xt7vhh6c5n03 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vhh6c5n03/data/mets.xml Maryland Maryland Historical Records Survey United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects 1940 310 p.: diagr.; 25 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14:M 369c books English Baltimore, Md., Maryland Historical Records Survey Project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Maryland Works Progress Administration Publications Episcopal Church. Diocese of Maryland Church buildings -- Maryland Inventory of the Church Archives of Maryland. Protestant Episcopal: Diocese of Maryland text Inventory of the Church Archives of Maryland. Protestant Episcopal: Diocese of Maryland 1940 1940 2019 true xt7vhh6c5n03 section xt7vhh6c5n03 " .U_ ., w: ‘ 0F
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Protestant Episcopal: Diocese of Maryland
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3 Prepared by
The Maryland Historical Records Survey Project
Division of Professional and Service Projects
, , Work Projects Administration
a: l i ‘ 't’ ‘~T'1‘-’“f
: 'i Baltimore, Maryland
' The Maryland Historical Records Survey Project

I ‘K It I t if 1* t * *
Baltimore, Maryland
The Maryland Historical Records Survey Project
November 1940

Howard 0. Hunter, Acting Commissioner
Francis H. Dryden, Regional Director and State Administrator
Barry D. Williar, Jr., Deputy State Administrator
Florence Khrr, Assistant Commissioner
Izetta Jewel Miller, Chief Regional SuperVisor
Emma F. Ward, State Director
Sargent B. Child, Director
Juliet Jones, Acting Regional Supervisor
Walter F. Meyer, State Supervisor
Hall of Records Commission
Morris L. Radoff, Archivist


EEEESEX as contended by the author of the HISTORY
OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE is not a dreary record of wars and
rumors of war, but a living story of a people, economi—
cally, socially and ecclesiastically. So, the History
of the Church in any State or Diocese should be a story
of the "lengthening of the cords and strengthening of its
stakes," in other words, its spiritual assets and finan—
cial outlay and the results of its ministrations. This
History of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Mary—
land has been carefully compiled from reliable sources
and gives much valuable information which can be made use
of by all interested in the growth, opportunities and de—
vvelopment of the Episcopal Church in Maryland., It is a
piece of Work carefully and well—done.
Bishop's House Edward T. Helfenstein
105 West Monument Street Bishop of Maryland
November 18, 1940


The Historical Records Survey in Maryland was begun in February
1936 as part of the Federal writers' Project. It became an independ—
ent unit of Federal Project No. 1 in October of the same year. On
September 1, 1939, it became a state project, officially sponsored by
the Hall of Records Commission, Dr. Morris L. Radoff, Archivist. Dr.
James A. Robertson, the late State Archivist, directed the work of the
project until September 1986. The present state Supervisor took charge
in November following. The project has operated since July 6, 1986
under the general administrative supervision of Dr. Emma F. ward, Di-
rector of Professional and Service Projects.

The inventories of the church archives of Maryland are part of a
nation~wide series being compiled by the Historical Records Survey
Program. The present volume includes all of the churches in the Mary—
land Diocese of the Protestant Episcopal Church; separate volumes vdll
be issued for the Easton Diocese and the Washington Diocese. A similar
program will be followed for each denomination in the State. These in—
ventories are fundamentally designed to serve the clergy, members of
religious organizations, students of the social sciences, and those en—
gaged in genealogical research.

The basic data for this catalog were obtained by personal inter—
views with the rectors, registrars and other officers of the churches.
The ggprnals of ngvgnpipn and The Marylang_ghprghgan, both publications
of the Diocese, general histories of the City and State, church records,
pamphlets and bulletins, local newspapers, and charter and land recOrds
of the courts were used to verify and supplement the information. Com—
pleted church entries were sent to the rectors and registrars for their
comments and approval, and almost without exception these were signed
and returned to us. Every effort has been made to insure absolute ac~
curacy, but it is to be realized that, despite the most careful editing,
in a work of this magnitude there are bound to be certain omissions and

The field work on this publication was done by numerous members
of the staff of the Historical Records Survey in conjunction with their
work on other phases of the program. This as well as all research work
was done under the immediate supervision of the editor. The Inventory
was prepared in accordance with technical instructions issued by The
Washington Office of the Historical Records SUrvey; editorial comments
and criticism were furnished by Donald A. Thompson, Assistant Archivist.

 We wish to take this opportunity to acknowledge our sincere appre-
ciation to the clergymen, registrars and vestrymen of the Protestant
Episcopal Church, to the officials of the Work Projects Administration
in Maryland, to the Board of Education, and to the Enoch Pratt Free
Library for their assistance and cooperation. Special thanks are ex—
pressed to Bishop Helfenstein for reviewing the finished inventory, and
to ReV. L. O. Forqueran, librarian of the Maryland Diocesan Library,
who gave much of his time and many helpful suggestions.

November 1940 Walter F. Meyer, State Supervisor
Doris M. Rowles, Editor
‘ Maryland Historical Records Survey Project

I. Abbreviations, Symbols, and Explanatory Notes ............. 3
II. Development of the Protestant Episcopal Church
in Maryland (historical sketch) ..................... 6
III. Succession of Bishops in the Diocese of Maryland .......... 31
IV. Diocesan and Parochial Organization of the
Diocese of Marylani ................................. 35
V. Laws of the State, Constitution, Canons ané Resolutions
of the $iocese of Maryland, Regariing Records ....... 88
VI. Diocesan Records .......................................... 45
VII. Parishes, Churches and Missions (containing brief
historical sketch and complete record inventory) .... 62
A. Convocation of Baltimore ...................... 62
B. Convocation of Annapolis ...................... 140
C. Convocation of Cumberlani ..................... 190
D. Convocation of Towson ......................... 231
VIII. Current Diocesan Institutions ............................. 286
Chronological Table ....................................... 296
Index ..................................................... 303
List of Publications of the Marylané Historical Recoris Survey

  .- 8 .—
alph. .... ..... ...... ...... alphabetically
Arch. Md. ........................ Archives of Maryland
arr. . ........................ arranged
aver. ........................ average .
Bacon's Laws ........................ compilation of the Laws of
Maryland 1637-1768, by Rev.
Thomas Bacon
Bk. ........................ book
c. ........................ about
Ch. ........................ chapter
Charter Record ........................ Baltimore City Charter
chattel Record ........................ Baltimore City Chattel
chron. ........................ chronologically
Co. ........................ county; company
comp. ........................ compiler
Corp. ........................ corporation
ed. ........................ editor; edited
etc. ........................ and so forth
f.b. ........................ file box(es)
f.d. ........................ file drawer(s)
hdw. ........................ handwritten
gpgg. ........................ the same reference
i.e. ........................ that is
inc. ........................ incorporated
MdBD ........................ Maryland Diocesan Library,
1'7 East Mt. Vernon Place
M§;_Churchma§ ........................ monthly publication of the
MdHi ........................ Maryland Historical Society,
. ‘ 201 West Monument Street
MQ;_Hist. Mag. .....a,................. Marvland Historical Maga:__
pipe, the quarterly publica-
tion of the Maryland Histor—
ical Society
Md. Laws ........................ Acts of the General Assembly
of Maryland
ms(s). ........................ manuscript(s)
n.d. .............,.......... no date
Ino(s). V ........................ number(s)
n. pub. ........................ no publisher

 Abbreviations, Symbols, 4

and Explanatory Notes

op. cit. ........................ in the work cited
p., pp. ........................ page(s)

ptd. ........................ printed

sec. ........................ section

viz. ........................ tOWit

vol(s). ........................ volume(s)

" ........................ to date

Arrangement The churches have been arranged chronologically by
date of organization within the Convocations. Missions, chapels and in—
stitutions under the jurisdiction of a particular church, however, have
been listed under that church. The Diocesan records have been given in
the section immediately preceding the individual church entries, and
histories of all Diocesan institutions currently functioning can be
found in the section following the church entries.

Titles of records Titles of the Diocesan records are shown exact-
ly as they appear on the volumes or file boxes. Where the record carried
no title, a title was assigned and placed in parentheses in upper case.
In the matter of individual church records, however, it was deemed ad—
visable to assign a general title, such as "vestry records,“ "register,"
etc., rather than reproduce the exact title.

Labeling on records With regard to the Diocesan records, letters
or numbers in parentheses following the number of containers indicate the
exact labeling on volumes or file boxes. If no labeling is indicated, it
is to be understood that there is none.

Dates of records All dates are inclusive. Inconsecutive dates
indicate that the records for the missing years have not been found.

Indexing of records All copies of records kept at the Maryland
Historical Society have been indexed. With the exception of these, all
other indexes to records have been noted.

Measurements of reggggs Measurements of records are given in

' inches. For volumes, the order is height, width, thickness; for bundles,
file boxes or file drawers, the order is height, width and depth. .

Condition of records The condition of records is good unless
otherwise specified.

Locations All towns mentioned are in Maryland unless the state is
given. The locations given for records are the locations at the time the
survey was made; these are subject to change.

 Abbreviations, S bols C _
and Explanatory figtes

Zitle line of church entries The title line gives the name of the
church, date it was organized, date it ceased to function, if defunct,
street or town address, and county.

Entrig§.9n Barishes In the entries on parishes, only the bounds
of the parish as originally set up have been given. These parish bounds
were taken for the most part from the Acts of the General Assembly
of Maryland as recorded in the Archives of Maryland and from the
Journals of Convention; in some few instances, vestry records, his~
torical sketches compiled by Rev. Dr. Ethan Allen, and Baltimore
County Court Records were used as a source. In the Maryland Diocesan
Library, there are two compilations of the mates and bounds of par—
ishes (entries lii and liii in the section on Diocesan Records), but
neither of these volumes has been kept up to date.

 ._ 6 _

By authority of the royal license granted to him in May 1631 em—
powering him “to traffic in those parts of America for which there is
already no patent granted for sole trade,“1 William Claiborne, member
of the Council and Secretary of State of the Virginia Colony, established
at Kent Island on the Eastern shore of the present state of Maryland, a
trading post for commerce with the Indians of the upper Chesapeake. To
this trading post colony, composed of approximately 100 persons, all of
whom were members of the Church of England,2 Claiborne brought from
Virginia in 1632 the Reverend Richard James, an Anglican clergyman, to
minister to the spiritual needs of the inhabitants. It is likely that
these Church of England services were conducted in the small fort erected
at the southern end of the island as a protection against the Indians.3
Reverend Richard James was not the only clergyman who visited Kent Island;
for in Claiborne's account books there is, along with charges for Bibles,
prayer books, pewter dishes and the Reverend Mr. James' salary, a charge
on March 24, 1685/36 for "5£, 16s, 8d, paid 'to mr. Cotten Mynyster for
his paines with us this yeare past.'"4 From such a statement it appears
that other Anglican clergymen from the Virginia Colony were accustomed
to visit this unauthorized Kent Island settlement although their stay
may not have equaled Reverend Mr. James' three year sojourn.

On JUne 20, 1682 the patent within which the present state of Mary—
land is included was issued by King Charles I of England to Cecilius
Calvert, second Lord Baltimore. One section of this charter which pro.
fessed "a laudable zeal for extending the Christian religion"5 granted
to the Proprietary "the Patronages and Advowsons of all churches which
. . . hereafter shall happen to be built, together with license and
faculty of erecting and founding churches, chapels and places of worship
. . . and of causing the same to be dedicated according to the ecclesias—
tical laws of our kingdom of England."6 Cecilius Calvert, himself a
Catholic, desiring "to provide a refuge for English Catholics, and . . .
create a fair domain for himself and his posterity, . . . realized that
in the age of suspicion and distrust in which his venture had its incep—
tion the Catholics alone would never be permitted . . . to build a
1. Hawks, Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History_9§_the United

2. %E%::f,Who,were the Earl Settlers of Marvland, p. 5.
8. SEirven, First Parishes of the Province of Ma§y%3p%, g. 2.
4. Wrath, TEE—First“Sifts—Yea?§"6T—EE§_CEEFEE—6 ng an in Maryland,
1682~1692," Maryland Historical Magagigg, XI, 4.
2: 533$: 92—12211; p35? '

 Development of the Protestant 7
Episcopal Church in Maryland

3 successful colony." He realized the need of Protestants working side by
side with the Catholics and "in order to prevent discord between the
factions, he determined upon an expedient likely to do away with all
faction" —— the policy of religious liberty.7

The first expedition to the colony was placed under the direction
of Leonard Calvert, brother of Cecilius. There is wide disagreement
among historians concerning the numbers of these first colonists and
their respective religious views.8 Numbered among them, however, were
two Catholic priests and two lay brothers while no Anglican clergyman
was either invited or brought over to the colony.

The plan of action—~religious freedom—~which Lord Baltimore had
previously determined upon was elucidated in the letter of instructions
which he handed Leonard, his brother, as the expedition set sail from
England in November 1688. On the point of religious differences, the
instructions stated:

"Impri: His LoPP requires his said Gouernor & Commis—
sioners tht in their voyage to Mary Land they be very care—

full to preserue vnity & peace amongst all the passengers on

Shippboard, and that they suffer no scandall nor offence to

be giuen to any of the Protestants, whereby any iust com-

plaint may hereafter be made, by them, in Virginia or in Eng~

land, and that for that end, they cause all Acts of Romane

Catholique Religion to be done as priuately as may be, and

that they instruct all the Romans Catholiques to be silent

vpon all occasions of discourse concerning matters of Re1i~

gion; and that the said Gouernor & Commissioners treats the

Protestants wth as much mildness and fauor as Justice will

permit. And this to be obserued at Land as well as at Sea."9

Thus even prior to the date of settlement, religious toleration was an

established characteristic of the Maryland Colony.

Reaching Point Comfort, Virginia, in February 1634, the ships
sailed up the Potomac and anchored at an island which they forthright
7. Ibid., p“. 6, 7.

8. Ellen (flEg_yere the Earl Settlers of Mar land) claims about 200
including 17"§BmEE_CEthbliE—EEEEIEEEE‘BfitZwitE a large proportion
non-Catholic; Hawks claims "about 800 gentlemen of considerable rank
and fortune with their adherents" —. almost all "members of the
Church of Rome"; Skirven claims nearly 300 colonists with the numer—
lCEl majority 05 Anglican faith but with the principal adventurers
of Roman Cat clic faith; Wroth claims 17 Roman Catholic gentlemen
and 300 laboring men composed of Anglican, Catholic. and heretic.

9. Wroth, op. cit., p. 7.

 Development of the Protestant 8 A
Episcopal Church in Maryland
named st. Clement's (now Blackiston's Island).lo Here on March 25th Mass
was first celebrated by the Catholics in Maryland with Governor Leonard
Calvert and his followers reciting litanies "with great emotion."11
While there is no record of any Anglican service being held, it is eX*
tremely likely that the Protestant colonists had some lay reader con—
duct services of prayer and thanksgiving upon their safe arrival.
Arrangements having been made with the Indians for the purchase of
their town of Yaocomico, the colonists, as is well known, assumed formal
possession on March 27th, this date marking the inception of St. Mary's
Following Lord Baltimore's instructions —~ "That where they intend
to settle the Plantation they first make choice of a fit place, and a
competent quantity of ground for a fort within which or near unto it a
convenient house, and a church or a chapel adjacent may be built, for the
seat of his Lordship or his Governor or other Commissioners for the time
being in his absence, both which his Lordship would have them take care
should in the first place be erected, in some proportion at least, as
much as is necessary for present use though not so complete in every part
as in fine afterwards they may be . . . "12 —~ a lot of land on the south
and east side of the fort was set apart and designated the "Chapel land."
' Here fronting northeast on "Middle Street" near its intersection with
"Mattapany" the first church to be erected by Maryland colonists was
built sometime during the period from 1634 to 1638; it was constructed
of brick and its measurements were 18 X 30 feet. It has been suggested
that "St. Mary's Chapel." the name commonly given the church, was built
by the joint contributions of Catholics and Anglicans since it was used
in common between them.18 That the Anglicans used this chapel is evi—
denced in the proceedings against William Lewis showing how certain
servants of Captain Thomas Ccrnwaleys had drawn a petition against Lewis,
and "intended at the Chappell that morning [July 1, 1688] to procure all
the Protestants hands to it."14 It is concluded that "the Chappsll" was
the one at St. Mary's. the only one known to have been in existence at
that time, which for several more years continued as the sole place of
worship. Here, doubtless, the lay reader officiated, strengthened by
occasional visits from Virginia clergyman who married, baptized, buried,
and administered Holy Communion. As early as 1689 Reverend Thomas White
' of Virginia while ministering at St. Mary's, officiated in the marriage
ceremony of John Hallie and Restitua Tue, servants of Cornwaleys. what—
' e - 1 n
g: §8§w19%:%%efr§~wf§é%% sailin- flaaipifiéé‘?
. i .. . . ‘ '
i2: Efiihfihfiléap' 38'

 Develonment of the Protestant g
o Episconal Church in Maryland
ever rights the Protestants had in this first chapel, they were reline
quished at an early date for in April 1641 lot and building were purchas—
ed by Governor Calvert.15
It is claimed by most historians that by 1642 there were three

churches standing in Maryland which were devoted exclusively to Angli—
can worship. Tradition states that Trinity Church, erected on Trinity
(now Smith's) Creek and later moved to St. Mary's City, was the first
Anglican church to be built by the Maryland colonists. While this
building may not have remained standing until the time of the Establish—
ment (no mention being made of it in the returns from St. Mary's County
in 1694),]‘6 its tradition was carried on; for in April 1720 the State
House at St. Mary’s City, having been rendered useless upon the re—
moval of the capitol to Annapolis, was given to William and Mary Par—
ish for use as e nlace of worship.17 The history of this first Anglican
church in Maryland culminates in the present Trinity Church, St. Mary's
City, St. Mary's Perish. Ferther up the Potomac River about four or
five miles west of St. Mary's, Poplar Hill Church (now called St. George's
Church, William and Mary Perish) was the second building erected for
Church of England worshippers. The third Anglican church, built about
the same time as Trinity and Poplar Hill Churches, was the Cne which
Themes Gerard is claimed to have built on his estate, St. Clement's
Manor, and endowed with a glebe of one hundred acres.18 This little
chapel was erected by Gerard, a Catholic, for his Anglican wife, Susannah
Snow, and her Protestant friends and servants. How long the building
was used by Church of England worshippers is not known, but in 1696 the
vestry of King and Queen Parish, St. Mary's County, was ordered by the
Council to have determined the bounds of the "one hundred Acres of Land,
Said to be given to the Church by Mr Thomas Gerrard Sent,"19 and at this
time no mention wes made of the existence of the chapel itself.

In these very early days of Maryland colonization there were at
least tum recorded cases which evidence the existence of religious lib-
erty and the Qunisbment cf these ccntrevening the spirit of Lord Balti—
more's instructions for rrotection of the Protestants. In 1688 some of
Captain Thomas Cornwaleys' servants whc had been'quartered at the home
of his steward, William Lewis, an ardent Roman Catholic, were reading
aloud from a book of Smith's sermons (a work which declAres the Pope to
be Anti—Christ and the Jesuit fathers to be Anti—Christian). Lewis,
roused by this denunciation of his religion, rose in wrath, so to speak,
15. Thomas,_on. cit., p. 89.
ig: fi§fm§§iv1fi lggé, 263.

18. Thfimes,_9;. cit., p. 198; Skirven, 93;.git., p. 9.
19. £11. 21:2,,‘737‘584.

 Development of the Protestant 10
Episcopal Church in Maryland
claiming that the statement was a falsehood, that the book was made by
the instrument of the devil and that their ministers (the Protestants')
were ministers of the devil. As'a protest against Lewis' scandalous 1
speech, the two Protestant servants, Robert Sedgrave and Francis Gray,
prepared a petition for protection and redress to which they intended to
procure the signatures of the Protestants assembled at "the Chappell"
(St. Mary's Chapel) on the morning of July 1, 1688. Captain Cornwaleys
intervened and summoning his servants, proceeded to take the matter to
court. As a result of this action, William Lewis was found guilty of
violating the proclamation for religious freedom, was convicted for his
offensive speeches, fined, and placed under bond for his good behavior
in the future.20 Again in 1642 the case against Thomas Gerard furnishes
proof of the Proprietary's determination to protect the Anglican and
'maintain peace and unity. On March 23, 1641/42 the petition of the
Protestants was read to the Assembly complaining against Mr. Thomas
Gerard for taking away the key of the ”Chappel" and carrying off the
books. Which chapel Was referred to has never been ascertained for it
may have been the one erected at St. Mary's and used alike by Anglican
and Catholic or it may more likely have been the one which Thomas Gerard
himself endowed on his estate of St. Clement's Manor. The identity of
the chapel is not important but the decision is. Mr. Gerard, being
found guilty of the misdemeanor, was ordered to return both key and books,
to relinquish all title to them and the building itself, and to pay a
fine of 500 pounds of tobacco toward the maintenance of the first minis—
ter (Protestant) to arrive in the colony.21 Thus under a Catholic gover—
nor and government, in cases against noted Catholic gentlemen, the
Protestant won his suit and went his way protected and redressed. Har—
mony was prevalent and few religious dissensions were known during the
early years.22
Despite the wise religious policy maintained by Lord Baltimore, a
seed of enmity against the Catholicism of the leaders of the Maryland
government was soon planted in the minds of some colonists. Encouraged
by the disturbance precipitated on the colony by Richard Ingle in 1645
whereby the government was seized and the Calvert regime interrupted for
several months, certain diverse inhabitants sent to the English House of
Lords a petition wrongly depicting a tyrannical government maintained by '
the Proprietary with many forced from their religion; as a result of this
' petition, Parliament ordered that all offices be placed in the hands of
Protestants "well affected to the Parliament.”28 While Lord Baltimore
20. Ibid., IV, 85—89.
21. LEE: I, 119..
5%: tfi‘éiaYSgPiP—é—fi%§'§.lée?l'

 ._ '1 ._
Development of the Protestant ‘1
Episcopal Church in Maryland
avoided this order in 1645, three years later, foreseeing the coming
success of the Parliamentary movement in England and desiring to retain
his colony, he changed the complexion of the Maryland Council giving to
it a Protestant majority and appointed the first Anglican governor,
William Stone of Virginia, through whose efforts a new element was soon
added to the Maryland population in the form of five hundred Puritans
brought in from the Virginia Colony.

On April 21, 1649 the Maryland legislature enacted its famous
toleration act knOWn as the "Act Concerning Religion"24 in which the
policy of religious liberty proclaimed by Lord Baltimore in his instruc—
tions to the first expedition, inserted by him in the oath of office
required of Maryland governors, and maintained by his representatives as
witnessed in the cases against William Lewis and Thomas Gerard, reached
its culmination as a legal statute. The Act itself with its prescription
of penalties to be applied for nonconformity with certain beliefs —— a
question which Lord Baltimore had hitherto sought to avoid —— was rather
a limitation of the Proprietary's original broad policy than an amplifi—
cation. "In other words, it clearly appears that the Act was a delimit—
ing expression forced upon the ideals of the Proprietary and the practices

' of the early settlers by the menace of a powerful outside force which
, was inimical to the principles of toleration; and it so happened that
this force was, for a while only, held off by means of this enactment,
which properly appears, therefore, as a compromise between the previous I
liberal practice in the province and the drastic restrictions that were
then threatened and which were subsequently instituted."25

Less than ten years subsequent to Ingle's rebellion, the Puritan
element in 1654 secured control of the Maryland government and the
Calvert regime was again interrupted —— this time for a period of three
years. One of the first acts passed during this pericd of Puritan con—
trol was a second "Act Concerning Religion" which annulled the tolera~
tion that had from the beginning existed in the colony, declaring that
none who professed the Roman Catholic religion could be protected in the
province and that liberty was not to be extended to popery or prelacyx?’6
This law, which remained in effect only until the restoration of Lord
Baltimore, was aimed primarily at Catholics but it also included by the

' word "prelacy" the Anglicans of the colony; there is, however, no record
of any real persecution of Anglicans during the Puritan ascendancy.

In this period when Lord Baltimore was encountering his first oppo—
sition and the policy of religious tcleration was for the first time

ah ‘ l

3%: Hépl’gfid‘fgme
26. Apgthyd., I: 310, 841.

 Development of the Protestant 12 _ ‘
Episcopal Church in Maryland
being ignored and overruled, the Anglican Church in Maryland was going
forward with new impetus given it in several respects. About 1650 there
arrived in Maryland Reverend William Wilkinson——the first Anglican
clergyman to permanently settle and officiete in Lord Baltimore's colony.
Fifty years of age, he with his wife, family and servants, soon estab—
lished himself in St. George's Hundred and for the succeeding thirteen
years, until his death in 1668, notices of his officiating at Poplar
Hill Church and at St. Mary's City are to be found. Reverend Mr. Wilkin—
son was soon followed by other Anglican clergymen. Reverend Dr. Ethan
Allen lists the early Anglican clergymen as follows: Reverends Francis
Doughty, John Yeo, John Lillingston, Robert Saunders, Duell Pead, William
Mullett, Paul Bertrand, Ambrose Sanderson, John Hewitt, John Turling,
Mr. Dryfield, John Matthews, Mr. Moore, Laurence Vanderbush, Mr. Clay-
land and Mr. Leech——all of whom are credited with serving in Maryland
before the Esteblishment.27
To supplement the work of the three original Anglican churches,
others were soon erected in widely scattered parts of the province. In
1652 a church was erected on Kent Island near the head of Broad Creek
where the Reverend Richard James is accredited the honor of having held
the first Anglican services in what is now the state of Maryland; named
the "Broad Creek Church," its history is perpetuated in its successor of
today——Christ Church at Stevensville. Whitemarsh Church, the ruins of
which may be found near the settlement of "Hambleton" in Talbot County,
is supposed to have been built about 1666. At "Gravelly" near Michaels-
ville on the earliest known post road between the North and South a
church was erected not later than 1671 (its successor of today being
Spesutia Church, Harford County); in Calvert County the predecessor of
the present Christ Church was built by 1672 and Middleham Chapel was
supposedly built by 1684. St. James' Church and All Hallows' Church,
both in Anne Arundel County, are also credited with having been built
prior to 1692. Reverend Dr. Ethan Allen in his manuscript cited above
states that there were 22 places of Church of England worship in Mary—
land before the Establishment. This growth in the number of churches
not only imnrcved religious conditions for the Anglican colonists but in
all probability served as encouragement and inducement for ministers in
far away England to come to Maryland.
It may be interesting to note here some of the several Anglican
' endowments recorded in the Maryland Archives for the period succeeding
the half century mark. Following the example set by Mr. Thomas Gerard in
his endowment of 100 acres of glebe land for the chapel of St. Clement's
27. Allen Ms. ”Ministers and Churches Before 1692," kept at Maryland
Historical Society.

 Development of the Protestant 18
Episcopal Church in Maryland
Manor, William Marshall of St. Mary's County in 1654 gave three heifers I
and one-half their male'increase to the maintenance of a minister in the
neck of "Wicocomoco.v"28 By the will of Jeremiah Eaton dated January 10,
1675/76 the first Protestant minister to preside in Baltimore County and

. his successors were to enjoy forever the use of a tract of land called
stoakly Mannor (alias Stock Flemmon) consisting of approximately 550
acres.29 Similarly Robert Cager of'St. George's Hundred, in St. Mary's
County, in his will made January 24, 1675/76 devised his entire estate

“ both real and personal to the inhabitants of St. George's and Poplar Hill
Hundred and their succesSors for the maintenance of a