xt7vmc8rd68x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vmc8rd68x/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 2010 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 85, No. 4, June 2010 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 85, No. 4, June 2010 2010 2010 2014 true xt7vmc8rd68x section xt7vmc8rd68x I
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US ISSN 0016-2116
Introduction to FNS 1
The Joumey - Nathan W Lee 2
Beyond the Mountains - Barb Gibson 5
Field Notes — Barb Gibson 8
Fomuer Courier and Staff News — Barb Gibson 13
Frontier School of Midwifery & Family Nursing Update
- Di: Susan Stone 14
Footprints - Mary Breckinridge 16
Engagement with FNS - Carolyn Lee & Joan Moon 20
In Memory of George Wooton — Barb Gibson 22
In Memoriam 24
Urgent Needs 32
Cover Photo - Courier Jordan Minor (‘09), Courier Amanda Strauss
(‘09), George Wooton, Courier Carlyle Carter (‘65) and FNS Tour Guide
Michael Claussen, Photo taken at the George Wooton Fann during the
2009 Courier/Alumni Weekend at Wendover. Photo by AnnDraia Bales,
Development Secretary at Wendover. .
Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin is published at the end of
each quarter. Subscription Price $5.00 a year for Donors/$15.00 for In- _
stitutions. Periodicals postage paid at Wendover, Kentucky 41775 and
at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
FNS, Inc. 132 FNS Drive, Wendover, Kentucky. Copyright FNS/Inc.
All Rights Reserved. The Frontier Nursing Service does not share
its donor mailing list.

. Introduction to Frontier Nursing Service (FNS)
Mary Breckinridge spent her early years in many parts of the
world - Russia, France, Switzerland and the British Isles. After
the deaths of her two children, she abandoned the homebound life
expected of women of her class to devote herself to the service
of others, paiticularly mothers and children.
After graduating from St. Luke’s Hospital Training School for
Nurses in l9l0, Mrs. Breckinridge established the FNS in Leslie
County, Kentucky, in 1925, as a private charitable organization
serving an area of 700 square miles. It was the first organization in
America to use nurses trained as midwives under the direction of
a single medical doctor/obstetrician, based at their small hospital
in Hyden. Originally the staff was composed of nurse-midwives
trained in England. They traveled on horseback and on foot to
provide quality prenatal and childbirth care in the client’s own
Today, Mrs. Breckinridge’s legacy extends far beyond Eastem
Kentucky. FNS, lnc. is the parent holding company for Mary
Breckinridge Healthcare, Inc., Frontier Nursing Healthcare, Inc.,
which includes five rural healthcare clinics; Mary Breckinridge
Home Health Agency and the Frontier School of Midwifery and
Family Nursing which offers a Master of Science in Nursing de-
gree with tracks as a Nurse-Midwife, Family Nurse Practitioner,
Women’s Healthcare Nurse Practitioner and a Doctor of Nursing
Practice (DNP) degree.
I Mary Breckinridge’s home, The Big House, located at Wendo-
ver, is a licensed Bed & Breakfast Inn. For more information or
_ reservations, call 606-672-23 17 or e—mail: information@frontier—
nursing.org. You can also access our website:
Frontier Nursing Service - www.frontiemursing.org
Q l 1

The Journey
by Nathan Lee, President & CEO
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Nathan Lee, President & CEO
"What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is deamess I
only that gives every thing its value." —Th0n1as Paine,
The American Crisis, N0. 1, December 19, 1776
It’s travel season here at the FNS; the time of year spent j oumeying I
to visit our friends in distant places throughout the nation. It’s the
kind of travel that Mary Breckinridge wrote about in Quarterly I
Bulletin articles ofold in her “Town and Train" column. As this
issue is published, we will have found ourselves at FNS committee .
meetings in Washington, D.C., New York City, Rochester, New
York and a newly re—established committee in Cincinnati, Ohio.
We will have begun plans for our bi-annual meeting with the ·
Boston Committee, our annual Philadelphia Committee and
our anniversary gala at the Governor’s Mansion in Frankfort,
Kentucky . . . the same city where the Frontier Nursing Service Q
was born some eighty-five years ago. E
2 l

It was traveling to Washington, D.C. for our committee meeting
in early May, however, that I found myself with some extra time
on my hands to absorb my surroundings. Before a luncheon with
some thirty-ish friends of the FNS in suburban Maryland, I was
I able to revisit some of the historic sites of our nation’s capital.
As I looked upon the landmarks that honor our great nation, I
found myself considering some ofthe people that built them. My
, thoughts weren’t on the talented and dedicated laborers whose
hands literally laid the stones of these monuments, though their
talents are certainly worthy of recognition. Rather, my thoughts
were on the people whose struggles laid the infrastructure for a ’
memorial at all. Obvious among them were George Washington
and Thomas Jefferson. Less obvious were other patriots who
fought just as valiantly for what they knew was right, but whom
history has honored with less grand tributes. Though there are
certainly many who fall into the latter category, my thoughts
turned to men like Patrick Henry and Thomas Paine.
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Friends from the Washington, D. C. Committee - Lef to right:
V Patricia Beal, Joan McPhee, D1: Susan Stone, Catherine Davis,
* Nathan Lee, Molhi Singerling and Ruth Newell (sitting)
i 3

Though I fancy myself a student of history, I must admit that it’s
only been recently that a good friend has reintroduced me to the
wisdom of Thomas Paine. In varying ways, many ofthe lessons
he taught can be applied to the challenges we face today, not only
in the world at large, but also to the specific challenges we have
faced in recent years at the FNS. Thomas Paine espoused the `
belief that only through hard work and perseverance can success
be found as a nation. The same has always been true at the FNS. I
Thomas Paine believed that anything worth achieving comes at
a great price. The same has always been true at the FNS. As
the quote above indicates, Thomas Paine believed that the easy
way out was never the best way. The same has always been true
at the FNS.
Another, perhaps more famous, Thomas Paine quote provides
another perspective. As he wrote in 1776, again in The American
Crisis, N0. 1, "These are the times that try men’s souls. The
summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink
from the service of his country. But he that stands it now, deseryes
the love and thanks of man and woman."
You are winter soldiers. You have stood by the FNS in times of
plenty, and more importantly, in times of need. You have stood
by us when the eyes of the world looked to us for guidance and,
more importantly, when the world wondered how we could
sustain ourselves. You stand by us as we honor our eighty-five I
year history but, more importantly, as we look toward our next
eighty-five years of serying folks in the mountains and beyond.
Perhaps it was Patrick Henry, the other patriot to whom my mind
wandered in early May, that summed it up best when he said, "I
like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past."
Onward . . .  

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Beyond the Mountains
Washington, D.C Committee
May 4th, Nathan Lee, President & CEO, Dr. Susan Stone, Frontier
. School of Midwifery & Family Nursing President & Dean and
Denise Barrett, Frontier School of Midwifery & Family Nursing
Director of Development, traveling to Glen Echo, Maryland to
» attend a luncheon with FNS friends and supporters at The Irish
The following friends attended the Luncheon: Joan Lambert
McPhee, Katherine G. Wilkins, Ann W. Clemmitt, Mr. & Mrs.
John Priebe, Patricia Beal, Mary & Alton Templeton, Evelyn
& Fred Harris, Priscilla & John Becker, Nita Micas, Elizabeth
Codman High, Catherine Barry Davis, Charlotte "Cherry"
Wunderlich, Karen S. Fennel], Marion McCartney, Sarah Bullard
Steck, Ruth Newell and Molly Singerling.
Beth Hadley, Chairperson of Washington, D.C. events, was unable
to attend due to unexpected business out of town.
lt was especially nice to see FNS former Couriers Ann W.
Clemmitt (‘55), Charlotte "Cherry" Wunderlich (‘65), Elizabeth
Codman High (‘5l) and Sarah Bullard Steck (‘7l).
l Mr. Lee and Dr. Stone gave an update of FNS’s continued work in
the mountains of eastem Kentucky. We extend thanks to everyone
for their attendance and support.
See photo on next page.
Ai 5

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F armer Couriers Charlotte "Cher " Wunderlich, Ann W
Clemmett, Elizabeth Cadman High and Sarah Steck
Cincinnati Cammittee
May llth, Nathan Lee, Barb Gibson, Dr. Susan Stone and other
staff travelled to Cincinnati, Ohio, for a dinner with friends ofthe
FNS in the Cincinnati area.
Years ago, Mrs. Breckinridge formed the Cincinnati Committee  
which has been inactive for many years. During last year’s Annual i
Courier and Alumni Conclave Weekend at Wendover and Hyden,
Nathan Lee met Lillian Link, former Frontier School of Midwife
& Family Nursing 1977 graduate and her friend, Bill Bender, .
who expressed interest in re-activating the Cincinnati Committee.
Continued conversations led to the May llth gathering.
The following friends attended the dinner: Dr. Thomas D. & Eden ,
Geracioti; Elizabeth "Liz” Asbury Stone, Lillian Link & Bill I
Bender and Bill’s two children, Grace and Arthur; Madge Burton i
and granddaughter Ashley Burton; Darlene & Durrand Stevens, l
James Jones; former Cincinnati Committe Chairperson Marian i
6 i

Leibold, her husband, Jack and daughter Kelly; Polly Whittaker;
Melinda Gardner, Karen Koch; Jeweldene Baker; Shirley Barger,;
Denise Robinson; Dr. Julie Ossege; Rhonda Whitten & daughter
Christy and J oAnne & David Videtto.
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Cincinnati Committee Dinner at the Cincinnati Cauntijy Club
We thank each one for attending the dinner and for the interest
. shown in becoming a part of FNS in the Cincinnati area. We are
  looking forward to our continued relationship with this group.
. You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when
you give of yourself that you truly give. —Kah/il Gibmn
K 7

‘” Field Notes l
Dn Julie Marfell Honored I
Dr. Julie Marfell, Frontier School of Midwifery & Family
Nursing (F SMF N) Chair of Family Practice, recently received the  
following recognitions: l) Inducted as a Fellow to the American
Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AEN); 2) Elected to the Board of
Directors as the Treasurer for the National Organization of Nurse _;
Practitioners Faculties (NONPF); 3) Outstanding Poster Award at
the National Organization of Nurse Practitioners Faculties Annual
Meeting; 4) Elected to the Board of Directors for the Kentucky
Coalition of Nurse Practitioners and Nurse—Midwives; and 5)
Frontier School of Midwifery & Family Nursing Employee of
the Year at the Annual Hyden Civic Night.
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Dn Mary Nichols. FSMFN Faculty, Julie Maifell and Billie  
Anne Gebb, FSMFN Librarian - Receiving the AEN Award I
8 I

Courier Program Update
The following Couriers are scheduled to participate in the program
this summer:
l Kristen "Kay" Alderfer, Crawfordsville, Indiana, is a nursing
student at Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, Indiana. She is
. using her Courier experience time as credit for the Transcultural
Nursing requirements by her school. Kay has already had the
opportunity to observe a birth and has shadowed in clinics, _
Hospice, COLLY (County of Leslie Lifting Youth) and the Adult
Learning Center.
Kevin McCarthy, Zanesville, Indiana, is a student at Wabash
College in Crawfordsville, Indiana. Kevin is considering becoming
a mral doctor.
Rosa Levitan, Shaker Heights, Ohio, attends the University of
Vermont in Burlington. Rose wants to leam about the medical field
and live in a part ofthe country that offers her new experiences and
insights. She has a specific interest in midwifery and emergency
room work.
Jessica Oppenheimer, Leonia, New Jersey, plans to attend Yale
University in New Haven, Connecticut, during the fall. Jessica
hopes to be exposed to a "different culture and a different way
of living".
\ Anneinarie Blitz, Carmel, Indiana, is majoring in Nursing and
Theology at St. Louis University in St. Louis, Missouri. Annemarie
hopes the lessons learned while participating in the Courier
. Program will give her the ability to “better understand the needs
of vunerable individuals, families and co1n1nunities".
Sarah Buchanan, Sandy Lake, Pennsylvania, is a nursing student
¥ at the Kentucky Christian University. Sarah wants to "develop a
  broader understanding of care".
L 9

Whitni Ingles, Rush, Kentucky, also a nursing student at the
Kentucky Christian University hopes to "gain an understanding
of different cultural perspectives from a healthcare provider’s
point of view".
National Nursek Day
National Nurse’s Day was celebrated May 7th with a barbeque
and pot luck for the nursing staff at Mary Breckinridge Hospital .,
made possible through donations from professional staff. We
appreciate our nursing staff and are fortunate to have them caring
for our community.
National Hospital Week
Mary Breckinridge Hospital employees obseryed National Hospital
Week May 9th — 15th. Activities included their 19th Annual Walk-
A—Thon. Dr. Roy Varghese has been the Walk-A—Thon Champ for
the last l7 years. Employees also hosted a Creative Hat Day with
Roberta Rock, Infection Control Nurse, winning first place. The
Pharmacy Department won a Poetry Contest and Kathy Bowling,
Purchasing, won the Word Scrabble Contest.
National Hospital Week awards were given to the following:
Most Helpful — Karen Nantz, Med/ Surg Unit and Angela Wooton,
Surgery; Most Talkative - Angie Morgan, Maternity Unit; Most
Quiet- Margaret Asher, Med! Surg Unit; Quietest - MargaretAsher,
Med/Surg Unit; Best Personality — Julie Cornett, Lois Thomas,
Nina Hensley - all work on Med/Surg; Best All Around — Sherry
Jones, Respiratory and Dr. Eustis, Surgeon.
An Employee Appreciation Luncheon was held May 14th and a `
Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon was held to recognize the Ladies
Auxiliary. Each Volunteer received a rose bush. _
Money was also collected in each department for the March of
Dimes March for Babies Walk held April 18th. Employees plan
to walk in this event next year. i
10 {

Relay for Lye
The Annual Relay for Life Walk-A-Thon was held May 21 st. Mary
Breckinridge (MBH) employees participated and raised $1,300.00
for the fund. The Mary Breckinridge Hospital theme this year was
v_ "Getting In The Grove To Fight Cancer".
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Kevin Couch, MBH Controller; Mallie Noble, MBH A dministrator;
Millard Couch (Kevin E F ather), Tabita Roberts, Adminstrative
Assistant, Connie Hubbard, Risk Manager, and Husband,
( Wendover Guests
From March 1, 2010 — June 1, 2010, Wendover hosted a total of
,_ 555 guests. This number includes overnight guests at the Bed &
‘ Breakfast Inn, tour groups and special luncheons/events. The total
1 number ofguests over the last fiscal year (May 1, 2009 — April30,
§ 2010) was 2,130 including overnight guests, tour groups and
  special luncheons/events.
l ll

The Wendover Bed & Breakfast Inn is a member of the Bed &
Breakfast Association of Kentucky (BBAK) which is a group
of exclusive, inspected inns. Wendover continues to provide
a sanctuary for a wide variety of travelling guests. To make a
reservation, please call Michael Claussen at 606-672-2317. _
Plea for Knitted Lap Quilts, Baby Caps and Scarves
The Frontier School of Midwifery & Family Nursing midwifery
students present lap quilts or baby caps to the first baby they
deliver. The Family Nurse Practitioner students present lap quilts
or scarves to their elderly patients.
FNS receives these items from our "knitting" friends. As the
School continues to grow by leaps and bounds, we need more and
more of these items. The size needed for lap quilts is approximately
40" by 42". Yam should be worsted weight.
Plea for FNS Artifacts
Wendover has a shortage of FNS nursing uniforms, saddlebags,
nursing bags and other FNS related items. If any FNS connected
folks have items that they would like to donate they will be greatly
appreciated. Items will be put on display in different areas of the
Please send lap quilts, baby caps, scarves or FNS artifacts to FNS,  
Inc., 132 FNS Drive, Wendover, Kentucky 41775.
Thank you!

Former Courier and Staff News
Sarah Dotters-Katz, Eugene, Oregon, (‘05) wrote that she recently
graduated from Dartmouth Medical School. Her residency will
A be at Duke University. Sarah shared that she was inspired by her
FNS Courier experience to go into the OB/GYN field.
_' Nikki Holtmeier Dees, Silver Spring, Maryland, (‘97) wrote that
she has a baby girl, Vivienne Piper, born September l, 2009. A
Frontier School ofMidwife1y & Family Nursing student, Barbara
Hillis, attended the birth.
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Former Courier Nikki Holtmeier Dees and Frontier School of
_ Midwyery & Family Nursing student, Barbara Hillis. Husband
) also pictured.
_ Jill Nichols, Somerset, England, wrote asking for a copy of Kate
Ireland’s book. She reported that Molly Lee, former FNS nurse-
midwife, recently visited her. Molly is 88 years old now.
l 13

“ Frontier School of Midwifery & Family Nursing News
by Dr Susan Stone, President & Dean
Healthcare Reform and the Efects on Nurse Practitioner
and Nurse-Midwyery Practice _,
A historic event occurred on Tuesday, March 23, 2010, as Presi-
dent Obama signed into law comprehensive healthcare reform
legislation. The overall goal of the bill is to make healthcare ,
more affordable and easier to access especially for those with
the greatest need.
How does this bill affect the practice of Nurse Practitioners
and Nurse-Midwives? The bill promises basic healthcare for
all Americans. This fact alone will increase the demand for
primary care services. It is well known that most physicians are
not choosing Family Practice as their specialty. In 2007, only
1,178 Family Practice residencies out of a total of 2,503 were
Hlled by graduates of U.S. medical schools. ln the same year,
over 3,700 Family Nurse Practitioners graduated from masters
and post masters programs.
The new bill will create new demand for primary care services and
nurse practitioners are ready to till that need. This is very good
news since it has been proven that when people receive excellent
primary care, it can prevent some illnesses and help moderate
the devastating effects of other illnesses. The result will be fewer
emergency room visits and fewer hospital stays for life threaten-
ing illnesses. This should decrease the cost of healthcare.
For Nurse—Midwives, a major step forward occurred with the V
passage of this legislation. For many years, Nurse—Midwives have
been paid at 65% ofthe physician Medicare rate. This has effec- .
tively limited the nurse-midwives’ ability to practice. Effective
January 2011, Nurse—Midwives will be paid at 100% ofthe Part
B Medicare Fee schedule. This is important since many insurers
follow the Medicare standards in setting rates. The bill

also provides for coverage of services provided by free—standing ·
birth centers under Medicaid. These two provisions will have a {
profound effect on Nurse-Midwives’ ability to provide services. i
The American Nurses Association has published on their web
`i site (www.nursingworld.org) a very good summary of the _
Key Provisions Related to Nursing. Some examples of these
includezlncreased funding for the education of Nurse Practitioners i
i and Nurse-Midwives; Improved Nursing Student Loan program;
Improved Nurse Faculty Loan program; A 10% bonus payment ,
under Medicare to primary care practitioners (including nurse
practitioners) who practice in health professional shortage areas; I
Improved funding for school based clinic and a new program to
support nurse managed health centers.
Overall, the provisions proposed in the new legislation will im- A
prove the ability of families to access healthcare services including 2
Nurse practitioners and Nurse—Midwives. The Frontier School of 1
Midwifery and Family Nursing’s mission is to educate Nurse-  
Midwives and Nurse Practitioners to provide care to families Q
living in rural and underserved areas. Mary Breckinridge had a  
desire to make the world a healthier place for children and their i
families. I believe this new legislation is a step forward in making
that goal a reality.
References: "The Primary Care Paradigm Shift" by Ann Ritter, Esq. and
Tine Hansen-Turton, JD, MGA, published in Health Lawyer, Volume 20,
No. 4, April 2008. Copyright © 2008 by the American Bar Association;
Congress Enacts Landmark Healthcare Reform Legislation. American
i College of Nurse—Midwives. http://www.midwife.org/sitefiles/legisla-
tive/KeyProvisions_HR3590.pdf. Accessed May 14, 2010; Healthcare
Reform: Key Provisions Related to Nursing. American Nurses Associa-
· tion. http://www.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/Healthcarean-
aspx Accessed May I4, 2010.

Excerpts from Quarterly Bulletin, September 1929
Written by Mary Breckinridge during August, 1929
"I was away from home five days last week making "Rounds"
and covered over eighty miles with Teddy Bear, and perhaps the
best way of telling you about the situation at the different nursing
centers is just to describe the ride.
“‘I left Wendover Tuesday morning and went Hrst to Hyden,
where I had dinner at the hospital. A most interesting case had
been brought in during the night - a boy of twenty—one shot at
his ‘moonshine still’ by a deputy sheriff, the bullet going into the
abdomen and going out through the lung. He was brought to us on
a litter. We sent word over to the mining town of Hazard, twenty
miles away, to our consulting surgeon, who came in to operate.
. . . The surgeon found the bullet had grazed almost every vital
organ, touching none, and I might add that Frank is recovering.
He has a young wife of seventeen and a fifteen month old baby
and another one coming.
"The hospital is demonstrating every day the need for an emer-
gency place of that sort at strategic points in this mountain
country. We have now decided to have every seventh or eighth
of our stations an emergency hospital and to subsidize a doctor
sufficiently for our own work to enable him to live in the region. ·
This broadens our scope enormously and will, of course, add
heavily to the budget.
“F rom Hyden I rode on down the river twelve miles to the ‘Possum
Bend’ center at Coniluence, where I spent the night. The river is
quite broad and deep at that point - the lowest station we have as
yet on the Middle Fork. It is a charming white house with green

blinds, perfectly equipped for its purpose, and with a lovely hardy
flower border and five apple trees recently set out — the whole
place the gift of Mrs. Chester Bolton of Cleveland. I found my
chief supervisor of nurses, Miss Alice Logan, down here helping
the resident nurse out in some special problems.
"I had a courier with me because I was going to try out a dif-
ferent trail the next day in going over to the nursing station at
Big Creek on Red Bird River in Clay County, distance of nearly
twenty—five miles. Somewhere midway, along Bull Skin Creek, J
will be our seventh nursing station, and we are gradually getting '
the feel of the district which has already written us to come in. I
had sent a courier through there to leam the trail and now I had
him with me so that I could leam it too. It was Joe who was with J
me on this trip.
"We first rode up ‘Hell—for—Certain’, which John Fox, Jr. has i
made historic — a horribly rough creek about eight miles long.  
This was of course familiar territory to me; and then we got into Z
a great primeval forest extending for many miles in all direc- Y
tions with trails leading in a most confusing zigzag, and it was
this territory in which Joe guided me. You could comb the world
without finding anything more beautiful than that forest. What a
rewarder such a country is of those who keep their bodies hard
and fit! No lover of luxury could ever see that beauty because
he wouldn’t be able to reach it.
_ "We rode through for many miles and then came out on a ridge
where Bull Creek on the one side and Big Creek and Bull Skin
Creek on the other all have their sources and flow the first into
, the Middle Fork down one side of the mountain chain and the
other two into the Red Bird River down the other. We were go-
ing down Big Creek. We hadn’t traveled very far before we got
into our first settlement. Here a woman came out of her house
and called me. Although she doesn’t live in a territory we cover
as yet, she recognized our uniforms, which is now known over
an area of many hundreds of miles, and asked me if I could help

l her. Her baby wasn’t two months old and she of course had had
no care at the time and had been flooding ever since and looked
wretchedly. I asked her if she would go to the hospital if I sent a
nurse and a courier the next day, and to my surprise she agreed
at once. So the next day Joe went back from Big Creek with one
of the Big Creek nurses and took the woman on his own horse `•
and the nurse carried her baby and rode slowly with her the nine
or ten miles over the ridges to Hyden. I found them both there _
the following Saturday on my next visit to Hyden, and she was
getting appropriate care.
"But to continue. We followed Big Creek down clear to Red Bird
River, a distance of ten miles or so and rough traveling, because
the trail is in the creek bed most of the way, but nothing like
so rocky a creek as Hell-for-Certain. Then, at last, around one
o’clock we reached the nursing station, and a joy it was in hot
weather to know that twenty—five miles had been covered and the
weary horses could be let out to graze. The center at Red Bird is
perfectly exquisite — a rambling log building with a big veranda,
(which was covered with women and children when I arrived), a
living room with an open stone hre, two bedrooms for the nurses,
a maid’s room, a kitchen, a large waiting room for the patients in
the winter, and a dispensary properly equipped, and above a big
attic and a sleeping porch. water, with a good bath . . . The whole
property is the gift of Mrs. Henry Ford.
"There was a mothers’ club meeting that aftemoon and I had ridden
the twenty—iive miles at a stretch in order to be present and speak
to the club — such dear, eager, wistful faces. I took as my subject
the development of the mind of the little child up to the school `
age, using the simplest language and illustrations.
"We have a wide variety of experiences. As I rode down Big Creek,
for instance, a man called me in to see his little boy whose mouth
and throat were in a bad condition, looking to me like a typical case
of Vencent’s Angina. I was sure it wasn’t diptheria, but especially

so because the father told me the child had the toxin—anti-toxin
given him by the nurses several months before. The family had
only baking soda, so a hot soda gargle was all I could do at the
moment; but when I got to Big Creek I telephoned over the nine-
_ teen miles to Hyden and got Dr. Capps, and a nurse went back that
W evening to paint the pustules with mercurochrorne, etc.
, “Back to my ride. The nurses at the mouth of Flat Creek are living
in a three-room cabin while they build their new center, which is
the gift of Mrs. John W. Price, Jr. of Louisville, and her sister, Miss
Jane Atwood of Pittsfield, in memory of their mother, Caroline
Butler Atwood.
"This new district is thrilling. Within the first ten days after the
nurses were established, {ive matemity cases had registered with
them. They had the horrible shock of three cases of scarlet fever
right next door to one of their matemity cases and of course the
nurse who has been on the scarlet fever cases had had to leave i
all of the midwifery work to the other. One of the children has ;
been desperately ill, and the Manchester doctor could only make E
one visit on the whole situation. But he was a tower of strength l.
then, and they have all made a good recovery. We have made I
arrangements to have a little girl, whom the doctor has seen and
pronounced a bad heart case, sent down to the Children’s Hospital `_
at Louisville, and we talked over a good many situations. The
nurses are much concemed over an impending delivery in a one-
room cabin with only one bed in it, in which are sleeping a man, .
two women and Hve children, including the expectant mother *
_ — the whole family badly nourished, riddled with hookwonn, and
the expectant mother so anaemic that they can’t but anticipate a i
hemorrhage. The the man doesn’t seem to have enough energy
. even to make another bed”!
"R0unds" t0 be cantinued in the next Quarterly Bulletin.

Engagement With FNS - A Positive Field Experience
by Di: Carolyn Lee and Joan L. Moon, EdD, CNM RN
This article describes a FNS_;€eld experience by a group of Clini-
cal Nurse Leader (CNL) Graduate Nursing Students from The (_
University of`Toledo, Toledo, Ohio.
To meet the requirements of a graduate field experience, ten ,_
students participated in the FNS trip. The semester before the
trip, students prepared by reading the required book, Wdde Neigh-
borhoods, to gain a historical perspective of the unique work of
Mary Breckinridge and the FNS. In their nursing research course,
students explored relevant topics for their field experience such as
health themes in Appalachian music and teen pregnancy. Build-
ing on the faculty member’s research interest in menstrual cycle
education, some students prepared to conduct resea