xt7vq814p369 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vq814p369/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1954-03-26  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 1954 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 1954 1954 1954-03-26 2013 true xt7vq814p369 section xt7vq814p369 Best Copy Available

The Kentucky Kernel
you mi:







Assets Claimed For UK Prove To Be Liabilities
Donovan Explains
Required Surplus
I'K now lias mi

li. Hid


1 "5





(or upkeep.


used lor maintenance projects, aiul
needs of I'K tliis year, is it only source available
vvliicl) is unrestricted and unallocated.


is inonov, wliieli must lie



Included in a financial report of
the University released late last
week by President Herman L. Donovan, this information was intended
as a reply to an article which appeared in the Louisville Courier-Journon January 31. 1954.
story, unIn the Coumrr-Journder the byline of Hugh Morris. Dr.
Donovan said the reader was left
"to infer that, the University hasn't
been sjx'iuling the money it does
have and. therefore, doesn't need
any increase in its appropriations
at least until all of its unrestricted,
restricted .and plant funds are
Kxplains Kestricted Funds
Restricted funds. Dr. Donovan explained, are those funds which "are
restricted for the purposes for which
they may be used." They follow:
Funds restricted for the operation
of activities; funds restricted by the
forms of the donor making a gift rr
the grantor of the monies; funds
restricted bv University agreement;
funds in clearance account undis- tiirbod; funds belonging to students
nd held as deposits.
Plant fund balances come under
five categories:
Monies held for the payment of
bonded indebtedness: monies re- ceived from the sale of bonds issued
by the University; monies appro- printed for men's and women's resi- dencc halls; monies appropriated for
fund purposes and no longer
needed for the original project;
funds credited to the Agricultural
Experiment Station plant fund and
for repairs and new
equipment for the Agricultural Ex- Station properties, land.
end roadways.
Unrestricted Funds Explained
Unrestricted funds, from which
the $151,000 comes for this year. has.
the report states, the following
"The Congress of the United
States in 1945 enacted Public Law
346. known as the G.I. Bill of Rights.
"This law provided that institutions could charge the cost of the
veteran to the Fededucation of
eral Government and that the institution would be reimbursed on the
basis of the established cost of educating a veteran . . .
"It will be noted that the amount
has varied from $8,053 to $1,445,393
(in 1947-48Instead of spending all the money we received in any one year it
was early decided to spread this
money over as many years as possible, spending $400,000 to $500,000
per annum instead of being rich one
year and poor another ithis information was omitted when the
reprinted Dr. Donovan's
report last Sunday! . . .



from this source that we


r'r able to liuilil up a working
capital for the University which
lias resulted in a surplus year after year. I do not hesitate to predict that if the University is not
permitted to have a reasonable
balance that it may carry over
from one year to the next it is in
for hard sledding in the future.
All of the current unstrirted balance as of July 1, lf5n. has been
budgeted for current operation of







National Intercollegiate Pep Conference were elected at a recent
meeting of the student pep organization.
David Linkous, a junior in
was elected president of the
i Iul. Other officers are Debbie
Schwarz. vice president; Jacqueline
Averill, recording secretary;
Mahoncy, corresponding secretary;
Nancy Lickert. treasurer; Neal Asher
manand Virginia Calvert, try-oagers: Bill Webb, Card Section, and
Dick Chin. Homecoming.
Debbie Schwarz. David Linkous,
nnd P.ill Webb will represent Suky
at the National Pep Conference to
be held at Oklahoma A&rM. StillIn prewater. Okla.. April
vious years the campus groups has
sent delegates to the Southern Pep
Conference, rather than a national
engi-iKcrin- g.


22-2- 4.


Last year four representatives attended the Southern Rally in Miami.
At the Suky meeting, tentative
plans were discussed for electing
cheer leaders for next year, sometime in April. A new system will be
set up. plans for which will be announced at a later date.

Kentucky Writer
Will Examine
Fiction V rob ems
Novelist Janice H. Giles will speak
on problems in the writing of fiction
at 4 pin today in the Music Room
of the Student Union. Dr. Jacob H.
Adler. of the UK Department of
English, will preside.
Mrs. Giles, who lives in the ridge
country of Adair County, first won
attention with "The F.nduring Hills"
"Miss Wlllu ." novel. :! piciu.g
Ill e 111 the lull counll.










An aluminum Tau Beta Pi key
and a sledge hammer distinguish the
19 new pledges of Tau Beta Pi. engi- neering honorary. The boys, who:
were pledged last Friday, will be
initiated at 5:15 p.m. Tuesday in!
the Student Union.
Following the initiation there will
be a banquet at the Campbell

The 1 acuity members chosen to be
honorary members of Tau Beta Pi
are Dr. N. B. Allison, associate
lessor of electrical engineering, and
Dr. K. O. Lange, professor of me-- !
chanica! engineering.
The 18 students who will be
itiated are: R. A. Jefferson. R. L.
Rodaers, P. C. Stephens. W. S.
nian. W. R. Dupps. G. R. Bush, J.
A. Burka, J. R. Boyle, J. J. Schmitt.
C. H. Lowry. D. A. Webster. J. W.
Walker. C P. Rapier. T. A. Humphrey. W. C. Cockerell. M. H. Ginoc-chiP. G. Lucas, and G. A. Head.









lly-tt- r










J 11 WIN
To Speak Here

Hy law ami li' .statistics. I'K assets tot.il more tli.in SS.0()().'MX).
In reality and ly fact, many ol these "assets" are liabilities
lialiilities uliich remain lu'cause of a lack of funds to work witli.
Located on the ed'e of one of
Some of the
assets of
the University include the Scott Lexington's worse slum areas and
Street Barracks, the women's bar- away from the influence of direct
racks. Cooperstown and Shawnee-tovv- n University discipline and control,
housii'.n projects, the Little the mens barracks have become a
Commons, Neville Hall, the Social slum area in their own right.
S leii' ts Building, the Chemistry
In at least one of the barracks,
garbage cans line the first-floAnnex, ar.d the Psychology Annex.
The Sr'cctt S'reet Barracks were corridor. Pictures of nude women
en t rod by the federal government and obscene, smutty writing are
:fn-the Second World War with found on many of the doors.
The partitions between rooms are
the understand;;-.-.- ; that they were to
be used only for five years to handle too thin to cut down noi.-- e effecthe flood of returning veterans and tively. The cramped living quarters
to qive the University time to pro- - are hot and stuffy studying condi- vide better facilities.
tions are. in general, poor.
Not Suited lor Students
Barracks Still In I'se
The barracks are still in use. and.
The women's barracks, located in
arcordi'u; to President Herman L. front of the women's dormitories.
Donovan, may still be in use for are not suited for occupation by
women. Twelve women live in one
another five or 10 years.
of the barracks. The bathroom in
that barracks, which is too small for
more than four or five people to en- ter at a time, has four wash basins
and two toilets.
stoves are located in
j the middle of the rooms.
Neville Hall, which has been of -flcially condemned, is still in use
as a classroom building. In order
to reach the fire escapes, it is nec
William Shakespeare's "Merchant
essary to go through the women's
of Venice'' will be given by Guignol! rrstriHini on the second floor or
Players on Wednesday and on April the men's rcstroom on the third
1 and 2. with a
matinee on April 3 ' floor.
it has been announced.
The window lock in the men's
time for the evening performances rest room, leading to the fire escape.
is 8 p.m. with the matinee at 2:30 is old
and rusting. The window is
difficult to open. The fire escape
The presentation revolves around signs, on top of the doors to each
the merchant's friend, Bassanio. restroom. are hard to locate,
who t,'iies to Venice to woo Portia. j This week, a staff member of the
After much difficulty, he is sucress-- ; Psychology Department said she
fill in his pursuits.
narrowly missed injury when a wood
The setting will be modern, with
banL ,
painted backdrops.
and dropped down the iandmg to
See ;7ire. fV'C J )
, the first ii(K,r
The cast of characters includes
Units re Small
The-- Duke of Venice, William Omer;
housing units are
The- Prince of Morocco. Lee Shine: small
box.like struclures in whith
Antonio. David Stull; Bassanio. Ben men and their wives
and often
Arclery: Gatmo, Leonard Nave; Sa- - children
live. The CooDerstown
larnio. Bob Sexton: Salanio. Dvvight cmHrv .
Stevenson; Shylock, Jim Hollow ay: washing machine and dryer combi- Gobbo, Jim Hurt: Old
" me
viuuuo auu l uuai, Joe rca , Bol- - ""
thasar. Meg Bailey; Nerissa, Sandra
Ingram: Portia. Betty Stull: Jessica.
Continued to Page 3
Nancy Nicholson; Singer. Lorraine
and Lorenzo. Clayton,
Bi n Arclery is the director of the
play. George Moore is head elec- - t
tncian. with James L. Read in
charge of the set and lighting. Jim,
Holloway and Tom Gover are in
charge ot make-uMrs. Lola Robinson will assist with costumes.
Tickets will go on sale Monday
with all seats reserved. The price
Approximately 400 high school
of admission is 50 cents.
students and faculty advisors will
represent 32 Kentucky high school.;
in the annual convention of the
Kentucky High School Press Association at the Journalism Building to-





and eyesores are listed as assets on it-- animal report in spite ot tin- tact tli.u
the University's
they could he more accurately listed as liabilities. In one of them, two amused residents of the women s annexes u.iU h the
the weathei beaten "For Veterans" sign. Seott Street liarracks and Neville Hall, both conKernel photographer from
demned, house several hundred men and the psychology department, rcspecth ely. At lower right is one ol the houses in
where married students and their families live.

All of






Opening Date
Of 'Merehanf

To Concern




To Unveil

Atomic Show Opens
New Portrait
In Memorial Coliseum
Of Bart Peak

Oratorical Contest
To lie Held Ht'iv
The annual State Oratorical Contest will be held on campus Wednes- chairman ot
day, J. Rcid
the Kentucky Oratorical Associa- tion. has announced.
The women's contest will be held
at 3 p.m. in the Guignol Theatre
and the men's contest will be held
at 7 p.m. at the same place.
Judy Lester and Dick Allen will
represent, UK. Miss Lester, a junior
in Arts and Sc iences and a journalism major will speak on the- sub- ject ''Are We Cows and Cats?" Al
len , a senior in Arts and Sciences
- ...
and a philosophy major, will
on "The Category of Mistrust.'
Other Kentucky colleges to be
represented in the contest are Kena
tucky Wesleyan. Centre College.
College. Georgetown College.
Eastern State College. Western
and Asbury
All colleges represented in Uncontest are members of the Kentucky Oratorical Association.
The contents will be open to the

Your hair will literally stand on absorbing enough radioactivity to
set a Geiger counter vibrating.
A portrait of Bart Peak, director end when you see one of the exof . the! University YMCA. will be hibits now being shown in an atomic
Exhibit Is Popular
unveiled Tuesday night in. honor of energy display at the Coliseum.
The dime irradiation exhibit has
A Van de Graaff
Mr. Peak's 32 years of service to the
proved to be extremely popular at
Y, Jim
Hudson, president. an- - generatot Is the instrument causing the Oak Ridge Museum, according
all the hair raising during the fournounced.
to reports from the director. He has
The portrait, painted by Alvin day exhibit, a joint undertaking of estimated that more than 300.000
the National University Extension
unBrewer, a local artist, will be
been treated at the disAssociation and the American Mus- dimes have
veiled at 7 p.m. in the
play and carried as souvenirs to virat Oak
eum, :pl jAtomtf
foilo'iritf an inforrriaj tep,
tually every country outside the
Mr. Peak is a graduate of the Uni- Ridge, Tenn.
The generator, invented by Dr. Iron Curtain.
degree in
versity. He received his
Other peacetime uses of radioiso
history in 1917. While he was at Robert J. Van de Graaff. associate topes, or tracer atoms, will be shown
the University he played both bas- professor of physics at the Massa- by their effect upon agriculture in
chusetts Institute of Technology, growing better
ketball and football.
animals and crops.
During his undergraduate days, makes a person's hair stand on end Agricultural scientists now for
if he establishes contact with it.
he was president of the YMCA and
first time can follow the path of
Alpha Tau Omega, social fraternity. Exhibit guides have emphasized that
fertilizer from tne soil into the
He was also a member of the then it is perfectly safe, however.
The Coliseum display will feature plant.
existing Honor Council. This Council was formed to try cases in viola- a museum model of the giant atom
Electricity production in the fution of the honor system then in smashing generator, creating a
ture through atomic energy is highcharge of static electricity.
lighted in a display showing how
He entered the Army as a private This relatively small machine Ls
1917 and was discharged two dwarfed by large nuclear research electricity may someday be gener- in
models of the Van de Graaff gen- years later a 2nd lieutenant.
( Continued on Page 8i
After his discharge from the erator. These models create as much
Army, Mr. Peak did graduate work as 5,000.000 volts and are several
in economics at Vanderbilt Uni- - stories high.
To Last Through Sunday
While at Vanderbilt. he
also attended a YMCA Secretary's
The atomic energy exhibit will reSchool.
main on display at the Coliseum
Mr. Peak came to the University through Sunday. Hours of operation'
in 1920, when he assumed the posi- are 9 a.m. to 12 noon, 1 to 4 p.m.,
and 7 to 10 p.m. today; 1 to 5 p.m..
tion of secretary of the YMCA.
He is a member of the Rotary and 7 to 10 p.m. tomorrow; and 1
The New York Philharmonic
Club and is past president of that to 6 Sunday afternoon.
Orchestra, under the direction of
organization. Mr. Peak has also
The NUEA exhibit is currently on Dimitri Mitropoulos, will present a
a Kentucky tour sponsored by UK concert in Memorial Coliseum at
been a member of the Board of Diagencies. 8:15 p.m. Tuesday. This program is
rectors of Rotary International. This and various
group is made up of 13 members, Cities included on the tour schedule another in the series presented by
six of whom come from the United during April are Ashland. Armory the Community Concert and Lecture
Building, April
Covington. Nav- Series.
He has served one term in the al Reserve Armory, April
The New York Philharmonic was
Kentucky Legislature and was de- -' Louisville. Male and Girls High founded in 184: and Ls America's
leated in last year's primaries for Schooi, April
oldest orchestra
in 1882 the or- .
Vivid displays on the production chest ra settled in Carnegie Hall and
the national legislature.
of radioisotopes
the most import- nas Kept its concer home there
ant peacetime products of the cur- ever since. In 19L !8. soon after To- -


Pro!. Irwin Edman, professor of
philosophy at Columbia University,
will present the fourth of the current series of Blazer Lectures in the
Guignol Theatre at 8 p.m. Thursday.
Prof. Edman. who was educated at
Columbia, will speak on "Philosophy
and our Current Anxieties." Dr.
Jesse DcBoer, associate professor of
philosophy at UK, will preside.
Prof. Edman has served as lecturer
at Amherst College, the University
of California. Hamilton College, the
National University of Brazil, and
the Sorboune in Paris. He is author
of numerous bxiks in the field of
philosophy, including "Philosopher's
Holiday," "Fouiitamheads of Freedom." "On Going to College," "I Believe." and "The Philosophy of
Prof. Edman has also been a frequent contributor to such publications as The New York Times,
Harper's. The Saturday Review of
I.iteiature, and The New Yorker.
Last summer Prof. Edman lectured
at Oxford University and Magdalen
College with a group of American
professors under the auspices of the
Fulbright Commission. In the group
was Dr. Thomas D Clark, head of
the University's Department of History.
Dr. Clark describes Prof. Edman
as a proverbial absent-minde- d
professor, as well as a humorous lec- -t
"Prof Edman is as delightfully
human and friendly as a lost sheep
dot' at a vacant house." Dr. Clark
said. "My onlv tear is mat he will
neu.ci i.c is ..opposed to
tall: ::: l.c.nu'iuii oi .I:lv
. is. on ..... .......

















p U$

22-2- 7.

Law Students Win

rent atomic energy program
featured in the exhibit.
To help explain the rather complicated procedure involved, exhibit
Prizes for academic achievement visitors will be requested to place a
in the College of Law for last se- dime in the radioisotope reactor
mester have been awarded to 16 The silver will become irradiated.
students. Dr. Elvis J. Stahr Jr.,
dean of the Law College, has announced.
Winners of the prizes, in the form
of books, include Stanley R. Hogg,
Robert R. Humphreys. James Thomas Soyars, Thomas P. Lewi.-.- . David
B. Sebree Jr.. C. Richard Doyle. L.
M. Tipton Reed, James Levis. Paul
E. Decker.
is the deadline for
Roger B. Leland. Joe Lee, C. Gib- applications to Patterson Literary
son Downing. Henry V. Pennington. Society, open to sophomore men
Mrs. Dianne McKaig Walden, Don- who have completed at least one
ald Combs, and Theodore D. Dunn. speech course or its equivalent at
The prizes were awarded on the UK. Bill Douglass, president, anbasis of achievement in various law nounced this week.
courses, and. in the case of PenInformation and application blanks
nington. Combs, Dunn, and Mrs. may be- obtained at the office of
Walden. for Law Club competition. Dr. J. R. Sterrett. associate profesIn June, according to Dean Stahr. sor of speech, in Room 131 of the
additional prizes will be awarded, Fine Arts Building, he said.
including those for the highest overThe society, the oldtst existing
all st.inuing in the College of Law. student organization on campus, is
the pilze inmi.s, wlin one exception, lis! Hit it nomi towns as devuiiu u. tuiLiciiiiL loieiisie and
beini: Ill KciiUuk.v. 'i lie exception, literal v iineres, juki )y,a t
'C. kCi,
- u .1
r. oi..cieius, Douglass added.

canini began his memorable decade
with the orche: stra, the PhUhar- monic merged with the
New York Symphony, which was
then under the direction of Walter

Academic Prizes

Literary Society
Sets Deadline
For Ap1ications



5. ...














t& VlJ




XJ f J? Pi







i VlU.t? lljT.V






High School
T Students
Visit Campus

Dr. Niel Plunimer. director of the
UK Sihool of Journalism, announced that a full schedule includuv;
lectures and visual programs, has
been arranged for the benefit of "he
visiting students and their advisors.
The convention will open at 9 a m.
i.nd close at 5 p.m. Six classes will
be conducted during each hour.
Dr. William M. Moore, associate
professor of journalism, will conduct
sessions on the prop"r use of lighting m photography. Special empha-m- s
will be placed on the methods of






Mii'auley Will Lecture
J. A. MeCaulev. assistant professor
oi journalism, is in charge of student newspaper evaluation and will
also give a series of lectures on
methods of etfecuve newspaper

Da m rose h.

Centennial Celebrated
111 1942 the Orchestra
its centennial, presenting the most
distinguished conductors in the en-- 1
tire country. In August of 1951, the
' Philharmonic
the first
American orchestra to be invited to
the Edinburgh festival.
On December 13, 1951. the New
marked its
5.O.)0th concert. Through 23 years of
concert broadcasting over CBS radio
network, the orchestra plays to an
estimated weekly audience of more
than twelve million listeners.
In the words of Lawrence Oilman,
the Philharmonic-Symphon"after
countless metamorphoses, countless
changes within itself, survives as a
marvelous instrument of recreation
and revelation, trained and perfected bv generations of great conductors."
Conductor Mitrojxmlos is a Greek
b. but u but has become an American bv adoption. He brought with
him a brilliant European reputation



New York Philharmonic To Play
At Memorial Coliseum Tuesday

Blazer Talk








Tan Hcta Pi Sets
Dale Of Initiation

1954-5- 5



Surplus Termed Insufficient
"Tlie unrestricted balance as of
Continued to Page 3

Suky Announces
Suky officers for the

Bl 0" MO






mid three delegates to attend







ffCtRAi Piieuc Hous.i.r,








the year

the I niversity during






Report Includes
Men s Barracks,
Little Commons

Victor It. Portmann. secretary of
the Kentucky Press Association and
assistant professor of journalism,
will conduct discussions on the


i:v oi;k run


i;iou: out



Newspaper "'
Two special features are planned
lor the morning session. Dr. Plum-mer- 's
etymology class will hold an
"open house" at 9 a.m . to give the
visiting high school students an opportunity to observe a college cl.t.sa
in ipt ration.
John Wiltz. Edward Coffm.m. antl
Frank Marnhout. present ami former journalism stiuiet-.tat UK. wi'.l
conduct a panel discussion at 9 a.m.
The panel will mvcsi igate the advantages of tint-rinthe armed
forces bt'lore attending college, completing college before entering the
service, or interrupting training to
serve and then returning, to college
Each member of the panel has hau
ex-rienein the stand that he will

Miliopoulos is Innisell a virtuoso
pianist aial a giltcci composer. At
the beginning ol his music career he
Active In .Mulvti-s- t
from 1937 until the spun ol !:)i'.l i oi n enti att tl on kev board and se cne
but toiuul his leal musical metier in
his activities were centereit in
Midwest where he vva- - niu if tiirec-to- r t oiaiia t :::. He is known both as a
great u. lei oi i ter ol the classics and
of the Minneapolis S.v mpiioi.v
a hi:!ilv persuasive champion of the
He made his first iipearance with
his day. He is responthe- New Yolk Philharmonic in the i oii:;io: t.
the premiere prelormance.s
1940-4- 1
of inai". modern works.
In the l!li(l-,'- il season he w a
The prouiaai for the concert will
regular conductor of t:i"
New Yor k orchestra and v a - made in limit- "Roman Carnival Overture"
Musical Director ilie following veal hy Berlin; Brahms' Fourth SymMitropoulos studied at the
phony, a svmphonic fantasy, "Fran-cesc- a
ol his native Alliens inii
ei.i ltiinmi" by Tchaikovsky, represent.
with F'erriitcio Bu.oni in Berim. For
The high school newspapers will
and oc r.'d'.i s Dances fioiu "' niree
n niunlv-"I venrs he via- f.tiiicior
Cornered Hat."'
ol the Athens Syniphony.
Continued to Page 8when he in.iile his IWion tiyiiiphniiv

debut in








University Needs Funds Badly.
Financial Picture Is Not Bright
The total assets of UK as of Juno (. 19 v. were
S')S.S44.7S7.S1. Those figures, unless understood
projX'rly would tend to make the UK financial
picture brighter than it really is at the present
time. The UK administration certainly does not
have 3S million dollars which it is Iree to spend.
University assets include every item. large or
small, which the University owns. Buildings which
are a sore spot to the University such as Scott
Street Barracks. Cooperstown.
Neville Hall, White Hall, are all included in the
list of University assets. Any student who has lived
in or attendee! classes in any of these buildings can
say from experience that they should have been
torn down long ago yet these are UK assets.
Most of these buildings were erected lor temporary use only and it was specified that they should
le torn clown at the end of a five year period. The
entilation, heating, and lighting of these temporary
shacks are not conducive to study on the part of
the students yet they remain. It should be the obligation of the State to officially condemn these
buildings and erect new ones, but tin's obligation
has been overlooked by the State.
UK's total budget ranges from approximately
seven to 10 million dollars annually depending
somewhat on the amount of construction which is
done It should lx' mentioned at this point that
only about four million of this amount is provided
by the State. The remaining sum is provided by
Federal grants and individual donations. The major
part of Federal grants is set aside specif ically for
agricultural experimentation. In reality, more of
this money is spent for the people of the state than
UK students. Dr. Donovan stated that it w as harder
to obtain money for the use of the students than
for the benefit of the Kentucky populace.
To avoid a financial crisis such as occurred in
June, 1932, when memlxrs of the faculty, stall, and
other employees received no salaries for two
months, the University has an unallocated surplus
in the unrestricted fund of $151. (MM), which is actually too small for a safe operating balance of an
institution the size of the University. A fund of
this kind is essential to meet any emergencies w hich
might arise during the year.
An example of such an emergency occurred in
1951 whei Governor Wethcrby found that the
state's income from taxes was lower than had
previously been estimated and it became necessary
for him to cut the budget of the University by
S279.S00. If the University had not operated on

You're Another One

Ckxpcrstown and Shawneetow n aren't really-sucbad places. A fellow can have a lot of fun
living tlatre. Like spending a gay evening w ith the
wife and kids plugging rats with a .45.
Nature, just for the records, has gone blooie. Accalendars on the walls
cording to the atom-siz- e
around here, Spring should have lecn here March
21. Reliable sources say Spring met Winter on the
way and got hung up. A real cool ail Air. man.

A scientist recently reported to the public that
monkeys walked on their hind feet when placed in
snow. Science scores another brilliant victory! It
would take a fairly stupid monkey to go around
dragging its
in snow.
Irt-ll- y

UK coeds should stay in

Ik1 when

slickers they wear make them look like tents . . .
tents no respectable Arab would fold up and steal
silently away with in the night.
it rains.

Tlte Thermonuclear device set ofl in the Marshall
Islands on March 1 had the force of five million
tons of TNT. Which, all told, is just alout enough
to budge tlie line in front of the JB mov ie.
At last we have found something harder to find
tkw a needle in a haystack. What is it? A story in

which Liberace plays the piano!
Today meml)crs of the High School Press Association will liear a couple of guys around here
discuss the merits of finishing school before joining
the armed forces or vice versa. After seeing what
have in store, we recommend the Foreign Legion.

tlte policy of having a surplus, all salaries o! employees would have had to have
cut back so
s i! was tMs inas to absorb this loss in revenue.
stitution was able to meet the reduction in income
without reducing salaries at a time when the cost
of living was still rising. It should be clear that for
the I'niversitv to be on sale ground there should
be a surplus of four or live hundred thousand dollars at the end of the year.
Another sum which is included in UK's assets and
not understood by many is the restricted fund.
These funds are restricted for the purpose lor w Inch
they have been designated. Most of this inonev
represents gilts which have been given for the
benefit of the University over a period of veais.
None of it has come Iron) state appropriations
which have been paid by tixpavers. This mom v
has been given for the purpose oi earn ing on many
different typos of activ ities by individuals w ho hav e
a high regard for the work the I'niversitv is doing.
These restricted binds are sacred to the purpose
lor which they were given ami if the time ever
comes when we should ignore the pledge we have
made to the donors, then the I'niversitv would be
unworthy to receive future gilts. This source of income for the I'niversitv would dry up immediately
since few. if any. foundations or wealthy donors
would permit their donations to be turned over
and controlled by any other body than the Trustees
of the University.
It the State Legislature is growing tired of our
pleas for more money, it is unfortunate, because
these pleas will continue until the University is
allotted sufficient funds to operate on a satisfactory
scale. Any future implication that the I'niversitv
is not spending the binds it does have should be
recognized for what it is pure malarky. UK is
operating on a subsistence scale and this scale
should definilelv be raised.

On March 1. the United States detonated a
thermonuclear device somewhere in the Marshall
Islands. The foice of the explosion was equal to
five million tons of TXT the fireball measured 2S
miles in diameter, and the mushroom cloud soared
90. 000 feet into the stratosphere. No one had expected that the device would be so powerful. On
the same morning the device was set oil. a Marine
corporal on Kwajaleiu wrote home that he had
seen the sky light up and that "we heard loud
rumblings that sounded like thunder."
The rumblings the Marine heard came from several hundred miles away, and, sometime in the next
week or so. he is likely to hear more thunder in
the sky. The same device will be dropped from the
by parachute. It is expected
bowels of a giant
to duplicate the explosion of March 1.
Meanwhile, atomic voices from another source
will le heard this week, here in Lexington. These
voices, unlike the harsh bark ol the destructive
weapon, will give many people an opxrtunity to
get acquainted with the peacetime applications ol
the atom.
We refer to the Atomic Energy Exhibition which
will be shown in Memorial Coliseum March 2
through March 2S. This opportunity to see some
of the peaceful applications ol atomic energy should
not Ik" turned down. In a world that has come to
think of the atom only in terms of Nagasakis and
Hiroshimas. the chance to see the hopeful side of
the atom should be welcomed by every student and
faculty and staff member on the campus.
Judging from the amaing advances made in
peaceful applications of atomic energy in the fields
of industry and medicine, only sheer lolly could
sway an intelligent person from learning something
alxnit the nature of the revolution which will soon
be affecting each of us as members ol the nation,
the state, and the community. The exhibition is a
II. li.
rare chance we shouldn't pass it up.


The Kentucky Kernel
University of Kenti'cky

tt matter

at Ixineton,
at ircond
unuT the Aft rt Mini. 1. 1H79.
tv during vluml rwpt holidavt and eiama.




DiANr ftarxaarji
KlIBT Fa.ru .....Managing

Bonnie Bvrixa
Sportl Editor
FMtwe Edrtor
Society Editor

Coy DMb ,..



I)l k knars
Dinmi Smimiiiz Asst. Mii. Ed.
kh I ihiimimi Asst. N.-- s
John Rvans
Kill Hillitci
Ann O Boark




Jim B..rri. I man and Ann
and Carl M.iv
CtfraLatiOB Ym
Cynthia Colli
aVaortm -- Affca IHen Adams. David A!l.n. Das id Cr.apm.in.
Caal. Constant
Foreman. P it C.rorL"-- Hi..l.-tIliM.s, Bob