xt7vq814nn8s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vq814nn8s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1966-04-apr5. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1966-04-apr5. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1966-04-apr5. 1966 1966-04-apr5. 2011 true xt7vq814nn8s section xt7vq814nn8s 

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky,
Tuesday, April 5, 1966.

    The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the Board Room in
the Administration Building on the campus of the University at 10:00 2a. m. , EST, on
Tuesday, April 5, 1966 in accordance with KRS 164. 170. The following members
were present: Dr. Ralph Angelucci, Vice Chairman, Mr. Smith Broadbent, Dr.
H. B. Murray, Mr. Sam Ezelle, Mr. William R. Black, Mr. 0. L. McEIroy, Dr.
Harry Denham, Mr. Clifford E. Smith, Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer, Dr. R. W.
Bushart, and Dr. Harry Sparks. Absent were Governor Edward Breathitt, Mr.
Wendell P. Butler, Mr. W. F. Foster, and Mr. Floyd Wright. Professor Paul
Oberst and Dr. Stephen Diachun, non-voting faculty members, were present as
were the following representatives of the administration: President John W. Oswald,
Vice Presidents A. D. Albright, Robert F. Kerley, William R. Willard, Glenwood
L. Creech. News media representatives were also present.

    A. Meeting Opened

    Dr. Angelucci, presiding in Governor Breathitt's absence, called the meeting
to order and asked Dr. Stephen Diachun to pronounce the invocation. Dr. H. B.
Murray, designated by Dr. Angelucci to serve as acting secretary, called the roll
and reported 11 voting and 2 non-voting members present. Since this constituted a
quorum, Dr. Angelucci declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of busi-
ness at I0:10 a.m.

    B. Minutes Approved

    On motion by Dr. Denham, duly seconded and carried, the Minutes for the
January 21, i966 meeting and the February 18, 1966 meeting of the Executive Com-
mittee of the Board of Trustees were approved as published.

    C. Mr. William R. Black Welcomed and Oath Administered to Dr. Harry
Denham and to Professor Paul Oberst

    Dr. Angelucci recognized Mr. William R. Black of Paducah, Kentucky, ap-
pointed by Governor Breathitt as an alumni representative on the Board of Trustees
for a term expiring December 31, 1969, and indicated that Mr. Black had taken the
oath of office in Frankfort immediately following his appointment. Dr. Angelucci
then administered the oath to Dr. Harry Denharn, reappointed by the Governor to a
term expiring December 31, 1969, and to Professor Paul Oberst, non-voting facul-
ty member, re-elected by the University Faculty to a term ending June 30, 1969.



    D. President's Report on Activities

    Before presenting his monthly report on University activities, Dr. Oswald
welcomed Mr. Black to membership on the Board of Trustees and expressed
gratification that Dr. Denham and Professor Oberst would continue on the Board
for additional terms. He commented briefly on the items in the report, prefacing
his remarks with the statement that the report was illustrative of the diversity of
activities being carried on throughout the University.

    The President's Report on Activities, copies of which are mailed to the facul-
ty and alumni following each meeting, was accepted with thanks and ordered filed.

    E. Recommendations of the President (PR 2) and Supplemental Recommen-
dations of the President (PR 3) Approved

    Since the items contained in PR 2, Recommendations of the President, and
PR 3, Supplemental Recommendations of the President, were routine in nature and
both were brief, the Board elected to act upon the two at the same time.

    Dr. Oswald called attention to the increase in the late registration fee from
$5 to $20 effective with the Fall Semester 1966-67 (PR2) and to the recommendation
that a Department of Accounting, with Dr. W. W. Ecton as Chairman, be es-
tablished in the College of Business and Economics, effective July 1, 1966. He
commented that this was a further step in the departmentalization of the college and
the strengthening of the total program.

    Mr. Kerley called attention to reported changes in the investment portfolio and
indicated that the overall rate of interest for recent investments is 5. 3%o or better.

    On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, PR 2, Recommendations of the
President, and PR 3, Supplemental Recommendations of the President, were ap-
proved as a whole and ordered made a part of the official Minutes of the April 5,
1966 meeting of the Board of Trustees. (See PR 2 and PR 3 at the end of the
Minutes. )

    F. Honorary Degrees Approved for Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, Dr. Philip E.
Blackerby, Jr., Dr. Carl Hill, Mr. John Mason Brown, and Dr. Louis Gordon

    President Oswald expressed his pleasure in passing on to the Board of
Trustees the recommendations of the Honorary Degree Committee, duly approved
by the Graduate Faculty and the University Senate, for recipients of honorary
degrees at the commencement exercises on May 9, 1966. The following five indi-
viduals were recommended for the degree shown:



                Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain     Doctor of Laws
                Dr. Philip E. Blackerby, Jr. Doctor of Laws
                Dr. Carl Hill                Doctor of Laws
                Mr. John Mason Brown       Doctor of Literature
                Dr. Louis Gordon             Doctor of Science

Biographical sketches for each person were included as a part of PR 4, a copy of
which is included at the end of the Minutes.

    On motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Broadbent, and passed unanimous-
ly, approval was granted to award the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws to Dr.
Leo M. Chamberlain; Dr. Philip E. Blackerby, Jr. , and Dr. Carl M. Hill; the
honorary degree of Doctor of Literature to Mr. John Mason Brown; and the honor-
ary degree of Doctor of Science to Professor Louis Gordon, at the commencement
exercises on May 9; 1966. and the President was authorized to notify each person
of his selection to receive the degree approved. (See PR 4 at the end of the
Minutes. )

    G. Operating Budget for 1966-67 Approved

    Dr. Oswald indicated that he wished Dr. Albright and Mr. Kerley to make the
formal presentation of the budget but would like to make a few cpmments first. He
said the budget document represents the internal breakdown of (a) state funds that
were appropriated by the 1966-67 Legislature, and lb) estimated income from fees,
sales and services; hospital; and other activities of the University. The budget, he
emphasized, is the financial expression of the University's educational programs.
He then read the following points from his letter of transmittal which highlighted
several features embraced in the budget document:

              1.   Salary increments for faculty based upon merit and
                    aimed to keep the University in as competitive a
                    position as possible

              2.   Salary increments for faculty for promotion in rank

              3.   Continuance of the summer faculty research fellow-
                    ships and the faculty fellowships for the improvement
                    of teaching

              4.   Provision for 100 new faculty positions in instruction
                    and research to serve increased enrollments, esti-
                    mated at 12 per cent on the Lexington campus, and to
                    strengthen existing programs; these positions barely
                    provide for the maintenance of the present student -
                    faculty ratios



              5.   Provision of 130 new graduate student assistant-
                    ships to advance graduate education

              6.   Implementation of a few new instructional programs
                    including planning education, computer science,
                    statistics and applied mathematics

              7.   Further activation of four interdisciplinary
                    research programs--institutes on water resources,
                    public administration, engineering mechanics, and
                    the Center on Developmental Change

              8.   Continued activation of programs in the health
                    service fields, particularly medicine and dentistry,
                    including neurology, cell biology, medical technology
                    and allied health fields

              9.   Continued activation of the University Hospital

              10.   The extension of the sophomore year in the community
                    colleges at Somerset and Hopkinsville and planning
                    funds for new colleges at Blackey-Hazard, Jefferson
                    County and Maysville

             11.   Expansion of terminal technical programs of nursing,
                    dental technology, fo'estry, mining and agriculture in
                    the community college system

             12.   Provision of 48 new teaching positions in the community
                    college system to accommodate an estimated increase
                    in enrollments of 730 or 20 per cent above the current

             13.   Re-programming for research and service in agri-
                    culture with an emphasis upon area specialists and de-

    In asking Dr. Albright to comment on the budget, Dr. Oswald commended him
highly for his leadership in the development of the budget. He also commended
Dr. Albright's staff and Mr. Kerley and his staff, who provided the necessary fi-
nancial data. He commented that this was the third budget which he had presented
and each one showed marked improvement over the preceding one.

    Dr. Albright reiterated the President's statement that the budget is the fi-
nancial expression of an educational program. The 1966-67 budget attempts tohelp



the University achieve its goals of greater emphasis on upper division programs,
the development of graduate education, and, along with that, the furtherance of
research as a part of graduate education.

    The budget is based upon a predicted increase in enrollment of about 12 per
cent, or 1, 500 additional students. Of the total enrollment expected about 6, 200
will be in the lower division, about 5, 100 in the upper division, and on the graduate
level about 2, 000 students will be in the University. These figures indicate that the
University's enrollment will now resemble a cylinder rather than a pyramid, which
is consistent with the expressed aim of developing upper division and graduate
level programs for there must be one strong advanced graduate preparation and
research institution in the state. The budget reflects this change in emphasis
through the provision of additional graduate student assistantships. Such assistant-
ships will tend to increase the graduate enrollment as well as to insure better gradu-
ate students entering the University. The graduate program will also be strengthen-
ed since no assistantships are assigned to a department until the department can
demonstrate its ability to provide a program for the development and improvement
of graduate teaching assistantships.

    In building the budget the present faculty - student ratio of 1-18 was maintained
(a change in that ratio by one student costs a half million dollars). Another ob-
jective which the institution has been seeking to attain is the improvement of its
programs, particularly its research programs. The development of the research
institutes has progressed and is now reflected in this budget through larger general
fund support and larger grants from research funds. In keeping with the objective
of developing advanced graduate programs, several new doctoral programs are
being provided and present ones are being strengthened. Among the new programs
at the doctoral level are those in mechanical engineering, anthropology, and
German. On the master's level, a program in planning education will be started
in September and its development will carry over into the next year. New programs
are planned in applied mathematics and statistics on the undergraduate level.

    With federal funds increasingly available in a number of areas, particularly
vocational education, the budget reflects an increase, not only in federal and state
funds for this purpose, but also some additional general funding to prepare people
in the area of vocational education. There is provision in the budget also for
training in the allied health fields, some of which will reach into the community
colleges. Another objective of the institution has been the strengthening of exist-
ing programs. Some reorganization is provided for September 1966 when all
freshmen will enter the College of Arts and Sciences. This has been translated
into the budget. This program will actually be less costly per student to the Uni-
versity and the taxpayer. Since no personnel reductions have been made, the
elimination of lower division students from professional programs will result in a
strengthening of these programs through allowance of more time for research and
writing as well as teaching by the present staffs.

    The budget provides for better advisory, counseling and guidance systems for
all students in the University. Still another objective has been faculty advancement--



the employment of better and better faculty members and the retention of ablefaculty.
Provisions in this budget will keep the University in a mid-position among the eleven
benchmark institutions used for comparative purposes. This has been accomplished
by realizing increases of from 5 1/2 per cent to 6 per cent. Dr. Angelucci asked if
the University was not now recruiting new faculty from the so-called "upper class in-
stitutions". Dr. Albright agreed, saying two from Princeton and two from Cornell
had recently been recruited. He continued that faculty and staff advancement also in-
cluded extension of retirement benefits to include more people and greater benefits.

    Another objective, in addition to development of research, is improvement of
teaching, including the increased emphasis or advising, counseling, and guidance of
students, the provision for teaching and learning resources, instructional aids for
faculty improvement, the use of closed circuit TV on a large scale, faculty teaching
improvement grants, and summer improvement programs for the faculties of the
Community Colleges.

    Program revision and reorganization, based on action already approved by the
Board, are reflected in the budget in the departmentalization of the College of Busi-
ness and Economics, the establishment of the Schools in the College of Arts and
Sciences, the transfer of the College of Pharmacy to :he Medical Center, the
strengthening of the Computer Center, and the enrichment of library holdings.

    In the budget request which went to the Governor and the Legislature, an attempt
was made to develop a program budget. In time it is hoped that the internal budget
will become more and more a program budget and less and less a specific expendi-
ture budget. This means asking each unit of the institution to do three things:
(1) state what it proposes to achieve in a given year; (2) what kind of programs are
envisaged; and (3) how each unit proposes to assess the progress made. A work con-
ference with the deans and other administrative officials will be held in May prima-
rily for the purpose of discussing with them the movement in this direction.

    Mr. Kerley was asked to present the budget for the University Hospital, agri-
culture, and retirement. He explained that the total beds for the University Hospital
when fully activated would be 465. At present 264 are activated and 318 will be acti-
vated by June 30, 1966. It is proposed that by June 30, 1967, 364 beds will be acti-
vated provided nursing service is available to permit it. The 1966-67 budget for the
University Hospital is based on the following three assumptions: (1) full year oper-
ation at 318 bed level; i2y special reserve for activating 46 beds to 364 bed level on
June 30, 1967; and (3) special reserve for remainder of state budget projections
should further activation achievement become possible. The adjusted budget for the
current year and for 1966-67 follows:

                           1965-66                      1966- 67
                           (318 Beds'    (318 Beds)   (364 Beds)   (465 Beds)
Estimated Income        $2,205, 000    $3; 402,440     $156,055      $680,114
General Fund Support     3,648,000       3,730,010      123,176       168,605
                         $5,853,000     $7,132,450      $279,231     $848,719

The reserve remainingfromthe 1964-65 Hospitalbbudgetamounts to $340,000. The total
funds appropriated by the state are based on activ7ation of the hospital to 465 beds.



    Mr. Ezelle at this point questioned the inventory system of the University,
asking if the College of Pharmacy maintained a complete drug inventory. He said
that the audit report last year indicated that it did not. Mr. Smith, as Chairman of
the Finance Committee, replied that the Executive Committee of the Board had
named a Hospital Committee charged with the responsibility to study the financial
situation in the hospital. This committee and the Finance Committee will give
careful study to the reports from the audit firm for the fiscal year 1964-65 and one
area which will receive particular scrutiny will be the determination of whether or
not the University maintains an adequate inventory system. Mr. Ezelle then
questioned whether or not the University had a satisfactory inventory of livestock
and Mr. Kerley replied that the former weakness in this area had been remedied
and an adequate inventory was available.

    Mr. Smith urged all members of the Board to study in detail the audit reports
which had been mailed to each member and to direct any questions they might have
to him as Chairman of the Finance Committee. He assured the Board that this com-
mittee would make a very thorough study of the audits, not because he felt that there
was anything basically wrong but because it is one of the fundamental responsibili-
ties of the Board of Trustees to see that the business operations of the University
are as efficient as possible.

    Mr. Kerley returned to the budget with a brief resume/ of the agriculture
budget. He said that the amount budgeted for instruction, research, and extension
reflects state support and federal income. The income figures include the pro-
posed cut in federal funds but no expenditure authority has been given for the amount
of the possible cut.  The following special reserves have been set up in the agri-
culture budget and, should the proposed cut in federal funds be restored, upon
program reviews, expenditure authority can then be given for these reserve funds:

        Special Reserve-College of Agriculture                $ 33, 300
        Special Reserve-Experiment Station                     220, 035
        Special Reserve-Cooperative Extension Service      302, 400
                                                               $555, 735

    Mr. Ezelle said he wished to call the attention of the Board of Trustees to the
amount of $3, 489, 000 allocated for county agents and home demonstration agents,
approximately 10 per cent of the total appropriation received from the state. He
felt that this figure was completely out of line when only 18 per cent of the population
of Kentucky is now rural. He expressed the opinion that the entire extension
program was out-of-date and said it was time the Board of Trustees faced the issue
squarely and took steps to remedy the situation. In order to insure that action was
taken, Mr. Ezelle made a motion that the Board of Trustees take cognizance of the
changing socio-economic scene and employ an independent agency to make an in-
telligent survey of the Cooperative Extension Service to see whether or not it should
be continued.

Mr. Ezelle's motion did not receive a second and Mr. Smith stated that he felt



Mr. Ezelle had perhaps overlooked the fact that since Dr. Oswald has been presi-
dent there has been a good deal of study given to revamping and revitalizing the
county and home demonstration agent program. The present trend is to have area
specialists rather than home demonstration and agriculture agents. Considerable
progress has been made in that direction. There is a strong need and a strong de-
mand for area specialists in the dairy, beef, and poultry fields. There are now
specialists in each area so that they cover only a limited number of counties. Mr.
Smith agreed that there were definite weaknesses in the Experiment Station and the
College of Agriculture but that moves have been made to strengthen the programs.
One handicap is the restrictive regulations of the United States Department of Agri-

    Dr. Oswald followed Mr. Smith's statement, saying that he agreed there is no
area which needs study more than agriculture extension but the intimation that there
has not been any study was not correct. A large number of the cooperative extension
people are working on projects that are not strictly agricultural in nature, such as
local development committees, community action programs, water resources, plans
for social rehabilitation, and community improvement centers. In some non-
agricultural areas of Eastern Kentucky, some agents are involved in over 90% "non-
agricultural" work. Because they were traditionally organized as agricultural insti-
tutions, land-grant colleges are now faced with the problem of effecting a change in
emphasis. In the future, county agents will hopefully provide whatever the needs of
their area are--urban or rural--agricultural or non-agricultural. The University
must organize itself to provide resources to these agents in all areas--not just agri-
culture alone.

    President Oswald further said one dream which he had was that the community
colleges would become small land-grant institutions, in furthering service to the Com-
monwealth. The first step in the realization of this dream has already been taken
through the housing of some of the area specialists in the community colleges.

    The change in emphasis in the Cooperative Extension Service is not a problem
unique to Kentucky but is one which is recognized at the national level. Changes are
being effected slowly but surely.

    Mr. Ezelle responded that he was delighted to hear Dr. Oswald's report, saying
it was one of the best he had made since coming to the University. Dr. Denham
indicated that there was still a place for good agriculture agents in certain areas
since fewer and fewer people a.re having to produce more and more.

    Dr. Angelucci said he wished the record to show that the Board of Trustees had
been aware of the need for change for several years and the best means for effecting
the change have been studied and discussed by the Board members informally. He
further pointed out that the same question had been raised last year at the time the
1965-66 budget was approved (see Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees for
May 4, 1965).

    Mr. Ezelle said he felt the Governor and the Legislature should receive an ex-
pression of appreciation from the Board for the generous appropriation to the Uni-
versity and further that thanks should be expressed to Dr. Albright, Mr. Kerley,



and members of their staffs for the outstanding job done in preparing the budget.

    Mr. Smith made the following motion: that the 1966-67 operating budget as sub-
mitted be approved and ordered recorded as an integral part of the University's fi-
nancial system with the necessary fiscal control being exercised for the collection
and appropriation of income and for the expenditure of departmental appropriations in
accordance with authorized fiscal policies and procedures and accepted as a basis of
maximum expenditures for the year 1966-67. The Board of Trustees or the Execu-
tive Committee is empowered to make such changes in the budget as may from time
to time be deemed necessary upon recommendation of the President. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Ezelle and passed without dissent.

    H. Authorization to Engage External Audit Firm for University Hospital

    The University Hospital has now been in operation for several years and it is
the judgment and desire of the Board of Trustees' HospitalCommittee and the Uni-
versity Administration that an audit be performed for the constructive purpose of
examining and evaluating University Hospital fiscal policies and procedures and the
rendering of a report to the Trustees thereon.

    On motion by Mr. Ezelle, seconded by Mr. Smith, and carried, the Vice
President-Business Affairs and Treasurer was authorized to enter into a special
contract with the University's external audit firm for the purpose of causing an ex-
ternal audit of University Hospital fiscal policies and procedures and that the audit
firm be requested to make specific recommendations.

    I. University of Kentucky Development Council Established and Membership
Named (PR 7)

    Dr. Oswald called the attention of the Board to PR 7, Establishment of Uni-
versity of Kentucky Development Council, and said it gave him much pleasure to
recommend the establishment of the Council and called particular attention to the
calibre of the men who have agreed to serve should the Board approve of the es-
tablishment of the Council. Mr. Smith suggested that Mr. Smith Broadbent be
added as a Trustee Member of the Council.

    On motion by Dr. Denham, seconded and passed, the University of Kentucky De-
velopment Council was established to serve in an advisory capacity to the President
and, through him to the Board of Trustees, for all private fund development for the
entire University; and approved the membership of the Council as shown in PR 7
with the addition of Mr. Smith Broadbent as a Trustee Member. (See PR 7 at the
end of the Minutes. )

    Dr. Sparks said that historically this action will be one of the greatest things
that has ever happened at the University of Kentucky.



    J. Activation of Jefferson Community College at Louisville

    President Oswald reminded the Board of Trustees that at the December 27,
1965 meeting of the Executive Committee authorization was given to establish a
community college in Louisville, Kentucky, to be known as the Jefferson Com-
munity College. such college to be operated jointly with the University of
Louisville. He then called attention to PR 8, Activation of Jefferson Community
College at Louisville, a copy of which is included at the end of the Minutes. He
indicated that should the Board approve the recommendations contained in PR 8,
it was his intention to name Dr. Lewis Cochran, Mr. Robert Kerley, and Dean
Ellis F. Hartford to serve with him as the four members from the University of
Kentucky on the executive committee, which would be charged with administration
of the Jefferson Community Coliege.

    Mr. Ezelle expressed his pleasure that the Jefferson Community College was
to be activated and reminded the Board that two years ago he had suggested the de-
sirability of locating a community college in Louisville. On his motion, seconded
by Dr. Murray and unanimously carried, the recommendations contained in PR 8
were approved and ordered made a part of the official Minutes of the April 5, 1966
meeting. (See PR 8 at the end of the Minutes. )

    K. Report on Status of Paducah Junior College Relationship

    At the February 18, 1966 meeting of the Executive Committee the proper Uni-
versity officials were authorized to take the necessary steps to obtain permissive
legislation for Paducah Junior College to be included in the Community College
System. Such permissive legislation was passed in early March by the General
Assembly. The legislation enacted provided for the concurrence of the Boards of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky and of Paducah Junior College. Paducah
has named a liaison committee of six and President Oswald said he wished to ap-
point Dr. A. D. Albright, Mr. Robert Kerley and Dr. Ellis Hartford as the Uni-
versity's liaison committee to negotiate with Paducah Junior College with the
understanding that final decisions will be left to the Board of Trustees.

    Mr. Black said that he had been very much interested in the Paducah Junior
College for the past two years. He felt that its inclusion in the University Com-
munity College System would benefit western Kentucky and Paducah in particular
and the relationship of the University with Paducah would bring the University in
closer contact with the western part of the state. He moved that the committee
named by President Oswald be approved and that they be empowered to negotiate
with the committee named by Paducah Junior College with the understanding that
final decisions would rest with the two Boards of Trustees. His motion was
seconded and carried.



    L. Financial Report

    Mr. Kerley explained that it had not been possible to provide the usual
monthly financial statement due to the early meeting date of the Board in April;
however, the report would be mailed to members of the Board as soon as it
could be completed. He said that future reports would carry a one-page
summary which would give the Trustees a quick picture of the University's fi-
nancial status.

    M. Plans for Association of Governing Boards Meeting Outlined

    Dr. Creech reported that approximately 200 regents and trustees were ex-
pected at the May 1-3 meeting of the Association of Governing Boards to be held
on the University of Kentucky campus. The meeting will open with a dinner
session on Sunday evening, May 1. There will be sessions on Monday followed
by a dinner at Spindletop Hall which the University Board of Trustees will host.
Tuesday morning will be the final session and the meeting will close with a noon
luncheon. Tours and other recreational plans have been made and Dr. Creech
hoped that the members of the Board would be able to participate in many of the

    N. Time of May Meeting of Board Changed

    The next statutory meeting of the Board of Trustees, May 3, 1966, falls on
the final day of the AGB meeting; therefore, it was suggested that the Board meet
at 2:00 p. m. rather than 10:00 a. m. on Tuesday, May 3, and that members at-
tend the morning session and the luncheon of the AGB meeting. This suggestion
was put in the form of a motion which was duly seconded and carried.

    0. Meeting Adjourned

    Dr. Angelucci, having first determined that there was no further business to
come before the meeting, called for a motion to adjourn. The motion was made,
seconded, and carried and the meeting adjourned at 12:30 p. m.

                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                      H. B. Murray, Acting Secretary
                                      Board of Trustees

(PR 2, PR 3, PR 4, PR 7, Pr 8 are official parts of the Minutes of the April 5,
1966 meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky. )


                                                                         P R1

                         PRESIDENT'S REPORT TO THE TRUSTEES

                                     April 5, 1966


     Ashland Community College opened its annual Arts Festival on March 30
with a five-day exhibition of drawings and paintings by Appalachian artists.
The festival will continue through April 27. Among the other highlights
will be a production of Shakespeare's Othello by the College Theater, under
direction of Mr. John B. Sowards, instructor in English, speech and dramatic
arts; a performance of the folk operetta, "Lowland Sea," by the College
Choristers; concerts by the Ashland Madrigal Singers, the University Orchestra
from Lexington, and the Paul Blazer High School Band, and the showing of five
art films.


     A new continuing education program for the medical and professional
staffs of the state's community hospitals has been inaugurated by the