I havenice neighbors and a view across the golf .
course. The jackals howl and roam in packs, but they don’t often
come up to the front door. .. °i M I. ` ‘ ` t A l
I have inherited a dog`, Miss Bos, who has a very line Golden
Retriever for a° mother‘I*and a very large question mark for a ,

ll father. She is very good natured, but unfortunately she loves
  all the "Wallahs" as well as my friends. I feel like an idiot hold-
  ing her by the collar with her wagging tail behind the door
I while I try to discourage a silk, leather, shoe, kashmeri, maga-
’ zines and the multitudinous other wallahs that are always
` around. A "Wallah" is a fuller brush man of all trades—a very
definite part of India like the bullock carts, sacred cows, et cetera.
` My tour of duty is up June 27th, and I have to decide pretty
. soon just what I’m going to do next. I’d like to be in Boston for
‘ a year, and then we’ll see.
‘ One of the most important things I’ve learned here is that
life still goes on, regardless. I’m going to have to change my
thinking completely and readjust to the good old U. S. A.
Five of us drove to Jaipur right after Christmas and got
thoroughly lost. Driving in India is an experience because road
J signs are practically unheard of, and seven-tenths of them are
written in Hindu. We ended up with the nose of the car prac-
. tically in a very lovely and picturesque lake. This was after we
chased a camel one-half mile down the road( ?)way, hoping all
the time he wouldn’t kick the car. The roads are not paved,
L except for the main ones and they are mostly just one lane wide;
 » and the back window of the station wagon was out, so you can
imagine what we looked like—60 dusty miles and several hours
i late—v:hen we pulled into Jaipur! Dirt roads are one thing, but
` these are dust roads!
, Tomorrow I hope to go hunting. I’m the official jeep driver
on some of the trips the Marines and Navy take. My courier
days certainly gave me the experience! No rivers here, though,
mainly sand, ditches, holes, and fields.
‘ Have joined the Polo Club and have been doing quite a bit
of riding with them. No Polo, though, I leave that to Susy [her
younger sister]. Guess I told you she played in Hyderabad.
4 She is now at Wellesley.
· I hope to go to Lahore next month for the Army Horse
‘ Show. It is supposed to be the best on the sub-continent. I have