xt7vmc8rg29b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vmc8rg29b/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1933-02-13  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 13, 1933 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 13, 1933 1933 1933-02-13 2020 true xt7vmc8rg29b section xt7vmc8rg29b 517















February 13, 1933

The University Senate met in the Lecture Room of McVey Hall, Monday,
February 13, with President McVey presiding.

The minutes of January 25 were approved as read.
The Chairman of the Rules Committee presented the following recommendations

”The Bules Committee desires to have the rule governing the amount
of work a student may carry while doing practice teaching at the
University of Kentucky amended as follwws:

1« To exclude from this rule students doing practice
teaching in nhysical education and music.

2» To allow the dean to assign an additional one hour
to the seventeen now allowed for students in fields
other than physical education and music if in the
scheduling of a student he finds it impossible to work
out a desirable schedule within the seventeen hour

The Chairman made the following comments regarding the recommendation:

”The reason for asking to have physical education and music
excluded from this list is that in both these fields the Dractice
teaching is distributed over two semesters and the seventeen
hour limit is hardily fair to this group of students. This
practice teaching (in Physical EduCation add Music) has been
organized since the rule was passed.

In attempting to adhere rigidly to the seventeen hour limit
for practice teachers in fields other than music and physical
education very definite hardships have been worked on a

number of studeds» If the college could be authorized to
assign one hour of additional work where schedule problems

are unusually difficult, it frequently could be done advantagem
ously to the students and to the institutions”

The recommendation was anproveda

The President outlined the financial situation at the University and

the prospects for next year. He emphasized the necessity for rigid

economy in all departments.



Minutes of the University Senate - Feb. 13, 1933

President McVey announced that a committee would study the course
offerings of the University, as to ”esirability. dupliCations, etc.
The committee consists of C. C. Ross, Chairman, Kuiper, Latimer, Hall,
Price, Carter, O'Bannon, Randall, and Fergus.

The Committee on Duplication of Courses presented some proposed new
courses and changes in courses. The changes in courses were approved
as follows:

Arts and Sciences

‘ifinglish_§. The Essentials 2; Speech. Two hours a week. Two
credits. This course is designed to give the student platform
experience in the fundamentals of effective public address.
Emphasis will be placed upon correct enunciation, correction of
speech defects and other requisite aspects of delivery of the
various types of informal address. The material will be come
mensurate with the interests of freshmen. For freshmen only.

Mathematics 218. Algebraic Numbers. Three credits. An
introductory course in the theory of algebraic numbers. Hecke‘s
Vorlesungen uber die Theorie der algebraischen Zahlen is used as
a text. Prereauisite: Consent of the instructor.

”Physics 125aed. Independent Work 12 Physics. The student is
assigned some topic or line for investigation. He confers with
the professor in charge each week and prepares a written report
covering the work of the semester for presentation before the
department faculty. Three credits.


Change in Courses


rPhilosophZ'gl. Introduction 33 Philosophy. An elementary study of
the principal types of philosophy. Three credits.


To replace Philosophy la-b, Elementary Philosophy. Three credits-

Philosophy 120. Great Religions 2f the World. This course has a
twenfold purpose: (1) to introduce the student to a great wealth of
information on religion's growth, beliefs, ideals, and social
influences; (2) to encourage an enlightened critical appreciation
of religious ideas and institutions. Three credits.


. \


To replace Philosophy 105amb- Philosophy 2: Religion. Three credits.

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