xt7vhh6c5k4b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vhh6c5k4b/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2014-12 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture LinQ magazine, December 2014 text LinQ magazine, December 2014 2014 2014-12 2019 true xt7vhh6c5k4b section xt7vhh6c5k4b . I
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" I ”i 7 cember 2014,Vol. 36 N0. 12
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 I E E I Cover Photo Provided By Brian Hawkins, 2013 A Very Fairy

N D Christmas, Wednesday, December 11, 2013, Pulse Nightlife.
Tuesday sits down with one of our regular columnists. author
Bobbie Thompson, and provides readers with some insight
about how important allies are to the tiansgender community.

0 O
Marrlage, Marnage Everywhere... .
Chris Hartman, Director of the Fairness Campaign,
opines on the Sixth Circuit Court’s recent ruling
upholding same—sex marriage bans.
December Pride
2015 Lexington Pride Festival Chair Chad Hundley reports
on the great strides the Pride Committee has made so far, and
announces the first two fiindraisers to be held this month.

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Editor-in-Chief The Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization seeks
Christopher R. Bauer to educate, enhance and empower the community about
Copy Editor GLBTQQIA issues.
Ann Malcolm
Photographer GLSO Executive Committee and Board of Directors
Brian Hawkins Paul Brown, President
Calendar Coordinator Paul Holland, Secretary
Chad Hundley Jacob Boyd, Treasurer
Circulation Roberto Abreu, At-Large
GLSO Board, Chad Hundley, Rebecca Adams Christopher R. Bauer, LinQ Editor-in—Chief & At-Large
Advertising Coordinator Donovan Jefferson, At-Large
Daryl Lyons Theo Meacham, At—Large
‘ Tuesday G. Meadows, At-Large
LinQ is published monthly by and for the Lexington Gay and Todd Ryser—Oatman, At—Larg e
Lesbian Services Organization members and community. The
Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization envisions GLSO Staff
a community that accepts and celebrates each individual. Chad Hundley, Oflice Manager
. . . GLSO Pride Center
All L1nQ submisswns and adveitlsements can be made to _ .
. _ . 389 Waller Avenue, Sulte 100, Lexmgton, KY 40504
the editor (ed1t0r@glso.org) or to the GLSO Pride Center
. . . 859-253—3233, www.glso.org
(859-253-3233). All subm1s51ons may be edlted for length.
Office hours are:
Like us on Faeebook at LinQbyGLSO Tuesday-Friday 1 p.m.-5 p.m.
Follow us on Twitter at LinQbyGLSO Saturday 11 a.m.-3 p.m.

 EThat’s What I’m I
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a in out .. a
By Helena Handbasket
ven though the name ofthis article back then that wearing a red ribbon was Kentucky have the fewest reported
Erefers to what] am talking about, making a statement to raise awareness diagnosed cases—“reported” being
it is my deepest hope that my article this about the urgency of the need to find the key word in this statement. This is
month will inspire and encourage all of a cure, or at least to learn how to best probably due to the stigma associated
you to talk about this one. I want you attack what was becoming an epidemic. with having HIV. In rural areas most
to have conversations with the people Now when we see a ribbon it is often everyone knows each other, so people
in your life and bring this topic back to pink and is for breast cancer awareness, would often prefer to NOT know, rather
our conscious awareness. On Monday, but it began in our community, loudly than to be diagnosed and have everyone
December 1, it will be World AIDS Day. making the comment with a little red else know about it.
The first global World AIDS Day was 26 ribbon that ignorance and intolerance Every day, one person in Kentucky is
years ago in 1988.The reason for this day were not okay. And while people have diagnosed with HIV—however, there
of awareness is to provide an opportunity gotten more informed of how HIV is could be more than that who are infected
to gain knowledge and education about transmitted and prevented, there are still but just not diagnosed. Someone is
HIV and AIDS and learn how to put that good reasons why we must continue the infected with HIV in the US. every 9.5
into action. It is also a way to support conversation. minutes, and as of June 30, 2013, there
and celebrate those living with HIV as So, why aren’t people talking about were 8,904 HIV infections in Kentucky.
well as commemorate those who have this anymore? One reason is that to It is estimated that one in five people
passed from the disease. discuss it one must talk about SEX and living with HIV don’t even know they
The theme this year is “Getting to DRUGS, and this can be uncomfortable. are infected. Every county in the state of
Zero,” with the goal being zero new Well, honey... talk about it! We already Kentucky has reported diagnosed cases
infections, zero discrimination, and zero know you’re having sex. Get over it. No of HIV. Louisville still reports the most
AIDS-related deaths. There still is no one is judging you for having sex. How cases in Kentucky, with Lexington in
cure, but it is 100% preventable. do you think you can educate yourself second place, and Northern Kentucky
Iremember so vividly back before this if you aren’t talking about it? Those is the area with the third most reported
had even been given a name and was who are at highest risk of infection are diagnosed cases. It is estimated that by
referred to as “the gay cancer.” I can also men who have sex with other men, and 2015, the majority of people living with
remember a time when people would trans-women (especially those of color). HIV will be over age 50.
panic if they knew someone with HIV Young gay men are one of the most The real message of this article is...
had eaten at the same restaurant they affected groups that is not getting the GET TESTED! Gone are the days when
went to for fear of using the same fork proper education, and this is amplified in the only method was by using aneedle to
or drinking from the same glass. It was rural areas. The rural areas of Southeast Continued on page 7 “Helena”

I mp erlal C 0 u rt 0 f
K e n u c y ews
By Christina Puse
easons Greetings and Happy available. For those who are interested or >32: { 3.1. .5, fig, .,
SHolidays, everyone! The ICK who knows of anyone interested in mnning, 33%.. ”:52‘3,“
would like to take a moment to thank the please contact the Reigning Monarchs, Tim g3“ ‘ L! i J ea
community for all its love and support over Logsdon and Christina Fuse. 3; ‘ 91;, ‘ ijgl, a
the past month. There havebeenquiteafew Sunday, December 7, the ICK presents @ “(J \ggt ‘ ...
events, and so many new faces that have AVOL Kids’ Christmas. Every year, the ,H‘ ijt - "
gotten involved! Winter is right around the ICK receives a list of children, and their 1'“ l I. a,
comer (although it feels like it’s here already, Christmas wish lists, from AVOL so that With fabulous entertainment fiom the cast 0f
brrrl), and the ICK has more events coming money can be raised to make sure that these the Gilded Cage Divas. Among the crowd
up that are sure to keep you warm as you children have presents under their trees Will be the ever-popular Naughty Santa and
head indoors to socialize and assist inraising on Christmas morning. This year, AVOL his Elves! Be careful, though! You may end
money for Lexington’s charities. It’s time to has 56 children that nwd presents (this up on the naughty list! (Haha!) This event
grab those calendars again! You won’t want includes clothes, toys, personal hygiene Will be held at The Bar Complex. Showtime
to miss out on the fun shows scheduled for products, etc). There are also Christmas is at 9:30 p .m., and a $5 donation Will start
the Christmas season! trees available to help sponsor the event, for at the showroom door at 8:30 pm.
? If”, ,,.. A “f 1." 1r .11}: £1: '1’.» $1 apiece, at your local bars & restaurants If you haven’t done 80’ please take a
3&3; - ‘17": 1W] “I” ll It; (Crossings, Soundbar, The Bar Complex, momentandjomtheICKonFacebookunder
:23}, iii/QC i 1' i "' l. Columbia Steakhouse on N. Limestone, The Impenal Court Of Kentucky, and v151t
’29; .,‘ .3”? Get; {L i / and Lexington Diner). While you’re visiting www.imperialcomtkentucky.org for more
i A???” at one of these establishments, please take information on events and the organization.
31 1'?) a moment to purchase one of these trees Happy Holidays to all, and to all a good
Wednesday, December 3, the ICK and to ensure that a child wakes up happy on night! V
The Bar Complex team up again as the Christmas morning! The fundraising show 77f—7W'3 “- ' “ r. w ”kt
ICK presents the Miss Mary Christmas for this event begins at 9:30 pm. with a $5 %
Pageant. This annual event is a great time to donation at the door, which opens at 8:30 ‘ a A
kick back and get into the holiday spirit as pm, at Crossings Lexington. ‘ ”,3 ’im!‘ ' r
you watch fierce queens battle it out for the Wednesday, December 17, the ICK J, :5“) *
coveted title of Miss Mary Christmas. There presentsAVery Fairy Christmas! This event 9%fl
will be a $5 donation at the showroom door benefits the GLSO Pride Festival. During $§§§§
starting at 8:30 pm, and the pageant begins this fimction, you can enjoy entertainment ' we,
promptly at 9:30 pm. Applications are still from your favorite ICK entertainers along 1:;

. , v‘ “i ~
_ a a
By Tuesday G. Meadows
Bobbie Thompson
“Be happy...be yourself...wh0ever you are...and allow others to be themselves, whoever they are.”
From her book My Husband Looks Better in Lingerie Than I Do...Damn It
ecently I had the pleasure of having the transgender community here in Central here locally consider Bobbie not only an
Rlunch with Bobbie Thompson, a Kentucky, along with her obvious passion, ally but also a fiiend I have never heard
wife, amother, afiiendto many, awriter, and caring, and honesty about what was going anyone speak her name and then not smile
an ally to our local transgender community. on, she helped teach me the important role and say, “I know her.” I hope someday I can
Even though I had read her memoir that of allies in the fight for transgender rights callBobbie andAlana friends, but right now
cameoutinFebruaryofthisyear,Istillwas andequality. Iwillcallheranallytomeandmybrothers
not sure what to expect when I met her for Given that the transgender community is and sisters here in Central Kentucky. In fact,
the first time in Versailles, her home town. small, our allies canand do playanimportant Iwas thinking of the word “ally,” and it just
While we had lunch, we got to chat for a role. Allies help the larger community did not seem like enough describing her
couple of horns about diiferent subjects, recognize that we exist and we are their for this article. When she first walked into
but mainly about the Central Kentucky fiiends, neighbors, coworkers, and fellow the restaurant, I was sitting inthe entryway
transgender community. I was not planning church members. While listening to Bobbie waiting for her to arrive. As I am most of
V on writing about our lunch, or Bobbie for speak, I could hearinher voice the struggles the time, I had my head down scribbling
that matter, so I did not interview her or take aswell asthe successes and triumphs, that, as in my notebook when she walked up to
any notes while we chatted Instead,thiswas anally, echomy ownexperiences.Moreover, where I was sitting. With the glass in the
just a couple of girls chatting about what was despite personal struggles, she still finds the doors behind her all I could see was a figure
on our minds at the time. timeto champion transgender issues. Shehas standing over me with a glow behind his or
Bobbie comes across as a very warm attended the Southem Comfort Conference herhead It looked like abright shining angel
human being, one who loves her spouse, two of the last three years where she has with a halo was standing over me looking
Alana (a transgender woman), talks openly gotten to interact with many trans folks on down. I later thought: maybe Bobbie is not
about all issues, says that she doesn’t know the national advocacy scene. We quickly just an ally, but an angel for all of us in the
everything about the transgender universe, realized that we both enjoy the work of the transgender community. We could use more
and, perhaps most astonishingly, seems same people. She writes regularly for this allies and angels.
to be grounded in reality. Now, I have publication and for several other national You may write me at tmeadow5828@
been a proponent of the trans community online outlets. She is very sensitive to our gmailcom or follow me on twitter at
advocating for themselves. However, talking community and its ever—changing landscape. TuesdayM@trishgigi. Now Tuesday is gone
with her and learning of her connection to Now, I know that many LGBTQ folks with the wind. 0

 Continued from Page 4 “Helena” And remember, a person living with diagnosed and have fallen out of your
take blood. Now there is a mouth swab HIV that is undetectable still has a 4% treatment—get back into treatment.
test available to avoid the use of needles. chance of infecting someone if they are For more information, you can call the .
Why should you be tested? Well, even practicing unsafe (unprotected) sex. state HIV / AIDS Program at 502-564-
though there is still no cure, there are Remember, undetectable does not mean 6539, ext 4280. Other resources include
effective treatments available to you. it has magically gone away. It means AVOL (contact Blake), Moveable
If you get diagnosed—the first step to that you still have HIV but have a low Feast (contact Terry), and the Health
healthy living is education. Before you viral load. Department (contact John).
take any drug, sit withanHIV counselor By adopting safe sex practices and Why would Mamaw Helena write
and learn what your options are and how taking care of yourself, you can have such a serious article? Because she loves
you will benefit from the treatments good sex in your older years... not just all of you and wants nothing more than
available to you. up to 35. There are many resources for to watch all her babies grow up to be
If you get tested and find that you are you to obtain free condoms and lube. healthy, productive, happy, EDUCATED
negative, don’t think that one test is No-fear sex is educated sex. role models for the next generations.
enough. Are you still having unprotected So, again... GET TESTED. And if you Until next month... love ya’ll! !!
sex? If so, you should be tested every 3 find that you have become infected, get (Send comments or suggestions to
to 6 months. treatment. If you have previously been HelenahandbasketKY@gmail.com)o
F o o 1 0
111311013 strategles.
119-011-0116 a V106
’ Davnd DeBrot g . = . - Stephen Robertson
,5? it .- FmanCIal AdVIsor “" ;F|nanCIa| AdVIsor
‘ 1795 Alysheba Way #4104 _',m ' 1795 Alysheba Way #4104
K} Lexington, KY 40509 T . Lexington, KY 40509
x 859—263—0516 t 3, 859-263-0516
Ed 01] ®

 ___—______—___ 1
_____________________ .
liaise money for your cause or
organization by dInIng out! .
lline at Applehee’s® &. 10% of your bill will he donated to ,1
“[50 [day and lesbian Services organization] '
n iundraiser tor the ‘
' - . ~0‘ ~ 222015 lexinoton Pride Festival ‘
5:163: ., ‘ .. ; ’3; :11: \ 1.5; 1 1 ’_
' Present this flyer to your ‘
server on
1 Sun., December 14, 2014 ;
from 1 1AM - CLOSE at .;
2i All 4 lexington locations:
it; 1856 Alvshellalzzsa Richmond
{if 1161 Sharkcvlllllfl!) Nicholasvilll ‘
I? | a m
We see You Tomonnow...
You m‘hst bring this flyegor your donation to be counted.
Donation percentage excludes tax & tip. Valid a 1 rticipating restaurants during specified hours. Must present
flyer in order for organization to receive credit fo f‘purchase. Flyers are not to be distributed in the restaurant or
within the perimeter of the parking lot.


I 7' A o
,,,. round The lerary:

3; An els in America, Part One: MilleniumA roaches b Ton Kushner
pp y y

I ‘ By Kristy Nowak
Ana-is IN’hlx’t‘rh‘t‘c-A I ngels in America, illness and Louis himselfwants to keep living the darkness of the story. Overall, this play is
" W] U NNIUM ,»\I’I‘Ik0.\L‘III 3 Part One’ and move forward The other principal StOIy is captivating, gritty, and ]. 'c—énvolving
L ' Mllennium Approaches, that of Joseph Pitt, a Mormon who is married split images, hallucinations, and magical
by Tony Kushner, is a to an emotionally disturbed woman Joseph connections betweencharacters. The character

I z .. .. , 3 PulitzerPrizewinningplay hasspenthis whole life denyingthatheisgay, portraitsarecompelling, and invitethe reader/

.0 "m “N N " about political and sexual and his relationship with his wife is breaking audience into some heart-breaking situations

I life in America in the late eighties. The play down as he struggles with his career and his and choices. Some of its themes are not fully
1‘ tells several interweaving and overlapping attractionto Louis. BOfl’l Joseph and Louis are explored—for example, there is a sense that
it; stories, often with two scenes on stage at the employees at the Federal Court of Appeals, the political destiny of America is somehow
ii same time, showing the blending of modern and their personal stories are interwoven with tied to the distinct ethnic backgromids of its
it politics and personal lives. One of the main political common—particularly Joseph’s citizens—but this idea is never made clear.
stories is that of Iouis Ironson, a gay Jewish relationshiptoRoy Cohn, acharacterbased on Overall, it is a fascinating and frenetic piece
i man whose boyfi-iend of four years, Prior, has a historical figure. Throughout the entire story, of art and is highly recommended to anyone
justbeendiagnosedwithKaposi’s sarcoma(as there is the sense that something momentous who is lookingto explore LGBTdrama It can
acomplication ofAIDS). Louis struggleswith is about to happen, symbolized by angelic be found in the LIT-PLAY (literature: plays)
the urge to abandon Prior as he descends into voices, which provides a stark contrast to section of the hbrary. Come check it out! V
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To Chew On m
By Ranada West-Riley
f your family is anything like mine, it’s large and in charge. Christmas always breaks my bank and leaves me with endless nights of
Iwony while I wonder if I’ve gotten them all enough or if my gift was good enough. I have a family full of women: numerous aunts and
a beautiful soul of a mother... So, I’ve contemplated clothes... No. Necklace medallions... No. Wait, shoes?. . . No. How about food and movie
gift cards? Spa day? No, and no. For not much money, and very little time, you can whip up homemade treats guaranteed to wow, filled with
love and artistry. Below are four of my favorites. 1‘
Honey Granola Whole Grain Honey Mustard ;
1 container (1 8—ounce) old-fashioned oats (6 cups) 2 cups yellow mustard swds
8 ounces sliced almonds 1 cup brown mustard swds
1 cup dried cranberries 1 1/4 cups white wine vinegar
1 cup chopped dried apricots 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper
1 cup light-brown sugar 1 stick (6—inch-long) cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 cup honey
1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sea salt
1 1/2 sticks unsalted butter In a bowl, mix together mustard seeds, vinegar, crushed red pepper,
1/2 cup honey and cinnamon stick Cover and set aside at room temperature for 12
Preheat oven to 350° F. In a large bowl, toss together all ingredients to 24 hours. Remove and discard cinnamon stick Add honey and mix
except butter and honey. well. Using a mortar and pestle or food processor, blend thee-fourths
In a small saucepan over medium heat, melt unsalted butter. Stir in of mixture to a thick paste. Add reserved mixture and sea salt; stir.
honey. Pour over oat mixture and toss to distribute. Spread granola Spoon into sterilized jars.
onto a parchment-lined baking pan and bake, stining occasionally,
until oatsaretoastedand sugarbeginstocaramelize,35to40minutes. Old Fashioned Peanut Butter Fudge ;
Cool completely on pan. Transfer to an airtight container. 1/2 cup butter l
2 1/4 cups brown sugar
Hibiscus Infused Vodka 1/2 cup milk
8 pure hibiscus tea bags 3/4 cup peanut butter
4 750-milliliter bottles of vodka 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Use a 2—gallon pitcher to combine 4 3 1/2 cups confectioners’ sugar
'_ a , 750-milliliter bottles of vodka Steep Melt butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat Stir in
K; .. hibiscus tea bags, tags removed, in vodka brown sugar and milk. Bring to a boil and boil for 2 minutes, stirring
, (it (U r for 4 hours; strain fiequently. Remove from heat Stir in peanut butter and vanilla Pour
. i § To decant, use a funnel to divide the over confectioners’ sugar in a large mixing bowl. Beat until smooth;
\ . finished vodka among 4 clean 750-milliliter pour into an 8 x 8 inch dish. Chill until firm and cut into squares.
bottles, then seal with corks. o

o o .r- w ‘-
l Marrrage, Marrlage .
Everywhere... Except For Here J.
By Chris Hartman ' 3% .
The drum is beating for LGBT freedom process. Forcing one’s neighbors, c0- of what the Supreme Court’s ruling on
to marry across the nation, but the employees, fiiends, to recognize that these maniage will be. In Kentucky, 75 percent of
’ banjos in the bluegrass haven’t quite caught marriages, the status deserves the same our state’s population lives someplace where
the tune yet, though it’s likely only amatter of respect as the status in a heterosexual couple. LGBT discrimination is still legal, and a
time. Soon, the Supreme Court shouldtakeup Ifthe goal is to change hearts and minds mere 24 of our 138 state legislators—or 17
a marriage case—potentially Kentucky’s— ... isn’t it worth the expense? Don’t youthink percent—openly support anti-discrimination
.r and end the debate on marriage equality in you’remore likelytochangeheartsandminds Fairness protections. Though we’ve made
, America once and for all. through the democratic process than you are incredlble progress in recent years by more
‘ Many folkswere deeply disappoirrtedbythe through a decision by five justices of the US. than doubling the number of Kentucky cities
" recentrulingbythe United States Sixth Circuit Supreme Court?” with local Fairness laws, and nearly doubling
Court of Appeals against LGBT marriage in Regardless of his argument—and in many the number of co-sponsors on Statewide
Kentucky, Michigan, Tennessee, and Ohio— ways because of it—the Supreme Court will Fairness legislation, we still have a long way
the first US. Circuit Court of Appeals to rule most likely resolve the issue, which it could to go.
against the fiwdom to many. The decision, do in a number of ways. Should they accept We may not be able to afi’ect the ultimate
however, was not unexpected and may well any of the four states’ cases, they could outcome of LGBT marriage in the courts,
open the doortomarriage equality across the rule to make marriage legal throughout the but we can stand up and effect change
land. nation or preserve states’ rights to define the here in Kentucky right now. Action can be
If any US. Circuit was going to get the institution, thus allowingKentuckyandothers taken immediately by calling 1-800-372—
maniage issue wrong, it was undoubtedly to continue denying marriage licenses and/ 7181 to leave a message with your State
goingtobethe Sixth, whichhashadmorethan or the recognition of maniages performed in Representative, Senator, and Senate and
80% of its rulings overturned in recent years other states. House Leadership to support Fairness. Then
by the Supreme Court As dissenting Justice Given the Supreme Court’s great “day of we will need as many supporters as possible
Martha Daughtrey wrote, the Sixth Circuit’s indecision” recently, however, whereby it to joinus as citizen lobbyists attire Capitol for
majority opinion by Justice J efliey Sutton chose not to take up key marriage equality our Statewide Fairness Rally & Lobby Day
would make “an engrossing TED talk” but cases and opened the doorto LGBT fieedom Wednesday, February 18. We’ll begin with a
‘ doesn’t at all touch on the merits of the four to many in more than a dozen additional lobby training at 8 am. in the Capitol Annex,
I states’ arguments against LGBT Mom to states, conventional wisdom would suggest lobby legislators until lunch, and then rally
- many. Specifically, Justice Sutton’s ruling that our highest court is going to ultimately alongside hundreds of Kentuckians in the
‘l doesn’t discuss the very real and concrete rule in favor of maniage equality, perhaps as Capitol Rotunda at 1:30 pm.
harms done to children of LGBT couples, soon as the summer of 2015. Folks can schedule an individual lobby day
who are unable to enjoy the same legal, Then one ofthefinalchaptersinourfightfor or RSVP to the Feb. 18 Rally by e—mailing
medical, and tax protections as children of LGBTcivil rights inAmericatrulywillbegin, Faimess@Fairness.org or calling 502-893-
heterosexual married couples. as we work to address the disparity in legal 0788.
Ratherthanfocusonthelegalburdensplaced protections that will persist despite marriage Let wedding bells ring throughout the
on LGBT families by maniage bans, Justice recognition. Even now, there are more states courts and don’t forget to stand up, speak out,
Sutton muses on the best pathway to LGBT in which LGBT people can legally wed but and make your voice heard loud and clear for
maniage—not by judicial fiat, he argues. He may still be fired from a job just for placing a Fairness in Kentucky!
wouldrather seethe“democraticprocess”—a wedding photo onitheir desk . Chris Hartman is director of
popular vote, he means—determine the fate Dlscnmmatron 1n employment, housmg, the Fairness Campaign,
of our farmhes, no matter how long It takes. and public accommodations against LGBT Kentucky’s L GBT advocacy organization.
“I would’ve thought the best way to get people rs Stlll very real and continues to be
respect and dignity is through the democratic left to the will of individual states, regardless o a

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E By Chad Hundley

j 2015 Lexington Pride Festival Chair

: ith the holidays upon us, it is Wilkie and her sub-committee are hard at Dining To Donate so your ticket will be

J Weasy to let the hustle and bustle work on contacting over 500 businesses counted.

E ofthe seasonstress andwearusout.Iknow and organizations. For more information Also coming up on Wednesday,

: that for myself, personally, with working on being a sponsor for Pride 2015, please December 17, the Imperial Court of

l at the Pride Center five days a week, contact sponsors@lexpridefest.org. Kentucky will be hosting our annual A

E participating in the Rainbow Bowling The Logistics committee and Vendor Very Fairy Christmas fundraiser startng

| League, trying to stay active being on Liaisons have updated the vendor at 8:30 pm. at The Bar Complex. Please

if the Empress’s Line of Descent for the applications and they will be available come out and supportusinourendeavors.

Imperial Court of Kentucky, dealing and posted on January 1. I will guarantee You will be able to take apicture with Sexy

with a teenage daughter, maintaining that we will sellout very early, so get your Santa, Ms. Claus, and some sexy elves,

a relationship with my partner of eight applications in when they are released! and watcha great Christmas-themed drag

: years, attending as many fimdraisers for You may contact Kira Goldade and Christi show put on by the Imperial Court. There

‘3 our community as possible, and chairing Wilson at vendors@lexpridefest.org with will be a $5 suggested donation for this

I the upcoming Lexington Pride Festival in any questions before then as well. event.

' June, things are bound to stress me out. Sarah Brown, Jessica Garner, As always, I invite you to attend any of
Regardless of all that, I have to remember and the Marketing/Advertising and our planning meetings, with the next one
that everything I do, I have committed to Merchandising committees have tons being held on Thursday, December 18, at
myself; so then it doesn’t seem as bad. of new ideas for Pride merchandise and 6:30 pm. at the GLSO Pride Center. We

. It is easy for everyone to focus on the making the Pride Guide more interactive, are always needing new and fresh ideas
end of the year, but let me assure you and the logo looks great! and volunteers that are eager to help their
that there is a group of volunteers that On Sunday, December 14, Todd Ryser- community in any areas you wish to help.
have not lost focus on what comes afier Oatman and our Fundraising committee You can be involved as much as you
the end of the cale