xt7vmc8rfs1q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vmc8rfs1q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1913-05-22 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 5, No. 34, May 22, 1913 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 5, No. 34, May 22, 1913 1913 1913-05-22 2015 true xt7vmc8rfs1q section xt7vmc8rfs1q 7
g 4
I H E   I D E A
Vol. V LEXINGTON, KY., MAY 22, 1913 No. 34
';‘ —-— ;_ The Statewide Inter-Scholastic
. TWELVE Hm". ’cH°°L° REP"; Exports Dlocuoa tho Muna For tho In- SPECIAL CAR RU"' Track and Field Meet held Saturday More than on, hundred Uniygpgky
· tolli ont •v• o mont o on- a ernoon on 0 e , was won n a n· •· gt
SENTED IN PRELIMINARY g D I P I K ··—·· ft St ll FI ld { stud·m· ° Icy - dly on nl
c°~TE8T‘ tucky’| Groot R•|ourc••. J' " Mm"' w' c' Jnwn and `hhn walk by Nw i€¤m from Louisville Mvule in the Mountains.
1* -—- H°w°"’ P°Y”° M"`. . cnn High School. The Falls City lads con- .__
L°“i""'° M*”"" Hi"' s°h°°' wl"' The third annual meeting of the Ex°d°° °' vI°‘°ry‘ nected with 41 points while their near- Ver]lyI the wrorld is 8 Small plum
F"`“ Prin *”d A”d°"°” c°“”tY Kentucky Mining institute, which est competitor was Stanford with 22 and €,,I,€(»tu]ty ts me fmprgggion borne
High 8°h°°| 8’°°”d· closed Saturday, was in the opinion of Bemre °n °ud|°°°° which was urge credits. Among the other teams en- ln upon us in this age Og Rapid ·[·m¤stt_
Q -—- IIII who attendem one of the best they and enthusiastic the State University I€I,edI M8I.SI.me scored 11 IIOIIIISI MIII_ A week ago Iam Saturday mommg em
.I The first annual interscholastlc de- had ever seem The success of this d€b8U¤8 i€¤¥¤ GOMGMGG ¤¤d d€f€8t€d nvm paducah and Springfield g each PIIOQMIIII II,€sII from 8 IIIgIIt.S IBIIOSQI
¢l¤m8i0¥'Y €0¤i9¤¢ W¤¤ héld in H10 1l¤l· meeting mugt be att;-lbutgd to Prgf_ H, me ('°°rg°t°wn t°°m M G°°rg°t°w“ and Lawroncebufgh M16 GMTRHY. had well begun his tollsome climb up
Nineteen high School b°yS and girls program committee, which first con- f°"°wmg q“°°u°"° This Kentucky High School meet is Search of pteasm-Q_ Snapshots and
representing twelve <>f the ¤¤¤¤l¤s high sudmtu me advlsabillty of umung the *‘°¤°'"*°· 'rlm ¤**°“'d 8** *8** new every vm on smut rueuu under ·~..·€edS-· sway out- mgtc med
ummary mmest Whlch began at 9:30 ot having a state-wide meet was first be adjudged v°Id by its highest °°urt lucky. and is H10 0¤€ 0DD0¥'i¤¤l¢Y Y0? and opulent plantations of the Blue-
Friday m0¤‘¤i¤g and ¢0¤ti¤¤€d Fri- suggested by M,-_ atom, of plmwuule, b*"°‘“"° ln °°“"'"°"u°“ or ***6 °°”‘ State-wide competition for medals in grass region and even 33 we chgftgd
day afternoon- The rouowmg is the and the details were later worked out smmmn °f such °t°t° uw mm] right track work. Tllifty-t“'0 medals W€¤‘€ the gently rolling meadows changed
list Of contestants and their subjects: by the program committee. These °f dedskm °h°uld b° wu t° the p°°' ¤W¤l‘d€d fwd 0¤€ valued at $250- Eachllnto quite respectable hillocks; the
8“”‘°” c°"'9* Hlllh Sch"'- contests have been held in other ple; this right t° b° °x°r°i°°d °“ly Wilmer Ecélvéd H SOM medlili €8€h imposing mansion of the Aristocrat
l I°“°“ B°°n°··"G°rm°m°¤· the KMUH states on various occasions but Ken- when 20 per cent °f the v°t°r° p°u` second B `BNVQF m€d8li 980h third 8 was replaced by the humble hut of the
  hn IIII Imnk ..,I.II°I,_II._u"‘ qwua mot! mu IW my nlm I0 IIOIII · tion and constitutionality to be grant- bt-one medgl—·all or a unltorm fuattern mu Man; and at the end ot two short
I I •-•°•‘•¤I• "*·¤¤ •¢' ·¤•*· ¤muiiu¤ meet. "' H"' "‘J·‘L$‘%$¥E ( *"fg_‘*'["f to be r¤•r•v··p with the r*¥¤¤u·§rf¤ nnmeuuoum our rtmy wtuaezmg rcuuoo-c1a>¤*·
; ¤*¤h¤r<¤ - ¤¤¤¤¤¤-"S¤¤¤ P<=¢¤r’¤ Report The uouuowuug omcm wm enema: le °°*°"”'“°· land record. Ipm as tmp- at ¤...--.. e.»· _.__. . . ·  
l or Daniel xvebstefs L°°mr€"6 President, W. L. Moss, vlce·presl-· Abwt sixty p°"r’I° Wrm {mm Lex` The HWS! }10UY contested Y0? m€d¤} heart of the wildest mountain scenery.
sr- H°'°"'* Hwh S°h°°'· tinental Coal Company, with headquur-’i"gt°n °v°r to the capitol or the g°°d of the day was the individual me al May had stolen a perfect day from
Nan"`? Hemymus ········ "SW°r€ Orr" dent and general manager of the Con- Old °°u"ty °f Scott on “ Special rar to be awarded to the man scoring the _]um_»_ and with her accustomed mild.
l-°“l"m° M*'“**'· ters at Pineville. :0uen Iup by n [ew m°St l°y°l mem' lafgési ¤Umb€¤` of l>0i¤iS f¤r1ul>¤ i€¤m· ness had tempered old S0i‘s rays fo
(`harl°‘ E- Young-- ·"A Pl€¤ For C¤b¤"‘ Secretary·Treusurer, T. J. Barr, of ers ° °ur f*“`“lty· The contest resulted in a tie among that pleasant degree of poomess when
S vd · tt W I -·Th S Sm I I There was great entluuslasm on the - ·
F ne? - · Q Sma“· 8 un nes the lollege of Mines and Metallurgy Uumesnll of L0\1i=·*\lU9. Zl€Kl€!` or mountain climbing becomes an exhil-
Bright in the Old Kentucky Home" of State pnIv€I.sny_ Wa-V to the Scene or °0mr0‘·'€r**Y and Maysville, and (`oleunan of St3nf0l‘d.|arating joy instead of a weary task.
Newport High School. DiSu·t(.t vice pl-€,Ild€m,, M pentmt K great deal more romlng bark- The with ten points each to their credit. lwithuut delay we began our ascent gf
Ida Alolitor..."T1ue Curse of Regulus"1DiSII·Ict_ B_ R_ Hut(.hc,·m·t_ Lexington; happy throws ¤r*¤¤¤¤¤<1 with “’8rbl€B Ur. J. J. Tlgert, States Athletic di-ltlue ··kuob," on wose topmost point,
Frankfort High School. ltt-Bstern msu-ict, (·_ w_ Tuy]0r_.(;;-een. Ot luilariw and triumph- AS the rar ret-tor announced that the .-\tluletlc!Sumt· half tt thousantl fegt above the
Andrew Hill .... ."Egyptian Debate by"-me_ and T_ t.;_ _]€“kt,I,,I gtuygts; uqust. growled the °r"“'d $8**- ****0}****] mud Fouuuuuuittee would take the rnatter uvlsurrouuudiuug eountry, sits the wonder-
H€“rY “Yard H€**ch€r".ert1 District, J. E. Butler, Stearns, and indulged with gum gossip all the war at 01106 and !`€¤¢|€¥` ki 0l1*ftuI stone structure. fashioned entirely
James B. Martin..."Robert of Siclly’l“·_ ty ·]·u(,k€,I·I ljgntoni yortllwstpy-.1 Alwr the arrlral of H- U· Sluss-las possible. ln all probability theéin the workshop of Nature. Following
Bll'l‘8{! MIHUII, H8I‘\d6I‘IOI’\. l[){Su·j(.tI L_ E_ Abb0tI _]€“k[uS_ and *uP€'l"*°¤d°¤¥ of the Covington (`ityillli-Bda] Wlll @{0 to l)lllllt’Sllll of L0lllS-ltltg witttlhtg (rail whit-h gttrpriggd us
Maru Sue Bennett ............ °H€III.y La View patmI.It·m€_ Schools- at QZ"3 °'€l°(`k· to ur'! ¤$Iville, who broke the track record inlat .·t·t»ry tum with smut; tlpliglttful
·-···· "The A"“r(`hi$[‘Hl” Dognl SIIOIIII. after IIII, IIIBIIIIIIII WIN I.IIIII€d Judg€’ the gave] weuded by Pr€Sid"m·tl1€ lifll |0\\‘ hlH`dlr‘¤- H9 is the béslllittle nook of scenery, we soon stood
· Anderson County High School. lm m_II€I_ MII RIIISII wud II IIIIIIIIOIIIII 0IIlw· (`II wnsrln Vin *‘“d the Chaim! lwlluturdler seen on Stoll Field this yeurilou the rtuveteti Bridge. although some
Jasper Algllruygr _____,_______ I IIIIII IIIIIIIII III CI FI II_I_IIIIIIII_ III IIIIIIIIIII SUNW HH li"` or 0Fd€¥‘ lll l>¤‘•¤’l>¤1`3!i0¤1I Hg also won the broad jump and lirsttew were eouusiderably annoyed and
____   _____ ‘Ij[`h9 Southern St)ldier’IDIIIIII IIIIIII was IIIIIIIII III the IIIICIIIQIII at for bu**m€*'“* uml IIIWIUKUYY in U- V¢‘rYI|ugat of the relay rave. Itletaittetl hy "l·`at )lan`s Nlisery."
Errol \\_ ])rut·teu I ______ I, , _`_ __ IIIIIIII TIIIIIOII IIIIIIQI IIIIII WIIII was IIII IIIII I*'lt*"Ill&l d€l·¥r€r‘· lhI*‘ {Saul, r¢‘D¥`*‘$<*ll\·’ l,oulsu·illv had no men entered in the; A Striking Scene lay before us many
l ''°''`` Mule Sonvicls bomoquy ull¥`0§¥`l1l\l for il paper on "Mlnlng mr Ieorgetotin mh un eM.€mi°nauyI22" Yum dwh mid UW *l“**rl**¤` llllleianiu involuntary exclauuuatiouu of wonder
Stanford Hugh School. IIIIIWSI., ,I.III_ NIIIOIUIIOIIS “_I_I_II 8IIIII_0I_€(I “rr°"K (mt`- HWY “'*‘r** 2** *’*U`¤*’Sl BS run, but iuu the other track events the uutl awe was ealletl forth by its beuuty
Harry L. Reinhart ............. ’ Um Joh"- the *"'ll-Tlmll wld l*¥`ll¤*‘V¤l Purule ehowed ··reat class Consider- - l ' -‘t* tu ···u· l· tl · —
I · III. IIIB IIISIIIIIIII and IIIIICGII OII me I I l - »·   - ant ununueuu»u 5. uu ex·u_ tan , mae-
.............. "’l`he White suvau"lIIIIIIIIIIIs Milulist, and ahnost as astute MIIIIII IIII, IIHIII. CIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIII, IIIII.k_ SIW CIIIIISI IIIZZI II.I_I_IIIIIIIIIIIg I_IIII.s and
Thu, t;_ Cglgntgn _________ --Rt(·h€|t€u··I Moody and at least as subtle as the? I - . ·;_· » · . g_ .. . . ·I · -
* I I I I TIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIII was IIII __I_IIIIII_IIIIIIII_I_ IIIII I II I I II I I I I It ne ielolts here gout I lnute bouldtr» huurled tu douxuu the
Sprmgfueld Hugh School. H _ I _, l~ ·“ oc r ud *°m*"ld*“' or Nw mm!-= llaydouu of Spruuuuneld has the l'llUll't’ mountain side, uuuade tus teel that Na·
_ lests Made ouu kentucky (oal, by II II S _ . I _. _ ~ _
(. J. Hayden, Jr. ............. u _ H · umers dud b· ll —rr. A. M. Peter, professor of boil R II II I . u
.......... ‘lleuth ot Robesplerre u · · UPY “¤‘r° the llmulli U`l¤¤¤··sltot·ter dash he was rnuu down in the uu·athu'ul uuuood some time lu reunote
I _ .'[`et·l1nology and Chief of Ulvhulon of ,I . . .
(Jeorge apalding .............. u _ ‘ rule that ucwd lll the €¤l*¤<‘iU' or >strett·lu by Coleutuatu ot` Stanford. ages, perluapa when
__ _ _Il(‘heml¤try, kentucky Experiment Sta- IIIP MIDI, I _ II II u _
-····· D‘='i*m or H*’“*~‘dl*“r Aruwld ‘ I i ‘ ge °“" *` “t*`r“· { llaydon luowever, denuonstrated his "'l`he Vuuiversal ho»t upsent
sIII°Iby HIIIII SIIIIIIIII ltlon, this city. Dr. leter selected cer- WIIIIII we Imw IIIIIIIII II great III__II— I _ II II I I I I II II_ I I
I · IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII CIIIIIII IIOIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII II I I I I I II t..t¤>. uuu thl quauttu t >tante. Iot u, . mont tuat toue e » touutaxt .uuut
I-***0**9 H8‘·€r ················ mw "'*`“ ‘"“ “*“"“ ‘“’*l"‘*U"¥ Uoleuutatu and llaydeuu are pronuusun; beyond
__ I , __ and western fields and conupured their III I II I , . I _ II _ __ . _
...... Hou Mistits \\ on the Race I “ “ * ’*i’· · or lh •**‘“ Mid Ulm) lyuuug atlult·tes_ Frighteuued the reign of Vhaos and Old
JIIIIII III IIIII,kIIt_I._ _______I_I__ combusmbmty and healing porn" und running reasoniuuu.; that is found iuul ZIIIIIIIII III. II_II_IIIIII_ IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIWII Xigm_··
_______t_ -·q—t,,. l'[]ku()\\'||S1)(*{jk(-fl`), w¤rkmen’• G¤m¤•¤•=¤i¤¤- 5***** ¢l¤b¤¤·**¤ wr —·=·¤· MY Um we II, t,,. wo., ,.·..Q.k ,,,·,t...-uu uuu wuuu We suwuur w¤¤¤·· time in <·l¤¤¤¤<>ri¤¤s
L°“‘“"'° '*"°'°· """“ “`“"°"“ "“"*" "“ ""` """'““"" "'*`“’ “"“‘“ °* "““"‘ “'“‘ *"‘“‘*“' “""".pu-.»...·.-S.-...a·uuuu.. .u.....u.u .....u... .. ut,. uuumuu u···.»aa-umu. u.J.u.·. uuu ua. .-..,t.
SI·lII.,II.I- |.;_ ;tI,uII.lIud ______ was "\\’ou·kuuuen‘s (`onupeuusatlouu." by into puruoxiuns when ll. S. Suuuuuuers IIII IIIIIII IIIIII wd I.IIIII_I..IIII. III uI..II.I.II III IIIIIItII.II
__··T|II. |;I,I t)!-mm- II; ZIIIIIIIII yityn K_ l', Xlegnlre, presltlent all the Sllvud Slliwkvd {liv sleelule on the hlllldlnu: I _ I I I gttuutug u·;trt· luontautieal »pt·t·iutuens and
, _ ,» W; ‘· · ·¤· \\;s[ · uu- '
Front these couutestauuts the eight t`ol- & M*’l¢ulr*’ mm. (`*’*“i’**“Y· |·<·¤l~\‘lll··-.“‘l¤¤l<* l"V°kl"l-* the lUdl·i*‘* Ul "<`i¤¥<'ll II'} uml III IlI\f Hi;. II \ INI Us any »tu·au;t· uuuuheard-ot` insert that
; · · · ·l' u u .l .— `
IIIIIIIIII II.I.I.I, >I,II,I.IeII I·III. IIII. IIIIIIIS iII Mr, Megulre uuid that this has been Hw." \I_;Il;IImTIItn IIIITI;I)I\_III_II *I)I_I`I IILII IIIII might be uouuud roamhuu; the t·h·au· at-
IIII. I.I»I,IIiIIIII SI-dm.)- M_ \\‘ts,·muu_ the t4¤`¢*¤i¢‘¤i l`¤**'Wr l" ’“"'l'*l ‘“"’l“'l"" ihur \l||l¤l`¢‘i<’|lllU\l¤·¥ i¤`i¤¤· J- l· ·‘¤¤U*"`· IIII.]II.u tt, t·]t···tu `tt1.· .·~t~llu· tukhua m`°°Ml`Ar°. Ur lh`. MMR
III_III.II__ SIIIIIIIIIIK II., II_ I·IIII.IIIIIII_ ty t.;I slum- the Phil War ¤¤¤·‘¤u··. \~~·¤‘·· IIN I,t.I,.. u., ttl.-tt .·».·‘uut‘ _ L '*"" “"*` ""“" ""' ""’“"‘“"‘ “"
yt,u,,It_ t{ _l_ l|uytlt,u_ Alias Xuuueye the *‘¤"*“r“l "*"‘“m*"`**‘l"" ‘"' '"i"" none the less the his l|l¢'|l at M Yrklsl I I I. I II """`"`! "ur l"""h M lh" r""[ ‘"I " “"H
» . ·. ·» u . . .   -. 'a 4 S >·· lil NS ¤•~· .
}ltt·u-ouyuuua_ .1u>.pt»u· Mel.;-uyt·u·, ll, l., ¢>l¤¤*¤·¤\¤*l> l***l¢*¤`* Uh WM l·l·¤lll¤* of Mts um; th,. HIIIAIIISIR I.I,II"IIy,_ _`I*I,.I» III MII" U IIUN I II I [ I II I tu pu. lt tt. tu.- .».-tu.·t· of xtltiplt ·-tuwumt
. I  . , , ..·. , t ~s. " ·l ` ·‘l·l‘· \\lt _
“*"'*l‘“r*· lu UW mlm ""m*‘”* ( h“"l°'* "'°H° M) mm lm bm! hmr Im tm ull il¤•·i¤' <‘~*F•·bl‘ul strain and ¢l¤·stu·¤·>¤> WIT! I_ H _ WI mi" •IU I an dark <'il\¤‘l`ll. 1·luuuauuuaa\~a> into th··
. V I . , , . · . I . . ll'; · »l`zl‘ Irv lll llt· l'l\t·l' ll\\ll, alllt _ _ _
i·.. \ouuug, of Louulsville Manual, and **l bl WM lmdl **5 “*¢*l* """l’°‘“*•“““" our mt-;. slututl txitlt tut-;.] S|,t,u1tl,».- tt, M 1 l hull uar uroun tht- luaht ou` day " .lu»t
((‘0utlnu0d on page threej l_.r (C0nuIIued on Page 2IIr — | I(·oII(IIIIIed on Vasc 2II I at`otutiuuttt·tl tutu page ilu ¤l`&•lillllllt·tl ull page Il.

 T 1
I ‘ Z
MINING INITITIJTI PROGRAM the use of all the c•r's apparatus are WHO’| WHO-AND WHY (177717) automoblle tent plant. A m¤¥‘l€h0¤
pmtgpqgp m·dg_ ·--- -—— chnsln ls mounted ln the plant and ad
-—- The Mlnlng bepnrtment are to be P. D. Irown. All we have ot freedom, all we use or optical lndlcator, a French instrument,
  congratulated on the pronounced suc- We mm umd wom Samoa know- lg used in connection wlth the nutot
cess of thls meetlng and the great enough Some thm!. we have nm This our rather; brought no long and mobile dynamometer to determine GX?
employer and employe mlght be vnu- “'°"k P'°°f· N°"'°°d 'md hh °bI° were appreclated, some were recelved lm" “°‘ muy what in mms on imma the on-
]·w·_ Bllllilhll BN! d0l|’l8 to improve mln- passively, while one or two Hula pop Ancient right, unnotlced as the brclth [IDG CYHIIGGTL
npgr on ••W•|9•r• W¤rk." W! Y*°m*W¤ Wd €°¤dm°¤¤ ¤¤d in mn.] truth. came M". mnyms lun we draw Those interested ln ganollne and
One of the most lnterestlmt pspefniudmg m the Pr”°"°"°“ ind d°"°W¥" on Om. he·d· Then Hmm! mo"`, Leave to Ilve by no man'; leave un- kerosene engines wlll llnd the GXDGTI-
of the day was on ··\Ve]{M·p W0rk_"im€¤t of U18 TFIUIGTBI |"€¤0\U'¢€¤ of Ourherve to stimulate Om. pen Ind when · dcmoath the law. V mental lnborntory at the \mlV8\‘l!lt!
which W., read by w_ (—_ ·puckeg·_|¤t¤t¤. kbnck mu by our had we simply Lance end torch and tumult, steel well worth vlsltlns.
QQDGTII BupGr,nt€ndent of   “’iBc0n'l   |•*duck" and continue "tho script ·nd lnd   $00.0 wing  
sln Steel Company. Mr. Tucker told. UTF"! WAN-°’· °l°*°lT°wN· {¤c"p“e_·· ··Sw"t nre me Mu of .d_ Wrenched lt lnch and ell and all, slow- GAM! WWW HAWA"-
of ¢¤¤dltl<>¤¤ U N! °"'¤ min "b°” _` verslty/' said Shakespeare and we llnd IY {mm uw nn? L-
tm home, of the employ", M-, bum (Continued from page one) `it mm So they brought us treedom—not at Probnvlv ¤° 8¤m° °¤ Mw b”°b‘"
with B Vléw to comfort Mid MY ¢h¤•P‘ ____—;—·;~*—-_·— Pan] is the President or the Junlor lm" °°"" °°h°dm° hu Mm ·w“°d 'nh puter
ness. Llght ls supplled at 25 .cents should"! md rzuguid M: · mi:"-lm", ·nd is not · Bull Moon emmr Wherefore must we watch the klug, |¤¢¤|’¤¤¢ thm thc °°¤W“ b•"'°°“
per light, per month, water piped to 2;:.]]; gala;. w:;nnih; °";:;u Z? He is not m insurgent nm, . sand yu; our um be you Stan University and the Unlverslty
the beck door for domestlc purposes, the Danni summers Wn summed and pat, ,0 he mult have run on · muon Over all things certain, this ls sure, °f H¤W•" °¤ SW" “•l‘:dF"":*Y ;“;`°
` ”'°‘°°"°" "°'“ "’° ""°“ °‘“‘ "“ °"1Mcm¤s‘v me nn was hl. trenchant **°'*°*- “° *° ° '“°°"’°" °' “‘° “""° "`°°°°‘ mm TM {mmm · uh me and
perl•¤ced tralned nurse vlslts theibhde Ad Huey nm ul l muon of hu. Hmm, Fnwmuyr of me Agn guy"- not me old gms umm- my Boil March 23 for n tour of t c ' I;]
homes ot the laborers. Llght and coal pace the uma vmln of Georgetown culmnl wana ml "nk in mmury , nun; States during which time they nsvo
ls furnished for the three churches. mum; much like me named bosom of ana",. at the University is high, HG H", g, naught unproven, hu-, i, met some ot the strongenltl coneso
Aunmce is given in mlmmmmgltrettul Gallllee untll Jesse came with w" ° r°pr°°°m'°“v° t° the H°¤°rl°“‘ naught to Iam, tum. in the country. The lwltl .:1.
the county schools the full year and a rebuttal tha; sounded mm the véry summing Student Government, hm}, H", g, written wh·t will nu M the have a tut team and lt is sa the
a Y. M. C. A. with Amusements, baths, mm O! Gounh or like Padd bum! n member of the Lump nm cmu so kms "tum_ article of ball which ls put up Y
“'"'°""· "‘°·· *’ ’“"“""°d· y A Y 8 otety and the ust as too long to ¤°¤.¤H¤ shall mark our goings. question "‘°m *’ °°“°‘ W “‘° ”‘°"“" °' I
Q{hgr |ng5,·••g|n° Pgpgrg, th: drmzdwrmch 1:“:::?alt:ei:|‘.n¤ unug hem whence we came any college team, and the heavy swnts-
Thé DBDGT by MT. C. B. Nunn OKIQ n;h: zacmizzszvas three too G") in •·p_ ])_·· is from the other side of Sgt hi; gugrdg gbout um as in gre,. ¤|8¤ of NIB NBB have d|’iV6¤ I ¤\|mb¤T A |
, · of buddlng college pitchers back to ,
"Mhwfhl DQVGIODIIIBIII of \V0!t0I'l1,t.·v0r of Kentucky state. The judges K|ng’g mgungginy |n [hg county Of, doms IIIIDG, the uu uid uncut 1
Keutucky" was distributed to the were H. S. Sm", the superintendent Pulau, when (hg hm. fgcg the gum. He shall take s tribute, toll ot all our The Sum hyén no expecting a |
member because of the lmposslblllty of the Covington Cm, schools; U_ T_ berland and the Blue Grass turns back. Wim? had mm M; no practicing for me 1
ot the speaker to attend the institute. Spencer, of Kentucky Wesleyan Cob Hg nnmwq Bgmgrggt High school He shall change our gold tor arms- occuzm B"' da Notre Dum Um-  
Mr. Davld Victor, chlet mlne inspector, le"; me Rev. R' H. Tum"' of Funk wlth flrgt mmm-, nd come, here to arms we may not bear. V nn WMC: mzénuuon bonu on g
ot Fairmount, W. Va., gave an inter- fom me Rev. J. M. Fuqua, of ven do likgwigg, Ag yet hg hu no pgr- He shall break hls judges it they cross 0: thrluou at college teams in me I
°““"“ "°"°’ °" ""°"’ B°”‘ ‘° "°“‘"°·¤·¤¤¤·. ¤¤¤ Sum. M- H H¤¤¤¤¤·. <>f “°“‘“' ”°°"‘ "’°"°""“°'· "‘ °“‘°’ I"' `°°”°’ mm lt. .8h..-d contest aemteu the t
the Dry or Dusty Mine" A llvely dls·|W0°dm_d County Schools. lwordg the oppoglte sex or the rqmmmo He shall rule above the law, calling H·wM::M 3 to 0 ·
cussiou among Mr. Theo. Welnshank. while the Bmw footers and debawmicounterpt rt doesn’t menace him; but OD the Lord. This wm be a ` una worth going to
of I¤dl¤¤¤D0U¤. ¤¤ BXDBN 0¤ h€¤U¤8‘mmrn°d, Judge Barker served m_’W0 are of the oplnlou that he is losing ·*··· d bl fwd is Bx acted to
and ventllntinsa Mr. victor und Mn J-|,,,,,,,,,,,,m, ,,,,, pm; Noe we .,utt¤¤>¤¤¤- H° ¤**°¤°°° "’° °°”°°'- '*`° W"' °“’°“° ‘"‘° "“°"' "‘° ""° °“° I2: T s K C 0 D 2
W. Paul followed the reudlng of Mr. l victory sandwich". The {umm of Mono he took a gh-1 and tor the other he author of this poem please be so klnd l · °¤ '  
vicmfs pup"' lull was not so much the victory as lt;b°"°w°d °°°‘ M t° °°mmum°°t° uw °°m° t° th°lB I h 1 th I { me
Mr. Wllbert A. Mlller’s paper onlwn John H_ Payne.! pronunciation Ot; -— editor of {hg Idgg? I P8 td Bull if 86, 011 80TY 0
"Shortwall Ml¤lng," was not presented nom. Country- which wu too much W- F- Wfllhh f"'**'** ay'
because of the uct that 1; required thgifm, the most detenmned ustenen "Peter" Wright ls the acme of Clay UNIVERSITY NOTE!. Di'p°l uw °h°d°w° md Mw mm`
use or the lantern to present thel county. His childhood was spent in -1 mgm ‘l°°m‘ '
view; dggcribed and the lgntgrxrwlrgs EXCURSION To NATURAL smog; Manchester. Ky., where he was born J. L. Doyle and T. F. Rigdon, who 1**** my Warm ki“ W“k° °v°"y n°W°r
have been disturbed by the storm ot u wee sma’ laddle. The mountalneers with J. R. Bussey, represented State W bl°°m
Fnday mgm, (Continued from page 4)_ , then were careless with their alm, Unlverslty against Vanderbilt Univer-1 And in th°“` ““"° b°d“ th° p°l°
Nqmtmung cgmmmu Nm";. »;....eA_-......;._.. thel:H$sms3;;lp`y? ugerrlngdnd sity, at Nashville, last Friday night, re- A ““l:“ 1**: h· m d I I · ~
Jag nkpncytulgp nr gan ;·-Lypv-· V below uu wu a sirius of pur"! wneh Q me t of t eud erabraced them turned to the university Sunday. Mr. '°“";): ;t°" t° °· °“ V ° °°°
the cnntr named the nominating com- hud here in this sequestered nook, mr all; even unto the child Walter. But Bussey went on a visit to Mlssouri A d   h h { ml I,
mlttee, Messrs. Hywell Davies and fr Im me dwg mmpqn and warning as he grew lnto u considerable chap, and will return later. V u t °b“°*“`” ° mw W Q
Prof. T. J. Bm-, whose nominations curfew bm, evm__mme" Fancy com the famous feud of Clay county was -—— h°p°° '“ m°‘ G l
were endorsed unanimously and the jumd up settled when after a lierce battle Prof. J. T. C. Noe, of State Univer- Aw“k°· my '°“l· umu child °f °d i
new persldent, W. L. Moss, was escort- __Fuu_y elves peace was concluded at Manchester. sity, will deliver the commencement divm°· .
ed to the chair by W, A. Miller and Whose midnight mvels by 8 forest side These years of guns and armed watch-`address at Hardlnsburg Friday even- ’ {
H. Jones. Or fountain, some belated peasant wes, fulness came useful to "Peter." Heilng, May 23. {Fung wide th? °”Wm Wi“d°“S W  
Prot C` J` Norwood was upp0mwd|Or dreams he sees, while overhead the wom to Sums and joined the mmm _—— me light, , »
chairman of the committee selected by moon lwhere he served for three years as A \Vllliam Blackburn whim, of Clove,-.I Let doubts and fears now vanish 1,
hlm, composed or H D, Easton, Hyweu i Sus u_bm_“s’ and nearer to the Garth master gunner, calculating the certaln port, who graduated from the State “ uw d°w· }
Davies and T, E. Jenkins, F, D, Raghl wheels hor pale course", llre of the monster coast defense Uulversity Law school ln 1912, has re- AS F*mh· mu d’°¤¤°d in Hmm"? *·
was elected honorary member, Sixty} After a refreshing meal so charming- machines. ¢6iV6d 811 appointment as Second armmn Stmng
names were added to the membership l ly served by the mir ladies, the after. He is the most versatile and diver- Lieutenant ln the United State Army, G°°° f°"h t° w" “g°m“t the h°“t“ ,
during the business meeting. {noon rapidly www, and an mo soon sifledly composed man here or else- with headquarters lu the Ph111ppt¤¤¤_ of W¤‘0¤8·
Error; Madg In Bummlng Up seq;-•.]0m_ mlm that was to take us home where. When there is work to be done Mr. White graduated from Kentucky Gh`d· O my mul- Imy Wins with
Upon looking over the scores madeicamg pumng down the valley with he can leap upon a typewriter and be Wesleyan ln 1911 and after complet- ”'·{`°“Kth ““°“'· *
by the contesting teams lt was toundxmmy a clung and clutter. so Om of ln a bun for six hours stralght, turn— ing hls law work at State returned to F"` °°*` the Hula °t Y°“W· WB _ w
that the judges had been erroneousppmce in me calm peace of the hms'|l¤s out page upon page; then take his home. vK"°W*¤K HUM ·
‘° °“mm’°·= "P ¤°¤¤“*°¤ °' ****3 St We cllmbed .b0.m and .t.m back "°‘"‘ "‘° "°“" “"° *"°’ ""*‘ '"°"‘ —— - S"°"“ "‘°° “ "““"'“’ "°“” “""°"‘
Bernard team, whose percentagem the Bluegrass, some glad to be re- ous comfort for hours, utter which he The State Y, M, (7, A_, entertained ¤¤d b¤‘l8h¢- 5
should have been 98% instead or 971,g,i turning to __cwmumm’__ others with will get his tennis racket and a female Friday evening, lu honor ol the faculty "The Kmghh
This dltterence would have given theisaddened hearts. for may were drum. counterpart to indulge lu several sets men of Kentucky who are lnterested %j""' i
St. Bernard team third prize lndlpimg of childhood days spam In mam. of that game to prepare him for ten in the Y. M. C. A. work. Addresses Pwr- I°· L· \Vh°°l€"· mr “°V°”l
putnbly, whereas they were not mwg.; mg than self-same highlands. rounds with the gloves and punching were made by Pro!. C. F. Hlll, of Y°*“`“ ‘m`“W*` °f SWWB Gl" Club 'md W ‘
nized at nu. The primo will not bei Down Out, out of the angry, umnladtbag and by that time he is ln shape Georgetown; Prof. L. Spencer, ot Ken- °u""` musical °"8““i“u°“s in L°"i“$‘ ’
readjusted, however, but the st_ Bgplbmcws we rushed umu me mountalnjfor a base ball game. He will be tucky Wesleyan, and J. \V. Raine, ot W"- MB “’“d°""d ms "’“‘K““u°“ W
nard Company will rgwgrd their mgngcus waves gradually died away mmledltor of the 1914 annual. He ls one Berea. Among those present were: accept “ D°“m°“ **8 dimcm" °f music
R••cu• can F•atu•-••. imc long low u“Bl__sw6" which alwayslof those who wend thelr way to Tab- P. c, mx, or Loutgvmg; _y_ w_ R,,im,_ wd organist at the Church ofthe Holy
The Minnlg Department gm to bgifouows the tempest- The homing wmbard Inn each Thursday night and ot Berea; L. Spencer, of Kentucky Ap°“tl*’· at Phu“d°1pm“· P"'-
were lnvitgd to inspect the two rescue   sank lower and lower in a blue of gold > read storles and stanzas. Wesleyan; (J. F. Hill, of Georgetown; wh°°l°" Ms won a Vlaca in me h°*"`W
cars whlch had been switched in herehud Just as the Summing was pmpapl Peter has more glrls than ls needed U M- T6¤'¥`¤U· E- L- Hill. J· W· Gil- °f uw “°d°m° °f Bmw by his g°"u°`
for the benellt of the mlners. Apparwung Day for me restless shade of Night isluce H. L. Farmer left. He really is b9¥‘!· A- W- GUIUOD. C- R· M6|€h8l‘ and manly d°p°nm°°t um his °bl° ma"'
tus used by employes of the Bureau of; we stepped form upon me streets 0;'upset at times which one likes hlmn W C- BOW"- °g°m°m °t °ur Gl°° Club" This dub
Mlues for luvestlgatlng causes of mlnei Lexington, umd, foowom and weary {best; and he ls not always steadlasti —·— und"` his d"°°u°“ this y°" was
*"¤¤¤W¥‘¤ wd UPM Bid ¤¤vDll6¤ for rv-»bm happy; for we had come to métln hls preference. However lr md The College or Mgqhgmcu and U16 but wllese club ln the State and
suscltatlon. overcoming tlre and reson-Qond of E day which wm Unger long Idea should guess, it would pngcgllilectrlcsl Bnzlneerlnz at the present d°"gm°d ““`¥° ““d“’”°"“ ""h°’°"'°"
lng. were stored on the cars. Then in me memories of au who shared n·‘Mary first by a neck’s length, Clara}U¤19· is conductlns Ml ¤|¤b0r¤t6 series Hwy w°"°· we “"“h P"°f· wh°°l°" uw  
cars were ln charge or C. T. Powell] `may run place and there ts g uttnglof t6¤l¤ of the elilclency of oil en- b°“' °’ ““°“°“" md °“" "°¥"°W “"° i,
foreman miner; E. P. Sutton. distract rhododendron lassle down at tne moon-lsinvs. Great activity nervalls ln the ‘“““y "‘“' “"’ “"’ W'°“d W ‘°“° ““°**  
engineer, and J. w. Paul, or the uu. *’*‘°***d°'-“ H· S· B*“`*‘°"· °’ SWW tuln country-side will snow—ln tne ¤¤l»erlnw¤t¤l enslueerlus laboratory ““ ‘“’“’ ““" °m“*°“‘ ““‘““°‘°"· ll
reau of Mines. who had charge or an U““'°"'“Y· d°""°""d UW "°m"W“°°‘ vernacular of the race track. WJ and the publlc would be much lnterest- “°""""‘;" ll
the rescue cars. When the cars are mw! ¤dd*°" for uw gnduning can think though. as they pass the lastlfid ln HGGUIK U18 IYDGS OY ull ell- H°r° W uw S°“"*“°"°* may “h°
sent to a given locality, the dlstrlotgal VW° G*`°"° M°“d“Y °"°m“¥ md post, the Paducah Belle wlu tlnd vlc-nslnes that have been lnstalled for this me l°“K ““d h“W"y· 'md Wt UW Q
6¤8l¤66¤’ l¤ vllufze lectures on u1lne""’“"”°d W ]·‘““‘“'·°“ T“°“d“Y· On tory Usrntelll hard. lspeclal plece ol' research work. ""“‘ °f “" d° the ““W·
safety measures; the mlne torenlan;Th“"*’d*Y **8 will d°""°’ “ °°m'“°“°°‘ -———— ————— h Une of the most interesting pleces! '_*
talks on mlne rescue and the tlrstlmwt *dd'“' M 0“'m‘“"m° um F"` Prof. E. |·‘. Farqulnnr wlll deliver a 0i' vilwfillwlllul work that has been The mu of Eve could not have been
ald methods. Demonstration or me- dw will $0 W H°d¥°“"m" W “l’°**k· commencement address at the High csrrled on at the unlverslty for a mmbuwd to mw w“°°°' *
chumcah ¤|'¥m€i¤l ¤'9¤l>||'¤ii0l1. which ·1·—·—······—·· school at Eminence Thursday even-`nurnber of years. ls the determlnatlou '”"'j""""  
utllze oxygen. and demonstrations or Patronlse our Advertlsors. lng, May 22. lof the t-ost of automobile power ln the Patronln Our Adv•rt|••r•.  

 T H E I I) E A 5;
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