xt7vmc8rfs8t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vmc8rfs8t/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1999-04 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, April 1999 text GLSO News, April 1999 1999 1999-04 2019 true xt7vmc8rfs8t section xt7vmc8rfs8t i “w A 3- . mm..-..M...;;42%;.>._'..;_rm:.;-_;:f:£££mm7€fsz.;:.~.-..~::A.~.:surs~.ug;rmm. W. ., . . .. , .. ..
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3L "*3 A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
:31, at: A0 way Will want to rniss". "Lexngton amdthe avid Maddux, a noted.
surrounding area rarely get the composer and arranger for lesbian
wit/Z dI/(Q’lgifi 041m opportunity to have a feminist musi- and gay choruses, the show features
cian of this caliber appearing locally. an array of chart-toppers from the
SisterSound, Lexington’s Women’s For ticket information, call Sabrina at AM-rock dial, everything from the
Chorus, continues its fourth season 243-0243 or the Singletary Center for melancholic music of the Carpenters
by presenting feminist/singer/song- the Arts at 257-4929. to the disco beats of the Village
writer/pianist Margie Adam as our . . Peepte. Mix in some Elton John,
special guest in performances at Draggm’ Jubilee for LMCC James, Taylor, Donna Summer, and
Singletary Center for the Arts on . , ABBA, add a dash of TV theme
Saturday, April 24 (8 pm) and The Th'rd Annual Draggin songs, stir gently with the sounds of
Sunday, April 25 (3 pm). Jubilee for MOO Will be held at The keyboard, electronic base, piano and
For those unfamiliar with Baron wedneSdayi Apr” 7i.b?9'””'”.9 drums, and this show will cook!
Margie’s work, this is a great way to at 9 pm‘ The $5 admisSIo-n w'“ The chorus will recreate the look
be introduced to her. Margie Adam include 300d and a 93‘3”“? 3° Win one as well as the sound of the 70's com—
has been a leader in the women’s of 30 door prizes in addition to the plete with polyester double-knit
music scene for over twenty years. Spectacle, e” 5339038033333 show. pants, wrinkle free leisure suits, bell
She is primarily know for her love Mistress of ceremonies Vera Lee bottoms and platform shoes.
songs and inspiring songs of con- 3‘3a¥'U“‘9’Thee says that the Whatever image YOU CODlUTG up, it
science while continuing to explore even'"g ““33 feature Ange' and the translates to a night of great music
the realm of pop—jazz solo piano as Heavenly Flays, Ftayna Starr, LaToya Directed by Dawn COO“ With
well. Margie has seven recordings 8‘30“" MISS Anita Klymaxx, 'Taylor accompaniment by Loren T309, LMC ‘
on her own label that span over 23 Brice, Sungay Delarouge, Niagara received a grant from the Lexington ,
years of music—making. Among her Falls, Jennifer Crant,'Kountry K'J'j Arts and Cultural Commission to help 3
most well know pieces is "We Shall DeYO” Lge’ D'V'ma F'ttre'h and C3" fund "We Are Family." Join us April ‘
Go Forth" which was performed at cm Rodriquez. Gertie May Noe IS 10th- Tickets .
the National Worn en‘s Conference in sure to put in an appearance so grab continued on page 3 ‘
Houston in l977. Cris Williamson and your AL8-1 and meet US at The Bar.
Peter, Paul and Mary have recorded ,. ..
her work and NPR’s “Morning Oyifpfifigthltgtngflpym the Sponsor of the Month
Edition" and “All Things Considered" , , . ’ . »- . ‘
have played cuts from her most Lexmgton Men s-Chorus Will take the . , ‘
. ,, stage of the LeXington Opera House . *
recent piano release, Soon and to present .. We Are Family"ashow- .- . , . , .3
Again.” . ’ | 5' £5 8 J
Whether you are a regular at a‘7s. , €5,er Gun f
SisterSound performances ora new- Do we really need at Pride " - ~ »
comer, this is not a concert that you aerator r3 see page 2 ‘57,: ,7 * ~ ., ,

 W-..“ . _, Do We Reollq Need A Pride Center?
‘1jg:1:43“lg. a; ,t & ....Are YOU Willing To Support It?
W The Metropolitan Community weekly basis we would like for your
Church and GLSO have negotiated a group to consider a sizable contribu-
« new flnancial agreement for paying the tlon. Most groups meeting at the
1m -7. expenses for the two offices we share. Center are now paying something, but
For the last year the pride Center has realistically not enough to cover the
. W paid 30% of the rent and utilities which real emense 0‘ the" U39-
v has been somewhat more than $400 a Alternatives to group financial
month. We have now agreed to pay support, are fund raisers and contribu-
50% of the rent, while continuing to tions from individuals. Of course, if
The GLSO News pay 30% of the utilities. We expect this every gay, lesbian, bisexual, and
Vol.14 Issue 3 to be about $630 a month ($500 rent, transgendered person in the
Published Monthly by $130 utilities and maintenance). Bluegrass area gave us $3, we would
We want to draw your attention to be set for years. Taking the 10% figure
the fact that together, M00 and the as a guide, there must be close to
The Lexington Gay pride Center are paying more than 20,000 of us in the Bluegrass area. If
. . $40aday to have this building as part half 0f ”3 gave $3 that WOUId be
LeSblan S 3771103 of our community. In order to continue $30900!
- - to have a Pride Center, we need com- Many Of US give regularly to one
Organzzatzon munity support. We are asking: Do or another charity but only a relatively
321 Second St. we need a pride Center? Are you will- few of us regularly donate to lesbigay-
ing to support it? These questions are trans organizations. lndividuals who
sincere- perhaps we should not contin- are involved in volunteering often feel
Editors: ue to put money into a phde Center. attachment and ownership of their
Mary Crone Many groups use the pride organizations but sometimes not to
Peter Taylor Center for meetings, discussions, our community as a whole. HOW can
Davina Warner rehearsals, game playing, play prac— we encourage everyone to feel owner-
tice, and... we‘ll think of more interest ship 0f the Pride Center, 0‘ Fairness,
ing activities in the years to come. We 0‘ the GLSO News, "Of our community?
Layout Editor: are asking every group that uses the We are a community, but we do not all
Charlie Perkins center to make a financial contribution believe in our potential.
to the Pride Center account. We are _ We do have some money "‘th i
GLSO Annual Dues not setting a minimum contribution at PM? Center account as well as ”l a 1
and Newstettefl $15 this time but we definitely need to certificate 0’ deposn, 50 the Pride v
Dues and Newsletter for increase the income to the Pride Center Will be open for at leastanoth- J
Couples: $20 account. GLSO has monthly meet- er year. B“! we have been S'OW'Y 1
ings, newsletter foldings, discussion spending ”‘9 money that was raised t
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are groups, and occasional other get before the Center opened and unless
those of the authors and don't necessarily togethers at the center. We Will be contributions DICK up that money WI“
represent those of the GLSO Board. paying $100 a month 07 GLSO money be flowrng 0”? even more rapidly dur-
Submissions are welcome and become the to the Pride account. mg 1999' Ultlmately the Center has to t.
property of the GLSO. The staff resenres If six other groups were able to be supported by many mdeuals and l
the right to edit submissions and advertise- give $100 a month, that would cover groups I.“ order to eXISt'. 30' What Is E
ments as well as the right to reject any sub- the 005m for a year. We realize that your-Vismn for m." lesbigytrans 00m- c
missions or advertisements, only a few groups can afford this munity? Does it include a Pride t
amount, but if you use the center on a Center? HOW much is it worth ‘0 YO“? ‘

. _ 31%., ,. .' ’ _ ”:5? 13‘. :1, A; ‘,,,..-‘.‘.\A3;_V;V.s,.~fi.gi.r__.‘;-:-:_j,vi‘gy3,2553;”1:732; {951 £23; EZS, t.:,nn,r,;*,\Mrfih'rg);fli,‘
are available through the Singletary the calender. Thisis the deadline for L The contest will {be held on
Ticket Office at 257-4929 or from the initial advertising which we will Sunday, April 4 at the Radisson
any chorus member. out in early May. Plaza Hotel, 369 W. Vine Street.
The Pride Picnic, usually our Doors will open at 8 pm and the con—
Amazon Adventurers best attended event, is Sunday, June test will begin at 9 pm.
in February, a women‘s outdoor 13 at Windy Knoll Farm, noon to 4
activity group was conceived. Thus (rain or shine). If you can donate a ACC out
far over thirty women have raffle item or would like to set up as a Act Out, the theatrical group
expressed interest in participating! vendor, please call Kelly at 277- associated with GLSO, announces
The group has already engaged in 6168. We will also need volunteers auditions for its next production,
two day hikes (to Berea College on that day so if you can give us an Beyond Therapy, by Christopher
Forest and the Red River Gorge) hour, give Kellya call. We need your Durang. Anyone interested in audi-
and is formulating plans for camping help and this a great way to get to tioning should come to the Pride
trips to Big South Fork and know people while having a great Center, 387 Waller, Friday evening
Mammoth Cave! time. April 9th from 7 pm to 10 pm, and/or
Through a standard most-votes ' . Monthly Events 1 Saturday afternoon between 1 pm
procedure, the group elected to instead, Ofriwt‘iling articles entry and 3pm. Readings Will be provrded.
name itself Amazon Adventurers! -- month; 0-" regular “an“; m print Fioles are available for four men, var-
an mclusrve and palatable title. these reminders as well as listing ious ages, and for two women, one
Other-names consrdered were Dikes them on our'calgndar. _ early 30’s and the other older.
on Hikes, and Leaping Lesbians. {Very Wed-...GLSO Discussion Group Beyond Therapy Will be produced in
‘ The group is open-to women who FirSt Sunday..;Ccurt cafe-atRegina's early June as part of Pride Month.
are lesbian or lesbian-friendly and Sccond Fri'd*ay...M.CC. Movieflight Call Homer Tracy. at 1-606-623-5763
enjoy the great outdoors. Fourth Friday...MCC Games flight for more information.
' There are no fees other than For M00 We Call Tomas'226‘0978
any incurred through National Park ' AIDS WALK FOR LIFE
' or campground use. Children are Mr Ky. Leather The 1999 pledge walk to benefit
I welcome depending on the difficulty Mr. Kentucky Leather contest AlDS care and services and to honor
level of the activity. Occasional will be held April 3—4, in Lexington. the contributions made by Paul
5 combined trips with gay and gay- The event sponsored by Kentucky Mason to the cause of HIV/AIDS in
' friendly men will be considered. it Leather Productions with assistance Kentucky is planned for Sunday, April
’ you are interested in joining or would from the Bluegrass C.O.L.T.S is open 18. Registration begins at noon,
‘ like more information, please con- to leathermen, at least 21 years old. team photos will be taken starting at
' tact Laurie at 299-3098 or ldavi- The contest is an official preliminary 1 pm, and the walk gets underway at
I son@pop.uky.edu. tor the international Mr. Leather con- 2:30. For team packets and informa-
; test held each year in Chicago. tion call 278-6274.
' Pride Month 99 Activities will begin on Saturday, At this time, the meeting location
) The next pride planning meeting at 9:30 pm with a Mr. Kentucky for the start ofthe walk is undecrded,
j is Monday April 51 at 7 pm at the Leather Bar Night at Vertigo s, 123 although it is likely to be on UK cam-
~ Pride Center, 387 Waller Ave. if you W. Main, and Will feature a meet and pus. The AIDS Walk for Life is a day
i are planning an activity of any kind, greet for contestants and judges, a of .hope and a celebration of Life.
) call or e—mail Terry (255-5469 or mis- salute to previous Mr. Ky Leather Jom Usll
; terb@gte.net) by April 19 to get on titleholders, and a Dungeon Dance. community news continued on P8994

 «rigor, Mr. Cook lives in Lexington, is a member of the Lexington
flammmnxt‘tewsmmmd Lyons Leather/Levi Club and will compete in the Ky Mr.
Discrimination Information ' Drummer contest in Louisville, June 5 - 6 at Score Bar.
Sought by Fairness Clay Mullins was named First Runner-Up and JR.
. , . . Lamb was Second Runner-Up. The event was produced
Jeff Jones’ Cit—Chg” Lexmgw” Fairness campaign by Dave Campbell with assistance from the Lexington
Lexington Fairness is in an ongoing dialogue with L ons L /L as authorized b Kentuck Leather
the LFUCG Human Rights Commission. Discussions P¥oductions roducer of the I: Mr Drulr/nmer and
have occurred off and on since 1993 when GLSO repre- Drummerbo, 39 contests y '
sentatives first spoke with the HRC. As part of this Bernie {ubber Louisville comic and publisher of
process, and with an eye to demonstrating a need for city “Where the B OYZ Are" calender served as master of cer-
policies and or legislation, a need for information and . , ’ . .
. . emonles. Entertainment was prowded by Tiffany
documentation has arisen. Andrews Rayna Starr Venus Drake and Booshee
we want written accounts by indwidua's Who have Rayburn, We would like to thank all of these individuals
faced discrimination due to sexual orientation and/or gen- .‘ . . . .
der identity in Fayette County and environs. This can and the Judges forthelr parthipatlon. .
include but is not limited to: loss of job, not being hired, This was the ("St Of several Leather events being set
asked about sexual orientation in a job interview, denied .UD by Kentucky Leather Productions. See page3 for
. . . . . information about Mr. Ky Leather 99. In Lomsvule at
promotion, denied tenure, given unfavorable iob reVlews, . .
. . . . , Score Bar we plan to present Lomswlle Mr. Drummer 99
working conditions, or aSSlgnments, (ex. ordered to work .
a holiday shift with an excuse such as “being g/l means on April 25’ and Ky Mr: Drummer and Drummerboy 99’ on
,, , . ,, . June 5 - 6. For information contact Ky Leather
you dont have a family )’ refused housmg, a realtor Productions (606)253-0185 or email Stanley9@gte net
refused to show you particular housing because of your ‘ '
sexual orientation, refused service in a restaurant, shop,
or other business That’s Entertainment!
If you have had any of these experiences please call To Benefit Movable Feast
or email Jeff Jones. The incident can have occurred at
any time (not just the last year). We are looking for peo- Lexington’s own “natural wonder,” MS- Niagara Falls,
ple willing to speak to the Commission about their expe— presents That’s Entertainment! an evening of outstand~
rience or willing to have someone else tell their story By ing musical performances and an exciting celebrity auc-
letting your story be known, you may help to stop sucn tion. On Wednesday, April 21, doors will open at Club
discrimination in the future, 141 at 8 pm. Performers will include Mika Milano, Ginger
in addition we would like to know about discrimina— Grant, Victoria Falls, Natalie Gaye, Taylor Brice, Rachel
tion policies where you work. Does your workplace, or Rachel, and, of course, the uncomparable Niagara Falls.
your own business (even if a small side business), have Tickets are $5 at the door.
a formal non-discrimination policy that includes sexual The celebrity auction Wiii inCiUde autographed items
orientation, gender identity, or both? if so, can you from Barbra Streisand, Carol Channing, Kathy Bates, Ru
please send Jeff the company's name and the paragraph Paul, Elton John, and the Indigo Girls. One special item
that lists this non-discrimination policy is a poster from The Bird Cage autographed by Robin
Even if your business/workplace does not have a for- Williams! Ms Niagara reminds us that “this evening of
mal policy in writing (and thus legally binding)...but DOES entertainment is about one thing-raising money for
have an informal policy of non—discrimination based on Movable Feast. i want people to bring their checkbooks
sexual orientation that has been voiced to you, please let and open their hearts to help their brothers and sisters in
me know. Jeff Jones, iefi@qx,nei this community." Movable Feast (252-2867) prepares and
delivers freshly cooked meals seven days a week to per-
Mr Drummer Chosen sons living with AIDS. They do an excellent job of
Over 150 Leathermen and friends recently saw Mr. improving the nutritional health of their clients. Volunteer
Kenny Cook win the first Bluegrass Mr. Drummer title. kitchen workers and drivers are always needed. Volunteer!
ELEE ma!) 4

 Mamafia Steuena gious Purple Grass Award for excel- It you are interested in playing or
Born again lesbian Evangelist lence as 3" evangelist. She has would like more information, please
Marsha Stevens will perform her recorded six solo albums and a con- call 258—9332.
original music at Lexington's cert Video on her independent BALM , ,_ I , . , _ . ._ ._ ,1 ,, ,
Metropolitan Community Church, (Born Again Lesbian MUSiC) label gouty?“ 3‘4“”? v
387 Waller Avenue, on Saturday, and she performs between 150 and -'Locai writers are fih‘yvitedggo
April 17, 1999 at 7pm. Admission is 200 concerts 6‘ yeah The Gay MUS‘C lead their Wk'atthe Thitdfi'fmuat
free. a love Offering will be collected. Guide has rated her last two releas— Working ' Class ' Kitchen Pride
Marsha Stevens is the famed es as among the top 20 albums of Reading. Thiseventwilibe nerds:
composer of “ForThose Tears l Died 1995 and 1996- Jeseph Beth Cale on Sundayduné
(Come To The Water)", a standard of Cons'déred shocking by some 27th at 8 pm Admission i$$£3-$t()
Christian hymnals since 1972. Since and comforting by others, the songs 3"de scale ' which images 3'
coming out as a lesbian and experi— she W‘” perform include "‘The Body ' v » - I
encing the rejection and scorn of a or Ch’iSt Has AIDS,” I" W“ NOt desert bar and Gottee Therewfllbe
homophobic society - most fiercely Behave Like Prey.“ and "Love '5 the an open cash baravailable. L Call
expressed by the church she so Only Law." Stevens has written Kelly (it 277-6168 If 3’9"? are mien
devoutly served _ she has focused many songs that her reflect her (-26in In reading prior information.
her talents on evangelizing the les- unique perspective 0“ Christian
bian, gay, bisexual, and trensgen- belief. Join us to hear her healing "l think inclusiveness has to
dered community through her gospel musrc. include gays and lesbians. YOU
music. don‘t have to approve or disap-
Highly respected throughout the WOMAN’S BASKEIBALL prove of gays or lesbians. The
Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan We are not currently meeting to fact of the matter is they are cit-
Community Churches (UFMCC), she play women’s basketball. We would izens and they are free,“
is the first lay recipient of the presti- like to start playing again this spring. ...............General 00"" Powell
it}? “ f . _ ' *Zef Marsha Stevens
S‘s at???“ - “if: aw»
a . .5 t In Concert at
3;; 1;; ,Q ' 5 j, ’5 Lexington Metropolitan Community Church
Vast .' L ’ ‘ its. . 385 Waller Ave. '
g Saturday, April 17, 1999
it I " ’-’ 7:00p.m.- Admission Free
; ‘3' g W “t: (A love offering suggested.)
it: ‘(y w l’ “9}“ Author of the contemporary hymn, "For Those
' 3; ""4. ' ’ , we r fif Tears I Died", Marsha still writes and Sings, but
_ ’ i. . ,. ow. ,1 now it's for the gay/lesbianlbi community. She
"I" " y brings good news and great music to a location
i l" -..' .. _ , g; ' I nearyou.
w - it
\Tg'w PM "Of all the things that live on afier us, Marsha '3
$5“ TI ”.9“ § 1‘3"“ ‘ music may be what best describes all that we tried
‘ t I} 53.. h». ‘51»: ilk. to do and be for our community. "
: ' g; 5,; .“I i -Rev. Nancy Wilson, Author of "Our Tribe "
l _' g. ’grkxnw ‘I‘ft‘iura ' ~ V
_ GLSO Page 5

 GATHERING OF THE 51511115 F: Hot Damn! Baby Girl is muffdiving! You go girl! Here,
FOR BABY GIRL you want some lip—balm? You looking kind of ashy
by Heinetfe F. Jones around the chops. Bless her little pointed head. Look at
what all that education at the great university did for you.
Oldest------Zora(Z) Fe(F) Kipsay(K) Mattie—Luttie(M) You couldn’t go to a Black school, ah nah. Now you lick-
.......Seecoiya(S) TzuraU)--——-----Youngest ”‘9 it.
M: Do you have to talk like that Fe? You and your dirty
Z: I am glad that everybody could make it today. We mouth. All of that is not necessary. Zora, why did you
have something serious to discuss, invite her? I think we should start with a prayer.
F: ls somebody dying? If you collecting money, you can K: Please tell me that you two are not going to start that
get some for me too. And give me a damn drink 22, you today. l did not drive 100 miles to listen to god-talk and
know how hard it is for me to be around all of y'all! gutter-language. Tzura, are you happy? How long have
2: ldon’t have any liquor Fe, and you already drunk. We you felt this way? I would like to meet this woman of
are all here today for you T. We love you, you the baby. YOUTS-
Do you want to tell us something? F: Mrs. intellectual and Proper, you think you got every-
TzNot particularly. thing under control. You want to meet the girlfriend. You
Z: I see. Well l..uhh..we all know about your friend, that must have read that on the side of your cereal DOX,
woman you‘ve been boldly playing family with down at Virtually Dyke. You and your couch-cover dress make
your house. If moma ever found out it would kill her. You me sick. 22, i need a drink.
know that she loves you more than any of us. You don't 2: All of you stop it! Semis/a, get Fe a drink. Mattie, YOU
want to hurt moma. We are all here today for your own through With your prayer? We are here to help T get over
good. We‘re going to help you get through this Have her problem. Moma doesn‘t have but a few good years
you thought about what you are doing to your children, left, she don’t need to hear this from the streets.
your job, what people are saying behind your back? continued on next Page
Join us for a good time, some good food, and . . , ,
a chance to win 1 of 30 door-prizes at the LEXING o N S
Third Annual Draggin' Jubilee for 1‘
Lexingtons' M.C.C. ‘9' 'Q
Wednesday, April 7,1999 at the Bar Complex. 1".i‘
Admission is $5.00 _ Showtime 9:00 4:" ‘t.
r 1
’l e 4 F»
Featuring, Angel & the Heavenly Rays with ‘ /
Special Guest, GLSO Advice Columnist, Gertie I.
Mae Noe and with Hostess Vera Lee I. Sayuntou. 1
Starring; LaToya BaCall, Tayor Brice, Sunday =
Delarouge, Niagra Falls, Jennifer Grant, \V/
Kountry KJ., Anita Klymaxx, Devon Lee,
Divinna Littrell, Chi Chi Rodriguez and Rayna Metr0po|itan
Starr Community
C h u re h

 She worked all of her life for us, the F: Well let me add the finishing don't you ever ask me for another
least we can do is keep this away touch. T, Zora and me knew your lit- red cent for as long as you live!
from her. tle bug-eyed ass wasn’t nothing but S: The money i owe you is on the
M: Listen, you owe us T; every last trouble the day moma conceived table, Zora.
one of us had to take care of you you. She brought you home looking M: T, Baby, ! will look for you in
because moma was working all the more like the mailman than daddy, church on Sunday.
time. And you owe the boys too. We you and your mute ought-to-be twin, F: Let the little ugly things go. They
didn’t invite them here because this Secoiya. What kind of a damn name ain’t never listened to us when we
is a woman thing. We want to help is that? This family has gone down tried to help them. Where’s the
you find your savior and a man. hill every since you two landed on the Sunday Scotch 22? Hey y’all! A
Come go to church with me. I know front porch. Everything was fine toast to daddy, "A father’s work is
what it's like to have the devil on your when daddy was home and it was never done. Don‘t you cry until l.."
back. just the 10 of us. a-a-a-yeahl My daddy, may God rest
F: The devil! Girl that was J. E. T&S: Fu.... his soul.
Tucker on your back. The daddy of K: We are all family and we love Z: ENOUGH OF THAT FE! You
your kids. The man you never mar- each other because we are brothers going too far!
ried. The man who is gay. and sisters, regardless of who our K: Wait, wait! We have to stick
Remember? i know you ain‘t got fathers may be. I think we should together. T, what are you going to do
amnesia today. accept Tzura and her friend just like if moma finds out?
M: l ought to sma... i didn’t come we did for our brother Glen Lee. We T: Moma already knows, i told her
here for this today. Lord! Give me are a strong and moral family. last year.
strength, because she doesn’t know M&S: Glen Leel? intercultural Lesbians!
what she’s saying. It's the liquor talk- F:You and your damn big mouth, mugs Banquet
ing. always talking that la-la land sh.... Sun da june 27
‘ F: The hell i don’t know what I‘m talk- 2: Uhuhmm.....Glen Lee lived the lite Y,
l ing about! Kids or no kids, every- for a while, but he is alright now Ed and} Fred’s
body knows Tucker is sweet. 22, because he found the church and he Desert Moon
Since l can't get no drink, it’s time for has a family With kids. Same as _ ,
me to go ‘fore l have to hurt some- some of us in this room. Look f" nomination form for
body up in here. 8: T, are you ready to go. Volunteer 0f the Year
Z: We’re not through yet Fe. Z: Secoiya, if you walk out that door in May GLSO News
‘ h
Are you looklng for a church t at
- . . . I I
CELEBRATES dlverSIty? . -
‘ , , ’ 3564 CLAYS MILL RD.
. ' ' ‘ , 2 2 3 - 2 4 4.8
y - ._ .0 . SERVICES 10:45. SuNDAY

 ——- _ I
1 THURSDAY 2 FRIDAY 3 SATURDAY l k I l I l k I y I l k
7:00 pm Men’s 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners
Chorus Rehearsal (Arboretum) i
7:30 pm UK Lambda 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA l
...i--. - in - n- . r“. :i-iiii i n" yin" "it" t‘".. i-N ‘ :l’ vi-iln,‘ l 'i] l!‘ ,i""' " M: ii, izu w ,, M4 run, ”an" in ,, "1i. '; in- W =-it,' iii ll 0 t d I Mr I '
Lili‘fflii it: lint! ll it‘ii i::i.,,. ill tulilllili qill ill...il.lt:"ir,ii ii,.,.liiii. ii. iii il-t'iI-ii ll,,:;i ll:- ‘ll int Ii... tit lii‘lill it'ii ii"‘ii ital i (S u ent center) 9333mm “1:32:01? Leather i Elm, 1, ‘ -
(Vertigo) i i" '5) y ‘4’
10:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm Pride Month 7:30 pm Fairness 6:00 pm Frontrunners 7:00 pm Men‘s 7:00 pm LMCC Movie 9:00 am Frontnmners
11:30 am LMCC meeting (Pride Center) Lexington (Pride Center) (Woodland Park) Chorus Rehearsal Night (Arboretum)
6:00 pm Dignity (Pride 8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS 7:30 pm UK Lambda 7—10 pm Act Out auditions 1-3 pm Act Out auditions
Center) Support Group (Student Center) (Pride Center) (Pride Center)
6:00 pm SisterSound 7:00 pm MCC Study Group 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 6 S t aur ant
rehearsal 7:30 pm Discussion Group 8:00 pm Moonshine Bears
7:30 pm Court Cafe (at (Pride Center) (Crossings) ' ,
Regina’s) 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 8:00 pm Men’s Chorus 5 5 7 S . leestone
8:00 pm Mr. Kentucky 9:00 pm MCC Drag Show Concert (Opera House) L .
Leather Contest (The Bar)
(Radisson Hotel) eXlngton, Ky.
1 1 1 Z 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7
10:45 am UU Church 7:00 pm GLSO Board 6:00 pm Frontrunners 7:00 pm Men’s 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am (Fronfrunners
11:30 am LMCC Meeting (Pride Center) (Woodland Park» Chorus Rehearsal (Arboretum) '
6:00 pm SisterSound 8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS 7:30 pm UK Lambda 7:00 pm Marsha Stevens featurlng the famous
rehearsal Support Group (Student Center) Concert (LMCC)
7:00 pm MCC Study Group 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Alfalfa Weekend Bl‘llIlCh
7:30 pm Discusssion Group - b1
(Pride Center) servmg ueberry
8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
buckwheat pancakes,
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 eggs benedict arnold,
10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:00 pm Frontrunners (W) 7:00 pm Men’s 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners ,
11:30 am LMCC GLSO NEWS DE ADLINE. 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS S Grp Chorus Rehearsal (Arboretum) SpaI’IISh omelettes
2:00 pm AIDS Walk (UK) SUBMIT ADDITIONS 7:00 pm MCC Study Group 7:30 pm UK Lambda 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
6:00 pm Dignity (Pride AND/OR CORRECTIONS 7:30. pm Discussion Group (Student Center) gourmet desserts,
Center) FOR NEXT CALENDAR. (Pride Center)
6:00 pm SisterSound can Mary 266-5904 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA and mUCh more -
rehearsal ., 8:00 pm That’s '
Marycroneanlxom Entertainment (Club 141)
25 25 27 28 29 30 All of our breads and
10:45 am UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:00 pm Frontrunners 7:00 pm Men’s 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA itflfli’if‘ifi .fi'fiiiéjii'iul‘i? '
11:30 am LMCC (Woodland Park) Chorus Rehearsal 5:3'ii3n5iht des S erts are b aked dally
12:30 pm CUUPS 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS 7:30 pm UK Lambda ...,. ,Iii, , i, . i ._ ' '
rUU crunch) Support Group (Student Center) if” «fit n. t In 0111' kltChCn
6:00 pm SisterSound 7:00 pm MCC Study Group , LM Li w
rehearsal 7:30 pm Discussion Group 4! '51 Emit“? it
(Pride Center)
8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA F ' ‘
rec Evenlng Par mg

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GLSO Page 10 -

 The Day I Lost thing i can have back if i lovea man? lowed by a whale and spit out on
M C. 'l R. hi You have got to be kidding meil share a few days later and that the
, y NI lg 5 What happened? whole of creation was started by
. by KWOFG'TB' i don’t want to believe the Adam and Eve. When I asked about
A5 , long as , people 300?!” answer, but it's all I have. It’s all I can that whale thing and how our popula-
exp/altation, exp/Otter and exp/Olted think of: the day l decided for myself. tion grew from one family, the answer
i M” be entangled I" injustice. But The day i decided i wanted to know, was “it‘just was." No thinking for
i once the eXprJIIQd refuses to accept no matter what anyone else thought myself or i would go to hell. When
i ”7? relationship, refuses to cooperate about it, about my feelings for the translation was changed, i would
; W’m ”r they are ,a’mady "93" women. I still can‘t believe that in be told.
5.55 Mohandas K' 63'7th that moment l lost one of my civil How can we fight against a
3 rights. whole generation who has been terri-
NOW‘ I ”e?" to ‘9" yo“ ”0’" the Haven’t we been through this fled into thinking, deciding for them-
start that Im ”St "9t sure that I can before? When people were being selves who God holds dear? These
have my my" rights JUSt taken away ' treated unfairly by the