xt7vhh6c5r1b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vhh6c5r1b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-02-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 1990 1990 1990-02-28 2020 true xt7vhh6c5r1b section xt7vhh6c5r1b  

Vol. XClll, No. 121 Established 1894

CHE bill signed by Wilkinson

Executive Editor

Universrty of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky Independent Since t97t Wednesday. February 3:3. t



because their
elected repre-
sentatives (now)
will have input.
That’s impor-

The law calls
for the governor
to chose the stu—
dent representa-

tive on the CHE

from a list of W'LK'NSON

dent Body Pres-
idents. Un-
der current law
there is the op-
portunity to be
unfair. This
knocks that

Under the old
system, the gov-

ernor made his
LOHMAN appointment af-

the legislature, in part because of
difficulty working with the current
CHE student representative, Jim

Student leaders have said that
Hill, who wasn‘t the student body
presidents‘ choice when he was ap-
pointed in July 1988. has not
worked effectively with them. Hill,
who was strongly opposed to the
new law, said yesterday he is “glad
this thing is over” and he can “go


FRANKFORT, Ky. — Saying he
was “very impressed" with the ef-
forts of the eight student body pres-
idents, Gov. Wallace Wilkinson
yesterday signed a bill into law that
gives students more say in who rep-
resents them on the Council on
Higher Education.

After more than a month of lob~


bying to pass the bill and after see-
ing it get shuffled between legisla-
tive branches. student leaders
claimed victory.

“It’s a relief," said Tara Wiggin-
ton, University of Louisville stu-
dent body president. “And I think it
will benefit students at universities


world about

Contributing Writer

Greenpeace has been responsible
for reshaping the world’s opinion
toward the environment, one of the
organization‘s members said Mon-
day night.

To promote the intemational or-
ganiration and increase the aware-
ness of environmental problems,
Greenpeace member Christopher
Childs spoke to about 250 people at
the Worsham Theatre Monday

The presentation was sponsored
by the Student Activities Board’s
Contemporary Altairs Committee
and Students Against Violation of
the Environment.

Childs, a Greenpeace activist
since “>87, showed several slides
that depicted environmental dam-
age and illustrated Greenpeace’s
mission to protect it.

“Our vision is to create a new,
green and peaceful earth," Childs

Greenpeace, an international or-
ganization formed in 1971 by indi-
viduals concerned about the grow-
ing nuclear arms race, advocates “a
planet that is healthy, environmen-
tally sound and at peace with it-
self," Childs said.

“Be in the way“ is Greenpeace’s
motto. which Childs said that it has
demonstrated it over the years
through several actions.

During the N70s, about 40.000
whales were being killed each year
by commercial whaling.

Greenpeace sent out rafts to ob-
struct whaling ships' hat'poons
which led to a decrease iii the num-
ber of countries that killed whales
for commercial purposes.

Greenpeace activists also have
been sighted for spraying paint on
seal pelts to prevent hunting, ac-
cording to Childs.

In 1973 the ship Greenpeace III
attempted to stop atmospheric nu-
clear testing by the French navy. A
Greenpeace crew member was
clubbed by the French navy, but the
protest brought an end to atmo-
spheric testing by the French.

The economics of the fishing in-
dustry force fishermen to retrieve
as many fish as possible as fast as
they can. Childs said.

In Massachusetts. drift nets 30 to
60 miles long are pulled across the
water and catch anything in their
path. Greenpeace wants to ban the
use of the nets, Childs said.

The tuna industry has killed
about 6.5 million dolphins in the
Eastern Tropical Pacific by setting
nets around schools of dolphins to
catch the tuna swimming beneath

See GREENPEACE, Back page

three nominees submitted by the
eight student body presidents.

“It’s a step in the right direction
for students because it reduces the
possibility of inequity of represen-
tation on the council," said John
Elder, state coordinator of g( vern~

ter each student body president
wrote an individual letter of recom-

“I wouldn’t call the old system
evil,” Wigginton said, “but this is
much better and more efficient."

Student leaders worked since last

on dealing With the other issues we
have to deal with"

Hill said he has no intention of
resigning his position, which offi-
cially expired last summer. Hill re-
mained on the board because Wil-

ment affairs for the Board of Stu-

spring to get the bill passed through

Sec CHE, Back Page




SO LONG, FAREWELL: The cheerleaders oi the UK Lady Kats sway during the. playing or "My
Old Kentucky Home" before last night's game. It was the seniors‘ last home game


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cord is pttxscd in a cotton .iotl: tittiil .i?! Ila;
'l'hc curd is the leaf (on. ctttttit:

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lhc progrtittt was ri.it h; ll;.' S.
cultural Llc‘I‘drlllL‘I‘ls tf‘
tries. Kennedy and (in.
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David Kennedy spoke at Altalta's Restaurant iitciez,
about using teat concentrate to deal With ‘ ,.

Leaf concentrate used
to improve nutrition

An international relicl acetic; litnllt'\ that l..it __..;., c'»::..:
rcdute itialnutritioti lll llllf’tl World ilLllll)ll;s

l‘llltl Your Feet officials l).i~ id lsetiticdy and Boone (ii1}ltti
.spoke Monday night at Allalla‘s l\'. .:.: '.
‘57 S. Littiestoiic St, about the protect and l'..s goal.

l‘..\lILtL‘llllg leaf concentrate. the tuttc in gtccii lcaxt ._-
sittiplc process, Kennedy said.

(‘t'ops such as cowpciis. lailc, tillalla .ittd ct liltilil gut.
\cstcd itllll ground up. The , rotw‘ t‘ult‘ l\ [ll-.'\\Utl t,'.'

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