xt7vq814nq54 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vq814nq54/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1939 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 09, 1939 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 09, 1939 1939 1939 2012 true xt7vq814nq54 section xt7vq814nq54 _  Il
. j ‘
|< t ky AI  
1 G I1 UC U IT1 FI US li  
;;‘;*‘;§l; Volume IX LEXINGTON, KY., MARCH, 1939 Nlimbels 3
sorge A. _ '_-__t_—F`;_Y"` `_;`_ ` "`;"—T;— ‘
lives at I • • u n u n r
,O,,_.,6_ i BSSGS I1 Ing In LI- GD O 9 UITI I1 UDG
  CI E cl d T R t I J I
e Com- · ..--at.Tke+ .__ *_______w;__
henry J· V   But two short ths '
Jackson  Ft   G .dd umu th y {non remain
is my I Y- wg H ers 914 Farada H H e reunion c asses ending in
fisiurl RG t F D     bgckmtc? thee   ggiggugmtg
Lluilggti »       S 52;i;E;E3E;E;Egigigigigigigigigigigi3E;2;Z3}.5$$32;5;E52;E;E;2;E;E3£;E3E§;;Ej§;j55Ei;E¤Eig$$32;;$355;5Q:35:$:;;;:;:;:;:55;:; enjoy lihf? COII11'I1€11C€I11€I1t and al-
Eécirii ErEri¢E·E¢ErE=E¤5rEc$:E¢E¢E=E=E=€=€=I=i»E¢E·E;E¤E·’_‘;i5i¢‘;‘*iz?;i?;E;5‘E{5EE‘EE52525;i;?;ii€&E2E&€&?&€§£?5EEEEFEEEZEFEZSEEFFE€E?EYE’E?E?E?Z€% ' ‘ ‘
>uisvi11e, · Fifty-five grlcidcrs reported for   gan 131 geulmond gxcrcgses t° Pe held .
Avenue, practice on the first oav or the   eiee Yee ie TE eee? X_n°°·°aS1°” Wm
i spring football drills llslfl on Stoll   ‘»·‘   th Afr . AE Ft. “"""S”*’ °f i
nelil- Fire more were expected to   §-he L§§‘,$,Q,X i§°‘§$€‘§’§,,,,,O,, Z ti . .
e S . i re¤<>rl f¤r irrertrce at lhs close of ilre   ~   {jigs will be the annual A1,,m,,· $3 ”"
P ll current basketball season. A11 the izgzgagi   . 1 an'
f01‘ the .1 ,_.€t€1.a¤S and mmjsm . freshmen of 5;%;:;- :;E;':i»E?:ElE§E§EiEQE§E§EQ:f1§:Q"vY`¥`2·‘f1;tfl{Ef;fl{;$§;$E$EEé% {itilEEEZlglgliglgilaltligigig quet on Thursday Tllghlii Jl11'1€ 1.
Detroit . p g ‘ iiéieiéeiiisei?%%i@i§,é%é&é%é1éiiii=ii 1‘=’··=·   This will be held in the han room
is 5167% lilsl Yew “’€l‘€ Oll lla¤d· The lillel   ef me Student Umm, Build-n
. includes somc 35 men from last   it i t J ii 1 g as
f°ll·¤s years varsity squad. 22 of which are     aluggi asd f umd W {Hgh S°%1°- .500 i ·
°°atEd l€lF€l'm€ll·   · an- me S ° B mw? T
axles A. . . . . `§$§$·· *2?;$§$E$§$E:iP;?§$EZEIE€EEE1E1EEEEE1E?EEEEEIE1;¢E?;¢ iE§?§§E§E¢E¢EiE§E/I; ;ci?i€§€§§E§§§E§€§EE$§$§$§PEPQEEEZFEEE sity were In attcndanca
ror the A $ll°l`P dllll of Passllld l l-
. 12-13 — Vanderbilt at Lexington; Alina Hogan Wilisoni. Route 1. Pleasant Austiii Taylor Gi‘¤V°$· L°“‘S"‘“E·   NO.
. _ · Ma 16_X · · . P ain, Ohio: Pru ence Y. Lyon, Cortlandt Ky. .
 5. . u>.yT€uu..2Zé"§.Ei<.I§§.’€L’%iE°“’ May “°:e· L°¤iS"i*l€·,Ky·= Wimr B- M OOTE · —
 _; ~ · Ri z-Tower, Par' Ave., at 5'lth St., New   ‘. i * ‘ ‘ ‘ `
‘i . ~.
I t ,  

.   5 1
;. 2 ones of 1894 V Cats Win Tourney [ ones of 1904 } 2
’ ,   (continued from Page One) j-·-Y-——-1 ’
Shed z   his teams have won 145 games and  
,.;,;         1°s1 31: have W911 1111ee s91nnees1·   1
222 Del   -·4‘ §$2¥=§¤?’=Y     em 1111esS 999 nsve 1°s1 °n1Y eve  
1- 1191he}       2- 1 eemes en 1ne neme °°“s1·   1 1
[111 Skin- g;g;§;;;;;;;;;;;;$;i.  1:*;;-_§i 1¤ : ig,gEj;_1g1;;;:g£gE;£;5gig&g$;¤;;_1i1_   gyg, 1-, The record for the 133513 $63501]  
°°S£,?..“,i§‘   »1`‘      Kshi   1ne1us1ve 91 the 19¤¤1e111e¤1 f°11°Ws1   ‘11»    
1 H°"‘e1   ‘‘1 2;. 40 ·-·-··············-· Ge°11ee1°"’n ················ 19  
"“‘1“°"- E?E?E¤E¥E1E$?E$1E?E?" ¤§?E?E?E?E?E§E?;?ElZ.ZQ. ,1··`1~j1.»E;i;>1‘E-E1E1E§;Z·Z.  12 57 ······--··-········· KY Wes1eYen --·········· 18  Q?:2?;5;?;5;is€;:;i;52225izi;i;i;:;:;i;2;i;i;i;i;2;%;££%;S;%/ /€;2;E=&;€;i;E;i;£;5;i;£;E;
°`"“ H1 =   _ 44 ·-··-··-··—·-·—-·»»· ¤1¤e11111e11 ·····--····-·—···· 21    
  -< 11¤   1:;; €2§i2§2?t§§§2§"Ii;é2QiQ2§2Q2;z;e;§i%§§g§;§;é;§fg¥1;iéiziei. . 67 .................... Wash and Lee .......... 47  
  _1,,     34 ...,,.....,......... Long Island ................ 52    
>1<1¤1·¤¤n   ;» 41 _,_,,,.............. st. Josephs ................ 30   1
ii°§`£dM‘€{{   ` 37 .................... Notre Dame .,.............. 42  
enneton,   29 .................... Tennessee ···.··-v·----···--·- 30    
9v· Ky.: 1   40 ...,..,...., Georgetown ................ 19 it 
V_ Cole] :;:;1;g;;;{;{;§;§:5;:;:;:;:;. 3:;:;2;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:~: _ _:§:§;{;§;Q;Q;Z;·‘ _ `''`'''` $52:;1:Q:Q$2:}Zfzf:Tzifééizé:T:?:¢:?:¥:€:!:?;i:?;i·'  '·i:i:7:75:1:1:1:1:i:i:i:1:?:1:¥:i:i:¢;T:1:¥:¢:1:7
».·.12meg iiiéiéaSa%z%2€252%2§2?2¥2€2€2f2· `1F2;2§2§2§2i2§2i2€i2i25=’1‘ -1¤=25z5zi25=€¤’1'¤"" · 38 --·--···---—···----· A1nb211nn ---··········-····-··· 41   "s“ 1· 
o' nine. 1    ‘’‘`‘` 1 , 51 ..................·. Van<1erb11t »----······--··--- 31    
  22.2::   ‘1 ‘ 1 Q  1’’‘‘’     , , 311 --·-··-----····»·--· Me19¤e11e ~-·-—-·--—·-···»-··· gl   -
‘o t   ·   1‘‘‘ 1 ·   1   1 · 41 ----·»··-·-··»·-·-·· XeV1e1 ··-···-·-···—--········---  
1<1s· if given "K" buttons, name cards, Fob. 19—Georgia Tech at Atlanta; ° .; _
      maps of the campus and complete Feb. 24-Vanderbilt at Lexington. out une eunlon ; Y
illeb ohig;   information on scheduled reunion .1.——-—— what Some members Of the 1.€_  
  HOL ~‘ ee11Vmes· union classes have writt ' 1
  . - 611 IH 1'€— 2
 Th‘ llb`f‘ll l- _ a ·
E Ohm)   Cheoiécagé .lg§b13);;$;,S€ iid 13:8 RGCQECIS   _, gard to the June exercises; 2
sf. empire;  " various sororities and fraternities S“§n2§E$;‘·1'€€an£aHggg;& fxlerelsggie H. K. Bell, ’04, McClelland Bldgq
F I `   .' · ' kl 1 I · · U TH . L
M2? EOE? .2 {ij}; ‘;§u1fjgl1‘ns 1° We1°°me 123** records in ne course of nine wins §;X‘*;;;;;;1§’·th_1 sm es1’e°11ne 19 ; _
1r ve., . ‘ · ·· - s ‘€u11 _" ¢ 1
  Maw   Start making armngements to at_ and no defeats for the cu11ent'sea P. _ 1 1 1011 E
Y· 112 s2   tend your class reunion. Your Al- $011 New records WEIE Set 191 1ne P1111111 L· B1ume11e11e1~ ’09i 1910 S- ,
H.gevilt1, { umm Omce Wm be glad to help 150 yard back stroke dash (BU? Third St., Louisville, Ky.—"I hope g v_
1*1- 111* · . - · · 1 ~ · tie even to attend the ’09 euni n b 1n ‘ 1
` t__ , 1 f .,9 t _t _ Scott), 220 yard flee sy I o . yi gmg
$}°;;,.f..i 1 i,§i;1§,,§,‘i,t§§§§ §,a;,§$g_Ve;§{}§ cgi- (nee Lewin; 200 yard breast sn-eee Philip. n., and nin satan for ,
jg]   1 respondence is mVitGd_ event tSherman Hinkebelnli and informal introduction to the class." .
kim, GQ .2 the relay event. Foes which Ken- Hugh M_ Milton ,19, president of . ;
. 782 wal- .  2 tricky triumphed over during the New México A and M College State ,
-1111nes 1*12 2 ` season were Eastern State Teachers C .. . 1 , 2
_ A· CD1- ~ _ _H. _ ollege. N. M.- I am hoping that . _
e; ismrian ’ WILDCAT FOOTBAQL G911ese<11v9111_e91S1-Me1>1111e~Te11 no unforseen event will interfere _
L 111111151- - SCHEDULE FOR 1999 nessee, Georgia Tech. De Pauw. with my presence on that Occa_ - ;
'1·* Gemee ·  . Butler, Loyola, and Berea. ,- ., ,
our) . Sept- 3°_V· M· 1- et LeX111g1€e11 The University of Kentucky A1- Mm` . _ `
Om 7_Vand€rb11t 11 Nashvlue umni Clubs in Atlanta and Chicago Robert B· C°m`eH· 14* 2645 Coles
Oe1·14—Og1€‘11101'D€ at Lexington were host to the members of me Ave., chicago, Il1.—"You can put ,
_ mem_ 1 ‘ Oct. 21-Georgia at Louisville temn in the respective cities where my name down on the list of those `
eceased Oct. 28—Xavier at Cincinnati th team made an appearance GE._ intending to be present on June 1 3
s were Q  · Nov. 4—A1abama at Birmingham mgm Tech at Atlanta and Lbbyolg and 2." ‘
` NOv‘ 11_`G€°rg1a Tech ee At` at Chicago. Heber Holbrook Rice, ’O4, 5 Tay- . <
msm 1 lame . . . With approval of University au- lor St.. Chevy Chase, Md.—"We E
» N91/' 18—W€St V11e1111e e1 LEX` thorities the team hopes to parti- hope to make the thirty—nfth anm- % k
ns"111°· 1 mgtmm . cipate in the conference tourna— versary of our class a great class   , l 1
` NOV1 25_T€1m€SS€€ e1 Lexmgton ment to be held in Knoxville, Ten- reunion, on the campus of the Uni- .
— —;-.»-———— nessee, sometime in April. Ve1`s1tY·

 .  ·=:· . V ` V j
 E`; Q; ( 1 .
l l `
..  s. I [I I V
H,. l i GTB GYS O SSGITI 9 I'} GITIPUS n une
  _ g cme or me many distinguished eycr gathered together under a "Mf)t0l`CYC1€ Glovel-" Strong and ‘
 ; _i little groups that will meet on the smgle head. Twenty matchless men, "Il'lShi30W1'\" Tom Howard are rac_
  · g University or Kentucky campus iu all "head1ine1·s" in their own pam- ing around the arena. while the _
      l June my its reunion is the "’14 cular Held. A sample performance Show lagged "Bus" Johnson has ·
  g I pamdaysr a social organization of is illustrative of their attainmcnts. Started an argument as to me Exact ‘ V<>l¤f
  ‘ ' me mechanical and electrical en- Just outside the main tent, Bill number of uncles ·*Bl·uiSm-·· Blake., »  »·—
 i. ‘· g gineers that was so well known on Cross. the iugrown humorist is had. This put ‘·D;m*· M01-gan to ‘
 3  — i me campus twenty-tive years ago. spiellng for "Rcd" Carrithers, the sleep. Meanwhile ··Rajah·· Th0m_ ’
:_ · . 2 uu will be TVVENTY_FIVE years, "Wh1\Z€ H0pe." “`B€1‘k" ’Hedgcs, 34 EOD and "C&ci1" H8.i‘p prove mathe- .
    this June, Wmes Bob C0ttre11_ seconcl Caluso. and Ty Watts, _a mamcally that ‘Bono Hayden ls a
3;  iq A s usmce we asgembled in —·Lut1& 1`€2i.l\i1010ll1§E. "Cg1n1p1ls" C0tt1·c1l_1s "heart:`smashe1·." "H05pii;g]" B.€n_ .
.>  _ . Pauysv 0HjC€_ listened to his wgydg §S§1St3l}lg Wlfh 3. Jllgghllg QQTG Wh11€ BBW d1S3.ag1‘€€S and na.t;u;·g1]y it is ` 
J  ; . of advice and told Bach other good Bucl Townsend 1S attracting the left for T0wse1·‘ Masters to Settle
_» § " bye, I can think of nothing finer }}“l1Utu(3€‘P)’ ¥Q€?m$_ Of his f3i)}0u$ UW 9-1`$l1m€¤t. "Ph0t0" Shelton _ "’
  _   than {01- each one or us, no make at ¤§¤}$1€· DOG Gaither and G6- takps Rmtuyes of the performance _ . W .?
j ig I resolution. To return to »·Stat€·· mlge Gayle stand guzlrd gt the; dQ01‘ wlllle C\.liZ1€” Kelly 100ks on and .  '».,.
  ' I cn this, our 25th 1‘•3l\Hi0U." Oi the "b*g mp" While Just Inside Buns-"    
  . . V: Z — ——— ;  ?( ~;12 —-._. .74 .. 4 ,.7, _,_ ___________ ~ ',4'
.   A g The personnel of the '14 Fam-  — s "
._ ,·   (jays is depicted in the following FT ' h A • T B   d B 1  
“.   il pm‘agruph CHKEII from the 1914 I tlet FTHIVGTSBTY O 9 S€rV€ y ~ l _]L_‘_
"  5 `   Keutuckian.   . A . . . _ —  
    ·—BEh01d_ gentle yeadm-. me great- Umm SSOCIB{ZIOI`\ DUFIHQ June Reumgn     gp
  {   Est COUBCUOH Of ‘“`Samf;h““mH“y The reunion exercises on June 1 years of progress have not yet been ..e.  
, ¤· c ·-··;·* *"’) """" )‘ A , .
j  if ii E “*“LED and 2 will mark the 50th armiver- C0mD1€t€d- . " I
·  W z' .~ ~ S `- · - · ‘ ` ·  
 4;. ;   §‘*i¥“`Tg‘;' 1; T ) $313* Of the Alumm Association of C€S1&E’1_iE§;i§1§lE;2;‘1“'hO}I}€g;i0i’f1-  
  ;. l unmue rom agé WO the UH- . ‘ y€a1‘ 0 18 As- ._ 
~ » . l 1\€!`S1t’ of Kentuck . It - · . - - .  
    w. Pmnletm-. care oi D. Bl Pnluwter. 3 _ y was Socmncn me NOW UVIUE- These are 5;-r · ¢
H ié Fm.,k;m_ Eq; Jgujes Edward Hmm;]. cm June 4.18B9.tl1atS:1Xte€n gradu- Dr. A. M. Peter, G. T Gess and    
_  ig ;- Eglgcuig. hg.: E$2;:¤l¤g§é§N$¢·¤E¤6¤¤ér£—;· ares of the University organized Clarence Scott Graves members Og ..‘i r·¤*s
.;\ · ; ‘ _=_ ‘_; 1. x l ` :. - · - V . _ ‘ _ _ _ §*' {
I   . gi Cem SL BURR Ky.; Mudlyu mrgims skb tile Association by. adoptlng a con- the Alumni 1889 Alumni Execuuve = gb-
`   · _; veg; 529 south Kentucky Ave., Evansville. SYIKIIUOH and EIECUHQ OHICGYS. C0mmit1;ee_ ' ,
  `   {i.`§g£,.$?§§?? §;Q`ESE;l1$“§¤$}€$Ell"$»i`1`»$“S§Y .1;?‘€ mst p¥€S‘d°‘“ °f Ph? ASS°‘ .M"- C**`a"9S Wh? NWS at 242 Ar-  
by . Q “,eim“g€r_G8u1b€rL ADESN LOuiS\,mc’ K).; c.a mn was Q1. A. M. Pgten. 80, now lmgton Ave.. Lexington, Ky.. is of `   
_ ty   HQWW; A_ ,v.j1$¤Ki  mvLc¤l1gge \§¤..d1si;é connected wml} th? Ag1·1qultu1·a1 Ex- the reunion class of 1884. He and  jv ___· g ?§_ 
A 2 W bguq 1l1e,` kx. WP _ ¤¤¤§f__ °° _“·¤ p€1‘1ms·11t Station 111 Lexington. Dr. Russell Thomas, Metropolitan     "` 
. . mln-s. always B. Oberlmv. -3.4 samm,¤ . _ _ _ M. ,.
 _ Z.   Dm.€_ Lm¤S,_,m€_ Kyi HEUMH K Wyarm kD€.f11lIt€ pgaus for a program 111 Bu11dmg_ Denve;3 Cglgu are the    
 —‘ , 2124 cam-: Ave., Asluaud, Ky`: Charles ¤~se1·va11ca= 0 the Ass0ciat.ion`s hit · (ml li 'n ‘   Y  
. . `3 R. Yancey, cam of Davidscu COLIHIS Tub- y Y V1 g members Of thls class.   gi g‘
L ; l_ erculusls Hospital, Nushvllle. Tenn`: Clues-   `i;:§ Q5.};
*1; ner Yeyua. 2D:} East Bullalu St., Ithaca. .     ·
*»   Mm! ilzgurmd   Universitv 0f Kentuckv Lexington    
. ` ,   Henry E, Taylor. Blacks;. Ky. ` . ,` T 9 _   Th
._ _ E mg _ T 0 the Alumm OHICBZ Enclosed IS remittance to cover:   about
_ V E; qglmb Llebslghum. 4940 Tripp Ava. Glu- _   class O
[_;   mgu. nn.; Charles s§__§s.mse:-·. S~=—¤r¤·¤. K:-¤ l [Z] Alumni Dues for 1938-1939 __ _ $1,00   his cla
, ; ~·* _ This amount makes you an active member t't* d ‘ ·‘ i   {O H9
. ,   _u . _ 45 P ` _(; _ _ _ e¤1.e toallpnulg, ._ ..I,
g K§E“*EI‘3'§‘uy°“B.““li[i“EuE¤_ §I§§;“£E..u$“§§., ;g;1gg¤g§8;¤¤ kg-¤y¤_>·_¤¤¤¤¤»¤ edition of me Kentucky Kernel d.$,.i$g l   gmk;.
~ L Harrisburg. Penn.; Allen P. Miller. sum- I   H Sc 00 BMT-   mm:
' ’ meulu. Ky.: Joseph W, Phillips, 607 Bust- L ' ‘   ‘ ‘
z { mn St., \V¤ucIls.vrn, N. J.   Th. umnl Fund   ‘‘‘» _ _ >»·r $"_"* **1   rn"
_;. E mw Eg§u§O§0l;;;0(;t‘¥;?§;10n gc §he1Assqc1ut1-ontkand thg University for i  
~- " Q val-glmls mae Baker nm-S, E. R. Lmngl. ·` { E.-by . — men .° auYm',a°°"‘ ms d“““g the Y€“'· R  E?
; 1912 mam sc., Dallas, Texas: Glam Buys E E wg E expressmu °f wut 1°W1t* and s“pp°'°‘ ET?.
;   mm. yemlm H. Kmppl. me squmn sel-- l Total Amount Enclosed ..__ _ _____   .. 5.-.-  
_ · l 1 emu em., Terre Haute. Ind.: WLUUKHH1 P» ~ •Be sure m fill in name and dd b · l E?
·; |»; Grcuch. Lexlmgmm. Ky.; Wllllum M. Mays. p$_Vg_m€ to Universit , { K at ffs °1°“: M“k"’.°*?*’°kS l *3;%
. l Berea. Ky.: Ruben Lee mms;. Mm. stmlng · ‘* ° °“ uc 5 Alumm ASS¤¤¤¤¤¤¤n.» l   Chg
. ,; Ky".; Nlultle Lau Ghalmlmers \VE!¤KSU~lU. Rmume ~ l ·,`€Tv
g" · g 6. Lm;e Olal: Road. Paducah. K5:. 1     }   Kéulsz
` `   193* `   f0u1· ;
· , g; Elbert D. Adams. Pumkn. Ind.: Mawr Datii ....,,..., _ ____ _ , `  
_   Vlnrgium Brishy. l¤E•Il3 Aurora Aw., Le>;mg» N `'`'     to ai;
" I mm. Ky.; Raymumd L~e»e Brmvn. Blsmsenr "LHlB .............. `$$‘]€
x gmk Ky`: Smmmn Cuplw [mm KF'; < ............................ Class ......... ..5;., healtl
, l ; ~ . W. Dmmlclsnn. Pmenille. Ky.; Edgar Rams   _‘
_   Gmhm me mm mm Mempm   ....... ii ................ _ ..... . .................,...,.............   mg
A gem]-]£ quéuévgrg Lumué Simllelkx 450] 1 I Yl'lELl`1'l€€]. ’»\'OlllRIl., gl\`E mHld8l`L Il211'l`l€‘I   Succe;
E xrexe Bv .. Cluculgu. Ill.; Wllllslm D. ·  
{ wpui 5.54g Hgmjlpgm M-.»__ Hmm;,m_ Ohm   ll Réslclfincé Address .......,................,,................ .   The I
E ——7·l·*‘_‘ e @$5* Maru
‘. ENROLIAIENT IS ${1*:6 .......................... . ............,...,..,.........,........ . 1   bailql
¢ Final mhulmicvu of second semes- ll Business Address _____  
_ ters r&=glsl;muic»11 Hgures at the Uni- l¤¤e·¤k address maimed mh §.{Q¤{1§¤}`,{I${;§,{gS] '''`''``'''````'`'''· l   Of
- ’•`E‘I'$l*CY mr the ;r¤2·al· 1938-39 shows O . `   WO S
1 ¤ . {hg; 3,3,75 5y;u.;qE·u[s Qnfulled fm. the C'C`U¤D@·UUU1 -.-· it .................. . .... . ............... . ..-··   h€y‘ O
j   ‘ termu ` 'PIESSE hg EXUMUYZ. UUHSZ Eflglnecr [ur Jgngg 3,; Cow Cgntrgclgrsn   @3:9
t This ls elglu sham of me gurl; MBI`Yi€”d T0 ··...... . ............, , ..,,.,.,_,.,.,...........   E   big; §
  * SEK im; {hg (·m·y_·gSpU