xt7vmc8rcw0r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vmc8rcw0r/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1952-01-18  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 18, 1952 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 18, 1952 1952 1952-01-18 2013 true xt7vmc8rcw0r section xt7vmc8rcw0r The Kentucky Kernel


Registration Starts
In Coliseum Feb. 4
Cards For Seniors
In Arts, Sciences
Are Available Now

Seniors in the College of Arts and
Sciences may obtain their summary
cards and schedule cards for the
second semester at the Dean's Office, McVey Hall 128, at any time
during office hours.
Registration cards will be available
to all students from Jan. 21 to Feb.
1. Students planning to register for
the second semester in February
may obtain registration cards at the
Registrar's Office on the first floor
of the Administration Building from
8:30 a.m. to noon and from 1:30 to



YOUR LAST CHANCE TO ORDER THE 1952 KEXTCCKIAN will be during registration for the second
semester. Shown here ere a group of people who are likely to take your order, practicing up on each
other. Left to right are: Fred Bradley, Barbara Baldwin, Anne Downing, Rosemary Tulley, Jim Inman,
and Kentuckian Business Manager Dave Bere. Seniors need not order, as they automatically receive one.

Installation Of New Members,
Discussion Of
Highlight Assembly Meeting


George Lawson and Vu Tam Ich.
two other members, did not arrive
until after swearing-i- n ceremonies,
and will not be sworn in until the
next meetinc.
President Bob Smith told the SGA
he does not believe the assembly has
enough voice in the publication of
in proportion to the
of money it spends on the
Which is Issued as a guide book
n inrnminv frmpn
Cherry Is Editor
Smith said Dick Cherry, who Is

editor of next year's
apparently selected by last year's
editor, Joe Lee. He said the SGA
did not question the competency of
Cherry as editor, but merely believed
it should. In the future, have more
voice in selecting the editor and


"The only support of the
comes from student organizations,"
Smith told the assembly. The,
YMCA contributes $75, and other
organizations contribute lesser
amounts, while SGA underwrites a
ereat deal of the expense, possibly
as much as 80 per cent."
Smith said equity would seem to
dictate that the staff be left as it Is
for this year, but he believed SGA
snouia as lor more voice in iuiurc
Cherry said after the meeting that
he had been appointed editor by Dr.
Lysle Croft, director of the Univer-amouk.
sity Personnel Office, which
lishes the
Ttenortinii on the recent elections.
Henry Neel, chairman of the election
committee, mentioned three points


Debate Team Med Colleges
Barely Beaten Offer Tests
InTournament ForAdmission
Centre College
Defeats UK
The UK debate team was narrowly beaten for first place in the

annual Kentucky Intercollegiate
Tournament held on the campus last
Saturday afternoon.
Centre College nosed out UK for
the championship by a 6 to 6
won-lo- st
record. The subject was,
Resolved: The federal government
should adopt a permanent plan of
price and wage control.
The negative team of Bill Douglass
and George Creedle were undefeated
in the tournament.
The silver winner's trophy, dowas
nated by the Herald-Leade- r,
presented to the Centre team by
Dean M. M." White at a ceremony
Saturday afternoon.
Eastern State came in third. The
other participating schools in the
order of their final ratings were
University of Louisville, Union, and
Asbury. Kentucky State was represented by ten observers who did not
come prepared to enter the competition.
Students representing UK were
Ed Rue and Lester Wise, affirmative; and Bill Douglass and George
Creedle, negative.
Next year the state tournament
will be held at Easterjn State College at Richmond.


Job Registers Open
To Future Teachers
Prospective teachers who will complete their work this term may register and complete the forms in the
office of the Teacher Placement
Bureau of the College of Education
if they are Interested in finding
Mrs. D. C. Kemper, secretary of
the Bureau, says that the aid given
by the
to teachers is
fact that the Bureau has placed
267 teachers in the last six months.
Most of these have chosen to remain
In Kentucky. A small percentage do
leave the state for teaching positions
elsewhere. One teacher has gone to
The Teacher Placement Bureau is
in Room 115 of the Taylor Education Building. There is no fee
charged for the service which the
Bureau offers.

Candidates for admission to medical school in the fall of 1953 are
advised to take the Medical College
Admission Test in May, it was announced this week by Educational
Testing Service, which prepares and
administers the test for the Association of American Medical Colleges.
The tests, required of applicants
by a number of leading medical colleges throughout the country, will be
given twice during the current calendar year. Candidates taking the
May test, however, will be able to
furnish scores to institutions in
early fall, when many medical colleges begin the selection of their
next entering class.
Candidates may take the MCAT
on Saturday, May 10, or on Monday,
Nov. 3, at administrations to be held
at more than 300 local centers in all
parts of the country. The Association of American Medical Colleges
recommends that candidates for admission to classes starting in the
fall of 1953 take the May test.
The MCAT consists of tests of
general scholastic ability, a test on
understanding of modem society,
and an achievement test in science.
According to ETS, no special preparation other than a review of
science subjects Is necessary. All
questions are of the objective type.
Application lorms and a Bulletin
of Information, which gives details
of registration and administration,
as well as sample questions, are
available from
or directly from Educational Testing
Service, Box 592, Princeton, N. J.
Completed applications must reach
the ETS office by Apr. 26 and Oct.
20, respectively, for the May 10 and
Nov. 3 administrations.

the committee believes
cleared up.

should be

Members May Have Influenced
SGA members may have had some
influence on voters in the election,
according to Neel. He suggested
that members of the honoraries in
the various colleges be in charge of
the polls. An alternative suggested
was that one member of each party
be on duty at all times,
"We also had several complaints
about the ballots ." Neel told the
assembly. "The ballots were not
really secret in the strict sense,
Some students didn't vote because
of the system of having correspond- ing numbers on the ballots and in


w- -

The question of whether unexpired
terms should be filled by election or
appointment is still doubtful, according to Neel. - He suggested that
SGA make a study to determine the
proper procedure.
Because of semester examinations
next week, SGA will not meet again
until next semester.

Free Movies Planned

Green Was My Valley,"

the first of a series of free movies,
will be shown at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 14, in the SUB Ball-

room. The movies are presented
by the YMCA for the entertainment of all students.
Officials of the YMCA said if
interest is shown, the movies will
be presented regularly.

SUB To Hold
Campus Drive
For Members

The Student Union Board membership drive will be held from Wednesday, Feb. 6, through Wednesday,
Feb. 13.
Registration of interested students
will be held from 12 to 5 p.m. each
day In the Social Director's Office,
Room 122, SUB. Students who have
served on committees this semester
are eligible to remain on the same
one next semester. They may register for their committees at the
meeting next semester.
At registration of new members a
Student Union Board member will
be in the office to discuss the committees with anyone interested.
Five committees make up the Student Union Board. The Activities
Committee handles the Union's activities in general. It plans music
hours and student-facult- y
Mary McKinley is chairman.
All dances sponsored by the Student Union, including the weekly
Sweater Swings, are under the direction of the House Committee, whose
chairman is Kitty King.
The Coffee Chat Club provides the
opportunity for student discussions
of world events, social problems, and
other topics of interest at its meetings. Barbara Wayman is in charge.
Will Be
Advertising of all Student Union
events is in charge of the Art and
To Two
Poster Committee, directed by Bettie
Formerly only a
course, A. B. Guthrie's class in creThe Outing Club sponsors overative writing will be extended to the night hikes, mountain climbing,
second semester.
skating parties, fishing, and other
According to the announcement outdoor activities. Carter Glass is
made by Dr. W. S. Ward, head of its chairman.
the Department of English, students
who have taken the first semester Next Edition Of Kernel
may take it again this semester for
To Be Published Feb. 15
an additional two credits.
The course is open both to underThe next regular edition of the
graduate and graduate students.
Kernel will be published Feb. 15.
There will be a Kernel staff meet-in- R
Class hours will be the same as
on Feb. 8 to discuss plans to
they have been in the past: Thursreorganize the staff.
day afternoons from 3 to 5.

'Creative Writing'


All new students, except those en- tering Graduate School, will report
Memorial Hall for classification
tests, physical examinations, and ad- visory conferences on Saturday, Feb.
2, at 7:45 a.m. These tests
must be completed be- fore registration.
Registration and classification of
all students will be held Monday and
Tuesday, Feb. 4 and 5, in the Coli- -

The schedule for registration is as
follows: Monday, 8 to 8:30 a.m.
U through Z; 9 to 9:50 a.m. Sim
through T; 10 to 10:50 a.m. R

K-Bo- ok

Installation ceremonies for new
members, a discussion of the selec- editor, and reports
tion of
on the recent elections and the fac- ulty ratings were main points of a
brief Student Government Assoc la
tion meeting Monday night.
Jack Lowery, president of the Ju
diciary Committee of SGA, swore in
Vice President Charles Hale and as- sembly members Dorothy King. Pete
Carter, Elaine Moore, T. I. Glass- cock Robie Hackworth. Charles
Negley. Robert Jones, and Bill Gat- -

5 P m- -

Apple Polisliin'
To Be Legal
In SUB Today
Popular Professor
Will Be Chosen




The fourth annual legal opportunity for apple polishing takes
place today at the ticket booth of the
SUB. Students nifty vote between
9 a.m. and 5 p.m. for their, favorite
Carol Gudgel, head of the "Most
Popular Professor" contest committee, said students may vote for any
one of the ten candidates, regardless
of college affiliation. Voting is free.
The ten candidates are Rhea A.
Taylor, Arts and Sciences; William
S. Webb, Arts and Sciences; Sherman Vanaman, Arts and Sciences;
J. Ardery McCauley, Arts and Sciences; Fred E. Harris, Education;
Dewey G. Steele, Agriculture; Lee H.
Townsend, Agriculture; Clinton K.
Hoffman, Engineering; Virgil Chris
tian, Commerce; and Russel Grady,
They were nominated
by students Tuesday.
The winning professor will reign
as Rex of the Mardi Gras Ball, spon
sored by Newman Club, Feb. 23. He
will also crown the Queen and be
given gifts from various local mer
Dr. James M. Schreyer, Arts and
Sciences, won the contest last year.
Almost 700 votes were cast last year
and Newman Club members are expecting an even greater number In
this election.



To Meet At Purdue



debaters from UK

will enter the Novice Debate Tournament at Purdue University Feb. 2.
Mary Alice Bo wen. Mary Marsten,
and Lester Wise will debate four

rounds in the competition designed
to help beginners.
The cases presented in the arguments will be evaluated by critics,
and the students will be given an
opportunity to ask questions.
Only students who are In their
first year of debating are permitted
to attend.

Typing Laboratory
Opened To Students
The College of Commerce announced this week that a practice
typing laboratory has been set up
in Room 114 of the old Journalism
Building on Euclid Avenue, and is
now ready for use by all students.
Dean C. C. Carpenter of the College of Commerce said the laboratory was set up at the request of
students, particularly those enrolled
in typing courses, who found it impossible to use the regular classroom
laboratory for practice due to over
crowded conditions.
The new laboratory will contain

through Sil;
to 11:50 a.m. N
through Q; 1:30 to 2:20 p.m. M; 2:20
to 3:20 p.m. I through L; and
3:30 to 4 p.m.
Misoellaneous L
through Z.
Tuesday, 8 to 8:50 a.m. H; 9 to
9:50 a.m. Fli through G; 10 to 10:50
a.m. Cro through Fie; 11 to 11:50
a.m. Bru through Cri; 1:30 to 2:20
p.m. A through Bro; and 2:30
to 4:20 p.m.
Miscellaneous A
through Z.
' Tuesday, 7 to
7:50 a.m. H; 8 to
8:50 a.m. Fli through O; 9 to 9:50
a.m. Cro through Fie; 10 to 10:50
a.m.:Bru through Cri; 11 to 11:50
a.m. A through Bro; 1:30 to 2:30
p.m. Miscellaneous A through Z.
ciasswork will begin at 8 a.m. on
Wednesday. Feb. 6.
The Registrar's Office said this
week it is essential that students
do not save blank registration forms
fi.om one semester to another, be-t- o
cause different cards are used for
eaci, semester. The statements are
changed on these cards from time
to time when new or different
mation Is required,
Neither the registration cards nor
the fee card will be accepted written
in pencil. Students should allow
time to fill out their cards com-seupletely and legibly if they wish to
have their names appear correctly
in the Student Directory and on
their permanent records, the office
added. ,

New Courses Open
In Home Economics,
Forestry Next Term
Two new courses to be offered in
the summer and next semester were
announced this week by Dean L. T.
Horlacher of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics.
The new courses, approved by the
University faculty Monday, are
Forestry 115 and Home Economics
28. Forestry' 115, to be offered for
the first time in the summer session,
will be a study of the methods and
principles involved in seasoning,
changes in physical properties, and
preservation of wood. Prerequisite
for the three hour course will be
Forestry 1 or 2.
Home Economics 28, also giving
three credit hours, will be a study of
the development of foundation pattern, flat pattern designing, alteration, and application of design principles-- to garments. This course,
which will be offered for this
first time in the spring semester, will
include one hour lecture and four
hours lab and will replace Home
Economics 127. The prerequisite will
be Home Economics 27.

Rupp Says Article
In Look Is Stupid
Story Attacks
Several Schools

For Recruiting
By Dick Cherry

It's a stupid story, not worth




was Coach Adolph Rupp's

reaction to a story currently running in a national magazine which
purports to tell "How Basketball
Players Are Bought." The article
backfired when the few positive
statements in it were absolutely
denied by most of the people quoted.
The article, although it was supposed to give the "inside story" on
recruiting, only managed to give a
few allegations about the way UK,
Murray, Western, and Bradley obtain players. The author also said
some questionable things about a few
other schools.
Earlier in the week there was talk
in some quarters of Coach Rupp filing suit for libel against the magazine. As yet, such action has not
materialized, but it is still a possibility.
When interviewed by the Kernel
about the story. Coach Rupp said,
"The only reason that I can think
of for the article Is that someone
doesn't like us beating their basketball team 80 to 40."
The wording of the story was the

sensational type that rarely appears
in more conservative accounts. At
one point the article claimed UK
offered "Gotkin everything except a
half interest in Rupp's prize breeding bull. Domino!" Gotkin, a for
mer Brooklyn high school star now
at North Carolina State, branded the
story ridiculous.
Also in the story, it was alleged
that Coach Rupp stole Ralph Beard
and Wallace (Wah-WaJones from
Ed Diddle of Western at a game in
Indianapolis. The two boys were
there for a Kentucky-Indian- a
high school game. The story
claims that Rupp went to the boys'
hotel room the night before the
game and talked them into going to




Coach Rupp said the story was
completely false, and produced four
witnesses who asserted he drove to
Indianapolis the afternoon of the
game: Mrs. Rupp; Rupp's son,
Herky"; Marshall McCann. a Lexington attorney; and Joe Gilly,
coach at Harlan high.
Western's coach Ed Diddle supported Rupp in this instance. Diddle branded statements allegedly
made by him as having "absolutely
no foundation."
Some Lexington observers said
they thought the magazine ran the
story to bolster its circulation. These
same sources said the magazine may
have hoped for a libel suit and its
resulting publicity to boost sales.

SAS Fails To Secure

Approval Of Faculty

Vague Accepts
Short Stories
For Contest

"Be it further resolved that the
tenor of the resolution be called to the
attention of the group and anyone
else who is interested."
Members of the faculty mentioned
at the meeting that they did not
think the organization could be offi- cially approved because of the danger that physical harm miglft come
to the members, and because of the
danger of suits for libel, slander, or
false arrest.
Since its organization in November, the SAS has been conducting
investigations of business establish- (Continued on Page 4)

Final Exams Start Monday
In All Colleges Except Law


Prof. Knight Writes
Book On Literature
Prof. Grant C. Knight of the
UK English Department is the author of a book just issued by the
University of North Carolina Press.
This new volume is entitled "The
Critical Period in American Literature." It is an exploration in the
social history of the 1890's in this
country, with the battle between
the romantic and the realistic writers of that decade studied against a
background of international and national upheavals and of currents in
the various arts.
American writers given closest attention include William Dean How-ell- s,
Ambrose Bierce, Hamlin Garland, Stephen Crane, and Frank

This is the first of a pair of books
typewriters, and a practice schedule for each section will be posted in which Prof. Knight plans to
for the convenience of students who focus upon a significant developwant to practice or do other out- ment in American culture.
side work.

Kappa Chapter of Phi Beta,
music and speech professional fra
ternity, announces the Initiation of
12 new members.
The initiates are Margaret Bailey,
Mary Jo Bishop, Normaglen Fields,
Betty Jane Gevedon, Eloise Glenn,
Mary Elizabeth May, Molly Ann
McCoulf, Joan McGee, Mary McKinley, Mary Lewis Patterson, Nina
Sanders, and Virginia Thomson.

Governor Proposes
Budget For University
Be Reduced $2 Million

The University faculty Monday
voted not to approve the newly- formed . Student Action Society,
anti-vic- e
organization on the cam- pus. The faculty, in turning down
the request, said it approved of the
objectives of the group, but could
not now approve of its techniques.
A resolution adopted by the faculty read: "Be it resolved that the
University Faculty approves the objectives inherent in the request for
approval from the Student Action
Society, but it cannot at this time
approve the group, because of the
technique that has been used in
Vague Magazine, campus literary furthering its objectives.
publication, has announced Its ancontest. The connual short-stor- y
test is open to all UK students.
There are no requirements as to
length, subject, or style of the manuscripts.
All manuscripts should be subHere is the schedule of final
mitted to Mrs. Winfield Leathers in
for all colleges except
the Journalism School office, or to
any Chi Delta Phi member. The the College of Law
a.m., classes
Monday. 7:30-9:3- 5
deadline for the contest is Feb. 20.
The winning short story will be pub- which meet first on Tuesday or
lished in Vague magazine and the Thursday at 3 p.m.; 9:45-11:classes which meet first on Monday
author will receive ten dollars.
Vague magazine is published each or Wednesday at 10 a.m.;
year by Chi Delta Phi, a women's p.m., classes which meet first on
literary honorary. This year's issue Tuesday or Thursday at 10 a.m.;
p.m., classes which
and 3:15-5:2- 0
is due for sale early In May.
meet first on Monday or Wednesday


Phi Beta Initiates
12 New Members


Cooperstown Home
Is Damaged By Fire

3 p.m.

Tuesday. 7:30-9:3- 5
a.m., classes
which meet first on Tuesday or
Thursday at 5 p.m.; 9:45-11:a m,
classes which meet first on Monday
or Wednesday at 8 a.m.;
classes which meet first on Tuesday
or Thursday at 8 a.m.; and 3:15-5:2- 0
p.m., classes which meet first on
Monday or Wednesday at 5 p.m.
a.m., classes
Wednesday. 7:30-9:3- 5
which meet first on Tuesday or
Thursday at 4 p.m.; 9:45-11:classes which meet first on Monday
or Wednesday at 9 a.m.;
classes which meet first on Tuesday
or Thursday at 9 a.m.; and 3:1575:20
p.m., classes which meet first on
Monday or Wednesday at 4 p.m.
a.m., classes
Thursday. 7:30-9:3- 5
which meet first on Tuesday or
Thursday at 12 noon; 9:45-11:a.m., classes which meet first on
Monday or Wednesday at 1 p.m.;
p.m., classes which meet first
on Tuesday or Thursday at 1 p.m.;
p.m., classes which
and 3:15-5:2- 0
meet first on Monday or Wednesday
at 12 noon.
a.m., classes
Friday. 7:30-9:3- 5
which meet first on Tuesday or
Thursday at 2 p.m.; 9:45-11:classes which meet first on Monday
or Wednesday at 11 a.m.;
p.m., classes which meet first on
Tuesday or Thursday at 11 a.m.;
p.m., classes which
and 3:15-5:2- 0
meet first on Monday or Wednesday

fire started


at the

Gov. Lawrence Wetherby, presenting his recommended budget before
the General Assembly this week,
asked that UK be given approximately one and one-ha- lf

dollars more than it received the
last biennium. This is over two million dollars less than the University
asked for in its
proposed budget.
The Governor recommended that
UK be given $4,111,200 for
and $4,361,200 for
The University requested $10,825,360 for the
two years. The appropriation for
the last biennium was $6,900,000.
When President Herman L. Donovan presented the budget requests,
he said the University needed the
extra money to off-s- et
the loss of
veteran fees and to help meet the
effect of inflation. At that time he
said it might be necessary to drop
200 members of the staff if the
budget wasn't approved.
Commenting on the recommendation. President Donovan said, "It
will slow us down for a couple of
years. We will have to be extremely
frugal. Vacancies on the staff will
not be filled when they appear, except when absolutely necessary."
Although the University had not
been planning any extensive building plans this year because of the
difficulty in getting materials, the
President also said repairs would
have to be postponed. A "stopping
leaks in the roof when the water
through" policy will be
The President said he thought the
Governor had been very fair about
his recommendation considering the
amount of money available.
In his speech to the Legislature,
the Governor said he woukiu'l
recommend any new taxes. He said
if the Legislature wanted to add to
various appropriations, they would
have to vote new taxes or increase
existing ones.
Guy A. Huguelet. chairman of the
University Board of Trustees, commented on the budget recommendations in a speech before the Exchange Club.
"Kentucky is going to have to
realize that, particularly in the field '
of education, she Is one of the mast
backward of states," he said. "The
only way we can catch up is for the
state to develop large new sources
of income."
Along with his budget recommendations. Gov. Wetherby also oflegislative profered a seven-poigram. One point of this program
directly affects the University. It
recommended that the University be
removed from the control of the
Personnel Division of the Department of Finance.
Although this department has not
had the University under its thumb,
there has been some criticism in
both professorial and accrediting
circles about the state havin? a
potential control over the school.



53-'5- 4.


islation, and Trusts; Tuesday.
stitutional Law and Public Utilities;
Wednesday, Property I, Property IL
and Conflict of Laws; Thursday,
Partnership; and Friday, Domestic
Relations and Property IIL
Corporations; Monday, Torts I, Leg- -

T. P. Cooper Chosen
Citizen Of The Year
Dr. Thomas Poe Cooper, dean
emeritus of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics, has
been selected as Kentucky's outstanding citizen of 1951 by the Kentucky Press Association.
Dr. Cooper will be honored at the
KPA annual midwinter convention
Thursday through Saturday at
Recognized for his service to Kentucky agriculture. Dr. Cooper was
selected from a list of 14 men and
one woman nominated by owners,
publishers, and editors of weekly

and daily newspapers throughout
the state.
A Kentuckian by adoption. Dr.
Cooper is a native of Pekin, 111. He
attended the University of Minnesota and was awarded the bachelor of science degree in "agriculture
in 1908. He was on the staff at Minnesota until 1911, when he moved
to North Dakota to direct the Better Farm Association. He came to
Kentucky on New Year's Day of

He served as chief of



Department of Agriculture's Bureau
of Agricultural Economics in 1925
while on leave from UK. The Sullivan Medallion was awarded him at
the commencement last June for his
2 p.m.
services to the residents of the
city fire companies an- at
Schedule for the College of Law, Commonwealth.
p.m. Fireswered the call at 12:47
alUnder Dr. Cooper's leadership, the
men said they had the blaze under where some examinations have
College of Agriculture was greatly
within an hour. Cause was ready begun, is as follows:
Today, Mortgages ; Saturday, improved. On his arrival In 1918,
believed to bo a lighted cigarette
Pleading I, Creditors Rights, and he found 125 students enrolled In
which ignited i couch cover.

home of Nelson Perkins, 303 Hilltop
causing a
Avenue, Cooperstown,
small amount of damage to the contents of the house.

Dr. Donovan
Says Report
Very Fair






Citizen of the Year

the college.
than 1.000.

Now there

are more

The Experiment Station Farm has
doubled in size, two
stations totaling 15.600 acres have
been added, and laboratories have
been built and equipped for vital
Numerous other achievements, including important research projects
In tobacco and livestock, have been
supervised by Dr. Cooper. In 1940-4- 1
he was acting president of UK.


Tape 2

Budget Recommendations
Not All Bad News For UK
Tuesday, but
academic freedom at UK was given a lxwst when
Governor Wetherby asked the General Assembly to enact a law removing the University from
the control of the Personnel Division of the Department of Finance.
This recommendation,- which has leen almost
overlooked liecause of tlie reduction of the budget request, may, if passed. lx far more Ijeneficial
to the University than any budget could have
lieen. The budget reduction cannot be minimizedthe loss of revenue will be a blow to the
University but the freeing of the University
from the control of the Department of Finance
will place UK out of danger of a far greater
Evidently the governor did the best he could
for UK with the funds he had available. Not
only UK, but almost every state institution received less money than it actually needed. The
logical solution to this problem would seem to
be increased revenue, either through more taxation or more efficient collection of the taxes now
in effect. Increased taxation is not a very happy
thought, but in this instance it seems to le a
necessary evil.
Although there has been little or no abuse of
the control exerted by the Finance Department,
it remains a constant threat to academic freedom. During the summer a group of University
professors prepared a derailed report showing
how this control could be used to curb the freedom of University professors and why it shoidd
le removed. They were supported in their request by the National Association of Secondary
Schools. It is heartening to see the governor
take their recommendations as his own at this,
his first opportunity to d: so.
We feel that the state will suffer if the UK

The budget took a beating

Frirtav. January 18. 1952



Students Speak: On SAS

The Stewpot by Dorman Cordell

''Pressure The KerneV Popular
As Student, Faculty Game

budget is actually slashed, but at the same time
we believe the state will profit if the University
Thanksgiving. Maybe she was
Not seeing exactly eye to eye with
Ann Carson came by the other sinceover by one of her hockey playthe ultimatum, and because the
is removed from the Finance Department's
day, and said she was crushed. ers, or something.
headline still wouldn't fit unless we
It seems we did not mention anywhere in last week's Kernel that

Could Have Value
This week we're again seeing one of the peculiarities of the University educational system
the comprehensive examinations.
Just what the worth of these examinations is,
we have yet to learn. If a student has achieved
the required number of credits, passed all his
requirements, and has the proper number of
quality points he should be graduated without
process should
further ado. The weeding-ou- t
take place while the student is fulfilling the requirements for graduation, not after he has completed them.
The only justification we could possibly see
for comprehensives is that they serve as a test
for the instructor. If he has done his work
well he will have no failures. A failure on a
comprehensive is his failure either to put across
the subject matter, or to advise the student of
his failings before he has wasted four years at
the University.
Our idea for comprehensives would be that
for each failure' on the comprehensives the testing professor be required to complete three additional hours either in a course pertaining to
instructional methods or one explaining the
proper method of evaluation of student achievement.
If we must have comprehensives let's put them
to some practical use.


College Opinion Poll Shows
Student Views On Athletics

Most college students feci that college football
This was indicated last
month by results just released by the Associated
Collegiate Press National roll of Student Opinion.
More llian 3000 students from 63 colleges and
universities in all parts of the country were asked: Do you feel that football at most colleges is
overemphasized, or just alxnit right? Fifty-thre- e
of these students chose overemphasized; 5 per
cent, underemphasized; 3S per cent, just right;
and 4 per cent, no opinion.
The further along a student was in his college
career, the more he tended to feel that football
was overemphasized. Seventy-thre- e
per cent of
the graduate students interv iewed said there was
too much stress put on football, while 43 per
cent of the freshmen voiced this opinion.
The figures went up according to classes in a
steady progression: Sophomores, 53 per cent;

juniors, 57 per cent; and seniors, 61 per cent.
There were no important differences of opinion between men and women.
Several of the students interviewed, blamed
overemphasis on sports writers who "put too
much stress on the game." Others said it was
the fault of the public, which "rates colleges according to sports prestige."
Students were also asked: Do you feel that organized football is (1) as necessary to a college
as a history department; (2) less necessary; (3)
more necessary? Here are the results: as
36 per cent; less necessary, S3 per cent;
more necessary, 6 per cent; no opinion, 5 per
A follow-u- p
question asked students to rate
football with a zoology department. Results differ only slightly From those of the preceding
Paul Knapp

is overemphasized.

nec-cessar- y,


used rubber type, we risked being
beaten with many stripes and being cast Into outer darkness where
the worm dieth not and the fire
is not quenched. We ran a somewhat different headline.
By this time, t