xt7vhh6c5t3m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vhh6c5t3m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-10-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 2008 2008 2008-10-15 2020 true xt7vhh6c5t3m section xt7vhh6c5t3m  



Mark Wahlberg and the cast of ‘Max Payne'
talk aboui their upcoming movie see page 5



Visit www.kykerne|.com
for this week's crime log





USP requirements to face possi

By Heather Shiwgrllg
news kvkernelcom

Student Govemment hosted a
forum at the W. T. Young Library
Gallery on Tuesday night for stu~
dents and faculty to discuss possible
changes to the University Studies

A panel of faculty members led
an audience of about 30 in the dis-
cussion. The panel included Latin
American studies professor Susan
Carvalho. mathematics professor
Carl Lee. Associate Dean for New
Economy Initiatives and Innovations
Management Bruce Walcott and As-



By Kirsten Clang

Music has often been used as a
fortn of therapy. and this therapy will
soon become a career path at UK after
the Board of Trustees approved a
pledge to create a new graduate de»
gree program in the UK School of

At a meeting Tuesday. the Board
approved the Lucille Caudill Little
Foundation‘s pledge of $3 million for
the creation of the state's first graduate
degree program in music therapy.

This award will help students be-
come registered music therapists. Mu—
sic therapy involves the functional use
of music to improve the health of pa
tients. whether they are accident vic—
tims releammg how to walk or chron—
ic pain sufferers. said UK School of
Music Director Ben Arnold.

The program has been in the
works on and off for 20 years. Amold

"The proposal would come up on
the table every few years or so and be
shut down." Arnold said. “The time
has come. and I‘m elated. UK is a uni-
versity that has the right resources to
support this program."

Music therapy training programs

. are rigorous. said Director of Graduate
Studies Cecilia Wang. Not only do the
students have to be accomplished muv
sicians. but they also have to complete
a required number of clinic hours.
sometimes as many as no. as in the

See BOT on page 3

learn about

By Kate Deuer
DEWS Y erne corn


Australia is far beyond the limits of
UK's campus. but that did not stop
marketing junior Michael (‘olosimo
from studying there for fotrr months.

“It was the most positive and
unique experience of my college career
and I wouldn't trade it for anything."
said Colosimo.

Students who are looking for an
experience like Colosimo‘s cart get a
taste of international cttlture Wednes-
day as the third annual Education
Abroad Fair takes place on campus.

The fair will run frorn 10:30 am, to
3:30 pm. on the walkway between the
WT Young Library and Rose Street.
Activities include free lunch and live
music. and students who have previous—
ly studied abroad. as well as intema-
tional students currently studying at
UK. talkingabout their experiences.

Representatives from more than 25
programs all over the world will pass
out material and offer consultation to
students about studying abroad. said
Janet Roccanova. director of Education


sistant Provost Richard Greissman.

The USP curriculum was made
in the 1980s and was good back
then. Carvalho said. but the current
program does not have relevant is-
sues that prepare students for the fu-
ture. .

The proposal for the new pro—
gram would implement a lO-class.
30-credit USP requirement. C un‘ent-
ly there is a 45-credit requirement. It
also includes four areas of study.
where as now there are nine.

These four areas would be intel-
lectual inquiry. communication. quan—
titative reasoning and citizenship.

In a presentation. Carvalho said

intellectual inquiry would be similar
to a humanities or social science
course. The classes would focus on
problem solving and using multiple
complex answers. she said.

The communication requirement
would differ by bringing more of an
oral communication component to
the curriculum.

Quantitative reasoning would
implement mathematical statistics
that can be used in everyday life. Lee
said this class would teach how to
solve real problems like how to pay
a mortgage or interpret statistics.

Citizenship would replace the
cross-cultural requirement. accord—


ing to the presentation. These class—
es would teach concepts like civic
engagement and cross-national
comparative issues.

Some students were concerned
that this curriculum could be too spe-
cialized and that students would not
get a university—wide experience.

Alan Walters. an accounting
freshman. said he attended the fo—
rum to get an idea of what changes
might be made.

“I came out to see what kind of
classes will be offered in the new
curriculum." said Walters. "I wanted
to see if it would be harder and just
to get some information."


ble changes

The proposal will be presented
to the University Senate in Novem—
ber. it passed. it would be imple-
mented around 2010. Although
these courses will be offered to cur-
rent UK students. it will in no way
affect their USP requirements.

C arvalho said she felt the forum
was a success and was very happy
with the tumout and sincerity of the
questions asked. Greissman said the
student input from the forum added
to the discussion of the proposal.

"We heard new questions from
students that we haven’t heard from
faculty in 30 meetings.“ said Greiss-


Carol Peachee, left, Rosalind Harris and Lourdes de Leon look at photographs during Miksang Photography, 3 class offered at the Shambhala
Center on Maxwell Street on Tuesday. Miksang IS Tibetan for "good eye," meaning the mind is uncluttered by preoccupation and is relaxed

Finding innerpeace on Maxwell

By Jill Lester

Relax. sit still and breathe

deeply: a pretty basic concept.

Still. meditation is more diffi-
cult than it seems. said Ryan Mur-


Maxwell Street in September. The
center offers introductory lessons
to meditation. like the one Murrell
took. as well as free meditation
sessions on Saturdays and classes
on Shambhala thought and prac-

The Shambhala ("enter was

“For me. the first time 1 medi-
tated was intense. I was like. 'Oh
my gosh. I‘ve been sitting here for
hours.” said Murrell. a political
science junior. “I didn‘t realize
how it had impacted tne until I got

Murrell said he felt relaxed af-
ter he began meditation at the
Shambhala Center on West

founded in the late 1970s based on
the basic concepts of Buddhism—
derived Shambhala -. treat others
with kindness and liyc contempla—
tively said center founder
William Gordon. a former UK

“The point is to use your mind
to its full capacity." said 86-year-
old Gordon. who still meditates at

the center at least once a week.
"Discover your mind —— what is
my mind and how do l use it?"

Like traditional Tibetan-Bud-
dhist practice. Shambhala focuses
on the discovery of an “awakened
mind" capable of escaping suffer-
ing by understanding why things
happen and behaving ethically.

However. Shambhala empha-
sizes applying Buddhist thought to
modem-day activities. said center
director Joseph Fiala.

Shambhala is a good fit for
Westemers because it can be inte—
grated into everyday activities
such as work or class. Fiala said.
Meditation. a key component in

Shambhala. helps those who prac-
tice to focus better on the moment
they are in instead of worrying
about other things. he said.

For instance. Fiala counseled
an amateur pool player three or
four months ago who could not
focus on the final shot. After half
an hour of meditation a day. the
player was able to concentrate and
shoot at the end of games.

Students who want to try med—
itation do not have to be Buddhist
or know exactly what Shambhala
is. Fiala said. They also do not
need to adhere to a particular reli—

See Meditation on page 3


By Danielle Pritchett

Anews@kykernel com‘

The race for the l3th district
seat in the state Senate is getting a
little more interesting. The contest
recently moved up to the seventh
most-interesting election in the
state. according to the Herald-
Leader's Web site.

Chuck Ellinger ll hopes to
move the race even further up the
list by coming from behind to win.

Ellinger has been an at-large
Lexington city council member


See Ahmed on page 3



The Kernel will be spotlighting candidates before the Nov. 4 election. These
profiles will highlight candidates’ top issues and their stance on higher education.

Chuck Ellinger 11

since 2003 and has served on its
town and gown commission.
which focuses on strengthening
relations between the cortmiunity
and the university.

He said his top priority is ed—
ucation. especially making it
more affordable and accessible.
As a graduate front the L’K Col»
lege of Law. Ellingcr said he al~
ways has and always will focus
on education as one of his most
important issues.

The budgets cuts and tuition
increases have made education
more difficult to afford. lillinger
said he believes the problem lies
with the budget.

“I supported house bill 406.
which provided for a 62 ntillion
dollar increase for UK. My op»
ponent (Kathy Stem) voted
against the bill." Ellinger said.

Ellinger said the Senate ma-
jority leader has guaranteed him
a spot on the appropriations
committee if he is elected. which
would give him an opportunity
to help with the budget.

“We need to become a top»
20 university. while increasing

See Ellinger on. page 3

l3’l‘l l “l )lSl_Rl( I'l‘ (I.\.\ l )l DUES -,

B_y Laura Edolen
news@kykernel com

Age is not a factor for Kathy
Stein in her race to win a seat in
the Kentucky Senate.

“I‘m not bad for a Slyear—
old. old broad." Stern said on
Monday night when she spoke at
the UK (‘ollegc Democrats

Stern has been the 75th Leg—
islative District Kentucky State
Representative for 12 years and
is now running for state senator
for the 13th district.

She was the first woman to
chair the Judiciary (‘ommittec
and a fonner assistant county at.
tomey and domestic violence
prosecutor. Her openness arid
honesty are two qualities that
qualify her for the seat. she said.

“I‘ll never lie to you know:
Ingly." Stein said. “And I'm al—
ways ready to talk."

At the meeting. Stein was
asked about taxes. She said she
believes a complete tax code
revision should take place.

“Taxes are the rent we -'
pay for livrng in a civilized v
~society." she said.



Kathy Stein

"I‘m not going to say I won‘t
raise taxes. 1 believe there is a
way to fund properly."

Stetn said the 9 percent in—
crease in tuition was an increase
that was “superbly bad because
it discourages behavior we

However. Stem said she will
not blame the administration for
doing what they had to do.

"Our board of trustees have
done what they can. but we need

See Stein on page 3

- Y





PAGEZI Wednesday tntotter it) .‘llr'z‘o‘
























’ \.r)w':in.tilii ~~zi.

ir.iii - irttrn i.iirip

@ Horoscopes?

By linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check
the day's rating: )0 is the 033i
est day, 0 the most challenging
Aries (March Zl-April19)——
Today (5 a 7 — There's money
coming in, due to your own
hard work Take care not to
waste a cent That includes
making risky investments
Taurus (April 20-May 20) --
Today is a 7 N You are deter-
mined to get your own way, but
that might be a challenge
Gemini (May 21-June 21) -—
Today is a 7 m The contusion
is starting to Clear up This is
good, because there's a Job
coming due that you haven‘t
done yet

Cancer (June n-July 22) —
Today is a 7 ~~» Better chuck
your calendar to make sure you

navent scheduled two arttivi

ties for the same date and

trnte That would ho easy to

do right now

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) ~—

loday is u 6 No need to
rush .t decrsron, either career
related or domestic (To more
research fi'st New rirtorniaton
is not now becoming avo-laltle
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) —
Today is .27 You to starting
to look around (or new hurt/nits
to i onrtuer it's; a little earn to
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ‘-
Today is a 6 w its getting eas
ier to communicate l'it‘ilri‘v
Your first Clue may be the num-
ber of misunderstandings you
get to clear up Don't despair
Scorpio (Oct. 23—Nov. 21) -
Today is a 7 ~ It's getting eas-
rer to r omniurticate effectively.
for you and everyone else,
Strong leadership is also begin
mg to emerge, thankfully
Support a reasonable person ill

Jpn} corn

getting the (ill) done
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Today is a 9 Get busyl The
more you do, the more moolah
you)! make lt doesn't always
turn out that way, so this IS
prettv good news

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
—— Today is an 8 , ~ You're
feeling a lot better because of
the support you're. now receiv—
)llr’) You think you don't care
what others think, but of
(nurse you do

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
-— Today is a 6 ----- Slow down
Conditions have Changed Now
your best course 0) action is to
think carefully about all your
possible courses of action.
Don't plan a busy evening
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
-— Today IS a 7 4-, Settle down
and study that material you've
been saying (or the right time
it‘s here


Today' 5
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The stair of l‘hc Hills tclls
Us no wuy.’

[it u ci'cttin baby—doll
drcss and charcoal pccp—toc
hccls. Ltitircn ~(‘onr;id looked
ready for ti low-kcy night out
ill Los Angclcs' Teddy‘s
nightclub on October 3. The
star of thc MTV scnstition
The Hills made a quick loop
before settling in with friends
w and. for once. no cameras
— to sip tt vodka tonic. The
biggest drama? She couldn't
seem to get her ponytail just
right. at one point —rcudest-
ing it three times in the span
of two minutes.

The next morning. she
awoke to for greater prob—
lems: Internet rumors claimed
she had betrayed ptil Audrina
Patridge. 23. by hooking up
with her on-again. off—uguin
boyfriend Justin “Bobby"
Brescia. Immediately. Conrad
struck back. “I‘m being tic—
cused of being a hard friend. it
slut and a liar all at once."
Conrad. 32. told Us hours lut—
cr. "The rumors are totally
false. I did not hook up with

Still. instead of coming to
Conrad‘s defense. the cit-best
friend and cx _. housemate
kept suspiciously mum on thc
subject. only writing on her
personal blog. “These rumors
are very confusing and hurt~
ful. 1 can't comment on
whether they are true or
false" — without denying the
incident. Later. she had an al~
fresco mcct—up with Conrad‘s
nemesis. Heidi Montag.
“What Audrina is doing."
says Conrad. "is really hurt—
ful." (Partridge refused Us~ rc~

Wyyogdailydose of entertainment. pop culture and furry



It’s war
Did Conrad really hook up
with Patridge’s on/off

‘I’I‘le Dis“ boyfriend, Justin Bobby?

quest for an interview.)

lf Patridgc's behavior
scents odd. hold on for the
biggest accusation in Hills
history. "Audrina herself
spread the rumors to get more
attention says a source close
to the production. With Hills
regulars Montag and her
boyfriend. Spencer Pratt. con-
stantly grabbing the spotlight.
and Whitney Port working on
a spinoff (unconfirmed by
MTV). the source says, “Au-
drinu is the one who gets the
least attention. She was so
jealous. she concocted this on
her own."

Tracing the Humor
Whispers of strife began
when fans noticed -changcs
to the BFFs‘ personal My-
Spucc pages September 29.
just )1 days after Partridge
moved out of the LA. home
she had shared with Conrad
and Lo Bosworth. «Partridge
described her mood as
“shocked." while Conrad
added at sad-face emoticon to
her status entry of “disap-
pointed." More telling. each
removed the other front her
Top Friends list. the kiss of
death in Young Hollywood.
A source close to Porridge
says the Hills costar had con-
fronted Conrad with the dis—
maying rumor of a hookup.
The gist‘.’ Conrad had se-
duced Brescia. says the
source. whom she has often
criticized as an unwashed
jerk. “lt was about a month
ago. She hooked up with him
solely to hurt Audrina. no
other reason." Says a Conrad
insider: "A conversation was

had and Audrinu accused hcr.
Lauren denied it. and that
was the end of it."

Or so she thought. -A —
Patridgc source says she -also
had confronted Brescio. who
initially denied it but. accord-
ing to the pol. “later apolo—
gized and told her it was
true." Her friend Montag tells
Us: “I don't know what she‘s
really thinking right now. but
I know she's very upset and

Frpm that point. Conrad
intimated on MySpacc. the
rumor really took flight cour-
tesy of Pratt. She -hinted that
he was guilty of contacting
gossip bloggcr Perez Hilton
with the item. Pratt's re—
sponse‘? “The truth is I did
know about this and chose to
say nothing out of respect for
Audrina's feelings." he tells
Us. “I think [Conrad] needs
to look at herself in the mir-
ror and stop blaming some-
one who wants nothing to do
with. her for all the problems
she creates."

Suspicious Mind

But why would Patridge
find it easier to accept a -
Perez (or Pratt) item than her
friend‘s word? Patridge has
confided that it all goes back
to the 4th of July. says her
pal. when the trio involved
partied in Malibu. “That‘s
when Audrina started to get
suspicious." says the pal.
“She kept catching Justin and
Lauren being flirty and look-
ing at each other.

(C) 2008 Us Weekly



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Wednesday, October 15, 2008 I "6:3




Continued from page 1


Abroad at UK. Students. faculty and staff
can also obtain passport photos and submit
their passport applications at the US.
Postal Service table.

“We wanted to offer a one-stop shop-
ping experience for students interested in
studying abroad." said Roccanova. “Our
goal is to get every student to consider ed-
ucation abroad.“

President Lee Todd said in an e-mail
that he has supported education abroad
since the beginning of his presidency by
allocating funds for scholarships for the

“UK cannot be a top-20 public univer-
sity without being a global university.“
Todd said in the e-mail. “I think intema-
tional study absolutely completes the un-
dergraduate experience."

All full—time. degree-seeking UK stu-
dents who have completed at least 30 under-
graduate hours and at least one full semester
at UK may participate in study abroad. said
Roccanova. as long as they are in good aca-
demic and disciplinary standing.

The fair is free. and open to all stu-
dents. faculty and staff. For more informa-
tion about Education Abroad at UK. visit
the Web site at




Continued from page 1


case of Florida State University, Arnold said.

Once certified. music therapists can
work in school systems. hospitals and uni-

"It is all about where you are and what
community you live in. You probably could-
n't work in a small town per se," Arnold

UK has not developed the program yet.
The first step is to find someone willing to
join the program. Arnold said. Students
should be able to enter the program begin-
ning Fall 2010. according to the news re-
lease. Along with the new graduate program.
the Foundation’s pledge will fund a 300—seat
auditorium in the new UK Chandler Hospi-
tal. also opening in 2010.

The board also approved the following
during the meeting:

I The renovation of the Thomas Hunt
Morgan Biological Sciences building

I The sale of surplus property to South—
ern Illinois University

I Amendment to governing regulations
regarding faculty vacation leave

I Amendment to health sciences stu-
dent professional code

I A gift of $28 million for the Felix E.
Martin scholarship for the Gatton College of
Business and Economics


’5‘" Jr;

Hf ill

Cuts? Colors
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Continued from page i



“It’s talking about very basic principles
about people." Fiala said. "It‘s talking about a
world that's more complete, more aware."

People can walk into the center from 4 to
7 pm. Monday through Friday. to meditate on
their own for free. The Café Shambhala. a
free session that mixes meditation sessions
and social interaction. is on Saturdays from 9
am. to noon.

Students in the Saturday meditation ses-
sion sit in a small room on the first floor of
the two-story West Maxwell building. Facing
a group leader. they sit on pillows with their
legs crossed. backs straight and eyes cast to-
ward the floor.

During the session, the leader reads pas-
sages from a Buddhist work for those meditat—
ing to contemplate. The group. usually be—
tween 10 and 15 people, also sits in silence
for a portion of the morning meditation time.

Meditation sessions make assistant com-
munications professor Caroline Rankin feel
like she has more patience in her classroom
and' with her research. she said while attend—
ing Café Shambhala.

“l was trying to deal with (stress) on my
own. and I didn‘t feel like I was successful."
she said. “So I could come here on a Saturday
morning and it was a really great resource
for helping me along.“

The Shambhala Center has more informa-
tion and a schedule of classes on its Web site
(www.lexingtonshambhalaorg). Those inter-
ested in learning more can also call the center
at (859) 225-4183 or e-mail info@lexington~



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Continued from page i


affordability." Ellinger said.

Another important issue for Ellinger is
health care. While he does not support uni-
versal health care. Ellinger said he is a propo-
nent of making it more affordable and acces—
sible. He said preventive measures and
lifestyle changes can go a long way in ex—
panding health care.

“Most small businesses don‘t get a lot of
breaks. We can all come together to take ad—
vantage of what big corporations get. such as
tax breaks.“ Ellinger said.

Ellinger said Kentucky's current status as
one of the most obese states in the country. as
well as having 15 percent of citizens unin-
sured. are things he wants to change.

“I‘m tired of Kentucky being in the bot-
tom five in everything. I want to move to the
top five."

Unemployment and economic issues are
also important to Ellinger. who said he hopes
to serve on the economic development com-
mittee in the Senate.

Economic development and creating jobs
are also important for a successful economy.
said Ellinger.

Other top issues include immigration re-
form. public safety and a fight against tax in-
creases. according to literature released by
Ellinger‘s campaign.

Ellinger said his positron on the city coun»
cil has prepared him to be a state senator.

“My leadership and ability to work with
both parties is something I‘ll bring to the dis-
trict." Ellinger said.

The contested Senate seat was previously
held by Emesto Scorsonc. a Democrat. Until
recently. Stein was considered a clear fa-
vorite. with campaign polls favoring her 55
percent to 33 percent. according to the Her—
ald-Leader‘s Web site.

However. the move from ninth place to
seventh in the list of most interesting races
has Ellinger's campaign hoping for an upset.

“I classify myself as a moderate. My
ideas are not Republican ideas or Democrat
ideas. I call them common sense ideas to
make Frankfort better." Ellinger said.



Continued from page i


to be more responsible about funding." she

“Education is the key. I believe. And it
is underfunded." Stein said.

Raising tobacco taxes is a solution
with multiple benefits. she said. by raising
revenue and discouraging behavior such as

“Taxes on cigarettes would do great
things." Stein said. “One. it raises needed
revenue immediately. And two. it can di-
minish smoke-related diseases."

Stein was asked what she would do for
tobacco farmers if taxes on tobacco prod-
ucts were raised. She noted that tobacco is
now used for many purposes such as med-
ical experiments.

“Our farmers are recognizing that we
can continue to use tobacco. but not as
something that will hurt us." Stein said.

She said one of her greatest accom~
plishments in previous roles has been
keeping children insured and healthy.

“We need to make sure Kentucky is
number one for our children." said Stein.

Another great accomplishment she
mentioned was the revision of criminal
penalties. She said the most beneficial pro-
fessional experience she had was as an at-
tomey dealing with domestic violence.

"It gave me the ability to recognize
what lives are like for people in difficult
situations." she said.

Stein is Vice-Chairman of the Health
and Welfare Committee. a member of the
Bluegrass Domestic Violence Program
Board. a member of the Appropriations
and Revenue Committee and Human Re-
sources Sub-Committee. treasurer of the
Transylvania Park Neighborhood Associa—
tion and a fomier teacher.

Also. Stein has been recipient of the
Fayette County Bar Assocration Citizen
Lawyer Award. the Public Advocate Award
for Service to Kentucky's Poor. the Ken-
tucky League of Cities Legislative Award.
and the Robert F. Stephens Public Service




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