xt7vhh6c5j84 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7vhh6c5j84/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1910-11-24 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 12, November 24, 1910 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 12, November 24, 1910 1910 1910-11-24 2015 true xt7vhh6c5j84 section xt7vhh6c5j84 DESK UOPY HVHIIGDIB
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,     Program
  -2-;§·.. November 24,  
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. 4 ,
2 T H E ID E A
W   S   Lek Your Groeer for- l
, ‘\
  Don't Forget Hoe Cake Meg] .
FOR SALE—Dress Suit in good condi- C5 C0 g;_I·L LINES M*·d• BY V .
EEK .l§Z§..°"“Z§’§§.§Z. °`iET"’l..?. at THE Emma ggsmnguo cocoa   ‘°“" m" °°·
Idea. A an
Now le the time to See   J & M and Florsheim Shoe.
Rudolf L. Rosenbauer St 1 Stetson Hs-ts. Goo!) FURNITURE ‘ .»
1 uz TAILOR Y CS GRADDY8 BRADLEY Carpets, Wall Paper and Stoves. A
—. —-¢or- IN HIGH GLASS 140 West min St.   .
Electric}, Steam grid Dry Cleaning OUTER   AND   il
Ladle•’ Garsiiveorilifla Speelaliy M:H'I*1NER'Y•         A- K. OK
330 West Short Street. . , A
p.,.¤. pm. ce. i..x¤.¤i.¤. xy. FOR liom JllIIl0l' Safety Razor WINST-OW a S. mm _ P,
______ _ Lexington, - · - · Kentucky
***'j"""" l
        ..... ..1..... W‘“’ ·*$$E$ ~i'i$'r·»?·`*·‘¥·]`·?`i·=··;·i¤¥$’€·$i¥·i='¥·§ —————·-··· q  .
ntie tic. t r t t
should be 8(ldI‘€SS€(l to l.l19 BIISUIGBB ll n   zfldiigldfblf,            I  
Manager ot The rags., 136 East iiisx- 4 _ "’"”’”· ···ri» Tailor rmt smsnew {
well. Price ten cents per count ine. I  
N0 less than two liIl€S &CC8Dt€(l.         C0.   and     ~
  min Street Em. N. W. COI`. Main Bild Ljmib.     mmestono l
_ Both Plmne-123.   *
TE"“°° "° ———·————————— UNIVERSITY LUNCH umn
r=zNNAN1·s, Posrsns First Class Lunch and )
Hot Meals ` ·
PRINTWG (sor. S. Limo and Colfax Sts. _
McClure. Gum & C0. • K¤¤·~¤¤
Inccorpomted ·   Developing and Printing. 1 · J
No. 152 West Main suse: L°*m€l·°P Ph°*·° SUPP}? G0- . ’
Le 1 Ky Over K1rby’s Ten Cent Store
* , xngton, .
· - 0  mi Miro
welsh & Mggggmglrlntlng (:0* u F ICE CREAM PARLOR
nusi-1 wonx A s¤FciAi.·rv • South Lime and WiDSl0W Streets
124-128 N. L1Ml·;':)Nlll• —H -NE.iEXlNGT0N. KY I `       J.   { _
Steam and Water Heating
ADAM S 269 W. Sm, - - Lmugm. K,. O
Bowling Alleys P . Leonard Hotel wm ... W. ;
No. 157 N. Broadway. t
114   Limggtgng         RAILROAD YARD-C. S. Freight De-
____ The only first class shop in Lexington p°t* S' B*¤¤¤w¤y md Ohmty St'-
Yalc PompadourPa5;'&e¢ialty,  
_ B. SCH, Proprietor    A
New Equipment ......—-...... H" °"  “ “ “ ,
The PlCtu|‘€ Show 119 South Upper st. i
Lexington, . · - - Kentucky
A Place lor Gentlemen of Lexington P E E R L E S S ____; ______
·· ·—— L A U N D R Y J- M- Bmmgh    
We are Friends ol line University MARGARET B' FOSTER BEST BY TEST Epniigt
Lel's Get Acquainted Vocalist w. C. wu.soN, AGT.
‘ sos Merrick Lodge Bulldlur.

 rx *1 I V s
gg I HE ID ILA 3
lik, ,.,.:-{,¤,,:.T   ,_._ A ._ , _     Tg g_ g ·_, _:__Q?___v___‘_t ~ V ,_ Ftnte’s big men are Webb and
·.   _·         _ »     _ .   ~.. 1<.,¢.i"11·;,.T;;/it Shzmklin. These two men are "old
{Q_. i- ..     .     ‘   " '`V' 1.;-Q;}     stng<·rs" at the game, and the large
tit ‘   lf.? A ·_ ‘ 3 1_ gw . _ ·`   1 .v       crowd, yelling and nervousness mm-
{jl , 4 _1`,,_   Af gffv ~   ¢ l . · ~ 1     , mon to green men wlll not affect them
  1 1 e°e» 1       ,     t , l —     v   ‘`~·   1" 118 "’”“” ““‘1 “°1 ‘1°"“"1 °“" 1**8
*3111 ‘   ` Q _t·»;;.` ‘   ";1¥,»1—%1f*»°,F’»`1          ‘~ l   i`-  .· Z  NQ:2  1 from their putting up their sterling
  E13? " ·i,·%**’*~’é¥ #@1 k   .   T1?       1 "¤‘l1i§»·?i1&¥E       l game as usual. Shanklln is porlmps
  L, ‘   ~   _   1 ?3".·~1i `°‘t if “' .. I l     W the best ground gainer on the squad,
" J. -11=§g~   sr ~ www < :»i;m,,_8 ·¤v··¤¤ srv while Captain Webb is the backbone,
    M . J ,7 ‘ I the pivot upon which the whole team
  ji , » 1 ‘— 1 1 ’ l works.
~   QQ. . ;___ -   _   For Central, the seelbachs and Duf-
  M M   ,.4   A g   U * l   fy are the stars, and their playing
1; ’ "‘ "°`2"" Q, J.   1 at i W , ’“}11' 1•¤;’ F   [ this year has done much to place Cen-
;   4 a , q 1,, ` ` A ` 111 Y, '         tral where they now are and to put
  I ` `°' I l {   Z   _ i athletics in general at Danville in the
  V   ~ (6   position which it now holds. Duffy
, _ j 1·   _ ( · il 1 , _ »   ’; and L. Seelbach have had four years
1` 1 ~ .. ,,,; '   1 .   ,_ sx '   · ;‘ _/.2;% 'Vzlrsity experience and their playing
1,, 1 ·   ;   ,,1 1,;             `_ l `,;;_1‘g:%*b;‘»._._»_— nerds no introduction. W. Seellmrh
"V' »   v‘.;_     `A.-   _   .'=_ -915* · ,,       14 1·· "1i;__   Q3}  is Plnylmz his second year on the old
G     ·     ~    · I {   _        ·¥ historic Central (‘olle~sze tram, and
I ‘¢¥'1 { it :21]   1 · ti * ·~‘` . ‘ l 1.1 A ’_ *1 easily flts into the class assirxnod to
  _. 1 , A L_ Y   _ —-%L,i. ·     8 _-   Z 1_   ~,,¢"'   i j   _? ,[_‘   his brother and Duffy.
l" 1 _ —».;     .°1f·"  ‘1.{1* ji- ` . t » ,,1  ,   ·   1‘—.>""; ·   1 .` 1 1 ~’.·"= ‘. f·"3· A1`? T . ·· A r » ,
1- £*r;?;··.;* *1;:** 2**11   ef!  ·¤1,¤·-· »‘§-. - » v   *1.- .=f‘·· `< -¢   -.   ·z·.   —=f,_:·-;,¤u..i»..·1‘·t= 111 ‘°11‘1"‘11*11‘8 811118 1’·° 88 *111
1   I ;·g_T·{.     ' · 1,   1’11j'I’;  1   1. 1 4,_ ;¥."·` 1    J ‘:!<.'\11· LI 1           “:‘1’11•;1'§»g1 101115; State b€‘Z`l1' Tonnosszoo 111——1’1,
·, ··. " .1 .—.·»·1?.3   1* =¤~ =   . 3; , · +.1   - · 1 F: ...   ~`" Tr ‘.·‘ —>;.‘·* #~»;1‘~~,t 51*1.: ·°t.=8#&l·  
,_ [tif,   _:   .,:?,·—;, _      Y;   _   i iz its;i‘·r?<_Q__i;»_;*gE._'; ; -2,   ,_·:u.>.',.'·v I ‘v   . v` .‘     (`ontvnl dr·1`eato’ *·=· Emo, right guard .................. 20 3 Junior
° _ I W. gsi; thi;l:;m:€;:§ng::a2§’;;r§n an uw Harrison, right tackle ............... 20 1 Sophomore { i
· Y at °“ outner, left end .................... 20 1 Senior
¢¤¤ ¤¤W— HW WGH he M =¤¢¤¢¤¤¤¤ cane-, quarter back ................. 19 . 1 $.,,,1.,,
  gggtmay j“dg° by °“" ’°°°’d °’ “‘° snonkun, left halfback .............. 21 2 Senior
‘ Watkins, right halfback ............ 23 1 Junior
It is not only the training which
has made our warriors almost lvm- Threlkeld, fullback ................ . 22 2 Junior
cible, but it is also the confidence that
the Coach Seems to inspire in them By the above figures it can be se en that State does not possess an elev-
fmm his very presence. They never en that is seasoned as far as football training is concerned. On this team
forget, in the most trying cu_cum_ there are only two men who have played together more than two years. ,
_ ,_ stances, that, Standing On the sim? There are four men who will play against Central today that have never
THE c0ACH. lines, is the tau figure who is Watch before represented State in this game, and it may be possible that they t
ing every play, believing in them, and w1ll be a little "stage struck." However if good coaching counts for any- 5 4 g
who wm direct and guide them to vic. thmg there need be no fear for their conduct in today’s game. 1 i
In the autumn of 1908 the football tm,y_ Ynerring in judgment, Steady The "Wild Cats" have met and defeated teams of greater weight and {
squad er Kentucky State University and selfmontrolled amid reverses, the Weight proposition need not be considered too seriously, tor determine- 1
j()ul‘f]€yQd to Allll Arbor 8,Ild lost to Calm and generous in victory, he has t%0n and Bp€€d.cOuut for some things, GVGD. in football. C€].1t]'8,1'§ team is QB ‘
the fnivgrsity ef Aiichiggu by the Shown himself 8 natural leader of tlmated as bavmg a total weight of 1,917 pounds, while Kentucky can on1y =
score of 60—0, men. furfllsh 1,696 D0l1¤dS of "b€€f.” TIIGSG weights show that wo are out- lj
Only one year later the team, eem. In past years the student body welghed nearly 20 pounds to the man. In the new game this handicap  
p°“°d °f alnmst the Baum men that seemed to take little interest in ath- can be Offset by speed and grit' Z
had gone down in defeat before Michi- letica But circumstances have ;—‘
Kam met “p°“ the held °f rba¤°·· m" changed since our coach has been in  
mw Of the Strongest eleveus °f hw our midst. Enthusiasm for athletics THANK$G|V|NG SCORES- { 1
North and trounced them S0\1¤dlY· It and absolute loyalty to our team ls a A
was then that the followers Of f°°tb“u prominent characteristic of the stu- Since 1890 Central won every game up to 1904, there being no game in · e,
throughout the c°“““y began to Bit dents ot K. S. U. This the coach has 1898 and 1903. Since then the tide has changed on different years. Below °
up and take “°ti°‘°’· Over and °v‘”` produced by impressing upon every is given the record of the games, beginning with 1904: . E
again the questions were asked: one the value of clean, manly sport 1904—Kentucky .................... 81 Central ................... 0  
“Wha* has wrought this marvelous and the unseltlsh work of our team for 1905——Kentucky .................... 11 Central ................... 11 V $2
:::“;g:`£:;i;¤;1 Olggvzfvglli igozzssézt the glory of the university. 1906—Kentucky ..................... 6 Central ................... 12 E  
tacular game; in football history to The bigvgame ot Thanksgiving is 1907——Kentucky ..................... 11 Central ................... 0 { rv;
defeat the Strong Hue-up from -1m- upon us. Ixo mortal can, with absolute 1908-Kentucky ..................... 40 Central ................... 0 t L;
U certainty, predict the result. Yet, with 1909—Kcntucky ..................... 15 Central ................... 6 { _,
mus? a team composed of as brave and true · · `
A°°th°" year has passed since them men as ever trod a chalk-marked i j
and still u ward our warriors have
continued {their victorious march. £,;`;n;€,3;$6t2;a:€$;c€§:;hw1?lAgglegizj KENTUCKY $c0RE8·  
Overcoming every obstacle, undaunt— But, whether we wm or lose, whether rp
gd by temporary rgvgrggg, they have the score be large or small, the team KBDUICKY 118.8 had 8. VGYY DTOSDOYOUB BGBBOD, losing only 0110 88.1118 dl.ll`·  
risen to yeeegnmen in the forgmggt and student body of Kentucky State ing the season and that to the strong team representing St. Louis Uni-
mukg er geetbely Tgnnggggg, Tulgug, University wm always remember our versity. Below is given a list of t_he result of this year’s games:
Ulinolg, North Carolina and Cgutrg]- coach and his zealous, untlring euorts KGIIIUCRY . . .1 .................. 10 Ohio ................ . . . . . . . . . . 0 `
each has been met and ggqh has been in our behalf- KGIIIZUCKY ..... . ........ . . . . . . . . 12 M8l'YVlll6 ....... . . . . . . ...... . . . 5 =
conquered Kentucky ...................... 11 North Carolina .................. 0 ; “
Now, considering an er thggg things, ————•-•·~——— Kentucky ...................... 42 Wesleyan ....................... 0 Q ,
the answer to the above inquiries is Yes, the parlor held the twain, Kentucky ...................... 37 Georgetown ..................... 0
quite simple. It is true that our boys Edna and her loveslck swalu, Kentucky .................... .. 10 Tulane ......................... 3 ` j
are loyal and courageous; it must also Heand she. Kentucky ...................... 10 Tennessee ...................... 0
be borne ln mind that day after dgy Hark! a step upon the gtgir, Kentucky ..................... 0 St. IAUIB .......... . ............ 9 V  
they work here ln practice, preparing Dean Hamilton round them sitting Kentucky has scored 132 points to their oppo¤cuts’ 17. Their soul line . ~ ‘
tor the approaching games, yet this there, has been crossed on two occasions, while the other points have been made ·
alone could not bring the success that He and she. by Mid souls. ri

   TH E I D E A 5
4_ -—  V 1 their meandering ramifications and }·`ourt,eenth—~In <·ase~ of doubt ask
l. _, ··‘· .. " perlgrlnatlons, says Tom Akers, the the umpire. He don‘t know.
_ W re   A   Atlanta expert. l A
  Q l »—-_   · l he  Flrst—'l`he game is divided into four
_l   °‘ ` A ‘ stzanzas of eight verses each. In these I irrhte Fade`? 1; $mt°f"H(’j mdebtfg t?
  .. verses there are sixteen periods and '°u‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ° y:’ our omman an ’
  Beal. in nllind that the Lex, thirty-two semi·<¤olons. Between the Q"' °f" “‘**‘t"*“‘;k“ £'°“**S:’;°°“· UT?
.z . • ¢ YV '
    Drug G0- is the mm Mods   my mh an Opp Onen *· a{?m‘§"i,f"?tS ‘Z25qt2r°iI§l aliflhiwf
All convenient place fm. you, slats or manicure his map. Between th VH f th ti t S I
ufl and al limited amount of in_ dyn? the semi-rolons it is permitted to make Y6 kversa I Rly OK lla in tsjb t ilvem
ll formation will be granted mms and breathe. wee s ego . r. e y ton Pl u e our
  . , football cover, which is seen on the
ry you. And t.h·alt 11318 the place Sec0nd—Mer0re and after each pe poster advertising the game The
jg to buy your riod the opposing captains shall Idea Wishes to thmlk lh Kelly and
{E change necktles, the refree shall hug if at an ` `
~, y future time it can recipro-
hz; wm WATER- ¤yH¤gl¤*mtha¤¤ jyeg mlid **¤€¤¤3P~;¤ cate in any my it will do so gladly.
ul sa ss ecoeew ow. e
{ Q TABLETs’ players may kiss whatever girl they  ·•-•·•-————-
¤ PENQILS and can overtake in ten yards. e_  
4   'l`hlrd——It shall be a foul lf any
_ l STATIONERY· CAP HENDRICKSOM player tackles an opponent without
  I V _ d I I an introduction. It is a foul if a play-
ll ‘ XVIII also cash y°m` chmfks Fm d°v°u°n F° the team an °ya` er bite an opposing playe rfor step-
- when they are good_ Come m ty to the athleuc interests of the uni- ping on his face.
and We will certainly do me v€rSity’ W6 take Off Our hats tg Cap Fourth—'I`he ball may be advanced
best we can for You- H€“dri°FS°“‘ Fm"` years ag° G eu` after the permission of the field judge \
Respectfully, tered th1s institution, and by persever- and the umpire is Obtained, unless  
J ance and natural ability quickly won there be Objection on the part of the CLIFTON BEDFORD
L • t D C recognition on the gridiron. Through- Opposing Captain, who Shall signify !%i¤-muh Q 2!~§ln.hl¤h
    r  0• °?tt;1h€ tyears hmm he W? a miimx; such objection by crying "Fie-ile" four The NBW    
o e eam e was a ways tl l
C0!'l1€l‘ Illaill & Dime midst of every play. It made little mes Notch  
» difference what position he Occupied Fifth-In running with the ball. 8 m__;g0r¤,e. Cluett, x·mb0·1y¢mc¤.,1mm·•
Phoenix How] Bujldmgu h th j th bl k H ld n and Ol: player shall not touch lt with his  
ii is m h 9 dc de ’t0 of hands, but carry it gripped between
  8 ac €* Q prove a Owe!. his teeth. Store and pivot teeth lost
. Str€ngth_t° the team' in this manner shall be retrieved by      
, H¤¤¤¤<=kS¤¤ "das Captain of Ov the refree, though time shall not be 2.>2 Wrgst lllaln
1908 eleven, and here again he d1s- mlm out for this ur DSG · ‘
11 ed that ability to meet all con- ( ` D D ` KODAK FINISHING
’ p_‘_ye _ Sixth——In the choice of goals a toss AND PHOTOS.
* * ° ° ?£Z“i32a?’2E`,0$lYZ§{?EZ§Li” “L’;Z’5‘y§£"§Z 0* a com M decide- The umm Bring you Kodak mug to mc.
‘ _ ‘ shall, for this, borrow 21 quarter from
        St• had an Injured arm   for Seviral the ]`9fI`€€ and shall borrow 3,    
1 Lvlfskiil pS";‘;€';;€‘1h§‘;m€v2`;’;“ agfgrcgoiii dollar from the captain of the oppes- |_A|)|f$ & (QENTLEMEN
'gt .It·illth b t a _
1 LEXINGTON• KY found him following each play and 2; Wflhaetlher either zztse glsozsuzlzes It you Want a new pa11· of shoes go
I listening to the signals. It was also back or hamback to the Shoe dealer. If y0u W3¤£ YOU?
Q         at this time that our team left for the S€V€nth_N0 player Shall be eligible shoes repaired go to Honaker the shoe
ll Illinois game. We marched clyer to the who is under 9 or Over 90 years of age. maker. I
Q d€p°t t° Sm theme °ff’ Cap' al` Elghth—The test of a player’s being B13 Sflltll Mull,
*‘ B18»I1k8t8 though unable t° g° Ou the trip be a bona-fide student shall be as follows: NUPF bAID·
l ; cause of his bad arm, flitted here and H8 must be able to give 98 mba with
= 1 Gomfvrts. there, aiding in the flnal arrangements out drawing br€ath_ wear foolish
Sheets for departure. And then, as the train clothe? have an Opén mcg like an   & CO-
` Z Pm C pligfd gut' Taming wxh it lthedmin oyster; know e football when he sees HQME-MADE CANDY
_ 3 °w uu W W °m B a ° eu paye ’ G it and be a member of at least out
l FOR THE GOLLBGB GIRL stood among the crowd, waving an en- ..Fmt_,. A FRE§SI{ E1\’ERX’ DAY
· ll *h“S‘““i° g°°d"’Y°· “°”° “h°“““g Ninth——It is 8 rom meme to seize a 107 East Mmm sp
l >€¤ H8»I1dS0¤10 T3·1101’6d S\|J»$¤» Button mma lusmy than h°‘ player below the hair or above the
2 Q Gloves, and anything also sho wants at hlTh’;’ ""’a;· “;;1h°‘;$h i“;’“gl;b‘° 3** ******3 Shoes.
. Q; _ · s p ace n e ne, e as onue _
l li spmu prin. his suit and one out on the Held each T€nth—A brick or bmw Shoe con
,   g cealed in a, player's sweater shall be  
Z   . aftsmoom arimous t° render any as` prima facie evidence of an otTside, and
~ S S ance p°°° °‘ th ppo lng t h ll b given nine . ·
I j 1I• |.•   Thus the student body wishes to miisoandsa culiag seaathegefor wants your pnctuiie smce you left
*` u n I l h €—·S '0•1I‘
li thank Cap H°“d"i°k°°“ for his °°°' Eleventh——Players giving evidence Om O 088 3
ll   tixlzed labor iu our behalf. It has bel;-In Of havlng bathed during the Season  
ll S8.   nothing is SO Heetiug as t 6 \viu be expelled   the faculty and .,*.,7 VM. -...
E     glory lm? l¤¤¤31¤¤¤h¤fl*¤; F;·*¤¤**l¤** blaoklisted by the amateur mode. QALL AY
man, u , n e ea o e scr m- tion y •
“ l _ mage' °u the sidelines °°°°umgi°g 'I`welt’th—~Swez1ters, jerseys or jack-   S    
  Inporter and Dealer m the team by ireasslllingbwordidend   ets that have been gmated shall be alld let mm help you make mother
{ A CHINA CUT GLASS, SILVER BRASS Xgm Ornmc ng ? 6 y B G wth inspected by the pure food commls· happy and also help you to wm
g , quash carryglg ,_w°t°r t° 6 sion. If butter ls used they may play, your
_ AND PLATED WARE- thirsty play°rs’ Cap has mmm a if oleomurgerlne is used they shall
j ““""’ which wm “°t “°°“ ¥’°"“h °“’“"· be held to the federal grand jury. BEST GIRL
LAMPS ELECTR*0I‘IERS· FANCY NE KES 'l`hlrteenth—A player found to be in with S0m° Of mow
l   DISHES NOVELTYS &c. collusion with doctors, surgeons. uu-    
l · Hurkeu O ya wud gud tue uew {ddl. dertakers or embalmers shell be pen- Speelul rates to slu.leuls_
  117 W MAIN New Ph0¤¤ 985 bull rules u puzzle and u gnargl uud allzed flve red neckties and four pairs 341 WEST MAIN STU l_.aycm Plwm l685x
L YOUR TRADE BOLIGITED give ear all ye who lose yourselves lu 0f DUTDIG ¤0€k¤· ————;———————-————-—————···

Pulillsllnd eve;} Tliursilay by the student body or State l‘nil·m·slty of Kentucky,       A
for the Iwiietil of thr studviits. the faculty and olumuao or that U • ot ‘
_'t‘lIl·l lI1l·2.·\ is the ot`ficiirl—ncwsp.ipcr of the Tjlll\'(‘l`SllF._v{Ultl is issued   y 3
dllrlllii the college year. Its elllcf object is to give the college news of licntut-kv.     S for.
Iiiuziilditlou 1t]lI<‘l`f{i2‘tlI]l·’{§&(‘z Ltehlsd oé lntgrest coneoriiil; other universities and  
on ·i.;es 1 1 lt" 1 i·t ii P. ll ami a., » _j’
liiltor-I-.·il at Lexington Post Of'l'lc·eas second class mall matter.   In newest designs and  
. . . sizes at prices from w
). L. .· D, L · - . . .
Q} ]"'·\l'{l§§l.icl· .........   .....   ......... assistant Editor Oilers frac tuition in all depart- , l ro
, ,_ , , , .......... . ....... . .............. . ......... . ....... .·\Ill•·t" }:]l*Iil‘ , a · ~
o ,,_ ,,,,.,,,,.,, ________ _ ._................... . ........   .»·l··c€¥c »¤i¤¥<»·'r §‘!°"§° °Q“°§’f-lf"”St§ gigdliiilasaig mc tg     l Y
xcn IlC'V lgl c 00 V
S_ C_ EBBERVR B · Mo ( V pl°(‘]l{lI°C(l to enter tlI€ Freshman .i
F. L. MARX, Asst. Business Manager. .Ilw1llw§zL\l3lliPl§gf‘ Asst. Adv. Mgr. Cl{lSS. _ o
'I°ll}·]O. Sl.»\I)l£, Advertising Manager. \\'. A. LL7Rl'I·.Y. Asst. Sub. Mgr. litlvll (‘OllI1ty lll 1’l1C Stabfl is GD- NOW OH dISpl3Y at
v. i.. I)U\\'NlNtl, suilacriptiou Mgr. E. .1. KOIIN, Asst, Sub, Mgr. titlctl to send FREE of tuition, I ‘
  ]]]{{f]*i(3]]]{]fi()]], ]{]b()]'{]t()]‘y and Qth- _
TlllS issue of Tll€ Idea. WZS lJY€‘ The HBXI, TSSUG of The Id€8.   be cr f(l0g’ one Or n]O]•C appointees.   o
rrigloetidhg ghifffollowing members of ihepahged gy $19 following members of Necessary oxponsos moderate. E
.‘ Z 8 B3. lo Z . o . .  
W. B. limos D- W. Hart For tfull 1Ilft)I;lllt'lfl;»Tl trcézartllngg
J. F- Brown A- ol Bao _ H?];Olll ties, courses] of S.ll( y, cos o
W. ll. Townsend J. O. Lewis O mmf \~,$;i1oag3D Q\,]_?ITF to
W. C. Duncan R. G. Stevens ' " ‘ "/1   P_  
Audio ncaa Mica Taylor · C '"IV ,’e·i' 6**%
lcxmg on, y. ,
Eoiron-in-ci-liar Rssious. der lu rivalry, coupled with nic la-   The College Man’s Out- _
-1 tense desire to maintain at least an fittg]'3 ffgm Head A
Mr. o. E. Baird, coitor-lu-cine of The ooool footing who o moor ioSmoooo_ DRINK to Foot
Idea, offered his resignation at a meet- operates in tho dirootioo of causing
log o the Board or_DirootorS loot Moo' a letting down of standards so as to The Macs the Sums camo [mm
ooY· HIS roslgoohoo rs to take orfoot induce the matriculation in the smaller _ ‘
rho orsr or January- college of the higher percentage of `
Mr. \\’. H. Townsend was elected by oth]otioS_··     I I-I E   —
rho Beard to take his olooo Mr· State wants clean manly sport. We
Townsend is well qualified for the admit that Wo out up a hard gomo’ .
Plaoo ooo “o loo ror“ ar to o groo but we do not hire our athletes nor do ’ 3
from from mm- xhe hage them swoar false stategments Chu L_ smnh .98 _ _ _ Mount -j
` °°`° . t at t ey might p ay a game. n ac- , . ·
.Vllll.,S . . ftll. I.-   t
Ill Art Qc I 0 I 9 cons] count of having only 700 marticulates   for the (jenulnc I
tutlon of the K. I. A. A., vie read the _ _
tioua of thc a,..a.a..c. lu aoucoca huv =~ t Q M ¤;¤¤y Md ye mg all IIIZIII, l'2lIlS 0. ~
··nc must satisfy nic Faculty ata- tj §n;;c;‘”;i$’a:;;i:;0um° §u':";‘:; If You Want o g
letic Committee that he is a bona flde ' . , ·’
Mudem °f tm °°“°g° °r tm °°iv°m` “(golul8r;0ui;a:·}1li8t?o Ill: ugooatitutioa Prmted Matter LEXlNGTON'S T.
t d th t h i rryi g at least ' ’ 7 · ·   ‘
tig'; h0;_S pir ivsgk Oruits equiwb there is another section in the same lo I¤¢l·C<>m1>¤I¤ Attoohon GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE , _.
lent of work leading to a degree in ”“°‘° ‘”h’°*‘ "’“d“‘ N° °“° °“°“ We know where you can get it ..... "
take part in intercollegate athletics I V
some department of the college or uni- H , I
versity? for more than four years. Sticking g0u_g(;E COLQRS l
Of course White and Wmgo have to the letter of clause, Cap Hendrick- THE [N  
satisfied the Faculty Committee of son has been eligible to play all the l l
year. His first game was the Thanks- •bb _ '_
Ejggagf 2,1:;th;y;1ta£;€;il3:;gf;;:1i:;? giving game on November 29, 1906