xt7vmc8rfv2d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vmc8rfv2d/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1935 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, January 1935 Vol.6 No.8 text The Kentucky Press, January 1935 Vol.6 No.8 1935 1935 2019 true xt7vmc8rfv2d section xt7vmc8rfv2d " 1 I

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I . Volume Slx P}
I 1 I; Q {In

I Number Eight I

' » January, I935 I IIE
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 E :E El“! .E ,
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E Presndent 10 l' . PRESS J
E EE; E being” pmgram co m P III GlVes Int v anuaryE 1935 E
_ E 113E o: E 8‘ tha, mm 66 r _ e E,
E EEIEE .E‘ ‘ E oust-mm”;J if: many years it hafjmlfen; ate with the reco I‘eStlllg Add TE
t E EEEE E Kentucky Prr the PreSident of thn lng fair Wages MEET-V program by pay- . res: E p
. EEEE 1' report at theezznfisoniation to make : Eloyees equitabIe ho‘ZOrking their em- it appeared, the Tquell B‘ w
. E E Office and us1on of his 1‘. I‘les Can bo rs. Few ind lon aimed to d . 111, IEgisla ,
E . d , althou h erm of T ast of Such 115- adv - . r9«Stlcally ' E
E Eli”: E 10d of uneW d g We are in he majorit a record Ertlsmg and Change th
: EE3EE E , ea 3 per- y Of (:0 - ' Sales e , C(
it“ 3 Cldecl to follOW 51am ”8‘” Orders" de_ by y°ur Code Auth mplamts received and drug products wp 1am on food '1 u
. E EIEEEd1 me the Privilege e 01C} Order and gave Sp_0nC18nts With makgnty charged re- your Officers cantaotedoltud be passed, a]
. EEEEE E acccunt of 1: 0f brlnging to yo Drmting figure ng pl‘lces 0n job representatives in he Kentuck 1c
‘1 5 :EEFEE E fice he StewardShip of u an by the Nat- 5 less than those fi them to use t . QOngress and Ur y I ~
E; v £3“ E . my 01“ DI‘OVed b Iona] Code AUthOr' xed the meas hen‘ 1nfluenCe t0 ged CC
E‘s E E‘E 'E‘ll ; E f During the past year determinitNRA’ and listed in 131er, ap- the last :ersesz AlthOugh SheIVed :SfEEa/G E f5!
E3 E a: E 01‘ most Of : a trying _ 1011 SChed 1 price . lOn of Con I'lng e
. EEEE- E have . us, KBntucky One Written COlea‘ u e. No form 1 Well Bill has bee gress, the Tu E J(
E HE E N maintained a r newspapers been fil mt Of this mat 5“ vised and - n rewritten I g" '
to”; E 0t a new _ emal‘kable Vit . . ed by a K Ure h% . ’ Stlll CODtai ’ am ad- . 50
E Ht r Spaper 1n this 311W. agalnst 0n entUCKY Dubl‘ dISadVantag “S matures t
‘ ‘1 1 1 : orced to 5115136 State has been the 6 0f your memb lsher will 6 of local reta'1 o the E 0f
at,» o face of “<1 Publicatio re have be ”so althou n affect looal . 1 my Which tr
l E - v reduc d n- In th I - en Tumo g ub - advertls“ I ~
, EEEEE .E e reVen , e P ants In t TS that . D llshers lng. Ke t
E E E E1 E Greased pro _ ues, Whlch . . he state Certagn . shOuld k . n ueky ga
E E DOrtion t 1n- Drlces . have di Smnal 86p they
H E a el est sr re . s co
EE‘ E COsts o _ y the abhshe - egarde . presen ngreg- to
i 5 E E11 E Consisténagegitm?’ neWSpapeE: ‘31::ch :01”. COde Authttiliritlyn the scheduh:i £1.11?“ further aggzlggschappraised of pa
o 1 Ms E E and ob ppied a - ‘3 695 to re can not ' I - anges i “
E “‘“ I ‘ her read' serv1ee 0f ne t "1an the sit - take - n the ' t“
E E E“; . E it mg matt . Ws Hally exi . nation, - . . Durin v ,
E i» E oEdilE E gever 1 er of hlgh qual— are filed sts, until formal 0011;111:312; Kentue 15y ti; igzimal session of the E :3
~ jg'i‘ ‘ a rea _ ’ ure, - ' E .
E E E EEC E the Vitalit Sous can be advan Publlshers h troduced to place a 1311] was in— E in;
E E“ l: : E t y of Our n ced fOI' Cut t ave fOund tax on th 3' two Dar Ce
E ~ : E E E E hem are: bett eWSpapers‘ a 0n . ‘ hroat Colnpet't‘ most of their W.t . 8 total inCome nt gross th
E I E E paper plants- groflanagement of newsg W1thout the bordersuzg :1 as Come from lelgilgl (tl'rcmation above OZfOIOISWSpapers ye
i ‘ E 3.1 erage- the h; . e cOmraolete 10c .' eral Compla' he State S a We Committ o 0- YOur ‘ or
o 2 3E E . ’ ndlm al cov- _ lnts haveb ' eV- the as - . ee and o s E
! l “E E unblased m g 0f neWs in gang printe 99“ made a ~ . $001anon w meets of t0]
E . . 1 EE . anner i _ a Clear ‘5 , rs from out . galnst thls v' . ere able to h 1
d“ E E lit E Ideals of th . n keeping ~ ’ 0 Leport th . Slde‘ I “”0115 and . elp black m'
E '; HE E - 6 d1 n't - Wlth the A - at y0ur - regret Which unftur - - E ‘
d .E WEE E Its res . . , g 1 5’ Of Jou . uthont RegiOn Would h Ieglslat h
IE E -.E l . D0n51b ~ rnahsne y has al Cod ' “ aVe‘ af 1011: 9
11M; ”one” Expresiligfis’ and c"HratgeOus fed cessfuny prosecfiet Ken able to sue:3 23:31; ZeWSpaperso T512033; five of our i LO
’ 3 E : EE‘E- 1“ . ' ' complaints ese Cases e a 5'31100 egislatur ‘
El '; EEEEEEE‘ ‘ “41119 We have s Nation have been refe ' The the electic 1 code“ It provi 9. J
. E E E sh UCc a1 I‘red n of E . des f
.s ; EEE E fer‘ff frem the dog essmny kept the eral cas Owe Authority and to the tees by secret k;sub_dlstrmt 5011001 t 01 Of
E9 E 0 us as - 13 I be1' es repu . in se _ allot ~ lnIS- E er
E “ .E ‘EEE ‘v e m the 1 . leve most been - es Of- this V mer meth InStead 0f t '
i: :51 E Cent Calif . C asS With the 1 . rece1Ved by th nature have . 0d. Learnin' he for- E gel
l j ‘ J1E I E Was 5 Orman With wh 00 per my: “Your 6 Ragional A Superlntendent g that count
. ; oEEoEE ._ peaking ”I OmIrvin Cobb mt _ complaint a . uthor- the De 5 had been - y "y
E EEEEE golden . understa. e rODOhtan . L. galnst a. 1 partment of . adVISed by I tho
o E :EIE’E . gate Stat ”‘1 that th w Pnnun . arge lots f Educano o
l E M. m b 6 has be e as YEferre . . g estabilsnm . or the tr n thatba1- on
E l ., E ‘W y the d o . en prett h . d to Dlv - ent m ustee elect' 1”
i I ! .EME “No Si epressmn I: Said y ard ter mVesti . . 151011 A_1 lmeograph d 10118 COuld
E - .-E‘l ” - d M . gatlon f' d and af- - , e , your 1 .4 . be ha:
E E ' . EEEEE‘ E n r’ 531d the nat' r. CObb. SDBCIal' - mds the mlttee Vis‘t engIEttlve E
a E. . EL! :n o 0t been h “’9 Son “W Izes In th' reSpOndent 1 ed Att0r cam- ‘ m0
' E E ard hit .’ e have Work . IS parti ton and - nay Gene
E E H; . have bee ’ but I W111 E d and ls . cular ty Obtalned . ”11 Woot- -
d E E . . dmlt . salllng ab DB of that from hl . Wlt
E E IEEE gent n experiencm a We Of Its gan . Ove Cost b the ball in an own
E E EEEEEE lest booms th g One of the res .. g prlntjng meth eCause truste ots for the . Ion fro
EE 1qu paSsed th at Cfilifornia h pondlng‘ effjcj . ads and COr— e EIECtions had sub-dl‘striCt est
.‘ E E E’EEEE L rOUEh.” as ever The 00m . . ency 1n the” t3118 Usual t tO canfor '
5 a E 351: March _ plamt 15 h . 1r Shop 1 . ype- of ball m to : a1
. E E E E . the K9 Th1s h ereby dlsm- - e ecthn of 0‘35 used “ i
E E g . EEEEE E SOClatlon acC ntucky Pres _ as been on lssed_n th _ COunty b m the v . per
; o ' “ ‘ [911: E .ad 7 . , eDted re . . . 5 AS- Couragln e of the m - at Is the Card memb ‘ 1
E s' ‘lnwEE ‘ ministerm SDOnSmet g features of 051} (113- be y had to be . BISE E car
I! 3 E’d:oE E Code f0 g the NRA G .y for code mana our Work red and bo - prmted nu
‘: r “l . Ind - raphlc gel‘ and “ Your rul' . und 1n b ’ m- E ma
E E EEEEEE. E A_5i 1” ustrles NO Arts Swered hu myself h 1ne of th °°kS- Had E ~
' " 3-; n Our 1: ' A-2 and . ndreds of 1 3V6 an— Ed . e State D the ‘ hex
E o “ El; 5‘] v E Auth . 5 ate, and . N0. certain h Btters to - ucEltlon epartment
- E. E EE‘,E E Orlty W 3' R8g10na1 C D ases of th uChlng 0n 6 $0116 Unchau of COD
E ‘ {E E l ecutiv as eStablished ode p ast year e Code du ‘ rs WOUId h enged Dub'
o. . E. - . by . E and h ring the ave Suff ’ hsh- Thl
I E d . EEEEIE E pr . E committee Mar YOHr ex- adv1se 3V8 endea hundreds mad the 1
E1 E ; iEEfv E eSldem; as . Ch 10 wit y°u as best ‘ VOI‘ed to 0f dollarsi . . 055 of par
El EE. El 1 Chan-m ’ h your 11013 be We C0 1 , ta-Xpaye 11 Job Dl‘lnt'
E El E t‘oiJFY-trenslu. an and you]. . en the“ purpo u d- It has rs WOuld ha mg and E on]
a E“;E,: E ‘E code m Br, J. Curtis A Secre— thonty to se 0f the Cod any guarante . Eve been with ,
d . _ “ -_ ‘ 10061; 1 Enforce . 9 Au- 9 0f fauo . Out L
E, E EEE E We h anager, Becaus , as aw but r t penalties u Attem Electlons E
‘ E ‘ E aw ‘ ave been e of Our in er a her to DOin nder the . pts Were m . ' the
* E E“: E “ a mm mm m (esteem: to .
E ;I . in E I" l net perm- “ ur r 8In b ages co “g the ' - e Statut ‘ f
E , E EEEE E E It Us to 9Venue did Code y Operatin m- nan . puhhcatmn . e re- E res
E EE E EE'EE-E. E ‘ manager thro Send the , ‘ Y0ur Cede g under the Ola]. Statelne 0f Itemized fi_ ‘ vice
d E sziv E , . . “ghout 1; regional devoted manager Whos . nts by b' _
o and mSDectin he state vi ~ - . many h , Who h e duty 1t ' p“ 110 offi “ p
. E “ "E!" ‘ tln tratl . Ours to t as Y0 . is to 0011 . 013.15 111]
El - mlzw; “ Called 0n g plantS, alth0u SI g Ve affalrs he admin‘ ur aSSOclat' Bet Dubhc f E
E. E “-EE’E‘EEE E year a number of gh he has the JOb da and Who has b 15- that thi 1011, recognizin unds. Dre:
E :- “1“} t' and writtEn e YOu duI-ing the you a y and night Will Ben on abo t . S Statute Was 8n g the fact p50:
E :a . 17:33 . 11116s. aCh 0f you . complete re ’ 50°11 give u InfOI‘maLti acmd? t0 brin E The
E éE‘Et-EE N Severa1 thonty W0 P0143 of the C and inf 0n to the g
E i if? h 0t 0}” employee “ cOnsciou rk' I d0 not be1ie Ode Au' the m om! them of what taxpayers ‘ pm
2 ; k E Ca: rengtered a c0mm1 our industry Work heshOf the tremenciou‘s ve you are ing“ monies theY paid in t be°°mes of E eXp
E o ; :EEE: : 0 6 author" D aint - as do - amount em to h axes 9 it
E t : EEEEE, E my or . wmh Ou month he durm of and c eck u , man. s
l E. to o COmplianee . With the st r 5- I might g the last mn aSCertain 'f p 0“ expenditu
a E .“ EEEE E 6m Dnector th ate NRA - CEiVed 0 add he h e Wasted 1 puhlic mOn res T
E: E’ 1: NET o E ployer Was . at a Kant ne Gem; in as not re- or extrav ey had been
E E E Dayln uCky farts sin saladry r - Successr - agantly us t6“
-‘ E :‘H Wages 01' Viol - g less than ce septEmbe or hIS ef- . ul flght bef ed’ made a -
:2 t ' *:-;E-.“‘ VisiOn “mg WOrk‘ °°de Whi] r 1- mittEe t - Ore the h l pa“
- E v 5 o;E .E E S of t lng hOu e the G . . 0 Whlch . 01186 com-
I E E .5 EEEEE‘E E Eéeel is 2, 513112161 ($st This, in iéefir"; Sade has OCCupIizghrlg Arts InduStries :21: “5 never reazgzdblgl Was assigned ' is:
E Efi E Eh? E ers of our r1bute to th ’ Ion 0f you . “Ch of the 9“ There a 6 floor for i ‘
“In 1 “r ‘ :EE ‘ - - DrOfessj e mem- offlCers atten_ Who re SOme of - - a I refu

_E ':E d, EAL-“i E thngness On: Sho ‘ your Exec ‘ and mem are re ' fICIals tod ‘

'~‘: e E5 «j IE1? l of Our ' ng th uthe ch - bE‘I‘S of ann mined by 345’ 0f e
1!} E EEEEEJ Indus“? to scoper:e Itlot been unmindfulrgflttee’. they have extr:a1 fin‘nCial starter:1L W to publish her
i "E E IEEEEEE ' . O the association t"helr ObligatiOn Stro may anxious to S entSE Who are pun:
E“ s W: ' LaSt Spring yed. ”Econom E, . eeo thls act de- . ‘
E E ‘1Hiff When en by them b _y 1s the reaSOn . ‘efu

E E . EEEE d - . I ut 15 it ECOnomy t glv— , writ
W“ 1% :11 E :W 0 de' E mou
u “E, » .

 , til i.
I . 3“" I
' * If: :
i I 2323 I .
1 j I
335 January, 1935 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three I
II prive the people of information to During the summer the famous thank for our growth, for in practical- I Jill,
which they are justly entitled? “jailathon” was staged at Danville. ly every instance they were responsi— I IiIJgI
_ I When we speak of the legislative Two reporters of the Kentucky Advo— ble for the new members. For years I lIl
ingla- I committee our thoughts immediately cate, Jack Durham and Wesley C‘arty, the Kentucky Press Association has I I
:e the i turn to the memory of Ben Cozine, resisted every attempt of a police been an influential and effective force I ‘.
f°°d ’ able president of this association in judge who tried to force them to vio- , in sponsoring better newspapers, im— I . II
lassed, 1928 and chairman of the legislative late confidences reposed in them, but proving business methods and de- ”f." I
itUCkY I committee for ten years. His death in were required to spend 45 hOurs in jail manding fair rewards for services. Its I I
urged September came as a shock to our pro- and paid fines of $22 each. It seems activities have brought prestige to _ II :I
defeat I fession. Another beloved member, strange that a legislature or judge Kentucky’s weeklies and dailies. There I: l
iurmg I John 8. Lawrence, president of the as— would attempt to force men or the are publishers in the state who have I ‘ fr; I
Tug‘ sociation in 1913, died this month. Each newspaper prefession to sacrifice a never affiliated with the association I ‘5‘,
In ad- ' of these gentlemen made lasting con- privilege which the courts repeatedly but who have reaped the benefits 0f Ii; vi
‘0 the I tributions to the Kentucky press. They have declared to belong to them. its program. It is to be hoped that I :I'I
Whmh I gave freely of their time and talents Maryland set the precedent 38 years in 1935 time can be found 10 131111011 ‘I ifI
“my to lifting the standards of the news- ago when the state legislature passed an effective membership campaign. I ».~ II
lgres- paper profession and making Ken— a bill which gave to the profession of I wish to express my deepest appre- I; 3'5. {I
d or .‘ tucky a better place in which to live. journalism the same privileges of re- ciation to officers of the association, II I
1 the Their leadership and counsel will be specting confidences that lawyers, doc- members of the executive committee, I !II
. sorely missed by our association. Dur- tors and priests enjoy. New Jersey the legislative committee, the better II I
the 1 ing the) year we were also saddened by passed a similar law two years ago. newspaper contest committee, mem- Ii 'JI‘I
5 m' the death of John D. Babbage, for 58 The Kentucky Press Association has a bers of the Regional Code Authority, I . E‘I
gross years editor of the Breckinridge News, sacred duty to perform. In the 1936 and the Fair Trade Compliance Com— I L III
apers , Cloverport; William Henry Jones, edi— session of the legislature it must spon— mittee of the Code Authority for their I II
Your I tor of the Glasgow Republican for sor a bill making a newspaper’s con- loyalty and untiring efforts. I have II II
rs 0f 7 many years, and Thomas H. Stark, fidential information a “privileged not called upon one of them without l I. ",I
block I head of the Stark Advertising Agency, communication,” and work untiringly a prompt and hearty response. We II lII
Itlon, I Louisville. to bring about its passage. regret that two members of our ex— III . I
$33: I Frequently newspapers are accused Several Kentucky editors have been ecutive Icommittee, Joe Costello and I‘ .II
S for I of being selfish, but I know of no oth- signally honored during the past year. Bob Elkln, are unable to be with us at I III?
mm . er business that has contributed so Tom Wallace, editor of The Louisville this meetlng on account of illness. It II; I
for- I generously to the welfare of the coun- Times, was presented the Chester De- is 0111‘ smcere WSih that 93°11 W111 en- II , {III
lunty . try and its people during the past year witt Pugsley medal in October by Le- JOY an early and 001111918“: recovery. II ‘ “III
1 by I than the publishing industry. Space roy E. Kimball, president of the Amer-' Under the guidance of Prof. Victor II » II
bal- is the main commodity a newspaper ican Science and Historic Preservation R. Portmann of the Department of II ' . .Zil
d be has to sell. During the last twelve Society for his services in “saving from Journalism, University of Kentucky, Ii ,Il :
:om- , months our offices have been floooled defacement by hydro-electric power our official publication, “The Kentucky I E
Voot- with reams of. free publicity material development Cumberland Falls, one of Press,” was issued monthly at very lit- Ii. .II
nion from the various government agencies the finest waterfalls in the South.” tle expense to the association. Much I fill
ltrict I established during the present nation— Keen Johnson, editor of the Rich- space in the publication has been de- . .g
I to I all administration. Kentucky newspa- mond Register, is a member of the voted to the Graphic Arts Industry l , ii“.
the I . pers, regardless of political faith, have Joint National Code Authority, Indus- Code and has been of great benefit to ’ ' 'IE
hers, I carried hundreds of columns of this tries No. A—2 and No. A-5, Graphic your Regional Authority and officers. l I.
.um- I material because the publishers be- Arts Industries Code, and has served The publication has also served as an I I'Ii‘
the II lleved they were making a substantial on several of its most important com— excellent medium for editors to ex— II II
of contribution to the recovery program. mittees. Our association was honored change ideas. We are also indebted to ,I , III
lish- There has been no narrowness or blind last May when Keen was elected a Mr. Portmann for his interesting his- III {II
3 of partisanship in our editorial columns. director of the National Editorial As- tory of Kentucky Journalism, which he I ’“I-Il ,
and I Ours has been truly a serviceable press. sociation. It was the first time that prepared. The history was printed in II , III ,
nout l During the past year we have seen a Kentuckian had been selected a the Publishers' Auxiliary and was giv- II fill!
the freedom of the press threatened. member of the NEA board. en over radio station WHAS. It was III III
arly .' Ehe fact that the press of America is Two of our members have been a splendid contribution to our profes— II? IIII
re- I ree and 1ndependent makes IDS ser— drafted into government positions of s10n and required much time, study l {LII
[ fi_ . Vices so important and valuable to the great responsibility; George H. Good— and effort on the part Of .Mr' Port— I." , ..
:ials I publchand to the advertiser. .A free man, who for many years engaged in mann. He is now engaged in making ' lg; IE‘I
nds- press is the only press In Whlch the newspaper work in paducah, was ap- a survey of Kentucky legal laws per- ll; , .I‘I
fact People repose confidence and faith. pointed Federal Relief Administrator taming ‘30 DubiIShmg and Printing. for . I, l
ring I They believe all the news in a free for Kentucky and has been doing an the Jomt National Code Authority. If - I
yers , press, they are guided by Its editorial excellent job. Shelton Saufley, one of The best attended, most interesting: , 5‘3 ‘ I
; of I expre531on.I They are Influenced by the publishers of the Richmond Reg- and delightful summer meeting of the : ' :9 ,
abl- I its advertlsmg. ister and president of this association Kentucky Press Association was held 7 .
ares The need of a Kentucky law to pro— in 1924, was appointed district man- in Owensboro last June. Lawrence II I
leen I tect newspaper confidences has been ager of foreign and domestic commerce and Bruce Hager and George Fuqua, I III
e a I painfully demonstrated during the of the Department of Commerce and publishers of the Owensboro Messen— I l
)m- I past year_ Three members of our pro- is successfully carrying on the work of ger-Inquirer, together with their most I I ll;
ned . fession were sent to jail because they that office. The government demon- charming wives, were gracious hosts. l". I tII
r a I refused to violate the profession’s code strated extreme good taste and wisdom They provided an unusually attractive lI; f III
day of ethicg, Vance Armentrout, a. mem- in selecting these two men to fill im- business and social program. A varie— '1, - III
lish , her of the executive committee, was portant posts. ty of pleasant diversion was provided I’ ‘2 III ,
are punished by the last legislature for I am happy to report that during for every minute or our stay in the III ‘ I I ~
de- l'efusing to disclose the name of the the past year we have added seven new progressive and hospitable Queen City I ' 1 ,1 I
:iv- , Writer of a. letter published anony- members to our roll. You have mem- Of Western Kentucky. We Shall long "'1‘ l
de- I mously in the Courier-Journal. bers of the executive committee to (Please Turn to Page 5) I“ -- .‘
Il ; tll
‘ , 33’ II
" " ll?
__ e '5 HI! I
. “-e-v . ' . J‘ , , »

 l -, E i . 'E‘
l E ‘ l lzlEE ;- 1 .
l ' l ' 1 E
l j. E , ‘ E Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS January, 1935 ‘1
l f l1 every Kentucky editor will benefit in John 5 Lawrence John D Babbaee l
E 3 FE; E KentuCk'l-J press this strong association as well as give William Henry Jones, and Thomas H:
, " lll l ——-——————-—— the added prestige of numbers and Stark, has deprived our association of l
‘ . ill l O‘hudl Publicauon 0f THE I‘LNTUCKY quality for the furtherancé‘ of a strong- their wise counsel and its members of l
1; ‘ E E PRESS ASSOCIATION er and better national association. their generous, comradeship and faith- l
I ElE‘l 1 VICTOR R. PORTMANN . . . . . . . . . . . Editor —————" ful friendship. f
1, E EEE ?1 Jack Wild Assistant Editor . NAMES AND PICTURES BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That I
E‘EE E 7—?— Have you noticed the interesting this association vigorously oppose the
E E lrmted on rill: KERNEL P-RL'SS,‘ Depart- feature that Jody Gozder is running in proposed 30—hour week as an imprac-
'l1‘1' EE 1 men: of Journalism, Umversrty of the Campbellsville News-Journal en- tical impossibility for the weekly and l
, 11 fl _ Kentucky, Lexington titled “Wthds Who Among Our Girls?” small daily newspapers of America in- E
5} E‘E m Such fea ures on local subjects as these asmuch as the proportion of gross in-
E EE l E l PRESS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS are the best circulation builders and come going to salaries and wages in f
1. I E E E Augustus Robbins President add mterest and enjoyment to the the industry has increased steadily E -
E 1 El EE 3 Courier, Hickman newspaper. since 1929, and the limitations and in-
, ,1. 1 E :E 1f John L01. 0 . _ ————— creased cost of the proposed 30-hour ‘
~ E E Tnflifiibune’ Corbi‘gce Pres" PAPERS To BE PRINTED week would make it infeasible for the
fill l J. Curtis Alcock SEC.-Trea5, 'All the addresses made at the mid- great majority of the smaller news- ‘1
El 1 Messenger, Danvme Winter convention will be published in papers to operate at a reasonable pro-
E E E this and future issues of the Press. fit, and would force many of them en-
, ‘ll'l E EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE They were interesting and will prove tirEIy out Of business if they were ‘
1 E ‘EEEE E valuable to every reader. Watch for obliged to comply with such an arbi-
E a E lE‘1"; E J. P. Gozder, News-Journal, Camp- them! trary and inelastic law.
‘ E All E bellsville, chairman; G. M. Pedley, M BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That E
, EE E Herald, Eddyville; J. L. Bradley, En- REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE we.°pp.ose the ”Team“ C°peland law
E E E 1l1'l1 . terprlse, Prov1dence; Vance Armen— 0N RESOLUTIONS Whmh ls substantially the Same meas- l
E E EE; E trout, Courier_J0urnal’ Louisvil 1 e; _ ure as the repudiated and impractical .
E 1 i “llf E fiefith JHood, 'I‘rimble Democrat, Bed— WHEREAS, The Kentucky Press As- ngvflelénbig 1:5 {an dunconstitutional l
1 , . l E1EEE E thl: , .oseph Costello, pemocrat, Cyn- sociation is bringing to a close its 61st ff; 5d p d dg 1m?” e a vertlsmg 1.11 the ‘f
‘l , l 1 lana, James P. Norris, Independent, Annual Mid—Winter Session in Louis- O in] rug industry m p artlcular l
E , , E EE l E Ashland; Robert L. Elkin, Central ville, after enjoying an interesting and and a1 advertising m gen”? 1' But. It
lf 1‘1 l EEEE l Sgcgrd, Lancaster; :l‘homas R. Under- profitable program, is hegeby lesolved that ml? assoma- l '
E E 1 EE E 1321118 ngallli Lexmgton; Russell THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, egglrt armrul‘bmed aim mtemgent E
E 1_ 1| ,‘i‘? l RY ’ entlf‘el'EChO’ LondOH; Joe That we express our thanks to all . S O elmlnate unfalr and uneth-
.2 llllE1 E lchardson, Times, Glasgow. those who contributed to our pleasure, lcal advertlsmg, prov1ded SHCh regu- f
, 1 1 ‘ll l, LEGISLA _ entertainment and instruction, to the E::10:starelformElkEated by these famil-
, '1-‘El 1 TIVE COMMITTEE Louisville Board of Trade for the de— , ’ ° 01.” “7‘ the geeds’ b1“ 3.1150 ,
‘, 1. 5‘. 'EEE_, l K98“ JOhnSOH, Raglster, Richmond, lightful banquet and entertainment sympathetic Wlth the aims Of ethical
. E1 E fl‘lflf ‘; fifrlmgfih Gggffe AE-Joplin, Jr., Com- tendered us, and to the talented young gagglslfacturers 0f nationally consumed
‘f f f f‘ff Mercury Carlislerse ’ Warren Flsher, artists who contributed to the even— BE IIT FURTHER RESOLVED Th E
E l 1‘ EE , , e. ing’s enjoyment; 13? Mr. Bryant White, we hereby vi orousl te t th I a: l
ll ‘ “Er-l E ' K president of the Kentucky Utilities, rulin of thg P E1370??? 5 e recent ,
l 7,1 , llE‘, OUR NEW OFFICERS for courtesies extended us at the lunch— of thg U tea 2: t lce Departmen l
EE z IKE E Th P . . , t 1 t‘ t eon on Friday; to the Courier- . «(it 1:16 EaEesE Govelnment in f
EEl 1 'll:‘ e ress J0m§ 11} congra u a 10115 0 Journal and Louisville Times for their r egai O hat maillng pilVllege Of un- l
EEE ,1" EE E our new assocration officers, and hospitality in providing today’s most addressed envelopes and literatule
‘1! 1 m m a1 m. m
i l Ellll E . .Club; to the Brown hotel for its usual and rural, lndlscrlmlnately. This prac-
fl _ 1“; 1 E —————————— efficient service and hospitality, and he? has worked a tremendous hard- l
,l , Ell‘l l 1 N. E. A. MEMBERSHIP for the buffet dinner on Thursday 15-h1p_0n the newspapers Of this coun- E
I l . a , l‘Ell‘l’: E The members of the KPA, by unan— evening; to the motion picture houses try lEn 1055 Of advertlsmg, and ,
f l l , '1‘ El 1 imous vote, signified thir desire to af- 0f the city for their courtesies; and BE IT FURTKER RESOLVED! That E
l‘ ‘ 1 ‘1l1’ ' filiate with the National Editorial 215- to the many business firms and citi- we hereby petim’“ 0‘11.” Karma“ gm 1
| E , .1 EE1ElE sociation as a group, This followed zens of Louisville, who have, with their ators and RepresentativesEto make ev-
‘1: EEEE; , r the action of the association in Min- custornary kindness, made us feel at ery, effort to have “‘5 dlscnmmatori ,
l1 , EEEl E nesota, North Dakota, and Wisconsin. home In their city. ruling .Of the Post Office Departmen 1
, l1‘ l E‘EEf '; 1 Last year there were 32 Kentucky edi- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Immediately revoked, and
, E1 E ‘l E , f . tors enrolled in the national group; by we recognize the unusual and extraor- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED1 That l
1E El ; this action all members of the state dinary work accomplished by our of— “inform the. efforts 0f?“ Namnal
I ll ‘1 l ll“. , E association automatically, with the ficers and Executive Committee during Edltorlal ASSOClatIOn to bring this mat- l
1 E E "Elf l payment of proportionate dues, become this year, and especially our 13113810191113: ter before the proper ’ officials and l
, l : 1 ll‘lll‘ E members of the NEA. It is a step in GeOTge Joplin, our secretary, J. Curtis pledge our support to this end, and v
i1 E 1E§E E the right direction, and the Pressbe— Alcock, Keen Johnson, Lawrence Ha- 33E IT FURTHER RESOLVED’ Tm E
1 g l. lieves that every editor will gain both ger, J.,L. Crawford, and A. Robbins. this resomtlon be spread on our mm'
5 . materially and financially if he takes for their most devoted and untirlne‘ Utes and that comes be forward“ to E
. l E E 1 ! advantage of the many facilities now labor in planning and administering 101” Senators and Representatives’ and
'. E f E E-EEEE E available through his membership. the Regional C‘ode activities, to the national office of the National l
E E f “ll ‘1 Those editors who were former mem- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Editorial “500131510111 ‘
‘ EE‘ 3 :4 l bers, aver that they» have received we eKPH-385 0111‘ deep SOrITOW and sense Respectfully submitted,
. E E1 E E many times the value of their dues in Of 1055 In the death of five of our J- T- NORRIS
1, ‘Ez‘E 1, l EEE l: former years, With the splendid pm- members and fellow workers during A- 5- THOMPSON
?E; l ' EE; l gram outlined by the NEA for 1935, the year just closed, and our realiza- J. T. LOVETT ,
3.: E E E EEE 5: . and the service that will be given, tion that the loss of Ben B. Cozine, Committee. l
.1 , 1: 1:. Eli‘f‘ ’
Rel l-1E11 _ . . ' - '
l f ‘f f ' ‘ 1
1:1. :1s1i11 . ‘
m ‘.1 : , f , ,1,

 , m3; . " ' ’ "Wm;- ‘ " ,.
35 E January, 1935 . . THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five 2”
V I V V (Continued from Pa 'e 3%» ,3 ‘ 1i
at... l Mang'At Mid-wunter Meetlng _ . g. ,
tries H. . cherish the pleasant memories .of an :i‘i‘flE
tion of i Augustus Robbins, Hickman Cour- ville. Horace A. Taylor, “pinch-hit- occasion made delightfui by the gen— "inn;
bers of l ier, was elected president by acclama— ting” for Mayor Neville Miller, gave a erous hOSpitality of our hosts and the , 3ng
faith- \ tion to succeed George A. Joplin, Jr., gracious welcome to which was re— friendly citizens of Owenstro. . I: .E
at the (3105ng session 0f the 615‘? an— sponded an equally gracious accept- The annual better—newspaper con-- E r E
). That E nual mid-winter meeting of the Ken- ance by John L. Crawford. tests were sponsored by the association 3' 32:”? z ;
)se the tucky Press Association at Louisville, President Joplin’s annual addreSS, last summer, the attractive trophies E i
mprac- January 17-19. Mr. Robbins was ad- reprinted herein, struck straight to the being given by newspapers and indi- I {E‘
:ly and E vanced from the vice-presidency in pomt, followed by Keen Johnson with vidualS. Kentucky newspapers gener- E E
'ica in- E line with custom established many an address on the Graphic Arts Indus- ally are becoming more conscious of , r
055 in" , years ago. tries Code. Read it. J. Curtis Alcock, the need for attention to physical ap- : - i,
Lgcs in John L. Crawford, Corbin Times- regional code manager, gave a brief re- pearance. The daliy newspapers have j E
iteadily ,E ' Tribune, was advanced to the vice- port of his stewardship. led the procession but the weeklies
md in- presidenCY; J. Curtis AlCOCk. Danville The assembly then moved to the have been following close behind. The T; _;. $51
10-hour ‘ Messenger, was re—elected secretary- Pendennis club where a bountiful annual contests have caused many ed- '52:; El
for the ; treasurer for his twenty-fifth consecu- luncheon was provided by Bryant itors to give special study to the ques- 5:2; TEE
news- : tive term; and J. P. “Jody” Gozd-er, white, president, Kentucky Utilities tion. 1“: , EE;
le pro- Campbellsville News-Journal, was elect— company. To the regret of all pres- The Kentucky Press Association has '1 'fig 1
am en- . ed chairman of the executive commit— ent, Mr. White was unable to be pre— continued its cooperation with the Na— i f E
were E tee. sent in person. Harry Rutledge, exec— tional Editorial Association. During ,1 ,»|
l arbi- President Robbins appointed his ex- utive secretary, National Editorial as— 1934 there were 32 Kentucky editors 1 ?3£E|
ecutive board and committees as fol- sociation, gave an interesting address who were affiliated with the NEA, an 9 * g1!
), That E lows: ~ on the scope and work of the associa— organization that saved us from an 13 If. ."
nd 13W EXecutive Board—Gracean Pedley, tion and urged every editor in Ken- NRA code that would have been ruin— f :EE
meas- E Eddyville Herald; J- L. Bradley, PI‘OVi— tucky to join in the broad and com— ous to small publishers. The NEA of— g. 32:1,;
‘actical ‘. dence Enterprise; Keith HOOd, Bed— prehensive program for the betterment fers you many services such as the g sziifE
utional E ford, Trimble Democrat; Vance Arm- of community newspapers. Mr. Rut- monthly bulletin, the service letter, E ' ,,.
in the l entrout, Louisville Courier- Journal; ledge also “pinch-hitted” for President selected editorial service, and an en- E , .‘1 i»?
'ticular E JOSBDh COStEllO, Cynthiana Democrat; Ken Baldridge, who is confined in a graving service. The advertising de- l:
But i