xt7vq814nn76 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vq814nn76/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1964-12-sep15. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1964-12-sep15. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1964-12-sep15. 1964 1964-12-sep15. 2011 true xt7vq814nn76 section xt7vq814nn76 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, Tuesday, September 15, 1964., Board Room, Administration

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the Board
Room, Administration Building, at 10:00 a.m.. Eastern Standard Time,
Tuesday, September 15, 1964, in regular meeting with the following present:
Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Dr. Harry Sparks, Dr. Harry Denham, Mr.
Smith Broadbent, Jr., Dr. R.W. Bushart, Mr. Sam Ezelle, Mr. W.F. Foster,
Dr. H. B. Murray, Mr. Clifford E. Smith, Mr. Floyd Wright, Mr. Gilbert
Kingsbury, D,. Ralph J. Angelucci, Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer, Judge James A.
Sutherland, Professor Paul Oberst, and Dr. Lewis Cochran. Representing the
University administration were: President John W. Oswald, and Vice Presidents
A.D. Albright, William R. Willard, and Robert F. Kerley. A distinguished
guest, former Governor Bert T. Combs, was also present. Mr. Wendell P.
Butler was absent.

       A. Meeting Opened

       Preceding the call to order, the official photograph for the Centennial
Year was made by Mr. Hal Davis of the Courier-Journal. The Chairman.
Governor Edward T. Breathitt, call'-d the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. The
invocation was given by Judge James A. Sutherland, followed by the roll call.
Having determi ned a quorum was present, the chairman declared the meeting
open for the conduct of business.

       B. Minutes Approved

       Governor Breathitt entertained a motion by Dr. Angelucci, seconded by
Mr. Ezelle, that the reading of the minutes of the meetings of the Executive
Committee on July 23, 1964, and August 21, 1964, be dispensed with and that the
minutes be approved as published. By unanimous vote, the motion was approved
and the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees of July 23, 1964, and August 21, 1964, were approved as published.

      C. Presentation of the Resolution to the Honorable Bert T. Combs

      At the meeting in January, 1964, the Board of Trustees adopted a reso-
lution of appreciation to the Honorable Bert T. Combs, former governor and
chairman of the Board. Presentation of the resolution was delayed until such
time as Governor Combs could be present and a full Board meeting was scheduled.
President John W. Oswald, on behalf of the Board of Trustees, presented the
resolution which cited a significant number of achievements during the tenure in
office of Governor Combs. Am-nong these were the leadership in the establishment
of the community college system, support for the development of scientific re-
search and equipment, the new Agricultural Science Center and National Tobacco
Research Laboratoryv the enactment of the tax program to aid the entire education-
al system of Kentucky, and the various additions to the physical plant. Upon



receiving the resolution, Governor Combs commented that it would be kept among
his most treasured possessions. He stated that as a citizen he was proud of and
p lea sed with what he saw and heard about his Alma Mater. He commended the
Board for their continuing effort to solve the problems of the University of

       Governor Breathitt, speaking for the people of Kentucky and the Board of
Trustees, thanked Governor Combs for the quality of his leadership in establish-
ing a tax structure that did so much to aid the whole educational system of the
state, from primary grades through the University. To the great credit of
Govoernor Combs was the naming of the committee which recommended the se-
lection of Dr. Oswald as president of the University.

       D. President's Report to the Trustees

       Copies of the President's Report are made available to the members of
the Board of Trustees, the faculty and staff, and to the press. Making up this
report are significant items relative to activities and achievements of the colleges,
departments, and individuals at the University of Kentucky. Included was an
article on the enrollment figures for the fall semester. When all enrollment
figures are compiled, it is expected that the figure will be approximately 15, 000,
breaking all previous records. Other items of interest were: (1) The College of
Nursing was given full approval of the Kentucky Board of Nursing Education and
Nurse Registration. All graduates of the first class (May, 1964) passed the
state licensing examination. (2) Since its opening in April, 1962, the University
Hospital has served a total of 43, 543 patients. (3) The University Computing
Center has tripled its research capacity by the acquisition of new equipment.

       E. Presentation of the "Blue Report"

       President Oswald reminded the members of the Board that this report
is mailed to them in advance and contains routine, but important, items for which
approval or action is requested.



Recommendation: that a free fee scholarship be approved for Mr. Henner Hess,
the Heidelberg exchange scholar for 1964-65, and Sudha Sankaran, the Woman's
Club Scholar, and that the report of the Committee on International Students
relative to recipients of the other free fee scholarships be accepted.

Background: At the meeting of the Board of Trustees on April 7, 1964, approval
was given to the authorization of ten free fee scholarships and two $600 pIus free
tuition scholarships for International Students for 1964-1965, with the understanding
that the Board would be given the names of the recipients in the fall. The com-
mittee now reports the following e: ght persons have been chosen to receive the



free tuition scholarships: Kwang Bae Kim, Korea; Turkan Uzar, Turkey; Soon
Wha Yu, Korea; Chih-chao Su, China; Chien Hwa Feng. China; Solomon Akoto,
Ghana; Lawrence Kong Pu Wang, China; Yun-ju Huang, China; and the two $600
plus free fee scholarships have been awarded to: Isaam Safady, J. ordan, and
Saeed Salehi, Iran. The committee indicates that two additional persons will
be selected later to completethetenrscholarships already approved.

The University of Kentucky has had an exchange program with the University of
Heidelberg for the past several years through which the recipient receives $1200
plus a free fee scholarship. Mr. Hess is the scholar this year. The Woman's
Club Scholarship of $1000 also carries with it a free fee scholarship.


Recommendation: that the President's report on consultative services approved
be accepted as presented.

Background: Approval has been given for the persons listed below to perform the
consultative services indicated with the usual understanding that such services
will in no way interfere with the performance of regularly scheduled University

-Dr. John H. Bondurant, Department of Agricultural Economics, to initiate a
       study of the principal production requirements, costs and returns for
       typical tobacco farms in Taiwan, China.
-Dr. John Douglas, Department of Business Administration, for consultation
       service to the George E. Tomlinson Company, Inc.


 -Recommendation: that approval be given to the appointments and/or other changes
 which require Board action and that the President's report relative to appoint-
 ments and/or changes already approved by the administration be accepted.

 Background: Approval of the Board of Trustees is required for all appointments
 to positions with the rank of associate professor and above, to promotions, and
 to the granting of tenure, and to salary changes above $12, 000 for non-academic
 personnel and $15, 000 for academic personnel. All other appointments and/or
 changes may be made by the President and reported to the Board.

 Given below are the personnel changes since the last meeting of the Board of
 Trustees which either require action or which have already been acted upon by
 the President and are being reported:




N ew Appointments

Ralph Shabetai, M.D. , Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, College
      of Medicine
Carl H. Fortune, M.D. , Clinical Professor of Medicine, Department of
      Medicine, College of Medicine
Abdel Rahim Omran, M.D., D.P.H., Dr. P.H., Associate Clinical Professor
      of Community Medicine, Department of Community Medicine, College of
,Stanley L. Block, M.D. , Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Depart-
      ment of Psychiatry, College of Medicine

Sabbatical Leave

William D. Ehmnann, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, at half
      salary, beginning September 1, 1964, ending June 30, 1965
Cecil C. Carpenter, Professor of Economics, College of Commerce, at full
     salary, beginning September 1, 1964, ending December 31, 1964

Retirement (Prior to 65)

Ruth Osborne, Critic, College of Education, Instruction (University School),
     effective September 1, 1964


New Appointments

Hayden Timmons, Consultant, Public Information Department
Billie M. Ables, Ph.D. , Instructor, Clinical Psychology, College of Medicine
George L. Willis, Visiting Assistant Professor, Political Science, College of
     Arts and Sciences
Larry Eugene Askins, Instructor, Prestonsburg Community College
Robert N. McLeod, Jr. , M.D. , Assistant Clinical Professor of Pediatrics,
     Department of Pediatrics College of Medicine
Herman C. Weber, Instructor. Architecture
Richard L. Roth, M.D., Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Department
     of Medicine, College of Medicine
Mary L. Powell, Instructor, College of Nursing
Woodrow W. Wilkins, Lecturer, Architecture
Frida G. Surawicz, M.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry,
     College of Medicine
Whittie 0. Weaver, Visiting Assistant Professor, College of Pharmacy
Doris A. Berry, Instructor in Business Administration, Prestonsburg Community
     College                                                 I
Sherwin Fishman, D.D.S., Instructor, Department of Commurity Dentistry,
     College of Dentistry




Recommendation: that the gifts and/or grants listed below be ordered accepted
and proper letters of appreciation sent to the donors.

Background: The names of donors, the amounts given, and the purposes for
which the money is to be used are given below:




Kentucky Section, American
Society of Civil Engineers
Schlumberger Foundation
United States Steel Foundation, Inc.
Southern States Cooperative
Mr. & Mrs. George Whittington
Junior Achievement of Henderson
Henderson City Lions Club
Radio Station WSON
Elks Auxiliarv
Heritage Woman's Club
Howard Wholesale Company
Woman's Benefit Association
Mulberry-Helm Elementary School
Woman's Club of Muldraugh
The First-Hardin National Bank
International Nickel Company
Kentucky Association of Highway
Contracto rs
Kentucky Utilities Company
Kentucky Concrete Pipe Company
Union Light, Heat and Power Co.
Metropolitan Woman's Club
Mason County Farm Bureau
Armco Steel Corporation
Kennedy Book Store, Inc.
Central Rock Company, Inc.
The Kroger Company

$   250. 00  Scholarships

1, 000.00
7, 200.00

Fellowship in History

500. 00  Scholarship
500. 00  Scholarship
300. 00  Scholarship
250. 00  Scholarship
500. 00  Scholarship
  110. 00  Scholarship
  250. 00  Scholarship
  250. 00  Scholarship
  250. 00  Scholarship
  100. 00  Scholarship
  500. 00  Schola rship
1, 003. 00  Scholarship

500. 00
250. 00
500. 00
500. 00
1, 000.00
200. 00
370. 00
500. 00
500. 00


at Henderson
at Henderson
at Henderson
at Henderson
at Henderson
at Ashland
at Prestonsburg
at Elizabethtown,
at Elizabethtown
at Elizabethtown
at Elizabethtown
in Engineering

in Engineering
in Engineering
in Engineering


$21, 833.00

Mr. S. Alex Parker, 20 shares of R.J.

Reynolds Tobacco Company Stock, for

      On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer and seconded, the report and the recommen-
dations of the President were approved as presented.



      F. Supplemental Recommendations of the President

      The supplemental recommendations of the president are items routine in
nature which were received too late to be included in the "Blue Report". Copies
of the following report were made available to the members of the Board of
Trustees and to the press:



Recommendation: that the gifts and/or grants listed below be ordered accepted
and proper letters of appreciation sent to the donors.

Background: The names of donors, the amounts given, and the purposes for which
the money is to be used are given below:




Kentucky Retail Farm Equipment
As sociation

General Electric Foundation
Kentucky Federation of Women's
The Sperry and Hutchins on Co.
The Carrier Foundation

$   160. 00  Scholarship in Agricultural
              Engine e ring
    520. 00  Matching gifts of alumni

500. 00
1, 000. 00

Unrestricted grant
Scholarship in Engineering

                                  $ a,680.00


1. Contract with Central States Forest Service,

C olumbus, Ohio

Recommendation: that approval be given to a contract between the University
and Central States Forest Service, Columbus, Ohio, which is a division of the
Forest Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, whereby Contral States
Forest Service will, for the sum of not more than $4, 500, make available to the
University for carrying out the program of its Wood Use Development Center at
Quicksand, Kentucky, the professional services of a qualified forest products
technologist (whose qualifications for thr work assigned shall be acceptable to
the University) for three months during the period from October 1, 1964, to
June 30, 1965, and that the appropriate officers of the University be authorized
to execute the contract.

Background: The compensation to be paid the Central States Forest Experiment



Station under the contract is limited to the amount of salary paid the technologist
by Central States during the time he is actually performing services for the
University plus a per diem for not more than 65 days @ $12. 00 and his traveling

The Wood Use Development Center is in need of the services of a qualified forest
products technologist, and Central States Forest Experiment Station has person-
nel that is experienced and well qualified for this work. Mr. Gilbert E. D-i-Own,
who performed this work for the Wood Use Development Center, resigned a few
months ago and a replacement for him has not yet been found. The services
offered by this contract will fill the need until a person who is qualified for the
position can be employed. Dean William A. Seay has given his approval of the

2. Agreement with Farmers Forage Research Cooperative, Lafayette, Indiana

Recommendation: that approval be given to an agreement, which is in the form of
a memorandum of understanding, between the University and Farmers Forage
Research Cooperative, Lafayette, Indiana, and that the appropriate officers of
the University be authorized to execute the agreement.

Background: This agreement is for experimentation and research to be done by
the University for the hybridization of red clover. This work is to be performed
in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture over a period of
three years, beginning July 1, 1964, and the Cooperative is to pay the University
$3, 000 per year, or a total of $9, 000 for its experimentation and research. This
agreement has been approved by Dean William A. Seay and by Dr. Charles E.
Barnhart, Associate Director of the Experiment Station.


Recommendation: that a "Dentists' Services Plan" for the University be approved.

Background: ThePlan establishes policies and general procedures relating to
compensation for services rendered by all dentists, regardless of specialty, with
full-time faculty appointments in the College of Dentistry. This Plan is applica-
ble to compensation derived from salary and from the Dental Services Account both
of which are established by the University Board of Trustees. The Plan is applica-
ble to all services of such faculty members incident to the care of patients and to
all other activities which are a part of the Medical Center program. Income from
publications and honoraria for lectures or other activities which are not a part of
the Medical Center program are excluded from the Plan, but would remain subject
to policies and regulations of the Board of Trustees. The Plan sets forth the same
policy bases as previously approved for the Medical Services Plan.




                          DENTISTS' SERVICES PLAN


           The Plan shall be known as the DENTISTS' SERVICES PLAN of the
University of Kentucky Medical Center.


           The Plan establishes policies and general procedures relating to
compensation for services rendered by all dentists, regardless of specialty,
with full-time faculty appointments in the College of Dentistry. This Planl is
applicable to compensation derived from salary and from the Dental Services
Account both of which are established by the University Board of Trustees.
The Plan is applicable to all services of such faculty members incident to the
care of patients and to all other activities which are a part of the Medical Center
program. Income fromr publications and honoraria for lectures or other activi-
ties which are not a part of the Medical Center program are excluded from the
Plan, but would remain subject to policies and regulations of the Board of


           The purpose of the Plan is to facilitate proper functioning of the
teaching, research and service programs of the Medical Center, consistent
with the integrity and responsibilities of the University. With this purpose
paramount in consideration, the operation of the Plan will be evaluated periodi-
cally with the underlying principles hereinafter set forth as guides.


          a) The "FUND" as used herein means the Fund for Advancerrment of
Education and Research in The University of Kentucky Medical Center, a non-
profit corporation organized in 1959 under the laws of Kentucky to promote, ad-
vance and support the educational, research and other purposes of the University
of Kentucky Medical Center. The "BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE FUND"r
means the Board of Directors of the Fund for Advancement of Education and Re-
search in the University of Kentucky Medical Center, which Board consists of
five members, including the President of the University of Kentucky, the Vice-
President for the Medical Center of the University, the Chairman of the Execu-
tive Comnmittee of the Board of Trustees of the University and two members
appointed by the Board of Trustees of the University.



as herein used means that Committee of the Furnd for A-'Kancement of Education and
Research in the Uni.versity of Kentucky Medical Center appointed by the Board of
DIrectors of TheFund pursuant to Article X of this Plan.

DENTISTRY" as hereon used means that Committee of the College of Dentistry ap-
pointed by the Dean of the College of Dentistry as provided in Article iX of this

           (d) The "CLIMICAL DEPARTMENTS" as herein used mean the follow-
Lng departments of the College of Dentistry: Operative Dentistry, Fixed Pros-
thodontics, Prosthodontics, Periodontics and Endodontics, Pedodontics, Ortho-
dontics, Oral Surgery, Oral Pathology, Oral Diagnosis-Oral Medicine, Community
Dentistry. and any other departments that in the future may be established and
designated as clhnical by the Board of Trustees of the University. "BASIC
SCIENCE DEPARTMENT" as herein used means any of the other academic depart-
ments of the College of Dentistry not specifically included in this definition of
Clinical Departments.

           ae) The "DENTAL SERVICES ACCOUNT" as herein used means that
separate depository account to be established as provided in Article VII of this

           if} The "BOARD OF TRUSTEES" as herein used means the Board of
Trustees of the University which by law is the governing board of the institution.


           las Denial care will be provided in the Medical Center because it is
essential to the teaching and research programs and to the proper use of the
facilities and skills In the Center to reinforce health care resources in local
communities throughout the Commonwealth.

           *b` The kinds and volume of dental care provided by the Medical
Center will be determined by the needs of the teaching, research and service
programs of the Cen-er. income derived from the provision of such care is inci-
dental to the purposes of these programs and in this sense is properly considered
a "'by-product" of their operation.

           tc) Medical Center patient care facilities will be used exclusively for
activities which are part of the Center's teaching, research and service programs
and separated areas will not be provided for private clinics or pavilions. All
patients admitted tc the Medical Center will receive care as part of the teaching
and research program.

(d! An optimal teaching environment will imbue students with



understanding, sympathy and respect for the patient as a person and will culti-.
vate attitudes which are consistent with the highest ideals of the dental profession.
To develop in students the ability to relate to patients differing widely in person-
ality and environmental factors requires that teaching patients not be drawn from a
single segment of society but rather that they represent a cross-section of the
population. Moreover, optimal use of the Center's facilities in serving the needs
of research activities requires absence of arbitrary restriction by social classi-
fication of patients. Such restrictions also would impair the value and usefulness
to the people and dentists of the Commonwealth of the dental care resources
available in the Center to-reinforce resources available in local communities. In
drawing teaching patients from all segments of the population, it will be the intent
of the Medical Center to follow to the fullest extent possible the principle of
strengthening the relationships between patients and their dentists.

            (e) The professional interests of full-time members of the clinical
faculty of the College of Dentistry should be concentrated in academic dentistry.
Arrangements creating financial incentives for full-time faculty members which
would tend to divert or dilute their concentration on teaching, research, and
program responsibilities are not consistent with the mission of the Medical Center.
Moreover, arrangements providing incentives for full-time members of the clini-
cal faculty to compete with practicing dentists for private patients would place the
Medical Center in a competitive rather than a supportive role.

            (f) Each full-time member of the clinical faculty can rightfully ex-
            1. The facilities, material and support needed for his teaching
                and research,
            2. Opportunity to maintain and develop his clinical skills,
            3. Compensation for his work on a basis which recognizes his
                responsibilities, competence, and productive effort and which
                is reasonably in line with compensation which he could obtain
                elsewhere in academic dentistry.

           Success in attracting and holding an outstanding clinical faculty will
depend on meeting these expectations.

           (g) Assurance that the level of compensation for full-time members
of the clinical faculty is competitive with other good teaching centers and ade-
quate to attract and maintain a strong, competent faculty is basically the responsi-
bility of the University. Responsibility should rest with the University not only for
ensuring that initial and subsequent levels of remuneration are adequate, but also
for ensuring that such levels are not excessive. Through budgetary and related
actions, the University should, to the extent possible and permissible, assure the
faculty member that his total remuneration from all sources will be in accord with
a predetermined level which is fixed consistent with adequacy and which is peri-
odically reviewed.



            (h) Payments received for dentists' services rendered by members
of the full-time faculty of the College of Dentistry should be used only for re-
muneration of such faculty, in such manner and in such amounts as determined
by the Board of Trustees, and for such other purposes in the Medical Center
as may be recommended by representatives of the full-time faculty of the College
of Dentistry.

            (i) With respect to each member of the full-time clinical faculty of
the College of Dentistry, the amount of total compensation will be established by
the Board of Trustees in the operating budgets of the Medical Center. The
manner and extent to which compensation from the Dental Services Account is
combined with other compensation will be reviewed annually by the Board of
Trustees with the objective of providing stability of total compensation without
impinging on the freedom of faculty members to apportion their time and efforts
among teaching, research, and patient care activities as determined by their
interests and program responsibilities.


           Standard schedules of charges for dentists' services, as developed
from time to time by the various clinical departments of the College of Dentistry,
subject to review by the Faculty Advisory Committee of the College of Dentistry
and approval by the Dean of the College of Dentistry, will be the general basis
for assessing such charges to patients. However, the amount of charges to any
individual patient may be adjusted as determined by the dentist rendering the
services, if variation from standard charges is deemed by him to be warranted
by the circumstances.


           Charges for dental services rendered by the full-time members of
the faculty of the College of Dentistry will be billed by the Medical Center for
payment at the time services are provided or subsequently, with such charges
and billings being appropriately coordinated with charges and billings for other
services to patients. Collection of all amounts so billed will be handled by the
Medical Center. Amounts collected for combined charges for dental services
and undesignated receipts from or on behalf of individual patients who receive
dental services will be applied on appropriate bases of proration to payment for
dentists' services and to payment for other services. Major problems relating
to collection from patients of charges for dentists' services will be handled in
a manner that is subject to the concurrence of the dentist rendering the services
to the patient. Any payments, other than compensation as established by the
Board of Trustees, which are received by full-time faculty members for pro-
fessional services within the scope of the Plan shall be transmitted on a current
basis to the Medical Center for inclusion with other funds collected for dentists'



           All funds collected or received by the Medical Center for dentists'
services rendered by members of the faculty of the College of Dentistry shall be
so collected and received by the Medical Center as Trustee for the Fund for Ad-
vancement of Education and Research in the University of Kentucky Medical
Center. Such funds shall be segregated upon receipt and shall be paid over by
the Medical Center to the Fund by depositing the same in a separate account of
the Fund in such depository as may be designated. Such separate account shall
be designated and known as the Dental Services Account of the Fund.


           As a standing policy, The Fund for Advancement of Education and Re-
search in the University of Kentucky Medical Center will use and expend all
monies and funds deposited in the Dental Services Account to the extent available
for the following purposes:

           (a) Compensation to members of the clinical faculty of the College
of Dentistry in such amounts as may be necessary to provide the difference be-
tween other University compensation and the total compensation as established
by the Board of Trustees in the operating budget of the Medical Center. The
operating budget will show the amounts to be paid from the Dental Services Ac-
count, which amounts are dependent upon the availability of funds.

           (b) Such other purposes in the Medical Center as from time to time
may be recommended to the Board of Directors of the Fund by the Dental Faculty
Advisory Committee of the Fund provided, however, that such funds may not at
any tinle be used for payment to members of the faculty of the College of Dentist-
ry of income in excess of the total compensation established for the individual
members thereof by the Board of Trustees in the operating budget of the Medical


           The Dean of the College of Dentistry shall appoint a Faculty Advisory
Committee of the College of Dentistry, which Committee shall consist of the
chairman of all clinical departments of the College, a member of one of the basic
science departments of the College and such other faculty members as the Dean
deems desirable. The Dean will serve ex-officio as Chairman of the Committee.
The Committee will meet periodically and shall review the operation of this Plan,
including matters. relating to the applicability of the Plan to sources of income,
standard schedulets of charges for dentists' services as developed by the clinical
departments and any other aspects of the operation of the Plan. This Committee
shall make such recommendations as it may deem appropriate to the Dean of the
College of Dentistry with respect to the modification of the policies and procedures
provided by this Plan or utilized in its operation.




       The Board of Directors of the Fund will establish within the organizational
structure of the Fund a Dental Faculty Advisory Committee, which shall consist of
all the members of the Faculty Advisory Committee of the College of Dentistry. It
shall be the duty of the Dental Faculty Advisory Committee of the Fund to make recom-
mendations from time to time to the Board of Directors of the Fund on the use of monies
in the Dental Services Account of the Fund, specifically with respect to use of such
monies pursuant to subparagraph (b) of Article VIII of this Plan and within the purposes
authorized by the Articles of Incorporation of the Fund. In the performance of its duty
the Committee shall review the status of the Dental Services Account, for which re-
views the Fund shall provide summary statements of deposits, expenditures and com-
mitments by major categories.


       As a condition of employment, dentists who are full-time faculty members in
the College of Dentistry will not maintain offices or engage in