xt7vmc8rfs9d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vmc8rfs9d/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1993-06 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, June 1993 text GLSO News, June 1993 1993 1993-06 2019 true xt7vmc8rfs9d section xt7vmc8rfs9d % Pair?“ (/04 lg (fie [exam/tom gay arm/[wi/ZM fame/set? 0744/24 5/04
!!!Prlde Plcnlc Moved!!! Get OUT the Wedding R102 and the
The grand event of Lexington’s Gay, Lesbian and Tanning Oil
Bisexual Pride Celebration is the Pride Picnic on In M337 the Supreme Court for the State of Hawaii
Saturday, June 12’ from 11am to 69‘.“- Last month we issued a ruling in the Baehr v. Lewin case before it on
reported that the 1310‘“ WOUld be m Coolavrn Park. the legality of denying marriage to same sex couples.
The ,IOCZWOH has been changed [0‘ 'Woodland Park!!!! In its ruling, the Hawaii Court said that the State of
Don t miss the location...and certainly dont miss the Hawaii must show compelling evidence for such a
event Of Phe summer. , , ban or allow gay/lesbian couples to marry. The Court
Plnk Pages Premieres...62am! judged that such a ban on same sex couples constitutes
The Pride issue of the Pink Pages premiered at a gala discrimination on the basis OfSCX rather than on equal
party at Fleur de Lys on Sunday, May 16. Advertisers protection or privacy rights. It is often difficult for a
Such as Ed and Fred’s Desert Moon, Natasha’s Cafe, state to meet a requirement Of compelling interest
and the Sub Center donated food and distinctive because the state must show a VCI’Y strong reason for
clothing for the event hostedby the Diversity Business denying SUCh marriage licenses and that this “3350“
Coalition. Once again the DEC has shown that it can can only be met by SUCh denials. Thusi there is 3 good
put out an excellent community resource AND throw chance that same sex marriages will become legal in
a great party. Hawaii. Such a law could have far-reaching results. All
states currently recognize heterosexual marriages
Stonewall Awards Honor Our Own performed in other states. It is unknown if gay
The Anderson Foundation’s Stonewall Awards honor marriages WOUId receive the same. treatment. A150:
and reward individuals who have contributed to the ShCh marr 13865 WOUId probably pr ov1de the tax benefits
quality of life for the gay and lesbian community. 81‘?” by. the IRS ‘0 married couples and 31?!) allow
Founded in 1990 by abequest of $1,250,000 from the ClhzehShlp for the foreignparmers 0f 165blahS/83Y
late PaulAnderson, aChicago futures trader who died men: If, however, WTSUICUOHS 3f? P13C€_d 0“ SUCh
from complications fromAlDS in 1992. His companion marriages 35 only binding on He‘ll/3113“ resrdents, then
of 15 years, Allen Schuh, now heads the foundation there are numerous legal questions 313011! r6C08mh00
which gives each recepient $25,000 each for their of such partpershlps for ample? eventually movmg
work. This year five people were honored: —Patricia 0U! 0f H3W31}- A130, some SW65 SQdOUW laws F10 “01
Norman, San Francisco, executive director of the apply [0 mar “Cd COUP16§_- The issue 15 very complicated.
California AIDS Intervention Training Center -Earnest If It ShOUId P355, Hawaii may find an economic 130051
Hite, Chicago, CO_f0under and president of Image from thousands of women andmen off to the alter...but
Plus, a support organization for African- American probably notbefore we first head off to the courthouse.
gay/lesbian youth —Suzanne Pharr, Little Rock, AR,
strategist who worked to defeat anti-gay legislation in Have you been discriminated against
Oregon —Edward Sedarbaum and Howard Cruse, -
Queens, NY, a couple who share an award for m the commonwealth 0f Keanky
Sederbaum’s founding of the Queens Gay and Lesbians for your sexual orientation?
United (at rogram to sensitize police about gay "
issues) and gruse’s work as a pioneering gay cartoonist THEN REPORT r”
(Barefootz and Wendel, “Gay Comix”) 276-5383
The awards are named for the 1969 Stonewall Rebellion
in New York Clty that marks the beginning Of the “51:55:352555-.-~5-';':;:--"‘;:-":;;;§;;"--:;:,;;:-:;:;5;:-:;;;:;;v:.'-:>:~:;:-:;§;';:-:5;;;:~:-:;:;'~':3:§;:~:;5;:~:~:':;§;g;'“"‘:»:~:;:;:-:;g;';§;:-:-:;;;:':;:~'235553;,
modern gay rights movement. Next year is the 25th GtSiscriminamnFmiect
anniversary of this rebellion.

 -_ 1.1. ' V .. - -
€fi\::\\; 9&0 avgrwcs 4%? U.K. LesBiGay Alumni Group
Published Monthly by the In the Works
. . . If you went to the March on Washington, you may
[Exmgfon gay/L’E‘gm game“ have noticed the reunions thrown byseveral universities
. ' for their gay/lesbian/bisexual alumni. For some time
“fiawaf‘on 1 r ti ' tSt s h b 1 ' h
. ong ime ac Vis eve avage as een p anning suc
PO' Box 11471: Lexmgton, KY 40575 an alumni association for the University of Kentucky.
Editors: Although still in the planning stages, Steve and UK
Jeff Jones and Kristin Smith Lambda are now seeking the names, addresses and
GLSO Annual Dues _ $15 00 phone numbers of UK alumni wishing to have their
' names on a gay alumni mailing list. Other universities’
Dues for COUples ' $20-00 gay alumni groups hold annual receptions, fund
Newsletter Only _ $10.00 scholarships, issue newsletter updates and continue
———+——— to create positive change on their former campuses. If
XiZZZSZS’f‘Eff iniisitidiy‘iefiiisfii".:35": f§°tiihffso°§oifi YOU are intereswd in getting on this mailing list, mail
of Directors.$ubmissions are welcome. All submissions become the your name, addresg) phone number, graduation year
ESETYTZ: “iii?"iiiii;“32:33.3TIEEESL‘SMZ‘SEZZZZ :2: and any suggestions you might have to UK Lambda,
to mes: fubiishinifequirimenfts; astZelil 3: fit}: 11:12: :0 133“: PO BOX 647, UK Main Station, Lexington, KY40506...OI‘
:2: 1:0: :anoffmeLlaf $1.532?an "2x a b:::na::' call in this information to Jeff Jones at 276—5383.
customer preference.
.I% .15- rci. .7; . . . .
\»\ > ,a/ Discrimination Number Changed
To facilitate GLSO- u «'crimination Project to document
P’FLHG to ”Old Workshop harassment and discrimination against Kentucky’s
P—FLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) of 1353193? commumuesi the phone number for reporting
Louisville will hold a coming out workshop and such inCidents has been changed. If you or a friend
support session on Saturday, June 12’ from 2pm—5pm. is the victim of such discrimination or harassment (no
This workshop will be held at the Central Presbyterian matter hOW many years ago), please COMQCI J€ff at
Church, 4th Ave. and Kentucky Street, Louisville. The 2765585-
fee for the workshop is $5 ($3 students). For more . , _ _
information, please can (502) 244-9556. Clinton 5 Lesbian Appomtmenis
’ Although a Senate committee approved openly
men 8 Network celebrates lesbian Roberta Achtenberg’s appointment to a high—
] sf ennlversary level cabinet post on May 5, arch-homophobe Senator
, , . Jesse Helms CR-NC) is trying to delay a vote by the full
TheMen S hetwsork 03 the 15111161? assIaelebr ated “sf” Sci Senate by demanding a full debate on the nomination.
anrtiiverflary onf ”a: 3’ lay 5' e notice irrive According to GLAAD, Helms called Achtenberg on
$01161; $31331de (son aéfi‘lslgfewtfiggoagresz ”EEK: May6 “a damned lesbian” and added “if_th.a.t makes me
Men’i Network is dedicagted to the ersonazlwrgwth of a blgOt’ then so be in” Any Rep ublican-initiated delay,
I h d d f p ch {I31 f however, would need the approval of Minority Leader
men. tmeeftst e'5r13atur ayo ea ”102:1 to ocus Robert Dole (R—KS) who personally is not reported to
on 11351165 0 dPEEmfcu arFinterest tofmen. . mefinparei oppose Achtenberg’s appointment. Helms can now
geucohnge an “5 rge. 10; more m ormation, ca au fairly safely be referred to as “self-identified bigot”
e a aggiora at 55‘ 73' . Jesse Helms. In other appointments, President Clinton
Womynweave Camplng has announced the appointment of Nan Hunter to be
Deputy General Counsel at the Department of Health
Date Moved and Human Services. Hunter, a professor at the
The planned June camping trip to Cades Cove in the Brooklyn Law SChOOL has served'as leader on the
Smokey Mtns. of Tennessee with the Womynweavers ACLU 3, RCPFOdUCUYC Freedom Pr 016C?) the AIDS. and
has been moved to the weekend of July 9_11_ Civil Liberties PI‘OJCCL and the Lesbian/Gay Rights
Reservations for camping space was not available for PrOject. She 15 also a member Of the Lambda 146831
the June weekend. For more information on this Defense Fund.
outing, call Suzanne at 299-2188.

 . ---------------
- Openly Gay Editor Threatened l' 1
Chris McDavid, next year’s openly gay Editorial I I
Page Editor for UK’s Kentucky Kernel, received over I I
a dozen harassing and threatening calls at the end of I I
y April. McDavid, a sophomore at UK majoring in
s journalism, said that most of the calls appeared to be I I
3 from one or two people with one message stating: I l
1 “f_king queer, we’re gonna kill you.” Coming as
'. these messages did just prior to finals at UK, the ' UK LAMBDA PRESENTS I
{ harassment’s toll on McDavid is even more of a I I
1 problem. These threats have been reported to UK I L I
r Security, Residence Life and the GLSO Discrimination I I
t’ Project. As one of the editors of Kentucky’s third I ‘
1 largest circulating newspaper, McDavid says he expects I I
3 an amount of angry readers but that harassment and I T H E 7 I
f threats to his life have no place in our society. When I v I
1 the police asked if McDavid would file charges against
r the callers, McDavid says that the officer seemed less I I
, than enthused that he would file charges. According I A I
r to the officer, “everyone has the right to their own I I
opinion, but they should keep it to themselves.” One
wonders if such a statement would be told to someone I I
victimized by racial or anti-Semitic threats? Readers of I I D I
The Kentucky Kernel are well aware of the conservative I I
: bent given the editorial page by homdophobfic editors I I
Alan Cornett and Joe Braun. McDavi says is goal is .
3 to provide a more balanced set of viewpoints ranging I AT UK ROTC S BLDG I
i from the progressive; to the more conservatlive. McDivid I TH E BU ELL ARMORY I
is perha 5 one o the most universal y well-Ii ed
I membersp of the Lexington community and is active in I ADMINISTRATION D R I
a number of areas. He is Secretary/Treasurer of UK I I
Lambda, a Gaines Fellowship finalist, an AVOL I 8PM - 1AM THURS 10 JUNE I
volunteer, Diversity Business Coalition volunteer and
V GLSO New’s very own nationallysyndicated columnist I $3 COVER NO ALCOHOL I
_ “Christopher Robyn.” In standing up to these threats I OPEN TO ALL AGES, ORIENTA- I
r and for giving us permission to use his name in this I TIONS, AND NON—UK STUDENTS l
1 article, GLSO News salutes Chris McDavid. I I
f D'C‘ Pgssalbly prefls ”8 I at THE ORGANIZERS OF LEXINGTON's I
r 0 0m” 3W- l GAY PRIDE WEEK 1993 l
) The District 0; Columfbia Counsel votedjunafnimcilusly I I
J on May S in avor o the Criminal Co e o Rig t to
” Privacy Amendment which decriminalizes adult I FREE TEKNO. HOUSE, 8t DISCO I
1 consensualsodomy. D.C. struck down its sodomy law I TAPES AS DOOR PRIZES ! I I I
3 in 1981, but it was overturned by Congress owing to I I
1 the District’s unique status. All laws in DC. must pass
3 a Congressional review period of 60 days before I THANKS TO UKS MILITARY SCIENCE I
3 becoming law. With a Democratically—controlled ' DEPT FOR USE OF THE BUELL ARMORY I
1 Congress and a somewhat pro—gay President, a I I
3 Congressional overturn is unlikely. The current I I
1 sodomy law defines oral/anal sex as a felony punishable
up to 10 years in prison and a $1000 fine. I I

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4-GLso NEWS/ JUNE 1993 1993 PRIDE ISSUE 1

 gfigyfififi 3&3 We Need a Home!
«$3.3 353;) The theme for this year’s Lexington Gay, Lesbian
23% HOMO 43“ and Bisexual Pride Week is “A Family of Pride.”
Connecting to this idea, the Diversity Business Coalition
(and other supporting local groups) are planning and
raising funds for a LesBiGay community center here in
___1 Lexington. The addition to our community of this
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . assetis almostmvaluableandcanaddressmanyofour
Ch . h .R b . . h' th h' needs. For instance, many new groups and even
““091 er 0 Y n 13 on vacationkt ‘5 mon at .15 established ones lack easily accessible and affordable
ancestra estate in eastern Kentuc 'y and so we W111 meeting space. When the new Lexington Youth
have to wait until July for the next titillating update of Group needed a place to meet, it cost them a hefty $20
Christopher ROW“ sHomo HOHYWOOFL Undoubtedly: for a space in a local church. A community center
giranOPYn 15 dillilgerlltlytrpsearchmg hls “Egg/t “$16,? would provide meeting spaces for our burgeoning
, grocery C CC 0” 196 even now. 6 a W15 organizations. LikeWise, a commumty center can
Chm a well—earned vacation. provide the information center Lexington needs in the
face of ignorance and an organized anti-gay movement.
g room an in ormation table at the center
This is a new feature in the GLSO News facilitated by could provide a wide range of materials currently
the new Lambda Update from the Lambda Legal scattered among various groups: AIDS prevention
Defense and Education Fund. LLDEF was founded in materials, politicalinformation, social notices, resources
1975 by William Thom, E. Carrington Boggan and for people just coming out or researching a lesbian/
Michael Levy in New York to promote equal rights for gag} topic. Aflso, the PBChhas discusseccli including a
homosexuals via legal work. This group has an CO 66 room or peopew owantto Stu yOr re ax in
outstanding record in filing and winning cases for a gay—positive atmOSphe-re staffed by volunteers.
1e5bians, gay men and people With AIDS, Theyhelped Socially, the center could be aboom. In Albuquerque,
file amici briefs in Kentucky’s own Wasson sodomy NM. the gay center there 110813 a Very prUIEI (no
law repeal case. They are also currently involved with smokmg/ 31C0h01 free) weekly movre night every
almost 50 cases nationwide ranging from child custody Friday. For people who don’t llke bars and also as'an
to AIDS discrimination tof Hawaii’s unifzirriage laws. Early evefinng eptfrtatglment for tlieopfie Yhoddoildl?
LLDEF can be reached or more i ormation or ars, suc a SOCI21 33 Cling can e a 00 an a a -
membership ($40) at 666 Broadway, 12m Floor, New And of course, such a center can provide the political
York, NY 10012—9849, base we so desperately need. lnthe face of organized
Johnson v. Schlotman (Appealed to the North Dakota homophobic groups based OUIOf churches and national
Supreme Court): This case involves a custody and Pfficesi 0"” little center COUId be a place where
visitation dispute between Dianne Schlotman and her important information on laws and events affecting 115
ex—husband Jon Johnson, who divorced in 1986. Ms. could bgsdlscugseg- Mgteriails spch astt—shirts, POhtltcfl
Schlotman filed a motion to seek custody of and/or P03 car i an e uca ona 1,“ orma 10“ “OW car e
visitation rights with her two children after her former around [0 ”“0115 events by different groups COUId be
husband interfered with her visitation rights because centrally located. Ideally, a volunteer staff .COUld
of his hostility to her sexual orientation. The lower “keep house” every day for people JU5[ [0 stop in and
court not only denied her custody but temporarily ViSiF whenever they needed a “visit home" [0 a 83V
suspended her visitation rights, citing the children’s posrtive,nonecommeraalatrnosphere.Psychologically,
mental state and the problems the children were [m5 fochusipointlfo}: Otlrtrhconsimunfitysenergizs cpuédbe
h' . - h - th i 1 . ~ . W‘th overw e mingy ea y. o,w a canyou o o ring
MW‘hm M; M M e iieeWie We ee
William Kirschner have appealed the case to the ND gaggesarrfilflrogaéenlgrg; 1133:2323] fougfilisgigogfig?
. f Th ,
Supreme Court ( rom e Lambda Update, 1995) b) point the DEC towards a suitable location to rent or
, ' potentially to buy, c) start a piggy bank for loose
DON T BE LEFT IN THE CLOSET- change to donate to the center or d) getthat rich friend
COME CREATE THE with a downtown property to donate the building to
I the DEC. With the talents in this community, even the
CELEBRATION- roverbial “fixer u er” might make Architectural
PRIDE WEEK JUNE 3-1 3 Digest. It may take a few months, but it is time that
our community have a home.

Ugs flicgm @055 R54? NEEDED: New editor for GLSO News. This is a (
L «93. voluntary position that requires approximately 20 (
—____——-————-——-—______ hours a month. One of the current editors will (
959 JVMAway af/w ‘1 [W 25 ”“4 WWW“ 01’ 65% WM ml definitely leave after the August issue at the latest to ‘
aluminaswayautm/omniogfistoavmgpflBow/47;,Lirxcngm. attend to pressing school needs. He wishes to train 5
1940575,oma‘276.5353. someone this summer to take 0v? this position. If x
_ , interested, please contactJeff at 27 6383. Little or no I
dl/ly Jsawitdvom' ggaga‘tt/me/muof’w [IL/[Egan experience beyond basic writing, typing and 1
l'ust/zassad.(youmlbusmdsup/zodwasiuumégatfgaw interpersonal skills are needed. Is this YOU? 1
l . t
awmy muagwd'flflwaqjou’ inflamfinfi fla’h’bfj NEEDED: Plans are underway for creating a gay 1
95185 ‘yw 04%ng 0'1 9mg 76: 7993- (gm community center for Lexington. A suitable location (
gwgfi is needed. If you know of or own a property that can ,
be rented or potentially bought at a reasonable cost, 5
this building could be a great service to the community. I
9£c§0 «(fl/sum, 7mm! and My, £ex£n5£omuancl This property needs to be centrally located with 5
flouiwiffe comunmw can wtufate (/Vom Bun/gm, adequate parking and kitchen facilities. A sizeable 2
' 3 . area for meetings and functions are definitely an asset. l
mdflufl'a 5:120:25 0'1 555” Mammy Offlommlfmmt “5 555 If you can help, contact the Diversity Business Coalition i
dl/law/f on Was/szgton. 9/25 gunaffu all/mug wifl’owa at 281'8444 or Jeff at 2765385 I
. . . / z
fomtfianSnywa‘!‘ ”Ewamaatouag/[wm’fg‘sgwfi’m‘fl' FOR SALE: Mac Plus Complete Computer System. I
912319 dVaam aongmtufatu £55 06551 focal, con/Mu Includes Jasmine 4O Meg hard drive, Apple Image (
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(AI/:0 affimdtgul w wt andfow' to mag 04:51 at Mouse, Team 1200 baud Modem, Anti Glare Screen 1
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 - Hate State Update KY Fairness Gamma Steam
Colorado: Information on the continuing boycott The Kentucky Fairness Alliance, a statewide group
I of Colorado is scarce this month. Comments by Tori promoting education on issues relating to privacy and
) Osbourn, new director of the NGLTF, that seemingly gay rights, continues it fundraising. Thus far, the
1 called for an end to the boycott were quickly reversed Alliance has raised $10,000 of its $80,000 goal. These
) with a statement from the NGLTF continuing its funds will be used for an office and for the salary for
I support of the boycott in an effort to repeal Colorado’s a full-time staff person/lobbyist. If you wish to donate
f virulently anti—gay Amendment 2. The New York to this important cause, mailacheck to: PO Box 1523,
) University Law School also voted to join the economic Frankfort, KY 40602. Any amount to the Political
l boycott of Colorado by barring Colorado employers Action Committee (a PAC) over $300 must be reported
from recruiting on campus or the use of NYU funds for as public knowledge by Kentucky law. Amounts to
travel or purchases from Colorado companies. the education fund are not reported.
' Amendment 2 is now working its way through the
1 Colorado legal system. Washington State: A bill that Closets Are For Clothes
! WOUId have added “sexual OUCHIaUOH" to Washington The March issue of Mademoiselle magazine features
. state’s anti-bias laws died In the SCUM? Ways and several articles aboutyoung lesbians including one on
, Means Committee. Idaho: Most Idaho legislators have “Women In Love," one about lesbian yuppies coming
1 stated that they OPP“?21 proposed Amendment 2 out of the Closet. Go to your library and check out this
: style ballot measure being proposed for the 1994 back issue!
, ballot. Pseudo—Christian militants, the Idaho Christian
1 Association, have used a petition drive to get such a . . .
proposal on the ballot. Legislaters see such an LOUISVIHB MBrCh for JUSTICE
amendment as divisive over legal issues for D t S t
homosexuals that have not arisen in Idaho yet. a e e
: Oregon: Five counties and one town Will vote June 29 The annual March forJustice in Louisville will be held
r on virulently anti—gay ballot iniatives driven by a Saturday, June 26, beginning with a rally atnoon at the
, petition by the OCA, the Oregon Christian Association. Courthouse steps in downtown Louisville. The March
Having failed on the state level, the OCA is trying to will begin at 1pm and end at the Pride Fair in Central
pass local laws outlawing any civil rights protections Park. This year’s speakers will include: Pat Hussain
to homosexuals. (March on Washington Executive Committee), Peri
Jude Radecic (chief lobbyist for the NGLTF), and Dale
KUdOS McCormick (openly lesbian state legislator in Maine).
1. Connie Meredith (Richmond) and Kenneth Sanders Jeffery Wasson wrll 31,50 share the speaker’s platform
(Lexington): for the two wonderful letters to the editor at the ”HY Last year 5 March drew a CIOWd Of close
in the Herald-Leader. to 1000 people. For more information, call (502) 635-
2. Brad Garrett, Laura Kaplan, Randy McMillan, Phyllis 5818'
Giberson, Charlotte and Gayle, Heith and the whole
bunch at the Diversity Business Coalition for the
second “tres fabo” Pink Pages!!...not to mention the
premiere party.
3. Special kudos to Brad Garrett for his interviews in
the Lexington Herald-Leader and Louisville Courier— ;
Journal on the Pink Pages. Q
4. Ann Olliges: for prodding Lexington’s organizations ,
into the best Pride Week in recent memory...while !
raising a son, painting a house, AND keeping up with ‘
Laura (the “Dr, Spock” of lesbians)! Swedish Massage Pre/Postnatal Massage
5. Kristin Smith: for managing to make tIEexington Deep Muscle Therapy Sports Injury
chuckle AND com letely humiliate long-su ering co— . . . .
editor, Jeff Jones. pBut heh, if it works... Instructlgn Agallable Home VISHS
6. Jeff Wasson, Ernesto Scorsone, Pam Goldman and 2 2- 2 1
Dean Bugalos: for making this Pride Week the first M b ( M0 13 A55_ _ 5 7
where we can be proud WITH PRIVACY RIGHTS!!! mmagbfififig ON D M

 —_____—~_———* “E“-IIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllll
Q l l
. .. . LOOK FOR .
i©g@. une ~ : =
GLSO Salutes the 24th Year of the Modern Gay Movement . . . . .
‘ 0 . L I ST 0 F .
1 2 3 4 5 ' PR1 D E 93 '
7230 PM Gay/Lesbian Al-Amn 6:30 PM MCC-L'Ville 7:30 PM Men's Chorus 9:00 AM Frontrunners
7:30 PM Partners of HIV+ 7:00 PM GLOBAL-U of L. 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS Sppt.Grp. 7'30 PM ”XX“? Gm" 10:00 AM HIV/AIDS S-t.G .. : :
swims. 7:00 pM women. Chorus 8:00 PM cussssxu 8:00 PM Gay/beam AA _ _
8:45 PM Rainbow Bowling- 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA I l
s thland . . . .
0“ Lexmgton’s L/G/B Pride Week (see the Pride Gurde) : :
6 7 8 9 1o 11 12 - I N T H E -
5:30 PM CAP AVOL 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian Al-Anon 6:30 PM MCC-L‘vflle 7:30 PM Men's Chorus 7:00 PM Gay Men's Spirit. 9:00 AM Frontrunners I I
4'00 PM TSGFA m Hahn“ 7.00 PM NMC(H Mt ) 7:30 PM Psnners of HIV+ 7:00 PM GLOBAL-U of L. 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS Sppt.Grp. Grp. 10:00 AM HIV/AIDS 5.1.6 ., l '
5:00 PM Impensi Court ' 3‘ 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowling-S... 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA 8:00 PM GUESS-EKU 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA ' I
7:00 PM Gay/Lesbian AA l l
Lexington’s L/G/B Pride Week (see the Pride Guide) I I
13 14 , 15 16 17 18 19 . GI IIDE .
AVOL Mtgs. 4pm/5:30pm 7:30 PM Gay/Lesbian Al—Amn 6:30 PM MCC-L‘ville 730 pM Men‘s Chorus 8:00 pM Gay /Lesbian 9:00 AM Frontrunners I . I
4:00 PM Diversity Business ' ' ‘ 7:30 PM Partners of HIv+ 7:00 PM GLOBAL-U of L. 800 PM HIV / AIDS 10:00 AM HIV/AIDS s... . ._ I I
7:00PMGay/LesbinnAA 5:30PMCAP(AVOL) Sppt.Grp. 7:00PMWomensChonIs ' AA IIllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
7:00 pM NMCH Mtg. 8:45 PM Rainbow Bowling- 8:00 PM Gsy/LssbisnAA SPPt-GI'P- 12.00 PM P _ mm. .m. ,.._.._.. .._. _ . , _ __
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 NI News "3‘“-
MCC'L’WC‘ “W53” mm 7:30 PM Gay/whim: AI-Anon 6:30 PM MCC-L‘ville 7:30 PM Men’s Chorus 7:00 PM Dignity Mass 9:00 AM anmners r no 10 e ' C‘
7:0 f“ WWW“ 7:00 PM GLOBAL-U of 8:00 PM HIV/AIDS 7:00 PM Gay Men’s 10:00 AM “{YWDS 5'» -G . usms I ”MS
MO PM We: Pom 5.30 PM W AVG, 8.4?sfr‘psss... sows... L. Spptcrp. Spirit-Grprotluck
3333 :5 gfiga m, M WC; mg? Southlnnd 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian 8:00 PM GUESS-EKU 8:00 PM Gay/Lesbian ms sous...” Exposure was. as chrzrrismP 1'4 mm m... m
' y AA 9200 PM COLTS Mtg. AA To» Linux) fetish YELLow SILK SKIN ART GIRL suck Ins-man HR
27 ' 28 29 30 ”F57 ‘ #JEE‘I‘AE'EVFELszc'fiéi ‘0'? s‘fisévé’éfififl‘fisé
5:30 PM CAP 6:30 PM MCC—L’vflle F'UN f GLossv ZINES THAT HAVE BEEN OVE2223§53 m M
w . . .. - vmo uauc .o
Stonewall Revolt. W (AVOL) 7.30 PM Gay/Lesbian ALA”, 7.00 PM GLOBAL-U 0f THE 5. SEHSSEIAEOSZ'IIngU STAPLED IN SOMEBODY'S ms
4130 ll’M Dlvmlty Business 7.00 PM NMCH 7:30 PM Farmers of HIV+ L. E GA m BASEMENT. THE HVPNOTIC EVE OFFERS“; NM“ 1
on. ' . - : _ . - 1 3 SELECTION OF OVER FIVE HUNDRED or
7:00 PM Gay/LesbianAA Mtg. 8'45 PM Rammw BOWhng 3‘” 8'00 PM Gay/Lesbian mo Tom uosr INTERESTING. INFORMA‘IIVE, AND mg,
g 13 I: 12 1g 1: 1g 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NEWS “MOTHER JONES THRASIIER voqeurian 5:317 ANr. 5.0.741; I-EAVY
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1‘ ‘2 ‘3 ‘4 15 16 17 m. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK p
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 m is: . SUN-THR 12-9 FRI-SAT 12-11 .m "is
27 504 1/2 EUCLID AVE - 255-8987 _
30 31 25 26 28 29 30 31 "m“ 7 NEXT To NEW MORNING COFFEE HOUSE ”“ "
Don’t MISS the Exciting Events in the Prlde Gulde Calendar WEEKLY INOLE EARTH REVIEH FRONTIERS photography FIZ DUPLE):
___—___—_—_—*___ .._

\ //"/6’ ewe/1 125’, Ma, ’
Lexington \Vofijn:eAdfiLeCic CLub
(formevlq' OLA‘Cimer's)

SchoLarsh if)
M Dance
I ‘ ‘ ' ' Featuring m
' "Karoake on the move"
1qu 2, 1993
9pm at the Unitarian Church
3564 CL“ 5 miLL Road
$8.00 It a»; (1001' W
606 272-7782

 Week“ W. .
05 F tie Fwy, Minnesota Joms The
-St PM Equality States
Note: This is a service to our more politically In April Minnesota became the 8th state to add “sexual
conscious readers and are not positions endorsed by orientatron’ito the categories protected by the state’s
GLSOJhe GLSONews oranyone 0[her[han CO—editor’ anti-discrimination law, All sexual orientations are
Jeff Jones. now protected by the same laws covering religion,
1. After surveying pro vs. anti-gay letters to the editor age, race, etc. Minnesota lOiHS Wisconsin, Hawaii,
in the Lexington Herald—Leader, it appears thatan anti- Massachusetts, COQUCCUCUL New Jersey, California
gay letter appears about every day on average Wlth a and Vermont in being't'he only States to protect their
pro-gay letter appearing once a week. If you want to L§SBlG9i1Y and straw Citizens from sexual orientation
correct this,write something to combatthis imbalance. discrimination. Interesunglyi bOth Minnesota and
Letters to the Editor Lexington Herald—Leader 100 Massachusetts have sodomy laws still on their books
Midland Ave. Lexington, KY 40508 (must be signed, althOUgh these laws are net enforced.
under 250 words, and include address and phone #)
2. Scotty Baesler, Wendell Ford and other Kentucky They’ll Be Ropin’ More Than Steers
legislators support discrimination agalns‘homoseeuals The Tri—State Gay Rodeo Association will host the
bysupportingkeepingtheban ongays/lesbiansmthe People’s Rodeo at Cincinnati’s Mt Ai Forest on
military. Baesler says there is not support for liftingthe Saturda June 19 The events be in atrfioon with a
ban in the 6th District. Let him know differently by $15 f y, - ' 11 th f d gd d' k
leaving a message for him at 202-224—3121. ee covering a e 00 an “I? you ‘can
5 KET recently showed a single episode of the a handle. For the rodeo events, people will substitute
news /variety show “In The Life ,, The e isogde, cattle. So, if you have a bondage fetish Just waiting to
showed on Friday at 11-30 m after the Marcph and happen, this COUld be your. day! Dance contestants
dealt with the March on Wasthington Thank KET for Will also be chosen-for the international competition
this episode and request them to show “In The Life" tiff be held m Billir%gs, MT’ m féugust. For mgre
regularly. Kentucky Educational Television: 233- 1596o6rmation, contact erry at 255-5 9or CathyatZ 9—
5000 , l
E N n or THE!
m EMPIRL - .
. ~ . . = . i emse 10
. ""1 guiseomol
f f .5?
' _~ |§ — Author of —-
. "J r :2; a.
, t. \ r Endof the Empire
‘ .// 4““
.-' Q
. l '3 Thursday June 10, 1993
F. , 5/} 7:30pm to 8:30pm
R ”a ' “
_ ’Q gfifl” 3199 Nicholas-uilleRd, /Lexington Gum / (606) 232911
W Joseph-BetlfiE Booksellers
.. A? fit fi

 Breeder Trash: Some Horrors P
. , V , , 7 S

From the Halls of Heterosexuallty LLXINP 1 ON ”A A a
An editorial by a less-than-happy Jeff Jones a
1. These poor, hate-filled souls wrote in the 7
homophobic letters to the editor in the Herald-Leader 5
for early May: Geniece Marcum: Edmonton (5/6) Kay GREEK o
Stamms: Nicholasville (5/ 7) J . Brittian: Lexington (5/ o
8) Joseph Glover: Lexington (5/9) t1
2. Perhaps the most horrible twisting of Christianity in RE S TAU RANT a
years comes from Kansas where the “Rev.” Fred h
Phelps, Sr. of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, 16
KS, is leading a hate-filled crusade against h
homosexuality. His tactics include FAXing a message n
to the parents of a gay man at the time of the man’s 12
death from AIDS. The message called the son a re
“faggot” and said that he deserved to die because 8:
“God hates fags.” Phelps and his militant "Christians” \ . x , , ' IV
have protested a number of funerals of gay AIDS ‘~ ' TE ' ' .' , tl