xt7vq814nm7n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vq814nm7n/data/mets.xml Kincaid, P. R. 1856  books b98-53-42679593 English s.n.], : [Cincinnati : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Horses. Horses Training. Arabian art of taming and training wild & vicious horses  / by P.R. Kincaid. text Arabian art of taming and training wild & vicious horses  / by P.R. Kincaid. 1856 1856 2002 true xt7vq814nm7n section xt7vq814nm7n 










j 9    PRWTNER, 225 & 227 WEST FUTH STREET, C190IDATI, Oi

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  The first domestication of the horse, one of the greatest
achievements of man in the animal kingdom, was not the work
of a day; but like all other great accomplishments, was brought
about by a gradual process of discoveries and experiments. He
first subdued the more subordinate aiinials, on account of their
being easily caught and tamed, and used for many years the
mere drudges, the ox, the ass, and the camel, instead of the fleet
and elegant horse. This noble animal was the last brought into
subjection, owing, perhaps, to man's limited and inaccurate
knowledge of his nature, and his consequent inability to control
him. This fact alone is sufficient evidence of his superiority
over all other animals.
  Man, in all his inventions and discoveries, has almost invari.
ably commenced with some simple principle, and gradually de-
veloped it from one degree of perfection to another. The first
hint that we have of the use of electricity was Franklin's draw-
ing it from the clouds with his kite. Now it is the instrument
of conveying thought from mind to mind, with a rapidity that
surpasses time. The great propelling power that drives the
wheel of the engine over our land, and ploughs the ocean with
our steamers, was first discovered escaping from a tea-kettle,
And so the powers of the horse, second only to the powers of
steam, became known to man only as experiments, and investi-
gation revealed them.
  The horse, according to the best accounts we can gather, has
been the constant servant of man for nearly four thousand
years, ever rewarding him with his labor and adding to his com-
fort in proportion to his skill and manner of using him; but
being to those who govern him by brute force, and know noth-
ing of the beauty and delight to be gained from the cultivation
of his finer nature, a fretful, vicious, and often dangerous ser.
vant; whilst to the Arabs, whose horse is the pride of his life,
and who governs him by the law of kindness, we find him to be
quite a different animal. The manner in which he is treated
from a foal gives him an affection and attachment for his master
not known in any other country. The Arab and his children, the
mare and her foal, inhabit the tent together; and although the foal
and the mare's neck are often pillows for the children to roll


upon, no accident ever occurs, the mare being as careful of the
children as of the colt. Such is the mutual attachment between
the horse and his master, that he will leave his companions at
his master's call, ever glad to obey his voice. And when the
Arab falls from his horse, and is unable to rise again, he will
stand by him and neigh for assistance; and -if he lays down to
sleep, as fatigue sometimes compels him to do in the midst of
the desert, his faithful steed will watch over him, and neigh to
arouse him if man or beast approaches. The Arabs frequently
teach their horses secret signs or signals, which they make use
of on urgent occasions to call forth their utmost exertions.
These are more efficient than the barbarous mode of urging
them on with the spur and whip, a forcible illustration of which
will be found in the following anecdote.
  A Bedouin, named Jabal, possessed a mare of great celebrity.
Hassad Pacha, then Governor of Damascus, wished to buy the
animal, and repeatedly made the owner the most liberal offers,
which Jabal steadily refused. The Pacha then had recourse
to threats, but with no better success. At length, one Gafar,
a Bedouin of another tribe, presented himself to the Pacha,
and asked what he would give the man- who should make him
master of Jabal's mare "I will fill his horse's nose-bag with
gold," replied Hassad. The result of this interview having
gone abroad; Jabal became more watchful than ever, and
always secured his mare at night with an iron chain, one end of
which was fastened to her hind fetlock, whilst the other, after
passing through the tent cloth, was attached to a picket driven ini
the g.'ound under the felt that served himself and wife for a bed.
But one midnight, Gafar crept silently into the tent, and suc-
ceeded in loosening the chain, Just before starting off with his
prize, he caught up Jabal's lance, and poking him with the butt
end, cried out: " I am Gafar! I have stolen your noble mare,
and will give you notice in time." This warning was in accord-
ance with the customs of the Desert; for to rob a hostile tribe
is considered an honorable exploit, and the man who accom-
plishes it is desirous of all the glory that may flow from the
deed. Poor Jabal, when he heard the words, rushed out of the
tent and gave the alarm, then mounting his brother's mare, ac-
companied by some of his tribe, he pursued the robber for four
hours. The brother's mare was of the same stock as Jabal's
but was not equal to her; nevertheless, he outstripped those of
all the other pursuers, and was even on the point of overtaking
the robber, when Jahal shouted to him: " Pinch her right ear
and give her a touch of the heel." Gafar did so, and away
vent the mare like lightning, speedily rendering further pursuit
hopeless. The pi nek in the ear and the touah with the. heel were
the secret signs by which Jabal had been used to urge his mare
to her utmost speed. Jabal's companions were amazed and in-



ligiaYt iAt 'iii 'httaige cbhduLct. "0 thou father of a jackass!"
they cried, ' thon hasthelped the thief to rob thee of thy jewel."
But he' Silenced their upbraidings by saying: " Ii would rather
lose her .thap sully her reputation. Would you have me suffir
it to be said 'a'iong'the tribes that another mare had proved
fleeter: than triini  I have at least this comfort left- me, that
l1lafd day sihe never mIet with her match."
  -ifibrett cdintries lihAve their diflerent modes of horseman-
hi'p,:but aniringsk all of them its first practice wawcarried on in
bitt a rude and indifferent way,'being hardly a stepping stone to
the comfort and delightcgained from the use of the horse at the
present day. The polished Geeeks as well as the ruder nations
of Northern Africa,' for a long while rode without either saddle
or bridle, guiding their horses! with the voice or the hand, or
with a light switch with wvhich they touched the animal on the
side of the face to make him turn in the opposite direction.
They urged him forward by at touch of the heel, and stopped
him by catching hirm by the muzzle. Bridles and bits were at
length introduced, but many centuries elapsed before anything
that could be called a saddle was used. Instead of these, cloths
single or padded, and skins of wild beasts,. often richly adorned,
were placed beneath the rider, but always without stirrups; and
it isgiv ep as an extraordinary fact, that the Romans even in the
ti.me when luxury was carried to excess amongst them, never
desired: so simple an expedient for assisting the horseman to
inount, to lessen his fatigue and aid him in sitting more se-
curely in his saddle. Ancient sculptors prove that the horse-
nmen of almost every cotintryvwere accustomed to mount their
horses from the right side of the animal, that they might the
better giasp the mane, which hangs on that side, a-practice uni-
versally changed in modern tines. . The ancients generally
leaped on their horse's backs, though, they fsometimes carried a
spear, with a loop or projection about two feet from the bottom
which served them as a step. In Greece and Rome, the local
magistracy were boqnd to see that blocks Jjr mounting (what
the Scotch call loul-in-on-stanes) were plated along the road
at convenient distances. The great, however, thought it more
dignified to mount their horses by steppingoon the bent backs of
their servants or slaves, and many who could noi cotnmand such
costly help used to carry a light ladder about with them. The
first distinct notice that we have of the use of the saddle occurs
in the edict of the Emperor Theodosius,;(A. 1). 385.) from
which we also learn that if was Usual for those who hired post-
horses, to provide their own saddle, and that the saddle should
not weigh more than sixty pouinds, a cumbrous contrivance,
more like the howdahs placed on the backs of elephants than
the light and elegant saddle of modern times. Side-saddles for
ladies are an invention of comparatively recent date. The first



seen in England was made for Anne of Bohemia, wife of Rich-
ard the Second, and was probably more like a pillion than the
side-saddle of the present day. A pillion is a sort of a very
low-backed arm-chair, and was fastened on the horse's croup,
behind the saddle, on which a man rode who had all the care
of managing the horse, while the lady sat at her ease, support-
ing herself by grasping a belt which be wore, or passing her
arm around his body, if the gentleman was not too ticlklsh.
But the Mexicans manage these things with more gallantry than
the ancients did. The "1 pisanna," or country lady, we are told
is often seen mounted befbre her " cavalera," who take the more
natural position of being seated behind his fair one, supporting
her by throwing his arm around her waist, (a very appropriate
support if the bent position o' the arm does not cause an occasional
contraction of the muscles.) These two positions may justly
be considered as the first steps taken by the ladies towards their
improved and elegant mode of riding at the present day.
  At an early period when the diversion of hawking was prev-
alent, they dressed themselves in the costume of the knight,
and rode astride. Horses were in general use for many cea-
turies before anything like a protection for the hoof was thought
of, and it was introduced, at first, as a matter of course, on a
very simple scale. The first foot defense, it is said, which was
given to the horse, was on the same principle as that worn by
mars, which was a sort of sandal, made or leather and tied to
the horse's foot, by means of straps or strings. And finally
plates of metal were fastened to the horse's feet by the same
simple means.
   Here again, as in the case of the sturrupless saddle,when we
reflect that men should, fbr nearly a thousand years, have gone
on fastening plates of metal undler horses' hoofs t'y the clumsy
means ot straps and strings, without its ever occurring to them
to try so simple an improvement as nails, we have another
remarkable demonstation of the slow steps by which horse-
manship has reached its present state.
   In the forgoing remarks I have talien the liberty of extracr-
ting several facts from a valuable little work by Rolla Spring-
field.  With this short comnient on tne rise and progress of
horsemanship, from its commencement up to the present time, I
will proceed to give you the principle; of a new theory of tam-
Ing wild horses, which is the result of many experiments and4
thorough investigation and trial of the differeunt methods of
horsemanship now in use.


                   OF MY THEBORY
     Founded on the Leading Characteristics of the Horse.

  FiRsr.-That he is so constituted by nature that he will not
ofr resistance to any demand made of him which he fully com-
prehends, if made in a way consistent with the laws of his na-
  SWOND.-That he has no consciousness of his-strength beyond
his experience, and can be handled according to our will,
without force.
  TaIRD --Thattwe can, in compliance with the laws of his
nature by which he examines alt things new to him, take any
object, however ftighttgi, around over or on him, that does not
indict pain, without'causing him lo fear.
  To take these assertions in order, I will first give you some
of the reasons why I think he is naturally obedient, and will
not offer resistance to. anything fully comprehended. The
horse, though possessed of some faculties superior to man's
being deficient in reasoning powers, has no knowledge of right
or wrong, of free will and independent government, and knows
not of any imposition practiced upon him, however unreason-
able these impositions may be. Gon quently, he cannot come
to any decision what he should or should not do, because he has
not the reasoning faculties of man to argue the justice of the
thing demanded of him. If he had, taking into consideration
his superior strength, he would be useless to man as a servant.
Give him mind in proportion to his strength, and he will de-
mand of us the green fields for an inheritance, where he will
roam at leisure, denying the right of servitude at all. God has
wisely fornmed his nature so that it can be operated upon by
the knowledge of man according to the dictates of his will, and
he might well be termed an unconscious, submissive servant.
This truth we can see verified in every day's experience by the
abuses practiced upon him. Any one who chooses to be so
cruel, can mount the noble steed and run him 'till he drops
with fatigue, or, as is often the case with more spirited, fall
dead with the rider. If he had the power to reason, would he
not vault and pitch his rider, rather than suffer him to run him
to death Or would he condescend to carry at all the vain
imposter, who, with but equal intellect, was trying to impose
on his equal rights and equally independent spirit But hap-



pily for us, he has no conscionsness of imposition, no thought
of disobedience except by impulse caused by the violation of
the law of nature. Consequently when disobedient it is the
fault of man.
  Then. we can bet come to the conclusion, that if a horse is
not taken in a way at variance with the law of his nature, he
wil I do anything that be fully comprehends without making any
offer of resistance.
  Second. The fact of the horse being unconscious of the
amount of his strength, can be proven to the satisfaction of any
one. For instance, such remarks as these are common, ansd
perhaps familiar to your recollection.  One person says to
another, " If that wild horse there was conscious of the amount
of his strength, his owner could have no business with him in
that vehicle; such light reins and harness, too; if he knew he
could snap them asunder in a minute and be as free as the air
we breathe ;" and, " that horse yonder that is pawing and fret-
ting to follow the company that is fast Leaving hirm, if he knew
his strength heFvould not remain" long fastened to that hitching
post so much against his will, by a strap that would no more
resist his powerful weight and strength, than a cotton thread
would bind a strong: man." Yet these facts made common by
every day occurrence, are not thought of as anything wonderful.
Like the ignorant man who looks at the different phases of the
moon, you look at these things as he looks at her different
changes, without troubling your mind with the question, "' Why
are these things so " What would be the condition of the
world if all our minds lay dormant If men (lid not thiak,
reason and act, our undisturbed, slumbering intellects would.
riot excel the imbecility of the brute; we would live in chaos)
hardly aware of ou- existence. And yet with all our activitty
of mind, we daily pass by unobserved that which would be
wonderful if philosophised and reasoned upon, and with the
same inconsistency wonder at that which a little consideration,
reason and philosophy would be hut a simple affair.
   Thirdly. He will allow any object, however frightful inmap-
pearence, to come around, over or on him, that does not infliet
   We know from a natural course of reasoning, that there has
never been an effected without a cause, and we, infer from this,
that there can he no action. either in animate or inanimate
matter, without there firstt being some cause to produce it. And
from this sulf-evident fact we know that there is some cause for
every imptulse or movement of either mind or matter, and that
this law governs every action or movement of the animil king-
tomr.  Then, according to this theory, there mnut be sorne
cause before fear can exist ; ani, if fear exists from the effect of
imagination, and not from the infliction of real pain, it can be



removed by complying with those laws of nature by which the
horse examines an object, and determines upon its innocence
or harm.
  A log or stump by the road-side may be, in the imagination
of the horse, some great beast about to pounce upon him; but
after you taint him up to it and let him stand by it a little
while, and touch it with his nose, and go through his process of
examination, he will not care any thirtg more about it. And
the same principle and process will have the same effect with
any other object, however frightful in appearance, in which
there is no harm. Take a boy that has been frightened by a
false-face or any other object that he could not comprehend at
once; but let him take that face or object in his hands and ex-
amine it, and he will not care anything more about it. This is
a demonstration qf th4 same principle.
  With this introluction to the principles of my theory, I shall
next attempt to teach you how to put it into practice, and
whatever instructions may follow, you can rely on as having
been proven practical by my own experiments. And knowing
fromn experience just what obstacles I have met with in hand-
ling bat] horses, I shall try to anticipate them for you, and
assist you in surmounting them, by commencing with the first
steps taken with the colt, and acconrpanying you through the
whole task of breaking.

        How to Suacced in Getting the Colt from Pasture.

   Go to the pasture and walk around the whole herd quietly,
and at such a distance as not to cause them to scare and run.
Then approach them very slowly, and if they stick up their
heads an'd seem to be frightened, hold on until they become
quiet, so, as not to make them run before you are . lose enough
to drive themn iti the directioli you want to go. And when you
begin to drive, (to not flourish your arms or hollow, but gently
follow them off leaving the direction free for them that you
wish them to take. Thus taking advantage of their iMnorance.
you will be alble to get them in the pound as easily as the hun-
ter drives the quails into his net. For, if they have always
run into the pasture uncared for, (as many horses do in prairie
countries and on large )lantatioris,) there is no reason why
they should not be as wild as the sportsman's birds and re-
quire the satne gentle treatment, if you want to get them with-
out trouble ; for the horse in his natural state is as xvild as any
of the undomnesticated animals, though more easily tamed than
most of thein.


             How to Stable a Colt without Trouble.

  The next step will be, to get the horse into a stable or shed.
This should be done as quietly as possible, so as not to excite
any suspicion in the horse of any danger befalling him. The
best way to do this, is to lead a gentle horse into the stable
first and hitchhim, then quietly walk around the colt and let him
go in of his own accord. It is almost impossible to get men,
who have never practiced on this principle, to go slow and
considerate enough about it. They do not know that in hand-
ling a wild horse, above all other things, is that good old adage
true, that " haste makes waste ;" that is, waste of time, for the
gain of trouble and perplexity.
  One wrong move itray fTighten your horse, and make him
think it is -necessary to escape at all hazards for the safety of
his life, and thus make two hours work of a ten minutes job;
and this would be all your own fault, and entirely unnecessary;
for he will not run unless you run after him, and that would
not be good policy, unless you knew that you could outrun him;
or you will have to let him stop of his own accord after all.
But he will not-try to break away, unless you attempt to force him
into measures. If he does not see the way at once, and is a
little fretful about going in, do not undertake to drive him, but
give him a little less room outside, by gently closing in around
him. Do not raise your arms, but let them hang at your side;
for you might as well raise a club. The horse has never stud-
ied anatomy, and does not know but they will unhinge them-
s6lves and flv at him. It he attempts to turn back, walk before
him, but do not run; anrd if he gets past you, encircle him again
in the same-quiet manner, and he will soon find that you are
not going to hurt him; and you can soon walk so close around
him that he will go into the stable for more room, and to get
farther from you. As soon as he is in, remove the quiet horse
and shut the door. This will be his first notion of confinement
-not knowing how to get in such a place, nor how to get out
of it. That he may take it as quietly as possible, see that the
shed is entirely free from dogs, chickens, or anything that would
annoy him; then give him a few ears of corn, and let him re-
main alone fifteen or twenty minutes, until he has examined
his apartment, and hap become reconciled to his confinement.

                       Time to Reflect.

  And now, while your horse is eating those few ears of corn,
is the proper time to see that your halter is ready and all right,
and to reflect on the best mode of operations; for, in the hors-.-


breaking, it is highly important that you should be governed by
some system. And you should know before you attempt to do
aynthing, just what you are going to do, and how you are going
to do it. And, if you are experienced in the art of taming
wild horses, you ought to be able to tell within a few minutes
the length of time it would take you to halter the colt, and
learn him to lead.

                    The kiud of Halter.
  Always use a leather halter, and be sure to have it made so
that it will not draw tight around his nose if he pulls on it. It
should be of the right size. to fit his head easily and nicely; so
that the nose band will not be too tight or too low. Never put
a rope halter on an unbroken colt under any circumstances
whatever. They have caused more horses to hurt or kill. them-
selves, than would pay for twice the cost of all the leather halters
that have ever been needed for the purpose of haltering colts.
It is almost impossible to break a colt that is very wild with a
rope halter, without having him pul!, rear and throw himself.
and thus endanger his lite; and I will tell you why. It is just
as natural for a horse to try to get his head out of anything that
hurts it, or leels unpleasant, as it would be for you to try to get
your hand out of a fire. The cords of the rope are hard and
cutting; this makes him raise his head and draw on it, and as
Boon as he pulls, the slip noose (the way rope halters are al-
ways made) tightens, and pinches his nose, and then he will
struggle for life, until, perchance, he throws himself; and who
would have his borse throw himself, and run the risk of break-
ing his neck, r'ather than pay the price of a leather halter. But
this is not the worst. A horse that has once pulled on his hal-
ter, can never be as well broke as one that has never pulled at all.

                  Remarks on the Horse.
  But before we attempt to do anything more with the colt, I
will give you some of the characteristics of his nature, that you
may better understand his motions. Every one that has ever
paid any attention to the horse, has noticed his natural inclina-
tion to snell of everything which to him looks new and frightful.
This is their strange mode of examining everything. And,
when they are frightened at anything, though they look at it
Fharply, they seem to have no confidence in this optical examina-
tion alone. but must touch it with the nose before they are er.-
tirely satisfied; and, as ooon as this is done, all is right.



                  Experiments with the Robe.
  If you want to satisfy yourself of this characteristic of the
horse, and learn something of importance concerning the pecu-
liaritles of his nature, etc., turn him into the barn-yard, or a
large stable will do, and then gather up something ttoit vou
know will frighten him; a red blanket, buffalo robe, or some-
thing of that kind.  Hold it up so that he can see it, he will
stick up his head and snort. Then throw it down somewhere
in the center of the lot or barn, and walk off to one side.
Watch his motions, and study his nature. If he is frightened
at the object, he vwill not rest until he has tonched it with his
nose   You will see him begin to walk around the robe and
snort, all the time getting a little closer, as if drawn up by some
magic spell, until he finally gets within reach of it. He will
then very cautiously stretch out his neck as far as he can reach,
merely touching it, with his nose, as though he thought it was
ready to fly at him. But after he has repeated these touches a
few times, for the first (though he has been looking at it all the
time) he seems to have an idea what it is. But nowv he has
found, by the sense of feeling, that it is nothing that will do
him any harm, and he is ready to plovir with it. And if you
watch him closely, you will see him take hold of it with his
teeth, and raise it up and pull at it. And in a few minutes you
can see that he has not that same wild look about his eye, but
stands like a horse biting at some familiar stump.
  Yet the horse is never well satisfied when he is about any
thing that has frightened him, as when he is standing with his
nose to i. And, in nine cases out of ten, you will see some of
that same wild look about him again, as he turns to walk fr 'm
it. And you will, probably, see him looking back very suslpi-
ciously as he walks away, as though he thought it might come
alter him yet. And, in all probability, he will have to go back
and make another examination before he is satisfied. But tie
will familiarize himself with it, and, it he should run in that lot
a tew days, the robe that frightened him so much at first, will
be no mnore to him than a familiar stump.

             Suppositions on the Sense of Smelling.
  We might very naturally suppose, frrn the fact. of the hor3e's
applying his nose to every thingt new to him, that he alwavs does
so for the purpose or smnelling, these objects. But I beliuve that
it is as much or more for the purpos4e of- feelint ; a;  l that hle
makes use of his rnose or muzzle. (as it is soenetimes callud,) as
we woi;l of our hands; be .ause it is the only organ byv xvi h
he aln touch or feel anything with much susceptibility.



  1,helie;ve, that he invariably nxakes use of the four senses, see-
ing, hearingjigmelling and feeling,, in ll 'of hiis examinations, of
which the sense of feeling is, pcrha)s, the most important. And I
think that in the experiment with the robe, his gradual approach
and final touch with his nose. was as mnuch fhr the put-pose ol feel-
ing. as anything else, hi'r sense of smell being- so keen, that it
would not be necessary for himn to touch his nose agfain-st arpy-
thing i5 arden to get the proper scent; tor it is said that a horse
can smell a maln the distan(ce of a ivile. Anfi, it the scent of
the robe was all that was necessary, hle could get that several
rods off. But, we know from experience, that .f a horse sees
and smells a robe a short distance tronm hitn, hie is very much
frightened, (unless lie is used to it,) until he toluches or feels it
with hiS nose; which ts a positive proof that feeling is the con-
trolling sense in vhis caw.

                Prevailiig Opinion of Horsemen.
  It is a prevailing opinion amcong horsemen generally, that the
sense ofsinell is thegoverning sense (f the horse. And Fauicher,
as weJl as vtherrs, have, with that view, got up receipts of strong
smelling oils, etc., to tame hlie horse, somnetimes using the ches-
nut of his le-g, which thiey dry, grind into powder and blow into
his notrils.  Sometimes using the oil of 'rhodium, organnurin,
etc. tlua nre n-oted for their stong smell. And sometimes they
scent tte Hands- wific the swLat from unwder the arm, or blow
their breaith into his nostiils, etc., etc.  All of which, as far as
the scent goes, have no effect whc:,tever in greutting the hf rse, or
converinlg any idea to His mind ; thovAh the works that ac-
cornlanvyihese-effO;tms-tc4andliftfr hini, touching him  abont the
nose-aln head, ani patting himl. as thev direct you should, arter
administeifltng the articles, may hlnve a very gyreat effect, which
they, mistiake to he the (fllect of the inprediants lsedf.  And
Fawiehcrli in hi; work entitledl,  rhe Ar.liian art of taming
11(srses,," pnte 17, tells ui; how to accnstomn a horse to a robe,
by admt-iinistowing cortain nrticles to his nose ; and goes on to say',
that these articles nist first he applied to the hoi sesr nose before
youl attempt to bretak him, in order to operate sucegssthlly.
   Now, reader , can yu, or iny [ie elase: .ive one single reason
how tV-ent can c tnivev anY idea to the horse's mind of' what we
want him    inodo  if nwt,.tlhen oih cotrse strong, seents of nny
kind aire oft no account in taingin  then unbroken honroe. For
every thingnr that we gt hinti to l, of his own accord, wvitlhout
force, mnst1 be o0(cor ijl i lbedl by cotmne nutniis of conve itmg onr
ideas to ht, li minsd. 1 ;ilv to my hrr  ' go'  !" nn(l lie goes;
 ho!" and he stops: because these two Nvordors, (f which he has



learned the meaning by the tap of the whip, and the pull of the
rein that first accompanied them, convey the two ideas to his
mind of go and stop.
  Faucher, or no one else, can ever learn the horse a single
thing by the means of a scent alone.
  How long do you suppose a horse would have to stand and
smell of a bottle of oil before he would learn to bend his knee
and make a bow at your bidding "go yonder and bring your
bat," or " come here and lay down  " Thus you see the absur-
dity of trying to break or tame the horse by the means of re-
ceipts for articles to smell of, or medicine to give him, of any
kind whatever.
  The only science that has ever existed in the world, relative
to the breaking of horses, that has been of any account, is that
true method which takes them in their native state, and improves
their intelligence.

            Powel's System of Approaching the C0t.

  But, before we go further, I will give you Willis J. Pdwel's
system of approaching a wild colt, as given by himdin a swork
published in Europe, about the year 181 1, on the " Art of tarn-
ing wild horses."  He says, "n A horse is gentled'-by my secret,
in from two to sixteen hours." The time, 1 bhae yaoStua(0-
rnonly empLoyed has been from four to six hours. -He goes on
to say: " Cause your horse to be put in a small yard, stable,
or room. If in a stable or room, it ought to be large in order to
give him some exercise with the halter before you lead him out.
If the horse belong to that class which appears only to fear
man, you must introduce yourself gently into the stable, rooln,
or yard, where the horse is. He will naturally run fromn you,
and frequently turn his head frorn you; but you must walk nharit
extremely slow and softly, so that he can see you whenever hli
turns his head towards you, which he never tails to do in a short
time, say in a quarter of an hour  I never knew one to be
much longer without turning towar- me
  "At the very moment he turns his heal, hold out your left
hand towards him, nd stand perfectly still, keeping your eyes
upon the horse, wating his motions if he makes any. It the
horse does not sti