xt7vmc8rcw3h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vmc8rcw3h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1954-03-19  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 19, 1954 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 19, 1954 1954 1954-03-19 2013 true xt7vmc8rcw3h section xt7vmc8rcw3h GIVE

The Kentucecy Kerne


volume XLV









New Group To Help
UK Get Med School



Parties List


During Past Term

Steering Commillee
Formed To Work
On Details Of Plan
Lire hi ii ;u
day when I'K will have a stateAnother step toward the
operated medical school was marked last week with the announce
ment of the formation of a kentnekv Medical Sciences Devel op- ment Foundation.

Kernel Editors Ask
For Itemized Results
Of Campaign Promises


Back Down
On Cheating


A three-fol- d
objective program is
the development aim of the private
foundation. These goals include:
Building schools of the medical sciences medicine, dentistry,
nursing, pharmacy, public health
at UK and endow professional
chairs in these schools.
2 Seeking aid for the University
of Louisville Medical School.
3i Matching funds for hospital
building throughout the state.
Committee Formed
steering commitA
tee has been formed to work out the
details and actual operation of the
medical sciences organization.
Serving on the committee are J.
Stephen Watkins, chairman: Dr.
John S. Chambers, head physician
at UK; Dr. Francis Massie, chairman of the medical education committee of the Fayette County Medi- cal Society: Dr. Coleman Johnston;
Edward Dabney; Gilmore Nunn, and
Herschel Weil.
It has been announced that this
planning group will meet next
Thursday to initiate the first action
in forming the foundation the
naming of a 5 member executive
Under the proposed setup, the
foundation would be administered
by a Committee of Sponsors numpersons. From
bering from
this group would be chosen a
member Board of Directors.
Group rianned
Organizers of the group plan that
all members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Commitnot memtee shall be
bers of the medical profession, the
government, the University of Louis-villor UK.
The foundation plans to serve as
a repository for
from private sources. These sources
would include industry, private endowment funds, foundations, the
race horse industry, and private
As Dr. Chambers commented to a
Kernel reporter, "If our present ambitions are attained, Kentucky will
get a medical center by putting up
only one dollar for every two dollars from private sources."
An overall cost of $25,OOO,C00 is
the present goal set by the foundation to build and equip schools of
the medical sciences at UK.

of this total cost
hospital at $10,000,- building,
000: a medical sciences
S4.500.000: school of dentistry.
school of pharmacy, $500,- 000; clinics, laboratories,
clinic, S3.000.000; three residence
halls, $4,000,000: and an endowment
fund of $6,000,000, providing 18
cn.e.rs 'f medicine.
The immediate building of a
medical school at UK was recom- mended by the State Advisory Committee on Medical Education in its
report of Dec. 5.


shows a



out-patie- nt



Members of the UK debaie team that brought home the
trophy for the Ohio Valley Tournament last week are practicing for the national Tan Kappa
Alpha contest they will' enter next week. At the speakers' stand js William Douglass. The others are. 1. to r., James Dundon, Jacob Mayer, Charles English, and Dr. Gilford Hlyton. coach.

Music Seniors
Tit Giro Recital

In All Campus Sing

William Steidcn and Albert Aseh.
senior music majors, will present a
joint recital at 8 p.m. today in the
Lab Theater of the Fine Arts Building. This recital is given as a
partial fulfillment for the B.A. degree in music.
Steiden, a senior from Louisville,
has the french horn as his recital
instrument. He has studied horn for
thr past four years under Mr. William Worrel. an instructor in the
Music Department.
He has been a members of the
University Band for the past four
y?,irs and is a past president of the
Marching 100. During this time, he
has also been a member of the
Symphony Orchestra. At the present time, he is r.n associate conductor of the Central Kentucky
Youth Orchestra.
Mary Carver Lutz will accompany
him on the piano.
Albert Asch has. as his recital instrument the oboe. He also has
been a member of the University
Band and is a past president of the
Marching J00.; j;.;-- , i ;:j
He has been a member of the
University Symphony Orchestra for
four ears and is an associate conductor of the Central Kentucky
Youth Orchestra.
He is a member of Kevs. sopfio- :iiui c lllt.li a uuuoidi aim is a iiitrixi
ber and past president of Phi Mu
AlLha. men's honorary music fra- -'











Movie Titles Selected
To Be Theme For May Day
Movie titles will be the theme for
the floats participating in the annual May Day parade. May 8, Doris
McGary announced at a Suky meet-in- s
Letters have been sent to all
campus organizations with information on the parade. Dave Linkous,
May Day chairman, said. Linkous
said that movie titles are to be
submitted no later than April 10th.
Accompanying the titles should be
a brief description of the float
decorations, and there would be no
duplications in themes, he said.
The first group submitting a theme
will h8ve priority.
In an effort to promote a feeling
of unity and cooperation between
Suky and the participating groups,
one member of Suky has been assigned to contact each organization
and explain the functions to them.
The member will act as a
for the organization and Suky.
Bands Will Perform
High school bands and the March-in- g
100 will be available for the
afternoon parade. The Suky float,
carrying the queen finalists, will
lead the procession through Main

Nine sororities and residence halls
and five fraternities have entered
the annual All Campus Sing to be
held next week, Barbara Weesner,
Phi Beta representative on the or- -j
ganizing committee, has announced.
Renamed the Carnival of Tunes.
the contest will begin with the
women's preliminaries Wednesday
night. The men's preliminaries will
be held Thursday and the finals Fri-


day. All sessions will begin at 7:30
p.m. at Memorial Hall.
Winners of the competition will
receive their trophies at a
dance in the Ballroom of
the Student Union to be held right
after the finals. Charlie Blair's 15- -i
piece orchestra will provide the mus-- !
ic. and tickets, stag or drag, are $1.
Miss Weesner said.
The winners of the Alpha Phi
Omega Ugly Man Contest will 'also
be announced during the intermis-- i
come-as-you-a- re











vi i:










The third group, also performed

by the men, will include "Soon All
Will Be Done" by Dawson, and "The
Surrey With The Fringe on Top" by
The women will then follow with
"Take the Sun" by Bonett-Rotby Tilden Wells,
"Chanticleer" by Tilden Wells, "I
Have A Mother In The Heavens"
arrangement by Bryan and
also arranged by Bryan.
Group five, also performed by the
Women's Glee Club will include
"Lacrimosa" by Schubert, "Laudate
Dominum" by Mozart and "Praise
To The Lord," arranged by Whitea,


The two groups will combine to
perform two selections from Felix
famous oratorio. "Eli- jah." These selections will be "He
Watching Over Israel" and "And
Then Shall Your Light."

A discussion will also be held pn
"How Can Present Practices of Congressional Investigations Be Im- -

mem-stan- d

An exhibition of photographic
panels, prepared by the editors of
Life magazine will go on display
Saturday in the Fine Arts Building.
The photographs, with accompanying captions, show the architecture, art, history and general ap-- I
pearance of Venice. They will be
hung: m sequence in the north exhibition corridor across from the
Fine Arts Library.
Dr. Donald Weismann. head of
the Art Department, says the photographs represent "real high-clas- s
journalism," the work of Life's
piiou.gi.., ,

1. To present to SGA and the facPresenting breakdowns on the
platforms issued by the two parties ulty committee the suggestion of
on December 11. 1953, were Ann establishing the card section as a
credit course.
O'Roark. Const., and Capp Turner. one-hoPrajecl Was Dropped
The project was dropped by
Actions taken on the ConstituClique tMiss O'Roark saidi because
tionalist platform follow:
(Most of the work done on party it couldn't be carried out. Faculty
projects by the Constitutionalists is opposition was given as one reason
carried out independently of assem- for its failure. It was not brought
bly meetings through a party or- up in SGA.
2. To continue promoting jam sesganization called Clique
sions after football games on week- -

John Y. Brown Jr.. US. Glenn
Sanderfur. Const., and Bill BiUiter,
US, supported the idea to set up
an honor system but reversed their
previous charges that cheating
existed on campus.
Brown, who proposed tire honor
system two weeks ago on the basis
that students here "think cheating
is a game," said Monday nieht that
he had initiated the idea because
' a bunch of students asked nie to
do it."
Brown Cited Stolen Tests
When he first proposed the honor
system. Brown cited as reasons for
adopting the plan stolen tests, saying that many students failed tests
because of students with stolen tests
making higher grades.
Sanderfur. who had said on March
1 that he could
produce proof that
certain team members were given
copies of tests in advance, told assembly members Monday night that
investigation showed that the athletes have "a clean and clear slate."
(Continued to Page 3


UK To Pick

The annual federal inspection of
AFROTC will be held on Mun- day and Tuesday, with Col. Charles
F. Densford in charge. Col. R. S.
Larson, professor of air science and
tactics, has announced.
A joint parade of the AFROTC
and the Army ROTC will also be
held at 4 p.m. Monday.

This project has not been discussed by Clique yet.
3. To submit to SOA. as a remedy
to the parking situation, the setting
up of parking meters in vital spots
on campus.
Given up as hopeless, because of
the high cast involved and the fact
that it would not provide enough
parking space for students, this
project is being considered under
different forms by Clique.
4. To investigate the possibility of
date tickets in the student section
Clique is still studying this proj-


Top Ugly Man

KOTC To I lave

Federal Inspeelion




The annual Ugly Man Contest
sponsored by Alpha Phi Omega. UK
se vice fraternity, will be held next
week. Orville Threlkeld. vice president, has announced.
Polls will be open from 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Friday in the Student Union, and
votes will be one cent each. Each
student may vote as many time as
he wishes by putting coins in the ect.
containers labeled for each candiTicket Rights Proposed
date. Threlkeld said. Picture of the
5. To introduce a proposal that
entrants will be displayed at the would give students preemptive
voting booth.
rights to football and basketball
Fraternities nominated their cau-th- e tickets.
week, and the winner
didntcs this
Clique is still studying the project.
of the contest will be announced at
6. To investigate the possibility of
the Carnival of Tunes Dance after j issuing ID cards to faculty members.
the finals of the annual All Cum-- i housemothers, and head residents
pus Sing Friday night.
for the purpose of admitting them
Proceeds from this contest above to bull games and concerts.
actual expenses will be used to
Clique is still studying this project.
finance Alpha Phi Omega's service
7. To investigate the possibility of
projects on campus which last year making faculty directories available
magazines, and to all students.
newspapers for the infirmary, a
Nothing has been done on this
new radio for the building and re- project.
pair of others, support of the K- 8. To work for better lightuig on
Book, supixirt of the Explorer Scout campus.
group in Lexington, and Christmas
Discussed by Clique, this project
baskets filled for needy families was mentioned briefly during the
with the help of campus sororities meeting, after the breakdown of
and fraternities.
platforms was given.
Candidates for the Ugly Man
9. To investigate the possibility of
honor are Bill Jones, Phi Sigma distributing Kernels to organizations
Kappa; Harold Hurst. Alpha Gam-- , and residence halls.
ma Rho: BUI Pendley, Lambda Chi
Project Found Impractical
Alpha: Joe Teague, Phi Delta; Clique dropped this project
Theta: Allen McCain. Sigma Nu: i Miss O'Roark said) it was found
Bill Jolly. Phi Kappa Tau: Logan
Wallingfurd. Kappa Sigma.
10. To publicize information about
Arnold Lentz. Zeta Beta Tau: Bill '
scholarships available to students,
Codell. Kappa Alpha; Jim Rowe.
This project was dropped by
Delta Tau Delta: Bill Burleson. Clique
was found that each
Alpha Tau Omega: Carter Glass. college after it
at UK distributes scholarship
Smma Chi: Danny Boone,
Alpha Epsilon; H. Alan Steilberg, information within the departments.
11. To promote yearly leadership
Triangle: Jimmy Simmons, Farm training conferences.
House: Jim Sandidue. Pi Kappa
Links, new junior women's honor-- i
Alpha: To,n VVhlte' Tau Kappa ary. has made this project unnecessary tMiss O'Roark saidi.
Epsilon: and Don Stewart, Sigma
12. To support the election of class
Phi Epsilon.
officers with any or all members




WLW To Hold


Summer Opera
Aria Auditions


Radio Station WLW Cincinnati
and the Cincinnati Opera Association are sponsoring aria auditions
on the campus until March 24. the
Department of Music has announced.
The purpose of the audition i.s to
give students, from UK and 10 other
universities and colleges an opportunity to win a summer's contract
to sing with nationally known opera
stars in Cincinnati.
Three newspaper music critics
from Cincinnati will be the judges
for an audition period which will
last from April 17 to June 5,
" to a bulletin from the depart- ment.
Interested persons may contact
Aimo Kiviniemi of the Department
of Music, the bulletin said.






of SGA.
Not discussed

by Clique yet this
semester, the class officer project
was voted down in SGA last year.
13. To promote the idea of a longer spring vacation.
Brought up before SGA recently,
this project is still being investigated.
I'nited Students Projects
For the United Students, Capp
Turner gave the following breakdown of platform projects:
1. To continue its policy of representing all the students. Independents and Greeks.
This is a'standing policy.
2. To attempt to change the time
of issuing parking tickets so that
there is unrestricted parking after
(Continued to Page 3

Faculty Names Botany Head
As Distinguished Professor

A student congress will hold a
session in which students will write
bills for Congress, debate them, and
adopt them.
The bills which are adopted by
the congress are then sent on to
a national congress.
Jacob Mayer, UK. will enter the
eiemporaneous speaking section,
where students will speak on news
of current national and international
James Dundon and Charles English will debate the affirmative and
George Shadoan and William Douglass will take the negative. All five
will enter the Student Congress.

'Life' Pictures
To lie Exhibited


Imts of the Confederate Cuan
at attention beside the
Rendu k - ennessee beer k at the banquet honoring Coach
Monday ni;ht. (See storv on
lllaht n,
al " as

t om-td-

Pro-ra- m

Five debate students will leave
Wednesday for Kalamazoo. Mich., to
enter the National Tau Kappa
Alpha Forensic Contest. The Uni- versity will be one of approximately
40 schools which are members of
the Tau Kappa Alpha Fraternity.
A debate will be conducted on the
same topic for the year free trade



William Worrell, music in- -i
structor at UK, will direct the Men's
Glee Club in the absence of the
regular director, Mr. James King,
who will be absent because of illness.
Some of the appearances of the
Men's Glee Club have been before
the Lexington Kiwanis Club, the
Hanging of the Greens, and the Stu-- !
dent Union Christmas program.
Lucy Scheibe. junior music major
from Chattanooga, Tenn:, will ac-- !
company the- group.
The Men's Glee Club will open
the program with a group of three
Welsh Folk Songs. The next group
will consist of "The Dreamy Lake"
by Schumann, "Psalm 150" by
Franck. and Heavenly Light" by

Forensic Contest
To lie HlltCrC(1
By Debate Team








instructor at the University. Janelle
Hogg, freshman music major from
Harlan, will accompany the group.
Soprano solos will be sung by Sally
Hoffman, a junior music major from
Fort Thomas, Kentucky.
This is the third appearance of
the winter for the Women's Glee

The publicity committee of the
Student Union Board is sponsoring
a radio; program on WBKY at 7:30
p.m'. March 27, to explain all the
activities of the Student Union.. It
will be on the "House Party" pro- gram.
The radio script was written by
Curtis Songster and Ann Young.
John Newton, Jane Ann Stockton,
and Songster are the principal
players and the show will be engi-'Roneered by Charles Fitch and Miss

African To Talk

The UK Men and Women's Glee
Clubs will present their annual joint
concert at 4 p.m. Sunday in Memorial Hall. This program is presented
as part of the Sunday Afternoon
Musicale series.
The Women's Glee Club Is direct-- i
ed by Virginia Lutz Bradley, voice

To Describe SUB

White Rose Of Dear KD," and "In
The Still Of The Night."

by April 20th.
A court will be elected by popular
ballot May 4 and 5 at the Student
Union. A queen will be selected by
Judges from these finalists to reign
M the dance. The identity of the
queen will be unknown until the




St red.
All sororities and residence halls
should select their queen candidates,

The queen ai.d her attendants
will be announced at the May Day
dance which will climax the weekend activities. Float winners will
be presented trophies at the dance,
nnd the new members of Suky will
be introduced.
Chairmen Named
Other chairmen named fur May
Day are Neal Asher. float chair-luaLinda (iilisoii, eleitioii (ii.iil- -

Entries in the men's division include Sigma Nu. "White Star Of
Sigma Nu," "Over the Rainbow."
and " 'Zekiel Saw The Wheel;" Phi
Siema Kappa. "The Students'
Marching Song" and "Hail To Thee
Phi Sigma Kappa;" Delta Tau Delta. "Old Mother Hubbard." "Blow,
Gabriel. Blow," and "Delta Shelter;"
Sigma Chi, "Sweet Kentucky Babe"
and "Sweetheart of Sigma Chi;" Pi
Kappa Alpha, "All The Things You
Are," "I Got Shoes," and a fraternity song.
Judges for the preliminaries will
be chosen from Lexington, and the
final judges will be musicians from
out of town. Miss Weesner said.
The selections for the sings are
limited to Broadway hits, popular
songs, spirituals, light opera, and
novelty numbers.
Sponsors of the contest include
Phi Beta, Phi Mu Alpha, Mortar
Board, and ODK.

Groups Entered
Groups that have entered and
their selections include Delta Zeta,
"Dancing In the Dark." "Louisiana
Hayride," and "Delta Zeta Round;"
Chi Omega. "How High The Moon,"
"Chi O Round." and "Clap Yo
Hands;" Jewell Hall. "While Stroll-- :
ing Through The Park," and "Some- -'
times I Feel Like A Motherless
Alpha Delta Pi. "You And The
Night And The Music," "Halls Of
Ivy," and "Mar; y Had A Little
Lamb:" Kappa Kappa Gamma,
-Laura" and "With A Song In My
Heart;" Alpha Xi Delta, "Liza,"
"Holiday For Strings," and "The
Quest;" Kappa Alpha Theta,
Row, Row Your Boat" and "My
(Theta Man;" Alpha Gamma Delta.
"AH The Things You Are.
S Wonderful," and "Old King Cole;" Kap- -

man; Mary Eades, warehouse chair
man; and Mildred Correll. dance
Last year, Barbara Baldwin, Delta
Delta Delta, was crowned May Day
queen. The Kappa Delta's won first
place in the float division with
Ade Aberonmu, of Oyo, Nigeria,
their "Red Roses for a Blue Lady",
and the Tri Delts with "It's a Blue West Africa, will speak on current
in the political problems in Africa at a
World" ranked second
meeting at 7 p.m. Tueswomen's division.
The Delta Tau Delta's Korean day in the Student Union Y Lounge,
war theme based on the song, Norma Divine, program chairman,
"You'll Never Walk Alone" was has announced.
Aberonmu, a medical student, is
judRed first in the men's groups.
The Phi DelUs. with "The Good now studying at Berea College, she
Ship lollipop" took second place. said.

Linkous said. The chosen candidates
must have at least a 1. standing.
Their names and pictures must be
in the hands of election chairman

Glee Club
To Present
INext Musicale

Contestants Total 14

point, accomplishments of !xth parties within the
Student Covertimcnt Association were discussed Monday night.
The discussion was brought up on request of representatives
of the Kernel, in order to establish what had and what had not
been accomplished by the 1'nited Students and the Constitution
alists parties in regard to their platforms this semester.
Point b

Three members of the Student
(Iiivcnnnciit Association asked
continuance of plans tor a UK
honor system Monday night, but
prcious statements
made about cheating.



How chemicals can protect us
from radioactivity will be the topic
of Dr. Herbert P. Riley's distinguished professor's speech to be
given at 8 p.m. Thursday in the
Guignol Theater.
Dr. Riley, head of the Department
of Botany, was named Distinguished
Professor of 1953-5- 4 by the College
of Arts and Sciences faculty, who
inaugurated this honor in 1944 to
recognize "outstanding accomplish-- j
niMit in a chosen field."
Dr. Riley's speech, titled "The
Protective Action of Certain Chem-- :
icals Against the Effects of Ionizing
Radiation," will be followed by an
informal reception in the music
lounge adjoining the theater,
I'shrrs Chosen
Ushers for the reception will be
members of the Kentucky chapter
of Sigma Xi, physics club, UK Re- -i
.search Club, and representatives of
social sororities and fraternities.
Dr. Riley, who i.s the 10th member of the Arts and Sciences faculty
to win the award, is a native of
Brooklyn, N. Y., and received his
A.B. degre from Princeton in 1925.
He received his A.M. in 1929, and

associate professor of botany at the
University of Washington, Seattle,
He came to UK in 1942 as professor of botany and head of the
department. Since 1949 he has been
a consultant of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and received a
grant from the U. S. Atomic Energy
Commision to continue his radiation

research at the University.
Is Author Of Two Books
Dr. Riley is the author of two
books, "An Introduction to Genetics
and Cytogenetics" and "Laboratory
Exercises in General Botany." He
has written over fifty articles in
scientific journals.
The Distinguished Professor last
year was Dr. Arthur C. McFarlau.
Department of Geology I'r. Charles
E. Snow. Department of Anthio-pologwon the award in 1951.
The honored professors are Usually
granted a term free from teaching
duties in order to conduct or continue research and to prepare the
annual Arts and Sciences lecture.
The distinguished professorship
committee consists of seven members: M. M. White, dean ot the
ins Ph.D. in 1931.
College of Arts and Sciences. Dr.
He was an assistant professor of Arthur C. McFarlau. department of
biology at Tulanc University, New geology. Camille H. Halyard, head
Orleans, La., and then assistant and of the Department of Radio Arts,

Lances To Give





Lances, junior men's honorary,
will name the recipients of two $200
scholarships to be given at a ban- -,
quet May 14, Marvin Suit, president,

has announced.
Junior men who have completed
iii:i;i,i:i;r kii.ey
two semesters of work at UK are
eligible. Suit said. Selection is based
I )isl iugui.shcd
on schoiarsnip. cnaracter. and need,
he said.
1)1. Carl I.'
Ilendi lckou. DepartInformation concerning the scholment ot Botany. D. P. Ames,
arships may be obtained at the
prou-ssoof chemistry, and
of the Dean of Men. Admmis- Dr. Morris Scherago, Department of
B.u leri.il. y y, chairman of the com t rat ion Building. Deadline for fi'.i""
application is April 15, Suit said.




� oesi uopy Mvaname


The Toolbox

Support Of Students Is Needed
If SGA Is To Become Stronger

Mr. Oedipus Rex.
Poor Nutty Guy,
Had A Complex

not been done, on each plank. Through this account

The Student Government ssk iation on tlie campus is taking steps to Ixvome a stronger organia-tion- .
The group that is now in SGA has shown in
several ways that it intends to make SG a working
lxxly for the welfare of the students and not just
an outlet for campus polities.
SGA was taken in
The first step toward a
the Litter part of January when the group voted to
join the National Student Association. The National
Student Association is composed ol representatives
from "00 colleges and universities in the United
States. Its main function is to oiler an exchange of
ideas on student government problems. Garter
Glass. SGA president, reports that the UK group is
taking advantage of this service and has received
some helpful information.
At the last meeting of SGA. Kernel representatives requested that the United Students and (Constitutionalists give an account ol the progress that
they had made on their resjut'tixe platforms thus
far. The reason for this request was that,
only three or four of the planks in each platform had leen acted upon during regular SGA
SGA inemliers said that the reason for this was
that each party worked on their platforms through
various committers. They explained that it was the
dutv of each committee to investigate each particular plank, decide if it were feasible, and then if
so. to recommend action to SGA. The difficulty
which arose from this procedure was that the planks
which were decided infeasible and thrown out, were
never reported and, therefore, the students had no
way of knowing the outcome. As a result, many
students believed that the platforms were merely
publicity devices, since they had no way of knowing the work that went into the investigation of
each plank.
Representatives of each party went through the
platforms and explained the work that had or had

it was evident that the committees had been at
work and were trying as far as possible to carry out
the planks of their respective platforms. We believe
that the students should recognize and appreciate
the work that has been done by SGA. Only through
recognition and support by the students will SGA
place on the campus.
be able to take its riulitf-.iWe cannot agree with the stand that SC x took
on the honor svstem at the last meeting. Each member that had previously made a statement on the
cheating at UK retracted or modified their statements in turn. Following these statements a committee was appointed to study the various honor
systems at other schools and decide which type I K
should adopt.
In the first place, there can be no doubt that
cheating exists on the campus. No matter how many
statements are made to the contrary, whether by
professors or bv students, cheating is anil has Ix'en
going on. It din s no good to take a pollyauua viewpoint of the situation, before any problem can le
soldved. the facts have to be recognized and accepted for what they are then and only then can
a solution le reached.
Before appointing a committee to select a particular kind of honor system, the logical procedure
would le to appoint a committee to investigate the
cheating that goes' on. how it is accomplished, and
methods of stopping it. Then after settling these
matters. SGA would be ready to decide on and
study the various types of honor systems.
Our feeling toward the honor system was brought
in to show that oftentimes we may not be in complete agreement w ith SGA but we are standing
them and want them to progress on campus
with student approval. If UK students are sincere
when they say they want to be student governed,
then it is time for them to make themselves heard
their support is needed.

lx-tte- r




Student Editors Visit Russia,
Find Propaganda Rules Students

"Can't We Just Scrape Off The Old Paper':"

The Gallery


Columnist Predicts Winners
Of Coveted Academy Award


' trmn to introduce last year's Oscar
recepients who'll in turn break the

sealed envelopes which contain
the names of the new winners
these are the names we think will
be on the pink slips:
Best picture: Columbia's "From
Here To Eternity." We boyv to
mass public opinion
Next week will hi' Academy Award time again in
the film capital, and we guess its about time we
stuck our neck out. The much coveted honor of
mastering the ceremonies at the Award dinner goes
this year to Donald O'Connor, the youngest veteran in the show biz whirl he just appeared on the
stage 27 wars ago; he's an old man of 28 now.
And when the lights dim, and Donald, the wine
ner of '."3's TV Oscar, the Emmy, goes to the
liked "Roman Holiday," and "Stalag 17."
Best performances: Actor we pick William
out of pure cussedness, lx'cause he hasn't got a
prayer.. We just think he's the Ix'st. The silverware
will probably go cither to Monty Clift or Burt Lancaster for their stereotyped performances in "Eternity."
last month we thought Audrey HepActress
now we're not so sure. We'll
burn was a shoo-in- ,
stick w ith her, though.
Frank Sinatra, for "EterSupporting Actor
Supporting Actress this is a toughie. We'll flip
a coin and pick Donna Reed, for her unexpectedly-gooshowing in "Eternity." For all we know she
may not have even leen nominated.
Best Director
George Stevens again, this time
lor "Shane."
Best Producer Fred Zinnemann, for "Eternity."
Best Juvenile Performer Brandon deWilde, for






filmed "Roman Holiday" (black and white). Disney, also should get one of the numerous special
"The Livawards for his


ing Desert."
And that's about as far as we care to go, not
acquainted with the candidates eligible for
awards in the fields of art direction, costuming,
film editing, cartoons, etc. By the way, stay home
Thursday night and see the glittering show on TV-i- t's
one of the high spots ot the year entertainment-wise- .













Dear Editor:

The Kentucky Kernel
tiruW-- r












articles by Ronnie Butler without the other
side also printed, then I will le forced to wriie letters opposing that view. Kernel readers are entitled
to know that Mr. Butler quoted from one of most
papers in the Midwest, the Milwaukee
Journal, in his article of Feb. 19th. This newspaper
repeated all the lies that have leen carried by the
Communist organs concerning Sen. McCarthy.
Furthermore, a Senator does not convict people. It
is his duty to present their case to the public. I
might add many of these people we no longer
working for the L'nited States government much to
Mr. Butler's sorrow.

Also, in the Feb. 19th issue of the Kernel, Mr.
Luther Raine wanted to hear more from Sen.
McCarthy when he has no "senatorial immunity."
For Mr. Raine's personal knowledge, in case he is
interested in increasing it. Sen. McCarthy has just
returned from a coast to coast speaking tour in
which he had no "senatorial immunity" in any of
his speeches.


Allen. Pill Burleson. Dnn Henrv, Bill Knight,
ogr koprr, Jlank Mavo, Daid
.iuiiru. Pick i'nrkim, and
Billy Siirfacr.
Advertising Salesmen
John Clover. John Snwrier, Jan Col

inches; Concubine


hen several businesses

Sincerely yours,
Felix Feltner, Jr.




"Repressed desire? Simple. Suppose your mother savs you can't play w ith matches or he II Ixun
you. Know what happens?"
"You grow up to be a fireman?"
"Perfect. Here's a tough one. Suppose you always get beat for telling lies . . . until you have to
keep quiet or keep growing a new hide?"
"Y'ou grow up to be a senator with a fake war
record and all kinds of stupid things to say alxmt"
nice people?"
"Absolutely right! I think you got the thing
"Naw. I don't get this guilt complex business."
"That's simple. Who objects most to other people's drinking or sm