xt7vmc8rcj30 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vmc8rcj30/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1951 yearbooks ukyrbk1951 English The Kentucky Kernel, Lexington, Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection The Kentuckian 1951 text The Kentuckian 1951 1951 1951 2012 true xt7vmc8rcj30 section xt7vmc8rcj30    University A*iW
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unwer k ntucky 40506 THE 1951 KENTUCKIAN is for you-the students. The University can onlv be a mirror, a reflection of tlie students as individuals and as a group. You give UK life, for in it you achieve scholarship, leadership, and friendship. Around you center the activities of the school, and from your efforts the year 1950-1951 has been made at the University. This is vour book  written for you and about you. We, the editors, dedicate the 1951 Kentuckian to you, the students, who are the University ol Kentucky.
Mary E. Shinnick, Editor
Charles M. Tyholeh, Managing Editor
Frederick G. Dorr, Business Manager  The Kentuckian 1951
Lexington, Kentucky       Big Events Make Our Year Great
and the little events made it all the more worth remembering.                    Whoopin' it up . . . SUGAR BOWL QUEEN Iris Millet and SUGAR BOWL PRESI DENT Charles Zatarain celebrate KENTUCKY'S VICTORY . . . Cheesecake Indians . . . th< inimitable DON and DONNA WILSON.             We Proudly Present
PRISCILLA McVEY Delta Delta Delta       Student Government
The Student Government Association was installed on the University campus in 1939. It replaced a divided system in which men were represented by a Men's Student Government Council and women by a Women's Self-Governing System. The constitution of the Student Government Association was drawn up in the spring of 1939 and went into effect in September of the same year when it was ratified by the student body.
The constitution drawn up then was revised in 1943 and the revised constitution is now in effect.
The Student Government As-sembly is composed of the president, vice-president, secretary, treasure r, and twenty-nine members selected by and from the various colleges at elections held during the first and second semesters. The president and .secretary of the Student Union Board and the president and secretary of the House Presidents' Council are ex-officio, non-voting members. Three non-voting faculty members recommended by the Assembly and appointed by the University faculty, also attend Assembly meetings.
Faculty members: A. D. Kir-wan, J. S. Murine, D. E. South
Officers: Jerry Jones, president; Jack Ballantine, vice president; Ann Kirtley, secretary: Irvine Scrivner, treasurer.
Members: Jack Ballantine. Bill Barklan, Jerrv Bass, Frank Bassett, Charles Bastin, Pollv Boteler, J o b n Brabant, Bill Darter, Fred Dorr, George Fisher, Jess Gardner, Bob Gregory. Henry llarelson, Preben Ilaag-enson, Reed Holland, William I lendrick, Jerry Jones, James Jones, Katherine King, Ann Kirtley, Joe Lee, Frank Maturo. Dianne McKaig, Dave Moberly, Emmie Lou Patrick, Pat Patterson, Anita Powers, Ben Reeves, Dorothy Robinson, L. G. Smith, Don Smith, Linda Smith. Irvine Scrivner.
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Kirtley, Scrivner, Jones, Patrick Dorr, Darter, Maturo, L. Smith Brabant, Robinson, Harelson, McKaig Powers, Fischer, D. Smith, L. Smith Stronhe, Lee, Gregory, Faith King, Haagensen
52 Robertson, McKaig, Dr. South, L. G. Smith, and Neal, members of the parking committee, r e v i e w an offender's case.
The officers: A n n Kirtley, Jerry Jones, Jack Ballantine, L. G. Smith, and Irvine Scrivner.
A regular Monday night SGA meeting: Bastin, Stroube, McKaig, King, Robinson, Patrick, Barkhau, Fischer, llarelson. Row 2, Dorr, L. G. Smith, Darter, Lee, L. A. Smith, Powers, Ballantine, Maturo. Brabant, Scrivner, D. Smith.
 Panhellenic Council
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The Panhellenic Council is composed of two representatives from each social sorority on the campus. Its purpose is to foster cooperation and observance of social rules and to encourage high scholarship and good will among sorority women.
Faculty advisers: Assistant Dean Jane Haselden, and Dean Sarah B. I (olmes.
Officers: Elizabeth Heiss, president: Sue Dossett, vice president; Linda Smith, secretary; Harriet Russell, treasurer.
Members: Alpha Delta Pi, Ann Woods, Sue Dossett; Alpha Gamma Delta, Joan Crawford, Betty Wheeler; Alpha Xi Delta, Charlotte Watson, Mary Ann McQuaid; Chi Omega, Linda Smith, Betty Pace; Delta Delta Delta, Arden Bullock, Jean Warren; Delta Zeta, Lorraine 111 a r i a , Lois Payne; Kappa Alpha Theta, Carolyn Critchlow, Harriett Russell; K a p p a Delta, Joan Graham, Catherine Cure; Kappa Kappa Gamma, Elizabeth Heiss, Bettie Nash; Tan Alpha Pi, Frances Goldstein, Annette N a h in ; Zeta Tan Alpha, Eve Walsh, Edith Cones.
Dossett, Smith, Heiss Bullock, Russell, Critchlow Goldstein, McQuaid, Ilaria Woods, Walsh, Warren Pace, Nash, Watson Interfraternity
The purpose of Interfratemity Council is to discuss and act upon matters concerning fraternities in general and to act as a medium between the University administration and the fraternities.
Faculty advisor: Dean A. D. Kirwan
Officers: Bill McCann, president; Bob Lentz, vice president; Frank Maturo, secretary; Melvin Duke, treasurer
Members: Alpha Gamma Rho, Jim Schaffer, Waller Cooper; Alpha Sigma Phi, Bill Burch, Tom Neil; Alpha Tau Omega, Frank Maturo, John Pedigo; Delta Chi, Bill Peek, Henry Hardin; Kappa Alpha, Blair Seaman, Frank Benton; Kappa Sigma, Ray Colton, Bob Lentz; Lambda Chi Alpha, Carl Faith, Joe Lee; Phi Delta Theta, Bill McCann, Ken Scroggins; Phi Kappa Tau, Bill Harper, Edward Marye; Pi Kappa Alpha, Bob Gregory, Leonard Wood; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Tom Sawyer, Harris Howard; Sigma Chi, Gibson Downing, Joe Mainous; Sigma Phi Epsilon, Melvin Duke, Bill Reese; Triangle, Bob Deen, Preben Haagen-son; Beta Sigma Rho, Fred Fair, Ken Wise; Delta Tau Delta, Jack Ballantine, Carl Turner; Sigma Nu, Bob Cayce; Zeta Beta Tau, Bob Fraiman, Joe Gordon; Phi Sigma Kappa, Elliot Jones, Dick Jones; Theta Xi, Chuck Hope, Ed Petsch; Tau Kappa Epsilon, Ed Appleton, Dick Wohlstein.
McCann, Lentz, Maturo, Duke Ballantine, Seaman, Cayce, Fraiman Cooper, Lee, Gregory, Wohlstein Burks, Hardin, Scrofijrins, Sawyer E. Jones, Turner, Deen, Marye Shatter, Benton, Mainous, Faith Gordon, Neal, Haajrensen, Howard, R. Jones
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55 Student Union Board
The Student Union Board was founded on the campus of the University of Kentucky in 1938, to make leisure time more fruitful through a broad program of recreation and entertainment, to develop leadership, to enrich student life and to encourage finer appreciations through a meaningful cultural program.
Director: Maekie Rasdall; Social Director. Margaret Bruce Cruise.
Members in Faculty: Dean Sarah B. Holmes, Dean A. 1). Kirwan.
Faculty Advisers: Dr. James S. Calvin. Dr. Farl Kauffman.
Officers: Hubert McCowan, president; Caroline Freeman, vice president: Bettie Bryant, treasurer.
Members: Betty Ball, Bettie Bryant, George Creedle, Fred Dorr, Caroline Freeman, Frank Mature, Robert McCowan.
 House Presidents Council
The House Presidents' Council was organized at the University of Kentucky in 1944, to promote better living in women's residence halls.
Adviser:  Margaret V. Storey.
Officers: Rosemary Haley: president; Mary Simpson: vice president; Bettie Bryant, secretary; Ann O'Bannon, treasurer.
Members: Doris Annis, Hamilton House; Gloria Bohne, Sayre Hall; Louise Borie, 635 Maxwelton Court; Bettie Bryant, Kappa Alpha Theta; Jane Bush. Patterson Hall; Betty Conner, Zeta Tau Alpha; Joan Crouse, Jewell Annex; Evalyn Evans, Boyd Hall; Pat Graham, Delta Zeta; Rose Mary Haley, Jewell Hall; Jane Hunter, Alpha Xi Delta; Freddia Jackson, McDowell 1 louse: Jane LaFollette, Chi Omega; Ann O'Bannon, Alpha Gamma Delta; Jean Pumphrey. Alpha Delta Pi; Nancy Richards, Delta Delta Delta; Gloria Scott, Lydia Brown House; Barbara Shanklin, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Man- Simpson. Kappa Delta: Lota Walter, 643 Maxwelton Ct.
Bryant, O'Bannon, Haley, Simpson. LaFollette, Scott Hunter, Jackson. Richards. Crouse, Connor, Graham Evans, Bush, Walter, Shanklin, Borie, Annis, Pumphrey
57 s
Engineering Student Council
The Engineering Student Council was founded at the University of Kentucky in 1946, to promote cooperation between the engineering students and the faculty, the various departments of the College of Engineering, and to forward to the faculty those opinions of the engineering students which it deems worthy of consideration.
Faculty Adviser: Staley F. Adams.
Officers: Eugene M. West, president; Charles R. Smith, vice president; Ray Combs, secretary-treasurer.
Members: Civil Engineering College Representatives, Eugene M. West, James Alvin Howard; Electrical Engineering College Representatives, Charles R. Smith, Asa Nick Thompson; Mechanical Engineering College Representatives, Bernard A. Willett, Ray Combs; Mining and Metallurgy Department Representatives, Billy F. Eads, Bob B. McClain,
West, Combs, Smith, Howard Eads, Willett, McClain
5S Interfaith Council
The Interfaith Council was installed at the University of Kentucky in 1929, to help strengthen the individual religious groups, to coordinate their activities, and to promote cooperative interfaith activities.
Advisers: The Rev. Dan Thomas, Miss Marilyn Harris.
Officers: Kenneth Darnell, president; Richard Tomey, vice president; Pat Lancaster, secretary; Ruth Ann Maggard, treasurer.
Members: Broadway Christian Church, Rev. Ralph McLean, Marilyn Miller; Calvary Baptist, Mrs. L. R. Cooke, George Claiborn, Nancye Beam; Canterbury Club, Rev. William Smith, Rev. Laurence Baxter, Roy Turner. Cathy Fitch; First Methodist, Rev. William Swift, Ann Jones, Woodford Crutch-field; Gamma Delta, Rev. Samuel Goltermann, Richard Tomey, Eugene Lind-blad; Central Christian, Rev. Don Yohe, Sara Dugan, Kenneth Darnell; llillel, Rabbi Sidney Ballon, Arthur Glickstein, Eugene DuBow; Lutheran Student Association, Rev. Edwin Detmer, Mirdza Klints, Mary Ellen Petry; Maxwell Street Presbyterian, Rev. Dan Thomas, Pat Lancaster. Robert Weldon; Newman Club, Father James Herlihy, Ed Wack, James Webb; YWCA, Margaret Ann Durham, Ruth Ann Maggard, Polly Boteler, Betty Jo Turner; Danforth Fellowship, Marilyn Harris.
59 r"
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Student Publications
Shinnick, Peterson, Anderson Dr. Plummer, standing
The Board of Student Publications was established at the University of Kentucky in 1930. The board is composed of five members: the faculty adviser of the student publications, the University comptroller, the editors of the Ken-tuckian and the Kernel, and a representative of the Student Government Association.
The purpose of the board is to advise on policies regarding operation of the printing plant and the Kentuckian and the Kernel publications, and to provide for the rules and regulations governing the selection and election of major members of those staffs.
Members: Janet Anderson, editor of the Kernel; Jerry Jones, Student Government representative; Frank D. Peterson, Comptroller of the University; Niel Plummer, Head of the Journalism Department; Mary Shinnick, editor of the Kentuckian.
80  The Kentuckian
Editor Shinnick and Managing Ed Tyroler look happy and confidenta rare state of mind!
The staff of the 1951 Kentuckian had the none-too-enviable position of following the most outstanding Kentuckian we have seen  the 1950 edition.
We tried to put out a hook that would measure up to the 1950 one in some way, and we hope we have succeeded. If you like it  compliment the staff. If you don't  complain to the editors.
The editors of the 1951 Kentuckian cannot thank the
staff members enough lor all their work. This editor would particularly like to thank Charlie Tyroler for all his help and solace through the year, and Fred Dorr and his stiff for hanging on to the pennies, and doubling as editorial staff members.
Man' E. Shinnick
Business Manager Dorr and Assistant Bere  smiled brightlybefore the bills came in!
62 Mary E. Shinnick ......................Editor
Frederick G. Dorr ..Business Manager
Charles M. Tyroler ..Managing Editor
Leslie A. Boteler ..................................
Assistant Managing Editor
Mary Jane Chatfield, Ann Downing Nancy Steeves .... Associate Editors
David Bere ....Ass't Business Manager
Don Armstrong ..............Sports Editor
Judy Nakdimen ..................Art Editor
Charleen Anderson Nina Liston
Sandy Bederman Susanne Lohman
Eleanor Booton Jim McCahe
Bruce BIythe Elaine Moore
Fred Bradley Diane Roddick
Emily  Campbell Robert Suit
Carter Glass Ann Tracy
Margaret Hoenig Jane Webb
Dollv Sullivent
Downing, Chatfield, Boteler, Armstrong, Nakdimen Webb,  Campbell, Hoenig, McCabe Klein, Steeves, Glass, Bowne Henry, Bederman. Anderson, Flood, Moore
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The Kentucky Kernel
Joan Cook, Rosemary Hilling. Janet Anderson, and Dick Maeke check the Kernel with Bob Sparks before going to press.
Student newspapers at the University of Kentucky date back to about 1890. but the first Kentucky Kernel was not published until 1915. For about the first two years, the type was set on campus and taken downtown to be printed. After that, a press was acquired, and the Kernel has since been printed on campus. The present Kernel plant is valued at approximately S180.000 and is engaged in job printing as well as publication of the Kernel.
The Kernel serves two main purposes. It is a sounding board for student opinion and also a practical laboratory for journalism students. It attempts to print fully all campus news as well as other features which will interest its readers among students, faculty and alumni. In adding entertainment and humor, it attempts to present its 9000 readers with a newspaper comparable to any well-rounded weeklv.
Weinberg, (.rote. McKenna
Samuels, Donahue Lawson, Gorham, Armstrong
 Janet Anderson ..........................Editor
Dick Macke ..............Managing Editor
Joan Cook................Business Manager
Rosemary Hilling ............News Editor
EDITORIAL STAFF Bill Mansfield, Assistant Managing Editor; fCatheryn Whitmer, Ed Coffin an. Assistant News Editors; Clara Early, Society Editor; Boh Addington, Photographer; Bill Schulen-berg, Copy Desk; Paul Knapp, Melvin Mitchell, Bill Boughey, Ray Cooley, News Desk; Herbert Moore, Cartoonist; Dolly Sul-livent, Proofreader.
SPORTS STAFF Lewis Donohew, Editor; Fred Lawson, Assistant; E. T. Kirk, Bill Samuels. Don Armstrong, Writers.
BUSINESS STAFF Art  Weinberg,  Advertising  Manager; Bert McKenna, Bill Don Grote, Glen Haagensen, Advertising   Staff;   Yo   Coulter, Circulation Manager.
REPORTERS Martha Bach, Polly Boteler, Lois Bradley, Emily Campbell, Dorman Cordell, Yo Coulter, Bob Finn, James Franks, Paul Garber, Claire Ann Graves, Pat Green, Mary Ellen Hogue, Charles Hope, Paul Knapp, Gene Bell Offutt, Bob McCoun, Janet Payne, Bill Slusher, Man- Shinnick, Tom Skinner, Charles Stinnett, Dolly Sullivent, Martha Tarpley, Kenneth Vance, Bill Welch, Tom Wilborn.
Scliulenbcrg, Compton, Fain, Maeke, Anderson, Mansfield
Payne, Welch, Garber, Hogue, Offutt, Green Moncure, Hilling, Fain, Whitmer, Coffman
Coffman, Cooley, Boughey Knapp, Gaskin, Whitmer, Hilling, Early
Coyle, Stinnett, Slusher, Hilling, Sullivent, Tarpley, Cordell, Neal
1 I
The Kentucky Engineer
Whitekettle, Matched. Tomey, Richardson, McHenry, Fairchild, Walke Worthington, Wright, Barkau, Clark, Evans, Alhright
Walker, circulation
lager; Wright, featur Clark, secretary
ilitor; Alhright, editor
The Kentucky Engineer, founded in 1939, is the official publication of the College of Engineering and the Kentucky Society of Professional Engineers. It is published by the students and faculty of the Engineering College. It is a member of Engineering Company College Magazines Associated, and is published quarterly with a circulation of over three thousand.
The Kentucky Engineer publishes articles written by the students and alumni of the College of Engineering. These articles are of general and engineering nature.
Faculty Advisory Board: F. J. Cheek Jr., Chairman and General Adviser. Department Advisers: G. B. Gerhard, Mining and Metallurgy Department; R. B. Knight, Mechanical Engineering Department; S. A. Mory, Civil Engineering Department; H. A. Romanowitz, Electrical Engineering Department.
66 Kentucky Law Journal
Neal, Griffin, Gromley, Sublett, Rivers Creedle, Ison, Stephens, Walden, Cornetl
Tlie Kentucky Law Journal was established in 1913 to develop skilllul research among the students and to encourage writing in the legal field. It fosters growth in the law by publishing articles written by prominent men upon subjects pertaining to the law and increases the prestige of the Law College through the circulation ol scholarly material among legal practitioners.
Edmonds, managing editor; Mayne, note editor; Blair, associate editor Marcum, editor; Whiteside, faculty adviser
67 ECBook
Lawson, Mr. Martin, Portmann, Blnmcntlial
The 1950-51 K-Book was distributed this year to all new University of Kentucky students for the purpose of aiding (hem to become acquainted with school life.
The K-Book traces its history back to 1912. At that time it was called "The Freshman Handbook" and contained "information that will be of great value to both old and new students."
It was published annually until 1917, when it was discontinued because of World War I. Publication of the hook began again in 1921 and has continued until today. From 1912 to 1921 the book was published by the YMCA on the campus, and from 1922 until 1947 by the YMCA and the YWCA.
In 1947 it was decided that the book would be of more value if it were made all-inclusive.  It was decided that
the book would be published thereafter with the Student Government Association, House Presidents Council, Student Union Board, Panhellenic Council, and Interfrater-nity Council joining the YMCA and the YWCA.
During 1947 the book was known as "The Key," but in 1949 it was decided to return to the original name of "The K-Book" which it has been called since 1921.
Serving as editor of the 1950-51 K-Book was Stanley R. Portmann. The associate editors were Margaret Larkin and Fred T. Lawson. The faculty adviser was Leslie L. Martin, while Kenneth Wood and Joan Cook were the business managers. The staff was comprised of Julie Blumenthal, Barbara Preston, John Kuiper, photographer; and Gene Phillips, cartoonist.
68  Marching
The hand is under the direction of Warren Lutz. Max Smith is the drum major, and the baton twirlers are Don Wilson and his four year old daughter Donna, and Joe Boh McClain. Harriet Russell, Kappa Alpha Theta, is sponsor of the 1950-51 Marching 100.
Members: William Alt, James Anderson, Ronald Anderson, Albert Asch, Nathaniel Baggarly, Charles Bassett, John Bishop, Gene Bisselt, Charles Broaddus, Kenneth Burns, Kent Campbell, Stuart Carpenter, John Carver, Dick Cherry, Herb Creech, Payton Creech, William Cole. William Collins, Robert Davis, Glen Dawkins, Charles Desmond, Cline Duff.
Jim Eversole, Lewis Farnsworth, Stanley Fizer, Russell Flinn, Holly Forkner, Claude Fouse, William Fouse, Harold Franklin, Bill George, Ted Gesling, Boh Gresham, Don Hartford, William Hay, William Henry, Fred Hines, James Hodge, Doug Holiday, James Humphrey, William Humphrey, Bob Johnston, William Jones, Gus Kalos, Cecil Karrick, Robert Kelley, Jim Kennedy, Paid Knapp, Robert Lee, Harry Lessley, Harding Lowrey.
Stan Masonberg, George McCann, Malcolm McGregor, William McHenry, Frank McVey, Robert Mefford, Henry Moody, Arthur Nachand, Charles Neergard, William Peavyhouse, Hugh Peterson, Hubert Pruitt, Doug Rankin, John Reed, Craig Ritchie, Carl Ruble. Ed Rue, William Runnells, Leo Sandman, Charles Salutsky, David Schmeider, Jim Scott, William Steiden, Ted Tillman, William True, Robert Turtle, Richard Walker, Robert Ward, Charles Wills, Leonard Wills, Dave Woodhead, Bill Worrell, Tom Yadon.
70 Symphony Orchestra
The University Symphony Orchestra was founded at the University of Kentucky in 1918. Its purpose is to provide fine orchestral music for the campus; to give students at the University opportunity to participate in the performance of great music; to train music majors in this field of great music; and to allow interested persons in the community the opportunity to participate in a symphony orchestra. The conductor is Dr. Edwin E. Stein.
Members: Perry Adams, Albert Asch, Gypsy Burnett, Lynn Bart-low, Charles Bassett, Kent Campbell, Harry Carter, Herbert Creech, Jerry Day, Zygmunt Darzynkiewicz, Charles Dickerson, Cline Duff, Catherine Fitch, Stanley Fizer, Jack Fletcher, Charles Ford, Claude Fouse, William Fouse, Bill George, Betty Gevedon, Burdis Gideon, Wilyah Graves, Theodora Grubbs, Fred Mines, Agnes Hutchinson, Archie Howard, Robert Johnstown, James Kennedy, Gordon Kinney, Morvyth Kinney, Robert Lancaster, Paid Lawrence, Mary Carolyn Lutz, Warren Lutz, Thehna Mattox, Jewel McBee, Georgia Myers, Patricia Norman, Warren Pheffcrlc, Rhoda Rabin, Marvin Ravin, Craig Ritchey, Jane Rubin, David Schmeider, William Scott, Jacquelin Senters, Thomas Sewick, J. Smith, Olin Spivey, Bill Steiden, M. Straus, Sylvia Tempest, Ruth Trimble, Alan Wetzel, Ruth White. Kenneth Wright, Zaner Zerkle.
71 The University of Kentucky Men's C'.lee Club was founded in 1918 for the purpose of promoting good music on the campus.
Director: Earl Ilolloway.
Officers: Jim Fothergill, president; Eddie Tackett, vice president; Bill Sither, secretary-treasurer.
Accompanist: Bennie Smith.
Members: Jay Abraham, Charles Adams, Bonnie Anderson. James Arnold, John Baldridge, Paul Bissel, Ed-
ward Blythe, Philip Buyer, Andrew Choky, Dorman Cordell, John Daugherty, Charles Druitt, James Fothergill, Floyd Galloway, Glenn Haagenson, Al Hackney, John Hancock, Don Hartford, John Koontz, Thomas Lawson, Alford Lett, Jim Liston, Charles MeClure, Lawas Mc-Clure, Bay MeClure, Fred Miller, Varnon Miller, Seth Nuckols, George Pendergrass, Hammond Porter, Tom Prather, John ProfRtt, Earl Beed, McKay Beed, David Robinson, Ronald Shiflett, William Sither, Max Smith, Ed Tackett, James W o o d a r d , David Woodhead, Jesse Wright, Paul Wright.
7:'. University Choristers
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Mildred Sinclair Lewis, Director.
Members: Women  Betty Ann Andrews, Joyce Baber, Ann Winn Barker, Joyce Blair, Doris Catlin, Terpsythea Chalkas, Joyce Davis, Phyllis Dean, Patricia Eads, Willa Sue Florence, Betty Gevedon, Eloise Glenn, Hallie llel-venston, Frances Henslee, Shirley Hewitt, Ann Huddle-ston, Ann Hayden Insko, Nancy Link, Joan McGec, Zoe Parker, Caroline Biel, Jo Anne Thomas, Sarah Utterback, Patricia Wallace, Jane Weatherford.
Men  Charles Adams, Ronald Anderson, Nathaniel Baggarly, John Biggerstafi, Philip Boyer, George Creedle, Richard Felner, Donald Grote, Glenn llaagenson, Donald Hartford, Donald Ivey, Horace Kelley, Ben Lane, Wayne Maddox, William Ralph, David Robinson, John V. Rogers, Max Smith, Howard Tilson, James Walker, Mcl'arland Wood, James Woodward.
 Women's Glee Club
Director: Helen II. Hamilton, Accompanist: Barbara Weesner.
Members: Doris Jane Amis, Jo Ann Anderson, Mary Ashbrook, Patsy Bach, Joyce Blair, Lelia Bowman, Jane Bush, Peggy Carmack, Faye Cooper, Bonnie Compton, Lois Craig, Nancy Davis, Jeanne Ferring, Elizabeth Fisher, Mary Gonterman, Isabel Gromley, Bobbie Harris, Anne Hart. Martha Hayden, Priscilla Hepburn, Betty Howard, Ann Hutchcraft, Elsie Isaacs, Joyce Jones, Jo LaFollette,
Anne Lawson, Sarah Lindsey, Frances Maxedon, June Montgomery, Margaret Myers, Lorraine Neill, Betty Picklesimer, Helen Redden, Lois Bomanowitz, Barbara Routt, Nina Sanders, Jacquelyn Sayers, Gloria Scott, Jacquelyn Senters, Peggy Sherrow, Ann Shields, Faye Simpson, Vivian Smith, Betty Steele, Audrey Strivers, Doris Trosky, Barbara Wayman, Beryl Webster, Barbara Weesner, Marilyn Wilson.
This group presented a concert on March 11, 1951.
74 Mixed Chorus
The University Mixed Chorus was founded at the University in 1950. In March the group presented Elijah, an oratorio by Mendelssohn. The choral organization is open to students, faculty, staff and townspeople who are interested in studying and performing outstanding works in choral literature.
Director: Miss Mildred Sinclair Lewis.
75 Radio Studios
The Radio Arts department is one of congeniality and friendliness. There is a close relationship between the I acuity and the students which usually is not found in other departments. Its purpose is to train students who wish to go into broadcasting as a profession, to provide courses in certain phases of broadcasting for students in agriculture, education, journalism, political science, commerce, social work and other fields, and to make available courses in the liberal curriculum.
ElnitT Sulzer, head of the department Canute Henderson, assistant
76  I
Alpha Lambda Delta
Fitch, Milburn, Kelley, Patterson, Stilz. McCoulf Caton, Thompson, Tsnhaki, Van Deren, Bohon, Hart
Alpha Lambda Delta was founded at the University of Illinois in 1924. The chapter was installed at the University of Kentucky in 1940 to "promote intelligent living and a high standard of learning, and to encourage superior scholastic attainment among the freshmen women in our institution of higher learning."
Faculty Adviser: Virginia Baskett.
Honorary Member: Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes.
Officers: Patricia Patterson, president; Betty Jo Kelly, vice president; Martha Milburn, secretary; Catherine Fitch, treasurer; Charlotte Van Deren, historian.
Members: Ann Davis Bohon, Carol Sue Caton, Catherine Fitch, Virginia Hanley, Mildred Hart, Betty Jo Kelly, Molly Ann McCoulf, Martha Milburn, Patricia Patterson, Mama Perry, Martha Baby, Ruth Stiltz, Joan Thompson, Taneko Tasubaki, Charlotte Van Deren.
7S Alpha Zeta
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Stroulee, Hall, Timmons, Cooper. Conyers, Read. Rogers Faris, Clifford. Fuchs, Davis, Nash, Duncan. Harding Tucker, Allen, Teater, Pieringer, Burnett. West, Carlton. Keith
Alpha Zeta was founded at Columbus, Ohio, in 1897. Seovell Chapter was installed at the University of Kentucky in 1912. Its purpose is to encourage and develop the actual and potential leadership in the field of agriculture.
Faculty Advisers: Dr. Dewey Steel; Prof. L. A. Bradford; Dr. Dana G. Card.
Members in Faculty: There are 60 former members of Alpha Zeta on the teaching staff and in the agricultural extension service.
Honorary Member: Dr. Herman Lee Donovan.
Officers: Lennie R. Hall, chancellor; W. Haydin Timmons, censor; Ewell P. Conyers, scribe; Edward W. Stroube, treasurer; Robert W. Teater, chronicler.
Members: Abram G. Alien, Cecil Burnette, Leon Bush, William Carlton, Philip Clifford, Ewell P. Conyers, Waller Cooper, Fred Davis, Lawrence DeMumbrum, John Duncan, Alvin K. Faris, Bichard Fuchs, Lenvill B. Hall, Eldred Harding, Kelvin Keath, Victor Nash, Arthur Pieringer, Thomas A. Ray, Charles Read, Charles Rogers, Edward W. Stroube, Robert W. Teater, W. Hayden Timmons, Lee Tucker, Charles West.
Alpha Phi Omega
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