xt7vmc8rcf4x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vmc8rcf4x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1949-06-may11-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1949-06-may11-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1949-06-may11-ec. 1949 1949-06-may11-ec. 2011 true xt7vmc8rcf4x section xt7vmc8rcf4x 

     Minutes, Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees, University of Kentucky, IVy 11, 1949.

     The Executive Committee of thle Board of Trustees of the Univer-
sity of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 1:20 p.m., W7ednes-
day, Milay 11, 1949. The following members were present: Guy A.
Huguelet, Chairman; R. P. Hobson, Harper Gatton, J. C. Everett and
T. H. Cutler.   Absent: None,   President Donovan and Secretary Peter-
son met with the Committee.

     A. Approval of Minutes.
     The minutes oL the Executive Committee of March 22 and April 20,
1949, were approved as published.

     B. Report of the Comtroller.

     The Comptroller made the usual financial report showing Balance
Sheet of University funds, together with supporting statement of fund
operations for the current fiscal year, as of March 31, 1949.

     The financial report was examined in some detail, and upon mo-
tion duly mnde, seconded and carried, the report of the Comptroller
was authorized received and filed.

     O. Kentucky Athletic Association Requested to Transfer Funds.

     It was recalled that an addition to the south side of McLean
Stadium had been approved, 0;00,000.00 in revenue bonds having been
issued to pay for same, and that the Kentucky Athletic Association
would receive the benefit from the increase in seating capacity of
the Stadium.   It .vas recommended that the Board of Trustees request
the Kentucky Athletic Association to allocate from its income during
the current fiscal year the sum of $23,000.00 to be used for the
amortization of bonds maturing and interest due on the University of
Kentucky Stadium Revenue Bornds, the money so transferred to be credit-
ed to the Stadium Bond Redemption and Interest Fund.

     The Committee discussed the request, and upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, concurred in the recommendation.



     D. Receipt for Unsold Library and Service Building Revenue

     President Donovan stated that he had received from the Comptrol-
ler an executed receipt for ten unsold bonds designated as Universi-
ty of Kentucky Library and Service Building Revenue Bonds, same being
a part of a series bearing date of April 1, 1949, and maturing on
April 1, 1969.   These bonds are numbered consecutively from 491 to
500, inclusive,

    He recommended that the receipt for the unsold bonds be copied
in full into the minutes.

                     RECEIPT FOR UNSOLD BONDS

          The undersigned, Security Trust Company of Lexington,
    Kentucky, hereby acknowledges receipt from the Treasurer
    of the University of Kentucky, of ten (10) bonds of the
    denomination of yql,000.00 each, numbered consecutively
    from four hundred and ninety-one (491) to five hundred (500),
    inclusive, of a series designated as "University of Ken-
    tucky Library and Service Building Revenue Bonds", bearing
    date of April 1, 1949, and maturing on April 1, 1939.

         At the time the above-identified bonds were received
    by the undersigned, the bonds themselves were not signed
    by the Chairman nor attested by the Secretary of the Board
    of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, nor was the
    seal of said University impressed on any of said bonds,

         Attached to each bond at the time of delivery to
    the undersigned were interest coupons bearing the fac-
    simile signatures of Earle C. Clements, Chairman, and
    Frank D. Peterson, Secretary, respectively, of the Board
    of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, each coupon
    representing six months interest, in the sum of $16.25.
    The undersigned carefully checked each bond and determined
    that the number of coupons attached thereto was the proper
    number for the payment of interest thereon semi-annually
    from April 1, 1949 to the respective dates of maturity.
    The undersigned realizes that said coupons bear facsimile
    signatures of the Chairman and Secretary and could pos-
    sibly become valid and binding obligations of the Uni-
    versity of Kentuc!:y if they should become detached from
    the bonds and reach the hands of an innocent holder for



           The undersigned receives the above-.identified bonds
      and coupons for safe custody and agrees to hold the sable
      subject to. the orders of the Board of Trustees of the
      University of Kentucky.

           Given at Lexington, Kentucky, this 5th day of IMlay,

                                     SECURITY TRUST COMIANY

                                     By: H. L. Austin

      (SEAL)                              Vice Pres.          (Title)


        N. B. Hall
        Asst. Secretary

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
of the President was concurred in, and the Secretary was directed to
place in the minutes a copy of the receipt for the unsold bonds,

     E. Chane Order in Contract for McLean Stadium Extension.

     President Donovan stated that it had been recommended and that
he had approved the construction of an elevated box seat section in
Section 'IN? on the south side of McLean Stadium, containing approx-
imately 86 box seats.   He further stated theft the contractor, Per-
kins Construction Company, had submitted a proposal to construct,
per plans and specifications, elevated box seat Section AN"U, and
furnish and install 60 twenty-inch, type #103, and 26 twenty-one-
inch, type #103, Stadium chairs in standard color, constructed by
American Seating Company, Grand Rapids, 1Micohigan.

      The contract also proposed to revise the bolted sections in
1  and "0"1 to the detail as shown for Section "fNt, per dravwing
furnished by the University at an increase in the contract price for
all of the above additional work in the amount of 43,910.00.

     The President asked the Committee to consider the change in the
extension of Section "N"I and take whatever action they thought best.,



      The proposal vas discussed and, it being the unanimous consensus
 of the Committee that the elevated box seat section should be built,
 upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, a change order calling
 for the alterations according to plans and specifications, at an
 increase in the price of the contract in the amount of @3,910.00p
 was authorized and the Comptroller was directed to process same
 throughthe Engineering and Purchase Division of the State Department
 of Finance.

     F. Fees Authorized and Funds Allocated for Retirement of Library
and Service Building Revenue Bonds.

     The Comptroller recommended, in connection with the amortization
of University of Kentucky Library and Service Building Revenue Bonds,
a 10% service charge on all job order work processed through the
Division of Maintenance and Operations.   He also recommended collec-
tion and allocation of a 10,% service charge on all materials, equip-
ment and merchandise processed through the University Stores Unit,
and the collection and allocation of 1(10,00 annually from the por-
tion of the incidental registration fee now being allocated for libra-
ry expense and improvement and collected from full-time students en-
rolled in the University,   It was further stated that it would be
necessary to collect approximately $40,000 annually from these
sources, to be used for the redemption of maturing bonds and the pay-
ment of interest on the University of Kentucky Library and Service
Building Revenue Bonds, heretofore authorized Issued by the Board of

     The members of the Committee discussed the recommendattion) and
upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, authorized the collection
of a 10% service charge on all job order work, the collection of a
10% service charge on all materials, equipment and merchandise pro-
cessed through the University Stores unit, and the allocation and ap-
propriation of $10,000 from the incidental registration fees collect-
ed from full-time students.   The funds were directed to be trans-
f erred to the Library and Service Building Revenue Bond account.*

     O. Purchases of Comptrollerls Office -Approved.

     President Donovan submitted a letter from the Comptroller list-
ing the numbers of State requisitions, advices of emergency purchases,
special purchase orders, food contracts and departmental purchase
orders processed through the Comptroller's Office from January 1,
1949, to April 1, 1949.   He read the following communication, and
recommended that the purchases be approved and ratified.



                                                 May 10, 1949

      Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
      University of Kentucky

      ly dear Dr. Donovan:

           I submit a list of state requisitions, advices of
      emergency purchases, special purchase orders, food con-
      tracts and departmental purchase orders which have been
      made by the Comptrolleris office from January 1, 1949,
      to April 1, 1949.   These purchases have not been approved
      by the Board of Trustees.   The listing below gives the
      numbers of the documents requesting the purchase or actual
      ly issued as purchase orders, vhioh documents are made a
      part of this record and are held in the Office of the
      Comptroller subject to inspection.   The prchases have
      been made on properly drawn documents at the request of
      the various departments and have been charged against
      available funds.   The list follows:

          State requisitions numbered       ....... 934 - 1363
          Emergency purchase orders numbered    ...... 1601 - 2275
          Library departmental orders  ........... . 1 527 - 1745
          University departmental orders ..........  388 -  575
          Special purchase orders .      .4244 - 7943.

          The above record of purchases is respectfully sub-
     mitted with the request that they be approved by the Execu-
     tive Committee or Board of Trustees whichever meets first,
     thereby ratifying the action of the Comptroller in making
     such purchases.

                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                    (Signed) Frank D. Peterson,
                                           Comptroll er.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,

          State requisitions numbered ....   ........ 934 - 1363
          Emergency purchase orders numbered ..... 1601 - 2275
          Library departmental orders  ........... 1527 - 1745
          University departmental orders ......... 388 -   575
          Special purchase orders ......  .    .. 4244 - 7843,

were approved and ratified.



      H. Electrical Eauipment Authorized Transferred.

      President Donovan submitted communication from the Comptroller
 listing transformers, circuit breakers and capacitors :which are sur-
 plus to the needs of the University.  He stated that the Southern
 Indiana Gas and Electric Company desired to puxchase the above equip-
 ment belonging to the University of Kentucky and Purdue University.
 It wleas further stated that neither school could use this type of
 equipment and that the Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company had
 offered to pay to the two schools the sum of Q18,200.00 for the ma-
 t erial.

     President Donovan recommended that authorization be given to
dispose of the property as recommended.   The Qommittee discussed the
recommendation, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the
Comptroller was authorized to enter, with Purdue University, into
negotiation with the Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company for
sale of property referred to.

     I. R. P. Hobson Reappointed MIember of Board of Directors of The
Kentucky Research Foundation.

     President Donovan stated that. the term of R. P. Hobson as member
of the Board of Directors of The Kentucky Research Foundation will
expire with the annual meeting in June, 1949.

     He stated that, under the present regulations of the Foundation,
a vacancy in its Board of Directors from members of the Board of
Trustees must be filled by nomination of the Board of Trustees.  He
requested the Committoe to take such action as, in its opinion, Was

     The Committee discussed-the vacancy and, upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, R. P. Hobson was appointed to succeed himself
as a representative of the Board of Trustees upon the Board of Direct-
ors of The Kentuck-,y Research Foundation.

     J. Policy concerning, Funds in Which Kentucky Research Foundation
gay Have an Thtorest.                   e.

     Presidet Donrovla read a letter from Dean Louis A. Pardue, and a
recommendation e:abashing the policy concerning funds in which 'The
Kentucky Resoarch Foundation may have an interest.



                                        April 29, 1949

President H. L. Donovan
University of Kentucky
Lexdington, Kentucky

Dear President Donovan:

     In conformity with the request expressed in your
letter of April 28, 1949, I have attempted to restate the
policy previously recommended concerning funds in which it
is anticipated the University Research Committee may have
an interest.

     These new statements are much shorter but will, I
believe, raise the questions in which the Board of Trustees
will be interested.   It is believed that the new statements
cornflict in no way with the earlier statements and contain
fully the spirit, but not the details, of them.   If the
Board should adopt the policy now recommended we could refer
to the original statements for details if they should become
important provided of course that you approve.   As indicat-
ed in my letter of April 1 the original statements have
been accepted by both Committees to the extent that they
are affected by them.

                                    Respectfully submitted,

                              (Signed) Louis A. Pardue

     It is recommended that the University of Kentucky
Press shall make available to the University Research
Committee by depositing with the Kentucky Research Founda-
tion1 two-thirds of the Research Committeels fractional
part of the income derived from any book which the Research
Committee shall aid the Press financially in publishing.

     It is recommended that recipients of grants from the
University Research Fund shall return any income derived
directly from the results of a sponsored project up to at
least the amount of the grant.   Such money shall be de-
posited with the Kentucky Research Foundation for the use
of the University Research Committee.   This statement
shall be set aside when it is found to be in conflict
with the Patent Policy of the University.



      President Donovan discussed with members of the Committee the
 proposed oolicy and recommended its adoption.   After some further
 discussion concerning the advisability of adopting the policy recom-
 mended, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommenda-
 tion wau concurred in and the policy approved.

     K, Dean D. V. Terrell Given Permission for Off-Campus Work.

     President Donovan stated that, since 1942, Dean Terrell had
 served the Department of Highways as director of the Highway Research
 Laboratory which is located on the University of Kentucky campus,
 and advisor in its educational program.   He stated that, since the
 wiork of the Highway Laboratory has steadily increased and is now the
 employer of 11 full-time persons and 21 part-time Engineering student
 employees, that Dean Terrell desired permission to continue as di-
 rector of the Highway Research Laboratory and advisor. in its educa'-
 tional program, and receive a small compensation for his services,
 to be fixed by the Department of Highways.

     Members of the Committee discussed the on- and off-campus work
requested in connection w.aith the Highway Research Laboratory and the
educational program of the Department of Highways, and upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, Dean Terrell was given permission
to continue as director of the work now conducted and to accept
traveling expenses and compensation as may be fixed by the Department
of Highways, not in conflict with the law.

     L. Ph.D. Degrees to be Offered in Sociology and Rural Sociology,
and Agricultural Economics.

     President Donovan reported receipt of a letter from the Secreta-
ry of the University Faculty making recommendations concerning grant-
ing of Ph.D. degrees in other fields. He read the following letter:

                                              April 14, 1949
    President H. L. Donovan
    University of Kentucky

    Dear President Donovan:

         At the meeting of the University Faculty Monday, April
    1I, the Graduate Faculty presented the following recommenda-



          I. That the Department of Sociology in the College
             of Arts and Sciences and the Department of Rural
             Sociology in the College of Agriculture and Home
             Economics be authorized jointly to offer training
             for the PhD. degree in the combined fields of
             Sociology and Rural Sociology.

         II. That the Department of Farm Economics and the
             Department of Markets and Rural Finance in the
             College of Agriculture and Home Economics be
             authorized jointly to offer training for the
             Ph.D. degree in the field of Agricultural

          The University Faculty voted to recommend these pro-
     posals to the Board of Trustees for final action,


                                     (Signed) Maurice F. Seay
                                              Secretary of the

     President Donovan stated that he joined in the recommendation,
and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Graduate School
was authorized to expand its offering to include the Ph.D. degree
in Sociology and Rural Sociology, and Agricultural Economics.

     M. Foreign Scholarships Approved.

     President Donovan presented the following report of the Commit-
tee on Foreign Student Scholarships:

                                    April 13, 1949

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

          The Committee on Foreign Students wishes to recommend
     the following students for the awards indicated for the
     school year 1949,.50:



          Mr. Sven-Erik Sjogren - Finland - $600 plus free
                                               tuit ion
          Hiss Marietta Georgiadou - Greece - $6Q0 plus
                                               free tuition
          Mr. Preben Haagensen - Uruguay - free tuition
          Miss Sivia Kyllikki'Lassi - Finland - free tuition
          Mr. Sebastian van Goudoever - Holland - free tuition
          Miss M1ercedes Trujil-lo - Colombia - free tuition
          Mr. Joseph G. Da~hlan - Palestine - free tuition
          Mir. R. C. Huang - China - free tuition
          Miss Kristina Bergenstrahle - Sweden - free tuition
          Mr. IMarius Hendrix Lubbers  Holland - free tuition
          Miss Tove Jagt - Denmark -'free tuition
          Mr. Sisa M. Sagar - India - free tuition.

            Alternates for free tuition scholarships are as

          Miss Gro Teigen - Norway - free tuition
          Mr. Juan Gonzales Panama - El Salvador- free tuition
          Mr. Boris Parl - Sweden - free tuition
          Miss Liu Tien-chuan   China - free tuition
          Miss Wei-ying Yao - China - free tuition
          Ingeborg Dedering, scholarship for summer, one-half of
              semester, 4250 plus matriculation fees.

                                     Respectfully yours,

                                     (Signed) A. E, Bigge
                                     Foreign Student Adviser

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation
of the Committee on Foreign Students was concurred in.

     N. Gifts:

                         From General Education Board.

     President Donovan presented the following communication from
Mr. Robert W. July, Acting Secretary of the General Education Board:



                      GENERAL EDUCATION BOARD

                                             April 8, 1949

      Dear President Donovan:

           It is indeed a pleasure to inform you that at the
      meeting of the Trustees of the General Education Board
      on April 7, 1949, the sum of ;37,650, or as much thereof
      as may be necessary, was appropriated to the University
      of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, toward the cost of a
      demonstration program to improve forestry practices and
      the processing and marketing of forest products in the
      Eastern Kentucky Highlands.   The grant will be available
      during the period ending June 30, 1954.

           The action of the Trustees came as the result of
      a request submitted by Dean Thomas P. Cooper on October 4,
      1948, and endorsed by you on March 21, 1949.  It is the
      Board's understanding that its funds will be used primarily
      for salaries, travel, office and miscellaneous expenses
      of a forester and his assistants substantially in accord
      with Dean Cooper's prospectus of October 4.   It is also
      understood that the University will underwrite the cost
      of a demonstration mill, and that Federal Research and
      Marketing funds will be available for the investigation
      of markets and marketing methods.

          Upon receipt at the beginning of each year of a
     budget, our Comptroller will arrange for payment of the
     annual installment.   At the close of each year please
     send us a statement of income and expenditures.  Any
     part of the appropriation remaining unused after June 30$
     1954, will revert to the Board.

                                       Sincerely yours,

     President H. L. Donovan     (Signed)  Robert W. July
     University of Kentucky
     Lexington 29, Kentucky

     After some discussion of the offer, and upon recommendation of
the President, the Committee authorized that the grant of $37,650, or
as much thereof as might be necessary, be received and used in the
manner stated above, and the President was requested to Serite a let-
ter of appreciation to Mr. July.



                            From U. S. Public Health Service.

     President Donovan presented the following letter from Dean

                                     April 11, 1949

     President H. L. Donovan
     University of Kentucky

     Dear President Donovan:

          As you know, for several years we have been receiving
     a grant from the U. S. Public Health Service for coopera-
     tive work in Salmonella.   The grant far the current year
     expired IMarch 31, 1949.  We have been informed by the
     U. S. Public Health Service that a supplemental application
     in the amount of J1568.00 for research grant RG 33(C2S)
     has been approved and check for this amount is enclosed.
     This additional grant covers two months extension, from
     M4arch 31, 1949 through May 31, 1949,

                                     Sincerely yours,

                              (Signed) Thomas Cooper
                                       Dean and Director.

     On recommendation of the President, and on motion duly made,
seconded and carried, the check from the U. S. Public Health Service
was ordered received and used to cover two months' extension of the
research work in Salmonella.

                         From Middle West Soil Improvement Committee.

     President Donovan recalled that, since 1945, the MiddUe West
Soil Improvement Committee had made an annual contribution to the
Kentucky Experiment Station in support of the study being made on
plant food needs of Kentucky soils and Kentucky crops.    He stated
that a check for ti500.00, representing a continuation of their sup-
port in this study, had been received.   He said that this contribu-
tion would be helpful in forwarding the work and he recommended its

     On motion duly made, seconded and carried, and on recommendation
of the President, the check for $500.00 from the Middle West Soil
Improvement Committee was ordered accepted, and President Donovan was
requested to acknowledge the gift.


                       From Intornational Ii1 nerals and Chemical
                            Corporation, Chicago, Illinois.

     President Donovan stated that he had been informed by Dean
Cooper that check for ;1500 had been received from the International
Minerals and Chemical Corporation, of Chicago, Illinois, to be used
in continuation of a study in tobacco nutrition.  He recommended
acceptance of the grant.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the rant of $1500
from International M.inerals and Chemical Corporation, Chicago: Illi-
nois, was ordered accepted, and President Donovan was requested to
write a letter of appreciation to the donors.

     0. Resolution on Death of Stephen Thaddeus Saunier.

     President Donovan stated that he was very scrry to report the
death of Stephen Thaddeus Saunier, a member of the faculty of the
College of Engineering.   He offered a resolution which had been pre-
pared by the faculty and staff of the College of Engineering, and
recommended that same be spread upon the minutes and a copy mailed
to the family of Mr. Saunier,

     Resolutions on the Death of Stephen Thaddeus Saunier

        Stephen Thaddeus Saunier was born in Lexington, Kentucky,
  on June 1, 1891.   He was educated in the parochial schools
  of Lexington, was a member of St. Paults Church and of the
  Lexington Lodge, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.

       He came to the University of Kentucky in May, 1918, as
  instructor for the military technical training of World War I
  soldiers in the University forge shop.

       After the war, he remained at the University as instruct-
  or in metal forging. At the time of his death he was Super-
  visor of the Metallurgical Laboratory, College of Engineering$
  University of Kentucky.

       He was an honorary member of the Kentucky Chapter of
  Triangle and in 1945 received an honorary Kentucky Colonells

       11Steveit, as he was affectionately known, lied of a
  heart attack on Friday, April 8, 1949.

       BE IT RESOLVED, that in the passing of Stephen Thaddeus
  Saunier, the faculty and students of the College of Engineering
  and the University of Kentucky at large have sustained the loss
  of an able, loyal and valuable staff member and friend.



          AND BE IT RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution
      be forwarded to his family as an expression of the high
      regard in which he was held by his associates and as an
      expression of our sincere sympathy to them in their loss,
      And, further, that this resolution be made a part of the
      minutes of this meeting of the Faculty of the College of

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the resolution was
adopted and a copy was directed sent to the bereaved family.

     P. Injury of Dan Welch.

     The Comptroller reported that the Executive Committee had au-
thorized Dr. Ernest E. Myers to perform an operation on Mr. Dan
Welch for an injury sustained while on duty.   Dr. Myers did operate
on Mar. `Telch, which operation has, to all appearances, been success-
ful, and Dr. Saul R. Rubin administered anesthesia during the opera-

     The Comptroller further reported that an invoice had been re-
ceived, from Dr. Rubin in amount of Q30.00, for services rendered,
and that, pursuant to request of this Committee, Dr. Rubin had been
asked to reduce his bill.   Dr. Rubin stated that he was unable to
reduce the bill because the fee is fair and in keeping with those of
physicians and specialists in this community.   The invoice was sub-
mitted for payment.

     After some discussion, upon motion duly made, seconded and car-
ried, the Comptroller was authorized to pay Dr. Saul R. Rubin $30.00
for services rendered Mlre Dan Welch during the operation by Dr.
Ernest E. Myers.   This payment was ordered made from the College
Collection Fund, with the expressed understanding that the action on
the case is without commitment as to future acts on the part of the
Executive Committee and that the Committee does not establish a
precedent and does not admit negligence or liability in paying this

     Q. InJury to Bernard C. Rylander.

     The Comptroller reported that Dean Terrell employed Mr. Bernard
C. Rylander to do work in the Metallugical Laboratory of the Col-
lege of Engineering in January, 1949.   While performing the duties
for which he was employed, Mr. Rylander injured the little finger of
his right hand by catching it in the gears of a steel cutting ma-
chine.   Mr. Rylander was referred to the Infirmary and later was
directed by Dr. J. S. Chambers to go to Dr. Ernest E. Myers for exam-
ination and treatment.



     Dr. Ernest E. Myers submitted invoice in amount of $10.00 for
services rendered in connection with the accident.

     On motion duly made, seconded and carried, it was ordered that
the bill be paid and charged against the Activities Fund of the Col-
lege of Engineering, Acet. No. 3221, with the expressed understand-
ing that the case is without commitment as to future acts on the
part of the Executive Committee and that the Committee does not es-
tablish a precedent and does not admit negligence or liability in
paying this account.

     R. Change-of-Work for Buford Roberts.

     President Donovan presented recommendation from the Comptroller
for change-of-work for Mr. Buford Roberts, groundsman.   He read the
following letter:

                                            April 8, 1949

     Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
     University of Kentucky

     My dear President Donovan:

          Mr. Buford Roberts, a groundsman, came to work at
     the University September 29, 1918.   For the past thirty-
     one years, he has been working with the Division of Main-
     tenance and Operations.   He has been a loyal and faithful
     wirorker.  Mr. Roberts was born December 10, 1880, and now
     is sixty-eight years of age.   He is in poor health, and
     has requested a change of work.   I b elieve it would be a
     hardship on Mr. Roberts and unfair to the University to
     continue his present duties.   I therefore recommend that
     his request be granted and that he be given a change of
     work at tihe rate of Q975.00 annually, to be paid to him
     in tvirolve Installments.

         I also recommend that Mr. Roberts be assigned to the
     grounds crew for such work as he may be directed to do by
     the Grounds Foreman and the Chief Engineer.

                                         Respectfully submitted,

                                  (Signed) Frank D. Peterson,

     On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the recommendation of
the Comptroller was concurred in.



      S. Change of Work for Joseph Goodlett.

      President Donovan presented communication from Dean Cooper recom-
 mending change of work for Joseph Goodlett, employee of the Ecperi-
 ment Station.  He read the following communication:

                                         April 22, 1949
      President H. L. Donovan
      University of Kentucky

      Dear President Donovan:

           Mr. Joseph Goo-i1ett, who has been in the employ of
      the Experiment Station since May 1, 1921, has requested
      that he be given a change of occupation because of fail-
      ing health.  He attained the age of seventy April 5,
      1947, but was ab