xt7vhh6c5q8w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vhh6c5q8w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-12-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 07, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 07, 1987 1987 1987-12-07 2020 true xt7vhh6c5q8w section xt7vhh6c5q8w  


Sports Monday



Everybody gets in on UK's win over the
Hoosiers. SEE PAGE 3.





Steve Martin’s latest has its
moments. SEE PAGE 7.



Today: Cloudy 8. light rain
Tomorrow: More rain likely



Vol. XCI. No. 79

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

NWdOntm 1971

Monday, December 7, 1987

Wallace Wilkinson faces a daunting task as new governor

Associated Press

FRANKFORT — As Wallace Wil-
kinson prepares to take the oath of
office as Kentucky‘s governor. he
faces a host of problems -— some al-
most as old as the oath itself.

It is a familiar litany:

An educational system still strug-
gling to keep children in the class
room. much less teach them to read
and write.

A confounding system of taxation



that hasn’t kept up with the increas-
ing demand for services.

A tradition of regionalism that has
fostered suspicion and distrust be-
tween urban and rural, east and
west, northern and central.

An economy in transition. still too
dependent on coal and tobacco. but
unable to firmly establish a niche.

Students, officials
work to organize
Navy ROTC group

Student struggles to form
local Navy ROTC chapter

Contributing Writer

Gerry See had a vision. He wanted
to be a Naval officer. but there was
no such program at UK to help him.

“For guys interested in the
Navy." he said. “there Was nothing
at all."

So See went to work. And today.
See's vision is slowly developing into
a reality in the form of the Midship—
men -— an one-of-its-kind orgainiza-
tion in the nation.

See. a history senior from Lexing-
ton. was in the Air Force program
for two years. but wanted to switch
over to the Navy.

However. UK had nothing in the
way of Naval programs.

So last semester. Gerry and vice
president of the Midshipmen Tai
Doram. along with Navy recruiter
Betty June Forbes and UK Asso-
ciate Vice President for Business
Services David Carter, put together
a petition with 60 signatures and
sent it to the Secretary of the Navy
James Webb.

See also traveled to Long Beach.
Calif .. to address the National Navy
League — a Navy support group —
about his organization.

“They were really impressed," he
said. “They had never seen anything
like it."

The Navy has a Sea Cadet pro—
gram. similar to the Boy Scouts. for
youths. and the Navy League for
those who are older and interested
inthe Navy.

This semester. See said. has been
mainly organizational. bringing ev-
erything together.

None of this. however. would have
been possible without support from
the University and community. he

The UK Student Government As-
sociation and UK President David
Roselle. See said. have also been big
supporters of the idea.

Also. the Lexington Council of the
Navy League has been a major
backer. and has now taken over the
role as sponsor of the group.

“There were reasons for and
against being sponsored by the Navy
League." Carter said. “but it was
decided that it would be better be-
cause of the Navy League name be
hind them.”

Carter. who is spearheading the
effort to land a Navy Reserve Offi-
cers Training Corps on the UK cam-
pus. has acted as an adviser and
guide for the Midshipmen.

The main purpose of this organiza-
tion, See said. “is to act as an infor-
mation source (about the Navy i."

A second goal of it is to introduce
members and potential officer can«
didates to the rank system in offi-
cer‘s training school.

“This would help them make the
adjustment better. than the ordinary
civilian going to school right off the
street." See said.

The Midshipmen also plan to visit
Naval bases and hope to bring offi-
cers to speak about the Navy on

Official says program would help UK

Contributing Writer

UK may be the site of a new Navy
Reserve Officer Training Corps
soon. according to David Carter. UK
associate vice president for Business

Carter and the University have
been trying for nearly two years to
lure the Navy program.

Carter said there were several
reasons a Navy ROTC program
would benefit UK.

- UK would be only the 67th of
about 2.500 universities nationwide
to boast a NROTC program.

- Scholarships. as a result of this
program. would total $1 million for
those UK students selecting engi-
neering as a field of study and the

- The program would bring in
more than 200 academically superi-
or students.

- And the NROTC program would
enhance UK‘s opportunities to at-
tract US Naval research projects.

Carter. a former Marine officer.
decided to actively pursue the idea
of landing a NROTC program in
January 1986.

He went to then-UK President Otis
Singletary who. in turn. requested
the help of US. Rep. Larry Hopkins
of Kentucky. and the program had
its beginning.

Since that time. supporting letters
to Secretary of the Navy James
Webb have come from the likes of
Gov. Martha Layne Collins. Presi-
Retired Officers' Association Robert
Rives. Lexinton Mayor Scotty
Beeslerandmefmma groupofin-

The University submitted its for-
mal application to the US. Navy for
a NROTC unit on June 3. 1986. Now.
1'; years later. UK is a likely candi-
date for such a program for several
reasons. Carter said.

- UK‘s freshmen average ACT
scores have increased from 19.7 to
22.4 between the fall of 1983 and the
fall of 1987.

0 Some $4 million has been added
to the computerization during the
past two years.

0 A $10 million robotiCS program is
being installed.

' A $10 million supercomputer is
being purchased.

0 A $20 million research equip-
ment program is being imple-

0 And UK is among the top 70 re-
search universities in the nation.

These are a few of the facts about
UK that seemingly impressed a re-
search team sent by the Chief of
Navy for Education and Training.

The CNET team was on campus in
early November and it is its job to
determine whether or not UK would
qualify as a potential NROTC site.

Early indications from the re-
search team are good. Carter said.
and he is now trying to obtain a
copy of the CNET report. so that he.
Secretary Webb. Rep. Hopkins and
Roselle can sit down and talk about
the report.

Carter was upbeat about UK's
chances of being awarded the
NRUI‘C program.

“I'm personally convinced that
we’re going to have a NROTC pro-
gram." he said. “Our efforts are to
have it now instead of later. There is
every reason Kentucky should have


A General Assembly still learning

- to accept the responsibility of inde-

pendence from the governor and
perhaps itching for a fight to make
the final break.

Individually. Wilkinson is su—
premely confident of his own ability
to deal with the problems.

One does not turn a used book op-
eration into a multimillion dollar
business and defy all political odds
by winning the governorship by har-
boring great self doubts.

But it is that selfconfidence that

may prove Wilkinson‘s first major

Wilkinson has traditionally relied
on himself. his family and a small
circle of close friends and asso-
ciates. Loyalty is perhaps the one
attribute that he values above all

Yet government these days is not
and cannot be a closely held opera-
tion. There are too many details. too
many programs. too many people

Things no longer happen in the Ca-

pitol solely because a governor wills
them to happen

There are powerful interest
groups to consider: giant egos to
stroke; compromises to be made.

Wilkinson is not a career poli-
tician. That served him well during
the campaign. but it also prompted
him to make rash statements and
take actions that left him little room
to maneuver.

0n education, he all but orphaned
the initiatives adopted in 1985 and
1986 in favor of his own ideas.

And even though (it)\‘ Martha
Layne (‘ollins won‘t be in a position
to defend them. lll‘dll} other pom-r-
ful groups take some priilc of own-
ership and are reluctant to abandon
them in favor of new untested

Wilkinson ran against taxes. as so
many before him dd Hut hi- still rc
fuses to accept growing evidence
that the state will be forced to make
draconian cuts in \t‘l‘\‘lt’t‘> unless
something is done to raise mono»

\wwii I\|\\l)\. l’.i.c‘






d A...

.4 ..

. ,,.\§éd~ ’
- as}

Firemen and investigators look over the fuselage of the twin en-
gine let that went down trying to make an emergency landing.

IMO“. “Uh-SON 'Komol Staff

(top photo) The two victims lie in the middle of the debris.
(Bottom photo) Debris covered the road. as the plane slid.

killing two people Saturday afternoon on Versailles Road at

Bluegrass Field.

Two perish in
M» airplane crash

Staff Writer

A twinengine. Hawker-Sidde-
Iey jet flying from Dallas to New
York crashed Saturday while at-
tempting to land at the Bluegrass
Airport. killing two of the four
people aboard.

Airport Chief of Police John
Case said the two deceased were
the pilot and the crewperson. The
Kentucky Kernel was unable to
obtain their names last night.

The male survivor was identi-
fied as Jim Scott. 52. of Irvine.
Texas. He was taken to Chandler
Medical Center where he is listed
in fair condition, He has bruises.
cuts and other injuries to the
lower body.

The female survivor. identified
as Kimberly Crump. 22. of Gar-
land. Texas. is in stable condition
at St. Joeseph‘s Hospital. She suf-
fered a pelvic fracture. cuts and

liexmgton tower that lllt‘l‘t’ was a
fire in the plane's cnginc and \u-
were waiting for him to land.“
said Case.

the pilot still wanted to land to
check the condition of lllt‘ planc
so fire and rescue crews \u-ri-
contacted to set up on thc l'llll

250 feet short of the runway and

by the plane landing on l' S 60
The driver of the car drove into
the brick wall near the Bluegrass


were treated right away by the
Lexington Fire Department and
released The Kentucky
was unable to obtain their names
last night

.s ‘3


“We were contacted by llic

(‘ase said the fire iiciit out but

The jet lost power. howcvi-r

Only one vehicle was affected

The two persons in the car




Haitian candidates clamor for national strike

Associated Press

four leading presidential candidates
joined the three major trade unions
in calling for a general strike today
to force free elections under the in-
dependent Electoral Council.

No of the top candidates. Sylvio
Claude of the Christian Democratic
Party and Lotus Dejoie ll of the Na-
tional Agricultural industrial Party.
on Saturday called for an indefinite
strike until the military-led junta
steps down.

The other two, Marc Basin of the

Movement for the Installation of De-
mocracy in Haiti and Gerard Gour-
gue of the National Front for Con-
certed Action. issued a joint
communique calling for a two-day
“massive warning strike.“

All four demanded that the mili-
tary-dominated junta rescind its
Nov. 29 decree dissolan the electo-
ral council. so the independent body
can renew its mandate to supervise

The junta —— termed a provisional
government — issued the decree last
Sunday, after bands of gunmen ter-
rorized people preparirg to vote in
Haiti's first free national elections in

30 years and after the council called
off the balloting.

At least 34 people were shot or
hacked to death and 75 were
wounded. Witnesses said soldiers
were involved in some of the vio
lence. Most Haitians blame the gov-
ernment of Lt. Gen. Henri Namphy
for the bloodletting.

Namphy has vowed to hold junta-
supervised elections before Feb. 7.
the second anniversary of dictator
JeanCIaude Duvalier’s flight into
exile in France.

He said his party "invites the Hai-
tian people for a day of mourning
and reflection today. which also will

be the first day of a general strike"
to last until the junta rot-Signs

The united front by the four lead-
ing candidates followed mounting
pledges of support for the general
strike first proposed by the Autono-
mous (‘entral of Haitian Workers.
the country‘s largest labor group.

In a communique broadcast by
Radio Metropole on Friday. the fed-
eration urged Haitians to ”throw out
the criminals and the candidates
that sympathize with the junta “

Claude. and two other unions also
joined the call for a nationwide


 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Ionday.0aeernbar 7.1907


Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated throuh
the Student Center Activities Office. 203/204 Student Center, Unit/m 91 Ken-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor, with
editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
nizations or University departments to make entries on the calendar. a Campus
Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceedin; the

publication date.


IConcerts CounCil on Aging Holiday Concert Free CFA Recital Hall
2 300 in Call 7-4900

IMovies On the Watertronl St 95 Center Theatre 8 00 p in Call 7

'Other Poul Harbor Dly

OReligious Worship servrce warm s casual gathering time 01 singing
prayers 5 messages tree 508 Columbia Ave 8-9 30 pm Call 254

'RBNQIOUS Monday Evening Fellowship — Friendship grOup dlSCUSSIOn
parties smears Free K-House 412 Rose 51 6p m Call 254 1881

-Soorts Ailuoo Japanese Martial Art Beginner Classes Free Alumni
Gym Lott 8 30 p in Call 266-0102

OSoorts Judo Club Beginners Welcome Wrestling experience valuable
55 year Alumni Gym Lott 5-6 30 p in Call 8 4156

IOther Cornerstone .- Drama Practice no Auditions JUSI bring enthu
srasm' (Wesley Foundation] Free 508 Columbia Ave 6 30-8 pm Call

'Religious Free Meditation Group Free Newman Ctr 6 p in , Call 266

OReIigious Breaktast Prayer Group Breaklasl is served tollowed by
prayer (Wesley Foundation) Free 508 Columbia Ave 7 8 a ni Call 254
37 I 4

-Sports Lady Kat Basketball vs Tennessee Tech Free with UKID Me
morial Coliseum 7 30 p m Call 7 1818

oReligious Mass (or the Feast ol the Immaculate Conception Holy Day
Free Newman Ctr 5 p m Call 255-8566

-Religious Catholic Communal Penance Service Free Newman Ctr
7 30 D 7" Call 255 8566

CConcerts UK Jazz Ensemble Vincent DeMutino. Director. Memorid
Halt. 8p in Call 74900

OMOVies On the Watertront. $195. Worahln Theatre 8 p in. cut 7-

0017191 Pilgrim Race Group Meet at the UK track to tog or run at your
own pace, Free UK Track. Sp in . Call 254-3714

00ther Lunch 810 Last Lecture guest speakers share about topics trorri
their careers and lives. $1 50, 508 Columbia Ave. Noon-1 p in . Call 254-

onwms Tuesday Night Together - T N T — A Time tor Worahip a
Fellowship Free Baptist Student Center. 7 30p in ,Call 73989

IReligious Campus Crusade tor Christ — WEEKLY MEETING' Free.
Student Ctr 245 7 300 "1

OSports Japan Karate Club - Shotokan. Free. Buell Armory. 7 30-9 30
p m

~Sports UK Fencmg Club. Free. Alumni Gym. 7 30-9 30 pm Call

'ROIIOIOUS RClA ~— Lecture 6 Discussion About Basm Catholic Teach-
ings tor All Interested Free. Newman Ctr. 7 30-9‘ 1 5 p in ,Call 255-8566

aRofigpous Mass tor the Feast ol the Immaculate Conception Holy Day.
Free. Newman Ctr 12 to 5. 7 p m .Call 255-8568

nother Aerobics. Free. Newman Ctr. 5 50-7 p in . Call 255-8566

'Other Drugs lor the Elderly — Coons (Councrl on Agingi Free, Stu-
dent Ctr 230 4 p in Call 7-8314



'Concerts A Girl ol MuSic UK Choristers William Ramsey Director
Free CFA Recrtat Hall 8 p rn Call 7-3145

'Meellngs Cosmopolitan Club Meeting Free Student Ctr 228 7 o rn
Call 72755

oReligious Bible DISCUSSlOn Group Free 231 Student Center 730
pm Call254-3997

'Sports Aikido Japanese Martial Art Beginner Classes Free Alumni
Gyrn Lott 8 30 p in Call 266-0102

~Sports UK Ping Pong Club Free Seaton Ctr Squash Cr 7 10 p rn

tSports Judo Club Beginners Welcome — Wrestling experience valu
able 55 year Alumni Gym 56 30p m Calla-4156

'REIDQIOUS We Are the Reason - Come |Oln the Singers dancers 5
stage crew drying this muSicaI Free 508 Columbia 6-8 p in Call 254
37 1 4

IOther Dinner Casual Dinner 5 Good Company - Wesley Foundation
53 00 508 Columbia Ave 56 p m Cal1254-3714

'Concerts Master 5 Percussion Recrtai Robert Gritiin Free CFA Recrtal
Hall an m Cali 74900

Osborts Lady Kat Basketball vs Indiana F'ee with UKlD Memorial Col-
iseum 7 300 m Call 71818

OReligious Catholic Penance Service Free Newman Ctr 7 30 p in
Ca“ 255-8566

~Religious Student Faith Sharing Free Newman C" 9 ‘O p m Call
255 8566

OSeminars Biochem Stage SpeCilic Rrbosomes -r Plasmodium Berghei
Free MN 463 4 p m Call 3-5549



aTheatre (through 12 iii A Winnie the Pooh Christmas Tail $5 $4.
GUignol Theatre. 7 30 p m ,Call 73297

.REIIQIOUS 'D 8 L Grill‘ — Baptist Student Union 51 429 Columbia Ave,
1215p rn Call 7-3989

oReligious Pilgrim Race @oup Meet at the UK Track to log or Run at
Your own Pace (Wesley Found). Free. UK Track. 5 p m . Call 254-3714

.ReIIQIOUS 'Cornerstone' mu3ic practice — bring enthu5iasm" (Wesley
Foundation) Free. 508 Columbus Ave 6 30-8 p m . Call 254-3714

oReligious Daemon Pornt — Bible studies locusmg on ’Human Sexuali-
ly 'Livingin Am‘. ETC Free. 508 Columbia Ave 8-9 30 p m 254-3714

OSports UK Fencrng Club Free. Alumni Gym 7 30-9 30 pm Call
2 72- 1 01 3

ISports Japan Karate Club - Shotokan. Free Alumni Gym Balcony,
5 30-7 30 p m

'Rehglous Thursday Evening Bible Study -— Christian Student
Fellowship. Free. 502 Column, 7 p m . Call 233-0313

oReligrous lnter Varsrty Christian Fellowship — Large Group Gathering
Free SludentCtr 115. So in . Call 266-1546

00ther Aerobics. Free. Newman Ctr, 5 50-7 p m Call 255-8566

IOther Nutritional Strategies or Older Persons in Rural Environments —
Ouandt Free. Sanders-Brown 112 12 300 m Call 3-5471

0Movies — 12/7: On the Waterlront; $1.95; Center
Theatre; 8:00 pm; Call 7-8867

OMovies — 12/8: On the Waterfront; $1.95;
Worsharn Theatre; 8 pm; Call 7-8867




OMeetings — 12/9: Cosmopolitan Club Meeting;
Free; Student Ctr 228; 7 pm; Call 7-2755

OSeminars — 12/9: Biochem: ‘Stage Specitic Ribo-
somes in Plasmodium Berghei‘; Free; MN 463; 4 pm;
Call 3-5549

OSeminars — 12/11: Biochem: ‘Solutions a. Mass
Spectrometry: An Awkward but Fruitful Union‘; Free:
137 Chem-Phys: 4 pm; Call 7-4741




'Academics Deadline tor applying tor admrSSIOT‘ or readrmssron to The
Graduate School lor the 1988 Spring Semester

IAcademrcs End olClasswork

'Concerts Faculty Rectal Carol Oswall 5 Joe Fratianni Free CFA Recr-
tal Hall 8 p in Call 74900

OSerninars Biocnem Solutions 5 Mass Spectrometry An Awkward but
Frutttul Union Free 137 Chem-Phys 4 n m Call 7 4 741

-Soorts Lady Kat Basketball vs Western Kentucky UniverSity Away
7 300m Call7-1818

'Soorts Kentucky Gymnastics Emir- Niic Free With UKID Memorial
Coliseum Call 7-3836


oReIigious The Hub Colteehouse Christian Bands drama groups
tellowshrp a tun. Free. K-House 412 Rose St. 7 30 p m Call 277-5190

0Concerts The Graduate String Quartet Free CFA Recrtal Hall 8 p m ,
Call 74900

OSports Wildcat Basketball vs Louisville — Home Free with UKID
Rupp Arena; 1 30 p m . Call 7-1818

0Theatre A Winnie the Pooh Christmas Tail. $5 $4. Guignol Theatre 3
p m and 7 30p in Call 7-3297

IReligious Catholic Celebration or the Mass Free Newman Ctr 6 p m


OConcerts — 12/7: Council on Aging Holiday Cori-
cert; Free; CFA Recital Hall; 2:30 pm ; Call 7-4900

OConceits — 128 UK Jazz Ensemble: Vincent De-
Martino. Director; Memorial Hall; 8 pm; Call 7-4900

OConcerts — 12(5): A Gift of Music. UK Choristers.
William Ramsey. Director; Free; CFA Recital Hall; 8

°Concerts — 12/9: Master's Percussion Recital/Ro-
bert Grittin; Free: CFA Recital Hall; 8 pm ; Call 7-4900

OConcerts — 1211: Faculty Recital/Carol Oswalt 8.
Joe Fratianni; Free; CFA Recital Hall; 8 pm: Call 7-

°Concerts — 12,12; The Graduate String Quartet;
Free; CFA Recital Hall; 8 pm; Call 7-4900

'Concerts — 1213: Center Sundays Series: The
Lexington Singers Holiday Concert; $8. $5. $4: CFA
Recital Hall 3 pm: Call 7-4900

OTheatre —- 12/10-12’11 A Winnie the Pooh
Christmas Tail; $5; $4: Guignol Theatre: 7:30 pm; Call

OTheatre — 1212- A Winnie the Pooh Christmas Tail;
$5; $4; Guignol Theatre: 3 pm. and 7:30 p.m.; Call 7-


OSports — 12/7: Lady Kat Basketbdl vs. Tennessee
Tech; Free with UKID; Memorial Coliseum; 7:30 pm:
Call 7-1818

OSports — 12/8: UK Fencing Club; Free; Alumni
Gym; 7:30-9:30 pm; Call 272-1013

OSports — 129: UK Ping Pong Club: Free; Seaton
Ctr. Squash Ct; 7-10 pm; Call 8-8161

OSports — 12/9: Lady Kat Basketball vs Indiana:
Free with UKID; Memorial Coliseum 7:30 pm; Call 7-

OSports - 12/10: UK Fencing Club; Free; Alumni
Gym; 7:30-9:30 pm; Call 272-1013

OSports — 12/ 11: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Western
Kentucky University; Away; 7:30 pm; Call 7-1818

OSports — 12/11: Kentucky Gymnastics EXCIte Nate.
Free with UKID; Memorial Coliseum; Call 7-3838

OSports — 12/12: Wildcat Basketball vs. Louisville —
Home; Free with UKID; Rupp Arena; 130 pm : Call 7-

'Sports — 12/13: Basketball Ticket Distribution for
Alaska. Vanderbilt, Mississippi. 8. Auburn: Free with




USports Japan Karate Club — Shotokan Free Alumni Gym Balcony 3»


OReligious Catholic Mass Schedule Free Newman Ctr 8 1O 11 30

a m 5 9 300 m Call255-8567

'Soorts Basketball Ticket Distribution tor Alaska Vanderbilt MisSisipp-
5 Auburn Free with UKID

0Concerts Center Sundays Series The Lexington Singers Holiday Con
can $8 $5 $4 CFARecitul-lallan m Call 74900

'Other Celebration ol Worship Free CSF Center 7 p m Call 233

met-gums Sunday Evening Celebration Hour — Christian Student

Fellowship Free 502 Colufl'lbla 7 p m Cw 233 0313

'Soorts Aikiop Jwese Marttd Art Beginner Classes Fven Alumn-

GY'“ Balcony ‘ D M Cal 286-0102



uReligious Worship service warm a casual gathering time or m
prayers s messages tree. 508 Columbia Ave 89 30 pm Call 254-

IReligrous Monday Evening Fellowship — Friendship. group discussion.
parties Arneals Free K-House 4|2Rose St 60m Call254-1881

'Sports Arkido Japanese Martial Art Beginner Classes. Free. Nurnni
Gym Lolt 8 30 p m Call 268-0102

'Soorts Judo Club Scanners We'corne. Wrestling experience valuable
35 you AlurnniGym Lott 5-6 30p m Gila-“56

tether Cornerstone — Owns Practice no Audtlons. iust bring enthu-
Siasm’ (Wesley Foundationl Free 508 Colunbia Ave 8 30-8 pin Call
254 3714

'flellwous Free Meditation Group Free Newmai Ctr 6 p in Call 266-

OReligiOus Breaktast Payer Group Breaktast is served followed by
prayer (Wesley Foundation). Free. 508 Colurlbil Ave 7-8 a in Call 254-

'Academics Final Examinations (Through 12 18)



OAcadernics — 12/11: Deadline for applying for ad-
mission or readmission to The Graduate School tor the
1988 Spring Semester

OAcademics— 12/1 1 : End otClasswork

OAcademlcs — 12/14-12’18: Final Examinations

00ther — 12/7: Pearl Harbor Day

'Other - 12/7: ‘Cornerstone‘ —- Drama Practice: no
Auditions. just bring enthusiasm! (Wesley Foundation):
Free; 508 Columbia Ave: 6:30-8 pm ; Call 254-3714

tether — 12/8: Pilgrim Race Group: Meet at the UK
track to log or run at your own pace; Free; UK Track; 5

OOther - 12/8: Lunch and Last Lecture: guest
speakers share about topics from their careers and lives;
$1 50; 508 Columbia Ave; Noon-1 p m.; cat 254-3714

'Other — 12/8: Aerobics; Free: Newman Ctr; 5250-7
pm; Call 255-8566

OOttier — 12/8: Drugs tor the Elderly — Coons
(Council on Aging); Free: Student Ctr 230; 4 pm; Oct

OOther — 12/9: [Inner Casual Dinner at Good Corn-
pany — Wesley Foundation: $3.00; 508 Columbia Ave:
56 pm. Cal 254-3714

OOIher — 12/10; Aerobics; Free; Newman Ctr; 5:50-
7 pm; Cal 255-8566

OOther - 12/10: Nutritiond Strategies 01 Older Per-
sons in Rural Environments — Ouandt; Free; Sanders-
erown 112; 12 30pm. Cal3-5471




012/16—Other: Hanukkah

012/17 —- Sports: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Ohio Uni-
versity; Free with UKID; Memorial Coliseum; 7:30 pm;
Call 7-1818

~12/18—Academics: Endol 1987 Fall Semester

012/18—Sports: Wildcat Basketball —- UKIT

012/19—Sports: WildcatBasketball—UKIT

012/20 — Sports: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Moreheed
State; Free with UKID; Memorid Coliseum; 2 pm; Call



 Kentucky Kernel, Monday. December 7. 1987 — 3







Cats get aid
from unusual
friendly fire

Dome trembled as a wave of 43,-
601 screams rose up, up and off
the roof.

The thunder was a near con-
stant rumble as Kentucky and [n-
diana were entrenched in 45 min-
utes of the most intense
basketball this side of the Final

But it was one time when the
pulsating noise dulled that the
Wildcats discovered a way to
squeak by the Hoosiers in over-

Indiana led 47-46 with 11:46 to
play when UK forward Cedric
Jenkins passed up an open 8-foot
jumper and tossed the ball inside.
Rob Lock walked. Time was

As the weary players trotted
through a maze of dancing
cheerleaders. UK coach Eddie
Sutton stopped Jenkins.

The rumble from the dome
dulled. Sutton draped an arm
around his 6-foot-9 forward and
pointed to a spot on the hard-
wood. Jenkins nodded.

“Coach Sutton made it very
clear to me to take that shot,"
Jenkins said. “He told me, ‘You
were wide open so just step up
and knock it down.‘ “

Sutton wasn’t the first to offer
those words of wisdom. But Jen-
kins has always been a bit reluc-
tanct to take them.

“I‘m not one to try and go out
and do something I‘m not used to
doing," Jenkins said.

The statistics prove him out.
For three years, Jenkins has
been about as offensively threat-
ening as Sweden.

He entered the game against
the Hoosiers with a lofty average
of two points and one rebound.
Those stats mirror his career ——
2.1 points and two rebounds a

Similar numbers would have
added up to a UK loss Saturday.
Lock and Winston Bennett were
embedded deep in foul trouble.
Bennett spent a whole two min-
utes of the second half on the

The Wildcats' offensive trou-
bles were not only in the paint.
Indiana put the clamps on outside
bomber Rex Chapman and forced
the sophomore into a 6-for-18
shooting day.

“Indiana was really keying on
Chapman,“ Sutton said. “They
were playing a little soft on Jen-
kins. I told Cedric a couple of
times he had to take the shots
they were giving him.“

Jenkins got the point when Sut-
ton literally made it. He took a
swig of Rob Lock confidence
tonic and promptly shedded the
skin of the old “Swoop.”

In a span of 2:36, Jenkins
hauled down two defensive re-
bounds, grabbed an offensive
board, hit a reverse layup,
blocked Dean Garrett’s shot and
scored again himself.

UK went on a tear along with
Jenkins. The Cats capped off a
16-5 run and went up 56-51.

“That‘s the way he always
plays everyday in practice.“ Ed
Davender said.

Jenkins has never played that
way in a game. He finished the
day with career-highs of 14 points
and 10 rebounds. He drained all
five of his shots from the field
and all four from the line. He
also blocked two shots and dished
out two assists.

“I thought Jenkins played very
well." Indiana coach Bobby
Knight said. “He was a real fac-
tor with their play."

“I can‘t say enough for Cedric
Jenkins.“ Sutton said. “He just
came in and did a great job."

Jenkins had to. There was no
one else to turn to. In the shell of
the Hoosier Dome. he had to
crawl out of his own personal
shell. He did.

“That‘s one thing that was
really sweet to see from the side-
lines.“ Bennett said. "The fact
that we do have some guys on
this team that can go out there at
crunch time and really help their
ball club.

“Hopefully that will be a char-
acteristic of this team.“

It's a characteristic that could
be lethal for others. Indiana
learned ltthehard way.

Sports Editor Todd Jones is o
journalism senior.




Assistant Sports Editor

Warhol said that everyone would
have 15 minutes in the limelight he
probably wasn‘t thinking about bas-
ketball — much less UK basketball.

But somewhere in Kentucky‘s 82-
76 overtime win over the Indiana
Hoosiers at the first Big Four Clas-
sic Saturday. just about every Wild-
cat had a moment in the sun.

For some, like Ed Davender and
Cedric Jenkins, the period of great-
ness lasted more than a moment —it
continued for the whole game. Oth-
er's. Richard Madison and LeRon
Ellis for example. had only brief
flashes of brilliance.

But whether it lasted 15 minutes
or 15 seconds. every example of top-
notch play brought the blueclad
portions of the 40,000—plus Hoosier
Dome crowd to its feet.

"A team with less character and
competitive spirit would have fold»
ed." UK coach Eddie Sutton said.
“But we didn‘t do that."

Instead. the UK players bruised.
finessed. swished and dunked their
way to the win.

And just as every dog has his day,
every (‘at had his moment.

Here‘s the list:

- Senior forward Cedric Jenkins _-
not usually considered a major of-
fensive threat ~ played like an All-
American in the game‘s second half.

, m ii|IllIiiilIHilllllllll|llllltlllitlillilltllllllllItIliliIIltIlitlllHIIllltllllilllllililllllIIlillllllllllllllllilll‘

UK pulls together to slip by Hoosiers


“I've been waiting for
this game along time."
Cedric Jenkins
UK senior forward


He racked up 12 points and had two
blocked shots after Winston Bennett
fouled out.

“I've been waiting for this game a
long time," Jenkins said. “It‘s been
a while since I've been out on the
floor and it feels good to get back
into the swing of things.“

0 Guard Rex Chapman cashed in
his Warholian 15 — at least for Sat-
urday —— on one shot. Chapman. who
was UK‘s second leading scorer with
20 points. strutted down court and
popped a three'pointer to give UK
the lead in overtime.

Sutton: “It was one of those shots
where you say. ‘Oh no. no. no, . . .
nice shot Rex.' "

Sutton’s apprehension was due to
Chapman's opening shots of the
game v two airballs.

”It was a spur of the moment kind
of thing." Chapman said of the
three-pointer. "I saw (‘edric set a
good pick for me and when I came
off the pick I just let it go. It felt
good from the time it left my hand."

0 UK senior forward Richard {\lad-
ison said his flashiest moment in In‘
dianapolis qualifies for the best he‘s
had in his career.

3.78 . ya.
”it? _ ‘95?
3 - ' a;

MARK zsaor kemet Staff

UK senior guard Ed Davender works his way around iU defender
Dean Garrett in the second game of the Big Four Classic.


mlntgtga ti
303 6





Glrett 44






Smart 27 1
EY‘ 34 o
l'itlfl'tlil’t~ 30 5








Team 1





Player min to ice It
Bennett 17 3 a 4
Jenkins 41 5 5
Lock 33 3 6
Chapman 41 6
Davender 45 7
Manuel 3 0





Madison 26
Ems t 4
Hitler 3
205 2


Team 3


Halftime Indiana 38. Kentucky 36 Field god
shooting percentages Indiana 42 6. Kentucky
43 9. Free throw shooting percentages Indiana
62 l; Kentucky 78 4 Three-paint shooting India-
na 0-3 (Small 02 Edwards 0 1). Kentucky 3-8
tChapman 2 3. Davender l-l Manuel 0-1 Miller
04) Turnovers Indiana 20 Kentucky 16 Techni-
cals. None Ohio-315 John Clougneftv. Charles
Vacca and Tom Rocker Attendance 43,601




Immediately following Chapman‘s
three-pointer. Madison. who has
been a veritable ghost on the floor
this season. took a pass from the
guard. broke down court unham-
pered and landed an earth-shatter-
ing dunk.

"I just hollered at Rex and he
threw it toward my voice.” Madison
said. "I had a couple of steps on <[U
guard Keith) Smart. When I saw the
daylight. I went as hard as I could.
It was the most exciting two points
of my career."

- Davender's period in the lime--
light lasted the entire game -- liter-
ally. The 6-foot-2 senior guard. who
led UK in scoring with 22 points
played every minute of the game,
including the overtime period.

Davender‘s only letdow